2009 02 feb scrawls

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Preventing blindness, illiteracy Flexibility in Sampler Placement Got your Anniversary Party tickets? Plan to attend February meetings 5 6 6 7 Leadership SA selects Leaguers Presidential coffee scheduled Stpry behind Bright Shawl art President’s Message 2 3 3 4

FEB 2009

S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

Be in the know about LITERACY San Antonio The JLSA LITERACY San Antonio team is conducting a series of Community Planning Workshops. JLSA is fortunate to have Margaret Doughty, consultant and founder of Literacy Powerline, to facilitate the planning efforts. Margaret is an international literacy expert committed to supporting local governments, foundations, businesses and community organizations in their efforts to create effective systems for lifelong learning. Her work links stakeholders, neighborhoods and services together to increase literacy levels through coordinated, highaccountability service provision. Through these workshops the community of San Antonio will create a coordinated, integrated system for literacy service delivery. The system will increase literacy levels through a well-managed coalition of organizations dedicated to the vision of 100% literacy and a belief that literacy is a civil right for those of all ages and backgrounds. The coalition will ensure that any individual with limited literacy will gain the skills necessary to succeed in the workforce and their families will move toward self-sufficiency and an improved quality of life. The collaborative effort will include: Adult Literacy, English as a Second Language, Family Literacy, Workforce Skill Development, Health Literacy, Computer Literacy, Correctional and Reentry Programs and Financial Literacy. These activities will impact every geographic location in the Greater Bexar County area and every sector of the community. They are critical to long-term ecoContinued on Page 2

Annual Fund exceeds first month’s quota For those of you who like to slice and dice the numbers: The Junior League of San Antonio’s Annual Fund is in reality a six-month campaign. Each of those six months, the League must receive 16.67% of its $50,000 goal, or $8,334, to end the campaign on May 31, 2009 at goal. During December, despite dire economic warnings, Junior League members and supporters donated $8,870, or 17.6% of our total goal of $50,000. Continued on Page 3


FEB 2009

Literacy vital to a healthy, prosperous San Antonio Continued from Page 1

nomic prosperity. For more information or to get involved contact Pamela Toman, LITERACY San Antonio, Chair, pamelatoman@mac. com, or go to www.literacysanantonio .com.

A City that Reads Succeeds! Know the literacy facts: • The illiteracy level in San Antonio is 25% (12.5 % illiteracy + 12.5% functionally illiterate) - City of San Antonio Department of Community Initiatives Family Resource Center • San Antonio ranks 7th in population and 60th in literacy in the USA. (US Census 2005) • 46% of American adults cannot understand the label on their prescription medicine. ( JAMA ) • A child who is not reading by the end of first grade has a one in eight chance of ever becoming a proficient reader. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Center for Social Organization of Schools)

Two from JLSA selected for Leadership SA ’09

• Forty percent of Texas prisoners do not have a high school diploma. Thirtyone percent are functionally illiterate. The Criminal Justice Policy Council documented a 37 % reduction in recidivism when young illiterate property theft offenders were taught to read. Reducing recidivism by just 1% or 225 people would save the State $3,285,000 in one year. (Reentry and Reintegration -Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable 2004) • There are 2,870,471 adults over age 25 in Texas without a high school diploma, about 21% of the total adult population. (US Census, 2006) • San Antonio has the second highest illiteracy rate among major Texas cities. El Paso leads the group, and Austin has the lowest rate. (IDRA) • There are 100,429 illiterate adults in San Antonio, 15.05% of the adult population. (IDRA) • Approximately 50% of the nation’s unemployed youth age 16-21 are functionally illiterate, with virtually no prospects of obtaining good jobs. - US

JLSA is proud to announce two active members have been chosen to participate in the The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce 2009 Leadership San Antonio Class. JLSA members Kara Cleveland and Lori Houston have been selected to participate. Leadership San Antonio is an educational experience which provides a forum for leaders with diverse backgrounds, values, and points of view to come together in a neutral setting to examine the nature and inner workings of San Antonio, and discuss the issues, challenges, and problems facing our community. Well known graduates of LSA include

Dept. Health & Human Services • Of those arrested for all crimes 68% are illiterate. National Center for Policy Awareness • Low literacy rates in a geographic region impact job creation of skilled labor positions & corporate expansion. (International Center for Peace & Development) • Existing reading programs lack the resources to “get the word out” about programs and lack the number of volunteers to meet the need. (Literacy Net) As you can see, illiteracy costs our community and directly affects our economic viability. Many experts see it as a public health issue and everyone agrees that illiteracy is a root cause for many social ills. Please join us as we work to eradicate illiteracy in San Antonio. Begin by sharing these facts with your friends, neighbors and coworkers. Next, direct them to www.literacysananton io.com to view the literacy video and learn how to get involved. It will take all of us to make a change.

public officials like Judge Nelson Wolff, Congressman Lamar Smith, Congressman Charlie Gonzalez, State Senator Jeff Wentworth, and Secretary of State Hope Andrade. Business leaders have also benefited from the program: Colleen C. Barrett (President Emeritus of Southwest Airlines), Dick Evans (Frost National Bank), Jim Greenwood (Valero Energy Corporation) Karen Greenwood (JLSA Past President), JLSA Sustaining Member Carri Baker Wells (Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP) and Sam Dawson (Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc.). Congratulations Kara and Lori!


FEB 2009

Featured artist continues father’s legacy By Amanda Williams Bright Shawl Gallery Chair The Bright Shawl Gallery is proud to feature the contemporary paintings of Laura Mijangos-Kirk in a one-woman exhibition running from February 7 through March 26, 2009. Mijangos-Kirk follows in the artistic tradition of her father, renowned San Antonio artist Alberto Mijangos. After the loss of her husband, father, and mother within a few short years, Mijangos-Kirk turned to art as a therapeutic way to express her feelings. She eloquently explains the impact her loved ones made on her artistic process: “Within me there was a longing to articulate something, something that, for me, could only be expressed through painting—so I began my journey… I carry them with me everyday; they inspire me, comfort me, and beyond the boundaries of life and death, they love me.” For more information about Mijangos-Kirk’s beautiful and moving paintings, please contact Amanda Williams, Bright Shawl Gallery Chair, at 225-1861 ext. 325.

You are cordially invited to Coffee with The President 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Monday, February 16 or 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 17 Please reply by Friday, February 1

210-225-1861 or admin@jlsa.org

Join Laura for coffee and scones to learn more about the new programs and projects of The Junior League of San Antonio. This will be an informal time to ask questions and learn more about how the League is impacting San Antonio today. We hope you will join us.

Thanks to donors who exceeded first month’s goal Continued from Page 1

Every gift to the JLSA Annual Fund counts. We are grateful to each of the following 75 donors who gave to the Annual Fund in December: Anne Ahlschwede Elizabeth Anderson Anonymous Dianne Azar Ariana Barbour Kay Bashara Jean Bell Karen Brown Martin G. Burns Shannon Burns Debbie Callihan Rhonda Kolm Calvert Anna-Melissa Cavazos Ayten Cibildak Judy Crockett Olive Davis Ann Deacon Nancy Diseker Betsy Dose

Marilyn Eldridge Mary Pat Stumberg Erica Ellis Jessica Engelland Sarah Fielden Anna C. Floyd Stacy Foerster Christie Fryatt Raquel Garcia Diana Geis Shandelle Girdley Stephanie Gossen Sarah Hardin Peggy Harmon Delaina Harrison Lisa Hickert Elizabeth Barbee Hubbert Gretchen Huddleston Amber Japhet Leslie Johnson Laurie Kaplan Lisa Keller Carolyn Kelley Cynthia Kerby Gretchen Garceau-Kragh Shawna Kubicek Doreen Magoon

Veronica Martinez Edith McAllister Amy McLin Jill Metcalfe Stephanie Nemec Christina Osborn Laura Peel Syndi Phillips Gina Porter Molly Renaud Billie Rose Cathy Scanlon Carol Sheridan Amy Smith Rebecca Owenby-Smith Teresa Sonnen Jody Stafne Patricia G. Steves Kristina Stevenson Laura Talley Marivel Tamez Catherine Taylor Pamela Toman Kelly Tramontano Monica Valadez Kristen Wightman Kenda Willoughby

Mitra Woody Adrianne Yantis Thank you all, as well a Thanks to AT&T and Bank of America, which gave matching donations on behalf of their employees.

Did you know you can pledge? “Pledging is great,” says one of our anonymous donors, “it enables me to spread my payments out over time, so I don’t have to write one big check. Believe me, it adds up, and I hardly feel it. At the end of the campaign I feel great about meeting my personal giving goal.” Please go to www.jlsa.org and click on Annual Fund if you wish to fill out your pledge card. Thank you.


FEB 2009

President’s Message

The Junior League — ‘a business of heart’ As you well know, The Junior League of San Antonio is a non-profit organization that works to improve our community. But the League is also an incorporated business and operates like any other for-profit corporation. We are a business, but we should think of ourselves as “A Business of Heart.” We do our best to keep the focus on our mission and the overarching action, to “improve the community” at the “heart” of all decisions. Over the past few years the JLSA Board of Directors has made decisions and changes to ensure that the League implements the same “best practices” being used in the most successful businesses. As we enter the last quarter of the JLSA fiscal year, I want to update you on key League business accomplishments. Thus far, we have: - Developed a strong partnership and donation program with Goodwill, extending our reach - Restructured our accounting system and budget process to make it user-friendly - Launched the LITERACY San Antonio Project generating substantial media coverage and building our coalition to more than 40 supporters - Managed a successful Olé Marketplace generating more than $208,000, 6% ahead of budget - Built a successful grant-writing program - Worked with experts and volunteers to consistently analyze our financial resources and investments amidst the world financial markets crisis – I am pleased to report that we are strong in these trying economic times

- Worked through an “Organizational Review”, to improve our organizational processes Of course, we are not finished. We have much to do to meet our annual and strategic plan goals and objectives. So, we are working to: - Implement a “Brand” evaluation with local experts to determine what changes need to be made, if any - Prioritize and implement the recommendations of the “Organizational Review” – improving the efficiency of the organization and providing a framework for strategic planning for the future - Create a Comprehensive Development Program to ensure our financial stability - Prepare a Regional Literacy Plan, for the next phase of LITERACY San Antonio - Finalize the policies for The Junior League of San Antonio Endowment Fund launching later this year. I hope you agree that we are in the midst of a very productive year. Thank you for your dedication and membership. The JLSA needs your support and involvement. We are “One League” with “One Mission” and “The Power” of all of us working as “one” is making an impact in our community. You are the “Heart” of our League and are the reason our “Business of Heart” shines brightly throughout San Antonio. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! Warm Regards,


Clean our your closet, get ready to Rummage Start your spring cleaning early! You only have a few more days to take your quota to Goodwill, so the time is right. To receive credit for your quota, be sure to submit proof of your donation to the League Office to by close of business on Monday, February 23, 2009. If you have large items that require transportation from your home or business, please call Betsy Dose at (210)

403-2283 to schedule a pick-up. Goodwill will be available to pick up large or bulky items from your home or follows: Saturday, business as February 7 - Alamo Heights/Olmos Park Area; Saturday, February 14 - Stone Oak/Hill Country Village Area; Saturday, February 21 - Medical Center Area. You can also email Betsy Dose at betsydose@yahoo.com to schedule your

pick-up. Mark your calendar to attend the first ever JLSA/Goodwill sale day scheduled for February 28. This event will launch “Julia’s Attic” at the Goodwill locations on Goliad Road, S.W. Military Drive, Fredericksburg Road and IH 410 at Blanco Road. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m..


FEB 2009

A volunteer conducts an eye exam

JLSA placement provides vision screening for thousands of kids

Unique placement helps kids — and SA’s literacy Prevent Blindness Texas (P.B.T.) is a non-profit organization that assists schools with state mandated vision screening of all kindergarten, first-, third-, and fifth-graders. One goal of P.B.T. is to help schools identify those children in need of professional vision exams and, when necessary, help provide corrective measures. As a placement through the JLSA, volunteers are trained and certified to perform vision

screening in the State of Texas. Volunteers work in teams of 2 or 3 at assigned elementary schools. This is a very concentrated placement where volunteers work five hours, one day per week for eight weeks. Each week, volunteers work directly with hundreds of children and leave satisfied that they have helped children, families, school nurses, and the community. On several occasions, our volunteers have

See reverse for the recipe for Monkey Mix

been told by school nurses that it simply would not be possible to complete the vision screening within the state mandated period of time without their assistance. This year, the JLSA Prevent Blindness volunteers screened 3668 children at 16 local schools and logged 448.25 hours of community service, including training time. JLSA volunteers identified 598 children who were referred for further vision screening. The Prevent Blindness placement continues to be a rewarding and important placement for our League. This placement fundamentally supports the Literacy San Antonio project because a child’s ability to see greatly impacts his or her reading success. Volunteers further incorporated literacy into the placement by providing students aged 6-8 with an activity book published by the National Eye Institute called “See All You Can See.” The book contains mazes, games, and helpful information regarding the parts of the eye, how they work, eye safety, and first aid for eye injuries. A free copy of this and other educational publications can be downloaded from www.nei.nih.gov.


FEB 2009 Placement Corner

‘Sampler’ offers flexibility in service

Ticket Time!

Have you purchased tickets to The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.’s 85th Anniversary Celebration? The League is going back to 1924 to celebrate in true Roaring 20’s style! The Joint (The Bright Shawl) will be jumping with great music, casino style games and of course a Speakeasy Bar. This event promises to be the Cat’s Meow. If you have not yet made your reservation for the evening of Friday, March 27th, it is not too late. Go to www.jlsa.org and hit the icon for the 85th Celebration. Tickets are $100 per person and come with a $1,000 poker chip! Tables of ten are available for $1,500 and each table re-ceives 20 $1,000 chips. See you on March 27th!

As New Year’s resolutions may be off to a great start, now is the perfect time to think about placements for the New Year. And we are pleased to present a new pilot project –Placement Sampler.. This placement will provide an excellent opportunity for those interested in something a little different. Do you enjoy working with children? Have you ever thought you could make a difference by educating or mentoring young ladies in need of someone just like you? Your involvement in this placement can really make a difference in the lives of many, so if you enjoy the flexibility of a placement like SA Works, but would like more group interaction and the opportunity for friendship building, this placement may just be the right one for you! How does it work? You will spend 1/2 of the year (Fall or Spring) working on community outreach projects in SA Works. The remainder of your placement will con-

sist of your involvement in one of four fabulous community placements: Girls Inc., Prevent Blindness, Reach Out and Read (a new flexible literacy placement), or Seton Home Mentors. Since this is a pilot project, we’ll be seeking lots of feedback from all the new participants in the program, so please keep in mind that your flexibility is essential to the program’s success. Together, we can all continue to make a difference. If you are interested in learning more about this placement, please email placement@jlsa.org as soon as possible. We’ll be happy to answer further questions for you. This new placement may fill up quickly, so please act now. Have questions about placement? Go online to www.jlsa.org and check out the Placement Tab. If you still can’t find the information you need, please contact Judy Crockett, Placement Chair Assistant at placement@jlsa.org. Plus, if your question is featured in Placement corner, you’ll receive a fabulous prize!

Monkey Mix Difficulty: Easy Ingredients: 1 cup dried banana chips 1 cup chocolate chips

1 cup flaked coconut 3 cups Cheerios

Directions: Mix all the ingredients in a gallon-size zip-top bag. Shake well. Yield: 6 cups Makes 12 servings. Nutrition information (serving size: 1/2 cup): Calories: 290 Fat: 16g Carbohydrates: 35.4g Sugar: 23.5g Protein: 3.3g Potassium: 205mg Fiber: 3g Sodium: 127.3mg Calcium: 83.1mg


FEB 2009 Don’t miss General Membership Meetings

• Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - Noon The Bright Shawl Lunch Buffet available at 11 a.m. for $10.75 (Cash or check only) RSVP on the website under “Personal Reminders” • 7 p.m. Meeting- Gallery Gathering immediately following Agenda will include Round Table Discussions, Salute to Presidents and leaders (Only two more meetings left this year; check your obligations to make sure you’re on track for meeting credits) Appointed Jobs Reception All members who hold 2008-2009 Appointed Jobs are invited to a reception — immediately before the 7 p.m. General Membership Meeting — to thank you for your leadership this year. Your work has made a positive impact on our community. Because of you “One League” is accomplishing “One Mission” through “The Power of One.” • Tuesday, February 10 - 6:15 p.m. The Bright Shawl Board Room RSVP by February 9 at www.jlsa.org under “Personal Reminders”

Corresponding Secretary’s Report November - December 2008 Transferred In Erin Highley (A) from Dallas, Texas Transferred Out Frances Gehringer (A) to Plano, Texas Catherine Bitter (A) to Austin, Texas Reinstatement Carolyn Spurgeon (S) Catherine Bitter (A) Status Change Billie Rose (AP) to (ANR) Passed Away Mary Lou Porter (SE)

Scrawls, JLSA officers and staff Scrawls Co-editors: Casey Johnson & Kate Stevenson Board of Directors Laura Talley-President Anna-Melissa Cavazos-President-Elect Stephanie Nemec-Treasurer Cathy Scanlon-Treasurer-Elect Sarah Fielden-Secretary Gina Porter-Community Council Chair Laura Peel-Membership Development Council Chair Stacy Foerster-Fund Development Council Chair Elizabeth Anderson-Marketing Council Chair Research and Development Chair-Sarah Hardin Strategic Planning Chair-Cynthia Kerby Bylaws Chair-Lisa Keller Board Member-At-Large-Anne Ahlschwede Board Sustaining Advisor-Denise Reams White Assistant to the President-Molly Renaud Managing Director-Carolyn Kelley Community Advisory Board Selim Bingol, Fleishman-Hillard Communications Jelynne Burley, City Public Service Chad Clark, C.D. Clark and Co. Kye Kilpatrick Fox, Urban Advisory Services Zina Guerra, IBC Bank Frank Guerra, Guerra DeBerry Coody Joe Izbrand, Fleishman-Hillard Inc. Kaye Lenox, San Antonio Public Library Foundation Vicky Lockwood, Padgett, Stratemann & Co., LLP Robert McAdams, Carneiro, Chumney & Co., L.C. Beverly Purcell-Guerra, San Antonio Woman Magazine Frank Ruttenberg, Bracewell & Guiliani, LLP Tim Banwolf, Winstead, PC Joanne Winik, KLRN Kevin Wolff, Bexar County Commissioners Court

Contact Us T h e J u n i o r L e a g u e o f S a n An to n i o , I n c . 723 Brooklyn Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78215 Phone: 210.225.1861 Fax: 210.225.6832 Email: info@jlsa.org Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Off ice Staff Carolyn Kelley, Managing Director 210-225-1861, ext. 302 carolyn@jlsa.org

Lilian Little, Membership Coordinator 210-225-1861, ext. 300 lilian@jlsa.org Carol Sheridan, Financial Administrator 210-225-1861, ext. 301 carol@jlsa.org

723 Brooklyn Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78215

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