2010 09 sept scrawls

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01 723 Brooklyn Avenue San Antonio, TX 78215 210.225.1861 ph 210.225.6832 fax www.jlsa.org

Sept-Oct 2010


a publication of the junior league of san antonio, inc.

this issue Holiday Ole Market P.2 Volunteer Extraordinaire 2011 P.6 New Member Class of 2010-11 P.7


Sunshine Cottage P.9

President’s Perspective Cathy Scanlon, President 2010-2011

I hope all of you had a fantastic summer! As we come to an end of summer we all find ourselves busy getting ready for back to school, our last trip to the beach until next year and the start of an exciting new year with JLSA.

The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and

improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

October 20- 23rd, 2010 San Antonio Alzafar Shrine Temple

Although many of our placements don’t kick off until September, JLSA volunteers have been hard at work. Here is a glimpse of what has been going on this summer:

Extreme Shopping. Standout Special Events. To-Die-For Live Auction Packages. A Regal Rolex Raffle… The 17th Annual Holiday Ole Market, A Hill Country Holiday, is right around the corner. YOU MUST make plans to attend.

• SA Works has been working hard in the community. The New members and actives have already put in over 600 hours serving in our community with our community partners.

Get ready for some shopping fun! Holiday Ole Market is just around the corner and we are working hard to make this year’s event something you won’t want to miss. Holiday Ole Market is JLSA’s big fundraiser so we need your help making it a success!!

• Various Community Placements have been working behind the scenes to schedule training, organize events and begin planning for the year.

• The Communications Council has been working hard on our Branding initiative that we started last year.

• Social Events is busy planning many events that will be just for the girls as well as some family friendly events. • Holiday Ole Market volunteers have been working hard with merchants,

vendors and donors, as well as finalizing all of the details for the Ole Special Events. This is just a sample of some of what’s been going on during the summer. Our League year will officially kick off at our First General Meeting on September 14th at 7pm. We will have a welcome back reception beginning at 6pm at the Bright Shawl. Come out early and catch-up with your friends…I am sure there will be a lot of fun summer stories that will be shared that night. As I have said many times in the past few months, take the time this year to try something new, learn something new and get to know some new people. This year we will have many opportunities for some in-league training, many events to get to know new people, and some other fun opportunities to try something new, too. Stay tuned for email blasts for these opportunities and events; I look forward to seeing you at various events throughout the year. Much Love, Cathy

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