04 723 Brooklyn Avenue San Antonio, TX 78215 210.225.1861 ph 210.225.6832 fax
May 2 0 11
a publication of the junior league of san antonio, inc.
Welcome The 2011-2012 New Member Class Congratulations to the approximately 100 New Members who are becoming Active members in the JLSA! These bright new leaders will do an outstanding job representing JLSA. More importantly, these women are ready to go out into the San Antonio community and make a difference. The New Member program has prepared these new actives to professionally and compassionately serve those who need help.
The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and
improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
With each class of New Members who successfully complete their training, the JLSA is always excited to welcome the next class waiting in the wings. The New Member Reception, held on March 24, 2011 at the Bright Shawl, was an exciting evening. Admissions Chair Mitra Woody and 2011-2012 New Member Chair Mireya Villarreal Gideon welcomed 100+ ladies as they began their journey through the New Member Program. New Members were also introduced to their mentors for the first time and had the opportunity to meet in their cluster groups. The New Member program is designed to teach New Members all about the different facets of JLSA. The ultimate goal is to take intelligent, caring women and turn them into intelligent, caring community volunteers.
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5/13/2011 11:52:10 AM