Parasitology and Microbiology Lab Notebook

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P a r a s i t o l o g y o

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M i c r o b i o l o g y










16 12 10 23 14 11 45

Parasitology Key Terms

Technician Notes

Various Colorized Parasites

Linnean Classification


Microbiology Key Terms

Microfilariae ID
























aberrant parasite : instead of arriving at the site of infection in the definitive host, reach an unusual place, such as the brain and unable to complete their life cycle

amoebae : any of a large genus (Amoeba) of naked rhizopod protozoans with lobed and never anastomosing pseudopodia, without permanent organelles or supporting structures, and of wide distribution in fresh and salt water and moist terrestrial environments

acariasis : infestation with or disease caused by ascarines - mites or ticks acaricide : a pesticide that kills mites and ticks acarines : of, or relating to, or caused by mites or ticks acetabula : a ventral sucker of a trematode

animalia : that one of the basic groups of living things that comprises either all the animals or all the multicellular animals anopluran : any louse of the suborder Anoplura, a sucking louse anthelmintic : expelling or destroying parasitic worms especially of the intestine antiprotozoal : tending to destroy or inhibit the growth of protozoans

apicomplexan : a taxonomic group and especially a phylum of diverse parasitic protozoans that have a complex life cycle usually involving both asexual and sexual generations often in different hosts, that move by gliding or bending, and that include the causative agents of malaria, toxoplasmosis, and cryptosporidiosis arthropod : any of a phylum Arthropoda of invertebrate animals (such as insects, arachnids, and crustaceans) that have a segmented body and jointed appendages, an exoskeleton molted at intervals, and a dorsal anterior brain connected to a ventral chain of ganglia

C canine piroplasm

: BABESIA : any of a genus Babesia of sporozoans parasitic in mammalian red blood cells and transmitted by the bite of a tick



: any of phylum Cestoda taxonomic group comprising tapeworms


: a subphylum or other division of the phylum Arthropoda comprising forms having chelicerae and lacking antennae


: an arthropod of the subphylum Chelicerata having the first pair of appendages modified into chelicerae


: a horny polysaccharide (C8H13NO5)n that forms part of the hard outer integument especially of insects, arachnids, and crustaceans


: a relation between two kinds of organisms in which one obtains food or other benefits from the other without damaging or benefiting it

complex metamorphosis

: a change in body form in which the insect displays a striking change in appearance over the course of its development


: any of a large subclass Copepoda of usually minute freshwater and marine crustaceans


: any of a phylum or subphylum Ciliophora of ciliated protozoans


: any member of the insect order Coleoptera, consisting of the beetles and weevils


: any of a large class Crustacea of mostly aquatic mandibulate arthropods that have a chitinous or calcareous and chitinous exoskeleton, a pair of often much modified appendages on each segment, and two pairs of antennae


: a tapeworm larva having an invaginated scolex and solid tailpiece


: a tapeworm larva that consists of a fluidfilled sac containing an invaginated scolex and is situated in the tissues of an intermediate host


: a resistant cover about a parasite produced by the parasite or the host

D definitive host

: the host in which the sexual reproduction of a parasite takes place; adult or mature


: an insect superorder that includes two extant orders of polyneopterous insects: the order Blattodea and the order Mantodea


: of, relating to, or being a fly

E ectoparasite

: a parasite that lives on the exterior of its host


: a parasite that lives in the internal organs or tissues of its host

erratic parasite

: instead of arriving at the site of infection in the definitive host, reach an unusual place, such as the brain and unable to complete their life cycle

euryxenous parasite

: one with a broad range of hosts


H F hemipterans

facultative parasite

: an organism that may resort to parasitic activity, but does not absolutely rely on any host for completion of its life cycle

: any of a large order Hemiptera of hemimetabolous insects (such as the true bugs) that have hemelytra and mouthparts adapted to piercing and sucking

G gravid proglottid

: one that contains uterine branches filled with eggs

: possessing both male and female reproductive organs, structures, or tissue


: Any protozoan present in blood

: a tapeworm embryo that has six hooks and is the earliest differentiated stage of a cyclophyllidean tapeworm


: a living organism on or in which a parasite lives


: the circulatory fluid of various invertebrate animals that is functionally comparable to the blood and lymph of vertebrates

: any of an order Hymenoptera of highly specialized insects with complete metamorphosis often associate in large colonies with complex social organization, and have four membranous wings and the abdomen generally borne on a slender pedicel

hexacanth embryo

: need only one and the same host category for their entire life-cycle

: of, relating to, or caused by flagellates

: plural of fungus


homoxenous parasite




hydatid cyst

: the larval cyst of a tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus that usually occurs as a fluid-filled sac containing daughter cysts in which scolices develop but that occasionally forms a proliferating spongy mass which actively metastasizes in the host’s tissues


immature proglottid

: one that does not have a fully mature reproductive system and is without eggs

incidental parasite

: one that parasitizes an organism other than the usual host



: the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents (such as a bacteria, protozoans, or viruses) in or on the body of a suitable host


: Insects have three major body regions: head, thorax, and abdomen

: a subphylum or superclass of Arthropoda comprising arthropods with mandibles on the second postoral somite and usually preoral true antennae

mature proglottid


: any of a large order Lepidoptera of insects comprising the butterflies, moths, and skippers that as adults have four broad or lanceolate wings usually covered with minute overlapping and often brightly colored scales and that as larvae are caterpillars

: mature proglottid is defined as one has a fully mature reproductive system

: tthe series of stages in form and functional activity through which an organism passes between successive recurrences of a specified primary stage

: an agent that destroys one or more species of insects

intermediate host

: Myriapoda is a subphylum of arthropods containing millipedes, centipedes, and others


: mutually beneficial association between different kinds of organisms

metacestode stage

: larval stage of a tapeworm, found in an intermediate host

life cycle




: the presence of an unusually large number of insects or animals in a place, typically so as to cause damage or disease

insects – head, thorax, abdomen



: a host which is normally used by a parasite in the course of its life cycle and in which it may multiply asexually but not sexually


: the part of an animal that connects the head with the body


: a kingdom that contains unicellular organisms with no nuclear membrane, such as bacteria

monoxenous parasite : one with a single host


: A chewing louse, any louse of the now obsolete suborder Mallophag

obligatory parasite

: one that is entirely dependent upon a host for its survival


P parasite

: an organism living in, on, or with another organism in order to obtain nutrients, grow, or multiply often in a state that directly or indirectly harms the host


: Parasite is present on or within the host and does produce obvious injury or harm to the host


: destructive to parasites


: one in which a parasite obtains benefits from a host which it usually injures


: a branch of biology dealing with parasites and parasitism especially among animals


: a segment of a tapeworm containing both male and female reproductive organs

protista paratenic host

: host whose presence may be required for the completion of a parasite’s life cycle but in which no development of the parasite occurs


: a non-permanent, commensalistic interaction in which one organism attaches itself to another


: an organism that primarily obtains food by the killing and consuming of other organisms

predator-prey relationship

: refer to the interactions between two species where one species is the hunted food source for the other


: an animal taken by a predator as food

: a major taxonomic group and especially a kingdom comprising the protists


: an object or organism that resembles or is mistaken for a parasite

R reservoir host : a host that serves as a source of infection and potential reinfection to other organisms


: Pseudophyllid cestodes are tapeworms with multiple proglottids and two sucking grooves as adults


: an intermediate usually quiescent stage of a metamorphic insect that occurs between the larva and the imago, is usually enclosed in a cocoon or protective covering, and undergoes internal changes by which larval structures are replaced by those typical of the imago

rostellum : an anterior prolongation of the head of a tapeworm bearing hooks


scolex : the head of a tapeworm either in the larva or adult stage


simple metamorphosis – egg, nymph, adult : organisms that go through three stages in their life cycle siphonapterans : any species of the order Siphonaptera, a flea symbiont : an organism living in symbiosis symbiosis : an evolved interaction or close living relationship between organisms from different species, usually with benefits to one or both of the individuals involved


transport host : an organism that plays a role in a parasite’s life cycle, as by harboring its unhatched eggs, but in or on which no development of the parasite occurs

trophozoite : a protozoan of a vegetative form as distinguished from one of a reproductive or resting form true tapeworm : any member of the invertebrate class Cestoda; the adult tapeworm has a scolex, a short neck, and a strobila formed of proglottids


zoonosis : an infection or disease that is transmissible from animals to humans under natural conditions


l i n n a e a n

c l a s s i f i c a t i o n
























































D. immitus


m i c r o f i l a r i a e

i d

Two significant and more apparent differences between D. immitis and A. reconditum are observable under proper microscopic inspection. D. immitis has a tapered head and straight tail, while A. reconditum has a blunt head and a buttonhook tail. Body length and width are similar between the two species and may not be adequate to distinguish between D. immitis and A.

reconditum alone. It is vital to identify D. immitis because of its pathogenic nature; if left unchecked, D. immitis causes mild persistent cough, exercise intolerance, fatigue after moderate activity, anorexia, and weight loss. As the disease progresses, pets may develop cardiomyopathy and ascites. A. reconditum is considered to be nonpathogenic.

Dirofiliaria immitis

Acanthocheilonema reconditum

Number in blood: few to numerous Body movement: stationary Tail: tapered Head: straight Body shape: usually straight Body length: 284 - 325 μm Body width: 5 - 7.5 μm typically > 5.6

Number in blood: few Body movement: progressive Tail: curved or “button hooked” Head: blunt Body shape: usually curved Body length: 237 - 288 μm Body width: 4.5 - 5.6 μm

v a r i o u s

c o l o r i z e d

p a r a s i t e s



Upper left: unembryonated egg of Toxocara canis, upper right: unembryonated egg of Toxocaris leonina, middle: Ancylostoma caninum, lower right: bioperculate egg of Trichuris vulpis, and lower left: whip shaped adult of Trichuris vulpis























bacilli : rod-shape bacteria


capnophilic : an organism that requires high levels of carbon dioxide for growth or for the enhancement of growth cocci : bacteria with a round shape


endospores : the dormant form of a bacterium; intracellular refractile bodies that are resistant to heat, dessication chemical and radiation; formed by some bacteria when environmental conditions are poor


facultative anaerobes : bacteria that do not require oxygen for metabolism but that can survive in the presence of oxygen


M T P Y H OS fastidious microbes : a term used to describe a bacterial species with complex growth or nutritional requirements flagella : long, thin, helical structures that function in cell motility

mesophiles : organisms with optimal growth temperatures between 25° C and 40° C

thermophiles : organisms that undergo optimal growth at elevated temperatures

prokaryotic : organisms that lack a distinct nucleus and other organelles due to the absence of internal membranes

hyphae : the body of a fungus that is created as a result of the linear arrangements of cells and that forms multicellular or multinucleate growth

yeast : any unicellular, usually oval, nucleated fungus that reproduces by budding

obligate aerobes : organisms that require oxygen to grow obligate anaerobes : organisms that cannot grow in the presence of oxygen

spirochetes : any bacterium of the genus Spirochaeta that is motile and spiral-shaped, with flexible filaments










Paragonius kellicotti can also be diagnosed using thoracic radiography or tracheal washes, but fecal flotation usually proves to be a simpler and more economical diagnostic procedure.








Tapeworms are long and flattened parasites. The three basic parts of a tapeworm are the scolex, the neck, and the strobili, which is composed of proglottids. A metacestode is the larva of a tapeworm that is usually found in an extraintestinal site. Several types of metacestode stages include cysticeroid, the cysticercus, the coenurus, and hydatid cyst, and the sparganum.

There are three types of proglottids: immature, mature, and gravid. Proglottids are arrayed in a chain-like manner. In this configuration, the immature proglottids are closest to the scolex, and the gravid proglottids are farthest from the scolex. Mature proglottids are located in the middle of the stroblia. Schistosome cercarial dermatitis is a zoonotic condition resulting from repeated penetration of the cercarial stage of blood flukes of birds, usually migratory aquatic birds. This condition manifests as papular or pustular areas in the skin of humans who have come in contact with infested waters containing these cercarial stages of avian schistosomes.

A schistosome is a “blood fluke” that inhabits the blond vasculature of its definitive host. These blood flukes are unusual in that they are not hermaphroditic (as most digenetic flukes are), and there is no metacercarial stage in their life cycle.

State practice acts prohibit technicians from giving medical (not veterinary) advice to clients. Clients exhibiting questionable lesions must always be referred to a physician. It is the veterinary professional’s job to educate, but not to treat, humans.

An egg packet is the typical reproductive “offspring” produced by adult D. caninum, the cucumber seed or double-pored tapeworm of dogs and cats. Each egg packet consists of 20 to 30 hexacanth embryos surrounded by a thin envelope or eggshell. Thousands of egg packets are found within each gravid proglottid of D. caninum. Egg packets are discharged through either of the lateral genital pores of this tapeworm.


Dipylidium caninum is most commonly diagnosed through astute observation by the technician when obtaining fecal samples and noticing and identifying the characteristic segments around the pet’s anus.

T. canis is most often implicated in zoonotic infections in humans, who serve as dead-end hosts. The parasite does not undergo further development and is in suspended animation within the paratenic host.

Hexacanth embryos are tapeworm eggs normally produced by Taeniid-type tapeworms - Taenia, Multiceps, and Echinococcus species. They have striated eggshell, called an enbryophore, containing an embryo with six tiny teeth on the inside.

Hypobiosis is defined as being in “suspended animation” or “undergoing arrested development” and is observed during somatic migration of T. canis.

Echinococcus species are parasites that are reportable to state and federal authorities if an outbreak is suspected. Other reportable parasites include Cochliomyia hominvorax, Psoroptes (the scabies mite), and Boophilus annulatues, the Texas cattle fever tick.

Whenever single operculated eggs are observed on fecal flotation, a technician may erroneously conclude that the dog or cat is infected with a digenetic trematode. Most often, this is not the case. The presence of single operculated eggs on fecal flotation is indicative of an infection with Spirometra mansonoides.

Some common species of canine nematodes are Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, and Dirofilaria immitis. Some common species of feline nematodes are Toxocara cati, Ancylostoma tubaeforme, and Dirofilaria immitis.

Visceral larva migrans (VLM) and ocular larva migrans (OLM) are terms that describe zoonotic conditions caused by the ingestion of an egg containing an infective second-stage larva of a roundworm (usually T. canis). Upon hatching, these larvae will migrate from the host’s intestine and travel throughout the visceral organs, usually the liver and/or the lung (VLM). VLM is usually seen in young children (serving as paratenic hosts) who have ingested these infective eggs of T. canis. Mirgration to the eye causes OLM. T. canis is capable of producing both VLM and OLM in human beings.

Ascarids should be considered in any puppy or kitten presenting with GI signs. Obtaining adequate fecal sample is key to a definitive diagnosis through identification of eggs in sample. Routinely deworming all puppies and kittens that are not on a monthly preventative regimen is important as well as warning clients of the zoonotic potential of this parasite, particularly regarding young children.


T. vulpis resembles a whip, hence its name, the whipworm. For both species of whipworms, a very fresh fecal sample is best for diagnosis. The veterinary technician must be able to recognized the whipworm’s unique whiplike shape (fat posterior handle with long, filamentous anterior end) and its uniques trichinelloid egg type.

Neurologic larva migrans (NLM) is a term that describes a zoonotic condition caused by the ingestion of an egg containing the infective second stage larva of the roundworm B. procyonis, commonly referred to as the “raccoon roundworm.” Ingestion by almost any mammalian or avian host allows the larva to hatch from the egg in the host’s intestine and migrate extensively through the host’s central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

First-stage larvae of A. abstrusus are often confused with the larvae of S. cati; however, first-stage larvae of lungworms posses a prominent dorsal appendage on the tail that distinguishes them from larval Strongyloides species, which does not have these appendages.

Keeping raccoons or other wild animals as household pets or captive fauna, particularly when small children are in the home, should be strongly discouraged.

Because of the potential for transmission, technicians should practice stringent sanitation when handling patients suspected of having chigger infestation.

D. immitis microfilariae usually can be found in the peripheral blood of dogs.

Hookworms should be considered in any puppy or kitten that presents with signs of anemia or GI problems. A. caninum infection can be fatal in young puppies as a result of anemia. Remember that obtaining an adequate fecal sample with proper identification of ova in the sample is key to a definitive diagnosis. Routine deworming should be scheduled for all puppies and kittens not on monthly preventative agents. Clients with children must be warned of the zoonotic potential.

An aberrant or erratic parasite is a parasite that has wandered into an organ or location where is not normally found. For example, D. immitis, the canine heartworm, usually resides in the canine right ventricle and branches of the pulmonary artery. However, it may “get off track” during its migration to the heart and become established in the anterior chamber of the canine eye. Such aberrant/ erratic infections usually involve a solitary, single-worm infections.

When removing a tick, it is important that residual tick mouth-parts never be left in the pet’s skin, or secondary infections may result. It is also important to use disposable gloves during the tick removal process because pathogens may be transmitted from the tick to the owner’s bare skin. The tick should be gently removed without squeezing for best results.


Trophozoites, literally, “a tiny, moving organism,” are defined as fast-growing organisms in developmental stages occurring as cysts in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii and other similar apicomplexan parasites.

If testing multiple samples, it is helpful to use a numbering system to keep the samples in order. A number is assigned to the patient, and that number is written on the corresponding centrifuge tube/slides with a marking pen. This minimizes the chance of error.

Any parasitologic specimen shipped to a diagnostic laboratory should be preserved with alcohol or formalin, unless otherwise directed by laboratory personnel. Three layers of protection should be ensured between the specimen and the postman; this is the specimen container is bagged in zippered plastic before it is [placed in the shipping container. Include all paperwork within a zippered plastic bag. Although Giardia species are not highly host specific and can be spread from domestic animals to humans, a much more likely source of infection is contaminated water sources. In addition, infants and children in child care facilities can be at increased risk for infection. While a pet is often the primary suspect when humans are diagnosed with giardiasis, other sources of infection must be considered especially in young children.

A bradyzoite is defined as a slow-growing organism in the developmental stage. A tachyzoite is defined as a fastgrowing organism in the developmental stage.

Although humans can be infected by a cat that is shedding oocysts they are more often infected by eating raw or undercooked meat containing cysts. This disease can be difficult to confirm antemortem in dogs and cats; because of this, it is important to consider other, more common sources of human infection.

A sample placed directly in a broth culture is easy to contaminate. A broth culture can be contaminated at several different points: when collecting the sample (particularly with indigenous flora from the patient’s skin), during culture inoculation, or in the clinical laboratory. Remember it takes only one viable bacterial cell to turn a broth culture positive.

Precautions should be taken by all veterinary personnel when handling reptiles and snakes presented for care. Personal protection equipment (PPE) should be worn when cleaning habitats and cages of reptiles and snakes.

When using swabs to prepare stained slides and bacterial cultures, set up cultures first, then prepare the slides using separate swabs for each purpose (glass slides are typically not sterile).


In general, samples should be refrigerated or on ice during shipment, not frozen. For accurate culture results, samples should be protected from extreme temperatures while in transit.

With acid-fast stains or fluids, cytologic samples, and feces, it can be difficult to find the Mycobacterium spp. because the organisms can be very small and difficult to see. It is important to be absolutely certain before calling a slide positive because consequences for the patient are significant.

Because they may contain alcohol and other flammable liquids, some stains may need special containment in flammable liquid cabinets. Regulations for housing flammable liquids vary from state to state so you should determine the regulations in your area regarding such storage.

Microscopic analysis of urine sediments should not be used as a substitute for culture as one may detect bacilli and miss cocci in urine samples. Inflammation is and important component of urinary tract infection, with the presence of bacteria inside neutrophils being indicative of phagocytosis rather than sample contamination. Local, state and federal regulations on biological waste disposal should be considered before a laboratory is set up. Waste can be disposed of in the laboratory or through a commercial contractor.

Remember that shipping bacteria is different from shipping patient samples, and shipping regulations may be different. The reference laboratory and commercial shipper should be consulted for guidance on shipping bacteria.

It is important that the sample on the slide be thin enough for good microscopic visual examination. Viscous fluids, such as thick exudates, may be too thick for adequate examination and may be diluted in sterile normal saline until an appropriate thickness is achieved.

After inoculation, plates should always be incubated in an inverted position (lid down), generally overnight ate 35° C to 37.5° C. Screw-caps for tube media should be left loose during incubation.

Remember that samples stained with Wright stains, such as Diff-Quik, cannot be used to determine whether an organism is Gram positive or Gram negative. Examination of samples stained with both stains is helpful.

In general, when an appropriate sample is collected and handled properly, the predominant organism is most likely the causative agent. Typically, lesions and infections are caused by a single organism or at most by two organisms.


Culture results should be evaluated with consideration of potential pathogens and indigenous flora. Relative numbers of bacteria should be noted.

Hydrogen peroxide degrades over time, so it is best to put a small amount in a properly labeled, i.e., name and expiration date, glass dropper bottle (preferably a brown or dark bottle that will protect it from light) and store it in the refrigerator. The hydrogen peroxide should be tested periodically with a known Staphylococcus isolate to confirm that it is working.

Culture of Mycobacterium spp. is best left to reference laboratories, particularly identification of M. tuberculosis, which requires appropriate safety equipment.

Proteus spp. can easily swarm a plate, overwhelming other, more slowly growing organisms. If suspected, use selective media in initial cultures.

Pasteurella strains often do not grow on MacConkey’s agar and are slow to convert oxidase reagent to positive. Absences of growth on MacConkey’s agar does not indicate the absence of Gram-negative organisms.

Several significant veterinary pathogen are spirochetes, or curved bacteria. Diseases caused by these organisms are diagnosed primarily through alternate methods, such as serologic or molecular testing, rather than culture, and should be regarded as potentially zoonotic.

Development of commercially available identification kits has significantly changed microbiology by simplifying the identification of isolates in the small, low-volume laboratory. These kits can serve as an accurate, costeffective alternative to prepared media.

When urine is cultured, the number of organisms is important in determining the likelihood and severity of infection. This is done by performing a quantified urine culture.

The most significant organisms found in milk are the agents of contagious mastitis, such as S. aureus, S. agalactiae, and Mycoplasma spp.

Several methods are available for determining whether bacteria are susceptible or resistant to antimicrobial drugs. Both dilution (microbroth dilution) is used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of various antimicrobials. Disc diffusion (Kirby-Bauer Method) is used to determine susceptibility based on zones of inhibition.


To culture dermaphytes, hair should be gently plucked or collected by brushing the lesion or the patient’s hair coat with a new toothbrush. Nails can be collected using nail clippers. Gently push plucked hairs or nails into the surface of the dermaphyte test medium (DTM) and Sabouraud dextrose agar.

M. pachydermatis if frequently found in patients with otitis externa and is readily observed in Diff-Quik stained slides prepared from swabs of the external ear. The shape of the organism is often described as resembling a “footprint” or a “snowman.”

Direct and indirect viral detection is commonly performed in practices using solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), such as the SNAP test. These tests are simple to use and are generally sensitive and specific.

DNA testing is a valuable tool for detection of obligate intracellular organisms, viruses, and difficult to culture bacteria. PCR-based tests provide rapid results and are highly sensitive but cannot distinguish between live and dead organisms. Also, some body fluids contain inhibitors of PCR, which can lead to false-negative results.

Because DNA sequencing does not need viable bacteria, DNA from isolates needing further identification can be submitted instead of bacteria. DNA does not have the same shipping regulations as bacterial isolates, and thus it can be easier to submit for testing.

Good hygiene is critical in patient care. Simple measures, such as consistent hand hygiene, can significantly reduce the risk of transmission of pathogens between patients and between patients and caregivers.

Increased numbers of patients with clinical signs specific to the suspected agent and increased isolation of a single patient from multiple patients may be indicators of nosocomial transmission and should be investigated. Analyze all practices and potential sources.
















CANINE HEARTWORM Dirofilaria immitis route of transmission infective larvae deposited during mosquito bite

diagnostics annually test all dogs, including those on heartworm prevention, using both antigen and direct examination for microfilariae in fresh blood or blood treated with an anticoagulant

clinical signs • mild persistent cough • reluctance to exercise • fatigue after moderate activity • decreased appetite • weight loss • heart failure • swollen belly

common treatments • use of anthelmintics • fenbendazole 50mg/kg for 10 days • oxfendazole 10mg/kg for 28 days • thiabendazole 32mg/kg for 10 days • levamisole 7.5 mg/kg for 9 weeks • experimentally, ivermectin 0.2-0.3 mg/ kg at 1-3 doses, and • doramectin 0.2 mg/kg once • some remove nodules with aid of a bronchscope


CANINE LUNGWORM Filaroides osleri route of transmission first stage larvae passed in the feces or in the saliva and is immediately infective to another dog, maternal grooming, ingesting regurgitated food

diagnostics larvae may be found in fecal flotation using centrifugation, larvae can be found in the feces at approximately 6 to 7 months

clinical signs • moderat, dry cough • increase respiratory rates • persistent coughing • respiratory distress • respiratory failure • no visible signs can occur • death is uncommon

common treatments • use of anthelmintics • fenbendazole 50mg/kg for 10 days • oxfendazole 10mg/kg for 28 days • thiabendazole 32mg/kg for 10 days • levamisole 7.5 mg/kg for 9 weeks • experimentally, ivermectin 0.2-0.3 mg/ kg at 1-3 doses, and • doramectin 0.2 mg/kg once • some remove nodules with aid of a bronchscope


ROUNDWORM Toxascaris leonina route of transmission infection via ingestion of larvated eggs from the environment or ingestion of vertebrate hosts that have consumed larvated egg and have the larvae in their tissues

clinical signs • kittens: ill thrift and pot bellied • puppies in utero: ill thrift, pot-bellied, poor hair coat, failure to gain weight • no clinical disease in cats and dogs, though treatment is still warranted

diagnostics test animals for ascarids by fecal flotation with centrifugation, antigen tests will aid identification, test young animals more frequently than adults, ascarids may be sampled from an infected animal’s vomit

common treatments • milbemycin oxime in dogs/cats • fenbendazole in dogs • moxidectin in dogs/cats • pyrantel pamoate in dogs/cats • piperazine in dogs/cats though may have lower efficacy than other products • pyrantel is highly palatable liquid that is readily administered to nursing animals • routine treatment of young animals, then placed on monthly preventative • treat nursing dams at the same time as their litters


CANINE ROUNDWORM Toxocara canis route of transmission infection via ingestion of larvated eggs from the environment or ingestion of vertebrate hosts that have consumed larvated egg and have the larvae in their tissues

clinical signs • puppies in utero: ill thrift, pot-bellied, poor hair coat, failure to gain weight • no clinical disease in dogs, though treatment is still warranted

diagnostics test dogs for ascarids by fecal flotation with centrifugation, antigen tests will aid identification, test puppies more often than adults, ascarids may be sampled from an infected dog’s vomit

common treatments • milbemycin oxime • fenbendazole • moxidectin • pyrantel pamoate • piperazine, though may have lower efficacy than other products • pyrantel is highly palatable liquid that is readily administered to nursing puppies • routine treatment of puppies, then place on monthly preventative • treat nursing bitches at the same time as their litters


FELINE ROUNDWORM Toxocara cati route of transmission infection via ingestion of larvated egg from the environment or ingestion of vertebrate hosts that have consumed larvated egg and have the larvae in their tissues

clinical signs • kittens: ill thrift and pot bellied • no clinical disease in cats, though treatment is still warranted

diagnostics test cats for ascarids by fecal flotation with centrifugation, antigen tests will aid identification, test kittens more frequently than adults, ascarids may be sampled from an infected cat’s vomit

common treatments • milbemycin oxime • moxidectin • pyrantel pamoate • piperazine, though may have lower efficacy than other products • pyrantel is highly palatable liquid that is readily administered to nursing kittens • routine treatment of kittens, then place on monthly preventative • treat nursing queens at the same time as their litters


CANINE WHIPWORM Trichuris vulpis route of transmission

clinical signs

hosts are infected by ingesting embryonated eggs from soil or other substrates where eggs are found

• canine whipworm is either asymptomatic or subclinical • some infections result in hemorrhagic typhilitis or colitis with diarrhea often streaked with mucus and fresh blood • bloody diarrhea • weight loss • dehydration • anemia • extreme cases, result in death

diagnostics test dogs for whipworm by fecal flotation with centrifugation, do a combination of both tests when few to no eggs are recovered from fecal sample, test puppies more frequently than adults, dogs may show clinical signs before shedding eggs in feces

common treatments • Drontal Plus, single administration • Panacur 50mg/kg for 3 days • may be administered once a month for three months the following drugs are approved for treatment and continued monthly tx: • Interceptor 0.5mg/kg • lntercepter Plus • Sentinel • Sentinel Spectrum • Advantage Multi • Coraxis Topical Solution for Dogs • Trifexis


NORTHERN CANINE HOOKWORM Uncinaria stenocephala route of transmission

clinical signs

dogs become infected via ingestion of third-stage larvae from contaminated environment, larval penetration of skin, ingestion of infected vertebrate hosts, eating infected cockroaches, or transmammary route

in kittens: • anemia, diarrhea, wieight loss • large numbers are fatal • respiratory disease and pneumonia in adults: • dermatitis with erythema, pruritus, and papules • lesions on feet, particularly between interdigital spaces

diagnostics test dogs for hookworm by fecal flotation with centrifugation, do a combination of both tests when few to no eggs are recovered from fecal sample, test puppies more frequently than adults, dogs may show subclinical or no signs of disease

common treatments • Advantage Multi Topical Solution • Coraxis Topical Solution • Drontal Plus Tablets • Drontal Plus Taste Tabs • HEARTGARD Plus Chewables • HeartShield Plus Flavored Chewables • Iverhart Max Chewable Tablets • IVERHEART PLUS Flavored Chewables • Panacur Granules 22.2% • PetTrust Plus Chewable Tablet • ProHeart 6 • Tri-Hear Plus Chewable Tablets


CANINE HOOKWORM Ancylostoma caninum route of transmission dogs become infected via ingestion of third-stage larvae from contaminated environment, larval penetration of skin, ingestion of infected vertebrate hosts, eating infected cockroaches, or transmammary route

diagnostics test dogs for hookworm by fecal flotation with centrifugation, do a combination of both tests when few to no eggs are recovered from fecal sample, test puppies more frequently than adults, dogs may show subclinical or no signs of disease

clinical signs in puppies: • pale mucus membrane, anemia • ill thrift, failure to gain weight • poor hair coat, dehydration, melena in adults: • healthy, few signs indicated • unhealthy, anemia, anorexia, • emaciation, weakness, and melena

common treatments • use of anthelmintics combined with supportive therapy for very ill dogs • routine anthelmintic therapies do not kill third stage larvae in tissues • fenbendazole • milemycin oxime • moxidectin • pyrantel pamoate • moxidecin is approved for fourth-stage and young adult a. caninum • Advantage Multi Topical Solution • Coraxis Topical Solution • Drontal Plus Tablets • Drontal Plus Taste Tabs • HEARTGARD Plus Chewables • HeartShield Plus Flavored Chewables • Iverhart Max Chewable Tablets • IVERHEART PLUS Flavored Chewables


FELINE HOOKWORM Ancylostoma tubaeformew route of transmission

clinical signs

cats become infected via ingestion of third-stage larvae from contaminated environment, larval penetration of skin, ingestion of infected vertebrate hosts, eating infected cockroaches

in kittens: • anemia, diarrhea, wieight loss • large numbers are fatal • respiratory disease and pneumonia in adults: • dermatitis with erythema, pruritus, and papules • lesions on feet, particularly between interdigital spaces

diagnostics test cats for hookworm by fecal flotation with centrifugation, do a combination of both tests when few to no eggs are recovered from fecal sample, test kittens more frequently than adults, cats may show subclinical or no signs of disease

common treatments • use of anthelmintics combined with supportive therapy for very ill dogs • routine anthelmintic therapies do not kill third stage larvae in tissues • emodepside • ivermectin • milbemycin oxime • moxidectin • pyrantel • selamectin • emodepside and moxidectin are approved for fourth-stage and young adult A. tubeaforme in the intestine • Advantage Multi Topical Solution • HEARTGARD Chewables for Cats • Interceptor Flavor Tabs • Paradyne • Profender


CUCUMBER SEED TAPEWORM Dipylidium caninum route of transmission dogs and cats become infected when they ingest the intermediate host, infected flea or louse, during normal grooming

diagnostics identifying proglottids in the fecal material or recognizing eggs on fecal flotation; however, eggs do not consistently float, so fecal flotation alone is insensitive for diagnosing tapeworm in dogs and cats

clinical signs • proglottids seen in perianal area, on pet’s bedding, or in feces • typically do not cause significant disease in dog and cats • may pose zoonotic health risk • young puppies may have intestinal impaction from massive D. caninum infections

common treatments • praziquantel and epsiprantel are considered tx of choice • praziquantel 5mg/kg orally or subq • epsiprantel 5.5mg/kg orally for dogs • episiprantel 2.75mg/kg orally for cats • tx must be combined with appropriate flea control; in absence of these changes, re-infection is likely to occur


HYDATID DISEASE CANINE TAPEWORM Echinococcus granulosus route of transmission

clinical signs

dogs and cats are usually infected when they ingest cysts during predation or scavenging

• usually does not produce clinical signs in the canine definitive host • may be aesthetically unpleasant, treatment is warranted

diagnostics unlikely for proglottids to be observed grossly, eggs of Echinococcus spp. cannot be differentiated from Taenia spp., coproantigen is method of choice for mass screening; however, worm burdens cannot be quantified

common treatments • praziquantel 5mg/kg orrally or subq for elimination of intestinal stages adult Echinococcus spp. in dogs • canine alveolar echinococcosis carries a guarded prognosis • canine alveolar echinococcosis may be treated with surgical resection of mass and extra-label albendazole 10mg/kg every 24 hours, praziquantel is advised if intestinal stages are suspected • treatment in dogs and cats must be combined with management changes to prevent ingestion of prey species, otherwise re-infection is likely


HYDATID DISEASE FELINE TAPEWORM Echinococcus multilocularis route of transmission

clinical signs

dogs and cats are usually infected when they ingest cysts during predation or scavenging

• usually does not produce clinical signs in the feline definitive host • may be aesthetically unpleasant, treatment is warranted

diagnostics unlikely for proglottids to be observed grossly, eggs of Echinococcus spp. cannot be differentiated from Taenia spp., coproantigen is method of choice for mass screening; however, worm burdens cannot be quantified

common treatments • praziquantel 5mg/kg orrally or subq for elimination of intestinal stages adult Echinococcus spp. in dogs • canine alveolar echinococcosis carries a guarded prognosis • canine alveolar echinococcosis may be treated with surgical resection of mass and extra-label albendazole 10mg/kg every 24 hours, praziquantel is advised if intestinal stages are suspected • treatment in dogs and cats must be combined with management changes to prevent ingestion of prey species, otherwise re-infection is likely


RABBIT TAPEWORM Taenia pisciformes route of transmission

clinical signs

dogs and cats are infected when they ingest larval cysts while preying on or scavenging infected vertebrates

• usually does not produce clinical signs in the canine definitive host • may be aesthetically unpleasant, treatment is warranted

diagnostics identifying proglottids in fecal matter, or fecal flotation; however, fecal flotation alone is not a reliable means of diagnosis, eggs cannot be distinguished from echinococcus spp. eggs via microscopic examination alone

common treatments • praziquantel and epsiprantel are approved tx for dogs and cats • febendazole is also approved tx in dogs • tx must be combined with management changes to prevent ingestion of vertebrate species; otherwise, re-infection is likely to occur


FELINE TAPEWORM Taenia taemiaformis route of transmission

clinical signs

dogs and cats are infected when they ingest larval cysts while preying on or scavenging infected vertebrates

• usually does not produce clinical signs in the feline definitive host • may be aesthetically unpleasant, treatment is warranted • may present with clinical and radiographic signs to linear foreign body if intestines are impacted with T. taeniaformis

diagnostics identifying proglottids in fecal matter, or fecal flotation; however, fecal flotation alone is not a reliable means of diagnosis, eggs cannot be distinguished from echinococcus spp. eggs via microscopic examination alone

common treatments • praziquantel and epsiprantel are approved tx for dogs and cats • tx must be combined with management changes to prevent ingestion of vertebrate species; otherwise, re-infection is likely to occur


CRYPTO Cryptosporidium parvum route of transmission

clinical signs

infection occurs following ingestion of sporulated oocysts from fecal contaminated environments, food, and articles or water

• infections in cats and dogs are subclinical • diarrhea and dehydration are the primary clinical signs • in healthy dogs and cats, the infection is usually self-limiting • extremely life-threatening in immunocompromised dogs

diagnostics fecal flotation procedures and commercial serologic tests for antibodies against C. parvum in the dog’s blood are available, a positive test indicates exposure, but not current infection

common treatments persistent diarrhea with oocyst shedding: • paromomycin 150mg/kg SID for 5 days (dogs and cats) • tylosin 10-15mg/kg TID for 14 to 21 days (cats) • azithromycin 5-10mg/kg BID for 5 to 7 days (dogs); 7-15mg/kg for 5 to 7 days (cats) • high-fiber diet to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea associated with infection • other supportive tx (fluid replacement) to help animals suffering from dehydration


GIARDIA Giardia spp. route of transmission

clinical signs

ingestion of cysts shed by animals or humans, cysts are acquired from fecal contaminated water, food, fomites or through self-grooming, dog strains are not known to infect cats and cat strains are not known to infect dogs

• dogs may have subclinical infections and show no signs of the disease • clinical disease in cats is uncommon • affected animals may show weight loss, secondary to diarrhea • symptomatic animals usually have diarrhea and are usually young puppies and kittens that are stressed immunosuppressed, or housed in groups

diagnostics fecal flotation with centrifugation, direct smear of diarrheic stools, and specfic fecal ELISA for companion animals, repeat testing over several days may be necessary to identify infection

common treatments • metronidazole 10-25mg/kg BID for 5 to 8 days (low efficacy) • fenbendazole (50mg/kg SID for 3 to 5 days (dogs) more effective • alternatively both fenbendazole 50mg/kg SID and metronidazole 25mg/kg BID for 5 days may result in better disease resolution • a combination of febantel, pyrantel pamoate, and praziquantel is effective in treating Giardia in dogs when administered daily for 3 days


CANINE COCCIDIA Isospora canis route of transmission

clinical signs

acquired by ingestion of sporulated oocysts from contaminated environments, ingestion of transport hosts (predation) containing extraintestinal stages, rigidly host specific, no known zoonotic significance

• diarrhea, weight loss, dehydration and (rarely) hemorrhage • severely affected animals may present with anorexia, vomiting, depression, and death is potential • dogs may shed oocysts but remain asympotmatic • stress my exacerbate coccidiosis

diagnostics fecal flotation using centrifugation with an adequate amount of feces, several genera of coccidia-like organisms may be present in feces, it is important to differentiate them based on size, state of sporulation, and presence/absence of oocysts/sporocysts

common treatments • sulfadimethoxine is only drug approved for tx of enteritis associated with coccidiosis • additional drugs and drug combinations have been used with success • ponazil, a newer drug, appears to be effective


FELINE COCCIDIA Isospora felis route of transmission

clinical signs

acquired by ingestion of sporulated oocysts from contaminated environments, ingestion of transport hosts (predation) containing extraintestinal stages, rigidly host specific, no known zoonotic significance

• diarrhea, weight loss, dehydration and (rarely) hemorrhage • severely affected animals may present with anorexia, vomiting, depression, and death is potential • cats may shed oocysts but remain asympotmatic • stress my exacerbate coccidiosis

diagnostics fecal flotation using centrifugation with an adequate amount of feces, several genera of coccidia-like organisms may be present in feces, it is important to differentiate them based on size, state of sporulation, and presence/absence of oocysts/sporocysts

common treatments • sulfadimethoxine is only drug approved for tx of enteritis associated with coccidiosis • additional drugs and drug combinations have been used with success • ponazil, a newer drug, appears to be effective


TOXO Toxoplasma gondii route of transmission

clinical signs

cats and dogs become infected by ingestion of bradyzoites in mammalian or avian tissues or ingestion of sporulated oocysts from articles contaminated by feline feces (e.g., soil, water, vegetation), transplacental or transmammary in kittens

• most cats are asymptomatic • kittens may show signs of lethargy, depression, ascites, fever and may suddenly die • older cats may present with very general signs, such as fever and anorexia, to more specific signs involving the body system affected by the tachyzoites or bradyzoites

diagnostics fecal flotation is not recommended due to the short active shedding period, antibody testing may be useful in determining the approximate time of acquired infection, susceptibility to acquiring a new infection, or as a possible cause of current illness

common treatments • no approved tx for cats or dogs • clindamycin hcl 10-12mg/kg orally twice daily for 2 to 4 weeks • pyrimethamine (0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg) plus sufonamide (30mg/kg twice daily for 2 to 4 weeks) • trimenthoprim-sulphonamide combination can be used at 15mg/kg orally every 12 hours for 4 weeks


“SALMON POISONING” Nanophyetus salmincola route of transmission ingestion of raw or undercooked, or smoked parasite-infected salmon or steelhead trout

diagnostics concentrate ova present in feces by sedimentation rather than flotation, once identified in fecal sediment, further differentiate by morphologic characteristics, including size

clinical signs • N. salimcola does not cause disease, but can serve as a vector for Neo. helminthoeca or “salmon poisoning” • high fever, anorexia, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea with mucus • enlarged lymph nodes • lymphadenopathy • death if no fluid maintenance or antibiotics tx

common treatments • no products labeled for tx of trematodes in dogs and cats • praziquantel, epsiprantel and fenbendazole have been reported to be effective • tetracyclines, along with other classes of antibiotics • short-acting corticosteroids may be used supportively • anecdotal reports of pet owners in high-risk areas with exposure opportunities will “immunize” their dogs by feeding raw fish and treating with antibiotics at the first sign of anorexia or fever, this appears to stimulate lifetime protection


COMMON LIVER FLUKE Fasciola hepatica route of transmission

clinical signs

dogs can become infected by drinking infected water, eating contaminated aquatic vegetation, or eating contaminated raw liver

• mildly infected dogs may be asymptomatic, or exhibit generalized weakness or lethargy • chronic cases may present with anemia, anorexia, and weight loss • acute cases may present with progressive weakness, exhaustion, organ failure, coma and death

diagnostics concentrate ova present in feces by sedimentation rather than flotation, once identified in fecal sediment, further differentiate by morphologic characteristics, including size

common treatments • no products labeled for tx of trematodes in dogs and cats • praziquantel, epsiprantel and fenbendazole have been reported to be effective • tetracyclines, along with other classes of antibiotics • short-acting corticosteroids may be used supportively
















HAIRCLASPING MITE Cheyletiella spp. route of transmission

clinical signs

very mobile, contagious by direct contact, found on fleas, lice, and flies; it is hypothesized that this is how it moves between hosts

• moderate to severe pruritis • exfoliative dermatitis; flaky, bran-like squames seen mainly in the dorsum • “walking dandruff” caused by agitation of epidermal debris by the activities of the mites • cats may develop miliary dermatitis with reddish yellow crusts

diagnostics non-burrowing mites can be isolated from skin or fur by flea combing, using a hand lens, hair plucking, taking tape impressions, and trichograms; sometimes found in the feces of cats that have groomed the mites off their body surface

common treatments • no treatement for hairclasping mites in the United States • a number of treatments have been shown to be effective against hairclasping mites including high-dose ivermectin, milbemycin oxime, moxidectin, selamectin, fipronil, and pyrethrin shampoos • permethrin/pyrethrin products should not be used in cats unless specifically approved as safe for use in that species


FLEA Ctenocephalides canis & felis route of transmission contact with fleas found in the environment or with other animals; fleas can jump from animal or surface to another animal or surface

diagnostics physical examination of the host to identify flea or flea feces in the hair coat; remove flea feces with a flea comb and place on a wet towel; the feces will dissolve and turn red; eggs and pupae are seen less because they are small and blend into their environment

clinical signs • pruritis and annoyance • heavey infestations may lead to iron deficiency anemia and death, esp. in young animals • C. felis is capable of transmitting R. typhi, R. felis, B. hensalae, D. caninum, and A. reconditum • may also transmit hemoplasmas • flea allergy dermatitis

common treatments • comprehensive flea control should eliminate fleas on pets, in the environment, and prevent subsequent re-infestation • moderate to severe infestations take several months to bring under control • flea adulticides, as well as insect growth regulators: • Advantage II (Imidaloprid) • Bravecto (Fluralaner) • Comfortis (Spinosad) • Effipro (Fipronil, pyriproxyfen) • Frontline (Fipronil) • Nexgard (Afoxolaner) • Revolution (Selamectin) • Sentinel (Lufenuron) • Simparica (Sarolaner) • Trifexis (Spinosad)


CUTEREBRA Cuterebra spp. route of transmission

clinical signs

females lay eggs on grass stems, wood chips, and bark along narrow trails or rodent runs, eggs hatch and move into the fur of a passing animal, the parasite enters the host through a natural body opening, does not penetrate through skin

• depend on where the larvae have migrated (nares, upper respiratory, skin, eye brain) • three forms of the disease: 1. furuncular myiasis 2. neurologic manifestations 3. respiratory distress • in cats - sneezing, nasal discharge, unilateral facial swelling, bloody nasal discharge

diagnostics larvae cause neurologic or respiratory signs, acute upper respiratory with unilateral signs of nasal discharge/facial swelling, or acute onset of neurlogice disease preceded by respiratory signs, CAT scans, MRI, examination of upper respiratory disease, ELISA

common treatments • subcutaneous bots removed by surgical extraction or smaller, less developed larvae in skin may be removed by careful dissection • larvae in the mouth, nasal sinus, larynx, or eye require surgical extraction • Ivermectin has been shown to be effective against migrating larvae of 0.1 - 0.3 mg/kg, although prognosis is guarded in cats with neurological signs • treatment of cats with cutererbra associated respiratory disease with a combination of Ivermectin and corticosteroids may be of clinical value


DEMODEX Demodex canis route of transmission

clinical signs

most Demodex spp. are considered normal mammalian fauna, disease results from an underlying systemic disease or immune deficits

• mild hair loss to severe dermatitis in dogs, less common in cats • nonpruritic, patchy alopecia on the head or limbs develops in puppies less than 6 months of age • generalized demodicosis attributed to underlying system disease or immune deficit • alopecia, erythema, and superficial or deep pyoderma, enlarged lymph nodes

diagnostics microscopic examination of deep skin scrapes from affected areas of alopecia, trichogram from plucked hairs, tape impressions, fecal flotation

common treatments • no products are label-approved for the treatment or prevention of Demodex spp. in dogs in the United States • most localized cases resolve on own • rotenone-based insecticide ointment has been used with some success • flea & tick preventative with documented extra-label efficacy against Demodex spp. may hasten clinical resolution • generalized demodicosis may require extended, aggressive therapy including an effective miticide, treat underlying disorders, antibiotic treatment when pyroderma is present, and spay female dog to prevent recurrence during subsequent heat cycles


AMERICAN DOG TICK Dermacentor variablilis route of transmission

clinical signs

ticks undergo something called questing where they crawl up a low shrub or grass, usually 18-24 inches off the ground, and with their first pair of legs outstretched, wait for a passing animal and climb on the host

• irritation or pruritis around attachment site, anemia from blood loss • secondary infections can develop at tick attachment site causing sepsis • tick-borne toxicosis • pathogen transmission leading to: 1. Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever) 2. Francisella tularensis (Tularemia)

diagnostics physical examination of host and recognition of attached ticks. id of larval or nymphal ticks is more challenging; immature ticks should be sent to a lab for id; secure ticks in specimen tubes with or without alcohol

common treatments • manual removal of a few ticks with forceps and gloved hands • heavy infestations require chemical treatment with fast-acting ascaricide such as pyrethroid or pyrethrin spray followed by manual extraction • regular use of acaricides is often necessary to protect dogs from ticks • Preventic (amitraz) • Simparica (sarolaner) • Bravecto (fluralaner) • Nexgard (afoxolaner) • Activyl (amitraz) • Frontline (fipronil) • Revolution (selamectin) is labeled against D. variabilis in dogs


ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOOD TICK Dermacentor andersoni route of transmission

clinical signs

ticks undergo something called questing where they crawl up a low shrub or grass, usually 18-24 inches off the ground, and with their first pair of legs outstretched, wait for a passing animal and climb on the host

• irritation or pruritis around attachment site, anemia from blood loss • secondary infections can develop at tick attachment site causing sepsis • tick-borne toxicosis • pathogen transmission leading to: 1. Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever) 2. Francisella tularensis (Tularemia)

diagnostics physical examination of host and recognition of attached ticks. id of larval or nymphal ticks is more challenging; immature ticks should be sent to a lab for id; secure ticks in specimen tubes with or without alcohol

common treatments • manual removal of a few ticks with forceps and gloved hands • heavy infestations require chemical treatment with fast-acting ascaricide such as pyrethroid or pyrethrin spray followed by manual extraction • regular use of acaricides is often necessary to protect dogs from ticks • Preventic (amitraz) • Simparica (sarolaner) • Bravecto (fluralaner) • Nexgard (afoxolaner) • Activyl (amitraz) • Frontline (fipronil)


DOG SUCKING LOUSE Linognathus setosu route of transmission

clinical signs

transmission between hosts is usually through direct contact, however it can also occur via eggs on fomites such as brusches, combs , or similar grooming equipment; lice are fairly host specific and not shared between dogs and cats

• irritation and damage caused by the host such as rubbing, scratching, and biting • heaving infestations cause severe pruritis, restlessness, intense scrathing a ruffled or rough matted coat and sometimes alopecia • primarily found on the neck and shoulders, especially under the collar

diagnostics diagnosis is based on clinical signs and on demonstration of the louse or its eggs

common treatments • louse infestation are readily treated with many flea control products: • fipronil, imidacloprid, and selamectin are all effective • topical permethrin can also be used on dog with good effect • treated dogs should be placed in a clean, disinfected cage or living space • treatment may need to be repeated in a week to ensure nymphs hatching from eggs are also killed • eggs and other stages on fomites will gradually die over time due to drying, which can be accelerated by several hours under hot dry conditions, such as in a clothes dryer


EAR MITE Ododectes cynotis route of transmission

clinical signs

transmission between hosts is by close contact; survival of mites in the environment is not thought to be a significant factor in transmission; all pets should be treated regardless is only one pet presents with mites

• shaking the head, scratching at the ears, inflammation of the ear canals, and accumulation of copious cerumen and frequently serous to purulent exudates • ears may be filled with dry and waxy parchment-like material • more common in cats • heavy infestations may leave the ear and move to head and body

diagnostics mites may be observed with an otoscope or on swabs of the ear canal; ear mites can be found in other locations and may cause signs or lesions specific to those locations

common treatments • treat according to age, severity of disease, presence of secondary infections, number of affected animals, presence of ectopic mites, and owner capability and compliance • products labeled for cats: ivermectin, milbemycin oxime, imidacloprid/ moxidectin, and selamectin • products labeled for dog: selamectin • pyrethrins have demonstrated efficacy in dogs and cats • cleaning the ear before treatment is always recommended • secondary infections with bacteria or fungi should also be treated


BROWN DOG TICK Rhipicephalus saguinesus route of transmission

clinical signs

ticks undergo something called questing where they crawl up a low shrub or grass, usually 18-24 inches off the ground, and with their first pair of legs outstretched, wait for a passing animal and climb on the host

• irritation or pruritis around attachment site, anemia from blood loss • secondary infections can develop at tick attachment site causing sepsis • tick-borne toxicosis • pathogen transmission leading to: 1. Anaplasma plays (Anaplasmosis) 2. Babesia gibsoni (Canine babesiosis) 3. Babesia vogeli (Canine babesiosis) 4. Ehrlichia canis ( Erlichiosis)

diagnostics physical examination of host and recognition of attached ticks. id of larval or nymphal ticks is more challenging; immature ticks should be sent to a lab for id; secure ticks in specimen tubes with or without alcohol

common treatments • manual removal of a few ticks with forceps and gloved hands • heavy infestations require chemical treatment with fast-acting ascaricide such as pyrethroid or pyrethrin spray followed by manual extraction • regular use of acaricides is often necessary to protect dogs from ticks • Preventic (amitraz) • Simparica (sarolaner) • Bravecto (fluralaner) • Nexgard (afoxolaner) • Activyl (amitraz) • Frontline (fipronil) • Revolution (selamectin) is labeled against D. variabilis in dogs


ITCH MITE Sarcoptes scabiei route of transmission

clinical signs

spread between canids by direct contact

• hyperkeratosis and alopecia • cats are less susceptible • lesions become highly pruritic and are often the cause of self mutiliation; lesions may become bloody from scratching the affected area • found on the margins of ears, lateral elbows, and lateral hocks, also found on the flanks and ventrum, especially in more severe cases

diagnostics skin scrapings should be deep enough to examine full thickness of the epidermis and produce a sample that is tinged with blood; if no mites seen, but lesions strongly suggest sarcoptic mange, response to treatment may be used to reach clinical diagnosis

common treatments • selamectin and topical moxidectin/ imidacloprid are label approved for treatment of sarcoptic mange in dogs • fipronil and flumethrin/imidacloprid collars are label approved as aids in control of sarcoptic mange, and treatment/control of sarcoptic mange • off-label afoxolaner, topical and oral fluralaner and sarolaner have been shown to be effective in the treatment of sarcoptic mange in dogs


CANINE CHEWING LOUSE Trichodectes canis route of transmission

clinical signs

transmission between hosts is usually through direct contact, however it can also occur via eggs on fomites such as brusches, combs , or similar grooming equipment; lice are fairly host specific and not shared between dogs and cats

• irritation and damage caused by the host such as rubbing, scratching, and biting • heaving infestations cause severe pruritis, restlessness, intense scrathing a ruffled or rough matted coat and sometimes alopecia • attach to base of hair, usually on head, neck and tail; larger numbers near body openings or skin abrasions

diagnostics diagnosis is based on clinical signs and on demonstration of the louse or its eggs

common treatments • louse infestation are readily treated with many flea control products: • fipronil, imidacloprid, and selamectin are all effective • topical permethrin can also be used on dog with good effect • treated dogs should be placed in a clean, disinfected cage or living space • treatment may need to be repeated in a week to ensure nymphs hatching from eggs are also killed • eggs and other stages on fomites will gradually die over time due to drying, which can be accelerated by several hours under hot dry conditions, such as in a clothes dryer

Student: Jennifer L. Smith Instructor: Kathy McLemore, CVT, VTS School: Apex College of Veterinary Technology Program: Veterinary Technology, A.A.S. Course: VET 401: Clinical Parasitology and Microbiology

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