Genuine Genetics Galloway Bull Sale

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Online Sale Days Schedule: Bidding 9:00 AM March14 to 18, 2013 Final Close-out Bidding

7:00 PM March 18, 2013 Entire Sale Online:

Terms & Conditions – Terms: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made. All settlements must be made with the owner of the sale before any cattle will be released. All monies are in Canadian funds. Disputes: In cases of disputes, bidding will be reopened be-­ tween the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision is final. Bids: Every animal offered in the sale will be sold to the highest bidder. A reserve bid will apply to each animal consigned.

LiveAuctions.TV - Contacts: Jill Mader (403) 990-9187 for help and phone in bids Brad Fahrmeier (816) 392-9241 for help Jesse Milne Smith (613) 229-1073 for phone in bids LiveAuctions.TV Instructions – Page 3 & 4

Sale Consignors: Big Deal Galloways

Stonewall Galloways

Russel Horvey

Earl Jackson

Box 339

540 55 Ave

Delburne, AB T0M 0V0

Lacombe, Alberta

Phone: 403.749.2780

T4L 1M1

Cell: 403.302.8175

Cell 403.392.6184

Westview Galloways

Home Valley Farms Ltd.

Kolton Mueller

Tom Gorr

Darcy Mueller (chq pymt)

Box 1206


Three Hills, Alberta

Three Hills, Alberta T0M 2A0 T0M 2A0 Cell: 403.559.4642

Cell: 403.352.4200

Bull Preview at Horvey’s, Delburne 11:00 am to 5:00 pm March 15th to 18th Russel, Kolton, Earl and Tom will all be available on March 15th & 18th

Announcements: All announcements made from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the cata-­ logue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay close attention to any such announcements. Shipping: All animals will be sold f.o.b. at the premises of the owner or at Russel Horvey’s, Delburne, AB. Buyers are required to make their own trucking arrangements. Bulls are to be picked up by Saturday March 22, 2013 Boarding Fees: Any sale animals held past March 22, 2013 will be charged board at $4.00/animal/day. Certificate of Registration: A certificate of registration will be furnished to the buyer of each registered animal after settlement is made. Transfer of registration is the responsibility of the re-­ spective bull owner. Export Testing: Required health certificate for cattle being ex-­ ported will be provided at the buyers expense. Breeder Guarantee: Bulls are sold as breeding bulls and are guaranteed to breed by the respective breeder and seller. This guarantee is non-transferrable and shall be limited to six months from the date of purchase. Should a bull fail to prove a natural breeder, the buyer shall notify the seller and breeder within the guarantee period, and promptly return the bull to the seller or breeder who shall have the opportunity to have the bull examined by a veterinarian of choice. The breeder or seller will in his sole discretion provide a credit or refund equal to the original pur-­ chase price, and the buyer agrees that this shall be his sole and exclusive remedy in respect of the guarantee. Females sold as being safe in calf are considered breeders without further guar-­ antee by the breeder and seller. No other guarantees are ex-­ pressed or implied. Limitation of Liability: In any event, the maximum liability of the breeder and seller to the buyer shall not be greater than the pur-­ chase price of the animal, and the buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless the seller and breeder from any and all damages, in-­ cluding that of third parties, that may arise from the purchase and use of the animal. The breeders, owners, their associates, sale staff, and representatives accept no liability for accidents that may occur in or about the sale premises. Persons who partici-­ pate in the sale do so at their own risk.

LiveAuctions.TV –Instructions


The auction has been set to run from 9:00 a.m. MST on March 14, 2013 with the Internet close out to start with the first lot at 7:00 p.m. MST March 18, 2013. We will then proceed to sell each lot using either a 30 or 45 second bidding clock until all lots are sold. Meaning once the pre announced time has expired without a bid that bull will be considered sold to the last highest bidder. A sale order will be posted 9:00 Monday morning. If you don’t have computer access, phone in bids will be accepted at the num-­ bers listed below and on the inside front cover, (403) 9909187 or (613) 229-1073 . Computers and help will also be availa-­ ble at Horvey’s on March 18th. Be sure to register early to allow the necessary time to be put in to the system.

With a proxy bid you can enter your maximum bid and then sit back and watch. When you enter a proxy bid amount the LiveAuc-­ tions system automatically bids on your behalf up to your maxi-­ mum bid. If the lot closes out for less than your maximum, that’s all you pay. This means that you don’t have to keep coming back to re-bid every time another bid is placed. This makes it more convenient and less time con-­ suming. It can also greatly assist those breeders that can’t be near a computer or are busy with other duties at the time of the final bidding.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE · In order to participate in the online auction you will need to pre-register and obtain a buyer number. · To do this, go to the LiveAuctions website,, and select Genuine Genetics Gal-­ loway Online Bull Sale. · After logging in the buyer registration form should pop up automatically. If it doesn’t there is a link you can select that says, “register for a buyer number” which is located right under your name in the top right hand corner. · This form requires you to fill out your banks name, city, prov-­ ince, phone number and a contact. You may register to bid after bidding has opened but please remember that authorization to bid is not instantaneous. HOW THE AUCTION WORKS · Once you have a username and have received a buyer number then you are ready to bid. You will see a screen that is unique to your user ID. · There will be a list containing the sale lots. If you click on a lot the video clip or photo will be displayed to the right. The next bid, current price, proxy bid, and manual bid buttons will be displayed below the video area. This page will react to your bids by stating, “you are in” or “you are out”. · No one else will be able to see your bid – that data is not accessible to the public. · Each time you login, the auction screen will display your personal bidding information. Your auction screen is unique and private displaying your activity to only you. Remember that you must have the lot that you are bidding on selected. This is where it tells you if you are in or out. It is here where you can also see your proxy bid settings(as applicable).

Your maximum amount is kept confidential From other bidders and the seller. Even though you can see this amount on your screen no one else can. The LiveAuctions system compares your bid to those of the other registered bidders and the system automatically places bids on your behalf, using only as much of your bid as is necessary to maintain your high bid posi-­ tion. The system will bid only up to your maximum amount as nec-­ essary to maintain you as the high bidder. If another bidder has a higher maximum, you’ll be outbid and the system will tell you that “YOU’RE OUT”. But, if no other bidder has a higher maximum you win the final bid. The final close out bidding process After each sale we receive a few calls after the sale from breeders who were interested in bidding on a bull but failed to watch the bidding clock and let the bidding time expire. When the bidding starts The bidding clock will run for a pre announced time (usually 30 or 45 seconds or until there is a bid at which time the clock will rewind to its original 30 or 45 seconds. (Whatever time used will be prean-­ nounced). For example: if the bidding clock gets down to 1 second remaining then a higher bid is submitted, the clock will then restart. This rewind process will continue with each bid re-­ ceived until the allotted time elapses without a bid. Then the lot will be considered sold. So if you are interested in a particular heifer be sure to submit your bid while there is still time on the clock. This is where using the proxy bid can come in handy insuring you do not miss a bid! LiveAuctions staff will be happy to answer your questions. Jill Mader: (403) 990-9187 Brad Fahrmeier: (816) 392-9241 COMPUTER HELP ON SALE DAY Computers and help bidding will be available at Horvey’s in Delburne on the final day of the sale, March 18, 2013 SALE CLOSE OUT PHONES Jill Mader: (403) 990-9187 Jessy Milne Smith : (613) 229-1073

Home Valley Farms Ltd. Sire Reference In the spring of 2010, Home Valley Farms Ltd (HVFL) acquired 33 bred Galloway females from all of the top bloodlines in the Free-­‐ way herd. Structural soundness, feet & legs, and eye appeal are emphasized in the Freeway breeding. This group of females have proven to be well-mannered with progeny adop ng a simi-­‐ lar disposi on.

Big Deal Touchdown 23T BW: 74 Sire of Sale Lot #8 and #15 Sire : Dun Gal Russel 10R (blk) Dam : Big Deal Rae of Hope 23R (blk) - Average birth weight of 23T calves in 2010: 79 lbs - 23T’s sire ranked #1 of 29 for ADG at bull test sta on.

Dun Gal Ralph 12R

Two Freeway Ralph 12R, one Sandri Chian 6N, and two Big Deal Touchdown sired bulls are offered in this sale by HVFL. These bulls were raised primarily on baled hay with grain sup-­‐ plementa on during the winter of 0.5 to 1% body weight. Only the top performing bulls under this modest program are being offered, which should assure the common-sense ca leman that these are prac cal bulls that perform with modest inputs. In addi on, we hope these bulls will provide the enduring health benefits of a moderate growth regime.

Earl Jackson Galloway Sire Reference

K2K Persia 10P (dun)

Sire to HVF Lot 4 & 17 Grand-sire to EJG Lot 5, 6, 10 Sire : Dun Gal Mammoth 28M (blk)

K2K Partridge 134P is a full sister to Persia 108P, both off Nicode-­‐ mus 33X.

Dam : Dun Gal Georgia 5G (blk) Dun Gal Ralph 12R sired HVF Lot 4 & 17, and Valley Rancher 23X, a herd-sire selected by HVF for 2013 on the basis of growthiness. 12R sired Freeway Rancher 13W which was the top selling bull in the Alberta Plaid Galloway 2012 Bull Sale. Lots 5,6 & 10 by Freeway Rancher 13W. Lot 5 & 6 are high frame score.

2Y Lot 10 is one of the last bulls to offer the Nicodemus blood line. Stonewall Galloway is offering be er entries then ever before. More frame, larger SC and with more style Lot# 2,6,10 are all sired by 13W and trace back to high performance sires such as Nicodemus and Dun Gal Ralph.

Westview Maverick Galloway

Big Deal Galloway

Sire Reference

Sire Reference

Big Deal Safe Passport 5S

HB Brass Ring Raider Sire to Lot 7, 11, 14 Sire to HB Brass Ring is by HB Zorro 2Z [USA] Dam to HB Brass Ring is by Brass Ring Kate [USA] Raider lines are known for superior females with great udder a achment and small straight teats.

Westview Maverick Galloway’s was established in 1996 by Darcy and Connie Mueller. Kolton and his wife Paige have come back to the farm a er a ending Olds College and finishing studies at University of Tennessee . Kolton has taken over all the manage-­‐ ment and marke ng of the ca le enterprise. Prior to Kolton’s return our management emphasis has been allocated to the seed side of our agribusiness. With Kolton’s re-­‐ turn we aim to show the true poten al of our Galloway gene c resource that we believe is second to none. Our experience has been that HB Brass Ring Raider produces top females with proper udder a achment, straight teats, higher then average weaning weights and small framed calves at birth. As such, we have retained all of our Raider daughters as breed-­‐ ing stock.

Big Deal Safe Passport 5S is the sire of our feature sale entry Big Deal Xray of Hope 4X – Lot 1 . Xray 4X was our herd sire the last 2 years, 2011 & 2012. He was the Grand Champion Farm Fair Mul Breed bull in 2011. Passport 5S is also a maternal brother to Big Deal Youngblood 35Y – Lot 13. 4X & 35Y are both off Big Deal Unique 35N, a 1990 lb. free moving 10 yr. old cow. All of the other Big Deal Bulls in this years sale are off Big Deal Ultra Supreme 22U. 22U’s dam Big Deal Extravagance 23J, a 14 year old cow with a very good udder. 23J is off our cornerstone female Extravagance 2F. 2F calved as a yearling and raised 14 calves in 14 years, with no twins. 2F is a maternal sister to Big Deal At’ Extravagance our Supreme Champion cow in Lethbridge in 1994. Big Deal Galloway bulls and females have benched marked against the best in the breed for decades, always doing well both in the show ring and in bull tests. We use the show ring to pro-­‐ mote the breed and our program, but we do not select for the show ring. Most of the females shown over the years have had no special care. They have come off pasture in the fall and put on grain only long enough to be on a ra on while on the road. All of the condi on on our cow calf pairs comes off the pasture they are on un l being shown. What you don’t see in our bulls is the depth of breeding in their dams. Our focus has been to raise bulls that will produce the right kind of replacement females in a commercial cross breeding program.

1 Xray of Hope 4X (blk) [CAN] 22866 DOB : Feb 8 2010 BW : 87 Sire : Big Deal Safe Pass Port 5S (blk)

Feb Weight : 2000 SC : 41.5

Dam : Big Deal Rae of Hope 23R (blk) Consignor : BDG Sire Safe Pass Port 5S ADG 4.32—dam 35N 1980lbs Herd sire in 2011 & 2012


Stonewall Rancher 5Y (red) [CAN] 23606


Valley Elvis 31X (blk) [CAN]

DOB : July 31 2010 BW : n/a Sire : Dun Gal Ralph 12R (blk)

Feb Weight : 1500 SC : 37.0

Dam : Freeway Jean 7R (blk) Consignor : HVF Natural show style and plays the part. Enjoys admira on. Deep, thick, and long. Built for longevity.


Yards ck 24Y (blk) [CAN] 23498

DOB : Mar 26 2011 BW : 86 Sire : Freeway Rancher 13W (blk)

Feb Weight : 1725 SC : 40.0

DOB : April 26 2011 BW : 70 Sire : Big Deal Ultra Supreme 22U (dun)

Dam : Stonewall Peggy 4R (blk) 5Y is built with large frame and will

Consignor : EJG

Dam : Big Deal True Hope 37T (blk) Consignor : BDG 37T is maternal sister to Salva on 17S, sire of Wonderment 11W Sire to Zechariah 10Z, Farm Fair Champions 2006, 2010, 2012


78Y (red) [CAN]


Feb Weight : 1425 SC : 36.5

Stonewall Rancher 4Y (blk) [CAN] 23605

DOB : June 5 2011 BW : Feb Weight : 1115 Sire : LPC Ferguson of Lone Pine 11R (red) SC : 35.0

DOB : Mar 24 2011 BW : 88 Sire : Freeway Rancher 13W (blk)

Feb Weight : 1725 SC : 44.0

Dam : GJR-Ladywells Prac cal-P104 (red) Consignor : WMG 104P is a easy doer maintains condi on year round & consisten tly raises calves that are reused as purebred breeding stock

Dam : Stonewall Jewel 22M (blk)

Consignor : EJG


Rockn X or Not 73X (red) [CAN] 23313 DOB : June 17 2010 BW : 80 Sire : HB Brass Ring Raider (blk)

Feb Weight : 1533 SC : 38.5

Dam : Westview Rockn Red or Not (blk) Consignor : WMG Raider is known for making awesome u er a achment, straight small teats and good feet.


Valley Touchdown 12Y(blk) [CAN]

DOB : April 21 2011 BW : 90 Feb Weight : 1360 Sire : Big Deal Touchdown 23T (blk) SC : 34.5 Dam : Freeway Wanda 18S (blk) Consignor : HVF Bull had top weights and rib eye of Freeway influenced group. Half brother by dam, Valley Rancher 23X is a HVF 2013 herd sire.


Yodeler Supreme 29Y (blk) [CAN] 23181

DOB : May 5 2011 BW : 84 Sire : Big Deal Ultra Supreme 22U (dun)

Feb Weight : 1455 SC : 36.0

Dam : Big Deal Tip To Heidi 22T (blk) Consignor : BDG Farm Fair Bull Calf Champion 2011, dam 22T off K2K Persia 108P off Nicodemus 33X & Sandri Maria 24W, Sandri Xray’s dam

10 Stonewall Rancher 2Y (blk) [CAN] 23604 DOB : Mar 16 2011 BW : 82 Feb Weight : 1510 0 Sire : Freeway Rancher 13W (blk) SC : 37.0 Dam : K2K Partridge 134P (dun) Consignor : EJG One of the last bulls to have the Sandri Nicodemus 33X blood line.

11 Xahoo X-Raider 50X (blk) [CAN] 23576 DOB : June 3 2010 BW : 75 Feb Weight : 1485 0 Sire : HB Brass Ring Raider (blk) SC : 37.0 Dam : K2K Yahoo 1L (blk) Consignor : WMG Raider is known for making awesome u er a achment, straight small teats and good feet.


Valley Chian 4X (blk) [CAN] 23304

DOB : April 22 2010 BW : 80 Sire : Sandri Chian (blk)

Feb Weight : 1650 SC : 40.0

Dam : Freeway Jean 6K (blk) Consignor : HVF L—o—n—g bull. Low birth weight rela ve to dam size. Used as heifer bull by Home Valley Farms in 2012.

13 Youngblood 35Y (blk) [CAN] 23576 DOB : May 16 2011 BW : 88 Feb Weight : 1550 Sire : Big Deal Ultra Supreme 22U (dun) SC : 38.5 Dam : Big Deal Norman Unigue 35N (blk) Consignor : BDG Maternal brother to Safe Passport 5S ADG 4.32, 35Y & 5S both off Unique 35N, 1980lbs, 35Y our framiest 2 year old in the sale


77Y (wht) [CAN]

DOB : June 1 2011 BW : Sire : HB Brass Ring Raider (blk)

Feb Weight : 1115 SC : 32.0

Dam : Hayabusa Tanya 46T (wht) Consignor : WMG Grand-dam Hayabusa Hiya was a prized black cow. First white bull to come from this lineage.


Valley Touchdown 24Y (blk) [CAN]

DOB : May 4 2011 BW : n/a Sire : Big Deal Touchdown 23T (blk)

Feb Weight : 1250 SC : 34.0

Dam: Freeway Jean 31U (blk) Consignor : HVF Pick of sale pen by my fi er. Up & coming dam produced shortlist bull as heifer. This is her second calf— wow!


Yorkton 34Y (dun) [CAN] 23575

DOB : May 12 2011 BW : 70 Feb Weight : 1510 Sire : Big Deal Ultra Supreme 22U (dun) SC : 36.0 Dam : Big Deal Upset Denice 5U (blk) Consingor : BDG Dam 5U was sired by Ladywells Sonalta 12S ADG 4.06, BW 60lbs 12S off Westview Budlightning 5L ADG 4.08, photo on cover


Valley Hulk 26X (blk) [CAN]

DOB : April 20 2010 BW : 93 Sire : Dun Gal Ralph 12R (blk)

Feb Weight : 1620 SC : 37.0

Dam : Freeway Jean 21S (blk) Consignor : HVF Docile. Deep, thick and very wide top. Large volumetric capacity. From one of best footed, best uddered dam in herd.


Yogi Bear 9Y (blk) [CAN] 23574

DOB : March 2 2011 BW : 76 Sire : Big Deal Ultra Supreme 22U (dun)

Feb Weight : 1480 SC : 34.5

Dam : Big Deal Upset Denice (blk) Consignor : BDG 22U’s dam Extravagance 23J is a maternal sister to Extravagance 9R & 13U, FFI Champions, 23J, 9R & 13U off Extravagance 2F

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