2 minute read
No Gimmicks
Kirk Leeds, Chief Executive Officer, Iowa Soybean Association kleeds@iasoybeans.com, Twitter @kirkleeds
Like you, I’m sure you get a lot of opportunities to join numerous community, civic and work-related organizations. Some you join, and others you decide to take a pass on as they don’t meet your interests or needs.
As someone who has worked for a membership and trade association for more than three decades and served on countless boards and committees, trying to figure out why some people become members is critical.
Why have some efforts succeeded while others disappointed? What causes someone to become a member? Are there certain features or benefits of membership that increase the likelihood that potential members become actual members? Are incentives and “freebies” necessary to gain members? Is it really about the price of becoming a member or something else? Are people afraid that if they join an organization, they will also have to give their time? Or are they apathetic, believing their decision to join (or not join) won’t make a difference?
The Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) and its farmer board of directors have renewed their focus on membership growth for the organization. It’s central to our new strategic plan and “Driven To Deliver” brand promise. Increasing the number of farmers who believe in the work and value of the organization is a critical measurement of progress.
In thinking about the questions raised, a couple of key thoughts emerged.
ISA has had much success demonstrating real value to our members. We’ve seen significant increases in the participation of farmers across the state with more than 12,000 farmer members.
Second, ISA has been very clear that becoming a member does not come with incentives and “freebies.” There are no gimmicks offered to incentivize farmers to become ISA members. We don’t offer discounts on travel, insurance or financial services. We don’t use free seed or chemicals to get you to join. There are no discount cards provided and no free books, coffee cups or caps.
What ISA does offer is a promise to deliver meaningful results for all of Iowa’s soybean farmers by helping farmers manage real issues, concerns and challenges. ISA is driven to deliver, and we welcome your membership and your support by becoming either a farmer member or advocate member.
Farmer membership is open to all Iowa soybean farmers at no cost. You already pay the soybean checkoff so you’ve earned the right to become a member.
For those who want to become even more engaged and support the activities of ISA that can’t be funded using checkoff dollars, we offer the opportunity to become an advocate member.
Both memberships are important and come with our promise to listen to your concerns, work to find solutions and deliver results that are meaningful and impactful for you and your farm.
To become a member of ISA, please visit our website at iasoybeans.com or drop me an email at kleeds@iasoybeans.com.