2 minute read
Driven To Deliver
Michael Dolch Director of Public Affairs, Iowa Soybean Association MDolch@iasoybeans.com
“Driven To Deliver”
More than a column title, these three words honor the past, celebrate the present and embrace the future. “Driven To Deliver” is the Iowa Soybean Association’s (ISA) new brand promise.
What’s a brand promise, you ask?
Think of it this way. Considered one of the most powerful aspects of a brand experience, a promise is simple and inspiring. It answers the question of “What Do You Do for Whom?” That’s why it’s so important to pause, unpack and connect “Driven To Deliver” and ISA’s advocacy platform.
The new brand promise is a launching pad, especially when considering market, trade and weather uncertainties. “Driven To Deliver” has triggered both a personal and organizational audit. Not in a money sense, per se – although one does occur every fiscal year – but rather, in a time, strength and importance way. It’s a call to assess what’s truly important to Iowa’s soybean farmers. By refocusing and prioritizing time, energy and resources on what we can and can’t control, we will find new and innovative ways to increase “ soybean demand, agricultural productivity and profitability.
A month into Iowa’s legislative session, hundreds, if not thousands, of bills have been filed. Committee work is picking up in earnest. As these words fill the page, we’re staring down the first of two legislative funnels. A funnel is a legislatively imposed deadline that requires bills to pass one committee in either chamber to remain viable. With the first funnel just around the corner, committee activity will continue to ramp up and eventually give way to floor debate across the House and Senate chambers. Among ISA’s top priorities for the 2020 session is Governor Reynolds’ Invest in Iowa Act. By raising the state sales tax one penny or 1%, the Act would fund the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund, scaling up conservation and water quality efforts while bolstering mental health resources and significantly cutting income taxes. Now for the connection to our promise to you. Soybean farmers are “Driven To Deliver” greater productivity while strengthening the soil and improving water quality.
We know good things happen when we all work together. By partnering with public and private stakeholders, the ISA’s has successfully leveraged checkoff resources to drive the implementation of conservation practices benefitting all Iowans. Under Governor Reynolds’ leadership, Iowa has become a leader in nutrient management. It’s time to act and help solidify Iowa’s place at the forefront of conservation and nutrient management.
The “Invest in Iowa Act” is just one example.“Driven To Deliver” is a perpetual call to action. Action that produces results well beyond tomorrow, next week, next year, or even the next decade. Much like ISA’s work to increase soybean demand through market development and new uses, the promise to Iowa’s soybean farmers will lead to greater influence over public policy and even stronger relationships with lawmakers.
Looking to the future, I’m “Driven To Deliver” legislative and regulatory wins alongside Advocate and farmer members alike.