Dean Sponheim, Osage
UNCOVERING HIDDEN REVENUE Strip-tilling soybeans may be the answer BY MATTHEW WILDE
ean Sponheim and other Iowa farmers will plant soybeans into narrow strips of tilled soil surrounded by corn stalks this spring. Strip-tilling soybeans isn’t for everyone or every farm, soil and agronomy experts say, but research data and on-farm results show it can boost yields and revenue. For strip-till veterans, especially those with heavy, black soil, they're sold on the practice. It’s an opportunity to reap the benefits of tillage while protecting and improving the soil — all with the bottom line in mind. “I can plant earlier, get a little yield bump and prevent soil erosion like this year when we got 55 inches of rain,”
says Sponheim, an Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) member from Osage. Scott Nelson, ISA On-Farm Network® director, says tough economic times — cash soybeans dipped to 10-year lows in November at about $8 per bushel — dictate that producers evaluate every agronomic decision. That includes tillage or the lack of it. Strip-till is a system in which residue-free strips of soil about 6 to 8 inches wide (about one-third of a row) and 4 to 8 inches deep are tilled ahead of planting using a knife apparatus such as a fertilizer injection shank. It’s widely used in corn production statewide, but less so for soybeans.
Whether a farmer is a diehard no-tiller, favors conventional tillage or something in between, Nelson says strip-till may be an option. “Investing money and time in tillage is an important decision in soybean production,” Nelson says. “I’m still a big proponent for no-tilling soybeans, but every input should be scrutinized for overall effect on per bushel production costs.” A dozen On-Farm Network replicated strip trials were conducted this year, mostly in the northwest part of the state, comparing strip-till to no-till and conventional tillage in soybean production. Results weren’t available at press time.