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The Last Word: The Seeds of the Future
The Last Word: The Seeds of the Future
Editor’s Notes by Ann Clinton
As I sit down to write this column, I am at the little farmhouse near Massena where I spend as many weekends as time allows. My family and I have been working outside all day getting the garden ready for planting. Although it was so cold we could see our breath, it felt good to move rocks and pull weeds. No doubt my muscles will ache tomorrow, but my heart feels so much gratitude for the opportunity to get dirty.
We are hardly experts, but the garden is our little piece of heaven. It’s where my children have learned about the magic of the seasons and have experienced a more meaningful way of living. We pour over seed catalogs and research ways to improve soil quality but, honestly, we just love to watch things grow. I don’t care how old you are – when a sprout appears from where you have placed a seed; it’s simply awesome.
This issue of the Iowa Soybean Review is celebrating the accomplishments of the Iowa Soybean Association’s (ISA) last 55 years. As the editorial team created content for this special edition of the magazine, I couldn’t help but feel pride. The association’s founding farmers were ingenious and enterprising, but there is no way they could have foreseen the incredible future they were creating on behalf of Iowa agriculture. They planted a seed of hope that has yielded a harvest of opportunity for soybeans.
Symbolic of ISA’s rich history, we highlighted the anniversary section of this issue with emerald green. We hope you run your fingers over the beautiful soybean plant on the cover and contemplate the humbling beginnings of the association. But more importantly, it is our intention for you to recognize the incredible future on the horizon. Agriculture has seen some tough seasons lately, but what lies before us is even more exciting than the path that has been plowed.
As for my family and I, we will soon be headed back to the city as the weekend comes to a close. We’ll be anxious to make the drive to the farm again, prepared to sow seeds into the beautiful, little piece of optimism we call our garden.
Congratulations to all of Iowa’s soybean growers on 55 years and thank you for what you do. I am humbled and inspired by your vision and dedication.
May your rains this growing season be well-timed.

Ann Clinton, aclinton@iasoybeans.com