1 minute read
The Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) gold club is a unique level of membership made up of a diverse group of contributors. From individual farmers to small businesses to large corporations, Gold Club Members not only support the association's programs, they also enjoy special benefits.
For more information, contact Heather Lilienthal at hlilienthal@iasoybeans.com to learn how this level of membership can benefit you, your customers and the state's soybean industry.
Thank you to the following for their support for the Gold Club in the past year.
Low Mu Tech
Latham Hi-Tech Seeds
Beck's Hybrids Dow
Du-Pont Pioneer
Ag Processing, Inc.
Jorgenson Farm Corporation
Peoples Company
Chuck White Farm
Iowa Select Farms
FMC Corp
TruAcre Technology
Int'l FC Stone, LLC
Sukup Manufacturing Co.
Bayer CropScience LP
Farm Credit Services of America
Sunderman Farm Mgt. Co.
Gaesser Farms
John Deere Des Moines
Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
Stine Seed Company
Landus Cooperative
Mid-Iowa Seeds, LLC