2 minute read

IAWA Launches Web Tool to Compare Iowa Cover Crop Incentive Programs

Farmers can browse, filter and compare cover crop incentive programs by using a new, first-ofits-kind website in Iowa, costsharecompare.com, built by the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance (IAWA). The goal is to help farmers transition to using cover crops by making it easier to find and sign up for cost share.

In addition to cover crops, the web tool features payment programs for no-till, strip till, nutrient management, and extended crop rotations.

These management practices improve water quality by preventing erosion and nutrient runoff while enhancing soil health — all outcomes directly related to IAWA’s water quality mission.

“There are a lot of programs out there and a lot of money to help farmers try these practices. The way we see it is if we can reduce overwhelm, that will lead to more sign-ups, which leads to more acres in cover crops, and ultimately improved water quality,” says IAWA Communications Director Rebekah Jones.

Costsharecompare.com started as a printable guide, released this past spring.

“It’s been awesome to see our partners immediately use this information to help more farmers,” says Jeff Lucas, IAWA Executive Director. “At the end of the day, the website is a tool that connects farmers to a conservation agronomist or other professional to make cover crops work on their farm beyond the initial payments.”

Cover crop incentives offset costs for seed or application and can also help mitigate the risk of yield drags — minimizing impact on pocketbooks while maximizing long-term farming and water quality benefits.

IAWA is accepting new program additions. If you know of another program that should be added, please reach out to Rebekah Jones at rjones@iaagwater.org.

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