Dear Parents - Firstly THANK YOU all for embracing last weeks planning and making it so fun and relevant for your child. It is wonderful to see how much progress the children are making and how engaged they are (on the good days - we realise there are ups and downs!) Some of week beginning 27th April’s plans follow on from last week so if you didn’t have time to use last weeks plan you may like to dip into that and pick the best activities from both weeks. We are really pleased to see that parents are only doing what they can manage or what their child is interested in, and where some children are ‘taking off’ in one area they are focussing upon this. We really appreciate how distracting having toys, sun, siblings and paddling pools in the garden, etc can be and we want to remind you that these plans are just to support you IF you need and want to use them. They do not have to be done day by day as laid out. It very important to have a break from the plans if you feel your child ‘has had enough’/not engaging. Have a day in the garden where you relax, read books, draw, have water fights, make mud pies, go on a long walk, whatever you feel your child needs, or you all need as a family in order to keep happy and healthy. REMEMBER YOU DO NOT NEED A PRINTER OR TO REGULARLY USE THE INTERNET TO TEACH YOUR CHILD FROM THESE SLIDES however there are recommended website links. More educational activities/sheets to supplement these Powerpoints (or do instead if they are better for you or your child) have been added to the documents section on Tapestry. The text in red is for your information. You DO NOT need to read this to your child. Where quotation marks ‘....’ are used please use the same language with your child. The text in pink are suggested extension activities if you feel your child would like more work to do or they are achieving the set tasks quickly and easily and therefore need stretching. Please remember we are all on hand to help you. Just add an observation to your child's Tapestry journal, that way ONLY staff will see what you write, and we will respond. Thank you and well done for doing so amazingly with homeschooling. Best wishes from Mrs Rose and team.
Monday 27th April Maths - adding You have all been showing us how much you like playing outside e.g. football, skittles. Today’s maths activity is to play any ball game you like but find a way to keep and show how many points you score. Remember you can play games with small balls like marbles indoors too. ‘Can you add your score together to find the total’? Ask someone else in your family to play too. What is their total score? ‘Who has the fewest points?’ Can your child remember what fewest means? If not this is something you could explore further with toys, food, pens, etc.
Please share your games with us then we can all have a go at each others.
Monday 27th April Phonics phase 4 warm up You need to login with User name: march20 Password: home if you haven’t already. Can you read these words? They are different than the ones you had on Friday. Parents if your child needs more practise with single letters and the digraphs follow the same links but click on phase 2 or phase 3 down the left hand side and choose games from there.
Now find your ‘Robot Talk Game’ and add an extra box to it like this ↑. Use your phoneme cards with the orange borders to sound out and then spell as many ccvc words as you can. Your parent may make a list of the words you made.
Monday 27th April Last week you were amazing at telling ‘The Billy Goats Gruff’. Now it's your turn to change the story you know into another similar story. Will you change all of the characters? Will you change the setting of the story? Ideally the children will keep much of the story language and structure the same and just change a few things, words and phrases. Will you tell your story using some of your toys? Will you make pictures, puppets or masks to tell your story? Can your story be acted out or told using props outside? Perhaps water creatures in a paddling pool - anything goes!
We cannot wait to hear your stories.
Try to use the storytelling actions Mrs Beatson taught you last week (you can still watch this video on Tapestry).
Drawing challenge
Tuesday 28th April 2020 Phonics phase 4 warm up
Parents if your child needs more practise with single letters and the digraphs follow the same links but click on phase 2 or phase 3 down the left hand side and choose games from there.
Dear parents please can you look back at the writing your child has done recently and choose one or two letters that they need to practise forming correctly. Your child can practise forming their target letter in the sandpit, in a tray of rice (if you can spare it!), with chalks, pots of water and paint brushes, with crayons, pens and pencils.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Can you draw a story map (like the one below) of the story you told yesterday? Remember to label your characters. OR Extension activity - Write part of your story down and then read it out loud to us or your family. Or add speech bubbles to your story map if you have made one. Parents if your child wants you to write out their whole story doing this would help your child to really understand the link between spoken and written words. Then over the next few days your child can have a go at reading their story.
Maths Practise counting (reciting out loud) in ones starting from and stopping on different numbers. Then have a go at counting in tens. How far can you get? When we are at school we do snack maths. Sometimes we arrange our snack in arrays like this. Here → we made a 5 array and our total number was 30. Can you choose anything you have e.g. toy animals, gravel, shells, Lego brinks, bottle tops to make different arrays where the objects are set out in rows/lots/groups of three, like the 3 Billy Goats. Which numbers can you lay out in rows of 3? What is the highest/largest number you can make? Which number can look like a square when you make it in rows of three? You may like to watch to recap previous learning.
Super Learning Have a go at Mr Sales challenge which is to make your name using blocks of some sort.
You may just want to use your initials. Ask your parents what your initials are. You could work out your whole family's initials.
Wednesday 29th April - Reading and talking Last week you were fantastic at Retelling the simple version of the Billy Goats Gruff that Mrs Beatson read to you. Today can you compare the version of the story that you have learnt with other versions of The Billy Goats Gruff that you find in books and or on line. These links may help
Questions to explore: How are the stories the same? How are the stories different? Do the characters say the same words in both versions? Do the stories have the same ending? How are the pictures different? Is the setting the same in both stories?
Phonics Phonics phase 4 l
OR Explore any of the activities you haven't used already in Kim’s Phonics on Espresso.
Children commonly spell words beginning with tr using ‘ch’. How many words can you think of that have tr in them? Can you write a list of all the words you think of. You may want to draw some pictures to match some of your words. Does tr always come at the beginning of the words you have thought of? Can you look through a book or magazine and find any tr words? Can you learn to spell a few tr words that you may use in your writing e.g. train, tree, treasure?
Maths Warm up - Can you quickly recall as many number bonds to ten as you can. You could show some of them with your fingers e.g. 4 and 6. very loud but the children like it!
Today’s maths activity is to choose a few of the
Lego Challenge
Cards below to have a go at.
You may wish to use some of these links however there is NO need to use the internet for maths home learning. Making maths practical, based upon real life situations and FUN; as well as talking about maths and getting your child to talk about the strategies they use to find an answer are THE most important way you can help.
Super Learning Can you draw, paint or make a 3D troll? Think about your trolls personality. Is it bad or good? Is it male or female? What size would it be in real life? Is your picture/model life size? We cannot wait to see your trolls.
Thursday 30th April
Using the troll you created yesterday can you write about your troll? You could write a description, make a poster or write a speech bubble to show what it likes to say! Your child might like to write their own story about a troll.
Phonics Recently we have been reading and spelling four letter words with two consonants at the beginning. Today we will focus upon reading words with two consonants at the end. How many of these words can you sound out (as you touch the sound buttons) and blend into a whole word? If your child needs to practise reading three letter words the same cards are available in phase 3 on twinkl
Maths Use whatever objects your child is currently interested in to make up some worded maths calculations both adding and taking away (at school we often call them number stories). E.g. There were 6 knights at the castle and 7 more arrived. How many knights were in the castle. There were 9 blueberries in my bowl and I ate 4. How many are in the bowl now? Encourage your child to say whether they needed to add or take away. Ask your child to explain how they found the answer. THEN
Can you make up some maths stories like the ones your parents have just told you for your parents to work through? We would love to see some of your stories. Can you show us some of your stories on a piece of paper. You might use pictures, marks/symbols or numbers.
Super Learning You are all being SO AMAZINGLY creative with your home learning and I know some of you have enjoyed setting your friends challenges so today can you think of your own super learning challenge? This may be linked to anything that we have been learning about e.g. trolls or something different that you are interested in. We cannot wait to see your ideas and perhaps we will have a go at some of your super learning challenges! OR There is a wonderful science ice troll challenge/investigation in this weeks documents folder on Tapestry if you have time to explore if you have time.
Friday 1st May - Literacy Can you play snap, pairs or a hunting and finding game with the tricky words you are currently learning? Can you say a sentence using some of the tricky words? If any families were not given flashcards with their child's tricky words to learn on they can be found in the documents file called ‘Reading and phonics activities for you to do at home’.
Now can you read the book on this link
Phonics Use the following link if you wish to explore cvcc words - go to the ‘words ending cc’ activities and videos.
Please ask your child to sound talk (sound out) a cvcc word - see examples over the page e.g. belt. Can your child either write the word or make it using their orange bordered letter cards? Repeat several times.
Maths and Super Learning
apologies parents if you have already had to watch this on Dojo and if weather decides to rain today!!
Can you complete the paper aeroplane challenge Mrs Rose sets in this video? Video will also be on Tapestry as it is very quiet on this presentation!
Can you find a way to measure how far your plane flies? How will you record the distance your planes travelled? Most Reception children would be better of usmeasuringing non standard measures e.g. blocks.