SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Harbour Way Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AJ Telephone 01935 812619 Fax 01935 817943 e-mail Website
Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH
Wednesday 28th February 2018 – Extreme Weather Preparations Dear Parent/s & Carer/s, As I’m sure you are aware the Met Office has issued an amber weather warning of heavy snow and ice st for our area from Thursday 1 March at lunchtime through the whole of Friday. The best way to ascertain if the school will remain open is to view our school web-site and Facebook pages which will regularly updated with our open status. We will also send any relevant text messages. Please do not contact our office unless it is vital as we may wish to keep our phone lines free for emergencies etc. The decision to close a school is never taken lightly and numerous factors affect this decision (particularly staffing numbers as many of our adults live away from school); primarily to safety of our children and staff. Please read below the important information (which has been within our last two newsletters) re possible closure: Children arrive at school from 8.45am and enter the classroom immediately as usual. They do not use the playground or grounds for their safety Children are properly clothed – Wellingtons, coats, gloves, hats (all named please). I’m sure the children will enjoy the opportunity to enjoy the snow if safe to do so. Please note pupils will not be allowed outside to enjoy the snow if they do not have the appropriate clothing (for their well-being) Contact numbers are current. If the school closes during the day, parents will be contacted first – children may be sent to “safe” (friends’) house(s) etc. by agreement. No child will be sent home without a safe arrangement being in place. Parents of the youngest or vulnerable children may choose to keep their children at home if they feel this is appropriate. No bicycles/scooters etc. are to be brought to school. In case Chartwells are unable to provide hot meals, please send your child to school with a packed lunch. When the decision is made to close the School a text message will be sent to all parents as early as possible on the day and posted on our school web-site / Facebook page We cannot guarantee that all our staff can make it safely into school (many live a long way from Sherborne). This might mean usual lessons will not take place, but child care will operate (including SCAPA) NO school clubs will operate If your child usually has an adult to support their needs, we cannot ensure this will happen in these special circumstances Thank you for your kind support in these exceptional circumstances, Yours, Mr Ian Bartle (Headteacher)
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ
SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Harbour Way Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AJ Telephone 01935 812619 Fax 01935 817943 e-mail Website
Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH School Closure and Snow FAQs – SAST School (Sherborne Area Schools Trust) When is it decided whether a School will be open? This decision is usually made on the morning of each day. Sometimes the weather forecast and weather warnings are so certain about the amount of snow the next day it is possible to announce a closure in advance. We are also guided by the recommendations of the emergency services. Ordinarily we would try to make any decision by 7.15am at the latest. What factors are considered when making the decision to open? The School will do everything it can to stay open and continue to provide education for our children/students. We monitor the national and local forecasts carefully. We need to consider whether the weather is likely to improve or worsen. There is a difficult balance to be struck between the health and safety of staff and students and the need to continue as normal. If there are many days and weeks of ice and snow we believe it is important to keep operating. As a country and society we may have to get more used to coping with these types of conditions. There are very often different expectations from parents. Some expect us to close; others look for us to stay open. We are very conscious of the childcare issues which can result from school closure. The school does not want to see children/students or staff unable to get home having come to school. We do face particular challenges because of the distances some staff travel and the nature of the lanes and roads in our part of the country. Sometimes the disruption is very localised or the problem is access from side roads and estates which haven’t been cleared or gritted. How are parents informed about a school closure? This is posted on the School website & Facebook page (and via our text message system). If there is no closure announcement on the website, the school is open. An update will be added to the School website to keep everyone aware of the current situation. Dorset County Council has a system whereby the school informs the County on our status. This is updated on the Dorset website The local radio stations pick up this information from this site. What happens in school if it is open but there are students and staff absent? The staff make a great effort to get into School. If there are enough staff for the school to open we will try to operate as normally as possible. If the class teacher / suitable adult is present a lesson will take place. Some lessons will not be able to take place and students will be supervised elsewhere either as part of a collapsed timetable or in a central area (like the Hall). What happens if the school is open but your child is unable to attend because of local conditions? It is ultimately each parent’s decision as to whether it is safe and possible to get to school. Local conditions can be so variable that each individual journey will face its own difficulties. If an absence is genuine it is recorded as authorised and does not count against a student’s attendance record.
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ