SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Harbour Way Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AJ Telephone 01935 812619 Fax 01935 817943 e-mail Website
Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH
Monday 5th - Friday 16th April 2021
Date Monday 5th April
Tuesday 6th April
Jellyfish Sensory Bottles
Wednesday 7th April
Lego Challenges
Thursday 8th April
T-shirt Decorating (*Bring your own t-shirt) Positivity Pebbles
Friday 9th April Monday 12th April
Easter Monday - CLOSED
Easter Egg Hunt
*£1 extra payable at time of booking online
Trinket Bowls: Clay Creations Part 1 Painting to Music Scavenger Hunt Time to Paint: Clay Creations Part 2 Ball Games
Tuesday 13th April
String Painting
Wednesday 14th April
Short-story Writing
Thursday 15th April
Outside Chalk Drawings
Friday 16th April
Outdoor Games
Movie Afternoon
We reserve the right to make any changes to the above programme if it becomes necessary.
Please check the programme for times of sessions, anything to bring and *extra costs payable under ‘Holiday Activities’ on School Money.
Morning Session 7.45am- 12.30pm
HOLIDAY CHARGES Afternoon Session Extra hour in addition to morning or afternoon 12.30pm-5.30pm 11.30-12.30pm or 12.30-1.30pm
Cost per child
£11.50 £11.50 £2.70 Payment required at time of booking please. This should be done online via School Money if already registered. Thank you for your cooperation.
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ