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Home learning for EYFS Ladybirds and Grasshoppers Home learning

Information for home learning: Dear Parents below this slide you will find three slides for each day of the weeks you will be in isolation due to Covid 19 or other situations beyond your control. You will find a literacy and a maths task which we would encourage you to do everyday! Additionally a creative task if you would like more to do with your child. You will also receive the daily Phonics lesson on Dojo to keep your child up to date with their phonic learning program. Additionally if you require more work for your child you can follow the links below. Oxford reading owls. www.oxfordowl.co.uk Twinkl home learning hub www.twinkl.co.uk Home learning White Rose Maths, www.whiterosemaths.com [reception sol] Pintrest often have lovely creative ideas too!

Week 1 Ladybirds and Grasshoppers have been storytelling using Pie Corbett as our inspiration. The children have been learning to sign with our storytelling. This two week home learning plan will help to remind the children of the stories we have told. It will help to develop more confidence when telling stories and help to embed the signs they have learned to use. We hope it will be fun for you and your child.

Monday - Literacy Today we would like you to retell the story of The Gingerbread Man.

How will you tell your story? Will you change the characters? You could role play the story with your family. Or you can draw a story map, or you could create a walking map Can you teach an adult the story telling signs?

Monday - Maths

Monday - Creative Can you make a gingerbread man biscuit or a ginger cake. See Recipes

https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/ginger_and_ora nge_cake_77943 https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/search?q=gingerbread+ bisc.

Or make a sock puppet gingerbread man use him to tell the story.follow the link below. https://youtu.be/9yn_pzsdhAY

Tuesday - Literacy Continuing on from yesterday can you make a story road. To make a walking map use an old roll of wallpaper, draw a road with the parts of the story on your road. Or draw this outside with chalk on a paved area.

Tuesday - Maths

Tuesday - Creative Make Characters for your story road

https://youtu.be/qkanHRaD0Uk https://www.pinterest.co.uk/kinderooacad emy/story-props/ Or use lego or playmobil figures, Now retell you tale.

Wednesday - Literacy Rhyming activity. Make up your own rhyme about the gingerbread man. Can you make up your own rhyme about the gingerbread man. Use the tune of the wheels on the bus.

The gingerbread man runs round and round Round and round etc. The little old man says come back here come back here come back here all day long.

Wednesday - Maths

Wednesday - Creative Make a house or a boat for the gingerbread man using Junk modeling

Thursday - Literacy Today we would like you to retell the story of The Little Red Hen. How will you tell your story? Will you change the characters? You could role play the story with your family. Or you can draw a story map, or you could create a walking map. Can you teach an adult the story telling signs? Keep practicing!

Tuesday - Maths

Thursday - Creative https://www.playdoughtoplato.com/ cool-science-experiments/

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Friday - Literacy. Role Play the story of the Little red hen Who will you be in the story? Or use your own characters,to make up your own story!! You could use your dolls, or super heros in the story. Will spiderman be the main character, what does he plant What will he make at the end of the story?

Friday - Maths

Friday - Creative Go to bbcgoodfood.com for some good recipes

Be the Little red hen and Make your own bread!!

Week 2

Monday - Literacy

Can you recall and retell this story remember your signing! Then draw the characters from the story.

Monday - Maths

Monday - Creative

Pu wi t p da th e otat an rk c yes oes ha d s up in pp ee bo a en w ard s ha t

Cut the top off a carrot put it on a saucer of w ater and watch it grow

Tuesday - Literacy Today can you practice making shapes. You can make shapes like these in the bathroom steam with your finger on the wall or shower door or put some shaving foam on a plate and make the shapes. Alternatively these pencil control patterns can be found on Twinkl.co.uk

Tuesday - Maths

Tuesday - Creative Make some vegetable soup for lunch or tea. First you have to peel the vegetables we have practiced doing this in school. We also used sharp knives to chop our vegetables up. The children can help to wash the dishes too!

Look on bbcgood food.com for soup recipes and some simple and affordable ideas.

Wednesday - Literacy Change the characters in the story, can you explain to your adult who the characters are in the story of the Enormous Turnip? Can you change what happens in the story? Maybe it's not a Turnip but its a carrot, or an enormous potato.

When you have changed the story can you make a story map or draw your new Characters in the story.

Wednesday - Maths

Wednesday - Creative Draw yourself in the story.!! Where in the story sequence do you come in? are you before the mouse or after the mouse?

Thursday - Literacy Today we are retelling the story of Chicken liken. What were the Characters names. Can you tell the story to an adult in the correct sequence ?

Make a story map or story road to sequence the story. Which was the first animal in the sequence. ? Which was the last ? who was in the middle? Parent info: Animal order, Chicken licken, Henny penny, Ducky lucky, Goosey lucy, Turkey lurkey, Dracky lacky, Cocky locky, Foxy loxy.

Thursday - Maths

Thursday - Creative Make some playdough follow one of these recipes! https://funlearningforkids.com/easy-play-doug h-recipe-without-cream-tartar/ https://theimaginationtree.com/best-ever-no-c ook-play-dough-recipe/

Use your playdough to make the animals from the story or modle a cave for Foxy loxy!

Friday - Literacy Today we would like you to make up your own story based on the chicken licken rhyming story. Can you make up different names for your animals, Chicken wicken, turkey wurkey, or use your dolls and superheros give then funny rhyming names. Or make some stick puppets to use as characters

Friday - Maths

Last Maths Session

Friday - Creative Make some story puppets to tell your own story.

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