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Sherborne Primary School

2019 - 2nd Half - Spring Term Bulletin – No.51





Exciting Events at Sherborne Primary We have already had a busy term with many exciting events such as our Mental Health Week, which included all the children enjoying a pyjama day, dedicated workshop with the Samaritans, relaxing yoga and lots of information to help keep all our minds healthy! A huge thank you to Mrs Beatson for kindly organising this event on behalf of everyone. The children have also enjoyed a Year 5 Chemistry Show (at Sherborne Girls School). Our Reception children celebrated Chinese New Year alongside our friends at Mandarin House Chinese Restaurant. Our extra-curricular programme was as active as always with our Chess Team coming 4th in the Area Tournament (including Bella McKinnon being runner-up). The Basketball Team were crowned Area Champions winning the final 14-0! The Football Team are through to the Davidson Cup Quarter-Final and our Netball Team are representing the Area in the forthcoming North Dorset Netball Tournament. This half-term is equally as busy with many exciting learning opportunities; these include a Year 3 and 4 Samba Band Concert, a whole school Reading, Reciting & Debating Competition, KS1 visit for Acts of Kindness with our friends at The Hayes Care Home and our PTA Easter Events with an Easter Egg Hunt and decorating eggs! We hope everyone enjoys this half-term! Bi-Annual Parental Questionnaire ​(Monday 18th - Monday 25th March) At Sherborne Primary we strongly value the opinions of our parents / carers on ways to continue to improve our school. We will be texting everyone a link to an online questionnaire on ​Monday 18th March​ and have allowed for a week for everyone to kindly complete ​(closing date - Monday 25th March). ​There are a variety of quick questions to gauge your thoughts surrounding our school and for all to suggest ways forward and celebrate successful aspects of school. Thank you for your kind time in completing our questionnaire. Parental Information Evenings - Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st March We welcome all of our parents / carers to attend the Spring Term Parental Consultations at school. We all realise that education is a partnership between home and school and know the importance of this dedicated session to relay information about your children’s progress. Alongside the chance to discuss your children, you will also be given their ‘Spring Term Report Card’ which will also provide brief evidence of your child’s achievements and their attitude to learning. Please see the office / entrance hall for booking arrangements (from Monday 4th March) PTA - Easter Events This year the PTA has raised funds to support the construction of a new ‘playtrail’ within our KS1 Playground. The construction of this brilliant and fun addition is now completed & an excellent addition to the children’s playtime. The new play trail is also in addition to the PTA’s sponsorship of the Sensory Garden, which members have supported both financially and with hard work during its physical construction. This half-term the PTA will be holding a fun family ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ on ​Friday 29th March straight after school at 3:20pm​ as well as a ‘blown egg’ Easter decorating competition. ​More details to follow! SCAPA Holiday Club enjoyed another excellent half-term programme kindly organised by Mrs Clarke and her team. We are now taking bookings for the Easter Holidays (Monday 8th - Thursday 18th April 2019) at a cost of £10 per session.

Sherborne Primary School

2019 - 2nd Half - Spring Term Bulletin – No.51





To book for Holiday Club you will need to log on to ​​ If you haven’t used SCAPA or Holiday Club before, you will need to complete a registration form from the office, before you can book. REMINDER: SCAPA Bookings for the following week close at 12 noon on Friday, please make bookings online before the deadline, as SCAPA remains extremely popular and spaces may not be available. School Money There has been an update on School Money and parents now have the power to customise their own School Money password, once they are logged into their account. If using a computer you will see ‘Change Password’ in the top right hand corner. If using a mobile device, when you navigate to the menu sidebar it will be listed below History. If you have more than one child at this School, the new password will apply to all of your children. For further help on this, contact the office for a copy of the ‘Parent Password Guide’. Potential School Closure in Extreme Weather The school has only been closed a few times during the history of the school, each time due to heavy snowfall. The advice is that the school will open if at all possible but that if there is a snowfall… - Children arrive as usual at school at 8.45. - Children are properly clothed – Wellingtons, coats, gloves, hats (all named please). - Contact numbers are current. If the school closes during the day, parents will be contacted first (school text system) – children may be sent to “safe” (friends’) house(s) etc by agreement. - No child will be sent home without a safe arrangement being in place. - Parents of the youngest children may choose to keep their children at home if they feel this is appropriate. - No bicycles/scooters etc are to be brought to school. - In case Chartwells are unable to provide hot meals, please send your child to school with a packed lunch. - When the decision is made to close the School a ​text message​ will be sent to all parents as early as possible on the day. ​This will also be placed on the front page of our web-site & our Facebook Page. Drinks Bottles and No Chocolate / Cakes for Birthdays As a healthy school we strongly encourage our pupils to drink water throughout the day as this is essential to their well being. Ideally, water is preferred over juice. We have also had a rule to discourage distributing cakes etc for birthdays, although other healthy snacks are encouraged. We obviously balance this with the odd charitable Cake Sake. Thank you for kindly supporting our healthy schools programme. Spring Term Parental Forum - Date - TBC Via Text Soon We welcome all of our Parents / Carers to our termly Parental Forum. We have attempted various times to enable as many people to attend as possible as this group makes a real difference to our school. For example the forum led directly to the start of our NEW Facebook Page and helped us shape our payment systems to nearly completely online. These are just two examples of how influential this group has been in moving the school forward and listening to parental feedback.

Sherborne Primary School

2019 - 2nd Half - Spring Term Bulletin – No.51





If you are unable to attend, please could you kindly ​complete the ‘Topic / Area / Suggestion for discussion ’ box at the bottom of the newsletter and return to the office ASAP. ​We can then raise your ideas or comments. Fold up bed The school has a fold up bed - ideal for the extra guest for sale cost £20.00 please contact to the school office if interested Internet Safety We recently had representatives from the Dorset Police give a presentation to our year 2 and year 6 children, as well as parents and staff regarding internet safety. We encourage parents to talk to their children about keeping safe online and use the following resource if you have any questions or concerns World Book Day Thursday 7th March, 2019 We will be celebrating world book day on Thursday 7th March. Children are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character for a £1 donation. Red Nose Day Friday 15th March, 2019 We will be having non school uniform day on Friday 15th of March for Red Nose Day. We are asking children to dress in red for a £1 donation. The school council will also be selling red noses and also red (strawberry) milkshakes at breaktime for a charge of 30p. Children can also decorate a biscuit for 50p in their classrooms. C​lubs for the Spring Term 2019 We are hoping that we can move our extra-curricular club choices to an online system at the start of the Autumn Term 2019. To help with this, please ensure you have given the office your current email address for contact. More information to follow...

Parental Forum - Topic / Areas to discuss / Comments - Suggestions to help move our school forward - ​Please return to our office asap

Sherborne Primary School

2019 - 2nd Half - Spring Term Bulletin – No.51





DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – Spring Term 2019 As known at time of printing Date



HALF-TERM - Saturday 16th - Sunday 24th February Monday 25th Feb

All Day

Internet Safety Day - Parental Workshop with Dorset Police on Internet Safety - 2:30pm - Hall - ALL WELCOME

Wednesday 27th Feb

4.15pm - 5.15pm

Sherborne Area Cross-Country Championship - The Gryphon School

Friday 1st March

8:30 & 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘KS2 Show & Tell - ALL WELCOME’

1.45pm - 4.15pm

North Dorset Netball Finals - Sherborne Girls School


Book Fair Opens (running until Monday 11th March)

1:30pm - 3pm

Year 5 and 6 - Mixed Football Tournament - The Gryphon School


EYFS and KS1 Reading Competition

All day

World Book Day-Dress up as a book character £1 donation


Year 5 and 6 Debating Competition

8:30am & 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘EYFS and KS1 Show & Tell - ALL WELCOME’

Tuesday 12th March

4pm - 5:30pm

Sherborne Area Year 3 and 4 Football Tournament Sherborne Abbey School

Thursday 14th March


Year 3 and 4 - Reading & Reciting Competition

Friday 15th March

All Day

Red Nose Day - Non-school Uniform. Dress in red £1 donation and other activities.

8:30am & 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘KS2 Show and Tell - ALL WELCOME’

Tuesday 19th & Thursday 21st March

3:40pm onwards

Parental Consultations and Spring Term Report Cards NO CLUBS ON THESE DATES

Friday 22nd March

1pm - 3pm

Sherborne Area Year 5 Tag Rugby Tournament - Sherborne Primary School

2:45pm - 3:20pm

NO Parent’s Assembly ​(due to Tag Rugby)

Tuesday 5th March

Wednesday 6th March

Thursday 7th March

Friday 8th March

Sherborne Primary School

2019 - 2nd Half - Spring Term Bulletin – No.51





Week Commencing March 25th

All Week

Last Week for Clubs

Thursday 28th March

All day

Year 3 & 4 Trip to Monkey World

Friday 29th March

8:30am and 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘EYFS and KS1 Show & Tell - ALL WELCOME’


PTA Easter Egg Hunt and blown egg decorating competition

Tuesday 2nd April

4pm - 5:30pm

Sherborne Area Year 3 and 4 Netball and Year 5 and 6 Football Tournaments - Sherborne Abbey School

Friday 5th April

8:30am and 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘Pupil of the Term’ - ALL WELCOME

Easter Holidays - Saturday 6th April - Monday 22nd April Tuesday 23rd April

All Day

1st Day of Summer Term

Monday 6th May

All Day

Bank Holiday - No School

Monday 13th May

All Week


Summer Half-Term - Saturday 25th May - Sunday 2nd June Friday 7th June

8:30am and 9:00am

Year 6 Swimming-Sherborne School for Boys

Wed. 12th June-Fri. 14th June

All Day

Year 6 Residential to Brenscombe

Friday 21st June

8:30am and 9:00am

Year 6 Swimming-Sherborne School for Boys

Tuesday 25th June

All day

Year 6 Transition Day - Gryphon / Moving Up Day - New Classes

Wednesday 26th June

9:30am - 11:30am

KS1 Sports Day - School Field

Thursday 27th June

1:30pm - 3:20pm

KS2 Sports Day - School Field

Friday 28th June

All day

INSET Day - No School

Friday 5th July

8:30 and 9:00am

Year 6 Swimming-Sherborne School for Boys

Friday 12th July

8:30 and 9:00am

Year 6 Swimming-Sherborne School for Boys

Monday 15th July

All Week

Activities Week

Friday 19th July

8:30 and 9:00am

Year 6 Swimming-Sherborne School for Boys

Tuesday 23 July

11am - 12pm

Year 6 - Leavers Service - School Hall ​(followed by Year 6

Sherborne Primary School

2019 - 2nd Half - Spring Term Bulletin – No.51





Family Picnic - Outdoor Classroom) Summer Holidays - Wednesday 24th July - Sunday 1st September Monday 2nd September

All Day

Inset Day - No School

Tuesday 3rd September

All Day

Inset Day - No School

Wednesday 4th September


1st Day of Autumn Term

Some of the exciting fun we have at Sherborne Primary - Mental Health Week / Enjoying the snow! / Basketball Champions! / Books at Bedtime

Sherborne Primary School

2019 - 2nd Half - Spring Term Bulletin – No.51





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