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Sherborne Primary School

2018 – 2nd Half Summer Term Bulletin – No.47





Welcome and Goodbye to Staff At the end of the year we are very sad to say our Sherborne Primary family goodbyes to Mrs Adams (Teaching Assistant) who has been with us for 22 years. Also we are wishing Miss Douch (Teaching Assistant / SCAPA) every success in her move to Scotland. We warmly welcome Miss Hawkins to our teaching staff in September and know she is really looking forward to teaching at our school. SCAPA – Breakfast Club and After-school Club – Please contact the School Office in school hours on 01935 812619 and/or SCAPA out of school hours on tel: 01935 810001 to enquire about bookings. Opening times are 8:00am until 8:55am and 3:30pm until 6:00pm during term time. Booking for term time have become very popular to ensure a place please book on-line in advance. Spring Bank Holiday SCAPA – programme will be on our website very shortly. Years 5 & 6 Summer Production Miss Durrant and her team welcome all parents / carers and families to our Summer Production of ‘Peter Pan (by J.M.Barrie)’. I know this will include amazing singing and acting plus show casing the talents of our oldest children. The children will be performing as follows: Dress Rehearsal - (School Children only) - Monday 9th July (during the school day) Afternoon Performance - Wednesday 11th July - 2pm - School Hall Evening Performances - Tuesday 10th & Thursday 12th July - 5:30pm - School Hall More information regarding the FREE tickets will be available nearer the time. Can I thank everyone for all your kind encouragement for your children, costumes, learning lines and attending the performances! Can I also thank Miss Durrant and her amazing team of adults for all their hard work and dedication in producing this brilliant play!

Online Payments and Bookings To support everyone with saving time we would strongly recommend utilising our School Money online payment system to pay for things like SCAPA and school trips etc. This will again save queuing at our busy office hatch. Please click on our web-site for the link and more information. This will be found under Parents – School Money End of Year School Reports The end of year school reports will be sent to all of our parent / carers by pupil post on Friday 20th July. Unless there is a formal court order in place only one copy will be sent to families to share as appropriate.However, the school will do its utmost to support difficult family situations and will make a photocopy after the reports have been sent. If you do wish for this to happen, please contact your class teacher. Within the school report will be attendance information, statutory assessments (Yr 2 / Yr 6 & Yr 1 Phonic Checks), targets for the following year and efforts / attainment grades for your child. Activities Week - Monday 16th - Friday 20th July 2018 The school has organised a very exciting ‘Activities Week’ linked to sport and exercise to encourage our children to get up and get active. This will include ALL of our KS2 children going sailing and a range of external visitors coming into school to show our children a range of other sporting activities. Thank you to Miss Layton for kindly co-ordinating these exciting events!

Sherborne Primary School

2018 – 2nd Half Summer Term Bulletin – No.47





EYFS & KS1 / KS2 Sports Days Wednesday 20th June - EYFS & KS1 Sports Day - 9:15am - 11:30am Thursday 21st June - KS2 Sports Day - 1:30pm - 3:30pm (wet weather dates TBC) Our Reception / KS1 children (classes - Grasshoppers, Ladybirds, Oak, Ash & Elm) earn stickers for themselves, whilst KS2 children (classes - Hawks, Owls, Eagles, Jaguars, Tigers & Leopards) earn points for their teams (red, yellow, blue & purple). At KS2 there is a guiding principle that races are ‘seeded’ i.e. the fastest in each team and so on. This gives everyone a chance to win a race and all children take part. All children are required to bring in their normal PE kit and also need a coloured T-shirt for whichever team they belong to. Please could you kindly provide appropriate sun protection (sun hat and sunscreen) and a named water bottle for your child (no glass bottles please). Parents / carers, grandparents and other family members are welcome and encouraged to attend and watch. Please could you bring your own seating. If the weather is poor a text message will be sent on the day (or as soon as possible). PTA Summer Fayre (Friday 6th July - 3:30pm onwards) PLUS - NEW KS1 Playtrail! Our Sponsored Bounce, once again was a huge success and great fun for all! It was also well supported by our kind parents / PTA (please see photos below) The PTA have also been working on creating another amazing Summer Fayre which will include the usual array of stalls, events, refreshments etc. This will also include a prize packed draw and a great family fun event on Friday 6th July at 3:30pm. We will actively be looking for helpers for this event. Thank you for your kind support. (Please contact our office if you can help and we will pass your details to the PTA). All of their hard work (and your very kind donations and support) have led to the forthcoming installation of a new KS1 Playtrail which will be placed in the back KS1 playground (this was after many parents / carers suggested this addition to our facilities last year). A HUGE thanks to Jo Kemp / Caroline Humphreys and their team for co-ordinating our PTA so well! End of Year Events for our Year 6 Pupils & Leavers Service - Tuesday 24th July - 11am As always we try and make the end of summer term special for our Year 6 pupils. We have also included the bi-annual ‘Dragon’s Apprentice’ which is similar to ‘Dragon’s Den’ and tests our Yr 5 & 6 pupil’s business sense, design and mathematical skills (this will be held within the Summer Fayre). We have another new event, a special ADDITIONAL ‘Leavers Service’ held within Sherborne Abbey alongside our SAST (Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust) group of schools (see below for further details). We also know the children will enjoy their residential visit to Brenscombe! Finally we have (now traditional) Sherborne Primary School end of year Leavers Service on the last day of the summer term (Tuesday 24th July at 11am) this is then followed by our Year 6 ‘Family Picnic’ within our grounds at lunchtime. Year 6 children are welcome to leave after this picnic (with an appropriate adult) alongside their families (sibling children).

Sherborne Primary School

2018 – 2nd Half Summer Term Bulletin – No.47





DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – Summer Term 2018 As known at time of printing Date Friday 8th June



All Day

Year 5 Kwik Cricket Competition Shillingstone Cricket Club

3pm - 3:30pm

Parental Assembly - Achievements & EYFS & KS1 Focus

Monday 11th June


Grasshoppers Class to visit the Hayes Old People’s Home - workshop

Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th June

All Days

Year 6 Residential Visit to Brenscombe Activity Centre

Thursday 14th June

All Day

Foundation Stage visit to Ryewater Farm

Friday 15th June

3pm - 3:30pm

Parental Assembly - Achievements & KS2 Focus

Saturday 16th June

12:30pm - 2pm

School Choir Performance within the Sherborne Summer Extravaganza Purlieu Meadow

Monday 18th June

9:15am - 10:30am

New Reception Parents - 2nd Induction Session - Hall

4pm - 5:15pm

Sherborne Area Athletics - The Gryphon School (NO reserve date if wet)

All day

Owls class visit to Gore Farm

Wednesday 20th June

9:15am - 11:30am

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day - School Field

Thursday 21st June

1:30pm - 3:30pm

KS2 Sports Day - School Field

Friday 22nd June

3pm - 3:30pm

Parental Assembly - Achievements & EYFS / KS1 Focus

Tuesday 26th June

All Day

Transition Day for Year 6 pupils (go to the Gryphon) & Moving Up Day - new classes for Sept 2018

Friday 29th June

All Day


Monday 2nd to Friday 6th July

All Week


Sherborne Primary School

2018 – 2nd Half Summer Term Bulletin – No.47





Monday 2nd July

All Day

Whole School ECO DAY

Tuesday 3rd July


Year 6 Leavers Service with other SAST Schools - Sherborne Abbey - TBC

Wednesday 4th July


Ladybirds Class to visit the Hayes Old People’s Home - workshop

Friday 6th July (Last day for clubs)

3pm - 3:30pm

NO Parental Assembly

3:30pm onwards


Monday 9th July


Dress Rehearsal for Yr 5 & 6 Play school only

Tuesday 10th July

5:30pm - 7pm

Yrs 5 & 6 Summer Play

Wednesday 11th July

2pm - 3:30pm

Yrs 5 & 6 Summer Play

All Day

KS1 visit to Studland

5:30pm - 7pm

Final Yrs 5 & 6 Summer Play


Sherborne Area Swimming Gala - Oxley’s Sports Centre - selected team

Friday 13th July


Sherborne Area Rounders & Cricket Tournaments - The Terraces Sherborne Yrs 5 & 6 selected pupils

Monday 16th - Friday 20th July

All Week

Activities Week! Lots of events

Monday 16th July

All Day

Year 5 Sailing - Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre (Early start)

Tuesday 17th July

All Day

Year 4 Sailing - Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre (Early start)

Wednesday 18th July

All Day

Year 3 Sailing - Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre (Early start)

Thursday 19th July

All Day

Year 6 Sailing - Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre (Early start)

Thursday 19th July

3pm - 3:30pm

Parental Assembly - Achievements & Pupils of the Term

Thursday 12th July

Sherborne Primary School

2018 – 2nd Half Summer Term Bulletin – No.47


Friday 20th July




All Day

Yr 5 & 6 visit to London (Science Museum & London Zoo). Early start and back late


No parental assembly

Tuesday 24th July

11am onwards

Yr 6 Leavers Service followed by Yr6 family picnic

Wednesday 25th July

All Day


Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th August

9:45am - 3:30pm

Champion Challenge St Paul’s Holiday Club (FREE holiday club for 7 - 11 years old children. Church based)

1st day of the Autumn Term 2018 - Wednesday 5th September 2018 (INSET Days on Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th)

Our children thoroughly enjoyed the PTA’s Sponsored Bounce / Bug Fest / Choir Concert in Yeovil Marsh to an Old People’s Home / Our ‘Top Table’ supporting the Royal Wedding

Sherborne Primary School

2018 – 2nd Half Summer Term Bulletin – No.47





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