Parent Forum – Behaviour – Thursday 2nd Feb 2017 Only 6 parents attended although all agreed that is had been a useful talk and agreed the NSPCC leaflet should be passed onto all parents. It was good for parents to meet the schools family advisor. One parent raised the issue of their child not being happy playing with others at lunchtime and was concerned about whether the lunchtime supervisors were dealing with this, it was suggested they use the indoor lunchtime club, although the parent was concerned about this being used by mainly ‘naughty’ children, Ian said that this was not the case. We talked through both the positive and negative behaviour policies and what parents can do at home to reinforce this. One parent raised a concern about some inconsistencies with SCAPA staff and how they deal with behaviour. Ian suggested speaking to SCAPA staff about this. One parent raised a concern that when following the behaviour policy it is important that children for who it may be out of character to be showing disruptive behaviour are not then put with particularly difficult children, where they might then copy worse behaviour that they had not seen before. All parents seemed really happy and positive about the schools reward system. We agreed that it is nice for the children to go to the head teacher for rewards and not just see him as someone who tells them off when they have been ‘naughty’. Class DoJo and Tapestry were both praised for being really good, it is nice to see what your child has done during the day as well as using it as a quick way to communicate with each other. It was noted that staff are good at using positive language with the students in the school such as ‘good walking’ instead of ‘don’t run’. It was suggested that there is a slip put on the bottom of the next newsletter to ask parents what topics they would like the next parent forum to be about. It was suggested that the next forum is at 4pm (depending on the ability to provide a crèche) so that different parents can attend. Action points
Give out NSPCC leaflet to all parents Include date for next parent forum on next newsletter and ask parents for topic and time suggestions Look into the possibility of an online anonymous comment/suggestion box