SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES FOR THIS YEAR - 2018 - 2019 Whole School Priorities ACHIEVEMENT To improve the outcomes for all children (particularly EYFS and end of KS2)
Key Actions ●
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WRITING To raise standards in all areas of writing across the school
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Develop effective baseline for all children at each year group to measure progress- including NFER standardised scores (measure accurate progress) Set aspirational targets for each year group / child to improve attainment and progress Ensure assessments are robust by effective moderation, marking and feedback. Improve provision mapping system to target correct intervention and focus on specific pupils (within a manageable workload) To make assessment, target setting and moderation of writing more robust and aspirational across the school To provide high-quality, purposeful CPD for all staff to improve writing in the school- triad teaching To embed spelling and phonic strategies in writing across the school by investing in exceptional resources. Utilise technology to support writing
SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES FOR THIS YEAR - 2018 - 2019 Whole School Priorities BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING To become resilient learners with outstanding behaviour at Sherborne Primary School
Key Actions ● ● ● ●
To improve behaviour and reward system, including new enrichment afternoons Focus on resilience as part of our class dojo reward system Improvements to Senior Pupil programme to include peer mentoring role for older pupils To create resilience beyond our school and with families and SAST to support our community. Inspire Mornings.
Improvements to our school tracking system via SIMS Developing our outside area at Sherborne Primary- including our Sensory Garden High Quality CPD for all staff via SAST- e.g. Effective Middle Leaders course Continue to improve our computing provision at SPS with support from SAST To continue to be an outstanding school for all aspects of Safeguarding To work with all SAST schools to further enhance opportunities for all staff and pupils To plan ahead more to enable smooth operations within school