SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Harbour Way Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AJ Telephone 01935 812619 e-mail Website
Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH Management Accounts 2020-21 October 2020 Period 2 Finance / Budget (including Pupil Premium + PE grant finances) Month 1 YTD £’s
Month 2 Current Month £’s
Month 2 YTD £’s
Variance to budget £10.78K
Staffing Expenditure
Other Expenditure
Surplus/ (Deficit) Excluding Capital
Capital Income
Capital Expenditure
Total Capital Funds
Surplus/(Deficit) Including Capital
Variance to budget £15.7K
Variance to budget £26.48K
Total Income YTD –Circa £26.48K additional income compared to Trustee approved budget
Total Staff expenditure YTD – Circa £2.49K favourable compared to Trustee Approved Budget
Total other expenditure YTD – Circa £7.48K favourable compared to Trustee Approved budget
Surplus (excluding capital) YTD actual - £37.90K Trustee Approved budget £1.47K a favourable variance of £36.45K
Total Capital Funds YTD actual – (£0.83K) Budget £nil
The overall budget is as agreed by the Trustees for the academic year 2020/21.
Notes and comments by exception to be read in conjunction with Management Account Report 31/10/2020.
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ
Income In month actual £147.68K Approved Budget £131.98K Favourable Variance £15.7K Month 2 2020/21
Year to Date 2020/21
RPA £0.47 paid by SAST reversed from this nominal but posted to insurance nominal. To be adjusted for future months COVID Catch Up Funding £2.13K (not known at budget setting)
RPA £0.95 paid by SAST reversed from this nominal but posted to insurance nominal.
Primary Sports Funding £1.56K (not known at budget setting)
Primary Sports Funding £9.7K including £6.58K carried forward from 2019/20 (not known at budget setting
Private Sector Funding
SEN Funding £9.5K Exceptional payment for 2 pupils FSM Donation £0.93K (corresponding expenditure incurred for FSM vouchers Oct half term).
SEN Funding £9.5K Exceptional payment for 2 pupils Donations £.73K Additional income received: Donation for FSM vouchers, PTA re purchase of dictionaries.
Other Income
Other income:
Other income:
Extended School (£3.17K) SCAPA open budget set on a straight line basis across the year.
Self-generated (£0.5K) Photo commission not yet received
GAG Funding
Other Govt Grants
To be adjusted for future months COVID Catch Up Funding £4.2K (not known at budget setting).
Extended School broadly in line with budget Letting Income broadly in line with budget, however no hall lettings from Nov due to COVID restrictions and schools requirement for the hall. Catering income (£1.01K) Loss of income from sale of hot school meals due COVID school closure and partial opening not providing hot meals. Trip Income (£2.51K) No trips or swimming currently taking place, therefore no corresponding expenditure incurred.
Staff Expenditure
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ
In month actual £110.32K compared to Approved Budget £108.08K Variance (£2.24K) Month 2 2020/21
Year to Date 2020/21
In month broadly in line with budget Sept 20 Teachers pay scales and performance management, not yet approved and will need to be backdated.
Positive variance of £3.4K to budget Sept 20 Teachers pay scales and performance management, not yet approved and will need to be backdated.
Teachers pay award and pension grant to partially off-set expenditure, see income
Teachers pay award and pension grant to partially off-set expenditure, see income.
(£4.16K) overspend
(£4.72K) overspend
Additional TA support in classes SEN and COVID catch up plus sickness cover.
Additional TA support in classes SEN and COVID catch up plus sickness cover.
Premises Staff
(0.5K) overspend Additional cleaning to prevent COVID
(£0.6K) overspend Additional cleaning to prevent COVID
Admin Staff
Broadly in line with budget
Broadly in line with budget
Other Staff (Extended School and Midday Supervisors)
£1.23K positive variation
£3.2K positive variation
SCAPA operating reduced hours and staffing during Sept and Oct.
In month broadly in line with budget Sept 20 Teachers pay scales and performance management not yet approved and will need to be backdated.
SCAPA operating reduced hours and staffing during Sept-Oct member of staff not replaced, hours of operation extending from Nov and staff contracts amended to cover. Positive variance of £1.3K to budget Sept 20 Teachers pay scales and performance management, not yet approved and will need to be backdated.
Teachers pay award and pension grant to partially off-set expenditure, see income
Teachers pay award and pension grant to partially off-set expenditure, see income.
Teaching staff
Educational Support staff
Other Expenditure
In month actual £19.72K compared to Approved Budget £22.89K Variance (£3.2K)
Maintenance of Premises
Month 2 2020/21
Year to date 2020/21
Broadly in line with budget.
Broadly in line with budget.
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ
Other Occupational Costs
Educational Supplies and Services
Other Supplies and Services
ICT Costs (Non Capital) Staff Development
(£0.56K) variance
Positive variance £0.69K
Cleaning Materials (£0.5K) Additional cleaning materials following COVID Insurance (£0.47) RPA posted to this nominal whilst refund of cost has been posted to GAG (Adjustment to be made)
Cleaning material and caretaker costs, (£0.97K) increased cleaning across school in response to Covid 19 and hand washing Insurance (£1.5K) RPA posted to this nominal whilst refund of cost has been posted to GAG (Adjustment to be made)
Savings across various nominal
Savings across various nominal
In month positive variance £2.57K spread across various nominal:
£4.23K positive variance spread across various nominal:
Due to reduced educational resources purchased in month and no trip/swimming costs incurred.
Due to reduced educational resources purchased in month and no trip/swimming costs incurred.
£0.89 positive variance spread across a number of nominal.
£1.89K positive variance spread across a number of nominal.
Catering £2K underspend, reduced meals taken as currently packed lunch option.
Catering £3K underspent, due to reduced meals taken as currently packed lunch option.
Free School Meals (£0.93) donation provided to cover re Oct half term
Free School Meals (£0.93) donation provided to cover re Oct half term
Telephone costs (£0.46K) school moved from BT to IT based system installed in summer holidays, however BT failed to cancel contract, complaint raised
Telephone costs (£0.45K) school moved from BT to IT based system installed in summer holidays, however BT failed to cancel contract, complaint raised
Broadly in line with budget Broadly in line with budget
Broadly in line with budget Broadly in line with budget
In month net actual (£0.83K) compared to Approved Net Budget Nil Variance £0.83K Month 2 2020/21
Year to date 2020/21
Capital Income
DFC £0.63K
DFC Grant
Capital Expenditure
£0.79K Wall dispensers
DFC Expenditure in year £0.79 Wall dispensers
Prepared by Lynn Pearcey 9/12/2020
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ