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Week 5 Summer Term Dear Parent Mrs Maskew here !! I will be back with you all at the beginning of the next half term. This week I am dipping my toes in to help get my head around how this all works! So please bare with me, you are all old hands at this now. I have been watching you all on Tapestry and the amazing work you are doing with your children. You all need to be awarded the parent of the year and the Role Model of the year. Who could have predicted that you would be called upon to be so versatile. I do hope you are well and taking good care. Mrs Rose, Mrs Batty and all the EYFS Staff have also earned a Superhero Award for their dedication to you all throughout this unbelievable phenomenon. As Mrs Rose explained in her letter to you last week how planning across school is going to change from now on. This is to assist you if you have several children of different ages in our school. At last we have reached the last week before half term, it is nearly time to have a well earned rest from home schooling! This week I have tried not to plan too many things for you to do. I have chosen to weave the activities around the creative activities on Cornerstones.Therefore, there will be a different theme each day. In order to bring together all of the lovely learning you have all been doing, I have planned some revision of the learning objectives by revisiting some of the phonic sounds and maths skills. As Mrs Rose has said, PLEASE, please, please just pick what interests your child or what you feel they need most. You are all doing so many other valuable activities with your children that do not link to the plans but are so important for their development e.g. throwing and catching a ball, kids yoga, baking, preparing meals, digging in the garden, caring for animals. Whatever you do is valuable time spent with your child. Remember if you are finding all of this really quite daunting use the materials in the pack you were given before the Easter break, tricky words and so on to keep your child's brain turning over. The text in pink are suggested extension activities if you feel your child would like more work to do or they are achieving the set tasks quickly and easily and therefore need stretching. Please remember we are all on hand to help you. Just add an observation to your child's Tapestry The text in red is for your information. You DO NOT need to read this to your child. If you need assistance use your childs journal, that way ONLY staff will see what you write, and we can respond just to you. Thank you and well done for doing so amazingly well at homeschooling.

Best wishes from Mrs Maskew,Mrs Rose, Mrs Batty and all of the EYFS team.

A reminder of the web sites to visit. Espresso Discovery Education:- Username: student11023 Password: sherborne. Phonics Play:- Username: march20 Password: home Happy Half Term Everyone!!!!

Monday 18th May 2020 Phonics today is revision of the er, digraph, ear and air trigraphs. Including alternative ur. please read this comic on phonics play then watch the clip e-k Answer some of the questions with your child then talk about how you used to go to the hairdressers but

now we cannot. Did you spot our sounds in the comic clip Please look at the sheets on Twinkle, Mixed 3/4phase working with rhyming words. Can you make a list of words using today's phonemes? What can you hear do the words rhyme? They don't have to be hairdressing words, any words with today's sounds. Hair, curl, perm, clear. Follow the link below, Mr Thorne does phonics er,ur, ear,and air. Which objects does Geraldine find? Can you find different objects? orn If you would like to extend phonics today look at tricky words with the owl. Go to phonics play can you read and these tricky words

Monday 18th May 2020 Today's maths challenge is to collect as many stones/ pebbles as possible, 25-30 if you can. Paint your pebble with a number on one side, or a pattern on one side and a number from 1-20-30.on the other. Let them dry in the sunshine ,we are going to keep these pebbles to decorate your garden, or your path or hallway. This will be a little reminder of how wonderful your parents have been at this time. Painting the stones with PVA glue once the paint is dry may preserve them. You have to be really careful as your paint may smudge. [Alternatively you can get a spray to fix the paint but that may not be possible under present circumstances] Now we are going to make number lines and number sums with our pebble/stones. Place your pebbles in the correct order. Place your pebbles in a line missing odd numbers out, place your numbers in a line missing even numbers out and so on. Then Leave some random pebbles out of your line, each time get the children to identify which ones are missing. Can you place the missing number? Can you make a sum with your pebbles?

Tuesday 19th May 2020 Today our reading challenge is to read the comic on phonics play

This is all about different vehicles.

Can you spot which vowel digraph is not included in this story? Can you spot how many ai words, ee words, igh words and ao words there are? Can you make a list of these words? Make your own vehicle out of the things you have at home [a chair, a box,] make a trail for your vehicle outside, can you follow your trail in your vehicle? Can you follow/ walk through the trail blindfolded while an adult tells you the way to go?

Tuesday 19th May 2020 Play splat the number. Have you got a fly swat, a big sock or a wafter [rolled news paper] or something similar. Let the child write some numbers on post it notes up to and including the number your child is working with, 1-10. 1-15. 1-20.-1-30.

Role a dice or several dice Splat the number depicted on the dice, or call out a number and splat the number.

Call out two numbers or throw two dice What does it add up to, splat the answer Fun time; paint dot to dot numbers how many can you paint ?

Tuesday 19th May 2020 Phonics today: Compete with yourself. How many tricky words can you read in 3 minutes? Have you beaten the clock/stop watch? Then how many in 2 minutes? You can use your Pack or go to for Phase 3. Or for Phase 4. We need to make sure we can decode all words presented to us even if they are not really words. Follow the link below play the game, choose Phase 3 and then 4 or Phase 5 if you feel your child will be able to do this

Wednesday 20th May 2020 Story time: We are going do some dancing today!! First we need to read the story ,Mole Can Dance; go to; Story time: Rat-A-Tat-Tat Moles Can Dance

Follow this up with some of the activities. Choose from the side of the screen, from videos or activities Kim's quiz and or sequence the story activity. If your children are having fun then you can watch the cows woodpecker and frogs dancing and other dancing videos.Time to move!!, choose a favourite piece of music and make up your

own dance Try and help your child develop a sequence. Can they write their sequence out 2 jumps 3 turns 1 pirouette? Keep repeating their dance until they know it!

Wednesday 20th May 2020 Can you sequence the story Mole Can Dance ? Draw a story on a story sequence board. Can you label your story with a short sentence underneath? Have you used any of our vowel digraphs? You can draw your story boxes on paper or find one on the link below. What is Mole doing in your story pictures, is he dancing is he digging?

Wednesday 20th May 2020 Let’s get dancing again!! with the dance you have already choreographed !! This time you are going to count your steps, write them down, how many steps are there in your dance altogether? If you make 3 jumps and three turns how many moves have you made? count them all together. Can you draw dots, or use numicon or counters to show the number? If you dance your sequence twice how many steps is that? Use counters again to find out. If you can, write out your sum.

Thursday 21th May 2020 Read owl babies on the link below or use the book if you have it. Today we are looking for ‘ow’ in the text and one of our tricky words, can you spot it, listen carefully! odule986739/ You will find lots of activities around this page if you go to videos and activities Paint a picture of the owls. Can you find 3 facts about owls?

Thursday 21th May 2020 Look at Espresso Polly's Phonics ‘ow’

Can you do Polly’s challenge? Find this on the screen to the right, scroll down and find the ‘ow’ word challenge. Then take the challenge of the little dragons and their eggs.

Can you draw or paint a baby owl what is s/he saying what is your owls name? Can you write my owls name is……. In a speech bubble ? Are you using any of the vowel digraphs? Ask your adult to check!!

Thursday 21st May 2020 Today our creative challenge links with our Maths challenge again. Collect objects from around your house. How many do you have ? Can you make them into sets of things? Things from the kitchen, wooden things, metal things. Mummys things, Daddys things. Can you think of other groups of things. Can you make a subset, things from the kitchen, metal things from the kitchen, take photographs of the object and put them on Tapestry. Did you count them, how many items did you collect ? How many in each set or subset ? Write out the numbers in your sets.

Friday 22nd May 2020 At last you can breath!! This is our last day before a week of rest!!! Well done everyone you are amazing. Today we are going to be Winnie the Witch. Follow the link and read the story ex.html Story time: Rat-A-Tat-Tat Winnie the Witch Read the story on the link above Go to the Activities and the videos you will find a Winnie the Witch song to learn Think about the colours Winnie turns the things in the house and of course Wilbur. Can you write out/spell the colours, which of the colour words have our digraphs, vowel digraphs in them?

Friday 22nd May 2020 Phonics today. Practice your tricky words on flash cards from your pack. Find your favourite story and look to see if there are any tricky words in the story. Write the words as you find them. Count how many times you find “and”, “said” and “the”. Follow this Link:-

Play Brain Train on Phonics Play. Use Phase 3, 4 or 5 depending on what your child can cope with, they need to feel confident and successful.

Friday 22nd May 2020 Lets have some fun: Paint a picture of your house or family, what colour will they be? Or paint Winnie and Wilbur what colour will they be? Make a Magic Wand Abracadabra!!! Play [Kim’s game] have a variety of object on a tray. The children look carefully at the tray remember what is on the tray, cover with a tea towel, wave your magic wand [ carefully remove something from the tray whilst the children cover their eyes] The children have to decide what is missing. Move the objects around. Learn Winnie's song on Espresso. Sing it to your adults. Go outdoors make potions for Winnie and Wilbur, you can use flower petals, water, paint, coloring, leaves, whatever you would like. What will your potion do, what magic spell will it create.

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