Wednesday 22nd April Use Mrs Rousells story map and the story making actions to tell ‘Billy Goats Gruff’ to your family and even video it for your friends, extended family or teachers.
NOW - Please watch Mrs Beatsons video where she tells ‘The Billy Goats Gruff’ story that we are using this week.
Phonics Watch this Alphablocks video and If you like Mr Thorne watch and Can you complete the sheet to revise three vowel digraphs on the next slide? (Also in documents folder on Tapestry under Wednesday 22nd April or you can just use a plain piece of paper and list all the ai, oa and ee words you can think of).
Maths Warm up - Can you count in tens? (10, 20, 30, 40) Can you count in tens from zero? From 30? From 70? Now watch - NUMBERBLOCKS
Then watch - NUMBERBLOCKS up to 6:30 pause this every now and talk about how each number has ‘1 ten and e.g. 5 more or 5 ones for 15’. Now make a bundle of ten e.g. ten pencils tied together with an elastic band. Also have ten individual pencils (to be the ‘ones’). Ask your child to get 12, 14, 17, etc. They will use their ‘one ten’ and the correct number of ones. Encourage your child to ‘count on’ from 10 to say totals rather than counting all e.g. for 13 ‘Ten, 11, 12, 13 there are 13’. Show children how to write the number. ‘There is one ten so we write a 1 to show 1 ten and 3 ones so we write a 3 that is 13’. Repeat activity over the week in different contexts.
If you have an abacus you could use this to teach tens and ones. This sheet may be useful to follow up the maths activity above.
Super Learning Choose 3 toy animals to be your goats, create a ‘river’ you may use fabric, a towel, cut a paper river, bubble wrap, etc. Can you build a bridge so that your 3 animals can cross the river? What will you use? How will the bridge stand up without you holding it?