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Week 6 - Monday 1st June Dear Parents Welcome back to the second half of the Summer Term. We hope you are all well and have had a good break from homeschooling. We have 3 main priorities for this weeks home learning. 1) To encourage ALL children to apply their super phonic knowledge to their OWN writing. We have devised activities that are purposeful for your child. Their writing will have a real audience. You could also encourage your child to write for a purpose e.g. birthday cards, shopping lists, recipes to send to a friend, etc. 2) To be in line with the rest of the school (this should really help families who have several children at our school) and use the Cornerstones Big Ideas Challenges (This week ‘Processes’) as the only planned activity to supplement Maths and Literacy. 3) To address how everyone is feeling in these unsettling times and begin to prepare those children who are returning to school on 8th June. There will be significant changes from what they are used to. On that note you will appreciate that we will be in school each day from 1/6/20 rearranging classrooms and resources, cleaning equipment, planning, supporting Key Worker/vulnerable families children who will be in school already, etc. Therefore although we will carefully look at what you upload onto Tapestry we might only have time to ‘like’ these rather than write a comment. There are lots of new files for you to use if you wish in Documents under ‘Summer Term week 6 (June 1st) and in the maths files. These both support the slides below OR offer some alternatives. They are worth looking at. Even if you do not wish to print any out they may give you ideas. Many thanks for your continued support and the wonderful work you are doing with your child. From Mrs Rose, Mrs Maskew, Mrs Batty and the EYFS team.

This weeks whole school theme is Processes. The idea is that you choose which activities you do and in which order. However we have linked some maths activities to these and so put some into a day. Those of you with more than 1 child at school may therefore wish to be more flexible as all of your children will have the same or similar challenges .

Many of you have already completed this challenge in April (thanks Arthur!)

Communication, Language and Literacy Talk with an adult about today’s date. Do you still have your calendar? Can you show today’s date on your calendar?

Writing What was the best thing you did in May? Or what was the most interesting thing you found out? Can you draw a picture and then write about it. You can present this in anyway you wish. It could be in a letter (so that you can then post or deliver this to someone) or on a postcard. Templates in Documents folder if needed.

We look forward to reading your writing and seeing your drawings. If your child finds this hard due to lockdown there are some different postcards on Twinkl they could write using their imagination/hopes/desires! https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-132-create-a-postcard-activity

Photo courtesy of Boston Public Library(@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution

Phonics - Can you spot/highlight the or and aw digraphs?

Maths option 1 - The Yes/No game

Postit notes work well

Maths - option 2 What can you use to time the car? It could be a non standard measure e.g. counting as consistently as you can or standard measure using a stopwatch on a mobile phone to measure in seconds.

You may prefer to measure the distance travelled by each car.

Tuesday 2nd June Hello Ladybirds and Grasshoppers. Today your Literacy activity is to read these slides about Pushes and Pulls. They will help you with today's maths and Science challenge.

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Which Olympic sports use pushes or pulls?

Caveman Game Push or Pull (click me)

Pushes and Pulls sorting game (Click me)

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Is this a push or a pull?

Which Olympic sports use pushes or pulls?

Caveman Game Push or Pull (click me)

Pushes and Pulls sorting game (Click me)

Handwriting Look at your child’s writing which letters do they need more practise to form correctly? I have noticed lowercase i is one letter many children need to practise as it has a small flick at the bottom and a very small dot above a space.

Can you practise forming some of your letters correctly? Make it fun!

Maths and Science You could make a list of objects you pull and push and take it around your home and garden to fill in. You may use two hoops or two circles of string to make an actual venn diagram to sort your some of objects? Use Espresso There are excellent videos on Espresso https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/module s/s1_forces_motion/pushes_pulls/index.html

And https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/ modules/ey_fireflies_plus/wheels/video _wheels.html which has a quiz your child could read.

And activities https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/s1_f orces_motion/activities/index.html

Can you find any objects that you can push and pull? Did you find more objects that you push or pull? How many more?

Today we look forward to seeing your ideas for a rainbow colour poem. So a great way to get active and collect ideas is to go on a colour scavenger hunt first. (Some of you may have previously done this and so will be an expert or could challenge yourself to find something better/prettier)! There is a sheet available in documents.

Some poems to share if you don’t have a poetry book.

Wednesday 3rd June Communication, Language and Literacy - Poems Do you have any poetry books that you could read with a parent? If not here are some links https://www.poetry4kids.com/poems/an-ogre-came-over-for-dinner/ http://www.famousliteraryworks.com/

Brown Furry bear Squelchy mud Barking dog Brown

Yellow is a daisy Yellow is a pear Yellow is the color Of my sister’s hair

Red smells like sweet strawberry pie Orange looks like campfire flames Yellow feels like warm sunshine Green tastes like crunchy apples Blue sounds like water dripping

We have all seen the many rainbows that people have put up in their windows to ‘spread hope’, make people smile and show that we are all facing the Coronavirus together.

Today (and tomorrows) Literacy task is for you to make up your own rainbow colours poem. Today brainstorm ideas and write the poem. Tomorrow you can get creative and decide how you would like to present it to us. Here are some ideas and examples. See next slide too. We do not expect your poem to rhyme.

Parents you may find this link very useful - it gives you step by step guidance https://www.scholastic.com/parents/books-and-reading/raise-a-reader-blog/write-rainbow-inspired-poetry-yourkids.html.html There are lots of different formats you

can use in Documents but even better just make up your own. You could use a different colored pen or pencil to write each word in the matching colour.

Phonics and reading

How many th words did you spot/highlight? Can you think of any others?

Maths - counting rainbows Or you could colour and count. Master to print off in Documents folder.

Which colour has the most spots? Why? Which colours have the same number of spots? Which colour has the fewest spots? Can you tell your family what ‘fewest’ means?

If you do not have a printer make a colour counting rainbow with lego, bottle tops, leaves and petals, etc.

Thursday 4th June Communication, Language and Literacy Poetry and handwriting

Can you make your rainbow poem look fantastic so that we can share it in our EYFS rainbow poem gallery? After you have photographed it and sent it to us you could send it to a friend or relative or put it up in your house or on a window for others to read.

Phonics and reading skills Please watch ‘Susan Laughs’ on Espresso with a parent. https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video/item1217574/grade1/module1217337/index.html

Now can you read and do the ‘Susan Laughs’ rhyming quiz? Please talk to your child about the feelings Susan has in this story and whether you and your child have experienced any of these feelings recently. What made you feel that way? This links closely with tomorrows Communication, Language and Literacy activity. You may like to read this book together too? https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/e1_big_books/photo_books/frameset_1.html

Maths - there are two choices. See next slide. PARTITIONING Explore different ways of partitioning the number six. Choose any number up to 20 If your child needs extending. Activities could include: -

arranging 6 things onto 2 mats/into 2 bowls (4 on one mat and 2 on the other)


throwing 6 beanbags towards a hoop (1 in the hoop and 5 outside)


knocking down 6 skittles (3 down and 3 still standing)


putting 6 spots on a ladybird (2 spots on one side and 4 on the other) - draw a large ladybird on the ground with chalk and use quoits/circles/pebbles as the spots

Put the cards in order

What is the answer?

Lay out playing cards 1 to 10. Children to put the card in order from smallest to largest. Children to count the number of objects on the card, to see what comes next

Children to pick two cards. For addition, count the total number of objects. NEW teaching point subtraction, discuss taking away the smallest number from the largest. Choose two cards or two numbers. Put the largest number down first and say e.g. ‘8 take away 3 leaves ….?’ How many take away number sentences can you make?

Play number bond pairs. Lay out playing cards 1 to 10 (the Joker card could be used as 0). Play a number bond pairs game. After each turn, count the total of the two cards. Does it equal 10?

Friday 5th June Communication, Language and Literacy Time to talk

We all know how important it is to be able to talk openly and honestly about how we are feeling in order to have a happy and healthy mind. However this is not an easy thing for many people to do.

Please use this sheet (in Documents, it is called ‘My Lockdown Experience Sheet’) to talk with your child about their experience of Lockdown/ Coronavirus. You or your child can add to it with words or pictures. If you feel comfortable to share this with us that would be useful ESPECIALLY if your child is returning to school on Monday.

Maths - Time

IF YOUR CHILD IS RETURNING TO SCHOOL ON 8th JUNE Please carry out one of the 20 second investigations.

Dear children When you are back in school on Monday one of the very first things we will ask you to do is to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.

How will you time yourself or your family? Can you record best of three turns? What is the difference between your fast and slowest time?

Today's 20 second challenge - To estimate how many e.g. star jumps/ hops/claps/laps of the garden you can do in 20 seconds. Make a note of your guess. Then find out and record your results. You might ask an adult to draw you a table/chart. How close were your estimates to your results? Which activity could you do more of in 20 seconds? Why? Does 20 seconds feel like a long time to be doing some of these things? Which ones? Why?

An alternative 20 second challenge for all you singing enthusiasts! We know that we have to wash our hands for 20 seconds. Can you find a song that you can sing to wash your hands to? How many times do you have to sing it? Please see if you can think of different songs to those already used. Can you teach your song to other people?

Did you time yourself?

Well done you for all your great learning in week 6!

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