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Week 9 - June 22nd Dear parents Much of this week's planning is based upon what we have noticed the children who are back in school need practise with. If your child needs something different please go ahead and help your child in the areas they need to focus upon e.g. correct letter formation or learning the digraphs th, ch, sh. ALL children need regular and purposeful opportunities to write. You are in a great position to plan these opportunities e.g. reminder notes, greetings cards, treasure hunt clues. Best wishes from the EYFS team.

Your child could write prices, labels and other signs too.

This could encourage writing opportunities for your child where they have to write and give you words to find.

This week we are using the story - Superworm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0keNDquvZEE or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw001u4eYeY

Enjoy this story with your child. Can they join in with and say the repeating chant? Do they hear the rhyme? What is your favourite part of the story? Can you think of something in trouble that Superworm could help? How would he help them?

Can you make your own wormery? Choose one of the following links to help you. http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/gardening_with_children/homegrownprojects_watchworms.shtml https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-tp-397-making-a-wormery-step-by-step-instructions

You could read the Twinkl step by step instructions together. Discuss what alternate means. Link the meaning of alternate to your child’s understanding of repeating patterns. What could you use to make repeating patterns with, as well as the sand, soil, sand, soil in the Twinkl slides?

What can you find out about earthworms? Https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-tp-396-worms-and-wormery-care-display-facts-posters

Use the slide show below. https://content.twinkl.co.uk/resource/43/96/t-t-27817-all-about-earthworms-fact-cards-_ver_2.pdf?__token__=exp=1592307836~acl=%2Fresour ce%2F43%2F96%2Ft-t-27817-all-about-earthworms-fact-cards-_ver_2.pdf%2A~hmac=b6ae11ac587642ff2b006511250b0c1af07e330b7cc060b fb1f34adb86f870a5

These are the wormery’s we have made at school.

Use Superworm to revise the er digraph. How does your you child learn digraphs best? Will you write er words in chalk, look for er words in books and comics? Do you have a mixer that your child could use to make something with? We look forward to seeing what you mix with your mixer. Perhaps you could write a recipe for your teacher to follow?

Also revise the ur digraph as in surfer. The er and ur digraphs have the same sound but different spellings. Watch Polly’s Phonics to learn about ur ↓ https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/pri mary_uk/subject/module/video/item76756/g radef/module62767/index.html?source=sea rch-all-all-all-all&source-keywords=ur

Parents - IF your child knows er and ur very confidently then you could teach them ir as in girl and bird as an alternative spelling choice.

Do you remember the vowel digraphs ai and ay? Choose a damp, moist day to go on a snail hunt. How many snails can you ďŹ nd? Can you Can you make a snail trail ďŹ nd any slug or snail slime game to play with your trails? family? Rolling dice and counting on the number spaces is excellent maths!

Maths This week we are concentrating on counting. Counting objects, steps, claps everything! just keep counting! We will look at number lines. Placing numbers on a line, recognising numbers 1-10 then to 20.

Play the game on top marks

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/helicopt er-rescue Or have a go at counting teddys cakes to 15 also on topmatrks or https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=counting%20ga mes

There are lots more on this site. If your child needs more challenge then try the following. Try rocket round up on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/rocket-rounding

Counting. We need to be able to count In the correct order not missing anything out!! First to ten and then to 20! Try doing this number line. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-1247-bunting-missing-number-to-20-worksheets

Practice counting things in the house, on your daily walk. Count your footsteps as you walk up and down the stairs. Collect items from around the house write out numbers 1-20 place a number on an object. Put them in a line in the correct order.

If you would like a challenge: How many tens can you count, if you counted 2 lots of ten what number will that be? If you counted 3 lots of 10 how many will that be? How far can you count in 10s can you make your own number square? Which number will you stop at?

Counting money: Can you develop a toy shop? You could make your own pennies or use real ones. Work with pennies to count to 5 then 10. You can show your child the different coins 5p, 10p,coins Count out 10 coins, 15 coins, 20 coins. Ask your child to Label the items in the shop, writing out the price on each item. Challenge:Can you count your pennies in 10s? How many 10p coins are there in a ÂŁ1 coin?

Look on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

Well done you for all your great learning in week 9!

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