Year 4-Summer Term
Notes for use We have made this powerpoint for your daily tasks to complete at home. You can either answer the questions by printing out the slides, recording the answers on paper or typing in a word document. Whatever really suits you best. Please feel free to look at other year groups if this pack becomes too challenging. Remember to not put too much pressure on yourselves to complete everything on here.
Year 4 Home Learning Timetable Week 2 Tuesday Wednesday
Round to the nearest 1000:
Round to nearest 100
Using Fronted Adverbials
Practical Idea
Bus Timetable
TT Rock Stars
Where does A refugee food come CampfromComprehension Comprehension
A refugee Campvocabulary
My autobiography
Practical Idea
Practical Idea
Practical Idea
Practical Idea
Listen to favourite songs
Your choice!
Right angle hunt Find objects
Coordinates picture
Monday 27th April 2020 Maths- Rounding to the nearest 1000 in following slides and TTrockstars. English- Fronted Adverbials Reading- complete a book review and do remember to read every day for at least 20 mins. Try a Daily Challenge and/or Dojo Challenge for fun.
Help slides: Rounding to the nearest‌‌... Remember the rule of 5, 50, 500 for rounding Rounding to 10: 5 or above goes up so 15 rounds to 20 Anything below 5 goes down So 14 and even 14.9 will go down to 10
Rounding to 100: 50 or above goes up so 150 rounds to 200 Anything below 50 goes down So 140 and even 149 will go down to 100
This means that rounding to the nearest 1000 uses 500. So 1500 rounds to 2000, 1499 rounds to 1000, 6499 rounds to 6000 and 6501 rounds to 7000
Tuesday 28th April 2020 Maths- Rounding to the nearest 100 in following slides and TTrockstars. English- Where does food come from- Comprehension Reading- complete a book review and do remember to read every day for at least 20 mins. Try a Daily Challenge and/or Dojo Challenge for fun.
Wednesday 29th April 2020 Maths- Coordinates picture in following slides and TTrockstars. English- A refugee camp- Comprehension Reading- complete a book review and do remember to read every day for at least 20 mins. Try a Daily Challenge and/or Dojo Challenge for fun.
Thursday 30th April 2020 Maths- Bus Timetable in following slides and TTrockstars. English- A refugee camp- Vocabulary Reading- complete a book review and do remember to read every day for at least 20 mins. Try a Daily Challenge and/or Dojo Challenge for fun.
Friday 1st May 2020 Maths- TTrockstars. English- My Autobiography Reading- complete a book review and do remember to read every day for at least 20 mins. Try a Daily Challenge and/or Dojo Challenge for fun.