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Year 2 - Summer Term

Notes for use We have made this powerpoint for your daily tasks to complete at home. You can either answer the questions by printing out the slides, recording the answers on paper or typing in a word document. Whatever really suits you best. Please feel free to look at other year groups if this pack becomes too challenging. Remember not to put too much pressure on yourselves to complete everything on here.

Monday 20th April 2020 Maths: add 2 digit numbers TT Rock stars - practice your tables English: Using because, that, when and if Reading: Reading eggs if you have it/teach your monster to read. You should be reading for at least 20 mins a day Topic: draw your own comic strip

MATHS: Adding 2 digit numbers All of today’s problems use pictures of dienes to help you think. Remember each rod is worth 10 and each square is worth 1. There is a mild, spicy, hot and mastery task - choose your level or see how far you can go!

How do you know that your answers are correct? Can you prove it?


Make sure that you explain how you know, and why the children are right or wrong.


English: Using because, that, when and if We are thinking about using conjunctions this week. We know about using conjunctions for co-ordination and also for subordination., but it is subordination that we are going to concentrate on here.. (Which type of conjunctions did I just use? - can you spot them?)

NOW, can you add a subordinating conjunction, that, if, when, because, to make these sentences make sense? I am going to the park _____________ I like the slide. She was so upset _____________ she could not sleep. I am going to be famous ___________ I grow up. I can have some sweets ___________ I eat my dinner.

NOW Choose a subordinating conjunction, that, if, when, because, and add more detail to complete these sentences: Turn the light on The dog was digging the flowers You can use my car I will put my hat on

Answers: English

Topic: Can you make a pattern? ●

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Remember, you are using three items but it doesn’t say that you can only use them each once! What is the most simple pattern that youcan make? How can you make your pattern more complex but still using the same number of types of each item - e.g. AABBCC, AABBCC or ACBBAC, ACBBAC and so on!

Tuesday 21st April 2020 Maths: add 2 digit numbers TT Rock stars - practice your tables English: Using because, that, when and if Reading: Reading eggs if you have it/teach your monster to read. You should be reading for at least 20 mins a day Topic: play charades!

How do you know that your answers are correct? Can you prove it?


Make sure that you explain how you know, and why the children are right or wrong.


English: Using because, that, when and if

NOW, can you add a subordinating conjunction, that, if, when, because, to make these sentences make sense? You can only use each word once! The girl ate all her dinner _______ her grandma made her. I can get a pet ________ I learn to look after one, I will come out to play _________ I have done my homework. He was cross _________ the shop was closed.

Rearrange each set of words to make a sentence.

NOW Choose a subordinating conjunction, that, if, when, because, and add more detail to complete these sentences: Go and get a big drink The boy loved his bedroom The girl jumped in puddles The boy pushed the swing

Answers: English

Topic: Can your family guess your book from your actions? ●

Remember you aren’t allowed to speak - only use your hands and body! Can you choose a book that you have read at school? A book that you have read at home?

Extra challenge: Instead of using actions, write a list of clues for you book you could score points on how many clues they need before they guess the book!

I’d love to see your clues!!

Wednesday 22nd April 2020 Maths: add 2 digit numbers TT Rock stars - practice your tables English: Using because, that, when and if Reading: Reading eggs if you have it/teach your monster to read. You should be reading for at least 20 mins a day Topic: Heart investigation

Remember, in a bar model the top bar is the whole and the parts in the bottom bars must be equal to the top.

Don’t get caught out with these - read carefully what the totals must be!


Make sure that you explain how you know, and why the children are right or wrong.


English: Using because, that, when and if Today we are going to use the skills that we have been practising over the last two days! On the next page is a picture. I want you to use the picture to write me a story. The challenge is to try and use each of the subordinating conjunctions that we have worked on (when, if, because, that) at least once in the story. If you send me your stories there will be a dojo for each time you have successfully used those subordinating conjunctions. There are double dojos for anyone who can use any of the other subordinating conjunctions - but I’m not going to tell you what they are!

Topic: ●

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What different movements could you do? How many different things can you think of? How can you tell how fast your heart is beating? What else do you notice about your body when your heart is beating quickly? Which action made your heart beat the fastest?

Thursday 23rd April 2020 Maths: subtract with 2 digits TT Rock stars - practice your tables English: All four sentence types Reading: Reading eggs if you have it/teach your monster to read. You should be reading for at least 20 mins a day Topic: Garden exploration

In the first one, look at the whole number first and then what has been crossed out to help you. Then use the same method of crossing out to help you with the second one.

When you are solving number 2a and b, you might want to think about the part, part whole to help you to think. Remember, the two parts equal the whole and if you take one part away then you will be left with the other part, so if you know what is left you can work out what was taken away.


If I take away tens from a two digit number which digit will change. - the tens or ones? What about if I take away ones?


If I subtract tens from a two digit number only the tens digit will change, but if I subtract ones, then the ones digit will change but the tens digit may change as well.

English - all four sentence types We have learnt about four different sentence types. Here is a reminder!

Try these...

Cali is correct because the sentence starts with “How”, has the verb “is” and ends with an exclamation mark.

Manny is not correct because the sentence does not start with “What” or “How” and does not end with an exclamation mark.

Now have a go for yourself! Liam is writing a story about a cat. Write a sentence that might be a part of his story.

Julia wants to find out about food. Write a question that she might want to find the answer to.


Answers - English

Topic Can you think about why the creatures you find have chosen to live in their microhabitats? What makes that home suitable for them?

Friday 24th April 2020 Maths: subtract with 2 digits TT Rock stars - practice your tables English: All four sentence types Reading: Reading eggs if you have it/teach your monster to read. You should be reading for at least 20 mins a day Topic: Design challenge

This is the same job as yesterday but using money instead of dienes to help you.



English - all four sentence types

What cold hands you have!

Shut the door!

Now have a go for yourself!

There are lots of possible answers - here are some ideas!

Tiana is writing instructions to make a Christmas card. Write a command that she might use. Fold the cardboard. Decorate the tree. Dexter is writing a story about a girl who meets a giant. Write an exclamation sentence that the girl might say. What an enormous giant you are! How frightened I am! REMEMBER TO USE THE CORRECT PUNCTUATION FOR YOUR SENTENCES.

Answers - English

Topic Think about what makes a product useless - would a window made of metal be useful? Or a fire guard made of chocolate? Make sure you try to convince them by explaining your ideas!

Have a great weekend and please stay safe!

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