Sherborne Primary School Year 4 Week 5 Summer Term 2020
Week 5 Dear Year 4 Please see the work for Week 5 in this PDF. There is no expectation to print the work. Do try and complete it on paper at home or enjoy the online quizzes where available. There are links for you to click. These will take you quickly to work we have set. We have included the Math worksheets. You can choose which activities best suit you. Your child should already have a login for TTRockstars. If you need it again do message me on Dojos. The learn by heart facts are for you to practise everyday in anyway you would like. Have a great week and do what you can. Mrs Brenchley and Miss Layton
Learn by Heart Facts : Number • Read and write numbers to at least 10,000. • Order and compare numbers up to 10,000. • Count in multiples of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,25,50,100 and 1000 from any given number, and 10 or 100 more or less than a given number. • Count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers through zero. • Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12
Learn by heart: Spellings
Prefix auto meaning ‘self’ or ‘own’ autograph autobiography automatic autofocus autocorrect
autopilot autopsy automobile autonomy autocue
Monday English: Click on English lesson for the day:
Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: elect=&book_type=&series=#
Maths: Summer Week 3 (SPS week 5) (from 4th May): Lesson 1 - Multiply 2-digit number by 1 digit number Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.
Times Tables Rockstars
Lesson 1 Questions
Lesson 1 Answers
Picture Comprehension Question time! Who has written the message? Why have they written the message? Can you remember the last 5 times you said ‘thank you’ to someone? What did you say thank you for? What effect does being polite to people have?
Topic: Please choose an activity and work on through the week:
(You may decide to work on more than one!)
Tuesday English: Click on English lesson for the day:
Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: elect=&book_type=&series=#
Summer Week 3 (SPS week 5) (from 4th May): Lesson 2 - Multiply 3-digit number by 1 digit number Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.
Times Tables Rockstars
Lesson 2 Questions
Lesson 2 Answers
Big Write (write over the week) Sentence challenge! Can you describe the act of kindness that resulted in someone writing this ‘thank you’ message? Can you focus on using good descriptions of nouns you use, including the feelings involved with the kind gesture?
Writing Target: Paragraphs What are paragraphs? : Paragraphs are a collection of sentences. They are used in writing to introduce new sections of a story, characters or pieces of information. Paragraphs help readers to enjoy what has been written because they break text up into easy-to-read sections.
Topic: Please choose an activity and work on through the week:
(You may decide to work on more than one!)
Wednesday English: Click on English lesson for the day:
Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: elect=&book_type=&series=#
Summer Week 3 (SPS week 5) (from 4th May): Lesson 3 - Divide 2-digit by 1-digit number Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.
Times Tables Rockstars
Lesson 3 Questions
Lesson 3 Answers
Big Write (write over the week) Write a diary entry that starts: “Thank you…” Two simple words, but such a powerful message…
How to write a diary entry:
Writing Target: Paragraphs What are paragraphs? : Paragraphs are a collection of sentences. They are used in writing to introduce new sections of a story, characters or pieces of information. Paragraphs help readers to enjoy what has been written because they break text up into easy-to-read sections.
Topic: Please choose an activity and work on through the week:
(You may decide to work on more than one!)
Thursday English: Click on English lesson for the day:
Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: elect=&book_type=&series=#
Summer Week 3 (SPS week 5) (from 4th May): Lesson 4 - Divide 3 digit by 1-digit number Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.
Times Tables Rockstars
Lesson 4 Questions
Lesson 4 Answers
Big Write (write over the week) Edit your diary entry that starts: “Thank you…” Two simple words, but such a powerful message…
Proofread and edit your work. Have you included your writing target and checked spellings and punctuation? Have you used the best, most interesting vocabulary you can?
Writing Target: Paragraphs What are paragraphs? :
Topic: Please choose an activity and work on through the week:
(You may decide to work on more than one!)
Friday English: Click on English lesson for the day:
Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: elect=&book_type=&series=#
Maths: Times Tables Rockstars
Big Write (write over the week) Sick sentences! These sentences are ‘sick’ and need your help to get better. Can you help? She gave him a present. It was wrapped up. He opened it. He was happy. He said thank you.
Make a thank you card for someone you think deserves one!
Topic: Please choose an activity and work on through the week:
(You may decide to work on more than one!)