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Sherborne Primary School Year 4 Week 7 Summer Term 2020

Week 7 Dear Year 4 Please see the work for Week 7 in this PDF. There is no expectation to print the work. Do try and complete it on paper at home or enjoy the online quizzes where available. There are links for you to click. These will take you quickly to work we have set. We have included the Maths worksheets. You can choose which activities best suit you. Your child should already have a login for TTRockstars. If you need it again do message me on Dojos. The learn by heart facts are for you to practise everyday in anyway you would like. Have a great week and do what you can. Mrs Brenchley and Miss Layton

Learn by Heart Facts : Number ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Read and write numbers to at least 10,000. Order and compare numbers up to 10,000. Count in multiples of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,25,50,100 and 1000 from any given number, and 10 or 100 more or less than a given number. Count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers through zero. Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 Recognise and use factor pairs up to 144 Read Roman numerals to 100 Counting forwards and backwards in decimals and fractions from any starting number Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½, ¾ and any number of tenths and hundredths

Learn by heart: Spellings

Adding the prefix non- (meaning not). non-stick non-stop non-starter non-smoker nonsense

non-fiction non-drip non-violent non-profit non-believer

Monday English: Click on English lesson for the day:

Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: ct=&book_type=&series=#


Summer Week 5 (SPS week 7) (from 18th May): Lesson 1 - Recognise tenths and hundredths. Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video (please scroll down to find the relevant week) and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.

Times Tables Rockstars

Lesson 1 Questions

Lesson 1 Answers

Picture Comprehension Question time! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Where does the witch live? What did she brew inside her cauldron? What ingredients might she have used? What evil deed did she carry out on the third night? Does the witch regret what she’d done? What powers do you think the witch possesses?

Topic: Please choose an activity to work on through the week:

(You may decide to work on more than one!)

Tuesday English: Click on English lesson for the day:

Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: &book_type=&series=#


Summer Week 5 (SPS week 7) (from 18th May): Lesson 2 - Equivalent fractions (1). Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video (please scroll down to find the relevant week) and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.

Times Tables Rockstars

Lesson 2 Questions

Lesson 2 Answers

Big Write (write over the week) Write this witch a rhyming spell! Your challenge is to write your own spell for a witch, including rhyming words, possessions of animals, people or things, similes, metaphors (Y4) and alliteration. Super challenge: Include metaphors (Y4) and try to keep the same number of syllables in each line, so your poem can be read aloud to a good rhythm!

Writing Target: Use apostrophes for possession. How to use possessive apostrophes: Use the webpages and complete the quizzes to help you learn about possessive apostrophes.

Topic: Please choose an activity to work on through the week:

(You may decide to work on more than one!)

Wednesday English: Click on English lesson for the day:

Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: &book_type=&series=#


Summer Week 5 (SPS week 7) (from 18th May): Lesson 3 - Equivalent fractions (2) Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video (please scroll down to find the relevant week) and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.

Times Tables Rockstars

Lesson 3 Questions

Lesson 3 Answers

Big Write (write over the week) Write this witch a rhyming spell! Your challenge is to write your own spell for a witch, including rhyming words, possessions of animals, people or things, similes, metaphors (Y4) and alliteration. Super challenge: Include metaphors (Y4) and try to keep the same number of syllables in each line, so your poem can be read aloud to a good rhythm!

Writing Target: Use apostrophes for possession. Look at the next page to find out about rhyme schemes and rhyming words. Keep a record of your rhyming pairs to help you create the lines of your poem.

What is a rhyming scheme? Watch the video to learn about rhyme schemes. What rhyming pattern will you use for your poem? Can you think of some words which rhyme with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Frog Bat Trouble Spell Potion Your own ideas!

Use an online rhyming dictionary if you need more help:

Topic: Please choose an activity to work on through the week:

(You may decide to work on more than one!)

Thursday English: Click on English lesson for the day:

Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: &book_type=&series=#


Summer Week 5 (SPS week 7) (from 18th May): Lesson 4 - Fractions greater than 1. Our scheme is different to this one online meaning the date / week is different. The above link will take you to the lesson video (please scroll down to find the relevant week) and the questions (and answers) are on the next slides in this pack.

Times Tables Rockstars

Lesson 4 Questions

Lesson 4 Answers

Big Write (write over the week) Write this witch a rhyming spell! Your challenge is to write your own spell for a witch, including rhyming words, possessions of animals, people or things, similes, metaphors (Y4) and alliteration. Super challenge: Include metaphors (Y4) and try to keep the same number of syllables in each line, so your poem can be read aloud to a good rhythm!

Writing Target: Use apostrophes for possession. Look at the next page to find out similes and metaphors. Keep a record of your ideas to help you create the lines of your poem.

What is a simile? What is a metaphor? Watch the video to work out the difference between them and to find some examples:

Have a think about what your spell will be used for. Will it be a happy, useful spell? “Let’s tidy up this messy room, quick as a flash, zippiddy boom!”

Will it be a horrid spell used to cause mischief? “A frog’s long tongue, an adult’s yell, let’s conjure up a horrid smell!”

Topic: Please choose an activity to work on through the week:

(You may decide to work on more than one!)

Friday English: Click on English lesson for the day:

Reading: Please continue to read books at home. Want something more? Please do also visit the Oxford Owl free ebook library: elect=&book_type=&series=#

Maths: Times Tables Rockstars

Big Write (write over the week) Write this witch a rhyming spell! Your challenge is to write your own spell for a witch, including rhyming words, possessions of animals, people or things, similes, metaphors (Y4) and alliteration. Super challenge: Include metaphors (Y4) and try to keep the same number of syllables in each line, so your poem can be read aloud to a good rhythm!

Writing Target: Use apostrophes for possession. Look at the next page to find out rhythm and syllables. Merge your ideas together to create the lines of your poem.

Poetry can sound more effective when it has a good rhythm! We can create a rhythm by using the same amount of syllables in each line. For example: A frog’s long tongue, an adult’s yell, = 8 syllables let’s conjure up a horrid smell! = 8 syllables

Try writing your own spell, using all of the things we have learned about this week! Try to include rhyming words and patterns, similes, alliteration and possessions. Super challenge: include some metaphors and a good rhythm too! Writing target: Use apostrophes for possession.

Topic: Please choose an activity to work on through the week:

(You may decide to work on more than one!)

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