Bajo el nombre de Ivy League se agrupan las ocho universidades más antiguas y prestigiosas de EE UU. Campus ajardinados e idílicos donde han estudiado presidentes, jueces y senadores, la élite del país. En 1965, el fotógrafo japonés Teruyoshi Hayashida retrató con su cámara su peculiar estética, un modo de sentir y de vestir que ha terminado por convertirse en todo un referente de la moda masculina.
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ué pasaría si descubrieras que firmas de ropa tan populares como Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Abercrombie&Fitch, Brooks Brothers, Gant o Franklin&Marshall deben mucho de su inspiración a un fotógrafo japonés apellidado Hayashida? Probablemente nada (salvo un lógico estado inicial de perplejidad, claro). Suena a locura, pero gran parte de este gusto actual por el look universitario (a caballo entre Grease y American pie) comenzó con un intrépido viaje de ida y vuelta entre la Costa Este de Norteamérica y el lejano Japón. ¿Nos hemos vuelto locos? Mejor empecemos por el principio... A mediados del siglo XVII, los EE UU de América no eran más que otra colonia de ultramar del imperio británico. La Corona deseaba imponer sus principios éticos y morales sobre el Nuevo Mundo; así que decidió exportar cultura y conocimiento fundando las primeras siete universidades en territorio norteamericano. Durante los siguientes 250 años, dichas instituciones crecieron y se desarrollaron compartiendo dos elementos comunes. Primero, consolidándose como referencia nacional en materia de educación, formación, valores morales y éxitos deportivos. El segundo, algo más banal, destacando por sus fachadas de piedra decoradas por frondosos mantos de hiedra (ivy, en inglés). Una adorable planta trepadora que ha dado nombre, desde 1954, a la asociación más elitista y envidiada de EE UU: la Ivy League, la Liga de la Hiedra. Compuesta por siete universidades anteriores a la propia Revolución Americana (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Dartmouth y Brown) y una que se sumó casi un siglo después (Cornell), la Ivy League estructura y articula la vida académica e intelectual de la flor y nata de la juventud americana. Gran parte de los personajes más relevantes e influyentes de su historia han estudiado, enseñado o formado parte de alguna de las Ivy. Benjamin Franklin (Pennsylvania), Albert Einstein (Princeton), John F. Kennedy (Harvard)... Presidentes, senadores, jueces del Supremo, abogados, financieros; estudiar en alguna de estas ocho universidades supone éxito profesional, prestigio y buena cuna. ¿Pero qué demonios tiene que ver Japón con todo esto? Un poco de paciencia, por favor. Además de ofrecer una educación esmerada, re-
pleta de futuro, las universidades de la Ivy League siempre han destacado por su estricto código de vestimenta y conducta. Sus estudiantes, desde tiempos remotos, han adecuado su armario a las exigencias de un día a día (clases, prácticas deportivas, fiestas, actos sociales) perfectamente estructurado. Una forma de ser y de vestir que tiene su propio nombre: el estilo Ivy. Y así llegamos al momento seminal de esta historia. Año 1965, Teruyoshi Hayashida, un fotógrafo japonés absolutamente desconocido decide coger un avión, poner rumbo a Norteamérica y recorrer con su cámara las ocho universidades de la Ivy League. ¿Su objetivo? Plasmar, con la máxima
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The football season runs from September to November. The games are held in a league system and thus all Ivy League universities play one another during the season. In recent years, Dartmouth and Princeton have been dominant. Since the Ivy League once used to be synonymous with powerful football teams, it is a disappointing fact
that the football prowess of today’s Ivy League universities is inferior to that of other collegiate football powerhouses. The game between Harvard and Yale may be compared to the Waseda-Keio baseball game held in the Tokyo Big Six University Baseball League in Japan. The Harvard-Yale game is held alternately in Cambridge or New Haven. With its long tradition, the Harvard-Yale game usually attracts around 100,000 spectators.
Probably because there are only five players on a team, different from football, Ivy League basketball teams are more competitive in games with non-Ivy universities. Ivy League basketball players often achieve outstanding results and many have been selected as All Americans or chosen to be members of
the U.S. Olympic team. During theposible, season, an of two games naturalidad laaverage vida cotidiana, las cosare scheduled per week at each university. As tumbres y los gustos estéticos de sus estudiantes, they are held in gymnasiums, basketball games los llamados a dirigir el país más poderoso del draw smaller crowds than baseball games. Even mundo, elgymnasiums sueño americano ¿El resulso, the usuallyhecho fill up carne. with excited tado? UnThe puñado de imágenes hipnóticas, absorbenfans. last league champion was Princeton.
tes y mágicas, que hoy parecen sacadas de un catálogo de moda. El trabajo de Hayashida acabará tomando forma de libro, Take Ivy, probablemente la radiografía más profunda realizada hasta la fecha de la élite universitaria americana. Inesperadamente (o no), la obra se convierte en una especie de biblia estética y, posteriormente, en un volumen de culto rebuscado y copiado por cientos de diseñadores de moda de todo el mundo. ¿Pero qué se esconde tras esta extraña fascinan-
ción? ¿Qué valores intenta proyectar la Ivy League? El primero y más básico es, sin duda, el patriotismo (nada tan americano). Cada mañana, las ocho universidades Ivy ven alzar en lo alto de un mástil –estratégicamente colocado– la bandera de las barras y las estrellas. La Universidad no es sino la prolongación de un concepto de orgullo nacional que acompaña a los estudiantes a lo largo de toda su vida. Una forma de entender la realidad que, en su futuro, trasladarán a las empresas para las que acaben trabajando. No obstante, antes de dar ese salto definitivo hasta su dura vida laboral, tendrán que superar una serie de pruebas –no menos exigentes– que el campus les irá poniendo. Es primordial conseguir la aceptación de los demás. Para ello, se han de seguir a rajatabla dos principios básicos: “juega duro” y “estudia duro”. Una doble acepción para un mismo mensaje (con una explicación muy sencilla). Todo chico Ivy ha de demostrar que es sociable, educado, correcto, divertido e incluso –si la ocasión lo requiere– irreverente, sabiendo siempre elegir el momento adecuado para serlo (señal ésta de su inteligencia). Y es precisamente el intelecto el otro aspecto al que la élite de Norteamérica presta mayor atención. Demostrar que se es un buen estudiante, con éxitos académicos notables, siempre será un punto a favor. Es aquí, también, donde la competitividad empieza a hacer acto de presecia. Pero para competitividad, la propia del ámbito deportivo. Quien no practique un deporte o no reúna condiciones físicas destacadas, será marginado. La universidad es el principal granero del que
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se nutre un país como EE UU, históricamente plagado de grandes atletas. No conviene olvidar que el propio término Ivy League tuvo en origen connotaciones deportivas, asociándose sobre todo al fútbol americano. La rivalidad entre sus ocho miembros, sin embargo, abarca otras disciplinas, como baloncesto, lacrosse o remo (incluyendo la famosa regata entre Harvard y Yale, que emula históricamente a la mítica rivalidad entre las inglesas Oxford y Cambridge). Y por fin, su forma de vestir, que tampoco escapa a su propio sello. Los estudiantes pasan las jornadas dentro de un mismo recinto (la mayoría de los días se limitan a ir a clase y a estudiar en su habitación), por lo que se impone un look cómodo. Eso sí, aderezado con unas pinceladas de la elegancia propia de los niños bien. De este modo, paso a paso, va naciendo un improvisado estilo que progresivamente se irá implantando más allá de los muros de sus facultades. Shorts con mocasines, polos, jerseys de pico, pantalones chinos, chaquetas de béisbol, sudaderas deportivas, americanas de cuadros... (prendas, eso sí, adornadas con el nombre de la universidad, el equipo de fútbol o las siglas de la fraternidad impresas en el pecho). Ha nacido el estilo Ivy League. Como ejemplo ilustrativo de esta obsesión por la vestimenta, rescatamos alguno de los veinte artículos “del buen vestir”, perfectamente redactados, que todo estudiante de Yale debe seguir al dedillo. “Tener siempre un traje de color oscuro preparado para posibles cenas o eventos de gala”; otro: “Elegir chaquetas de sport o blazers en color camel con corbata oscura para reuniones informales con amigos o citas con señoritas”. Tomamos nota. Mucho de estos estudiantes de la Ivy League acabaron trabajando en 110 110 grandes empresas de Nueva York y, más concretamente, en Madison Avenue, la avenida más influyente de la ciudad. Carne de Mad Men. Un cambio laboral que les obligaría a sustituir el estilo universitario del campus por el traje negro impecable de la jungla de asfalto, pero siempre TheThe Eight Eight The IvyEight Ivy League League IvyUniversities League Universities Universities guardando en el armario la camiseta, orgullosa, de su facultad.
nica, Ishizu crece en el Japón inmediatamente posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, aún ocupado por las tropas americanas. Siendo apenas un adolescente, conoce al teniente O’Brien, antiguo alumno de Princeton y seguidor impenitente del estilo Ivy. Así, poco a poco, Kensuke comienza a interesarse por el gusto occidental y su vestuario. En apenas unos años, acaba consagrándose como el gran gurú del nuevo estilo nipón. Funda Men’s club, la primera revista masculina del país y, poco después, en 1951, inicia su andadura en el mundo de la moda fundando la firma Van Jacket, todo un mito dentro del amplio universo fashionista y referente histórico del estilo Ivy League. Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Japón había experimentado un baby boom sin precedentes, por lo que en la década de los sesenta el país contaba con una enorme masa de población juvenil. La astucia de Ishizu percibió rápidamente un importante nicho por ocupar; así que incorporó el estilo universitario americano a la cultura de su tierra. Una liberación elegante y meticulosa en medio de la más absoluta uniformidad tradicional. La idea era transmitir el sabor de la joven élite estadounidense a un público diferente. El éxito fue rotundo. Así, Van Jacket y Men’s club –que redefinió su target hacia un público más joven– marcaron las tendencias de la sociedad japonesa durante décadas. Y fue precisamente el editor de esta revista, Fujingahosha, instado por el propio Ishiku, quien encargó el proyecto Take Ivy a Teruyosi Hayashida, autor de las fotos de este reportaje. El círculo se cierra. La iconografía asociada al imaginario popular de la cultura yankee se hizo grande desde 110111 111 111 Asia. Extraño, pero cierto. Desde entonces, decenas de marcas de éxito basan gran parte de sus líneas masculinas en el puro estilo Ivy. Una moda que comenzó en los campus universitarios, que un fotógrafo japonés llevó a las revistas de Pero regresesemos a Japón y a la biografía de un personaje extraorestilo de vida y que hoy invade los escapatodas las fotografías de este reportaje pertenecen al libro dinario coétano de Hayashida: Kensuke Ishizu. Vinculado desde joven rates y las ciudades de medio mundo. Take ivy, de Teruyoshi Hayashida, publicado por powerhouse books. Harvard Harvard University Harvard University University Yale University Yale corte Universityde la sastrería britáPrinceton Princeton University Princeton University University University University of University Pennsylvania of Pennsylvania of Pennsylvania al sector textil yUniversity obsesionado por elYale elegante –JOSÉ MARÍA ÁLVAREZ John F. John Kennedy, F. Kennedy, John theF.young, Kennedy, the young, former theformer young, U.S. presU.S. former presU.S. pres- The world’s The world’s The threeworld’s three biggest biggest three intercollegiate biggest intercollegiate intercollegiate ident ident remarkable remarkable ident forremarkable hisfor radiant his radiant for idealism hisidealism radiant until idealism he until he untilgames he games include: include: games the include: boat the boat racethe between race boat between race Ox-between OxOxwas felled was felled by an was by assassin’s felled an assassin’s bybullet, an assassin’s bullet, was a was graduate bullet, a graduate was a graduate ford University ford University ford and University Cambridge and Cambridge andUniversity Cambridge University in University in in of Harvard of Harvard University, of Harvard University, founded University, founded in Cambridge, founded in Cambridge, in Cambridge, England, England, the England, baseball the baseball game the baseball game between between game Waseda between Waseda Waseda Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts in 1636. in 1636. Only in Only 161636. years 16 Only before, years 16 before, the yearsthe before, the University University and University Keio and Keio University andUniversity Keio inUniversity Japan, in Japan, in Japan, first group first group of first immigrants ofgroup immigrants ofarrived immigrants arrived at Plymouth at arrived Plymouth at Plymouth and the andAmerican the and American the football American football gamefootball game between between game Yale between Yale Yale 112 from 113At Rock Rock after traversing after Rock traversing after thetraversing Atlantic the Atlantic Ocean the Atlantic Ocean from Ocean 112113 113 and Harvard. and Harvard. andthe Harvard. At football the football Atgame the football game against against HargameHaragainst Har112from England England on the England onMayflower. the Mayflower. on theNeedless Mayflower. Needless to say, Needless toitsay, itto say,vard, it the vard, Yale thevard, students Yale the students Yale sing astudents sing songa in song sing support ina support song of in support of of is the isoldest the oldest university is theuniversity oldest in the university inU.S. the U.S. in the U.S. their team their team written their written by team Cole by written Porter. Cole by Porter. Cole Porter. The name The name Harvard TheHarvard name comes Harvard comes from from acomes mana who man fromwho a man who Obviously, Obviously, music Obviously, music is an is important music an important is an element important elementelement
Princeton Princeton University’s Princeton University’s school University’s school colorscolors school are orare colors or- are or- The University The University The of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania of was Pennsylvania founded was founded was founded ange and angeblack andange black andand its and black mascot its mascot and is aitstiger is mascot a in tiger the isina tiger the in the by theby eccentric, the eccentric, by yet the eminent eccentric, yet eminent Benjamin yet eminent Benjamin Franklin Benjamin FranklinFranklin same same colors.colors. same colors. who flew whoaflew kite who ainkite aflew violent inaakite violent rainstorm in a rainstorm violent to deterrainstorm to deter-to deterNicknamed Nicknamed the Nicknamed Garden the Garden State, the Garden State, New New Jersey State, Jersey New Jersey mine mine whether whether mine a thunderstorm whether a thunderstorm a thunderstorm has electricity. has electricity. has electricity. is known is known for its is for known spectacular its spectacular for itspastoral spectacular pastoral landscape. pastoral landscape. landscape. In theIn years the after years In the its after founding years its founding afterinits1740, founding in 1740, it hadin it had 1740, it had Though Though it is only Though it is an only hour itan is and hour onlyaan and half hour aaway half and away from a half from away from poor facilities: poor facilities: poor classes facilities: classes were taught were classes taught atwere a church attaught a church be-at abechurch beNew York New City York New by City York car,bythe City car,city the byofcar, city Princeton the of Princeton city is of Princeton is is longing longing to theto longing evangelist the evangelist to George the evangelist George Whitefield Whitefield George who Whitefield who who peaceful peaceful and tranquil. peaceful and tranquil. and tranquil. was one wasofone the was offounding the onefounding of the members founding members of the members ofunithe uniof the uniPrinceton Princeton University Princeton University was University founded was founded was as the founded as the as the versity. versity. Impressed Impressed versity. by Franklin’s Impressed by Franklin’s paper, by Franklin’s paper, “Proposals “Proposals paper, “Proposals College College of New College of New Jerseyof Jersey inNew 1746 inJersey 1746 underinunder a1746 royal a under royal a royal for the forEducation the Education for theof Education Youth of Youth in Pennsylvania,” ofinYouth Pennsylvania,” in Pennsylvania,”
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generously generously donated generously donated his land donated his and landcollection his andland collection and of collection of atofYale: at its Yale: glee its at club Yale: glee recently club its glee recently toured club recently toured around around toured Ja- Jaaround Jacharter charter issuedissued charter by King byissued George King by George II King of Britain. II George of Britain. The II of The Britain. The 24 prominent 24 prominent 24citizens prominent citizens of Philadelphia citizens of Philadelphia of Philadelphia agreedagreed agreed La de mayor prestigio. Fundadeportiva y académica Su sethe debe a Princeton un por eland mismísimo booksbooks to the touniversity books the university to the after university learning after learning after about learning about the the about the pan and pan entertained andRival pan entertained andJapanese entertained Japanese audiences Japanese audiences with audiences with with nameorigen name comescomes from name from comes town thefrom town of the of fuero town Princeton where of Princeton where where to donate toFundada donate landtoand land donate buildings, and land buildings, which buildings, which became became which the the became the academically academically ardent ardent Puritans Puritans ardent who Puritans had who been hadwho been had been outstanding outstanding performances. outstanding performances. performances. “TheUbicada “The Whiffenpoof Whiffenpoof “Theen Whiffenpoof the university the university the is located. university is located. It currently is el located. It currently a has stu-a stuhas a stucore of core theofexpanded the coreexpanded of the university. expanded university. university. da enacademically Cambridge (Massachusde Harvard. New real concedido por reyhasIt currently Benjamin Franklin en 1740, Columbia University Columbia University Dartmouth College Brown University Cornell University searching searching for a searching place for a place for for academic for a place academic study. for academic study. study. Song,” Song,” a well-known a Song,” well-known a chorus well-known chorus group’s chorus group’s theme group’s theme theme dent body dent body of 3,000, dent of body 3,000, all of of all whom 3,000, of whom are all men. of are whom They men. are They men. They University University of University Pennsylvania of Pennsylvania of Pennsylvania campus campus life cencampus life cenlife cenColumbia University Dartmouth College Brown University Cornell University Columbia University Dartmouth College Brown University Cornell University sets) en 1636, tiene elhashonor de Haven (Connecticut), abrick mitad Jorge II de Inglaterra en 1746. nació como una 20 minutes by subway from Times Located 20 minutes byuniversidad subway from Times student The northernmost ofhas the Ivy League uniSurrounded byred, a few red, buildings and and Cornell Cornell University, the of the Harvard Harvard University University University an has enrollment an enrollment an of enrollment ap-ofuniap- of apsong, song, is theismost song, theSurrounded most popular is the popular most college college song in college song the in thebuildings therefore therefore have therefore no have Ivy noSisters. have Ivynewest Sisters. The Ivy Institute The Sisters. Institute The for for for around ters ters around Houston ters Houston around Hall, Houston Hall, the oldest theHall, oldest student thestudent oldest Located minutes by Times subway from Times The northernmost The northernmost of the Ivy League bythe a in few red, brick Cornell University, the newest ofIvy the Institute Ivy LocatedLocated 20 minutes by20subway from of Harvard the Ivy League unibySurrounded apopular fewsong brick buildings and University, the newest ofno the Ivy the of center of the of world’s biggest city, city, Square, the center of the biggest city, versities, Dartmouth College is located inLeague Hablack, iron fences on a slightly hill in hillLeague League universities, located ina Ithaca, Newof institution proximately proximately proximately 4,700 students, students, 4,700 gathered gathered not gathered only not onlyy not only U.S. Founded U.S. Founded U.S. in 1701, Founded in 1701, Yale University in Yale 1701, University Yale isBoston locatUniversity iselevated ishill locatAdvanced Advanced Study, Advanced Study, a is collaborative aStudy, collaborative collaborative institution institution of of union union in thein U.S. union theItU.S. consists in the It consists U.S. of the Itworld’s consists of chaplain’s the of the of- chaplain’s ofofSquare, the the world’s versities, Dartmouth College is located in Hablack, iron fences onlocata slightly elevated in League is located inde Ithaca, New ser la4,700 decana de la Ivy de camino entre yelevated Su espectacular campus humilde pero, poco a chaplain’s poco, Square,Square, the center the center world’s biggest city, biggest versities, Dartmouth College is located instudents, Hablack, iron fences on a slightly in universities, isuniversities, located in Ithaca, New NewColumbia York, University is situated be- beNew Columbia University situated benover, New Hampshire. It takes seven hours Providence, Rhode Island, the green grass the of the It wasUniversity, in Ezra from the fromU.S., the from but U.S., also the butU.S., from also but all from over also allto the from over world. the allto over world. the world. ed in ed New in New Haven, ed in Haven, Connecticut, New Connecticut, Haven, Connecticut, between between New between New Princeton Princeton Princeton University, was University, the was home the home was of aEzra the number ofhome aCornell, number of a number fice, a fice, chapel, a York, chapel, afice, dining aachapel, dining hall, cafeteria, ahall, dining cafeteria, hall, andis kiosks. cafeteria, and kiosks. and kiosks. New Columbia York, Columbia University nover, New Ithours takes seven hours to Providence, Rhode Island, the green York. Itfounded was founded in by 1865 byCornell, New York, University is situated be-is situated nover, New Hampshire. ItHampshire. takes seven Providence, Rhode Island, the green grass ofNew the ofgrass York. ItYork. was founded in 1865 by1865 Ezra Cornell, de todos los EEbyprofessors UU. Entre sus Nueva York, desde 1701 preNueva Jersey cuenta con uno gracias aby los donativos deitsdiscuss los tween tween Central Park and Harlem. Given its locatween Central Park and Given locaget there from Boston by car. school grounds glistens. after whom the is named. With apHaving Having roughly roughly 1,250 roughly 1,250 professors 1,250 lecturers, and lecturers, and lecturers, York and YorkBoston. andschool York Boston. Itsand 4,000 Its Boston. 4,000 students Its students 4,000 include students include Don Don include Don of notable, of university notable, Nobel-prize ofuniversity notable, Nobel-prize caliber Nobel-prize caliber scholars—Dr. caliber scholars—Dr. It is managed It is managed by It is12managed elected 12 elected students byHarlem. 12students elected who discuss students who who discuss Central Park and Harlem. its locaget thereHaving from car.andprofessors school grounds glistens. after whom the university isscholars—Dr. named. With aptween Central Park and Harlem. Given its loca-Given get there from Boston by car.Boston grounds glistens. after whom the is named. With aptioninright in the and hustle and of bustle ofcity, a big tion right the of athe big city, Hanover is aso small that one Brown University was founded inas1764 proximately 8,400 students, body a simple simple calculation calculation simple tells calculation us tells that usmay there tells thatwonder there us is one that is there one is one Schollander, Schollander, an Schollander, Olympic an a Olympic athlete an Olympic athlete who competed who athlete competed who Einstein Einstein known Einstein known for his for known theory hisits theory for ofstudent relativity his oftheory relativity and of body relativity and and and decide and decide issues, andin issues, such decide such issues, whom asand whom such tobustle invite astowhom invite for to forinvite the for the tionhustle right in the hustle and ofcity, a big city, Hanover Hanover is más so small one may wonder Brown University was founded in as 1764proximately as proximately 8,400 students, its student célebres, un tal para grandes cerebros y1764 casi de los mejores centros de vecinos, seashustle consolidó como tion right the bustle a bigbustle isaalumnos so small that one may wonder Brown University was founded incompeted 8,400 students, its student body unlikeIvy other Ivy League universities, tranquility unlike other Ivy League universities, tranquility theorcampus isfor located in it,students. or Rhode Island College inlive Warren, Rhode Island.Island. isDr. naturally theDr. largest in the It professor professor lecturer professor or campus lecturer every lecturer for every six for six every students. six students. UnUnin theinTokyo the Tokyo in Olympics. theOlympics. Tokyo All Olympics. the AllIsland students theWarren, All students the students live liveRhode Oppenheimer Oppenheimer who successfully who successfully developed successfully developed developed next college next college concert. next concert. college concert. unlike other Ivy League universities, tranquility whether the is located inwhether it, orUnwhether Rhode College in Warren, isDr. naturally the largest inIvywho theLeague. Ivy League. It unlike other League universities, tranquility whetherwhether the campus is located inor it, or whether Rhode Island College in Rhode Island. is naturally the largest inOppenheimer thedel Ivy League. It John F. Kennedy. mejores atletas. investigación mundo. una de la grandes. is not ofone its features. When inYork New is not one of its features. When in New York the town is merely a part of the campus. The It is the third-oldest university in New England also means that Cornell students account for like universities like universities like in universities some in some countries in countries some where countries where educaeducawhere educaeither either in a dorm in either a dorm on campus in on a dorm campus or on in the campus or in neighborthe or neighborin the neighborthe knowledge the knowledge the to knowledge create to create atomic to atomic create bombs. bombs. atomic Both bombs. Both Both ofWhen its features. When in York New York the town is merely a part of the campus. The It is the third-oldest university in New England also means that Cornell students account for is not one of isone itsnot features. in New the town is merely a part of the campus. The It is the third-oldest university in New England also means that Cornell students account for can, the United Nations and and town’s main also happens tobusiest be busiest and theand seventh oldest in the in U.S. a quarter ofconducted theresearch 30,000 person populationstreet istown’s tion an operation isstreet antion operation isofan mass operation of mass production, of the mass production, hood hood surrounding surrounding hood the surrounding university. the university. theseventh university. conducted men research atthe theresearch at institute. the institute. atThe the ininstitute. The in- The in- you can, however, visit the United Nations and youhowever, can, visit the United main street also happens to Harvard be theHarvard busiest Harvard the oldest the U.S. roughly amen quarter of 30,000 person populayou can,you however, visit however, thevisit United Nations and Nations town’s main also happens to beproduction, the and the seventh oldest in the U.S. roughlyroughly amen quarter ofconducted the 30,000 person populaWall Street, andmuseums, enjoy art galleries, main on campus—something In an arrangement unique among Ivy League oftion Ithaca. They are, the core of University University thus University lives thus up lives to thus up its to lives motto: itsunthinkable up motto: VERItAS to its VERItAS motto: VERItAS stitute stitute continues stitute to contribute continues totherefore, contribute tocore mankind contribute to with tocore mankind with with Wall Street, and enjoy museums, art galleries, Wallenjoy Street, and museums, enjoy art galleries, main street on campus—something unthinkable In anunique arrangement among Ivy League of continues Ithaca. They are, the of Wall Street, and art museums, galleries, main street onstreet campus—something unthinkable In an arrangement amongunique Ivy League tion of tion Ithaca. They are, therefore, thetherefore, of mankind and libraries to your heart’s content. and libraries to your heart’s content. at a Japanese university. universities, Brown University consists of two the town’s economy. (the pursuit (the pursuit of (the truth). of pursuit truth). of truth). its exceptional its exceptional its research exceptional research achievements. research achievements. achievements. and libraries to your heart’s content. at a Japanese university. universities, Brown University consists of two the town’s economy. and libraries to your heart’s content. at a Japanese university. universities, Brown University consists of two the town’s economy.
Dartmouth College The northernmost of versities, Dartmouth Co nover, New Hampshire. I get there from Boston by Hanover is so small whether the campus is lo the town is merely a pa town’s main street also ha main street on campus—s at a Japanese university.
Columbia University was founded in 1754 Dartmouth’s principal issport skiing. In fact,In fact, Columbia University was founded in 1754 Dartmouth’s Dartmouth’s is skiing. Columbia University was founded in 1754 principal sportprincipal is sport skiing. In fact, as College. King’s College. Probably for thatforreason, the the there are three university-owned skinear slopes near near as King’s College. Probably that reason, there are three university-owned slopes La más norteña de laskiIvy as King’s Probably for that reason, the there are three university-owned ski slopes school emblem has the design of a crown and its the campus. Needless to say, Dartmouth has school emblem design its campus. Needless the campus. Needless to say, Dartmouth school emblem has the designhas of athe crown andofitsa crown and the to say, has tra- tra-has traLeague yDartmouth con un descomuschool mascot is a lion, the king of beasts. ditionally been strong in collegiate ski competischool mascot is a lion, the king of beasts. ditionally been strong in collegiate ski competischool mascot is a lion, the king of beasts. ditionally been strong in collegiate ski competiother Ivy League universities which which tions. Chiharu a former Japanese nal campus que da vida la in other Ivy League universities tions. Chiharu Igaya, a former Unlike Unlike other Unlike Ivy League universities which tions. Chiharu Igaya, aIgaya, former Japanese skierJapanese inskierainskier were founded with religious strong religious affiliations, the Winter Olympics, was a prominent member were with strong religious affiliations, the Winter wasmember a prominent member were founded withfounded strong affiliations, the Winter Olympics, wasOlympics, a prominent localidad deteam. Hanover (New Columbia University is unique in the way that of a past Dartmouth ski Columbia University is unique in the way that of a past Dartmouth ski team. Columbia University is unique in the way that of a past Dartmouth ski team. Hampshire). por sus it has itadvocated freedom of religion Dartmouth College is known for its for unique has advocated freedom of religion since its Dartmouth Dartmouth College is known its unique it has advocated freedom of religion since itssince its College is known forFamosa its unique inception. Although it currently hasstu2,800 honorwhich code advocates which advocates and emphasizes inception. Although it currently has stu2,800 stuhonor code which and emphasizes inception. Although it currently has 2,800 honor code andadvocates emphasizes rígidos códigos de honor y dents, its first graduating class included only taking responsibility for one’s actions. In accordents, its first graduating class included only taking responsibility for one’s actions. In accordents, its first graduating class included only taking responsibility for one’s actions. In accorsus buenos esquiadores. eight students. itThus achieved agrowth rapida growth dance the university honor code,and exams and and eight it achieved rapid growth dance with the university honor code, exams eight students. Thusstudents. it Thus achieved a rapid dance with thewith university honor code, exams aperiod shorta of period ofIntime. In its neighbordormitories notaresupervised andeach thus short period time. In its neighbordormitories notand supervised andeach thus each during during a shortduring time. itsofneighbordormitories are notare supervised thus hood is Barnard College, one of the Seven Sisstudent’s self-discipline is expected. As described hood is Barnard College, one of the Seven Sisstudent’s self-discipline is expected. As described hood is Barnard College, one of the Seven Sisstudent’s self-discipline is expected. As described ters, that still aexchange closea exchange with with in its motto—“the oneofcrying in the in the ters, thatmaintains still maintains close in its motto—“the voice ters, that still maintains a close withexchange in its motto—“the voice ofvoice one of crying inone the crying Columbia University. wilderness”—the Dartmouth campus exudes a Columbia University. wilderness”—the Dartmouth campus exudes a Columbia University. wilderness”—the Dartmouth campus exudes a of vigorous youth.youth. sense of vigorous sense ofsense vigorous youth.
Dartmouth’s principal there are three university the campus. Needless to s ditionally been strong in tions. Chiharu Igaya, a fo the Winter Olympics, wa of a past Dartmouth ski Dartmouth College is honor code which advo taking responsibility for o dance with the university dormitories are not sup student’s self-discipline is in its motto—“the voice wilderness”—the Dartm sense of vigorous youth.
institutions: Brown College forstudents male is also isunique in the Ivythe League for for institutions: Brown College for students male students CornellCornell in institutions: Brown College for male is alsoCornell unique inalso the unique Ivy League forIvy League and Pembroke College for female students. a school ofadministration hotel Rodeada naturaleza en última en incorporarse. andde Pembroke College for female students. having a school of administration hotel administration and Pembroke College for female students. having having aLa school of hotel from from from College has male 2,400 male students and and a number of prominent and resBrown College hasstudents 2,400 male which a number of prominent hoteliers and resBrown College has and students which awhich number ofsu prominent hoteliers and resunaBrown colina de2,400 Providence Debe nombre a hoteliers Ezra Pembroke 1,200, totaling 3,600 3,600 students for for taurateurs have graduated. Ichiro Ichiro Inumaru of the of the Pembroke 1,200, totaling have graduated. Pembroke 1,200, totaling 3,600 students for students taurateurs havetaurateurs graduated. Ichiro Inumaru of theInumaru the university. entire university. Brown University does does Imperial Hotel inisJapan is one is graduate. Inter- Inter(Rhode Island). Desde 1764, Cornell, que en 1865 fundó the entire university. Brown University Imperial Hotel ingraduate. Japan one graduate. the entire Brown University does Imperial Hotel in Japan one Internotinexcel inexcel a particular sport, but a swimming after completing fourofyears learning not a particular sport, but a swimming afterfour completing fourofyears not excel acon particular sport, but a swimming estingly,estingly, after estingly, completing years learning cuenta la in curiosidad una institución con másadministration, deof learning is test a required ofpart the of physical test that all aspects oforhotel restaurant administration, is a required the that physical test that all aspects ofor hotel or restaurant test is atest required part of part the physical test all aspects of hotel restaurant administration, que todos suscomplete. alumnos estudiantes. Cuenta all freshmen must Acquiring suffi- suffia 8.000 successful graduate will receive a Bachelor of all freshmen must complete. Acquiring a successful receive of allde freshmen must complete. Acquiring suffia successful graduate will graduate receive a will Bachelor of a Bachelor cient swimming is therefore degree—a quite pompous-sounding de- decientskills swimming skills is therefore mandatory Science degree—a quite pompous-sounding cient isskills therefore mandatory ScienceScience degree—a quite pompous-sounding dehanswimming deallpasar un examen demandatory conAlso, una reconocida escuela for students. gree. only Cornell offers a special dormifor all students. gree. Also, only Cornell offers a special dormifor all students. gree. Also, only Cornell offers a special dorminatación para ingresar. deforhostelería. married couples, isminute a fiveis minute tory for married a five minute tory fortory married couples, whichcouples, iswhich a fivewhich walkthe from the campus. walk from the campus. walk from campus.
Columbia University was founded in 1754 as College. Probably for reason, the AKing’s veinte minutos enthat metro school emblem has the design of a crown and its desde Times Square, se eleva school mascot is a lion, the king of beasts. Unlike other Ivy de League universities which este gigante la docencia. were founded with strong religious affiliations, Creada en 1754 como King’s Columbia University is unique in the way that es freedom la Meca del peitCollege, has advocated of religion since its inception. Although it currently has 2,800 sturiodismo y la comunicación dents, its first graduating class included only contemporánea. eight students. Thus it achieved a rapid growth during a short period of time. In its neighborhood is Barnard College, one of the Seven Sisters, that still maintains a close exchange with Columbia University.
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