Optimist Print Edition 05.10.19 (Volume CVIII, Issue XXXI)

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A student publication of Abilene Christian University since 1912

Volume CVII, Issue XXXI

Friday, May 10, 2019


Campus News


Cyrus Eaton, dean of spiritual formation and campus chaplain, said his office will work over the summer to improve the system the tracks Chapel credits................................................Page 2

In athletic director Allen Ward’s first year on the job, ACU sports notched five conference rings and two March Madness appearances. Ward says that’s just the start..................Page 14


Graduates Find your name among the 848 students who will walk across the Moody Coliseum stage during one of two Saturday Commencement ceremonies...........................................Pages 4-12

Photo by LAUREN FRANCO | 2018-19 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Denise Tapia embraces her son, newly hooded graduate Daniel Tapia, during the 2018 Commencement ceremonies. CAMPUS NEWS

Commencement ceremony to honor 848 DILLON DANIEL ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR

The 2019 Commencement ceremonies will honor 582 undergraduates and 266 graduates in Moody Coliseum Saturday. Graduates from the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Biblical Studies, the Graduate School of Theology and the School of Nursing will be honored in the first ceremony at 11 a.m. Graduates from the College of Business Administration, the College of Education and Human Services and the College of Graduate and Professional

Studies will be honored in the second ceremony at 3 p.m. Out of the 582 undergraduates, 80 students will graduate summa cum laude with a GPA of 3.9 through 4.00; 94 will graduate magna cum laude with a GPA of 3.75 through 3.89; and 74 will graduate cum laude with a GPA of 3.6 through 3.74. Undergraduate numbers have remained steady over the past few years, said Eric Gumm, director of the FirstYear Program and Academic Development Center. “Although it varies year to year, we’ve been able to stick around 250 undergrad-

uates, give or take, per year,” Gumm said. This year’s commencement speaker is Sam Gonzalez, a 1993 alumnus and campus minister for Oak Hills Church Alamo Ranch Campus in San Antonio. His daughter is Victoria Gonzalez, junior communication disorders major from San Antonio. “For the past half a dozen years or more, the commencement speaker has been an ACU alum,” Gumm said, “while the December commencement speaker is usually Teacher of the Year.” He said a unique aspect of

Seven faculty enter retirement ALLISON HARRELL EDITOR IN CHIEF

Seven faculty members from across campus, each of whom are retiring. Among those who are retiring at the close of the 2018-19 year are Dr. Malcolm Coco, professor of human resource management, Dr. Rob Byrd, associate professor of information technology and computing, Dr. Loyd Goldsmith, professor of education, Dr. Becky Hammack, dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Robert McKelvain, professor of psychology, Dr. Jim Nichols, professor of biology, and Dr. Terry Pope, professor of finance. Nichols, who has served in the Department of Bi-

ology for 37 years, said the most unique aspect of his time teaching at ACU has been how the students turned into friends. “That’s kind of what happens,” Dr. Nichols said. “Everybody has a course or two that are their specialties, but they have to do some other things that are kind of outside their bounds initially.” Hammack became the first dean of the School of Nursing in 2013. She said ACU has been the best place she has ever worked out of her 42 years in nursing education. “There is a lot of reasons for that,” Hammack said. “There is a sweet spirit of students, faculty, staff and everyone that works at ACU.”

ACU’s commencement ceremonies is the escort. Dressed in all white, in contrast with the graduates black robes, escorts accompany the undergraduates to the floor of Moody Coliseum, sit behind them and, at a given time, hood them. “This is a unique way for a student to a bring a family member, friend, faculty or staff member who has helped them achieve this milestone be a part of an integral part of the ceremony,” Gumm said. This achievement has had an effect on the students that are graduating this year. “These past four years

have grown in a number of ways from academically, as a Christian, and who I am as a person,” said Bailey Clark, double major in youth and family and children ministry from San Antonio, said. “One of the biggest things I have learned from ACU is no matter what job or field you are in you are able to show the light of Christ in that area.” The entire ceremony will consist of worship time, the presentation of the “Outlive Your Life” award, the commencement speaker’s speech and the hooding ceremonies. Austin Parsons, biochemistry major from Abilene, said

he believes Commencement is a good “book-end moment.” “The ceremony is great because I think it gives a great opportunity for people to reflect on their last four years and come to terms with it coming to an end, like a way to say goodbye.” Both commencement rehearsals will take place the Friday before. The rehearsal for the earlier ceremony will take place at 2:15 p.m. and the one for the later ceremony will happen at 3:30 p.m. Graduate students will participate in rehearsals the day of the ceremonies at 10 a.m. and at 2 p.m.




Hooding event to recognize larger class of grad students DILLON DANIEL ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR






An increasing number of students earning graduate degrees through on campus programs and ACU Dallas has led the university to plan a separate hooding ceremony for the Friday evening before graduation as a prelude to conducting three graduation ceremonies next spring. The hooding ceremony will take place at 8 p.m. on Friday in the auditorium of University Church of Christ across from Sewell Auditorium and will honor graduates from the College of Arts and Sci-


ence, the College of Biblical Studies, the College of Business, the College of Education and Human Services and the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. Dr. Robert Rhodes, provost, said the change is directly attributed to the increased number of students completing graduate programs. This year, 266 students will earn masters and doctorate degrees from the university, an increase from 168 just last year. Rhodes said this is because of increased interest in graduate programs at ACU as well as the intro-

duction of new graduate programs. The hooding ceremony will shorten the Saturday graduation ceremonies because, in the past, college deans would hood each student earning a graduate degree on stage individually. Rhodes said the ceremony is not meant to replace graduation but to honor the graduate students beforehand. This also will be a onetime event. In May 2020, the university plans to conduct a Friday evening graduate degree commencement ceremony and two Saturday ceremonies for undergraduates.

Page 2 | Campus News

Friday, May 10, 2019


Eaton planning structural, technology tweaks for 2019-20 LEAH FIKES COPY EDITOR

The Chapel office plans to make improvements in student involvement, leadership and technology over the summer break. Cyrus Eaton, dean of spiritual formation and campus chaplain, said the office will work to improve the system for students to track their Chapel credits and avoid delay in recording credits. The Chapel office has made steps this semester, but Eaton said he also wants to improve students’ experiences. “We care deeply about Chapel being done well,” Eaton said. “We under-

stand the frustrations that [students] have had in the past.” Eaten said he hopes to find a suitable replacement for Quest, the software that tracks Chapel credits, and he plans to test the new software over the summer to prevent trouble students have had. “We realize this is the 21st century and we want to be technologically relevant,” Eaton said. “We also want students to know that we are here not to uphold the rules but to ‘wash students’ feet.’” Eaton said he wants to get more students involved in Chapel. He’s met with student leaders across campus this semester to see the

Cyrus Eaton, dean of spiritual formation and campus chaplain. said the Chapel office plans some changes to Chapel for 2019-20. student view of Chapel. Student feedback on this year will shape changes being made for the fall.

One goal of Chapel next semester will be to create more student leaders in Moody Chapel and small

group Chapels. The student leadership will then go and serve the Abilene community as a whole.

“Our goal is to spend our time giving our energy to student leaders,” Eaton said. The Chapel office is moving toward making space for more students to understand and know Christ, he said. With more student leaders in Moody and small group Chapels, the students can mentor other students and teach new, incoming students. “The goals are that we work toward changing the way we talk about Chapel in the sense that yes, it is a requirement,” Eaton said. “But we really want to redeem the idea it is a communal commitment. It is valuable because who we at ACU are becoming.”


Tatum delays selection of co-directors until fall B.J. MAXWELL STAFF REPORTER

Photo by RILEY FISHER | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Freshman Kendall Bullard gets up close and personal during the dead day goat yoga event in the Campus Mall. HONORS COLLEGE

Annual banquet to honor top faculty B.J. MAXWELL STAFF REPORTER

The Honors College will conduct its annual banquet from 6-8 p.m. Friday at the Abilene Convention Center. The graduation banquet takes place every semester for graduates who participate in the Honors College. During the event, organizers will recognize the graduates with honors regalia. It is much like traditional graduation but with a more personal touch, said Honors College events coordinator Laura Young.

“I am honestly honored and humbled to help run this event,” Young said. “Knowing a few of our graduates personally, I can say with confidence that they are going to help change the world and being a part of them getting there is something I truly cherish.” This event is for graduates, their families and professors the graduate may choose to invite. The top candidates for the awards of Professor of the Year and Mentor of the Year will also be in attendance and announced at the banquet.

The nominees for the Professor of the Year include Dr. Steve Weathers, professor of language and literature, Dr. Vic McCracken, associate professor of theology and ethics, and Dr. Todd Womble, assistant professor of language and literature. Speakers for the banquet will include Dr. Jason Morris, dean of the Honors College, and graduating senior Madeline Dayton, global studies major from Katy. The event has been a tradition for at least the previous five years. This event has no

outside sponsors. It is orchestrated and run through the hard work and devotion of the faculty and staff in the Honors College. “This event represents a portion of those students and professors who give everything they have to see others become successful,” Young said. “They carry the name of the university into all the world onto their professional paths in life. It is a celebration of their accomplishment of starting something and finishing out strong.”

The co-directors of Sing Song 2020, formerly called “co-chairs,” will not be named until the fall semester for the first time in a decade, said Nick Tatum, director of student productions. For several years, cochairs had been selected each spring for the following year’s Sing Song. Tatum said he is delaying the selection this year so the co-directors can start their work on Sing Song immediately rather than have a delay in production. Tatum also said he does not plan to establish a theme for Sing Song next year. This year’s was the first in several decades to have no pre-established theme. This new change will allow the new co-directors to better understand the role they play and their responsibilities, he said. Tatum said he hope this

will “maximize excitement” and energize production in the show even more than before. The selection process will remain the same as last year. He said it will prepare co-directors Tatum and participating students for the future Sing Song production and will allow Tatum to further adapt the experience for each individual student involved. The selection process and application will continue to be the same as the years before. Co-chairs for this year’s Sing Song were Megan Fridge, Sam Mulder, Meredith Orr, Matt Williams and Jacob Keahey. Tatum said he will look for students who are team players, easy going, responsible and caring. “This year was a wild success,” Tatum said. “Professional, but there is room to improve and adapt.”

POLICE LOG SELECTED ACUPD CALLS FOR THE WEEK 04/19/2019 2:00 p.m. A student reported he left his vehicle unlocked and that when he returned, his backpack with his Apple Ipad and Apple laptop were missing. ACUPD has recovered some of the stolen property and the investigation continues. 04/30/2019 3:35 p.m. ACUPD assisted APD with a verbal argument between 2 brothers. 04/30/2019 4:35 p.m. ACUPD Officers contacted a suspicious person, subsequently identifying him and releasing him. 05/04/2019 1:27 a.m. ACUPD Officers initially responded to a reported Noise Violation and spoke to residents, shutting the party down. No enforcement action. Officers received a 2nd call at 1:27 am at the same location. Citations issued to 2 people and 1 arrest made for Public Intoxication. 911 CALL............................................................2 ACCIDENT.......................................................1 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITY........................................................36 ADVICE.............................................................2 ANIMAL CALL.............................................2 ASSAULT..........................................................1 ASSIST................................................................1 ATTEMPT TO LOCATE..........................1 BARRICADES..............................................3 BUILDING LOCK/UNLOCK.......................................14 CART PATROL.............................................9 CHECK BUILDING............................269 DIRECT TRAFFIC........................................1

DISTURBANCE............................................1 DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE..............1 ESCORT.............................................................3 FIGHT..................................................................2 FOOT PATROL...........................................13 HARASSMENT.............................................1 HIT & RUN.......................................................1 INCIDENT EXPOSURE.........................1 INFORMATION REPORT...................2 INTOXICATED PERSON......................1 INVESTIGATION FOLLOW UP...............................................14 LOST PROPERTY......................................1 MAINTENANCE: UNIV ASSETS...............................................2

EDITORIAL AND LETTER POLICY Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Optimist and may not necessarily reflect the views of the university or its administration. Signed columns, cartoons and letters are the opinions of their creators and may not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Optimist or the university. The Optimist encourages reader response through letters to the editor but reserves the right to limit frequent contributors or to refuse to print letters containing

personal attacks, obscenity, defamation, erroneous information or invasion of privacy. Please limit letters to 350 words or fewer. A name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Phone numbers will not be published. Address letters to: ACU Box 27892 Abilene, TX 79609 E-mail letters to: optimist@acu.edu

MONITOR FACILITY/ LOT.....................................................................18 MOTORIST ASSIST: INFLATE TIRE................................................1 MOTORIST ASSIST: JUMPSTART..................................................5 MOTORIST ASSIST: UNLOCK...........................................................3 OTHER...............................................................2 PARKING LOT PATROL...................37 PARKING VIOLATION..........................9 PATROL VEHICLE: MAINTENANCE........................................12 PATROL VEHICLE: REFUEL............................................................8


RANDOM PATROL................................16 REPORT WRITING................................18 REPORT WRITING FOLLOWUP..........................1 SEX OFFENCE............................................0 STAND BY.......................................................0 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY.........................1 THEFT...................................................................1 TRAFFIC HAZARD....................................1 TRAFFIC STOP............................................5 TRAINING........................................................0 VEHICLE COLLISION............................2

Chief Ellison’s Weekly Tip Congrats to all graduates, and to everyone else, have a safe summer.



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Owen Simpson Sports Director Tavian Miles Assistant Sports Director Abbey Lee Video Director Riley Fisher Chief Photographer

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Friday, May 10, 2019

Year in Review|Page 3

A Year of Firsts The 2018-19 school year featured appearances in March Madness, a performance from Jesse McCartney and Div. I football


Junior guard and forward Dominique Golightly pushes past A&M Corpus Christi’s junior guard Dalesia Booth as she runs toward the


Famous pop musician Jesse McCartney closed Wildcat Week with a concert on the steps of the Bible building.


Graduates of the class of 2019 join in prayer with members of the class of 1969 at the senior sendoff.



Senior guard Jaylen Franklin catches a rebound underneath the goal during the conference championship.

A Wildcat clashes with a Baylor Bear on the football field.


The Abilene Reporter-News building burned in a three-alarm fire caused by electrical issues in November. Photo by MEDA BOW | GUEST CONTRIBUTOR

The men of Galaxy took a sweeping victory in every category in Sing Song.

D.Min Doctorate of Ministry

M.Acc. Master of Accountancy

M.A. Master of Arts

M.Div. Master of Divinity

M.A.C.M. Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

A.A. Associate in Arts

Key to Degree Abbreviations B.A. Bachelor of Arts

B.M. Bachelor of Music

B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in Nursing

B.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administration

B.S. Bachelor of Science

Cum Laude 3.6 through 3.74 Magna Cum Laude 3.75 through 3.89 Summa Cum Laude 3.9 through 4.00

B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts

B.S.E. Bachelor of Science in Engineering

COMMENCEMENT Candidates for Undergraduate & Graduate Degrees

College of Arts and Sciences Agricultural & Environmental Science

Matthew Michael Byram (B.S., Environmental Science) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Brett Creech (B.S., Agribusiness) Abilene, Texas

Cassandra Elizabeth Creech (B.S., Animal Science) Modesto, California Luke Ryan Fender (B.S., Agribusiness) Midland, Texas Nicholas McLean Grandell (B.S., Animal Science) Carrollton, Texas Carter Scott Johnson (B.S., Agribusiness) Cum Laude Lakeway, Texas Christopher Finley McLeod (B.S., Animal Science) Cum Laude Tyler, Texas Madelyn Christye Oden (B.S., Animal Science) Denton, Texas Audrey Lynn Olvera (B.S., Animal Science) Austin, Texas Destiny Elizabeth Reagan (B.S., Animal Science) Abilene, Texas Kaitlyn Alexandria Saucedo (B.S., Environmental Science) Cedar Park, Texas

Art & Design

Jesse Chibuikem Anyaegbu (A.A., Architecture) Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria Jesse Chibuikem Anyaegbu (B.S., Interior Design) Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria Clayton Arnold (B.F.A., Art) Rowlett, Texas Madeline Elaine Campillo (B.S., Graphic Design/ Advertising) Cum Laude Austin, Texas Joshua Campos (B.S., Interior Design) Arlington, Texas Abigail Suzette Noelle Carnes (A.A., Architecture) Frankston, Texas Abigail Suzette Noelle Carnes (B.S., Interior Design) Frankston, Texas Rachel E. Davis (B.S., Graphic Design/Advertising) Phoenix, Arizona Mariel Delgado (A.A., Architecture) Denton, Texas Mariel Delgado (B.S., Interior Design) Denton, Texas McClane Leone Duffin (B.F.A., Art) Cedar Creek, Texas Mallory Nicole Dyson (B.F.A., Art) Grapevine, Texas

Sergio Manuel Esquivel (A.A., Architecture) Mesquite, Texas Meagan Michelle Ford (A.A., Architecture) Roaring Springs, Texas Meagan Michelle Ford (B.S., Interior Design) Roaring Springs, Texas Alexander James Holley (B.F.A., Art) Abilene, Texas Donelle Emily Johnson (B.S., Graphic Design/Advertising) McKinney, Texas Adeline Hope Lutz (B.S., Interior Design) Magna Cum Laude Carrollton, Texas Monet Celeste Makil (B.S., Graphic Design/Advertising) Arlington, Texas Elyse Rachel Masek (A.A., Architecture) Sugar Land, Texas Elyse Rachel Masek (B.S., Interior Design) Sugar Land, Texas Lillian Grace Meroff (B.F.A., Art) Cedar Park, Texas

Victoria Elaine Schuler (A.A., Architecture) Cum Laude Austin, Texas Victoria Elaine Schuler (B.S., Interior Design) Cum Laude Austin, Texas McKenna Brooke Strauch (A.A., Architecture) Cum Laude Lorena, Texas McKenna Brooke Strauch (B.S., Interior Design) Cum Laude Lorena, Texas Gabrielle Analiese Tiner (B.F.A., Art) Plano, Texas Annelise Calyn White (A.A., Architecture) Abilene, Texas Annelise Calyn White (B.S., Interior Design) Abilene, Texas Erika Morgan Wong (B.S., Interior Design) Magna Cum Laude Georgetown, Texas Timothy William Yerger (B.F.A., Art) Amarillo, Texas


Alma Yesenia Nava (B.F.A., Art) Fort Worth, Texas

Meagan Renee Benson (B.S., Biology) Magna Cum Laude Burleson, Texas

Mallory Lindsey Rogers (B.F.A., Art) Keller, Texas

Isaiah John Berry (B.S., Biology) Nashville, Tenessee

Eboni Monae Childs (B.S., Biology) League City, Texas

Rebecca Lynn Soo (B.S., Biology) Magna Cum Laude Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Jacob Andre Corona (B.A., Biology) Corpus Christi, Texas

Cooper Hayden Stevenson (B.S., Biology) Celina, Texas

Riley Alexander Fortner (B.S., Biology) Abilene, Texas

Lindsey Marie Stiles (B.A., Biology) Abilene, Texas

Jose Delaluz Garcia (B.S., Biology) Abilene, Texas

Aleksa Jo'Lynn Vasquez (B.S., Biology) Wichita Falls, Texas

Fiorella A. Henderson Retuerto (B.S., Biology) Cum Laude Houston, Texas

Christian Elaine Williams (B.S., Biology) Balch Springs, Texas

Dan Thien Le (B.S., Biology) Magna Cum Laude Austin, Texas Halle Jo Magee (B.S., Biology) Flower Mound, Texas Lauren May McLeroy (B.S., Life Science) Abilene, Texas Rachel Paige Melton (B.S., Biology) Hutto, Texas Shelby Lynn Pelleran (B.S., Biology) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Louis Antonio Sanchez (B.S., Biology) Cum Laude Pflugerville, Texas

* * * * *

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Kotono Babaguchi (B.S., Biochemistry) Kagoshima, Japan Taylor Nicole Castleberry (B.S., Biochemistry) Cum Laude Stephenville, Texas David Zeke Forrister (B.S., Biochemistry) Magna Cum Laude Llano, Texas Lezlei Ruth Haag (B.S., Chemistry) Abilene, Texas Hannah Margaret Head (B.S., Biochemistry) Cum Laude New Braunfels, Texas

Chandler Jacob Seawright (B.S., Biology) Midland, Texas

Andrew Walter Melhart (B.S., Biochemistry) Magna Cum Laude Bullard, Texas

Julian Aston Smith (B.S., Biology) Edmond, Oklahoma

Emily Ruth Mikeska (B.S., Chemistry) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas


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Chemistry & Biochemistry

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Friday, May 10, 2019 Mallory Ann Newcomb (B.S., Biochemistry) Magna Cum Laude Lenexa, Kansas Austin Michael Parsons (B.S., Biochemistry) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Garrison Wade Powell (B.S., Biochemistry) Abilene, Texas Caleb Kyle Stone (B.S., Biochemistry) Cum Laude North Richland Hills, Texas Henry Allen Touchton (B.S., Biochemistry) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Kendall St. Clair Wermine (B.S., Biochemistry) Summa Cum Laude Frisco, Texas Jayme Janene Witek (B.S., Biochemistry) Cum Laude Austin, Texas Diego Fernando Zometa Paniagua (B.S., Chemistry) Magna Cum Laude Santa Tecla, El Salvador

Communication and Sociology Richard Wayne Alexander (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) The Colony, Texas

Undergraduate Names | Page 5 Hannah Marie Johnson (B.S., Liberal Studies) Azle, Texas Hailey Mills (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Abilene, Texas David Chase Rogers (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Arlington, Texas Kalin Anfernee Sadler (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Abilene, Texas RaeLeigh Stewart (B.S., Liberal Studies) Hewitt, Texas Frank Bentley Cory III (B.S., Communication) Southlake, Texas Rochelle Anissa Dunbar (B.S., Communication) St. Mary, Jamaica Kayler Grace Hatfield (B.S., Sociology) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Rachel Elisabetta Jones (B.S., Communication) Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas Simon Andrew Laryea (B.S., Communication) Scottsdale, Arizona Kayla Gizelle Melgar (B.S., Communication) Abilene, Texas Joy Nicole Schauer (B.S., Sociology) Magna Cum Laude Gonzales, Texas

Steven Ray Cardona (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Abilene, Texas

Race Saylor Terry (B.S., Communication) Abilene, Texas

Cory Matthew Donnell (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Garland, Texas

Summer Nicole Thompson (B.S., Communication) Missouri City, Texas

Ivy Marie Freeman (B.S., Liberal Studies) El Monte, California

Clay Wilson (B.S., Communication) Abilene, Texas

Cedric Samuel Garza (B.S., Liberal Studies) Abilene, Texas Hayden Forrest Howell (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Magna Cum Laude Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Marshall James Beard (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Dallas, Texas

Cody Ryan Ennis (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Abilene, Texas Joseph Lee Graves Jr. (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Abilene, Texas Sandra Martinez (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Dallas, Texas Zachary David Moses (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Griffin Reynaldo Quintero (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Midland, Texas William Henry Ratliff (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Arlington, Texas Garrett Dean Rhoden (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Abilene, Texas Joshua Samuel Thompson (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Burnet, Texas

Jamie Elizabeth Wright (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Abilene, Texas

History & Global Studies

Engineering & Physics Jared Thomas Barker (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Haley Danielle Broekhuizen (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Georgetown, Texas

Matthew Thomas Williams (B.S., Physics) Oak Park, California

Kendall Kay Bosse (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Cum Laude Ingram, Texas

D'Andre Jevon Fuller (B.S., Composite Interdisciplinary) Phoenix, Illinois

Alyssa Lee-Ann Borquez (B.S.E.N., Engineering) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Summer Raye Anguiano (B.S., Social Studies) Abilene, Texas Alexandria Faith Buller (B.A., Global Studies) Magna Cum Laude Hesston, Kansas

Brijin Renee Hartrick (B.A., History) Summa Cum Laude Arlington, Texas Sandrine Ingabire (B.A., Global Studies) Magna Cum Laude Mburabuturo, Kigali, Rwanda

Quincy Jamal Dunn (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Forney, Texas

Shelby Grace McKillip (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Magda Analiz Farias (B.S., Multimedia) Mesquite, Texas

Elise Meredith Oler (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Lakeway, Texas

Nathan Daniel Lozano (B.A., History) Garland, Texas

Lauren Marie Franco (B.S., Convergence Journalism) Summa Cum Laude Euless, Texas

Victoria Gabrielle Ovando (B.S., Social Studies) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

McKinlie Renee Ganong (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Parker, Colorado

Elisabeth Anne Thomas (B.S., Social Studies) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Elinor Claire Halpin (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Magna Cum Laude Coppell, Texas

Victoria Nicole Tucker (B.S., Social Studies) Elk Grove, California

Byron Ray Maxwell Jr. (B.S., Convergence Journalism) Austin, Texas

Samantha Nicole Young (B.A., Global Studies) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Dylan Mikaela Owens (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Magna Cum Laude Springfield, Missouri Max Jonathan Preston (B.S., Convergence Journalism) Amarillo, Texas Gabriela Alexis Ramirez (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Magna Cum Laude Melbourne, Florida

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Journalism and Mass Communication Ashley Marie Alfred (B.S., Convergence Journalism) Mansfield, Texas Adrienne Michelle Barrick (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Flower Mound, Texas


Mariana Alpha Cedillo (B.S., Multimedia) McAllen, Texas Amber Breanna Chavez (B.S., Multimedia) Magna Cum Laude Dripping Springs, Texas

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Laurel Emily Drain (B.S., Multimedia) Fort Worth, Texas

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Madeline E. Dayton (B.A., Global Studies) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

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Sarah JoAnne Dillinger (B.S., Social Studies) Summa Cum Laude Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Hadley Lynn Elrod (B.A., History) Summa Cum Laude Lewisville, Texas


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Austin Allison


Today is the day that culminates four amazing years for you at ACU! You have forged lasting friendships, matured in your faith, and gained a Christ-centered education that will be invaluable as pursue your passions in life! We are so proud of you and thankful that God led you to ACU! We know your future is in God's guiding hands and we will be there today and always cheering you on and beaming with pride at one of our biggest blessings! We Love You Austin! Mom, Dad and Aubrey

Abilene Christian University

SARA BRYAN Bachelor of Science, Social Work

Congratulations Sara B!! You have worked hard toward your goals and we are so very proud of you. We pray God will continue to bless you, as we know you will bless many others in your chosen endeavors. DEUTERONOMY 31:8

Love, Mom and Dad

We hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities and to the most special places your heart has ever known. Be proud of this moment, you deserve it! Wishing you all the best in what lies ahead.

With Love, Mom & Dad


I do not think it is possible for parents to be more proud of their child than we are of you. Your time at ACU has flown by and now you are heading into the classroom as a teacher. You will be the best teacher those kids will ever have. We know this because God has blessed you with gifts that you have worked to grow and develop. You are special and you are loved! - Dad & Mom CLASS OF 2019

Page 6 | Undergraduate Names Morgan Elizabeth Robinette (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Austin, Texas Kaitlyn Jane Smith (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Highland Village, Texas Gaea Huan Yip (B.S., Advertising/Public Relations) Singapore, Singapore Hannah Elizabeth Bowling (B.A., English) Summa Cum Laude Missouri City, Texas Jacob Tobias Buller (B.A., English) Summa Cum Laude Hesston, Kansas Hope Caroline Cordes (B.A., English) Magna Cum Laude Boerne, Texas

Friday, May 10, 2019

Language & Literature Courtney Erin Eubank (B.A., Music) Cum Laude Phoenix, Arizona Jerremy Robert Fender (B.M., Music-Teach. Instru.All Level) Magna Cum Laude Melissa, Texas

Autumn Crossnoe Bellow (B.S., Psychology) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Baylee Ray Blanton (B.S., Psychology) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Abby Lynnae Fortson (B.A., Music) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Raquel Katherine Eliana Burke (B.S., Psychology) Cum Laude Valley View, Texas

Luke Josiah Fox (B.A., Music) Conroe, Texas

Meagan Renee Cabrera (B.S., Psychology) Kyle, Texas

Kristen Marie Gillis (B.M., Vocal Performance) Hutto, Texas

Lyla Hope Corallo (B.S., Psychology) Covington, Texas

Lydia Ann Grandell (B.M., Vocal Performance) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Adine Ana Maria Deleon (B.S., Psychology) Abilene, Texas Michael J. Diaz (B.S., Psychology) Abilene, Texas

Victoria Lynn Ford (B.A., English) Summa Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas

Political Science & Criminal Justice

Kayla Elizabeth Hicks (B.A., English) Cum Laude Burnet, Texas

Adam Daniel Andrade (B.A., Political Science) Magna Cum Laude Fort Worth, Texas

Levi Nolan Draper (B.S., Psychology) Magna Cum Laude Holliday, Texas

Angela Rose Jirik (B.A., Spanish w/Teach. Cert.) Summa Cum Laude Keller, Texas

Justin Silas Coats (B.A., Political Science) Magna Cum Laude Chiang Rai, Thailand

Melissa Jean Gant (B.S., Psychology) Summa Cum Laude North Richland Hills, Texas

Julia Brynne Kennedy (B.A., English) Lubbock, Texas

Sarah Beth Conley (B.S., Criminal Justice) Summa Cum Laude Wichita Falls, Texas

Abigail Ann Gardner (B.S., Psychology) Magna Cum Laude Fort Worth, Texas

Samuel Jose Garcia (B.S., Criminal Justice) Converse, Texas

Kirana Brooke Haley (B.S., Psychology) Galena, Ohio

Taylor Louis Jacobs (B.S., Criminal Justice) Temple, Texas

Nadia Elizabeth Hooper (B.S., Psychology) Katy, Texas

Raiden Thomas Sawyer (B.A., English) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Jessica Anne James (B.S., Criminal Justice) Fairview, Texas

Jacob Norman Horton (B.S., Psychology) Cum Laude Pinehurst, Texas

Sarah Nicole Sells (B.A., English) Cum Laude Montgomery, Texas

Jessica Patrice King (B.A., Political Science) Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago

Whitney Joyce Isbell (B.S., Psychology) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Michael Thomas Sheehan (B.A., English) Minot AFB, North Dakota

Joshua Edward Leaks (B.A., Political Science) Fort Worth, Texas

Adia Iman Johnson (B.S., Psychology) Killeen, Texas

Katelyn Brooke Teague (B.A., English-Teaching) Summa Cum Laude Fort Worth, Texas

Troy Allen Lucero (B.A., Criminal Justice) Lubbock, Texas

Hattie Jane Johnson (B.S., Psychology) Tuscola, Texas

Emily Michelle McCarty (B.A., Political Science) Longview, Texas

Madison Elyse McAdams (B.S., Psychology) Summa Cum Laude Junction, Texas

Logan John Owens (B.A., English) Summa Cum Laude Spring, Texas Magda Virginia Rodriguez (B.A., Spanish) Summa Cum Laude Mission, Texas

Amy Darlene Tucker (B.A., Spanish w/Teach. Cert.) Abilene, Texas

Mathmatics Jared Thomas Barker (B.S., Mathematics) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Rui Bi (B.S., Mathematics) Jinhua, China Ruth Mikaela Cisneros (B.S., Mathematics-Teaching) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Olivier Iryamukuru (B.S., Mathematics) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Brianna Marie Louvier (B.S., Mathematics-Teaching) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Ryne Christopher Onsurez (B.S., Mathematics-Teaching) Cum Laude Borger, Texas Sophie Suzanne Standifer (B.S., Mathematics-Teaching) Summa Cum Laude Granbury, Texas

Travis Benjamin Nichols (B.S., Criminal Justice) Fort Worth, Texas Justin Anthony Rasco (B.S., Criminal Justice) Little Elm, Texas Lauryn Ashley Marie Shields (B.S., Criminal Justice) Garland, Texas Kevin Michael Shurtz (B.A., Political Science) Magna Cum Laude Southlake, Texas David Nicholas Snelling (B.S., Criminal Justice) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Shelby Lynn Weddle (B.A., Political Science) Summa Cum Laude Hawley, Texas

Psychology Maxwell Alton Bailey (B.S., Psychology) Abilene, Texas Johanna Celeste Baker (B.S., Psychology) Forney, Texas

Grace-Ann Elizabeth Combs (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Amarillo, Texas

William Andrew Boone (B.F.A., Theatre) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Brendan Reber Conn (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Arlington, Texas

Sierra Rose Cowell (B.F.A., Theatre) Cum Laude Shadow Hills, California Ryan Clayton Derrick (B.F.A., Theatre) Keller, Texas

Haylee Anne Hunt (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) North Richland Hills, Texas Grace Hilma Husbenet (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) North Richland Hills, Texas

Andrew James Gilliland (B.F.A., Theatre) Summa Cum Laude Middletown, Connecticut Jillian Nicole Jackson (B.F.A., Theatre) Summa Cum Laude Leander, Texas Carl David Kimbrough (B.F.A., Theatre) Summa Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas Madison Rae Massey (B.F.A., Theatre) Fort Myers, Florida Payton Kendall Reeves (B.F.A., Theatre) Magna Cum Laude Dallas, Texas Gabrielle Marie Walker (B.F.A., Theatre) Summa Cum Laude Grayslake, Illinois Christian David Winter (B.F.A., Theatre) Summa Cum Laude Escondido, California

College of Biblical Studies Bible, Missions & Ministry Blake Eldredge Anderson (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Magna Cum Laude Arlington, Texas Jaylen Ryan Avila (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Abilene, Texas Jacob Tobias Buller (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Summa Cum Laude Hesston, Kansas Bailey Tate Clark (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) San Antonio, Texas

Jonathan Randal Gressett (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Abilene, Texas

Jacob Douglas Keahey (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Texarkana, Arkansas

Claire Elizabeth Payne (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Cum Laude Granbury, Texas

Samantha Marie McIntyre (B.S., Child and Family Services) Summa Cum Laude Fort Worth, Texas

Avory Jezierski Rosenquist (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Irving, Texas

Justin Rae Mendoza (B.S., Child and Family Services) Abilene, Texas

Madisen Elizabeth Sallaz (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) San Marcos, California

Sarah Louise Parrish (B.S., Child and Family Services) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Pablo Antonio Sanabria (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Abilene, Texas Faith Ann Sheedy (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Waukesha, Wisconsin Riley Jerrod Stirman (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Summa Cum Laude Mckinney, Texas James Darrell Willeford (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Abilene, Texas Joshua Nicholas Winn VI (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Magna Cum Laude Brentwood, Tenessee

Kassie Leigh Smith (B.S., Child and Family Services) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Brittany Rhe Taylor (B.S., Child and Family Services) Magna Cum Laude Pinehurst, Texas

College of Business Accounting & Finance Leigh Julia Adamski (B.B.A., Accounting) Abilene, Texas



We are proud of the woman that you have grown to be and excited for your bright future! You have proven that you can achieve your goals with hard work and humility, and always rely on your faith. WE LOVE YOU, EMMA! Dad, Mom and Campbell “The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life: the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Theatre Haley Anissa Alvarez (B.F.A., Theatre) Cum Laude Pharr, Texas

Congratulations, Abi!

Channing Richelle McDonald (B.S., Child and Family Services) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Jadon Belu Reynolds (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Fort Worth, Texas

Nicholas Rayson Woods (B.S., Psychology) Frisco, Texas

We look forward to seeing where God’s plan leads you, as he unfolds His purpose for using your degrees to fulfill His work through you!

Casey Hendon Flow (B.S., Child and Family Services) Abilene, Texas

Nate Kittley (B.S., Child and Family Services) Abilene, Texas

Quantence Deon Walker II (B.S., Psychology) Grand Prairie, Texas

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Associate of Arts in Architecture, a minor in Business, & a minor in Bible

Emily Paige Duke (B.S., Child and Family Services) Mansfield, Texas

Logan John Owens (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Summa Cum Laude Spring, Texas

Ensley Amber Towell (B.S., Psychology) Abilene, Texas


Jacqueline Sierra Cassell (B.S., Child and Family Services) Cum Laude Little Elm, Texas

Jaylen Deonta Franklin (B.S., Child and Family Services) Little Rock, Arkansas

Emily Angeline Studer (B.S., Psychology) Magna Cum Laude League City, Texas

all Blessings

Kaitlyn Boullion (B.S., Child and Family Services) Arlington, Texas

Mary-Claire Marcear (B.A., Ministry and Vocation) Amarillo, Texas

Kaelyn Derielle Pate (B.S., Psychology) Fort Worth, Texas

from whom

Marriage & Family Studies

Victoria Lynn Ford (B.S., Child and Family Services) Summa Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas

Sara Jane Mott (B.S., Psychology) Cum Laude Allen, Texas


Michael Anthony Avila (B.S., Child and Family Services) Abilene, Texas

Hou I Lau (B.A., Bible and Ministry) Abilene, Texas

Samantha Jordan Michaels (B.S., Psychology) The Colony, Texas


WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Dad, Mom, Ali, Chloe & Clayton

Lance Thomas Bleakney (B.F.A., Theatre) La Marque, Texas

PSALM 121:7-8

LAUREN FRANCO Bachelor of Science, Convergence Journalism

Lauren, Congratulations! We are all so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You have grown so much academically, creatively, and professionally. This world's got nothing on you. Whatever you set your mind to, you can -and will- accomplish! We are excited for the next phase of your career. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. PROVERBS 16:9 Trust in the Lord always. Love, Mom and Mikey

Friday, May 10, 2019

Undergraduate Names| Page 7

David Cole Anderson (B.B.A., Financial Management) Lubbock, Texas

Elisabeth Jane Danelski (B.B.A., Accounting) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

LisaMarie Maldonado (B.B.A., Financial Management) Snyder, Texas

Amber Michelle Stewart (B.B.A., Financial Management) Abilene, Texas

Evan Michael Beck (B.B.A., Financial Management) Summa Cum Laude Celina, Texas

Barrett James Danelski (B.B.A., Financial Management) Abilene, Texas

Bailey Jo Marshall (B.B.A., Accounting) Rockwall, Texas

John Andrew Harrison Biavati (B.B.A., Financial Management) Cum Laude Dallas, Texas

Michael Brandon De La Cruz Jr. (B.B.A., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Shelby Elizabeth Watson (B.B.A., Financial Management) Magna Cum Laude Pearland, Texas

Reed Allen Denton (B.B.A., Financial Management) Belton, Texas

Reagan Tod Brown (B.B.A., Accounting) Midland, Texas

Kelly Ann Doetzkies (B.B.A., Accounting) Allen, Texas

Austin Robert Browning (B.B.A., Financial Management) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Erin Kathleen Bryant (B.B.A., Accounting) Summa Cum Laude Dallas, Texas Grayson Robert Burch (B.B.A., Financial Management) Tulsa, Oklahoma

Courtney Erin Eubank (B.B.A., Accounting) Cum Laude Phoenix, Arizona Hayden David Farquhar (B.B.A., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Tye Dalton Byars (B.B.A., Accounting) Aledo, Texas Dakota Gene Byker (B.B.A., Financial Management) Lewisville, Texas Adam Lawrence Chambers (B.B.A., Accounting) Summa Cum Laude Frisco, Texas Dalton Bailey Chambers (B.B.A., Financial Management) Magna Cum Laude Forney, Texas

Davis Wade Fender (B.B.A., Accounting) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Garrett Christopher Glanton (B.B.A., Accounting) Magna Cum Laude Richardson, Texas Heather Michelle Johnson (B.B.A., Accounting) Magna Cum Laude Lucas, Texas Jacob Paul Kane (B.B.A., Financial Management) Keller, Texas

David Wayne Chandler (B.B.A., Financial Management) Caddo Mills, Texas

Rebecca Keo (B.B.A., Financial Management) Abilene, Texas

Calley Anne Crockett (B.B.A., Accounting) Magna Cum Laude Lubbock, Texas Garrett Francis Daley (B.B.A., Financial Management) Lakehills, Texas Mackenzie Kate Dalton (B.B.A., Accounting) Cum Laude Little Rock, Arkansas


Miguel Martinez Espinoza (B.B.A., Accounting) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas


Meagan Leigh Kurosky (B.B.A., Financial Management) Summa Cum Laude Hurst, Texas Kendall Dakota Sinclair Laws (B.B.A., Financial Management) Denton, Texas Yang Lu (B.B.A., Financial Management) Abilene, Texas


• 2019 •



LAUREN FRANCO Bachelor of Science, Convergence Journalism

Jackson Monroe (B.B.A., Accounting) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Chase Alexander Mullins (B.B.A., Financial Management) Cum Laude Arlington, Texas Nelson Russell Nicholson (B.B.A., Financial Management) Argyle, Texas Kevin Felix Pantoja (B.B.A., Accounting) Roscoe, Texas Sarah Elizabeth Pingree (B.B.A., Accounting) Cum Laude Richardson, Texas Colton Cayce Powell (B.B.A., Financial Management) Brentwood, Ten, Nebraskassee Samuel Tudryn Rettinger (B.B.A., Financial Management) Lake Sherwood, California Stephen Austin Ricker (B.B.A., Financial Management) Abilene, Texas Anthony Gabriel Rodriguez (B.B.A., Accounting) Magna Cum Laude Argyle, Texas David Tanner Ruot (B.B.A., Financial Management) Abilene, Texas Derek Michael Scott (B.B.A., Financial Management) Abilene, Texas Joshua Landon Sheehy (B.B.A., Financial Management) Magna Cum Laude Arlington, Texas Jeremiah Weston Stephens (B.B.A., Financial Management) Merkel, Texas

First the shock, then the awes... The fear, the love, the learning. The joy, the laughs, the bonds. The Father, the Baptism, The Chinese, the choir, the studying. ...oh yeah... the baseball. The IB, your accomplishments and overwhelming pride. The sadness, the goodbyes, the facetime. The paper, the friends, the boy, the experiences!

Hannah N. Webb (B.B.A., Accounting) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Chengqi Zhang (B.B.A., Accounting) Shanghai, China

Management Sciences Adam Daniel Andrade (B.B.A., Management) Magna Cum Laude Fort Worth, Texas Jessica Marie Beghtel (B.B.A., Marketing) Cum Laude Bedford, Texas Jake William Bomar (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas Michael Ignacio Burcie (B.B.A., Management) Arlington, Texas Kendall Kaiulani Castillo (B.B.A., Marketing) Plano, Texas Carson Michael Covey (B.B.A., Management) Missouri City, Texas Bethani RayVaughn Culpepper (B.B.A., Management) Fort Worth, Texas Trey William Dennis (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas Bethany Dor (B.B.A., Marketing) Abilene, Texas Justin Case Fender (B.B.A., Management) Midland, Texas Catherine Frances Finney (B.B.A., Management) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Megan Elizabeth Fridge (B.B.A., Marketing) Summa Cum Laude Sugar Land, Texas

Magdalena Alexis Morgan Garcia (B.B.A., Marketing) Odessa, Texas

Wai San Leung (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas

Benjamin Chase Goodall (B.B.A., Marketing) Irving, Texas

Jaren Michael Lewis (B.B.A., Management) Windermere, Florida

Taylor Jo Goode (B.B.A., Management) Dallas, Texas

Alfred William Lockyer (B.B.A., Marketing) Winter Springs, Florida

Lydia Ann Grandell (B.B.A., Marketing) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Katey Elle Loveless (B.B.A., Management) Cum Laude Rockwall, Texas

Kyle David Mann (B.B.A., Marketing) Flower Mound, Texas

Chance Delaney Harris (B.B.A., Management) Tomball, Texas

Gerardo Enrique Mares (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas

Kolby Kent Hart (B.B.A., Marketing) Tyler, Texas

Drake Hays McAulay (B.B.A., Marketing) Dallas, Texas

Olivia Clare Hewitt (B.B.A., Management) Summa Cum Laude Seabrook, Texas

Diego Oswaldo Membreno (B.B.A., Management) Grand Prairie, Texas

Marissa Kaitlyn Hickson (B.B.A., Marketing) Summa Cum Laude Katy, Texas

Ian Thomas Miller (B.B.A., Management) San Antonio, Texas

Susanna Faith Hornell (B.B.A., Management) Cum Laude Fort Worth, Texas

Mack Anthony Miller (B.B.A., Management) San Antonio, Texas Kory Aaron Murdock (B.B.A., Information Systems) Fort Worth, Texas

Katherine Elizabeth Howell (B.B.A., Marketing) San Antonio, Texas Grace Hilma Husbenet (B.B.A., Marketing) North Richland Hills, Texas

Thomas Brackney Newman (B.B.A., Management) Edmond, Oklahoma

José Alfredo Jiménez Domínguez (B.B.A., Management) Schulenburg, Texas

Meredith Brooke Orr (B.B.A., Management) Cum Laude North Richland Hills, Texas

Benjamin Ty Kelley (B.B.A., Information Systems) Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas

Jackson Miller Painter (B.B.A., Marketing) Stony Brook, New York

Lincoln Thomas Lair (B.B.A., Marketing) San Antonio, Texas John Edward Lauck III (B.B.A., Marketing) Keller, Texas Charles Edward Lauerman (B.B.A., Management) Chanhassen, Minnesota

Kennedy Victoria Pennington (B.B.A., Management) Prosper, Texas John Phan (B.B.A., Management) Round Rock, Texas Camryn Alexandra Phillips (B.B.A., Management) Keller, Texas

I wish you joy and peace, love and laughter too and all the happiness life can bring in everything that you do.

BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN MARKETING Your life is a beautiful gift, a blessing from above. My wish for you is simple. May you always feel loved, follow your dreams, and just be you.

The awe, then the shock, ...the amazement...

I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments throughout your years, you have made a difference for so many people. You have become a beautiful young lady and I’m proud to say you are my daughter. You are loved and always will be in my heart.

My little girl is a woman now. Can't wait for, your future...

Remember to do all things in love, love people well and trust in the Lord when you fail.

The accolades.

Tucker Reed Lucas (B.B.A., Management) Hamlin, Texas

Joshua James Hargett (B.B.A., Management) San Angelo, Texas

Love You, the dad, the rest of us




Bachelor of Science, Chemistry Congratulations Lezlei! Your family is so proud of you. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you. WE LOVE YOU!


Congratulations Chance!! We are so proud of your achievements and know this is only the beginning of your future dreams. Your graduation day is a special moment for you and one you will always treasure. Wherever you go, our love and prayers go with you. Dad, Mom, Christina, Josh, Grandma, Gampa ABILENE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY

Page 8 | Undergraduate Name

Friday, May 10, 2019

Deryn Nicole Pieterse (B.B.A., Marketing) Maypearl, Texas

Alexandra Beck Tollette (B.B.A., Marketing) San Antonio, Texas

Thomas Henry Fitch IV (B.S., Computer Science) Kilgore, Texas

Thomas Alec Smith (B.S., Information Technology) Aledo, Texas

Gentry Rose Rawlings (B.B.A., Management) Houston, Texas

Brad Lee Turner (B.B.A., Information Systems) Abilene, Texas

Sean M. Halstead (B.S., Computer Science) San Antonio, Texas

Lauren Michelle Walker (B.S., Information Technology) Round Rock, Texas

Brandon Michael Richmond (B.B.A., Management) Cypress, Texas

Jonathan Chase Vaught (B.B.A., Management) Leesburg, Virginia

Hayley Meredith Hand (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Marble Falls, Texas

Benjamin James Riddle (B.B.A., Marketing) Abilene, Texas

Daniel Richard Vensel Jr. (B.B.A., Management) Magna Cum Laude Portland, Oregon

Jon Wayne Hayden (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Abilene, Texas

Jeffrey Michael Wheeler (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Plano, Texas

Hanna Belle Roberts (B.B.A., Management) Magna Cum Laude Corpus Christi, Texas

Trent Jensen Warren (B.B.A., Management) Huntsville, Alabama

Robert Campbell Salazar (B.B.A., Management) North Richland Hills, Texas

Jamie Elizabeth Warren (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas

Carrie Ann Saltsman (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas

Thomas Harwood Weaver (B.B.A., Marketing) Abilene, Texas

Hatus Aragao Santana (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas

Allison Ray Webb (B.B.A., Marketing) Prosper, Texas

Garrett Cole Shannon (B.B.A., Management) McQueeney, Texas

SeungHun Yoon (B.B.A., Management) Daejon, Republic of Korea

Grace Leda Smith (B.B.A., Management) Abilene, Texas

Guan Yu (B.B.A., Management) Danyang, Jiangsu, China

Yesenia Ruby Soria (B.B.A., Management) Summa Cum Laude Pampa, Texas

School of Information Technology & Computing

Hayden Allen Struble (B.B.A., Management) Aledo, Texas Addy Jean Taylor (B.B.A., Management) Magna Cum Laude Spring, Texas Erika Tove Teilmann (B.B.A., Management) Summa Cum Laude Sugar Land, Texas Victoria Beth Timmons (B.B.A., Management) Cum Laude Lubbock, Texas

Austin Clay Allison (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Haslet, Texas Jared Glenn Arthurs (B.S., Computer Science) Magna Cum Laude Missouri City, Texas Tiffanie Rachel Birrell (B.S., Computer Science) Cum Laude Cedar Creek, Texas Kolton Christopher Burkhalter (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Abilene, Texas

Allie Shea Tims (B.B.A., Marketing) Azle, Texas

Ian Aarith Campbell Brothers (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Clyde, Texas

Taylor Ann Tinsley (B.B.A., Marketing) N Richland Hills, Texas

Rene Joseph Cisneros (B.S., Computer Science) Abilene, Texas

Paden Gerard Hoelscher (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Lott, Texas Jessica Leigh Hudkins (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Cum Laude Watauga, Texas Morgan Eileen Hutcherson (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Abilene, Texas Kalir Emannuel Joseph (B.S., Information Technology) Mesquite, Texas Jessica Dean Lowry (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Corpus Christi, Texas Nnamdi Q. Massally (B.S., Computer Science) Sachse, Texas Dakota James Mathews (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Kempner, Texas Lauren Kristen Mullen (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Abilene, Texas

Matthew Thomas Williams (B.S., Computer Science) Oak Park, California Jessica Elizabeth Wininger (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Haslet, Texas

College of Education & Human Services Communication Sciences & Disorders

Riley Ann Cruson (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Rachel Loretta Spelz (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Ashton McCarty Dale (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Richardson, Texas

Cali Deanne Stevens (B.S., Communication Disorders) Abilene, Texas

Allison Marie Dennis (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Garland, Texas Lillian Elise Drever (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Copperas Cove, Texas Madeline Ashley Grimes (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Emma Kay Hendren (B.S., Communication Disorders) Abilene, Texas

Caitlyn Bailey Acosta (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jordan Lee Henry (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Haley Danielle Adrion (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Damitra Nicole Holland (B.S., Communication Disorders) Abilene, Texas

Alaina Nicole Andrews (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Makenzie Lauren Kibel (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Nicole Joy Araujo (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Megan Elizabeth McClendon (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Kenneth Douglas Nutt (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Houston, Texas

Emily Jane Beckendorff (B.S., Communication Disorders) Abilene, Texas

Christian B. Parker (B.S., Computer Science) Cum Laude Friendswood, Texas

Madeline Hope Bow (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Boerne, Texas

Donte' Emmanuel Payne (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Killeen, Texas Stephanie Ramirez (B.S., Digital Entertainment Tech) Carrollton, Texas

Abigail Nicole Browning (B.S., Communication Disorders) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Ashlyn Taylor Byrd (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Kevin Michael Shurtz (B.S., Computer Science) Magna Cum Laude Southlake, Texas

Alyssa Marie Cox (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Megan Ann McLean (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Bronwyn Annette McNeill (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Cassandra Renee Poole (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Upland, California Natalie Anna Ruiz (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Austin, Texas

Bonnie Tesseyman (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Jayce Davis Walker (B.S., Communication Disorders) New Braunfels, Texas Kylee Taylor Washington (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Emily Reiko White (B.S., Communication Disorders) Summa Cum Laude Aiea, Oahu, Hawaii Megan Rae Widder (B.S., Communication Disorders) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Jayme Janene Witek (B.S., Communication Disorders) Cum Laude Austin, Texas

Kinesiology & Nutrition Brock Alan Barger (B.S., Kinesiology) Bixby, Oklahoma Elisabeth Annette Berry (B.S., Nutrition) Amarillo, Texas Audrey Michelle Bogart (B.S., Kinesiology) Brownsville, Texas Sarah Mechelle Brooks (B.S., Kinesiology) Lubbock, Texas Amanda Trevino Chapa (B.S., Kinesiology) Magna Cum Laude Houston, Texas Sydney Lynn Chrane (B.S., Kinesiology) Abilene, Texas Koby Mannon Claborn (B.S., Kinesiology) Lubbock, Texas Cayla Evelyn Clark (B.S., Kinesiology) Summa Cum Laude Wylie, Texas



Watching you grow has been such an honor for all of us! You have worked so hard and put in countless hours of effort and now we celebrate you and all of your accomplishments. We are so proud of the man you have become and look forward to watching what God has in store for you next!

BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Accounting, Finance, and Management

Lisa & Dad Mom & Mike



t has been a wonderful 4 years watching you grow and seeing how God is working in your life. With His help, you have found ways to serve Him by building up unrepresented communities in Abilene as the Hispanic Leadership Council’s Treasurer, serving your church, and standing up for your faith as the faithful Captain of the Knights of Columbus. Excelling in your studies as a McNair scholar, and serving ACU with your various leadership positions around campus. We wish you the best luck and can’t wait to see how God will bless you in the future. Love, Mom, Katie and Dad

You see how the world could be, All wrapped in possibility. As this newest milestone is around you swirled, I’m so glad to be part of your world. The smile in my heart matches the beautiful one on your face. I couldn’t be prouder of your joyful embrace, of life and every new adventure found. Wherever you go, sunshine and light always abound.

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Theatre | Honors Scholar Abilene Christian University

Friday, May 10, 2019

Undergraduate Names/Graduate Names| Page 9 Shawntrey LaNae Milligan (B.S., Kinesiology) Round Rock, Texas

Leah Ruth Davis (B.S., Nutrition) Magna Cum Laude Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Grace Kelly Muvunyi (B.S., Nutrition) Magna Cum Laude Little Elm, Texas

Emili Mia Futagawa (B.S., Nutrition) Summa Cum Laude Cibolo, Texas

Ryan Mathew Perran (B.S., Kinesiology) Abilene, Texas

Mark Timothy Geisel (B.S., Kinesiology) Euless, Texas

Marlena Nicole Pierce (B.S., Nutrition) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Lindsey Nicole Gililland (B.S., Kinesiology) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Allie Jo Privitt (B.S., Kinesiology) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Abby Patricia Glenn (B.S., Kinesiology) Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas

Chelsea Rae Reedy (B.S., Kinesiology) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Tyler Joe Gressett (B.S., Kinesiology) Hurst, Texas Jason Matthew Guin (B.S., Kinesiology) San Antonio, Texas Brenna Hope Hennings (B.S., Kinesiology) Cum Laude Flower Mound, Texas Kaeleigh Victoria Horner (B.S., Kinesiology) Boerne , Texas Jeffrey Dylan House (B.S., Kinesiology) Shavano Park, Texas Landry Craig Hutchins (B.S., Kinesiology) North Richland HIlls, Texas Chioniso Sarah Jakazi (B.S., Nutrition) Mutare, Manicaland, Zimbabwe Micaela Lacy Janssen (B.S., Kinesiology) Magna Cum Laude Brentwood, Ten, Nebraskassee Laurah Celest Lopez (B.S., Kinesiology) Summa Cum Laude Kerrville, Texas Sara Raquel Luna (B.S., Kinesiology) Fort Worth, Texas Reagan Michelle Mabery (B.S., Nutrition) Tolar, Texas Tiffany Marie Mackin (B.S., Kinesiology) Athens, Alabama

Ginaphr Gynonne Seat (B.S., Kinesiology) Bartlesville, Oklahoma Noah Josiah Sherman (B.S., Kinesiology) Minnetonka, Minnesota

School of Social Work Grace Elizabeth Bergeron (B.S., Social Work) Dallas, Texas Sara Brooke Bryan (B.S., Social Work) Abilene, Texas Keila Schea Gabel (B.S., Social Work) Cum Laude Canyon, Texas Emily Beth Glaze (B.S., Social Work) Abilene, Texas Crystal Monique Gray (B.S., Social Work) Abilene, Texas Lauren Kathleen Grizzard (B.S., Social Work) Abilene, Texas Simone Latese Haines (B.S., Social Work) Desoto, Texas Madeline Quade McGuffin (B.S., Social Work) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Lonnie Zanihya Smith (B.S., Kinesiology) Phoenix, Arizona

Mary Katherine Nettles (B.S., Social Work) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Carly Mae Smith (B.S., Kinesiology) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Shannon Beatrice Que (B.S., Social Work) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Jacey Alexa Smith (B.S., Kinesiology) Summa Cum Laude Wimberley, Texas

Kenna Belle Roberts (B.S., Social Work) Magna Cum Laude Argyle, Texas

Cydney Joelle Sweeney (B.S., Nutrition) San Antonio, Texas

Amber Kamille Robinson (B.S., Social Work) Ft Worth, Texas

Brian Dexter Switzenberg (B.S., Kinesiology) Cum Laude Plainview, Texas

Rebecca Kay Schardt (B.S., Social Work) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Shelby Renee Tate (B.S., Nutrition) Spring, Texas

Jeaniece Brasha Silas (B.S., Social Work) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Lillian Gail Thornton (B.S., Kinesiology) Summa Cum Laude Granbury, Texas

Erin Dianne Snider (B.S., Social Work) Dallas, Texas

Sara Elizabeth Williamson (B.S., Kinesiology) Rowlett, Texas

Lakeisha Lynn Thomas (B.S., Social Work) Abilene, Texas

Ashton Elizabeth Young (B.S., Kinesiology) Plano, Texas

Maria Christina Totter (B.S., Social Work) Trophy Club, Texas

Amy Grace Weiss (B.S., Social Work) Midwest City, Oklahoma

Teacher Education Ana Michelle Anderson (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) San Antonio, Texas Jordyn Leigh Arendse (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Summa Cum Laude Colleyville, Texas Janaye Patrice Barker (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Summa Cum Laude Hurst, Texas

Megan L. McCalmont (B.S., Middle School English Lang Art) Summa Cum Laude Round Rock, Texas Madison Keryn Pamplin (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/ Elem.) Abilene, Texas Jessica Janan Parsons (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Cum Laude Marble Falls, Texas

Brittney Grace Behling (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) New Braunfels, Texas

Elizabeth Alexandra Poole (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/ Elem.) Frisco, Texas

Acacia Maelynn Browne (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/ Elem.) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Nicole Joy Santangelo (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Cum Laude Fort Worth, Texas

Carley Alyssa Browning (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Southlake, Texas Megan Lanell Burcham (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Cum Laude Round Rock, Texas

School of Nursing Nursing

Skyler Ray Simmons (B.S.N., Nursing) Tyler, Texas Audrey Marie Skogg (B.S.N., Nursing) Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas Carlee Ann Smith (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Odessa, Texas Marlee Kendall Strever (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Keller, Texas Ashtyn Kate Thorne (B.S.N., Nursing) Lubbock, Texas Laura Ann Walling (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Abilene, Texas Rachael Abigail Watson (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Frisco, Texas Bennett Cole Wendell (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Weatherford, Texas

Trace Alton McKnight (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Pittsburg, Kansas

Breklyn Jeanette Wentz (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Ransom Canyon, Texas

Savannah Lee Anne Parker (B.S.N., Nursing) Cum Laude Cibolo, Texas

Laura Ellen Wilson (B.S.N., Nursing) Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Baylee Marie Daniell (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Marble Falls, Texas

Rebecca Frances Parks (B.S.N., Nursing) Cum Laude Colleyville, Texas

Melanie Hope Davis (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Lakeway, Texas

Taylor Shae Posey (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Rotan, Texas

Kammilyn Marie Wonner (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Glendale, Arizona

Taylor Lee Denning (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Azle, Texas

Ajahcia Sherell Powell (B.S.N., Nursing) Abilene, Texas

Katelyn Brooke Duke (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Cum Laude Mansfield, Texas

Morgan Elizabeth Redmon (B.S.N., Nursing) Lakeside, Texas

Phoebe Katherine Clyde (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/ Elem.) Cum Laude Waxahachie, Texas

Sarah Caroline Fugett (B.S., Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Little Rock, Arkansas Kayla Ann Hill (B.S., Int. Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Flower Mound, Texas Haley Ann Hollis (B.S., Int. Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Magna Cum Laude Watauga, Texas

JessicaJames ACU 2019


Congratulations Jess! Being strong in spirit and kind at heart, you are now equipped to pursue your dreams. Continue to let God guide your path as we know He has many great adventures ahead for you. We love you beyond measure, Mom, Dad and Jordan

Congratulations Graduate ACTS 20:24

Cyanna Mayfield (B.S., Int. Stud:Early Child/Elem.) Summa Cum Laude Abilene, Texas

Andrea Michelle Ruiz (B.S.N., Nursing) Arlington, Texas Sarah Ruth Sakakeeny (B.S.N., Nursing) Cum Laude Colleyville, Texas Mariah Collette Sanderson (B.S.N., Nursing) Magna Cum Laude Denver, Colorado

GRADUATES College of Arts and Sciences Language & Literature Sabrina Alise Zeiler (B.S.N., Nursing) Lewisville, Texas

Psychology Julie Lynn Johnson (M.A., English) Fort Worth, Texas Courtney Gayle Baker (S.S.P., School Psychology) Dyess AFB, Texas

Page 10 | Graduate Names Carolyn H. Casada (M.S., Clinical Psychology) Abilene, Texas Courtney Beth Cassle (M.S., Psychology (Counseling)) Haskell, Texas Peerasin Chatchawarat (M.S., Clinical Psychology) Chiang Rai, Thailand Dylan Lee Daugherty (M.S., Psychology (Counseling)) Abilene, Texas Claire Elise Tyrrell Delgadillo (S.S.P., School Psychology) Spring, Texas

Friday, May 10, 2019 College of Biblical Studies

Erin Gail Morrison (M.A.C.M., Christian Ministry) Fort Worth, Texas

Hunter Holman (M.Acc., Accounting) Dallas, Texas

Jackson Kelley Schoonmaker (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Bible, Marriage & Family Therapy

Caroline Adele Nikolaus (M.A., MA in Global Service) Los Angeles, California

Alexander Joseph Huff (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Tyler Alan Schroeder (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Shannon Clarkson Rains (D.Min., Christian Ministry) Lubbock, Texas

Thomas G. Jacques (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Cade Michael Self (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Kelly Jo Scott (M.A.C.M., Christian Ministry) Wichita Falls, Texas

Lexi Christine Koon (M.Acc., Accounting) Arvada, Colorado

Ryan Paul Simmons (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Derik Cordell Vett (M.A.C.M., Christian Ministry) Allen, Texas

Jacob Daniel Livingston (M.Acc., Accounting) Frisco, Texas

Kelly Nicole Smith (M.Acc., Accounting) Fort Worth, Texas

Samuel A. Ludwig (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Danielle Nicole Wales (M.Acc., Accounting) New Braunfels, Texas

Hannah Victoria Markert (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Preston Boyd Wall (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Brooke Ashton McClenny (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Hillin Christian Warren (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Alexis Nicole Menzies (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Hannah N. Webb (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

KayAnn Elizabeth Orr (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Zach Thomas West (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Jonathan David Park (M.Acc., Accounting) Sugar Land, Texas

Nichalee White (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Molly McCall Rodgers (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Cialee Rhea Wood (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas

Juliana Elizabeth Schackmann (M.Acc., Accounting) Spring, Texas

Megan Michele Young (M.Acc., Accounting) Burleson, Texas

Rylee Janelle Schafer (S.S.P., School Psychology) Colorado Springs, Colorado Kevin Forrest Watson (M.S., Psychology (Counseling)) Abilene, Texas Erika Leanne Sabb (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Abilene, Texas Jacob A. Sandoval (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Abilene, Texas

Tiffany Forsythe (M.S., Clinical Psychology) Gouverneur, New York Omaira Garcia (M.S., Psychology (Counseling)) Abilene, Texas Darrien Gene Gomez (M.S., Psychology (Counseling)) Cozad, Nebraska Zanu Alvin Gordon (S.S.P., School Psychology) Fort Lauderdale, Florida Emily Catherine Hicks (M.S., Clinical Psychology) Abilene, Texas Yi-Hsuan Lin (M.S., Psychology (General)) Taipei, Taiwan Emily Louise Pipkin (S.S.P., School Psychology) Abilene, Texas Rachel Lynn Eagon (M.S., Psychology (Counseling)) Bedford, Texas Emily Frances Sample (S.S.P., School Psychology) Waco, Texas

Timothy D. Spellings (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Lufkin, Texas Scott Alan Archdekin (M.Div., Master of Divinity) Lathrop, Missouri Thomas Dent Ballard (M.A.C.M., Christian Ministry) Plano, Texas Andrew Miller Burns (M.A.C.M., Christian Ministry) Milton, West Virginia Arnold Kwamla Dzah (M.A.C.M., Christian Ministry) Dakar, Senegal

Graduate School of Theology

College of Business Accounting & Finance Henry Branch Adams (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas Jacob Mitchell Ashley (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas Charlye-Ann Biggerstaff (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas McKenna Rebecca Brubaker (M.Acc., Accounting) Roanoke, Texas Ryan Daniel Cleary (M.Acc., Accounting) Prosper, Texas Jordan Anne Eason (M.Acc., Accounting) Keller, Texas

Kelly Michelle Edmiston (M.Div., Master of Divinity) Sugar Land, Texas

Macy Elizabeth Fleming (M.Acc., Accounting) Grand Junction, Colorado

Gloria Eunice Sarah Edmise Hagood (M.Div., Master of Divinity) Long Beach, California

Brandon Lee Gonzales (M.Acc., Accounting) Rowlett, Texas

cacia Browne

College of Graduate & Professional Studies School of Education Leadership Diana V. Barfield (E.D.D., Organizational Leadership) Kingwood, Texas Shacondela Varsha Denson (M.Ed., Higher Education) Houston, Texas Karmella Maria Gonzales (M.Ed., Higher Education) Austin, Texas Marissa Ingrid Guerra (M.Ed., Higher Education) Edinburg, Texas Lucell Armond Hanson (M.Ed., Higher Education) Morris, Minnesota Larry Mitchel Hill (E.D.D., Organizational Leadership) Cypress, Texas Cecelia Kay Jones (M.Ed., Higher Education) Chandler, Texas Christina Leann Lennon (M.Ed., Instruction and Learning) Goldsmith, Texas Jacob Dee Martin (E.D.D., Organizational Leadership) Clyde, Texas Tina Rochelle McCorkle (E.D.D., Organizational Leadership) Manvel, Texas Marlee Renee Stephenson (M.Ed., Higher Education) Clovis, New Mexico

Kai Uwe Schmidt (M.Acc., Accounting) Abilene, Texas



God has truly blessed you with unique talents and abilities And you have used His gifts extremely well. Your positive attitude, your willingness to try new things, Your dedication, and your caring ways, All this shows just how much you've done, Meagan, With His gifts... Today as you celebrate your accomplishments, Remember that you are an important part of

We are SO proud of you! You have grown in every way...spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially, and academically! We love you! Keep making us proud!




CL AS S OF 2 0 1 9

Alex Chapman Travis Nichols


The future is all yours now, go for it! May the Lord bless your steps and watch over you both.

Not only has God blessed you with talent, brains, beauty, and a compassionate spirit, but he has, through you, blessed so many other people. We're proud of you and thankful that you are in our lives.

Love, Papa, Mama, Reuben, Katie, Grace, Una, and all extended family and family-in-laws and church family and friends, past, present, and future ROC K


“Be strong and courageous. Don’t be terrified. Don’t be discouraged, for God will be with you wherever you go. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” We are proud of you both, and look forward to what God has in store for you. All you have to do, is believe that you can, and we believe in you.





DONTE PAYNE Bachelor of Science in Digital Entertainment Technology


on this great accomplishment. We are proud to share this important moment in your life. Through all your ups and downs, you made it. Remember to always keep God first in whatever you do. We love you. Dad, Mom & Tarecka ABILENE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY

Mallory– from your great grandparents, to your grandparents, and your mother and countless other family that have gone before you– you can now take your place as AN OFFICIAL FOURTH GENERATION WILDCAT! We are so very proud of you! Your hard work, determination and go-for-it attitude has served you well. We ask that the Lord continue to bless you in all your future endeavors! Mom and Dad

Friday, May 10, 2019

Graduate Names| Page 11

Lori Jo Tucker (E.D.D., Organizational Leadership) Fairview, Oregon

Carolyn M. Harvey (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Spanish Fork, Utah

Katie Lanae Wilcox (M.Ed., Higher Education) Rocklin, California

Kimberly Brooke Johnson (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Magnolia, Texas

David Christian York (M.Ed., Instruction and Learning) Amarillo, Texas

School of Health & Human Services Monique Bijan Adkins (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) McKinney, Texas Jonathan A. Alvarez (M.H.A., MHA Healthcare Administration) Arlington, Texas Jeanie Bohall (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Sweetwater, Texas Raul Alberto Bowman Jr. (M.H.A., MHA Healthcare Administration) Harlingen, Texas Crystal Michelle Brann (M.H.A., MHA Healthcare Administration) Coleman, Texas Jerri Grimsley Buerger (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Haskell, Texas Jasmyne C. Caples (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Augusta, Georgia Karyn L. Cherry (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Sherrills Ford, North Carolina

Griffin Paul Keller (M.H.A., MHA Healthcare Administration) Fort Worth, Texas Alexia Reagan Lamb (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Tulsa, Oklahoma Alma Beatriz Lemus De Gatica (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Portland, Texas Brandi Lynn Markle (M.H.A., MHA Healthcare Administration) Burleson, Texas

Sandra D. Abreo (M.S., Organizational Development) Frisco, Texas Tiana Alexander (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Abilene, Texas Courtney Nicole Arrington (M.B.A., Business Administration) Garland, Texas Cynthia Lee Austin (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Keego Harbor, Michigan Victoria Lamar Baca (M.S., Organizational Development) Corpus Christi, Texas Devin Michelle Baker (M.B.A., Business Administration) Abilene, Texas

Jessica J. Myers (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Tacoma, Washington Laurie Jean Newberry (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Haskell, Texas Sarah Elizabeth NickolsonKemper (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Weatherford, Texas Elisa Anne Rivard (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Wichita Falls, Texas Cristina Marie Weidemann (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) El Paso, Texas

David Young Ha (M.M.F.T., Marriage and Family Therapy) Plano, Texas

School of Professional Studies

Cleopatra Denise Benjamin (M.S., Organizational Development) Dallas, Texas Hannah Bjerch-Andresen (M.S., Organizational Development) Lubbock, Texas Barrett Alexander Boone (M.B.A., Business Administration) Irvine, California Arturo Honorio Chavez (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Stockton, Missouri

David Leobardo de Anda Jr. (M.B.A., Business Administration) El Paso, Texas Sarah Anne Disler (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Dumfries, Virginia Kati Lyn Findley (M.B.A., Business Administration) Pflugerville, Texas Jorge Daniel Garcia Santiago (M.B.A., Business Administration) Abilene, Texas Jacob Anderson McKinzie Groves (M.B.A., Business Administration) Abilene, Texas Sarah B. Hayden (M.B.A., Business Administration) Allen, Texas Tyler Dale Herndon (M.S., Management) Frisco, Texas Christopher H. Johnson (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Sandy, Utah Madison Eliza Kelley (M.S., Organizational Development) Tomball, Texas James David Krise (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Peachtree Corners, Georgia Rachael M. Lewis (M.B.A., Business Administration) Westhampton, New Jersey

Jeffrey Wornet Cole (M.B.A., Business Administration) mesquite, Texas

Brenton James Mahaffey (M.B.A., Business Administration) The Woodlands, Texas

Blake Danner (M.B.A., Business Administration) League City, Texas

Manuel Ray Martinez (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) San Diego, California

Timothy Craig Michalak (M.S., Organizational Development) Hartford, Wisconsin

Craig Williams (M.B.A., Business Administration) Lewisville, Texas

Shaun Mitchell (M.B.A., Business Administration) Helotes, Texas

Curtis Lane Williams (M.A., Conflict Res & Reconciliation) Bossier City, Louisiana

Jessica S. Neal (M.S., Organizational Development) Summit Hill, Pennsylvania

College of Education

Freddie O. Nelson III (M.B.A., Business Administration) North Richland Hills, Texas

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Emmanuel Ugochukwu Olloh (M.B.A., Business Administration) Chandler, Arizona Lindsay Shawn Palmer (M.B.A., Business Administration) Abilene, Texas Phillip Henry Perez (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Arleta, California Mark C. Perreault (M.B.A., Business Administration) Stephenville, Texas

Sidrah Naseeruddin Ahmed (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Sugar Land, Texas Andrea Ruth Archer (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Abilene, Texas Julia Ann Arenz (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) Addison, Texas Lindsey Paige Barger (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Alabaster, Alabama Regan Meredith Bentley (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Bartlett, Ten, Nebraskassee

Carmen Galvan Pollock (M.B.A., Business Administration) Pearland, Texas Steven Joseph Randles (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Argyle, New York Tiffanie Nicole Rice (M.S., Organizational Development) Lancaster, Texas Shawn Trammell (M.B.A., Business Administration) Abilene, Texas

Austin Leigh Blacklock (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Fort Worth, Texas Bethany Anne Roach (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Dallas, Texas Allison Paige Burnett (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Seymour, Texas Laura Anne Bushong (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology)

Tiffinie Sharleen Triche (M.A., Conflict Management & Res.) Katy, Texas

Lauren Nicole Carpenter (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Dimmitt, Texas

C L A S S O F 2019


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, KINESIOLOGY Congratulations upon graduating from ACU! You have accomplished so much in these past four years. But we are most proud of the love that you have for the Lord and the servant's heart that He has placed in you. Our prayer for you is PSALM 90:12, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

"In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6


A B I L E N E C H R I ST I A N U N I V E R S I T Y Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing

Blessings to you, Mom and Dad

Class Of





BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS - TEACHING The past four years have gone by in the blink of an eye. We are super proud of your academic and athletic accomplishments at ACU. For all the times of late night studies, lack of sleep and long road trips for soccer, your reward is here! We are looking forward to what is next for you! Follow your heart and God will guide your path.




Congratulations and Well Done!



Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Fine Arts Graphic Design Congratulations! Your sweet beauty and incredible talent continue to amaze us. You can achieve whatever you want in life, all you have to do is believe that you can. We believe in you! “THE LORD HIMSELF GOES BEFORE YOU AND WILL BE WITH YOU; HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU. DO NOT BE AFRAID; DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED.” DEUTERONOMY 31:8

We are extremely proud of Kammi and all that she has accomplished at ACU. We are amazed at her academic achievements and are so thankful for the godly friends she has made and the many memories she will cherish for a lifetime! We can’t wait for her to begin her dream as a Pediatric Nurse!

Page 12 | Graduate Names

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sandra Cathleen Casarez (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Carson, California

Zahra Madat Kabani (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Grapevine, Texas

America Chavez (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) McAllen, Texas

Margaret Taylor Kunze (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Richardson, Texas

Bailee Kate Coleman (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Dallas, Texas

Sabrina Lee (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) Farmers Branch, Texas

McKenna Katelyn Culp (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Farmington, New Mexico

Meagan Brooke McBride (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Burleson, Texas

Melissa Erin Dailey (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Coppell, Texas

Megan Elise McWilliams (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Snyder, Texas

Taylor Caroline Davis (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Abilene, Texas

Lauren Elizabeth Menard (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Addison, Texas

Morgan Michelle Durley (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Abilene, Texas Ashley Jayne Epperson (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Birmingham, Alabama Blanca Isaura Esperanza (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Garland, Texas Shay E. Fischer (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) Ballinger, Texas Meredith Anne Fortino (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Reno, Nevada Amy Kathleen Franken (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Augusta, Kansas Jessie Christina Garcia (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) McKinney, Texas Natalia Herrera (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) Dallas, Texas Megan Michelle Hodges (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Midland, Texas Yasmine Itani (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) Rowlett, Texas Lyndsie Leann James (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Godley, Texas Kayla Michelle Jones (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Abilene, Texas

Caroline Morris (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) Abilene, Texas Sarah D. Morrison (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Buffalo, New York Kimberly Ruth Moseley (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Plano, Texas Kaitlyn Marie O'Donnell (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Lafayette, Indiana Jessica Eaton Payne (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Abilene, Texas Rebecca Elizabeth Rapattoni (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Sunnyvale, Texas Michaela Sydney Roberts (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Panhandle, Texas Cameron Reynice Ruiz (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Kenedy, Texas Mariah Jane Ryan (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Stoneboro, Pennsylvania Hannah Marie Schindel (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Abilene, Texas Anja Schumacher (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) St. Cloud, Minnesota Sydney Shoup (M.S., SpeechLanguage Pathology) Carlsbad, New Mexico

Alyssa Nicole Kaschak (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Allen, Texas

Alexandria Michelle Renaud Bisson (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Springfield, Massachusetts

Rachel Leigh Drennan (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Tyler, Texas

Jenna Marie Kerlick (M.S., Occupational Therapy) The Woodlands, Texas

Haley Katherine Brock (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Abilene, Texas

Chloe Ann Fifer (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) McKinney, Texas

Heather Diane Laney (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Abilene, Texas

Cailyn Cori Byrd (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Duncanville, Texas

Bridget Sara Glass (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Benbrook, Texas

Brittney R. McGrew (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Hurst, Texas

Karla Denise Carrasco (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Big Spring, Texas

Heather Miskowic (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Abilene, Texas

Ellie Danette Cornett (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Abilene, Texas

Bailey Grace Goodenough (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Abilene, Texas

Brittany Bennett (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Sachse, Texas

Britley Amanda Owens (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Visalia, California

Erin Kathleen DeOtte (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Amarillo, Texas

Kelsey Kristine Blake (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Austin, Texas

Rachel Ann Peters (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Seymour, Texas

Michael Jared Gonzalez (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Saginaw, Texas

Hali Alexis Bohr (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Groom, Texas

Pierce Davis Pfluger (M.S., Occupational Therapy) San Angelo, Texas

Hannah Louise Harrell (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Abilene, Texas

Rachel Anne Booth (M.S., Occupational Therapy) San Antonio, Texas

Alyssa Brianna Plank (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Hamlin, Texas

Heather Leann Isbell (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Dallas, Texas

Riley Leighton Browder (M.S., Occupational Therapy) New Waverly, Texas

Timothy Naron Policarpio (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Lubbock, Texas

Melissa Kichura (M.S.S.W., Social Work) San Antonio, Texas

Madison Paige Clearman (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Tuscola, Texas

Matthew Macleod Reed (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Abilene, Texas

Melissa Kay Murray (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Brownwood, Texas

Shelby Noel Corn (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Abilene, Texas

Morgan Paige Smith (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Tyler, Texas

Frediane Ndikumana (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Abilene, Texas

Kristen Sloan Cullers (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Hungerford, Texas

McKenna LeeAnn Souders (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Houston, Texas

Renee Marie Paul (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Lansing, Michigan

Michaela Leigh Entzminger (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Holland, Texas

Sidney A. Spieker (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Sayre, Oklahoma

Emily Faith Roman (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Sealy, Texas

Heidi Nell Gilmore (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Waxahachie, Texas

Laura Alexis Sykora (M.S., Occupational Therapy) San Angelo, Texas

Bryn Elizabeth Stonehouse (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Houston, Texas

Cynthia Berfect-Shelby (D.N.P., Nursing Practice) Harvey, Louisiana

Morgan L. Helfrick (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Atlanta, Texas

Dorian Vela (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Bovina, Texas

Hayven Jamone Tudman (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Abilene, Texas

Latonya Nicole King (D.N.P., Nursing Practice) Vacaville, California

Ashley Marie Hickman (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Midlothian, Texas

Alyssa Suzanne Vierk (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Mokena, Illinois

Christy Danielle Vijjeswarapu (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Corpus Christi, Texas Kora Jean Wallace (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Live Oak, Texas Kari Lynn White (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) New Braunfels, Texas Madelene Patricia Williams (M.S., Speech-Language Pathology) Whitehouse, Texas

Occupational Therapy

Melanie Johnson (M.S., Occupational Therapy) Fate, Texas


DAVID SNELLING Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice

WE ARE SO VERY PROUD OF YOU. All our love, Mom, Dad, Rachel, Stephen, Jessica, Isaac, Caleb, Sarah & Matt “He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” MICAH 6:8

Abilene Christian University

School of Social Work Jennifer Louise Artis (M.S.S.W., Social Work) Abilene, Texas

DeJanee Gregory (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Rialto, California Whitney Nicole Hahn (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Plano, Texas Ivana Munoz (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) McKinney, Texas Katie Norwood Taylor (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Spring, Texas Victoria Lea Phipps (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Abilene, Texas Katherine Alexandra Simmons (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Arlington, Texas Stacy Nicole Spink (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Oronogo, Missouri Bailey Strahan (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Abilene, Texas

School of Nursing Nursing

Teacher Education Sierra Elizabeth Bennett (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Saint Louis, Missouri Shelby Lynne Bridges (M.Ed., M.Ed. Teaching and Learning) Abilene, Texas

Jayme J. Witek


Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders & Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

Congratulations J.J. We are so proud of you! Love,

Mom, Dad, and Jodi

- CLA SS OF 2019 -

twenty - nineteen


Gabrielle Walker Bachelor of Fine Arts, Musical Theatre

You have worked hard for all you have achieved. You have a very bright future ahead of you. Congratulations Gabby! We love you. Nana & Papa

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE - NURSING Abilene Christian University

Way to go Trace! As you begin your new career as an ICU nurse, we pray God bless you with wisdom, favor, and joy in this calling on your life. May the years you spent in Abilene bless you for decades to come. Your whole family is so proud of you!




We still remember your first day of school.

Look at you now - all grown up and ready to graduate. We are so proud of not only this big accomplishment, but who you have become as a young woman! You are brilliant, hardworking, talented and have a huge heart. Gabby, keep chasing your dreams!

Love Mom & Dad

MAX PRESTON Bachelor of Science, Convergence Journalism Abilene Christian University

Way to go, Max! You’re the best! We love you!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sports | Page 13


Melgar, Williams propel track to strong finish LEXI KIRGAN SPORTS WRITER

Sophomore sprinter Jared Williams eked out win in the 400-meter dash with time of 46.70 at the Southland Conference Outdoor Championships Sunday, helping propel the men’s track and field team to an overall second-place spot in the meet for the second year in a row with 117 points. Meanwhile, Kayla Melgar, senior thrower from

Temple, Arizona, finished first in shot put, throwing 16.05 meters and second in discus and the hammer throw to earn women’s championship MVP, with 26 points. And senior thrower Annina Brandenburg, from Düsseldorf, Germany, was the women’s winner in discus, throwing 53.20 meters. Overall, the women placed fourth with 103 points. Sam Houston State topped the men’s com-

petition with 164 points, and Stephen F. Austin won the women’s with 195.5 points. Brandenburg said the season has been great for her team, specifically the throwers. “Speaking for me, the season has been going really well,” Brandenburg said. “But also for all of our throwers, it’s been a great year, with great results. I think for me the most exciting thing is that I could

increase my personal records in all three events, which makes me very excited for two more years here at ACU.” The men’s 4x400 meter relay team won, grabbing its third conference championship within the past four years. Individually, the Wildcats posted several accomplishments, including one big honor for Melgar. She ended her last meet at ACU with two silver

medals, one gold medal and was named most valuable performer of the whole meet. Melgar said she was thankful for the award but said she couldn’t take all the credit. “It was a perfect way to wrap up a wonderful season with a wonderful team,” she said. “If I could, I would give it to Kai Schmidt. If it wasn’t for his injury, he would be the most deserving for this award.

This award is just another achievement that I cannot solely accept. All the glory goes to God and the blessing of a team and coaches I have.” Nine total medals were given out. The men finished with a total of 104 points to get them second place and the women scored 103 points to put them in fourth. The Wildcats will conduct their Last Chance Meet in Abilene Sunday.


Softball falls to HBU 3-1 to end conference in 10th place OWEN SIMPSON SPORTS DIRECTOR

Softball capped a forgettable season Saturday as it was swept in its final season series against HBU. The Wildcats finished the year at 13-31 overall and 6-21 in the conference putting them 10th in the Southland Conference. They also finished with the worst overall record in ACU softball history. The previous record was back in 2015 when they went 14-33. The Wildcats threegame series against Houston Baptist was full of BASEBALL

Junior outfielder Caroline Adair catches a ball sent into the outfield.

scoring, but for just one team in particular. Friday’s double-header featured the Lady Huskies winning both games in opposite ways.

The first game ended early as HBU took a commanding 10-2 lead after just six innings. ACU finished with four errors, and sophomore pitcher Saman-

tha Bradley grabbed her 18th loss of the season. The Huskies were in full control after a sixrun second inning, giving them a 7-1 advantage. The Wildcats failed to answer back as they were held to just four hits. Game two was a much more competitive matchup that saw extra innings. In the low-scoring affair, both teams entered the 8th inning with a run each. However, freshman catcher Caitlyn Brockway for HBU ended the game with a walk-off solo home run in center field. Offense finally caught

some action in the final game of the season Saturday. The Wildcats scored five runs on 10 hits, but it proved to not be enough. ACU fell in its final regular season game, 8-5, after the Lady Huskies scored three runs in the bottom of the sixth inning. Freshman pitcher Jillian Hefner grabbed the loss at the circle for the Wildcats to finish 1-4 in her collegiate season debut. Head coach Bobby Reeves will have all his pieces back for next season as every roster player is a junior or younger, making the Wildcats one of

the youngest teams in the Southland Conference. Sophomore pitcher Samantha Bradley finished the season with the best batting average for the Wildcats at .317 and the most innings pitched at the circle with a 5.90 ERA. Meanwhile, sophomore pitcher Callie Burris finished the 2019 season with the best ERA for Wildcat pitchers at 4.70 and a 6-8 record. Because the Wildcats finished outside the top eight teams in the conference, ACU will not be invited to the Southland Conference tournament.

Trevino’s bats break as the Wildcats struggle on the road TYLER HENDERSON SPORTS WRITER

The Wildcats were on the road this past weekend for a three game series against the Privateers of New Orleans. The Wildcats and Privateers opened the series with a Friday night double header, splitting the nightcap at one game a piece. ACU lost game one of

the double-header, but had good performances at the dish from senior catcher Luis Trevino, who went 2-4 on the day with a home run, and senior left fielder Dalon Farkas, who was also 2-4 with an RBI single. New Orleans starter freshman Brandon Mitchell excelled at the mound, going eight strong innings, giving up two

earned runs on eight hits and striking out 10 Wildcat hitters. Game two of the nightcap ended with a Wildcat victory, led by Trevino, who went 4-4 with three home runs, four runs scored and four RBI’s. He leads in all three triple crown categories – batting average, home runs and RBI – and is a USA

Golden Spike nominee. Trevino said his approach to the game this season has been consistent throughout the year. “My game plan has been the same since game one,” he said, “just to help my teammates as much as I can to end up with a win at the end of the day.” The Wildcats wrapped up the series with a 13-in-

ning, 5-4 loss on Sunday. Farkas and junior left fielder Dalton Dunn both drove in one run, and the two others were unearned and scored on errors. Senior Brennan Lewis led the pitching staff on Sunday, going seven and a third innings, allowing only one earned run on seven hits. Lewis struck out five and walked only

one Privateer. “We are playing a really good game, but at the end of the day, it just hasn’t gone our way,” Trevino said. “It’s just baseball.” The Wildcats play one more road series at Central Arkansas, starting Friday, and will finish the season at home against Nicholls later next weekend May 16.

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Page 14 | Sports FEATURE

Friday, May 10, 2019


Five championships, March Madness signal promising future for Wildcats OWEN SIMPSON SPORTS DIRECTOR

Five Southland Conference championships and three NCAA tournament appearances highlight arguably the best sports year in ACU history. This school year was highlighted by two basketball NCAA tournaments, two tennis conference championships and a soccer NCAA tournament in 2018. Athletic director Allen Ward said he has been more than impressed with athletics in his time here thus far. “I would have never imagined that we would have won five championships and be sitting here in the top three of the commissioners cup,” he said. “It’s been a remarkable year, but all that credit goes to our head coaches and student athletes. They’ve represented the university incredibly well.” Ward became the ninth director of athletics in July of 2018 after 13 years in the role at Murray State. Soccer grabbed ACU’s first conference championship of the school year, upsetting the top-seeded Central Arkansas Bears 1-0 in the conference semifinals and taking down Stephen F. Austin 3-1 in the championship. The soccer team was the first program to earn a spot in the NCAA Tournament at the Div. I level. Its historic season ended six days later against the No. 11 Baylor Lady Bears in Waco, 2-0. Despite their first-round exit, the Wildcats set high expectations for the rest of the year, finishing 15-6-1 on the season. As one sports’ season came to a close, Wildcat football kicked off its second season at Anthony Field. After a lackluster first season on campus going 2-9, ACU posted its first winning record since moving up to the Div. I level in 2014. They also faced their first Power Five conference team in program history in their season debut, taking on Baylor at McLane Stadium. The Wildcats ultimately fell 55-27 in the matchup but played far better than most expected.

STANDINGS Softball Team



32-21 33-20 29-29 34-20 34-23 30-26 23-34 26-28 23-23 13-31 8-40 8-43

SLC 22-5 21-6 19-8 18-9 17-10 15-12 14-13 12-15 10-17 6-21 4-22 3-23


Photo by LAUREN FRANCO| 2018-19 EDITOR IN CHIEF Jaylen Franklin, senior guard, dribbles around a defender on his way to the basket.

Ward said that as the athletic director, he’s always looking to improve the overall quality of sports facilities on campus. “I’m always making sure that our facilities are at a level that we can recruit to. It all comes down to recruiting and our ability to bring quality athletes in and that’s why facilities are so important,” Ward said. “I have to admit, we’ve been looking at a few facilities. We’ve been looking at Moody to see if there’s different things we can do there. I think that facility needs the most attention.” Moody Coliseum is one of the oldest structures on campus, opened in 1968. It also seems fitting of renovation as well after a historic season for both the men and women basketball teams. The Wildcats were put on a national stage on multiple occasions this season. However, none were greater than the men’s basketball team playing the Kentucky Wildcats in the first round of the NCAA tournament. The men finished sec-

ond in the Southland Conference regular season standings but defied odds winning the Southland Conference championship. They finished the season 27-7, the winningest season in program history. Head coach Joe Golding was also named Southland Conference coach of the year after the successful season. The women finished the regular season ranked fourth in the conference, but upset the overall No. 1 seed in the conference, Lamar, 88-79, in route to becoming the 2019 Southland Conference champions. The Wildcats were selected to take on the country’s top overall seed, the Baylor Lady Bears. Having lost only one game all year, the game was never in doubt as Baylor cruised to a 95-38 victory, and it marked the beginning of Baylor’s run to grab its third national championship in program history. Despite the loss, history was once again made for ACU. On an even higher note, the Wildcats only had one senior on the roster so-

lidifying a promising 201920 season. Both Golding and the women’s basketball head coach, Julie Goodenough were awarded with five-year contract extensions after leading their teams to the NCAA tournament. “The basketball season showed ACU fans, alums and donors exactly what a successful Div. I athletic program can do for an institution,” Ward said. “Being able to win and have national media attention on you is priceless.” After the Southland Conference championships, USA Today featured the Wildcats’ basketball teams’ success on the front page. Ward went on to say the basketball team created a level of exposure that he doesn’t believe ACU has ever been able to have in the past. After the conclusion of the 2019 basketball season, tennis started making noise on its own. The men’s tennis team finished the season undefeated in regular season conference play clinching the No.

1 overall spot in the Southland Conference tournament. Meanwhile the women also grabbed the top spot. However, both teams failed to win the tournament leaving them out of the NCAA tournament. The men finished the year 22-5 while ACU women went 15-10. Much can be said about the success of this past year at ACU, but next year has much more in store as well. After some heavy recruiting from the football team and Head coach Adam Dorrel, the Wildcats are set to improve once again this year. The 2019 season shows off a challenging non-conference schedule featuring the Mean Green of North Texas for the season opener Aug. 31. Then wrapping up the season, ACU travels out east to face Mississippi State Thanksgiving weekend. Meanwhile, soccer and basketball will look to defend their conference title in next season to repeat and return to their second consecutive NCAA Tournament appearance.






L2 10TH


L1 4TH



The Wildcats’ season has come to two final series to determine postseason eligibility. ACU currently sits at 10th overall in the Southland, three games back from that final spot in the Southland Conference tournament. Central Arkansas currently sits at fourth in the conference coming off a lost series to Incarnate Word, 2-1. Senior catcher Luis Trevino has been the key piece of the Wildcat roster this season and has continued surging throughout the season. He’s now batting .420 on the year which ranks him fifth in the NCAA. It’s an incredible feat to say the least, but he needs help if ACU hopes to make the conference tournament. They just came off a losing series to New Orleans 2-1 this past weekend. It seems the biggest issue for the Wildcats is how they play on the road. A 4-12 away record is nowhere near where they’d like it to be as they stay on the road for the second consecutive week. Wildcats grab one win against UCA, but ultimately lose the series and their chances at the postseason.





The Wildcats have struggled as of late and are coming off of a series loss to New Orleans, 2-1. ACU lost the last two games of the series. As the season comes to a close in these last two series, the Wildcats are looking to close out the season strong. It will be hard to beat a Central Arkansas team this weekend. Central Arkansas won six games prior to losing their last three out of four games. The Bears are fourth in the conference and are looking to head into the conference tournament hot. ACU has had a bright spot this season with Luis Trevino. Trevino won Hitter of the Week award this week with a spectacular weekend against New Orleans. Trevino hit four home runs, five RBIs and five runs. ACU will give up too many runs to stay in the games against New Orleans. Central Arkansas will bounce back against ACU and take the series.



The 10th place Wildcats need to win this crucial series against Central Arkansas to make the conference tournament. However, they are playing at Bears stadium this week and the Wildcats’ current away record is four wins and twelve losses. Central Arkansas’ home record is currently fifteen wins and eleven losses. Also, Central Arkansas has four pitchers that have an ERA under 3.00 so this may be a problem for the Wildcats’ offense. One way the Wildcats’ could win this series is by relying on senior catcher Luis Trevino who has been doing great on the offensive end. Another way is if the Wildcats’ offense does well against the pitching power from Central Arkansas. If the Wildcats fail to break their poor away play and can not get their offense to produce then they will be swept by the 4th place Central Arkansas and lose their chances of making the conference tournament.




27-19 27-22 32-16 24-23 28-19 21-28 26-22 29-22 25-24 23-23 25-24 17-30 16-31

SLC 16-8 16-8 15-9 14-10 13-11 13-11 12-12 13-14 11-13 10-14 9-15 9-15 8-19


Track and Field

Melgar Senior thrower Kayla Melgar had a great track and field career which concluded in record-breaking fasion.She won her first ever Southland Conference shot put medal by breaking the school record toss of 16.05m. Melgar has also earned 16 wins throughout her career and looks to add more at the NCAA Regional track meet which takes place . The Wildcats girls team finished fourth overall while the men capped off their season coming in as the runner-up.



2019 SEASON STATS 4-12


As the softball season has come to a close, the junior transfer outfielder Linsey Tomlinson has had a solid first season here at ACU. She had a batting average of .306 and second in home runs with three on the season. This past weekend Tomlinson hit one home run against Houston Baptist and accounted for three runs throughout the weekend. The Wildcats weren’t able to get a win in this series and will closeout the season with a 13-31 record.



The Wildcats only have six games left, two final weekends to determine if they can make it to the Southland tournament. ACU is three games back from claiming the final spot in the Southland Conference Tournament. Hopefully the Wildcats will be able to win their first away conference game against the university of Central Arkansas. Southland’s newest conference Player of the Week, senior Luis Trevino, will needs assistance from his teammates if they hope to make it to postseason play. When ACU comes home with a win agansit UCA, they would match the program’s record for Southland Conference wins, after having 13 in 2015. I’m calling ACU bringing home a 2-1 series win over bears



Trevino Senior catcher Luis Trevino had himself a solid weekend down in New Orleans. Already leading the team in home runs, he tacks on another four, one in the first and three in the second game. The Wildcats ended up only winning one game in the series against New Orleans 7-3 in game two. Their next series is against UCA as they look to clinch a conference tournament bid.

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