Virtual Module 1

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Jaime Lee Student No. 636903 Semester 2 2013 Tutorial 2

Isometric View


I measured the dimensions of the actual object, arm floatie using a scale ruler. Since the object does not have even dimensions and is of a complicated and polyline solid, it’s extremely difficult to do an accurate measured drawings. I used a scale of 1:10 in this measured drawing.

Layout of Floatie After reading the reading on laying out crossiant, I tried to use the same method to layout my designated object. I divided the floatie into three triangles and have drawn six section lines all starting from one corner of one triangle. These lines are shown in image 1. Image 2 shows the sections separated by the different lines drawn in image 1.

Image 1

Image 2

Volume Measurement vvvvv

Since the floatie is an inflatable object, it’s hard to measure air therefore another way to measure its volume is to insert water in the floatie until full then record how much water has been put in. However the inflation point is designed so to provide an easy way for air to move in but hard to leak out, this designed is sketched on the right in image 3. This makes water hard to go into the floatie hence was difficult for me to measure the volume accurately. Therefore I think the most accurate estimation can be obtained through the calculation of a prism, workings shown below.

I have roughly sketched the floatie and found it resembles the shape of a prism, thus thought it would help in the calculation of the volume. (shown in image 4) Larger Prism: 11.8cm x 16cm x 1/2 x 18 cm = 1699.2cm3

Image 3

Smaller Prism: 5cm x 6.9 cm x 1/2 x 18cm = 310.5 cm 3 Total Volume= 1699.2 - 310.5 = 1388.7 cm3 Image 4

Stages of Inflation vvvvv

Second Skin Design Ideas

Design is developed from the one half of an arm floatie, i extended it vertically, producing a tube-like inflatble. I placed the object on the model in a spiral manner. This symbolises people values

Inspried by my designated object in the inflatable material system, producing an hour glass shaped inflatable covering the body. Symbolising a barrier human create to other people, the arms are trapped and almost unmovable, symbolising most people trapping their own feelings to themselves. The bubbles on top are to enhance the volumisation of the design. The hourglass shape is developed from repetition and mirroring of the arm floatie.

Design is inspried by a life jacket, it’s transparent symbolising a transparent barrier humans create with other people, similar to design 2. People value their peronal spaces for sense of security and self protection which are also the purposes of a life jacket.

Developmental Sketch Model

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