The “JSU Love” series highlights alumni who met their fiancé/ fiancée or spouse while attending ‘Thee I Love.’
Creativity, imagination and academics collide at the Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CIEED). The CIEED is helping the JSU community launch dreams, products and services.
Volume 20, No 7
JSU’s alumni are a reputable force. They make the world a better place to work and live, while also giving back to their “dear old college home.”
The Jacksonian is published annually by the Jackson State University Office of Communications.
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It is an honor to serve as acting president of my alma mater, Jackson State University. I walked these halls and was mentored by great educators who shared their knowledge and wisdom with me during my time as a student. I am committed to upholding the Jackson State University mission, which is to serve our student body.
My goal is to continue to execute the University’s strategic plan and build off the successes that have already taken place. As you turn the pages of the Jacksonian magazine, you will be excited by what is on the horizon. When I think about what we offer as a destination of higher learning, I know that JSU is an institution of the future.
We are introducing our students to new industries, opportunities and collaborations, as exhibited in the new supply chain management degree that we offer. JSU alumnus David Malone is bringing diversity to this field. He is sharing his story to ensure that the disruptions that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic become a relic of the past.
Our students are learning about cybersecurity in a day and age where technology is easily accessible and a significant part of our daily lives. JSU alumnus Edgar Johnson is enhancing this industry and expressing the need to protect our personal data and systems from vulnerabilities that can cause a severe disturbance if compromised. Edgar is making a difference in the cybersecurity realm with the education and opportunities he gained right here at JSU.
Our Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development allows students to realize their dreams. It is a hub for transformation and exploration, preparing our students for a future that is driven by technology. I am incredibly proud that the Center offers a fellowship program that helps students define their skills, provides hands-on experience and connects them with top-tier organizations.
Additionally, this issue highlights our investments in the campus physical plant. Our on-going development projects are a testament to our goal of improving the quality of life for students, faculty and staff. A new dining space will match the growth and needs of our student body, in addition to the Plaza Project that will contain plenty of green space for our students to study outside and fellowship with one another. The Lynch Street Project will give an extra layer of security to ensure that our biggest assets – our students – remain safe.
All these significant accomplishments would not be possible without you – our JSU alumni. You have expressed your love for your ‘Dear old College’ home by significantly increasing your giving and support for our alma mater. I encourage you to continue to reach back and reach out to JSU and learn how you can leverage your ongoing support for the betterment of our students as they strive to make their indelible mark on the world.
Together with our stakeholders, we will continue to execute the JSU Elevate Strategic Plan, focused on Student Success, Academic Excellence, Increased Research Excellence and Enhancing the JSU Brand. These hallmarks will further cement JSU as an institution of the future.
Elayne H. Anthony, Ph.D. Acting PresidentGreetings JSU Tiger Alums,
Like Jackson State University, the future of the JSU National Alumni Association is brilliantly bright. I am honored to be president at such a special and rewarding time in our alma mater’s history and in the history of our organization. We are reaching new milestones and striving for more as we elevate together.
I want to thank each of you for donating to JSU, an institution that has given us so much. We hit a new high in our alumni giving rate, climbing to over 13% and still counting. I am proud of this accomplishment, but we have even further to go. We can be and should be the example of what giving looks like for our brother and sister HBCUs.
“Building Capacity. Strengthening Bonds” is something we can accomplish through collective support. As we move forward, we must harness the energy and influence we helped to create over the years. Let it fuel our intentions and desire for a productive tomorrow. Ensuring that you, our alumni base, are involved and engaged is a must as we recruit new alums, grow our presence and enhance our initiatives and undertakings.
All of us are a reflection of the power of a JSU education. This is an important element when helping to create future leaders. We must continue to prioritize our support for student programs and help to increase JSU’s enrollment.
Most of you know that I am an administrator in the Jackson Public School District. I am proud of the fact that over 65% of African American educators in JPS schools come from ‘Thee I Love.’ It shows the importance of education, creating pipelines and building partnerships. We must continue to create spaces of educational opportunities for our scholars.
We can do all these things, but we can do much more together. Again, I challenge you to become active nationally and in your local chapter. We must ensure that everyone knows about the work being done at Jackson State University. JSU’s name should resonate whenever brilliance is mentioned, and it is up to each of us to help make this a reality.
Thank you for all that you do. The work continues.
Patrease Edwards President, JSUNAA, Inc.The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges for supply chains globally. Multiple national lockdowns slowed or temporarily stopped the flow of raw materials and finished goods, and as a result, disrupted manufacturing.
In addition, the pandemic revealed previously unnoticed vulnerabilities and magnified pre-existing problems in the global supply chain.
Jackson State University alumnus David Malone, whose supply chain career spans over 40 years, has always been bothered by the lack of diversity in the field.
“I was fortunate to get in back in 1981 with a major technology company out of Boston. Luckily, I landed in one of the fastest growing and world changing professions,” he said. “I want HBCU students to have access to such a great profession.”
Malone is the founder and president of AcquireIQ, LLC, a supply chain consulting and training company focused on helping organizations expand their procurement and supply chain value proposition through the optimization of people, process and technology.
Malone credits his career with the opportunity to travel to Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, France and China, to name just a few countries.
“One day I was standing on a mountain, a big hill overlooking Hong Kong in China. I had gone to China because of the company I worked for at the time, Avery Dennison, where I was the director of purchasing. We had a facility over there and there was a paper machine that mirrored the one we were going to buy at another facility,” he recalled.
“I was going to China first and then going to Indonesia to look at the machine itself. I was standing on that hill overlooking this vast city (Hong Kong), and I thought to myself, ‘How did I get here from Pickens, Mississippi, in Holmes County, growing up on a farm in the country, going to Jackson State after high school?’ My career led me there.”
Malone shared that the pandemic highlighted the need for video conferencing and other forms of communication in the supply chain management workplace.
“I worked for two years as the chief procurement officer for King County in Seattle, Washington, and that was all during the pandemic. I did that for two years all from home, remotely. We implemented a new procurement system, strategic sourcing, which is an advanced procurement technique that allows you to save millions of dollars, saving like four million dollars,” Malone said.
“We implemented a new travel management system called SAP Concur, where you can take care of all your travel bookings and approvals and expense reimbursement. I learned during the pandemic, that you can be really productive working remotely. That’s one of the biggest things going forward in this profession.”
Malone recently served as director of procurement and supply management for the city of St. Petersburg, Florida. He plans to move back to Mississippi and continue developing his company and educating people about supply chain management.
Malone played an integral role in bringing the supply chain management degree to JSU’s College of Business. He worked with Dean Fidelis Ikem, Ph.D., to develop the degree, create internship opportunities and establish an advisory board for it.
“I was able to recruit supply chain executives from Black and Decker, Microsoft, the Institute for Supply Management along with participation from the Supply Management Department head at Michigan State, which is rated No. 1 nationally for its supply management program. Dr. Ikem brought together that group along with the supply chain executive for Ingalls Shipbuilding and the JSU School of Business leaders to complete the advisory board.”
Certified by the Institution for Supply Chain Management, Malone plans to provide certification prep training for JSU students and people in the area. “We have had a talent shortage in supply chain management for over a decade. The growth of the profession simply has outpaced the talent pool, and I for one, want that gap in talent to be filled by our students,” he said.
Malone, a 1981 JSU graduate, said other than his three children, assisting his alma mater in establishing a supply chain management program is an accomplishment he is proud of.
“We talk about giving back and yeah, you can always do that with money, money is definitely needed, but knowledge is more important than that money because knowledge is what leads to money,” Malone shared.
“We talk about the need for representation and a lot of these companies and organizations have supplier diversity programs, but at the end of the day, you can have all the programs you want, but it’s the culture that really drives whether there is diversity in the supply business. Our folks need that knowledge, education and experience to bring opportunities to our communities.”
Jackson State University Alumnus Edgar Johnson understands the urgency for society and the Black community to establish proactive efforts to secure their personal data and the potential vulnerabilities if that is overlooked.
“Nothing is 100% secure and the ability to think critically about how a network can be penetrated is ultimately the work of cybersecurity, to anticipate and effectively counteract,” he said.
A native of Chicago, Johnson arrived at JSU in the fall of 2014 with a mindset groomed for STEM, having participated in an iOS app development program.
After completing his freshman year, he began working closely with JSU as a cybersecurity researcher. During his senior year, Johnson along with another senior in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology participated in the IBM-sponsored hackathon “Blue Hack.” The Atlantabased project encouraged participants to develop within 30 hours an idea to solve a major world issue and produce, for example, innovative research about a disease or an app to promote human connectivity.
The outcome of the JSU students’ project earned high praise from IBM executives, so much so that lucrative job offers were extended to both. The duo developed a web application called HyperT, a clientserver computer program designed to identify qualified candidates for a software company based on data about their personality and technical skills.
After graduating from JSU, Johnson moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to work for IBM on its Watson Health project, a collaboration with
Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The project was designed to build on the relationship between humanity and technology.
After eight months working in Cambridge as a software developer, Johnson began work as a solution engineer on the top cybersecurity team within IBM. He began earning his master’s degree in cyber security risk management while continuing his full-time position with IBM.
“IBM made it a point to not only help me finance my education but to support me along the way and be flexible as I completed complex assignments”, praised Johnson.
While transitioning from graduate studies to full-time engineering Johnson was promoted to cyber security advisor and senior engineer, a move that emphasized the level of trust and investment IBM placed on his skillset.
For Johnson, nothing topped the opportunity for him to return home to Chicago while continuing to work in cybersecurity. Now serving as a senior cyber security architect within IBM, Johnson set his sights on his next opportunity, which is to educate the next generation of engineers.
Johnson pursued his first teaching opportunity to serve as a cyber security instructor for a certification course at Michigan State University College of Engineering. As part of the interview process, he was required to conduct a mock class setup in front of several other faculty members as well as endure several rounds of interviews. Johnson landed the job.
Jackson State University Chief Information Officer Deborah Dent, Ph.D., believes in the work Johnson and other JSU alumni in the field of cybersecurity.
“As the world grows in dependency on technology, seeing much of our daily activities are connected to some form of network, this creates the potential for bad actors to arise to expose network vulnerabilities,” she said. “The success of alumni like Edgar validates our sense of urgency as a department and ultimately as an institution. We must establish a sense
of urgency in equipping students with cutting-edge industry knowledge on how to effectively secure networks and move in sync with the growth of the cyberworld. We must continue to groom our students to serve as thought leaders and standard bearers for the world to come.”
Dent wants additional corporate partners to invest in equipping JSU students with the tools to effectively shape technology to complement human interest. Most recently, the Microsoft Techspark program invested in the JSU cybersecurity readiness program, which trains 100 JSU students to combat real-world cybersecurity security issues and provides them a practical understanding of what tools, logic and institutional knowledge are necessary to blossom within the field.
“Technology is not going away anytime soon, so it is imperative that we make friends with this new reality and come to understand how these processes work and equip the next generation so they can identify and resolve for the greater good the problems that do not work for society,” Dent said.
Johnson is thankful for the opportunity to discover and nurture his calling at JSU.
“This is what I am created to do and I’m extremely grateful for the ability to provide a sense of security many companies work tirelessly to obtain,” he said. “We must understand how to properly protect our information by first curbing our lack of attentiveness that leaves both our personal and professional infrastructures in vulnerable positions.”
e met in music appreciation class during the spring of 2015 and ended up sitting next to each other by chance. Our friendship began when Mykela lost her voice and the professor called on her. I immediately spoke up for her and began reading the passage to the class. As our friendship blossomed, we would walk to the dorms together since they were in the same direction. I was always hesitant when I reached my dorm, where we would part, and Mykela would walk the rest of the way to her dorm alone.
Our friendship flourished after an assignment from our professor. We were asked to attend and write about five live musical performances and we decided to go to them together. We grew to know each other even more while attending both class and the musical events. At the end of the semester, I asked Mykela to be my girlfriend and shockingly she said, “No.”
I didn't give up and we continued to talk all summer long. In October 2015, she agreed to a relationship and we became a couple.
In 2020, I knew I wanted to propose to the love of my life but the COVID-19 pandemic complicated matters. I had to think of how I was going to surprise Mykela and keep it a secret. I thought it would be perfect to not only do it in Jackson where we met but also at the home of her relatives who are alumni of Jackson State from when it was known as Jackson College. I invited a few of her family members and mine to be there. I knew this would most likely make her cry when she saw our families standing together in support of our union.
I got down on one knee as she walked through the door. Our mothers were on either side of me holding “marry me” signs. I thought she would cry, but she was so shocked I was afraid she might pass out! She shook her head to say “Yes,” through her tears and our relatives gave us JSU apparel as congratulatory gifts!
Since then, we’ve been on so many adventures together. Our greatest adventure, that of husband and wife, began on Oct. 10, 2021. We are now living happily in Denver, Colorado.
It was August 2005 when Tramaine walked into a Tiger Pride Connection interview at Jackson State University. I was one of the student leaders responsible for interviewing potential candidates. After asking a series of questions to determine if he would be a good fit for the organization, a fellow member named Brandi said, “Ooooo, I think you all should go on a date!” and we both said, “Yeah, maybe.”
After the interview, we would see each other on campus often, and Tramaine would say, “We’re still going on our date, right?” and I would always reply, “Yep!” Tramaine and I seemed totally different from one another. I am outgoing and involved, and he is a bit reserved. He was a computer science major, and I was an English major. Something kept making me think about him: Was it his strong work ethic that he kept mentioning in the interview? Was it his greenish/gray eyes? Or was it just that I could tell he was raised right?
A few months later, I said to myself, “I’m going to call him and see what’s up.” I called his roommate and mutual friend, Jeremy Jones, and got Tramaine’s number, and called him. After a light conversation, I politely asked, “What’s up? Are we going on that date or what?” He said, “Of course!”
Tramaine picked me up from my apartment the following Saturday night, and we went to dinner at Logan’s Roadhouse and then to a movie. After an enjoyable first date, we saw each other for most of our college years. During that time, I pledged, joined several organizations and began to prepare for life after college.
I graduated in May of 2008, a year before Tramaine, and began my career as a higher education professional. Tramaine and I ended up breaking up around 2010. I began to focus on my career and graduate school.
Out of the blue, Tramaine called and invited me to attend a Mississippi Braves baseball game.
We started dating again, and I got pregnant with our first child in 2012. In December 2013, Tramaine threw a surprise party, invited my mother and all our closest friends and asked me to marry him. We married in March 2015. We have three handsome sons: Tramaine Jr., 8; Titan, 5; and Tristen, 2.
Jerrica (Frierson) Davis —Class of 2008
Tramaine Davis —Class of 2009
I was a freshman music education major at Jackson State University who jokingly told everyone I only came to college to find a husband. Cortney was a sophomore psychology major. I think we crossed paths only as members of the Sonic Boom of the South Marching Band.
He looked good (tall, dark, handsome, etc.) but he was on the drumline, so I assumed he had to be a jerk and we only talked once that year. In 2010, we were both section leaders who faced similar obstacles and had to rebuild our respective sections. We became good friends during that year.
After learning about his character and seeing how he directed his section, I thought, “if I only had the opportunity to be in a relationship with someone like this,” but the thought always stopped there. That opportunity came in 2011, so I “shot my shot.”
Instead of jumping into a relationship, we took time to learn more about each other. Through fellowship, growth and like-mindedness, we became best friends.
In 2013, Cortney and I began our official relationship, but it was shortlived because he enlisted in the Marines and later went to boot camp. The separation strengthened our bond and provided the foundation for everything else to come. After prayer and counsel, we were privately married Sept.17, 2014 in North Carolina.
We are now eight years strong with three darling children. Before the kids, the degrees, the promotions, the struggles, the marriage, the relationship or the “shot shooting,” we were good friends. it takes a friend to keep the vows of a marriage.
I had no idea that God would take my freshman-year husband joke seriously. But I am proud to say I found my husband at THEE Jackson State University.
They say imagination is key to advancing the future. Well, so is Jackson State University. The HBCUs Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CIEED) is helping students turn ideas into tangible products and services. In other ways, it serves as an engine and elevator for enterprise and community development.
Joseph Whitaker, Ph.D., vice president of the Division of Research and Economic Development, says the CIEED successes are many, including the critical impact on attracting new students to the campus and preparing them for an ever-changing world of work.
“Through the center, tech companies also offer internships as well as training and coding experiences complementary to didactic work done in the classroom. We continue to prepare our students and community base for a future tech-driven global ecosystem by providing entrepreneurship training as well as access to the knowledge capital needed to successfully assess, understand and navigate the landscape,” Whitaker said.
The CIEED held its ribbon-cutting ceremony in 2020 on the second floor of the H.T. Sampson Library. Since its opening, the center has won a multitude of awards while serving as a collaborative space and incubator for ideas whether student, faculty, or community innovator or entrepreneur..
“It has been awesome and rewarding to see the excitement of students as they quickly recognize and adopt the resources, technology and opportunities,” shared Almesha L. Campbell, Ph.D., assistant vice president of the Division of Research and Economic Development. “It is especially pleasing to see them take initiative in immersing themselves in learning all they can to complement work in the classroom.”
When one enters the center, its uniqueness is on full display. Visitors are greeted by a bold and vibrant mural designed by Dipannita Saha, a JSU student turned alumna. Black and red gaming stations are setup throughout, acknowledging the global eSports market is a lucrative industry valued slightly over 1.38 billion dollars.
“Unlike many years ago, gaming skills — both in terms of design and operations — are now considered critical to advancing the future of human-machine interface, defense tactical autonomy and systems engineering initiatives,” explained Campbell, who also serves as the director of the CIEED.
“Remote machine operations, unmanned aircraft, spacecraft and underwater operations and associated visualization capabilities will be major future skills that will be invaluable to our students as they prepare for the future of work,” she added, magnifying the transitional skills gained from gaming.
Gaming isn’t the only offering CIEED provides. Enhanced learning experiences using virtual reality headsets, augmented reality, computers, varieties of software, 3-D printers and more are available to nurture users’ ingenious minds.
Data shows that technology like 3-D printing will continue to influence industries, shape culture and impact the economy. A 2022 article by cadcrowd.com says 3-D printing will revolutionize the world of medicine, localize more manufacturing, and spark a creative renaissance.
A $400,000 grant from the Mississippi’s governor’s office helped the CIEED launch a project to infuse virtual reality (VR) into the STEM curriculum. So far, they have developed VR academic programming for chemistry, physics, meteorology, engineering and communicative disorders.
JSU senior Kaymen Russell is a CIEED Innovation Fellow, a program that gives students a more hands-on experience and helping them drill down and refine their skillset. Fellows have access to high-level industry partners such as HP, Microsoft, Google, and Entergy.
Campbell shared that the program offers tangible training and professional development for enhancing career trajectory. It also allows fellows the opportunity to work in teams across disciplines to solve major problems through collaborations and the consideration of multiple perspectives.
Additionally, students are able to learn technology transfer and commercialization through pre-accelerator programs such as the EnRICH healthcare focused pre-accelerator program and the NSF I-Corps MidSouth Hub. The Center also sponsors students to participate in fellowship programs such as with ERDCWERX and AUTM.
“The program’s diversity engages students in the importance of cultural and linguistic competencies in work environments while helping students develop problem solving and critical thinking skills through project-based activities. Fellows also refine their leadership skills as they help manage the CIEED’s daily operations,” Campbell explained.
Russell, a biology pre-physical therapy major, plans to mesh the knowledge gained as a fellow with her career aspirations.
“I hope to take what I’ve learned about 3-D printing and laser printing and incorporate it into the medical field,” she said. “While I want to be a physical therapist, I would love to be able to contribute to the field of medicine by being able to create and test new prosthetics designs with the 3-D printed models.”
Even further, Russell said that she loves how the CIEED provides resources to students, which allows them to bring their ideas to fruition for free.
“For example, a few of the students designed their own clothing lines and shoes with the software available in the center. I was even able to partner
with my coworkers, who are graphic design majors, to design a shirt for the Innovation Fellows,” she said.
High school students are also exposed to the wonders of the CIEED. The development of the Young Innovators Program (YIP) brings high schoolers and middle schoolers to the center during the summer, where they are immersed in all that is offered.
To date, the center has supported more than 150 students and Campbell noted that strong partnership with academic summer bridge programs as helping to drive the success of the YIP.
Overall, Campbell said the long-term goals are to expand communications and tech resources to ensure a global reach. Additionally, build and strengthen the start-up ecosystem, with supporting maker-space and prototype development and refinement capacity.
“The center has brought national attention to JSU in many respects,” she shared. “A real joy for me is the continued engagement of students after they graduate, and the notes about how the center has positively impacted them personally and professionally.”
Michael Bolden, executive director of Campus Operations, said Jackson State University's growth is relative to the future. Bolden manages three critical JSU units: Facilities and Construction Management, the Division of Auxiliary Enterprises, and the Department of Public Safety.
In summary, Bolden is responsible for touching a large part of the campus that influences the comfortability of students' learning environment.
"All of the things that allow our students to grow and compete in this global market has to do on some level with a highly-functioning facility," Bolden said. "We must continue modernizing our campus, including its structures and amenities, to compete in higher education."
As society advances and evolves, so does the expectation and needs of students. First impressions are especially important, added Bolden. This is why improving campus aesthetics and sustainability, part of the JSU Elevate Strategic Plan, is also a large part of the executive director's responsibility.
Investing in JSU's physical plant is helping the University retain and expand its status as one of the most attractive urban campuses in the country while making the necessary changes and additions to boost the quality of life for students, faculty and staff.
Those investments include:
A.) Lynch Street Project
B.) Dining Hall Expansion
C.) The Plaza Project
D.) New Residence Hall
A. Lynch Street Project
"Jackson State University's growth pattern is headed downtown. It is critical to the trajectory of the campus," Bolden said. "One of the aims of the Lynch Street project is to increase safety around the circumference of the campus."
JSU will enhance the Lynch Street gateway into the campus to improve safety and transportation to existing facilities. Future planned projects will extend the campus eastward along the Lynch Street corridor to shorten the distance between the main campus and the downtown area located east of the elevated railroad tracks.
In the past, the railroad tracks have been a barrier between the JSU campus and downtown. However, streetscaping and pedestrian improvements to the three connecting arteries – Capitol, Pearl and Pascagoula Streets – will eliminate the illusion of separation, which is more a matter of perception than physical distance.
The Lynch Street project will also include beautification and pathways for pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles.
B. Dining Hall Expansion Project
This project will consist of a new 30,000-plus square foot dining facility north of the existing JSU Student Center in an area that is currently a parking lot. The new facility will feature a state-of-the-art kitchen and more efficient food prep/storage. It will create a modern and open concept that will allow students, faculty and staff a more spacious and comfortable dining experience, alleviating current space deficiencies.
"The new dining hall will be strategically located in the center of campus and attached to the student center. It allows us to extend dining in the same location as retail dining. So that gives students multiple dining options in a central location," Bolden said.
C. Plaza Project
With the approval of the Mississippi Intuitions of Higher Learning and clearance from the States Department of Archives and History, demolition of the Charles F. Moore Building commenced in 2022.
The facility had major structural issues, which included foundation, envelope and roof deficiencies. Based on the extensiveness of the
repair needs and costs, it was in JSU's best interest to demolish the facility.
A plaza area and additional green space will replace the existing facility, contributing to "quality exterior open spaces [that] lead to better student life experiences and additional learning opportunities."
"The pandemic reminded us of the importance of having a safe green environment to gather and interact, so with this in mind, we wanted to create an outdoor space where students can study and fellowship," Bolden explained. "It will also serve as an outdoor event space for entertainment and academic programming."
Approximately 30% of the student population generally select campus housing. Based on the University's goal of increasing enrollment by 5% over the next five years, JSU's Residence Life anticipates a need to provide space for up to an estimated 2,700 students.
"Higher education is a competitive market. Students are looking for a certain type of facility for housing. This new residence hall is intended to fit the needs of today's students," Bolden said. "It will include more communal spaces and suite-style living quarters and not just beds in rooms."
This construction project will design and build a 600-bed residential hall to help house JSU's increasing on-campus student population. Preplanning is underway.
he JSU College of Business offers a new entrepreneurship minor to the Jackson State University community after two years of preparation and development. The minor accompanies their existing entrepreneurship major offering, and will give students the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship while remaining true to their preferred area of study at JSU.
The new minor comes, in part, from a $30,000 VentureWell Faculty Grant received in 2020 by Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Sharon Simmons, Ph.D., and Assistant Professor of Business Law
The professors worked to develop the minor and curriculum that aims to bring students from STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Arts, Music and Math) into the College of Business to take 18 credits as a minor so they can learn about business, innovation and what it takes to launch a product or build a business.
“When you offer entrepreneurship to the non-business majors, you can have a bigger impact on the students. There is value in the thinking that you get from an entrepreneurship degree, such as the soft skills of learning and understanding the whole organization, learning how to network with individuals and learning how to make decisions for yourself and a team,” said Simmons, who also serves as the advisor for the student-led Society for Entrepreneurs organization.
The grant was designed to help fund and support faculty with innovative ideas to create new, or transform existing courses and programs to assist students with developing novel, STEM-based inventions and ultimately gaining the necessary entrepreneurial skills
needed to bring their ideas to the market.
“Jackson State has a strong entrepreneurship culture. You speak to the average student and ask them what they want to do and their response is like, ‘I want to do my own thing. I want to be my own boss and handle my own start-up,’” Simmons said.
The curriculum is designed to build students holistically and prepare them for higher income opportunities by equipping them with a diverse academic palette and a wide range of skills, knowledge and specialized connections that are unique to the new minor, thanks to its integrative and multidisciplinary approach.
“We have other students who are in engineering who are trying to launch new products and they’re trying to build businesses around that, but they don’t have the fundamentals of marketing, entrepreneurial finance or how to talk to investors and which investors to talk to,” Simmons said.
Students will be exposed to a variety of classmates stemming from various programs and majors across the campus with the goal to increase networking capabilities that branch out beyond the classroom. An essential part of the curriculum involves students exploring topics such as feasibility studies, owning or leasing buildings for your business and even hiring or contracting employees.
“There will be a creativity and innovation course where you’re learning about the mindset needed to develop a business model and how to build a team, which includes the customers and investors. You also take an entrepreneurial finance class where you’ll learn when to go to friends and family, the bank or other investors and what they would want to see from a numbers perspective and a quality perspective,” Simmons added.
Additionally, she shared that students will get a focused conversation on managing innovation. They’ll learn the steps of creating a business model and raising funding and managing their technological or art innovation, and how it looks to manage it. Managing includes how to set pricing, penetrate the market, looking at the competition and how to adapt.
"Our entrepreneurship minor for non-business majors allows entrepreneurship education to reverberate throughout campus to meet students in their diverse academic disciplines. By doing so, students will possess the entrepreneurship and business acuity to further their innovative ideas to solve problems and drive economic growth," said McFarland.
JSU alumnus Richard Bradley, a Mississippi entrepreneur and philanthropist, said that an entrepreneur adaptation is vital to thriving in any market. Bradley graduated from the business administration and marketing program at Jackson State.
“Adaptation is one of the most important things in the field and expertise of entrepreneurship. Even though you may be located in a certain city or a certain state, you have to make sure you’re keeping up with the economy and how things are changing and be able to
adapt,” Bradley said before expressing his thoughts about JSU’s new entrepreneurship minor.
“I’m so glad and excited that the department is offering this new curriculum. It should be wonderful for the students that are coming in. I think it gives students an opportunity to understand that when you’re dealing with entrepreneurship there are keys to being successful,” Bradley said. “This minor will show students the dedication, perseverance, consistency and wherewithal needed to understand that times change, innovation is real, and you have to be innovative and creative when trying to be successful.”
In the summer of 2022, Jackson State University received a $50,000 donation from the Charles Schwab Foundation to create the Center of Excellence on Breastfeeding and Early Nutrition for Black women in Mississippi.
The vision for the center materialized after three years of research and grant writing on the importance of early nutrition as a major factor in healthy infants. The Center will be housed in the Department of Behavioral and Environmental Health (BEH) within the College of Health Sciences (CHS), a CEPH Accredited School of Public Health.
“Our goal in creating this center is to focus on several areas that will support statewide maternal and child health initiatives aimed at improving infant health. One is education and training, the other is advocacy for breastfeeding and the third is research that will make meaningful contributions to improve breastfeeding and early nutrition outcomes for infants in Mississippi and beyond. We hope to serve as a repository for research and best practices around breastfeeding and early nutrition in Mississippi,” said CHS Department Chair Mary Shaw, Ph.D.
Shaw explained that the center’s three-year grant is funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The project was the early vision of Mohammad Shahbazi, Ph.D., former interim dean of the School of Public Health. Many couples first welcoming a child find the male is inclined to allow the woman to facilitate child-bearing techniques, including breastfeeding, due to a lack of knowledge about how to properly assist during pregnancy and post birth.
The center will prioritize spousal support groups and courses that inform Black men in particular on what the process of breastfeeding entails, diffusing misconceptions and identifying a clear plan of action to change the dynamic of child-bearing from one that is unilateral to a collaborative effort.
“One of the unique pieces that we're hoping [will] come out of this is having men, Black men in particular, understand and have knowledge about breastfeeding in order to be informed as to what it takes to support
a woman entering into that cycle of motherhood, and the other options that are available to them in those very early months of nutrition.” said Shaw. Earlier last year the CHS launched its ‘MomNBabyEXCEL’ brand with a virtual conference on breastfeeding and early nutrition in Mississippi. The conference sought to increase awareness and knowledge about breastfeeding, early nutrition challenges that mothers and fathers encounter and opportunities to support/advocate for mothers and their families.
Typically within early childhood family dynamics, the mother is primarily seen as being in charge of the intimate nurturing and nourishment of the child and the father being the protector and/or provider. While the technical understanding of this dynamic has valid reasoning, studies have shown, contrary to popular belief, that men, who participate in the early stages of nourishment and engage in learning about the process women endure to provide sufficient nourishment, eliminate any perceived psychological, mental, emotional and/or physical stressors that may strain the mother’s ability to nurture effectively.
JSU DrPH student Austine Onyia is currently studying within the department of epidemiology and biostatistics, and he has worked closely with Shaw to ensure the program curriculum is undergirded in public health research that identifies the benefits of male contribution and determines the gaps in understanding. With over 25 years of experience in public health having practiced in multi-ethnic settings, including Nigeria and Belize, Onyia served as a guest speaker at the MomNBabyEXCEL conference.
His segment focused on the male’s perspective on breastfeeding support and interrogating the pathways for active engagement. Onyia succinctly summarized the "why" behind male contribution toward this pivotal stage of child development and ultimately toward the strength of the family unit in one word: bond.
“One of the most important aspects of early childhood nourishment is bonding and that bond is two in one. It is bonding with the baby and bonding with the mother, creating that family bond between the three,”
said Onyia. “It [bonding] happens more effectively when the man is engaged and usually at that early stage, if a man is not engaged, it shows through the baby and the mother through signs of physical and often psychological stress.”
Onyia suggests that early childhood bonding between the father and the family can serve as a preventive measure against what recent statistical evidence shows to be an increasing problem among women within early stages of motherhood, postpartum depression. Postpartum depression often is rooted in feelings of helplessness and/or lack of support in the early stages of motherhood, which can potentially act as an emotional trigger for women. However, it is with the understanding and the education of the male’s contribution toward the process that conditions can be wholly avoided.
Based on participant input during the conference, Onyia was also able to gain a deeper understanding into the social stigmas that often strain the relationship and level of comfort between the mother and father, one of those stigmas being breastfeeding in public. Often, the sexualization of women historically has placed barriers around their ability to nurture their child in public places where a private setting may not be immediately accessible. Some men who may lack understanding of this necessity can create stressors within the body and mind of the woman, causing her to feel unprotected.
“If the man is comfortable with it, the woman is more likely to be relaxed about it, and she will have the comfort to know she’s protected and safe to proceed with nourishment,” said Onyia. “She’s not going to be so much worried about any other opinion that is there as long as the father is understanding and protective.”
Shaw shared that with African American women touting the lowest rate of
breastfeeding nationally, innovative research focused on Mississippians will guide transdisciplinary efforts to address clinical, psychosocial, education, economic, environmental and policy factors that impact breastfeeding and early nutrition outcomes for mothers and their infants.
A notable portion of the MomNBabyEXCEL brand will encompass increasing awareness and knowledge about breastfeeding and early nutrition among fathers and/or male partners in relationships with women who are breastfeeding or attending to the early nutrition needs of their infants.
Shaw explained that pregnancy and postpartum care experiences for women must include family support. Support encompasses being knowledgeable and equipped to support the needs of women during a very challenging time period inclusive of prenatal, delivery and postpartum care.
“We’re excited about the male initiative. There are few programs out there that educate men so that they have the knowledge and skills to support breastfeeding and early nutrition for infants and even become an advocate for it,” said Shaw.
The CHS has formed several key relationships in creating the center, including participating in the HBCU Consortium of African American Public Health Programs and the HBCUs advancing Maternal and Child Health Initiatives to achieve health equity.
The center also intends to provide unique opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to actively participate in MCH-focused projects.
Classification: Senior
Major: Elementary Education and Teaching
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Hobbies: Painting, Reading, Spending Quality Time with Friends and Family, Traveling, Working Out, Watching Documentaries and DJing
What would be one word to describe the epitome of Miss Jackson State University?
I remember Destiny and I watched Destiny from high school because I wasn't here on campus. Just seeing her Instagram, seeing her coronation, I was just in such awe. Then arriving on campus and seeing Naysa reign so gracefully, I was left again in awe. So I think the expression is just ‘awe’ because we embody a high class, well rounded servant mindset as black women. How can you not just be in awe?
What are some things that you do outside of the office to help you find peaceful moments? How do you de-stress from being a queen? This must be so silly, but my favorite part of the day, I make sure I do this every day, is lie in my bed in silence and look toward the ceiling. I love those moments because I'm a sister, I'm a daughter, I'm a queen, I'm a friend, I'm a line sister, I'm a girlfriend, I'm everything in most spaces. But at this exact moment until I fall asleep, I'm just me. Also I love talking to my family. They're not here to support me physically, but I love talking to them and getting all those encouraging words to fill me back up.
What brought you to Jackson State University?
What compelled you to get involved in student leadership opportunities?
The aura of being on campus, everything felt inviting and family oriented. Everybody was just so welcoming. The hotspot was so lit. As soon as I got done with my tour, I applied for early admission because I already had my test score. The rest was history as far as getting involved on campus.
I have been involved in student leadership since I was in sixth grade. But I had every intention of not being a student leader when I came to college because it had worn me out in high school. I was shaping a community as well as shaping and building school traditions.
I told myself, “Yeah, I'm not gonna do this,” but eventually I felt that something was missing from my collegiate experience, a part of who I am, so I got involved during my sophomore year and the rest was history.
Fried Chicken Wednesday or Fish Friday? Fried Chicken Wednesday, every single time.
What do you think makes Jackson State's community unique?
The love, I tell people every single time, we are THEE I LOVE for a reason. There’s no other love like a Jackson State love affair, that's what I've received from the first day to this very moment. I can walk into any room and feel the love in general and specific moments. People whom I have never met are so intentional in making sure that I'm okay. Intentional in ensuring that I'm prepared for the steps that I need to take to get to the next place in life.
What would be your favorite JSU line dance? Whistle While You Work. That line dance will always be my favorite one. I feel like it's my favorite because we made it a competition our sophomore year to see who can do it the longest because it's a
pretty long dance. It’s funny and ironic that Halle Coleman, former Miss JSU, reigned supreme as the longest Whistle While You Work dancer.
What is your favorite tradition or custom JSU, traditional or custom?
I feel like my favorite custom that we have is Yard Fest. It’s that time when everybody is returning back to old stomping grounds for homecoming. You connect with everybody who graduated. It just creates this atmosphere of just so much love with the current JSU meeting the old JSU and we're all there congregating together for the THEE I LOVE.
Has any other Miss JSU had a ROTC program background?
No, I believe I would be the first Miss JSU to serve with a military background by way of the ROTC program.
With the skills and the experience obtained in a military program? Where do you see overlap in your role as Miss Jackson State?
I would say ROTC definitely prepares me for Miss JSU. The military has taught me a discipline that's just like unbreakable, it has taught me to live life in structure as well as with mental resilience. All of those things aid in the productivity of both myself and my royal court. I feel like everybody in life should go through some form of basic training, everybody will be such better people because of it. It teaches you how to be a better person and it's like once you learn those skills,you can't unlearn it, they stick.
Classification: Senior
Major: Mass Communication concentration in Multimedia Journalism
Hometown: Tulsa, OK
Hobbies: Reading, Journaling, Watching YouTube Vlogs, and Practicing Self-Care
return and relive those moments with their classmates and friends and with us. It's so great seeing different eras of JSU in one moment and seeing how we all enjoy and share our love for Jackson State.
What are your plans after graduation?
I want to go to Columbia University in New York and earn my master's in broadcast journalism. After that, I plan to work in the news reporting field. Right now, I do entertainment reporting for Tiger Report, which I want to dig deeper into as I elevate my career.
How would you say JSU has prepared you for the next chapter of your life?
JSU has taught me how to be a go-getter. We often never realize how intimidating life can be until we're actually put in that space. When I first got to JSU, I was confined in this box, didn't take many risks, and would just sit in my room and not interact. JSU taught me how to be ok with being uncomfortable and how to embrace uncertainty.
How would you describe the JSU experience to aspiring students?
The JSU experience is a journey that you should embrace. You grow to love it so much as you spend more time here, learning the culture, getting involved and meeting friends. It's a journey that is going to progress in ways you could never imagine.
What are the most important aspects of being a JSU ambassador?
Why did you want to be Mister JSU?
I believe in purpose, and I felt like it was God-led. I feel like this is something God wanted me to do, and I have a heart for seeing people succeed. If I could be an inspirational visual representation or go to schools and speak to students in the Jackson community or my peers, that's what I want to do.
What is your platform?
My platform is “My Turn.” It was inspired by the rapper Lil' Baby's "My Turn" album. It means what are you willing to face to claim it's your turn? Whether it's procrastination, self-doubt, lack of confidence, laziness, whatever it is, there is always something we can defeat to reach our ultimate purpose. One of my favorite quotes is, 'Embrace your obstacles so that they can contribute to your success story.'
Describe one of your favorite JSU traditions and why?
My favorite JSU tradition is Yard Fest because it's great seeing the alumni
I would say being genuine. You can't do something if you don't have a genuine connection to it. Being a JSU ambassador can be time consuming. If somebody is in this position and trying to pour into people without genuine intention, their fuel will run low. So, the most important aspect of being a JSU ambassador is being genuine and authentic to this position and yourself.
Explain why you will always love your "Dear ole college home."
I will always love my 'dear ole college home' because it contributed to the Joshua that many people know today. I'm still growing, but I wasn't always as brave as I am now, and I will always love my dear ole college home because it has helped me grow personally, academically and professionally. It has helped me grow in so many areas. I am proud of the growth that Jackson State has afforded me. Many people don't heed the school's motto (Challenging minds and changing lives), but I've been challenged, and my life has been changed. It may sound cliché, but I honestly believe that. I'm not the same Joshua I was my freshman year because it helped me grow and step out of my comfort zone on so many levels.
Classification: Senior
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Hattiesburg, MS
Hobbies: Reading, Shopping, Engaging in Community Service Projects, and Trying Restaurants as well as Binge-Watching TV Shows, Surfing on Social Media, Black History and Home Decor.
day. I like to keep the same people around me. I'm such a stickler for routine and habit. However, when you get in leadership change is inevitable. If nothing changes, nothing changes. I knew that when I accepted the call to leadership, there were things that needed to change so that Jackson State could be the best campus that it could be. My platform is geared towards creating a campus culture that we can be proud of. So inevitably things have to improve for that to happen. So I think that my approach to change as a leader is just leaning into it, embracing it. There's some things that are gonna change whether they have your permission to change or not.
What impact did JSU have on you becoming the 76th SGA president?
JSU gave me the confidence and ambition to dream and pursue a position like Student Government Association president. I’ve experienced rigorous coursework, leadership roles, community service, and a lot of SGA and CAB events Jackson State. This has instilled characteristics such as leadership, responsibility, ultimately pushing me to be my best self. This is just one of the many amazing opportunities JSU has afforded me. Before Jackson State, I was somewhat shy and definitely afraid to speak up for myself. JSU has forced me outside of my comfort zone.
Explain why you’ll always bleed blue and white.
What brought you to Jackson State University? What compelled you to get involved in student leadership opportunities?
I decided on Jackson State two weeks before I was set to graduate high school because a recruiter convinced me to do a campus tour. I ended up falling in love with the campus, and I knew that I'd be well taken care of here. Looking back, as I was going into my senior year, getting ready to graduate in the spring was the best decision I could have made for myself. I got involved in leadership first by having great role models in leadership as a freshman. I wanted to carry myself in the way that Nassa (Former Miss JSU), or Jordan (Former SGA President) did, who was SGA president when I was a freshman. When I was a freshman I was always really happy just being in service. So that's what pulled me into involvement in SGA specifically.
What is your relationship with change? How must a leader approach the idea of change?
I actually think that being in leadership has developed my relationship to change greatly. Madison, as a person, is such a creature of habit. I like the same things. I keep the same food every
I’ll always bleed blue and white because of the impact JSU has left within me. Jackson State University has equipped me with all the tools to succeed in the world after college and the confidence to chase my biggest dreams. My gratitude for this university will allow me to do nothing less than support my school as an alumna, share my positive experiences, and prayerfully continue the family legacy of students to attend and graduate from Jackson State University in future years.
Describe your leadership experience during your tenure as SGA president.
I am so grateful for my experience as a student leader at JSU. Serving as SGA president has been both fulfilling and challenging but ultimately well worth it. The excitement and anticipation around being back on campus has really helped boost student morale. As a result, my tenure has been less complicated. I also have an amazing administration and team of advisors that make my life a whole lot easier. My advisors understand I am a student first so they make juggling everything else a breeze.
Jackson State University is proud to announce its selection as an Institute Partner for the 2023 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. Beginning in mid-June, Jackson State University will host 25 of Africa’s bright, emerging business leaders for a six-week Leadership Institute sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. JSU was the first institution in Mississippi to host the Mandela Washington Fellowship last year.
The Mandela Washington Fellowship, the flagship program of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), empowers young African leaders through academic coursework, leadership training, mentoring, networking, professional opportunities and local community engagement. YALI was
created in 2010 and supports young Africans as they spur economic growth and prosperity, strengthen democratic governance and enhance peace and security across Africa.
Since 2014, the U.S. Department of State has supported nearly 5,800 Mandela Washington Fellows from across Sub-Saharan Africa to develop their leadership skills and foster connections and collaboration with U.S. professionals. The cohort of Fellows hosted by Jackson State University will be part of a group of 700 Mandela Washington Fellows hosted at 28 educational institutions across the United States.
Jackson State University’s College of Business celebrated its 50th anniversary. The college commemorated decades of success with a kick-off reception noting significant milestones and the thousands of graduates it has produced.
The college was authorized July 1, 1972, and provides a management education to a diverse student body, including those with historically disadvantaged backgrounds. It delivers its academic programs through two departments – Business Administration and Accounting, Finance, and Entrepreneurship.
These two entities became known as the School of Business and Economics, with an approximate enrollment of 1,000 students. In 1995, Jackson State University’s School of Business became the sixth
school of business at an HBCU to earn accreditation from the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The COB remains in the six percent of business schools worldwide, with the AACSB accreditation.
“Since its founding, the College of Business has embarked on a more than exciting journey,” stated Fidelis Ikem, Ph.D., dean of the College of Business. “As I reflect over the pioneering work of the faculty and staff over the last half century, I find many accomplishments leading us to this milestone.”
Ikem was appointed the eighth dean of the College of Business in July 2019. Under his leadership, the COB continues to grow. This fall, the college will offer a new Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Supply Chain Management, including the two new online degrees in Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Public Accountancy.
Jerri Haynes, Ed.D., is the new dean of the College of Education and Human Development. She is joining JSU following her time at Tennessee State University, where she served as dean and professor of the College of Education, increasing their enrollment by 15 percent in her first year.
She has dedicated nearly three decades of her life to higher education. She plans to continue paving the path for academic excellence, encouraging a diverse and supportive community as well as facilitating school districts and other educational agencies.
“I am looking forward to collaborating with an innovative and thriving team of individuals at JSU throughout the college, university, and system who are working to transform the lives of students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders. It is an opportunity to reimagine COEHD, an amazing
opportunity with unlimited possibilities,” said Haynes. “Critical to my success in these efforts have been my knowledge, experience, skills, and disposition of programs, instructional pedagogy, assessments, and partnerships to connect diverse perspectives to develop programs that consist of rigor relevance, and relationships with flexibility and autonomy to meet all stakeholders’ needs.”
Haynes has an extensive amount of curriculum and management leadership, including experiences developing new courses, certificates, and credentialing programs.
The proud mother of two credits her success to a strong foundation of progressive leadership and diverse experiences that played an integral role in her becoming a culturally and linguistically responsive leader.
Jackson State University’s College of Education and Human Development (COEHD) welcomed 15 graduate students into their first Mississippi Teacher Residency (MTR) program this fall. The MTR program aims to prepare educators for teaching in geographical critical shortage areas.
To celebrate the inaugural group of educators, the COEHD, MDE, and the Jackson Public School District (JPS) celebrated the students’ admittance with a signing day similar to when prospective athletes commit to a sports organization.
In December 2021, JSU received $2,038,589 of a $9.8 million grant from MDE, to address elementary and special education teacher shortages. The program is supported by the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund.
JSU is in partnership with JPS. Each institution is partnered with one or more school districts experiencing critical teacher shortages. The goal is to ensure all Mississippi students have access to licensed, diverse, and effective teachers.
The MTR program is designed to provide holistic support for aspiring teachers seeking a degree in
elementary and special education. Tommy Nalls, Ed.D., director of Recruitment said the MTR program has resulted in JPS certifying 34 teachers in the last four years, simultaneously decreasing vacancies in the district and improving teacher retention. According to Nalls, an estimated 65% of teachers working for JPS have a JSU background.
“We’re talking about innovation in the making expanding internship to one year where students take theory and apply it in a real classroom setting using the gradual release model. We’re talking about school districts taking their challenges in finding qualified teachers and turning them into opportunities where candidates are right there in the school district," said Jerri Haynes, Ph.D., dean of the College of Education and Human Development.
"It’s unbelievable where we are now in need of qualified teachers and where we can be in the next five years with a pipeline of qualified teachers. We’re talking about unlimited possibilities, and that’s what we need to stay focused on to eliminate teacher shortages in rural and urban school districts.”
Jackson State University students Brikala Roach and Kelsei Scott have been selected as HBCU Scholars for the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity through Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The newly announced ninth cohort recognizes 86 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students for their academic accomplishments, leadership, civic engagement and much more.
“I am so excited and happy to be chosen as an HBCU Scholar. It’s a blessing to be representing JSU. It feels great to see that my hard work and service do not go unnoticed. I hope to gain resources and opportunities that I can bring to my school, as well as networking with others,” said Roach, a health, physical education and recreation major with a 3.7 GPA.
The HBCU scholars were chosen from a competitive pool of over 350 students. Applications also required the signature of their HBCU president or designated
HBCU faculty, adding a level of prestige to this application process.
“I feel blessed to be selected as a White House Initiative HBCU Scholar. This is a monumental accomplishment for me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a participant in this program,” said Scott, a junior with a 3.3 GPA majoring in journalism and media studies. “I hope to gain a range of experience in different fields and connect with other HBCU scholars during my time.”
Over the academic year, HBCU Scholars will serve as ambassadors of the White House Initiative on HBCUs. Training and cross-university networking opportunities will be available. Scholars will also have the chance to work on issues specifically related to the HBCU community and participate in national and regional events with professionals from a wide range of disciplines.
JSU alumnus Judge Carlton Reeves, J.D., was confirmed as chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission following President Biden’s nomination in May 2022.
Reeves makes history as the first Black man to serve as chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
The U.S. Senate confirmed a group of seven bipartisan members to serve on the U.S. Sentencing Commission Friday, August 5, providing the independent judicial branch agency with a voting quorum for the first time in more than three years.
“I am honored to have been nominated to this position by the President and to have been confirmed by the Senate,” commented Reeves.
Reeves shared that the criminal justice system has some troubling divisions that have emerged among
courts on sentencing issues during the years the Commission lacked a quorum.
“My new Commission colleagues are all highly experienced professionals with vast knowledge of and broad expertise in the criminal justice system. Our diverse backgrounds and expertise will bode well as the Commission works to address these complex issues in a bipartisan matter,” added Reeves.
As incoming chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission, Reeves acknowledged his predecessor’s years of service on the Commission and praised him for the completion of important reports on recidivism, fentanyl, firearms offenses, compassionate release and more by the agency under his leadership.
to Jackson State students, faculty, staff and surrounding communities. JSU’s African Drum & Dance Ensemble students will be a part of the study, Alkebulan Music Philosophy, a local African music arts collective, and a number of guests spanning beyond the Mississippi borders.
The Chair of the Department of Music, Lisa Beckley-Roberts, Ph.D., credits this opportunity as a “great multidisciplinary approach” with the goal of reframing thoughts and interest in movement while tackling “populations who are disproportionately impacted by heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.”
The Jackson State University Department of Music is bringing African dance and music to the community through a $50,000 grant funded by the Mississippi Department of Health via the Jackson Heart Study. The grant comes from the proposal of demonstration projects sought after by the MSDH that would address health disparities in underrepresented communities.
The study is an eight-month program, scheduled to launch sometime in November, designed to introduce community members to a new way of living through African dance, drumming and more. It will include people of various ages and gender backgrounds and are open
“They’ll commit to a three-month cycle. We’ll be tracking them throughout their time in the program to see if it impacts their weight, mood, blood pressure, and all of the things that are risk factors, particularly for African-Americans for heart disease,” said Beckley-Roberts. “We’ll do an initial health screening, and then we’ll begin working with them, so it’s a really exciting thing because it hasn’t been done here.”
Twice a month, community members will participate in African drumming paired with African-informed yoga, nutritional counseling and food journaling. With the help of the Jackson State University Health Center, participants will have access to scales, heart rate monitors and a library of workouts to practice independently in between in-person classes. Classes are scheduled to happen every other week and feature guest presenters.
Jackson State University alumna Jennifer Love recently established the $100,000 Jennifer Love Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Endowed Scholarship at her alma mater. Love, a 1983 graduate of the HBCU, is a retired corporate and law enforcement executive with over 27 years of FBI experience.
“I hope to encourage generations of JSU students to highly consider a career in law enforcement because this nation desperately needs law enforcement officials who reflect the communities they serve,” Love said. “Whether it be as police officers, federal agents, probation officers, prosecutors or defense attorneys, to name a few.”
The Hazelhurst, Mississippi, native said she also intends for the scholarship to help alleviate
student debt and galvanize others to action. Love retired from the FBI in 2012 as the assistant director of the Security Division, where she was responsible for all FBI security disciplines, which included physical security, information security, personnel security, the FBI police and the executive protection of the FBI director and the attorney general of the United States.
“I sincerely hope establishing the endowment will inspire other JSU alumni to give. God has truly blessed my life, and because of his favor, giving back has become one of my greatest joys because ’to whom much is given, much is required,’” she said.
Jackson State University’s Department of Music alums returned to their alma mater to host a benefit concert at JSU’s F.D. Hall Music Center in the Jimmy James, Jr. Recital Hall.
The concert was a collaboration between the Department of Music and Opera Unique, LLC, featuring talents and performances by the JSU opera/musical theatre workshop, vocal jazz ensemble, and concert chorale, fulfilling the organization’s mission to dedicate opportunities for students and others in a nontraditional sense.
GeDeane Graham, Tiffany Williams-Cole, Edwin Jhamaal Davis, and Gavin Hughes formed Opera Unique, LLC, a traveling opera company, and are all graduates of JSU’s opera/musical theatre program, respectively.
Opera Unique LLC will also feature shows with a variety of arts and music genres, such as jazz, gospel, and more, making opera relatable and modern to help fans and audience members feel more connected and engaged.
The art of opera showcases stories through the eyes and background of characters adjacent to languages such as German, Spanish, Italian and French, immersing viewers in a multicultural and time-bending experience.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently announced that five new NSF Innovation (I-Corps) Hubs would be launched as a part of the expansion of the National Innovation Network in partnership with Jackson State University – one of the key institutions to be funded. The I-Corps Hubs provides experiential entrepreneurial training to academic researchers across all fields of science and engineering.
As part of the initiative, each I-Corps Hub is funded for up to $3 million per year for five years, JSU is slated to receive $1 million in monetary
support. Established in 2011, the I-Corps program is designed to support the commercialization of deep technologies, which grow from discoveries in fundamental science and engineering.
“JSU has had an NSF I-Corps Site since 2016 and has trained over 300 faculty and students. We have leveraged this program to foster partnerships with other institutions and build innovative programs to meet the needs of HBCUs,” said Almesha Campbell, Ph.D. assistant vice president of research and economic development.
During the 2022 National HBCU Week Conference in Washington, D.C, a consortium of HBCUs and other minority-serving institutions were presented a $15 million grant from the National Science Foundation to aid in establishing cyberinfrastructure at minority-serving institutions and bridge the digital divide.
The NSF grant is expected to provide HBCU and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) with campus-specific cyberinfrastructure assessments
that foster cyberinfrastructure strategic plans. It will also fund key cyberinfrastructure technology investments to address barriers the university previously encountered when developing research or applying for cyberinfrastructure funding.
Jackson State University was among 10 universities to be selected for a research collaboration project with Princeton University. Partnering with several other HBCUs including Spelman College, Howard University and Prairie View A&M University, the Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation engages in groundbreaking research spanning across multiple fields including natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and engineering taking on some of most pressing issues challenging society.
Working collaboratively with the Division of Research and Economic Development at JSU,
both professor Nihar Pradhan, Ph.D, JSU associate professor in physics Gloria Billingsley, Ph.D. JSU professors of public policy and administration are slated to participate in the project attributing the university’s research investment and interest into the program.
Pradham’s research focuses primarily on renewable energy and how developing high energy story devices utilizing specific two-dimensional materials can aid in enhancing energy storage capacitors and maintain high energy density.
Jackson State University joined the Grow with Google HBCU Career Readiness Program, an initiative to help educate Black college students at over 30 HBCUs and prepare them for the workforce through the acquisition of digital skills training and career workshops.
The program was made possible through a $3 million investment into the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and hopes to equip more than 100,000 HBCU students with industry-level skills by 2025. Starting in 2020, the Grow with Google program provides HBCU career centers with funding and a semester-long-in-person and online digital skills program. Some of the various topics the students will be able to engage in include design thinking, project management and professional brand building.
Jackson State University partnered this year with Microsoft to jumpstart the company’s new TechSpark initiative designed to accelerate digital equity and support inclusive economic opportunities within the STEM field. The primary focus of this initiative is to provide collaborating partners with digital skills training, job opportunities in STEM and industryrelevant computer science education.
Within the four-pronged initiative, Microsoft contributed financial support to the JSU College
of Science, Engineering, and Technology in an effort to expand the cybersecurity program that builds workforce development opportunities for JSU students. JSU aims to recruit and train at least 100 students in the field of cybersecurity, exposing them to internship opportunities that will also lend assistance in providing a practical, real-world experience.
Earning the prestigious opportunity to conduct meticulous research under the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award, Jackson State University Professor, Ali Abu-El Humos, Ph.D. looks forward to bridging the gap between academic and research opportunities for JSU students and study abroad programs.
Over the course of 10 months, Humps will work collaboratively with faculty and students from the University of Jordan on research relating to wireless communication and network remote sensing. With the University of Jordan touting a pristine background in the area of computer science specifically in border security, Humos sees this as an opportunity for both institutions to engage in a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge to develop curriculum. Entering into his 17th year of teaching at JSU, Humos looks forward to adding Jordan to the list of countries available for JSU students interested in pursuing study abroad research programs.
History Professor Kofi R. Barima, Ph.D., is one of three Jackson State University professors to receive the prestigious Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award for the 2022-2023 academic year. He will be teaching and doing research at the University of the West Indies (UWI) in Kingston, Jamaica, while working at the Institute of Caribbean Studies. Only an estimated 20% of applicants are selected to partake in the prestigious program.
“We congratulate Dr. Barima on this accomplishment. His research focuses on the different aspects of the Caribbean culture, and I expect the Fulbright experience will catapult his work to be widely valued. His articles enhance our understanding of the Caribbean experience, and I expect that Dr. Barima will be one of the premier Caribbean scholars,” said Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Alisa Mosley, Ph.D.
Barima has dedicated decades of his life to researching West African and Caribbean history and spiritual retention. The Jamaica native developed an interest in African and Caribbean history at a young age.
Jackson State University professor Amal Mitra, DrPH, is a recipient of the 2022-2023 Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Award. He will participate in a six-month project in India to study the psychological implications of COVID-19 on adolescents within developing countries.
“I congratulate Dr. Mitra on the second Fulbright award. Indeed, the global focus on public health is warranted. Much of our international advances in public health center on practices tested in India. I look forward to Dr. Mitra implementing his best practices with JSU public health initiatives,” said Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Alisa Mosley, Ph.D.
Carrying a wealth of research experience in both the fields of medicine and public health, Mitra responded naturally to the call to action amid the rise of COVID-19, possessing a deep understanding of epidemic control.
Jackson State University College of Education and Human Development’s Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation has been awarded a $162,230 grant for a 20-month partnership with the Mississippi Kidney Foundation, the Mississippi Department of Health (MSDH) and the Office of Preventive Health Equity and the Health Equity Coalition of Mississippi.
The collaboration will launch the statewide project “Advancing Health Equity in Chronic Kidney Disease: Changing the Narrative to Serve Mississippi’s Most Equitable Populations,” funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
According to the Mississippi Kidney Foundation, Mississippi ranks among the top in the nation in incidences of kidney disease. With the help of Jackson State and MSDH, the non-profit hopes to develop a week-long education health course in high schools to promote healthier living and kidney health.
Jackson State University’s Department of Health Policy & Management launched a Bachelor of Science in public health program, which will provide a sound theoretical and practical education for public health practitioners.
Jackson State University’s faculty partnered with external stakeholders in the design of an academic program meeting the demands of a changing health landscape. The result is a degree program embracing workforce needs. The new Bachelor of Science in public health program is a product of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) funds project
between JSU and Mississippi College. Last year, JSU and Mississippi College received $5 million for a joint venture to promote and protect population health.
With the demand for public health practitioners rapidly increasing, JSU Department Chair of Health Policy and Management Russell L. Bennett, Ph.D., expects the program to serve as the foundation for innovative strategies and interventions necessary for addressing health issues prevalent in society.
Jackson State University’s Metro Jackson Community Prevention Coalition Department (MJCPC) had it's Substance Abuse Prevention Block Grant renewed by the Mental Health Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Services. The department is slated to receive $304,488 for the 2022-23 fiscal year.
This year’s renewal marked MJCPC’s 31st year to receive funding in the field of substance abuse prevention. The purpose of the grant is to provide evidence-based substance abuse prevention services to local schools,
colleges and communities. Metro Jackson services K-12 schools, colleges and the collective Jackson community.
MJCPC was originally formed in 1995 under the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) Community Prevention initiative. The Coalition is an expansion of an earlier CSAP five-year Community Partnership initiative, “Jackson Takes a Stand Community Partnership.”
ackson State University alumnus and business owner Howard Catchings and his late wife, Danella Catchings, have donated more than $250,000 to their alma mater. Catchings has served on the JSU Development Foundation, which works collaboratively to secure financial resources to support the university, for 27 years.
An entrepreneur, Catchings is the owner and founder of H.D. Insurance Agency in Jackson, Mississippi. His agency has contributed over $74,000 to JSU. The walls of his 4,800-squarefoot State Street office are covered with hundreds of medals, plaques and certificates of achievement. A man who pursues greatness, Catchings views Jackson State as a source of great things.
"JSU has really provided ways for people to grow. A JSU degree gets you in the door no matter where you come from. Jackson State is the same as the other eight (state-supported) universities in the state of Mississippi," he said.
During a segregated nation and city, Catchings grew up in the neighborhood encompassing JSU. With a philanthropic and communitydriven spirit, a teenage Catchings made trips to the store for the elderly.
He was driven by the belief that only two types of people could wear ties, preachers or teachers, and he chose to become a teacher. He also became a lifeguard and swim coach, joined the newspaper and had a 17-year career as a teacher in the Jackson Public School District.
"I didn't realize that being the type of person I was during those years was developing me for the future," said Catchings, a lifetime member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. in the Jackson alumni chapter. He served as the first Black chairman of the Metro Jackson Chamber of Commerce, to name one of the many community organizations to which he has volunteered his time, and is the first Black person to become a member of the Country Club of Jackson.
In the 1960s, he started his career with the Jackson Public Schools and began selling
insurance policies to families and businesses. Upon receiving his first paycheck as a teacher, Catchings withdrew 200 one-dollar bills and hurried home to show his two brothers and mother.
With laughter, Catchings described sitting on the living room floor and making it "rain money." As a teacher, he made $3,200 annually, so $200 was a significant amount for him and his family at the time.
Catchings shared his love for Jackson State with his late wife, Danella, of 50 years, whom he met at JSU. His wife was a transfer STEM major student from Dillard University. The couple has four children: Sebrena Catchings, Howard Douglas Catchings IV, James Brownridge-Catchings and Daniel Catchings. All four siblings followed in their parents' footsteps and graduated from JSU. Catchings has established college funds for all nine of his grandchildren with the only stipulation that they must attend Jackson State.
Catchings believes his family fortune, including his children and grandchildren,
stem from his education at Jackson State. Every JSU alumnus should be grateful for the opportunity to attend the university, he believes.
"Everything you do today is because of Jackson State. If you need a job, they will first ask you if you have a college degree. You're going to say ‘Yes,"’ he said. "Jackson State is just a part of my life and my children's lives. My wife's, too, even though she is deceased now."
Catchings plans to continue to support the university and help expand the campus beyond its current borders so that even more students can experience and thrive at JSU.
"I give to the place that got me where I am today,” he said.
The Pittmans contribute to JSU because they believe in the university, its faculty, staff and alumni.
"Through the grace and mercy of God, we have been successful in all endeavors we have pursued in our lives, and we extend appreciation to this prestigious institution. It is imperative for my wife, Alma, and I to give back by investing in a university that was built on elevation and empowerment," said Winston Pittman.
Winston Pittman is the president and CEO of Pittman Enterprise, the sixth-largest auto group in the nation, according to Black Enterprise Magazine. A board member of the Toyota/ Lexus Minority Dealers Association, he has served in leadership positions for the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers and the University of Louisville Board of Overseers.
She is the recipient of numerous awards and has established faith-based programs to promote wellness.
Among her many accomplishments, Alma Pittman serves as vice-chair of the Board of Trustees at HBCU Simmons College and is board member of Candler Hospital in Savannah, Georgia.
The Pittmans understand the importance of financial assistance for students.
"This partnership provides an opportunity to help others who lack financial resources to attend school. Jackson State, which means the world to me, is among several places we give back to make a difference in the lives of our young people," Alma Pittman said.
or more than a decade, Jackson State University alumni and entrepreneurs Alma and Winston Pittman, Ph.D., have consistently contributed to the university, particularly to the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management in the College of Business.
Their donation of $250,000 toward the development of the department met the requirements for a 100% percent gift match established by the U.S. Department of Education Title III program, bringing the total in contributions to $500,000.
A native of Grenada, Mississippi, Winston Pittman majored in business with a concentration in accounting at JSU. He is an active member of the Jackson State University National Alumni Association, Inc.
Alma Pittman, a native of Yazoo City, Mississippi, attended Hinds Community College and majored in nursing. She completed her clinical training at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and at a medical center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She began her career at St. Dominic-Jackson Memorial Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi, worked at Baptist Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky and then joined the medical team at Caretenders.
In 2011, the Pittmans received the JSU Entrepreneur of the Year Award. In 2012, the university honored them with the naming of the Winston R. Pittman and Alma Dent Pittman Auditorium in the College of Business. Both Alma and Winston Pittman received a Doctorate of Humane Letters degree during JSU’s 140th Spring Commencement and were described by then-interim JSU President Rod Paige as "philanthropic spirits" with a stellar track record of entrepreneurial success.
Promotion and Tenure Awarded during the 2021-2022 year, effective the 2022-2023 year:
Felicite Noubissi Kamdem, Ph.D.
Tenured and Promoted to Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Qilin Dai, Ph.D.
Tenured and Promoted to Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences
Remata Reddy, Ph.D.
Promoted to Professor
Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences
Nihar Prahan, Ph.D.
Tenured and Promoted to Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences
Yongfeng Zhao, Ph.D.
Tenured and Promoted Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences
RaShell Smith-Spears, Ph.D.
Promoted to Professor
Department of English, Foreign Languages, and Speech Communication
Natasha Scruggs, Esq. launched her first collegiate Future Black Lawyers Institute (FBLI) at her alma mater, Jackson State University. The two-day workshop exposed JSU students to local lawyers and judges, along with resume’ building and LSAT preparations. She founded the organization, JustUs System Incorporated, in 2016 that hosts FBLI camps and worshops to inspire young minority student to pursue a career in law. Upon completion of the workshop, she awarded each participant a stipend to pay for their LSAT exams.
Jonas “DJ Jonasty” Adams has been appointed director of National Public Radio’s (NPR) flagship show, “All Things Considered.” He is responsible for making sure that the behind-thescenes production is seamless. “All Things Considered” is a weekly show led by five hosts presenting breaking news from around the globe and offering a combination of commentaries, analysis, interviews and features. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Jackson State University before beginning a more than two-decade career in radio broadcasting.
Christopher Windfield is a JSU alumnus who is turning the city of Jackson into a personal canvas. The artist has numerous murals located throughout the capital city paying homage to Black Mississippi legends. The award-winning artist and filmmakers latest work is featured in the newly renovated Baymont Hotel located on Briarwood Drive in Jackson. He painted four murals inside the halls of the hotel honoring Mississippi musicians, athletes, civil rights activists, leaders and the historic city of Jackson.
Oluwaranti “Ranti” Akiyode, Pharm.D was named dean of the College of Pharmacy at Howard University, after serving as the interim dean of the College of Pharmacy since July 2022. Akiyode and has taught at Howard University for 21 years.
The JSU alumna has extensive administrative experience and a long record of advancing diabetes treatment, research and education. She was the founding pharmacist at the Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center in 2007. Akiyode earned a bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Jackson State University.
Felisa Ford was featured in Time Magazine this year for her project, “Good Trouble,” a civil rights video game designed to engage the user in an immersive experience teaching them about the history of social justice and civil rights. “Good Trouble,” a part of the education edition of the popular 3-D video game, Minecraft, has now become one of the most globally downloaded video games within the Minecraft community.
Willis Lyons was selected as a finalist in the 2023 John. A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, one of the most distinguished U.S. fellowships in the field of marine policy. Lyons credits his passion for marine study to the early foundation established at JSU, along with the several professors who assisted in shaping his future career trajectory.
Since 1979, the Knauss fellowship has provided more than 1,500 early career professionals with the opportunity to work in federal government to assist in shaping legislative policy and diversifying the perspectives at both the executive and legislative branches of government.
JELANI C. ZARIF, Ph.D., M.S., received a Robert E. Meyerhoff professorship at Johns Hopkins University. Zarif is one of two recipients of the professorship awarded to junior faculty with exceptional promise, exemplary records of academic achievement in medicine and a demonstrated commitment to increasing opportunities for under-represented minorities and breaking down stereotypes.
Zarif is an assistant professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. He is also a member of the Bloomberg-Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy.
A Chicago native, Zarif obtained both his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Jackson State University and then earned his Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology from Michigan State University. He then completed two post-doctoral fellowships at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
He has been the recipient of several research awards, including the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s Young Investigator award, The Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund, Department of Defense Translational Research award and the NCI K22 Career Transition award.
Alumni, friends, corporations, foundations and organizations continue to provide invaluable support for scholarships, academic programs, facility upgrades and other needs. Indeed, it is our donors, including some who choose to remain anonymous, who help maintain the foundation on which great futures for Jackson State University students are built. The Department of Advancement Services makes every effort to verify the accuracy of its Honor Roll of Donors. If your name does not appear, is listed in the incorrect category, or is misspelled, please call 601-979-2282.
We thank you for your loyalty and generosity.
$100,000 and above
Vivian Gorden
John L. Nau
Bob and Denise Owens
The First Bank
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Alpha Kappa Alpha Education
Advancement Foundation, Inc.
AmeriGroup MS
Enbridge, Inc.
Greater Pearlie Grove Missionary
Baptist Church
Lockheed Martin Corporation
James E. O’Bannon
Pinelake Baptist Church
Robert M Hearin Foundation
Joe N. Tatum
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
Marcus Thompson
Patrick L. Allen
AT&T Corporation
BankPlus (Ridgeland)
Linda Bryant Angotti
Capital City Beverages, Inc.
Adam Crappel
Deloitte Foundation
PLLC Durrell Design Group
James R. Feehan
Sharon D. Harris
JSU Association of Alumni
Robert E. Kelly
Jerry L. Kennedy
Mississippi Power Foundation
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Nissan North America
Marc O’Ferrall
Oracle America Inc.
Thomas and Ellen Prewitt, Jr.
Arthur Rabin
Schwab Charitable Fund
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Sodexo Magic
Southwestern Athletic Conference
The P3 Group, Inc.
Tiger Fund Athletic Association
Trustmark National Bank
Julie Tyler
Union Pacific Foundation
Stephanie White Redmond
Sr. Foundation Winston & Alma Pittman
Luther W. Williams
$10,000 - $24,999
AJA Management & Technical Services
American Association of Geographers
James M. Anderson
Tarita L. Benson Davis
Malcolm M. Black
BP Foundation
Brown Bottling Group, Inc.
C Spire
Albert and Lucille Calvin
Clyde and Jasmin Chapman
Margaret Clark
Timothy Coleman
Toni D. Cooley
William Cooley
John Crossman
CSpire Foundation
Davaine Lighting
Diageo North America, Inc.
Entergy Services, Inc.
Lynn Evans
E C and Velvelyn Foster
Rhonda Grass-Fulgham
Rosie J. Harper
Annie R. Harris Slaughter
LLC Holtmann Properties
Jackson Medical Mall Foundation
Gregory Johnson
JSU Dallas-Fort Worth
Alumni Chapter
JSU National Alumni Association, Inc.
Leo W. Seal Family Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation
Molson Coors Beverage Company
Morgan Stanley Global Impact
Funding Trust
Alisa L. Mosley
Mu Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Grand Chapter
Andrew Pardoll
Darryl and Laverne Pilate
Antonio L. Pittman
Thaddeus Reed
Chad D. Riley
Stanley J. Sims
Pasqual Slaughter
Spring ‘81 Heroes
Tiffany Temple
The Jackson Pan Hellenic Council
Bernice S. Thompkins
Union Pacific Corporation
Waggoner Engineering, Inc.
Kimberly A. Wash-Blasingame
Frazier K. and Miki R Wilson
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (Faculty/Staff)
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc.
Atmos Energy
Ezra Baker
Malcolm Q. Barnes
Virginia B. Bayless
Cortez D. Bryant Butler Snow LLP
Canfor Southern Pine
CenterPoint Energy Matching Gifts Program
Teyana N. Chaney
Coleman, Alexander, Prosser Foundation, Inc.
Community Foundation for Mississippi
Lawrence Cotton
Robert Crear
Katrina Davis
Benjamin F. and Diane T. Davis
Ronald P. Davis
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
State of Mississippi
Environmental Management Plus, Inc.
ExxonMobil Development
Willie S. Farmer
Tommie F. Farmer
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Richard Gaines
Golden Class of 1970
Cynthia Gordon-Henry
Hancock Whitney Bank
Martha A. Hearns
Constance C. Holmes
Jimmie R. Horton
Housing Authority of the City of Prichard
Tyree Irving
Malcolm D. Jackson
Greg and Annette H Johnson
Guyna G. Johnson
Brian K. Johnson
Guyla G. Johnson
Josten J. Day Foundation
JSU Meridian/Lauderdale
Alumni Chapter
JSU Metro Atlanta Alumni Chapter
Juanita Sims Doty Foundation
Kennedy Behavioral Health Center
Ruby J. Kenney
Eloise C. Liddell
Herbert L. Loving
Albertine McDougal
John W. McGowan
Metropolitan Bar & Grille LLC
MJT Integrated Systems Solutions, Inc.
Leonard N. Moore
Mark A. Newsome
Noman and Emmy Lou Illges
Karmyn Norwood
PepsiCo Foundation
Derek D. and Latonya R. Polk
Porter’s Insurance Agency
Prichard Housing Corporation II
Walter L. Reed
Carlton W. and Lora K Reeves
Renasant Bank
Jr. Foundation Rupert H. Johnson
Alesha K. Russey
S&P Global Foundation
Robert C. Scott
Magnoria E. Smothers
Eugene F. Stewart
Thelma J. Strong
Texas Instruments Foundation
Gregory O. Thompson
Doris Tribune-Brown
James E. Turner
Byron A. and Sherrilynn Turner
Sonda N. White
Ashley Wicks
Rhea C. Williams-Bishop
Tammy Y. Witherspoon
Antwon D. and Constance Woods
Worth Thomas Foundation
Caroline Wright
$1,000 to $4,999
100 Black Men of Jackson
44 Flickering Flames
901 Vascular
AARP, Inc.
Emma Adams
Cinda J. Adams
Michael D. Adams
Affordable Transportation Services
Fred W. Aldridge
Angela Allison
Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter of
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Alpha South
Eastern Region
Ameriprise Financial
Barbara Amos
Martin L. Anderson
Jeremy L. Anderson
Nancy Andrews
Claretha Anthony
Gregory A. Antoine
Rose H. Austin
Steve Azar
Renee Bailey
Baker Services
Bancorp South
Pamela G. Banks
Fred L. and Pamela G Banks
Donnie E. Banyard
George E. and Doris J. Barnes
Mary H. Beamer
LaShawnda Bernucho
Beta Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi
Phi Fraternity
Beta Gamma Boule Foundation
Beverage Association
Marrice G. Biggers
Daphne Bilbrew
Sarah L. Binion
Grace Bishop
Barbara A. Blackmon
Stanley Blackmon
Leon C. Bland
Blue Bengal Athletic Association
Ivy L. Boggs
Gregory Bolton
Miki R. Bolton Wilson
Jozelle V. Booker
Sebetha L. Booker
Paula Boone
Frances L. Booth
Mary Ann A. Bosley
Willie M. Bozeman
Robert L. Braddy
Linda M. Braddy
Bradley Arant Boult
Cummings LLP
Mary A. Brewster Perry
Janice A. Brockley
Richard L. Brooks
Cornell W. and Hertha
Janice Brooks
Thomas A. Brown
Jacqueline S. Brown
Claude and Patricia Brown
C. Jerome Brown
Sue R. Brown Clark
Eva M. Bruce
Robbie J. Bryant
James Buffett
Laurie Buffett McGuane
Namandje Bumpus
Amy Burks-Berry
Ralph E. Burns
Otha Burton
Vonda R. Bush
Cledus J. Bynum
Sandy L. Byrd
Katherine L. Cage
John Calvin
Almesha L. Campbell
Valerie R. Campbell
Larry D. Camper
Billy E. and Dorothy Carcamo
Clarence A. Carr
Theodore W. Caruthers
Alveno N. Castilla
Howard D. and Danella
Brownridge Catchings
James Ceranti
Clara Chaney
Vinson Chatman
Chevron Humankind Matching
Gift Program
Christopher L. Citchens
Chauncey Citchens
Jennetta L. Clark
Claude Rashad McCants
Clinton MS Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Kenn D. Cockrell
Veronica M. Cohen
Wayne Cohen
Christopher H. Coleman
Pearl Coleman
College Hill Baptist Church
Thaddeus L. Collins
Cory Collins
Community Foundation of
Greater Huntsville
Elaine M. Coney
ConocoPhillips Company
Robert L. Cook
James E. Covington
Clarissa Creagh
David Creamer
Meredith W. Creekmore
Gus Crittle
Betty Crouther
Helen J. Crump
Steven G. Cunningham
Patrina R. Dace
Dallas Printing, Inc.
Gwendolyn A. Darty
Dyrren and Tarita L. Davis
Ella J. Davis
Vernora S. Davis
Nathaniel Davis
Perry N. Davis
Kamela Davis
Elaine Davis
Leslie Davis
Livia V. Davis-Jefferies
Dell Inc.
Delta Research and Educational Foundation
Delta Wings
Willie Denard
Denny’s Inc.
Mitchell and Deborah F. Dent
Department of Finance & Administration
Doris A. Derby
Nedra DeSavieu
Reginald G. Devaul
Deviney Construction
Kermit Dilworth
Lois Dilworth
Matthew D. Dockins
Cecelia A. Dorsey
Martin Doss
Juanita S. Doty
Eddie R. Downing
LLC Dr. Doris Gary Consulting
Adrienne C. Dumas
Darlene W. Dungee
Judy Dunlap
Greg Durrell
Brian L. Easley
Ebony Pearl Foundation, Inc.
Latonya B. Edmond
Monta J. Ellis
Ellucian Company LP
Howard and Debra A. Estes
Billie S. Fair
John A. Fairman
Fellows Alumni Foundation of JSU, Inc.
Ruby N. Ferguson-Hendricks
Jean P. Ficklin
Joe Fleming
Brandon G. Florence
Sarah L. Foote
Lula Forbes
Jessica R. Fordham
Dorothy S. Foster
Jimmie Lewis and Golda Franklin
Elizabeth R. Franklin
Hattie L. Frazier
Friends of Bennie Thompson
Cinta D. Fuller
Dorothy M. Funches
Deborah J. Gambrell Chambers
Ruben Gentry
Alfreada Gibson
Jimmie Giles
Doris O. Ginn
Metra Gipson
Paul D. Gipson
Larry Goodwin
Google, Inc.
Janace H. Goree
Maryemma Graham
James E. and Bettye R. Graves Jr.
Bill Gray
Johnnie P. Gray
Elizabeth W. Gray
Greater Fairview Missionary Baptist Church
Jonte Greer
Denise G. Gregory
Barbara J. Griffin
Johnnie L. Gross
Keydron K. Guinn
Obra V. Hackett
Eddie L. Hairston
Mani Hairston
Anthony Hales
Charles E. and Adell F. Hall
Catherine O. Hall Costict
Legert Hamilton
Jonathan F. Handy
Teresa D. Harding-Wesley
Robert C. Harris
Eunice M. Harris
Rodney O. Harris
Carylon Harris
Leonard L. Harris
Wade M. Harris
Lasonya R. Harris Hall
Myleme O. Harrison
Brendolyn K. Hart-Glover
Hattie’s Chicken and Waffles LLC
Justin Haydel
W. C. Hayes
Avis E. Haynes
Paula E. Haynes Hicks
Avis L. Heath
Solomon Henderson
Demetrice Hereford
Clare L. Hester
June F. Hill
Calvin S. and June Falconer Hill
Shondrick Hill
W. Christine Hinton-Lee
Kodi D. Hobbs
Clarice H. Hobbs-Johnson
David E. Holliday
Albert J. Holmes
Yolanda Hood
Charles E. Hooker
Hope Credit Union
Yvonne R. Horton
Lindsey Horton
Rosella L. Houston
D’An M. Howard-Carter
Hubbards Vacuum Sales and Service Inc.
Thomas K. Hudson, J.D.
Charles Hull
Charles R. and Fannie T. Hunt
Florida C. Hyde
Hydro Flow Solutions
April Idleburg
IGT Global Solutions
Charles B. and Akilah I Irvin
J&J Associates, Inc.
Ramon L. Jackson
Lisa M. Jackson
Eric D. Jackson
George T. Jackson
Henry L. Jackson
Sherman E. Jackson
Jackson Area Federal
Credit Union
Lori J. Jackson Evans
George T. and Debra L. Jackson, Jr.
Annie L. Jacobs
Rosalie James
Tammie J. Jefferson
Natasha Jeffries
Velma Jenkins
Andrew Jenkins
Brandon K. and Amy L. Johnson
Keisha Johnson
Charles G. Johnson
Maxine Johnson
Omar K. Johnson
Amber Johnson
Annette Johnson
Levette Johnson
Marlene L. Johnson
Silvanus P. Johnson
Fred Jonas
Roy L. Jones
David A. and Muriel B. Jones
Linda I. Jones
Girtie S. Jones
Ruby J. Jones
Zyndall Jones
Velina Jones-Dixon
Tommy R. Jordan
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
JSU Greater Washington D.C. Area
Alumni Chapter, Inc.
JSU Madison County Alumni
JSU Midwest Region of JSUNAA
JSU Milwaukee Alumni Chapter
JSU SE Virginia Alumni Chapter
JSU South Florida Alumni
JThompson and Associates
Eun Mee Ju
Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Kaleidoscope of Learning
Kappa Alpha Psi Faternity Inc
LLC Karry L. Young Development
Shannon D. Kelly-Woods
Randolph Kennedy
Jessica Kennedy Vickers
Hyun C. Kim
Lula T. King
Michael Kingston
Michael and Evelyn Kingston
Mario R. Kirksey
Kusche Sports Group
L.A.D. Engineering Technologies
Katrina R. Lackey-Davis
Lake Caroline Golf Club
John Large
John and Barbara S. Large
Adriana Lawton
Albert D. Leason
Eddie Lee
Mitchell D. Lee
Dexter L. Lee
Marjorie K. Lee
Legacy Ford of McDonough
Larry Leggett
Laura K. Lewis
Monica S. Lewis
Cornelia A. Liggans
Livingston Road Community Foundation
Debra Lloyd
Feleica A. Lockhart-Wilson
Frank J. Logan
Robert K. Long
David L. Lovelady
LuLu’s Love Fund
Jeff Lynch
PLLC M3A Architecture
David L. Mallard
Gregory D. Manogin
Alfred Lionell and Dalre’ Martin
Alfred L. and Dalre’ Martin
Sharon Martin
Stacey Matthews
Mayo Mallette PLLC
McCann Memorial Temple COGIC
Roslind McCoy Sibley
Gloria A. McCray Watson
Preselfannie W. McDaniels
Debra McGee
Randy McKee
Leslie-Burl McLemore
Johnny McRight
Cynthia A. Melvin
Jenise B. Menshew
Merrill Lynch
Peter Merriman
Brenda Middleton
Carol Miller-Lawson
Benita F. Monix
Richard Monroe
James Montgomery
Emma G. Moore
Marva H. Moore
Lakiaus A. Moore
Charley R. Morris
Melissa Morton
Mount Nebo Baptist Church
Sam Mozee
Sedric D. Myers
Rebecca Myles
Jerry L. Nash
National Black College Alumni
Hall of Fame
National Christian Foundation -Alabama
John D. Neal
Christopher D. and Tonya Neely
DeWanda D. Nelson
Network for Good
New York Life Insurance Company
LaVerne A. Nichols
Willie and Gladis Nichols
Robert E and Earlexia Norwood
Mikhaella Norwood
Orbit Transportation
Calvin D. and Barbara R. Ousby
William Overton
Marcia A. Owens
Yolanda R. Owens
Jody E. Owens
Dana K. Pace
Roderick R. Paige
Billy D. Paige
Rubbie S. Patrick-Herring
Frank K. Patterson
Douglas F. Paulsen
Sharla D. Payton
Eddie and Rica Payton
Howard and Beverly A. Peavie
Cassie Pennington
John A. Peoples
Chatham H. Phillips
Irma J. Plaxico
PNCHS Class of 1969
Norris and Auwilda M. Polk
Kesia T. Pope
Lorene R. Portis
Bonita D. Powell
Sarah Pride
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Will C. Pugh
Brian A. and Dominique Pugh
Mitchell P. Purdy
Quadrint, Inc.
Montaviest T. Qualls
Vanessa Quinn
Quinn Healthcare PLLC
Wade A. Rakes
Barbara L. Rascoe
Thandika M. Rawls
Richard and Edith S. Rayford
Reddy Jana Sangha Foundation
Regions Bank
Rho Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Robert A. Rhymes
David Richardson
Christy Riddle
Rissah Temple NO 130
Bobbie Y. Robinson
DeAirah Robinson
Felicia B. Robinson
Jacob Robinson
Rodney A. Phillips Plumbing
Alice S. Rooks
Denice R. Ruffin
Richard L. Russell
John B. Sampson
John B. Sampson
Alix and Betty W. Sanders
Sanderson Farms, Inc.
Kurt Scheppmann
Terry Scott
Monica Scott
Delie Shepard
John L. Shoemake
Charles E. Silas
Joyce B. Simelton
Derrick T. Simmons
PLLC Simmons and Simmons
Simmons Consulting Firm
James E and Ellina L. Sims
Josephine Skipper Bailey
Walter A. Smith
Candice N. Smith
Sharion Smith
Richard W. Smith
Robert Smith
Richard Smith
Robert Smith
Yolonda Smith
Herman D. and Doris N. Smith
Sonepar Management US, Inc.
Charles H. Spann
Eddie L. and Norweida Spencer
St. James Baptist Church
St. John M.B. Church
St. Luke Baptist Church
Alice Stamps
Stamps & Stamps
State Farm Companies
John L. Steel
Jerutha S. Steptoe-Stowers
Oleta Stokes
Henry L. and Mattie Stovall
Strategic Systems, Inc.
Justin R. Straughter
Milton Suggs
Betty M. Sullivan
Esther D. Sutton
Shelton Swanier
Hubert L. Tate
Gloria Tatum
Richard L. Taylor
Sheila Taylor
Murlene T. Taylor
James K. Terry
Ryan S. Terry
The Community Foundation of Macon County
The Dayton Foundation
The Kirkland Group
The Links, Inc.
The Mark A Dawson Family
Giving Fund
The Taylor Group, Inc
Theta Sigma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Mamie M. Thomas
Willie H and Gloria J. Thomas Sr.
Jacquelyn Thomas-Miller
Stacey Thompson
Brenda Kaye M. Thompson
Aaron J. Thompson
Hugh R. Thompson
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
James V. Tillman
Nellie W. Tolliver
Willie A. Travis
Terence Travis
Jamie Travis
Truth Initiative
Bonnie J. Turner
James T. Turner
Sherrilynn Turner
Earnestine Turner
KB Turner
Jerry Turner
Timothy Turner
Christian O. Varnado
Allen P. Vital
W.L. Burle Engineers
Merrill Wade
Herbert P. Wade
Joyce D. Wade Hamme
Maggie M. Wade-Dixon
Leroy G. Walker
Tom Wallace
Randy T. Warner
Christina S. Wash
William H. Washington
Daniel Watkins
Joan M. Watkins
Vera D. Watson
Stephanie Watts
Demareo J. and Latoya P Webb
Kethia M. Webber
Anthony L. Webster
Cassandra L. Welchlin
James W. West
Joyce White
Tiffani N. White
Mary M. White
Anthony D. Wilcher
Kim Wilkes
Lillian A. Wilkinson-Maynor
Hill Williams
Dexter Williams
Joeann Williams
Jackie L. Williams
James Williams
Shonda Williams
Bobbie J. Wilson
Dura Wilson
JoAnn Wilson-Johnson
Tony A. Winters
Raymond C. Woodfork
Damon L. Woodfork
Jarvis C. Woods
Robert L. Woodson
Demetrice Wraggs
Victor T. Wyatt
Rosetta S. Young
Karry L. Young
Calvin E. Younger
Korey B. Adams
Shelton Allison
Allstate Foundation
AmazonSmile Foundation
Thelma M. Anderson
Winston C. Anderson
Anderson United Methodist Church
Kenneth A. Archer
Antoinette Archer
Tina Austin
Milton T. Austin
Junior C. Bailey
Margaret L. Bailey
Mamie L. Ballard-Crockett
Johnnie Barnes
Daphne D. Barnes
Sharon A. Barnett-Myers
Webster F. Bartee
Edith Bartley
Yvonne F. Bayne
Chris Bell
Kimberly A. Bethea
Louis and Bettye Beverly
Cheryl Bibb
Dena D. Bilbrew
Lillie Bingham
Aubrey Bland
Leon C. Bland
Carnell Bolden
Carylon B. Bolden Harris
Jairus J. Boone
Stacy S. Boone
Jermarcus M. Bounds
Dennis L. Bowman
Rhonda L. Brent
Annie S. Brew
Kimberly Brewer
Joseph Bright
Enzie Broadsheet
Perry Brooks
Emelle Broome
Barbara A. Brown
Bonnie J. Brown
Calvin L. Brown
Cherise N. Brown
Calvin L. and Dian Brown
Randall C. Bunley
Stephon L. Burks
Arthur L. Burnett
Sharelle K. Burns
Nicole Burton
Pamela Bydon-Bunker
Natalie A. Bynum
Cade Chapel M. B. Church
Martina Caldwell
Reginald Calhoun
Gwendolyn Caples
William C. Carroll
Robert Carter
Sheila F. Carter
Fulton Ellis and Artrie L. Caston
LLC CCC Tax Services
Natalie Chadwell
Patricia A. Chaffin
Vinson Chapman
Jasmin Chapman
Geraldine Cherry
Darryl E. Christmon
Causie H. Clay
Nicole Clinkscales
Clyde C. Coleman
Doneisha Coleman
Musette Collier Edwards
Augustus L. Collins
Elise Cook
Willie Cooper
Lovell M. Cox
James Creaghan
Ronnie Crudup
Mary E. Crump
McKenzie Crump
LLC C-T To The 5th
Calvin C. and Yvonne Cunning
Randy Dandridge
Shannon K. Daniels
Thomas Daugherty
Ebonee Davis
Emerson Davis
Rita J. Davis
Natalie R. Davis-Winkfield
Andre’ Dennis
Jimmie Denson
Lydia N. Didia
Carolyn M. Dillard
Elinor Draine
Derra H. Dukes
Michael Easter
Mar Elks
Gloria Escher Dilworth
Donnie Fareed
Michelle Ferguson
Laviesta L. Ferrell
Eltorry Ficklin
Curtiscile Flemon-Pepper
Aisha D. Fletcher
Bennie E. Florence
Velvelyn Foster
Shawanna Fowler
Hillman T. and Jean C Frazier
James A. Garner
Doris C. Gary
Kelvin L. Gates
Roosevelt Gentry
Deirdre R. Gibbs
Vetra A. Gipson
Patricia Glover
Charles Goldsmith
Loria B. Gordon
Janelle J. Graham
Jabari A. Graham
Greater Tabernacle Ministries
Lucille A. Green
Jason Greener
Deuntae L. Greenfield
Lashasa S. Griffin
Dorothy Gross
Stacey Haggard
Alfred L. and Lasonya Y. Hall
Alia L. Hall
Jesse T. Hall
Gwendolyn H. Handy
LLC Hang Media
Wattine M. Hannah
Mary I. Hardy
John A. Harkless
Margera J. Harris
Margaret J. Harris
Charlie and Lillian Hill Harris
Simmer Harry
Roney M. Hart-Jefferson
Danielle Hassel
Larry Hayes
HCA Foundation
Lovenso Henderson
Mark G. Henderson
Joseph L. Henderson
Alexcie A. Herbert
Patricia Hickman
Patricia Hodges
Ira P. Hodges
Michael A. Holloway
Dennis Holloway
Holmes County Chapter of JSUNAA
Maurita Horn
Lela J. Hubbard
Kenya A. Hudson
Delorise Hulitt-Love
Mattie Hunter
John Hutchison
International Community
Ambassador Network
Archie L. Ivy
Judy C. Jackson
Mishi Jackson
Regan L. Jackson
Linda P. Jackson
Michael Jackson
Morris W. Jackson
Mozella G. Jackson
Junoesque E. Jacobs
Lachie M. Jennings
Ronald G. Johnson
Pamela D. Johnson
Dorothy M. Johnson
Cynthia F. Johnson
Ednarine Johnson
Leslie C. Johnson
Linda D. Johnson
Willie Johnson
Clarence and Elaine Johnson
Pamela Jones
Yolanda D. Jones-Mcelroy
Zelma L. Jordan-Little
JSU Byram Terry Alumni Chapter
JSU Houston Alumni Chapter
JSU Huntsville Alumni Chapter
JSU Indianapolis Alumni Chapter
Ramzi Kafoury
Alison Kelly
Robert J. Kincaid
Kinder Morgan Foundation
Alvin J. and DeJonnette G. King
Wanda King
Reginald Knox
Gloria Knuckles
Hilliard and Lillian Lackey
Jerome Lacking
Kevin D. Lavine
Gloria J. Lee
Linda Leland
Jacqueline B. Lett
Jay Lewis
Johnnie Lewis
Prince E. Lewis
Calvin C. Liddell
Kimberla M. Little
Robert E. Long
Willis Lonzer
Clarence S. Lovelady
Marcus T. Luckett
Jeanne B. Luckett
Jocelyn M. Lyons
Charmel Mack
Peter MacLeish
Martha Magee
Jeanette M. Magee
Nicholas Mallard
Alvin Marley
Darius Marshall
Haley Martin
Rayfield May
Rachel Mayes
Tasha McCullar
Caleb McDonald
Rod McDonald
Sheila McDonald-Rich
Frank McGee
Michael A. Melvin
Sharolyn E. Miller
J. Mark Miller
Paul Miller
Keith M. Moncure
Mauda L. Monger
Anthony C. Montgomery
Latoya G. Moore
Marilyn F. Moore
John F. Moore
Saeed Moorehead
Curtina Moreland-Young
Alphonzie and Gwendolyn
Tepricka F. Morgan
Rogers B. Morris
Dana M. and Lovell M. Moton-Cox
Camp Murphy
Vounzell M. Murphy
Eddie Myers
New Bethel Missionary
Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship Baptist Church
Tammie P. Norton
Sollie Norwood
Oakes Auto Group
Oakes Toyota
OGIA, Inc.
Brad Osborne
Willie G. Owens
Chris Paolini
Hollie G. Peek
Sheldan Perry
Sheldan W. Perry
Maryann Perry
Henry and Velma Pettiegrew
John F. Phillips, III
Myrick N. Polk
Allen F. Poole
Jessie O. Pope
Gailya M. Porter
Clyde M. Powell
Wesley F. Prater
Teri L. Quinn Gray
Nina Ramsey
Sonya L. Ramsey
Sababu Rashid
Walter Rayford
Raytheon Charitable Giving
Tex Red
Pamela L. Redden
Marcus K. Reed
Dallas F. Reed
Demetria B. Reed
Bonita Reed
Mary L. Reeves
Vonda Reeves
Stephen Rice
Marlon Richardson
Edward E. Roberson
D. Paul Robichaux
Bobbie Robinson
Lisa M. Ross
Sir Johnathan V. Rucker
Jeslyn Rumbold
Kentrice S. Rush
Shirley Saddler
Marian A. Sampson
Janet A. Samuel
Sanders & Sanders Funeral
Home, Inc.
John Schuhmann
Veronique Schulz
Dylester Scott
Calvin and Willie Bell Scott
Betty J. Shaw
Purvis Short
Errick D. Simmons
John Simmons
Sinclair Skinner
LLC Skyline Innovations
Barbara B. Smith
Leroy Smith
George H. Smith
Maudell Smith
Gregory and Jackie L Smith
Judy G. Smylie
Dorothy M. Stamps
STEPS Coalition
Aubery Stewart
Romericus J. Stewart
Talya Straughter
Michael L. Swanigan
Henry L. and Alma R. Tanksley
Myra Tate
Wesley Taylor
Percy L. Taylor
Donna Terracina
Fredrick Terry
The Baskin Family
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Employee Engagement Fund
Alonda N. Thomas
Barbara J. Thomas
I.D. Thompson
Mariea A. Thompson
Audrey L. Thompson
Dessie R. Thompson-Scott
Joyce K. Thornton
Andre Thornton
Rochel Y. Thornton
Toi N. Thurman
Chan Tolliver
Thanh V. Tran
Marion Tresvant
Lula M. Tripp
Shuana Tucker
Marvel A. Turner
Steve Turner
Adoris S. Turner
United Way of Greater Nashville
Beverly S. Wall
Angela K. Waller
Dennis M. Walls
Scott K. Wansley
Deanna Ward
Willis Washington
Carolyn S. Watkins
Jean F. Wheeler
George White
Samuel L. White
Vonda White
Tonitrice I. Wicks
Shawn Wiggins
Sharlyn Wilkinson
Jimmie L. Williams
Jacqulyn B. Williams
Elijah E. Willis
Zakiya S. Wilson-Kennedy
Tommy Winston
Daphne Winston
Cory G. Wofford
Woodforest National Bank
Shannon Woods
Sheryl W. Woods
Dionne Woody
Chanete R. Wooley
Fay J. Wooten
Ralph Wormley
Juruthin S. Woullard
Alice M. Wren-Smith
Develyn D. Wright
Debbie Wright
Moses C. Young
Adekunle Abioye
Cherita D. Abney
Marwan Abouljoud
Rochelle Abram
Jamie D. Abrams
Khaled Abu-Hamdan
Brenda B. Adams
Demetria Adams
Calvin and Frankie R. Adams
Bonita Adams
Kenyetta and Erick D. Adams
Arnold B. Adams
Anthony Adams
Bryce Adams
Felicia Adams
Jannette S. Adams
Sandra Adams
Sharon Adams
Stacy H. Adams
Travoris C. Adams
Angela Addison
Clifton Addison
Tonya L. Adkism
Gwendolyn Ailes
Bolaji Ajike
AJR Insurance LLC
Ric Alexander
Tanya Alexander
Tom Alexander
Karen L. Allen
Dorian V. Allen
Deshawndra Allen
Harral J. Allen
Sharon D. Allen
Vonda D. Allen
Jarmila T. Allen Reed
Shelton Allison
Allstate Insurance Company
Cristina N. Alsop
Camarian Alston
Jacquelyn Alton
Sarah Amend
American Fidelity Foundation
Amica Insurance - Dallas Regional Office
Christopher Amos
Tiffany Amos
Tom J. Anderson
Emelda R. Anderson
Leonard J. Anderson
Priscilla T. Anderson
Lisa L. Anderson
Ronza J. Anderson
Ruby Anderson
Sue Anderson
Yokena Anderson
Brian E. Anderson
Carla H. Anderson
Corey A. Anderson
Darrell Anderson
Gregory Anderson
James Anderson
Janice M. Anderson
Jennifer F. Anderson
John R. Anderson
Jonathan A. Anderson
Joyce A. Anderson
Joyce L. Anderson
Kendall L. Anderson
Kimberly L. Anderson
Lula Anderson
Lydell L. Anderson
Morris L. Anderson
Ronza J. Anderson
Rosia Anderson
Samuel Anderson
Valerie Anderson
Traci Andrews
Brenda M. Andritsis
Pacifico Antalan
Rosalyn Anthony
Wanda Anthony
Nedra L. Anthony-Houston
Okechukwu D. Anyamele
Johnnie M. Applewhite
Angela D. Applewhite
Lanetra D. April
Bridget Archer
Della R. Archie
Mary Armanios
Drenna B. Armstrong
Larry C. Armstrong
Apryl R. Armstrong
Charles Armstrong
Christopher S. Artis
Akilah Artis
Laverne D. Ashley
Clemon Ashley
Rodney M. Ashmore
Theodore E. and Anita G. Atkinson
Mattie P. Atterberry
Curtis R. Augustine
Jeronimo Augusto
Navketan Aujla
Joe L. Austin
Siedah T. Austin
Lucius S. Austin
Martin Austin
Kasey J. Autman
Lanier Avant
James Q. Bacchus
Terrance Bacchus
Shirley A. Bacon
Arthur Bailey
Valencia A. Bailey
Bettye Baker
Bobby Baker
Gabe Baldwin
Byron Baldwin
Leislye D. Ball
Joyce G. Ball
Darlita R. Ballard
Minty R. Ballard
Betty Bankhead
Trenton R. Banks
Ursula M. Banks
Latonia L. Banks
Earl S. Banks
Sandra D. Banyard
Jan M. Baptist
Elizabeth A. Bargains
Angela S. Barial
Geraldine T. Barial-Mannery
Robert Barkers
Michael J. Barksdale
Michael J. Barksdale
Michael J. and Glasetta R. Barksdale
Johnnie B. Barnes
Betty J. Barnes
Margarett E. Barnes
Cheryl Y. Barnes
Lloyd F. Barnes
Tony Barnes
Erica Barnes
Lathario R. Barnes
Willie H. Barnes
Sonja Barnes Oliver
Sebronette Barnes-Aborom
Toya Barnes-Teamer
G.C. Barnett
Mia C. Barney
Ian Barrett
Ahmahtzyah P. Barrett
Rosusan Bartee
George W and Eva F. Bartley
Nashunda C. Baskin
Tavin Battle
Wilbert Battle
Lasha Baylis
Eugene and Greta D. Baymon
Cheryl L. Bayne
Tyre Z. Beal
Charles J. and Galetha P. Beard
Charles Beard
Lotoya H. Beard
Veronica Beasley
Jacqueline Beasley
Johnny Beason
Princella Beatty
Sandra Beckard
Lisa M. Beckley-Roberts
Howard Bell
Jessica T. Bell
Cynthia A. Bell
Kenji L. Bell
Alecia Bell
Anthony Bell
D’Andra L. Bell
Jonise D. Bell
Kassandra A. Bell
Kenneth Bell
Rumeal D. Bell
Willie C. Bell
Tara E. Bell Hawkins
Adero M. Bell-Carter
Jamie Bell-Jackson
Vonda Belton
Larry H. Bender
Emmanuel Bendross
Linda Benfield
Kimberly K. Benford
Aisha Benford
Russell Bennett
Shavonte A. Bennett
Pat Bennett
Dedric L. Bennett
Charles E. Benson
Chelsia I. Berry
Christina M. Berry
Ida S. Berry
Georgia S. Berry
William Bettis
Rita A. Bibbs-Booth
Mary P. Bibbs-Jarrett
Melissa Bickham
Davina L. Biddle
Kenneth Bilderback
Juette Bingham
Tywanda D. Bingham
Millard J. Bingham
Marvin T. Bingham
Charles Birvin
Roger M. Bishop
Megan Bishop
Charles Bishop
Jessie R. Bishop
Loraine K. Bishop
Bishop Investment Properties Inc
Charla Blacker
Gloria P. Blackmon
Daryl Blackmon
Marian F. Blackmon
Jackie Blackwell
Matthew and Bess C. Blackwell
Patricia B. Blake
Jamuel Blakes
Ron Blanch
Gloria Blaylock
David L. Blount
William Blowe
John W. Blue
Alvin Blue
Tara Blue
Lorean Blue-Hubbard
Eric Bluntson
Dia Bocage
Michael Boerner
Melba Bolden
Rhonda S. Boles
Vincent C. Bond
Melvin R. Bonds
Jonas L. Bonds
Shon-Keith Booker
Patrice J. Boone
Keitha L. Boone
Patreece R. Boone
Sheba L. Borden
Reginald J. Bowens
Jackie Bowie
Preston and Cecilia Bowie
Phyllis G. Bowman
Henry Boyd
Windolyn M. Boyd
Judith Boyd
Thelman Boyd
Windell Boyd
John Boyer
Lou Boykins
Ronald G. Bozeman
Tina S. Braboy
Eddie James and Bobbie Braddy
Sonya Braddy
Lewis M. Braddy
Linda M. Braddy
Maurice L. Braddy
Krystel Braddy-Brown
Matthew S. Bradford
Charleston A. Bradford
Patrice Bradford
Charles Bradley
Keirsten Bradley
Benjamin Bradley
Patrick Bradley
Michael D. Bradley
Robert Bradley
Zelma W. Bradley
Cynthia D. Branch-Brooks
Juanita Brandon
Janet M. Brantley
Cameron Braun
Robert Brazile
Cadetta Breaker
Larry E. Breland
Douglas M. Breland
Larry E. Breland
Tamieka M. Brent
Wayne Brent
Aniecia A. Brewster
Fran Bridges
Markell Bridges
May F. Bridges
Novella N. Bridges
Sarah Briggs
Hunnando Brim
Reginald Brinson
Jacqueline B. Brinson Seaton
Robert C. Britton
Percy Brooks
James M. Brooks
Jean E. Brooks
Jerome Q. Brooks
Dorothy S. Brooks
Anthony P. Brooks
Mala Brooks
Paytreen Brooks
Tracyi C. Brooks
Tungela P. Brooks
Ventez D. Brooks
Tracey Broome Purvis
Tamika M. Broome-Lewis
Crystal N. Brown
Ruth Brown
Howard Brown
Keila Brown
Cedric E. and Sharon D. Brown
Monte L. Brown
Tevin Brown
Garrard B. Brown
Kimberlin D. Brown
Nikeya Brown
Sharon D. Brown
Yolanda T. Brown
Corey J. Brown
Juleigh P. Brown
Valerie E. Brown
Amanda Brown
Anthony Brown
Antonio Brown
Barbara J. Brown
Bettina Brown
Catoria Brown
Christopher Jermaine Brown
Connie L. Brown
Kendra Brown
Kowania Brown
Kyris Brown
Laquita S. Brown
Lillian G. Brown
Maurice Brown
Michael D. Brown
Milton Brown
Nannette Brown
Ravis S. Brown
Sharon Brown
William A. Brown
H. Lusby and Carolyn J. Brown
Willie and Bonnie Brown
Valtressia L. Brown Austin
Valerie D. Brown Jones
Fran’Cee L. Brown McClure
Edward Browne
Abraham G. Brownfield
Camiel L. Brown-Fleming
Kathy Brown-Ladd
Dwylette R. Brownlee
Anthony J. Brownlow
Janie Brown-Reed
Felicia Brown-Williams
Anthony Brunson
Don Brunson
Travon Bryant
Cathy T. Bryant
Arthur Bryant
L. Dale Bryant
Lubrina E. Bryant
Cynthia K. Buchanan
Joann Buchanan
Mariah Buchanan
Catavia Buck
David Buckhaulter
Artherine Buckley
Opal N. Buckley
Sheletta Buckley
Shirley P. Buckley
Buddy Bear Car Wash
Jenifer Buford
Jaclyn Buford
Robert M. Buford
Vonda L. Buggs
Otis Bumpers
Lettie E. Burger
Derrick Burgess
Cason C. Burk
Chris L. Burkett
Ben Burkhart
Kenneth Burks
Ellis Burks
Cedric P. Burnett
Shirley F. Burnett
Fredrick O. Burns
Jacqueline A. Burns
Della A. Burt-Bradley
Elvin T. Burton
Billy Bush
Damarr M. and Christina M Butler
Afrachanna D. Butler
Barry T. Butler
Gip A. Butler
Kelvin E. Butler
Sonia O. Butler
Andrada S. Butler-Cunning
Debbie Bynum
Juaria E. Byrd
Patricia Bythwood
Earnest Cage
Cheryl Cain
Katrina M. Caldwell
Cameron D. Caldwell
Donell Caldwell
Helen B. Caldwell
Peggy H. Calhoun
Albert Calvin
Lakita L. Calvin
Antonio J. Calvin
Larry C. Cameron
Dwayne E. Campbell
Lottie Campbell
Joseph Campbell
Kimberly Campbell
Lesley Campbell
Curtis M. Camper
Patricia B. Camper
Derrick C. Cannon
Bridgett Carey
Rosemary Cargin
Hazel L. Carlos
Kenechia E. Carodine
Myria Carpenter
Charles R. and Eddie J. Carr
Mae Ruth W. Carr
Angela D. Carr
Yolonda Y. Carson
Cart Dr LLC
Tina S. Carter
Robert J. Carter
Armon F. Carter
George Carter
Lamarious Carter
Orson Carter
Ray C. Carter
Tiffany Carter
Tyronica D. Carter
Rhonda E. Carter Adams
Edelia J. Carthan
Cissye L. Carthan
Perry Cartlidge
Tammra Cascio
Fulton E. and Artrie L Caston
Paulette A. Caston
Sonya Caston-Good
Shirley Catchings
Troy Catchings
Robin Catchings-Evans
Antoine T. Cater
April L. Cathey
Charles A. Cathey
Marcus Cathey
Jahelle G. Cato
Phillip H. Causey
Ronnie R. Cavett
Amanda Cavett
Daphne R. Chamberlain
Tiffany C. Chambers
Milton J. Chambliss
Pat Chambliss
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Charity Truth Tabernacle Church Inc.
Stephanie I. Chatman
Claude T. and Stephanie I. Chatman
Audrey Y. Chatman-Farmer
Connie Y. Childress
Juanita Chrisholm
Georgvell E. Christian
Shirley Christian
Renaldo R. Christmas
Farah L. Christmas-Cooley
City of Vicksburg
Nicole W. Claiborne
Jennifer R. Clanton
Ken Clark
Morgan C. Clark
Charity F. Clark
Joann Clark
Justin Clark
Mechell Clark
Angela Clark Jenkins
Annissa S. Clay
Jeremy Clay
Tracey D. Clayton
Clifton J. Clemons
Carla A. Clendenon
Monica Cleveland
Alma Cline
Patricia Cloy
Myron Coats
Willeshia A. Cobbins
Accura Cobbins
Broderwick D. Cochran
Jasmine Cockfield
Phillip A. Cockrell
James Coffey
Cynthia Cohen
Leon D. Cole
Terrell L. Cole
Valeria V. Cole
John E. Coleman
Annie C. Coleman
Pheobie Coleman
Carolyn Coleman
Carolyn D. Coleman
J. B. Coleman
Nelson Coleman
Rebecca J. Coleman
Yasmin D. Coleman
Jimmie C. Collier
Robert C. Collier
Stephanie Collier
Versia R. Collier
Walter M. Collier
Kenneth Collins
Kenneth and Deidrea B. Collins
Andrew L. Collins
Charlotte D. Collins
Ila Collins
Ken Collins
Sherkita R. Collins
Jerlin Collins Parks
Caroline C. Collins-Wright
Susan T. Colman
Nadia D. Colom
Scott Colom
Dorothy Colom
Bobby R. Colvin
Gregory L. Conner
Marjorie Conner
Phillisa R. Conner
LLC Continental Tire
The Americas
Tony Cook
Cornelius Cook
Robert B. Cook
Ishsherrie Cook
Dionne M. Cook
Gary Cooper
Regina A. Cooper
Willie Cooper
Michael V. Cooper
Gabriel Cooper
Howard Cooper
Krystal S. Cooper
Latoria M. Cooper
Rebecca J. Corley
William Corley
John L. Cornelius
Don E. Cornelius
Jeffrey D. Cornelius
John L. Cornelius
Rose Cornelius
Shirley A. Cotton
Memrie Covington
Vivian A. Covington
James L. Cowan
Robert M. Cowherd
Raymond Cox
Pamela Cox
Michelle Coyne
Adrian M. Craft
Courtney C. Crain-Hampton
Seth Crapp
Ernestine and Christine Crate
Patricia N. Crawford
Brigitte Crawford
Shawana Crawford
Veronica D. Crawford
Kristi Crear
Reginald Crear
Robert J. Crear
Kelly Cress
Walter L. Crockett
Ashley Croom
Elnora Cropper
Tamara S. Crudup
Andrea D. Crudup
Cassandra Crumdy
Johni Cruse Craig
Curley Culp
Debora M. Culver
Isaac Culver
Evelyn Cummings
Bryant M. Cunningham
Carl G. Cunningham
Loretta Curry
Clifton G. and Wilma G. Curry
Roy and Carolyn Curry, Sr
Lovelace Dace
Bobby Dadlani
Dennis Dahmer, Sr.
Katrina Damon
Yolanda Dampier
Willie F. and Fregene S. Daniel
Terrance R. Daniel
Erica J. Darden
Phyllis Darden-Caldwell
Janice Davenport
Janora A. Davenport
Reginald O. Davidson
Tracey B. Davidson
Venus Davis
Glenn T. Davis
Darrick Davis
Davietta K. Davis
Roosevelt Davis
Dawinna A. Davis
Tammi A. Davis
Sharon M. Davis
Percy C. Davis
Rameka Davis
Shirley H. Davis
Stanitia W. Davis
Debbra Davis
Garry K. Davis
Herbert Davis
Jeanette Davis
Kathleen Y. Davis
Kevin E. Davis
Lamonica I. Davis
Rachel Davis
Reginald Davis
Risa Davis
Stacey D. Davis
Wavette Davis
Nathaniel and Ethel Rae Davis
Regina Davis-Myers
Stacy Davison
Gwendolyn S. Dawkins
Deborah J. Dawkins
Mark A. Dawson
Letecia T. Dawson
Teronta Day
Anthony and Melissa Dean
Andre DeBerry
Roy DeBerry
Deon M. and Roshanda
N. Deboise
Mary A. Dedeaux
Ellen Delap
Mildred L. Delozia
Jonathan Demming
Don Denard
Rodney George and Heather
A. Denne’
Hayes Dent
Andrew L. Dent
Oscar Denton
Derrick DeVeaux
Noel E. Didla
Kervia Diggs
Gayle E. Dillon
Reuben Earl and Etawl Dilworth
Gloria E. Dilworth
Carolyn K. Divinity
Melba L. Dixon
Larry T. Dixon
Barry L. Dixon
Velina Dixon
Phillippa C. Dixon
Latonya L. Dixon
Maronda E. Dixon
Ben Jamal B. Dixon
DeSuan D. Dixon
Ivan R. Dixon
Jeremy Dixon
Maeletha A. Dixon
Sheretta L. Dobbins
Tracy R. Dodd
Carole Dodson
Kwame Doh
Marydale Donald
LaTanya Donald Jones
Cedric K. Donaldson
Rodney Donaville
Billy R. Donelson
Shannon Dorris
Joyce Dorsey
Jarvis A. Dortch
Alice A. Doss
Leona Dotson
Marvel Douglas
Shekela K. Douglas
Tracy L. Dove
Nicole Dowdell
Mark and Annella D. Drake
Gloria D. Drake
Coty C. Drew
Dennis R. Driscoll
Tonisha L. Drummer
Pearl Dsa
David Dubose
Doris A. Dudley
Sonia B. Dulaney
Juanita Duncan
Gwendolyn L. Dunlap
Keith P. Dunlap
Jamese Dunlap
James Dunn
Terez J. Dunnings Green
Cason C. DUPREC_Burk
Connie L. DUPREC_Mallory
Latanya DUPREC_Sanders
Johnny L. Dupree
Dennis J. Dupree
Shelia G. Dupree
Prince Duren
Beverly Durham
Dynastics, Inc.
Kabah Ealy
Carena N. Easley
Krystle L. Easley Taylor
Jerry L. Echols
Rocortis S. Echols
Joe E. Eckford
Melanie Eddins-Spencer
Eva A. Edeigba
Patrease L. Edwards
Lillie H. Edwards
Jerome Edwards
Mesha Edwards
Demesha L. Edwards
Betty Edwards
Dorothy L. Edwards
Rosetta Edwards
Talmadge D. Edwards
Jennifer Edwards-Johnson
James A. Ejiwale
Lynette Ekunwe
Tracey L. Elam
Leroy and Chanda Elder
Leroy Elder
Wanda D. Elliott
Eric K. and Candice Elliott
Lasonia Elliott
Arianna S. Elliott
Tijuana Elliott Devaul
Edna B. Ellis
Latonja Ellis
LaTonja Ellis
Reginald Ellis
Sam Ellis
Johnnie M. Elmore
Natasha R. El-Scari
Carolyn Emerson
Yolanda Emodogo
Augustine B. Emuwa
Sylvia Emuwa
Latricha Ephfrom
Donna F. Epps
Shirley Epps-Perry
Gail Ervin
Peter Espenshade
Portia Espy
Constance Espy
Estate of Dorothy Lee Hawkins
Shantale L. Etheridge
Clarence Evans
Chris Evans
Vince Evans
Kathi Evans
Lewis O. Evans
Jerome Evans
Cynthia F. Evans
Henry Evans
Laverne Evans
Mark A. Evans
Otha L. Evans
Sherwonna K. Evans
Veronica R. Evans
Walter L. Evans
Pamela W. Everett
Andrew Ewald
John Fair
Martha R. Fairley
Rudolph Fairley
Anthony Falice
Taunya N. Falkner
Claboine Falls
Kevin Fareed
Catherine Faulk
Dominick Fears
Herman J. Felton
Cynthia M. Fields
Sherley S. Fields
Alfreda S. Fields
Florece Fields
First Union Baptist Church
Eugene O. Fisher
Grace A. Fisher
Ruby Fitzpatrick
Erik R. Fleming
Rose J. Flenorl
Dennis Fletcher
Randal Flimmons
Ardena Flippin
Monica G. Flippin-Wynn
LLC FLM Insurance
Theodore J. Flogaites
Jeannie Flood
Ruby Florence
Ettatina Flowers-Myles
Marvell Foard
Maudilynn Fontenette
Sarah V. Ford
Calvin C. and Sarah Viverette Ford
Alando Ford
Carolyn B. Ford
D’Arcy M. Ford
Felicia Ford
Samantha Ford
Aviane Forde
Douglas L. Fort
Maurice Forte
Jacquelyn J. Fortson
Dwight W. Fortune
D.D. and Linda M. Foster
Tony Foster
Rhonda P. Fowler
Shelia Francis
Ian Frank
Shirlethia Franklin
John Franklin
Lehia Franklin Acox
Karla D. Frazier
Candace Y. Frazier
Donny Frazier
Rowland J. and Carroll K. Frazier
Francina Freeman
Patricia A. Freeman
Brenda Frelix
Brian French
Willie E. Frierson
Cayce Friesenhahn
Lee A. Frison
Sherri S. Frizell
James J. Fuller
Gwendolyn Fullilove
Kim Funches
Zanette Funches
Kimberly Funchess
Martha G. Williams
Bente’ Gage
Bobby D. Gaines
Monet Gaines
Rita F. Gaines
Izora Gales
Keisia Galmon
Jamie Gammage
Eliza C. Garcia
Amy A. Gardner
Alandress Gardner
Elease Gardner
LaMonica M. Gardner-Sampson
Lawrence Garfinkel
Mary W. Garner
Shelia Garner
Tosha Garner_DUPREC
Nestelynn R. Garrett
Audrey Gary
Pamela M. Gary
Marybeth Gasman
Michael A. Gater
Noelle D. Gates
Nikela K. Gates
Lorraine B. Gayden
Mary Gee
Vernecia L. Gee-Davis
Laverne A. Gentry
Velsie Gentry
Ray A. Gertrude
Jasmin Gholston
Joel Gibson
Howard O. Gibson
Jonathan M. Gibson
Maggie W. Gibson
Derrick G. Gilbert
Deon Gilbert
Debra Giles
Tasha D. Gill
Jamita Q. Gilleylen
Olandress D. Gilleylen
Kelly A. Gills
Shawn K. Gills
Maxine Odom Gilmore
David Gilson
Genevieve Gimbert
Kelly Ginn
Sharon K. Gipson
Marquerite Gipson
Gloria Gipson Suggs
Roger A. Givens
O’Tero Glass
Cynthia Glen-Cotton
Murrell Godfrey
Clara E. Godwin
Sonya T. Goins
Gail Golden
Terrell L. Goldsmith
Louise Gombako Witherspoon
Sonya Good
Yohhana P. Goode
Joseph A. Gooden
Claudia M. Gooden
Jeffery Gooden
Cathy C. Goodman
Debra R. Goodman
Gerald Goodman
Eric Goodrich
Vivian J. Goon
Shevonda L. Gorden
Marcello D. Gordon
Herve R. Gordon
Michael Gordon
Rose Gordon
Bridgette Gordon
Wade and Geraldine A. Gordon
Alicia J. Gosha-Page
Ellis L. Goss
Ranetta L. Goss-Gay
Gwendolyn Graddy-Dansby
Timothy L. Graham
Pansy M. Granberry
Damion R. Grant
Dennis M. Grant
Tamieka L. Graves
Angela L. Graves-Harrington
Je’Juan J. Gray
Chamonda Gray
Nanette Gray
Greater Jackson Chamber
Frederick Green
Tiffany N. Green
Hugh Green
Jerod D. Green
Kenneth J. Green
Vonis Green
Eric J. Greene
Shirley C. Greene
Latrice Greene
Marcus A. Greene
William Greenfield
Jennell Greer
Keith Gregory
Lataura S. Gregory
Shawn E. Gregory
Malvolia Gregory
Patricia F. Grier
Johnny Grier
Ravonda Griffin
Sharon D. Griffin
Raven T. Griffin
Christa Griffin
Dexter K. Griffin
Myannaice B. Griffin
Sophie Griffin
Yolanda S. Griffin
Denise Griffin-Whittington
Jim Griffith
Jimmie Griffith
Madelyn Griffith
Serita R. Griffith-Washington
Kinda V. Grinnell
Felix Grissom
Brian C. Grizzell
LaDonna L. Gulley
Aaron Gunn
Raynetra L. Gustavis
Raynetra Gustavis
Ameera S. Haamid
Diahanna M. Hackett
Darius J. Haggard
Tommy Hairston
Mandy Hairston-Anthony
Joseph G. Haley
William H. Haley
Dewon Hall
Rae Hall
Talton Hall
Chadwick B. Hall
Alphonso L. Hall
Jacinta Hall
Victor C. Hall
Aleshia L. Hall-Campbell
Lynnette M. Hall-Lewis
Patricia Halpin
Richisa L. Hamilton
Casey Hamilton
Develyn V. Hamilton
Gladys N. Hamilton
Michael Hamlin
Izell Hammond
Carrie Hammond-Walker
Amber D. Hamp
Pastella T. Hampton
Glenn C. Hampton
Jackie Hampton
Bertha Hampton-Jones
Jocelyn T. Hancock
Dewey A. and Martha Handy
Cheryl A. Hannah
Haywood Isaac and Flora
H. Hannah
Deborah O. Hannon-Armstrong
Daryl Hanson
Alfonzo Haralson
Maurice Harden
Jeremy T. Hardiman
William Hardiman
Gloria J. Hardiman-Tobin
Derek A. Hardmon
Susan M. Hardy
George A. Harmon
Jessica Harmon
Jimmie L. Harmon
Percival and Debra Harmon
Steven Harper
Johnny Harper
Gregory Harrington
Brandee J. Harrington
Jesse Harris
Ashley N. Harris
Tamika Harris
Tammy C. Harris
Mitchell Harris
Mechelle Harris
Bonita B. Harris
DaNielle B. Harris
Delsie P. Harris
Janie E. Harris
Jonathan Harris
Kevin L. Harris
Marcus Harris
Reginald Harris
Lasonya Y. Harris-Hall
Phyllis Harris-Manuel
Malcolm O. Harrison
Willard A. Hart
Harold P. Hart
Joi L. Hart
Milisha Y. Hart-Simmons
Kellie D. Harvey-Grizzell
Michelle J. Hassan
Eric Hassel
Kimberly Hatch
Tyisha J. Hathorn
Reuben A. Hawkins
Donna C. Hawkins
Joseph E. Hawkins
Toni T. Hawkins
Maroun Hayek
Jannese M. Hayes
Wanda Hayes
Brenda R. Hayes Williams
Makeisha T. Haygood
Aisha Haynes
Shermeka Haynes
Rejeana R. Haynes
Desmond Haynes
Glenda R. Haynes
Lydia D. Haynes
Willie Haynes HaynesFutures LLC
Tonya F. Hays
Damarcus R. Haywood
Larry D. Heard
Cynthia G. Heard
Cheryl Hearns
Dorothy Hearon
Melinda Heath
Whitney M. Henderson
Zander Henderson
April N. Henderson
Ashley Henderson
Carmella N. Henderson
Tyrone C. Hendrix
Joe A. Hendrix-Neyland
Chad Henemyer
Wallace K. Henley
Ulysses Henry
Jacqueline Henry Burns
Derek C. Henson
Latoya C. Hentz-Moore
Janice Herbert-Carter
Suann Hereford
Carolyn J. Herod
Richard Herrod
Myrtis J. Herrod
David E. Herron
Adren P. Hervey
Rodrick G. Hickman
Thelma Hickman
Sherida A. Hicks
Kenneth R. Hicks
Gretchen Higginbottom
John and Daphne M. Higgins
Calvin S. Hill
Mary Hill
Jacqueline Hill
Bernard Hill
Christina Hill
Kendall Hill
Kevin Hill
Roderick L. Hill
Sherneron T. Hilliard
Ken Hinton
Sarah Hinton Miller
TJ Hirley
Andre’ W. Hite
Hobbs Medical Care Inc.
Frankie F. Hogan
Kathy Hogue
Terri L. Holden-Bennett
Kermit W. Holly
Jennifer Holly
Earnestine P. Holmes
Terrence A. Holmes
Paul H. Holmes
Rhonda F. Holmes
Charles Holmes
Fallon Holmes
Courtney Holmes Sayles
Latasha Holmes-Carter
Delya D. Holt
Adella Holt
Angela Holt
Karen K. Holtzclaw
Jamie Hooker
Carlos A. Hooper
Charlene Hooper
Arlene Hopkins
Cheryl M. Hopkins
Dewaynna Horn
Shirlan O. Horne
Joanna Horsnail
Dionne Horton
Jerry Horton
Naora Horton
Eric P. Hoskin
Candi R. Hoskins
Melissa Houghton-Shukla
David C. and Angelina Y. Howard
Kyland Howard
Luke J. Howard
Carla Howard Anderson
Donna C. Howard Matthews
Jane Howell
Thomas Howell
Abe M. Hudson
Keith L. Hudson
Aleesha M. Hudson
Ava Hudson
T’Erica M. Hudson
Mattie C. Hudson
Latrice Hudson
Tia S. Hudson
Victoria K. Hudson
Josephine Hudson-McQueen
Cleon Huff
Lynnette D. Huggard
Kerry C. Hughes
Myra Hughes
Alisa Hughes
Kathy A. Hughes
Shantelle I. Hughes
Tiffany C. Hughes-Harrison
Samuel Hulitt
Annie L. Hunt
Gayle L. Hunter
Jason C. Hurley
Deverlyn Hurston
Sonja Hutchins
D’Juan Hych
Dianna Hyde
Lenora Ingram
Reed Ingram
Bonatha Inmon
Alesha Irvin
Irvin Law
Morenike F. Irving
August M. Irving
William Isaacs
Joseph Isabel
Chris Isabelle
Rachel Isler
Cheryl Ivy
Michael O. Ivy
J and J Custom Renovations
Melvin Jackson
Eric D. Jackson
Anita Jackson
Mary Jackson
Anna D. Jackson
Anna R. Jackson
Annie S. Jackson
Audwin L. Jackson
Gwendolyn Jackson
Wade L. Jackson
Debra Jackson
Margaret M. Jackson
Kevin Jackson
Ashley E. Jackson
Brentton Jackson
Donald E. Jackson
Gabriel Jackson
Jesse Jackson
LuAnne Jackson
Michelle D. Jackson
Patrice M. Jackson
Roslyn Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
Veronica Jackson
Sabrina Y. Jackson Botts
Jackson Consistory #117
AASR 12-81
Christi Jackson Payton
Taya Jackson Scott
Wade L. Jackson, Sr.
Jean D. Jacobs
Radious Y. Jacobs
Walter A. Jacobs
Aaron Jagers
Julie R. James
Eddie L. James
Lyindia James
Catrina R. James
Jessica D. James
James E. Covington
Development, Inc.
Trudy James-Brown
Earnest Jean Jamison
Sharon D. Jamison
Kristi L. January
Judy Jaynes
Michael A. Jefferson
Michael A. Jefferson
Len Jefferson
Tracie T. Jefferson
Genie Jefferson
M A. Jefferson
Sam Jefferson
Jacqueline Jenkins
Daphne E. Jenkins
Gwendolyn A. Jenkins
Wynthia L. Jenkins-Bishop
Mildred Jennings
Trevor Jennings
Tramain L. Jermany
Robert H. Jeuitt
Mark A. Jimerson
Lauren D. Jimison
Joe Kenley Worldwide LLC
Gregory Johnson
Waldo E. Johnson
William M. Johnson
Anthony Johnson
Gloria Johnson
Harvey Johnson
Jerbrina L. Johnson
Olivia B. Johnson
Veronica Johnson
Yolanda F. Johnson
Andre A. and Roshana Johnson
Emmitt Johnson
Hazel G. Johnson
Patricia L. Johnson
Racquel Johnson
Ramona L. Johnson
Trey Johnson
Harrison P. Johnson
Tiffany Johnson
Taylor K. Johnson
Dorothy P. Johnson
Richard L. Johnson
Aleita Johnson
Amber Johnson
Andrea Johnson
Annie O. Johnson
Artis J. Johnson
Charles E. Johnson
David E. Johnson
Doris A. Johnson
Emmett Johnson
Gloria B. Johnson
Jackie Johnson
Jannie Johnson
Joe L. Johnson
Katrina Johnson
Kenneth Johnson
Lee M. Johnson
Marcus Johnson
Maurice A. Johnson
Maxine Johnson
Melissa L. Johnson
NaTunya Johnson
Nicholas H. Johnson
Pat L. Johnson
Phyllis V. Johnson
Rashun M. Johnson
Robert C. Johnson
Rod Johnson
Ruth J. Johnson
Tabatha Johnson
Tammy Johnson
Terrance Johnson
Tiffany Johnson
Tyler D. Johnson
Wanda W. Johnson
Joe L. and Corlis P. Johnson
Sonya L. Johnson Clark
Mattie M. Johnson White
Judy Johnson-Evans
Alfrenett Johnson-Orr
Kimberly Johnson-Ragan
Theresia Johnson-Ratliff
Carolyn J. Johnson-Upkins
Arthur Johnston
Lottie L. Joiner
Cyris J. Jones
Nora A. Jones
Kamira Jones
Henry L. and Linda I Jones
Andrea E. Jones
Jerome Jones
Margo V. Jones
Shakir Jones
Keith A. Jones
Brekeitrea M. Jones
Dawatha Jones
Freida Y. Jones
Gamerial Jones
Joe D. Jones
Reginald Jones
Charlotte V. Jones
Derrick R. Jones
Jane H. Jones
Sherika S. Jones
Ericka Jones
Alyea Jones
Calvon Jones
Carla L. Jones
Cassaundra L. Jones
Charles L. Jones
Davern A. Jones
Dedra L. Jones
Deidre Jones
Delyse Jones
Derrick Jones
Janene H. Jones
Jeanie Jones
Jeremiah Jones
Jessie W. Jones
Lela A. Jones
Linda L. Jones
Martavius Jones
Monica J. Jones
Patrina D. Jones
Reuben D. Jones
Roger Jones
Tameika Jones
Tamekia L. Jones
Tenisha Jones
Terrye A. Jones
Vanessa Jones
Vera J. Jones
Jones Refrigeration, Inc.
LaaWanda Jones-Horton
Tammie Jones-Jefferson
Jasmine A. Jones-Watts
Vera Jones-Wilks
Adre’ Jordan
Lashanda W. Jordan
George Jordan
Jan Jordan
Joyce M. Jordan Gooden
Christine Joseph
JSU Chicago Alumni Chapter
JSU Clarksdale-Coahoma County
Alumni Association
JSU Gulf Coast Alumni Chapter
JSU Rankin County Alumni
JSU Scott County Alumni Chapter
JSU Warren-Vicksburg Alumni
Quinton T. Julius
Omodare Jupiter
Darrell Kaeding
Brittne Kakulla
Mark W. Kangar
Olayanju T. Kayode
Wanda J. Keahey
Brenda Kearney
Shirley A. Kelly
Todd C. Kelly
Tangelia T. Kelly
Yolanda Kelly
April M. Kelly
Essie L. Kelly
Phillips E. and Flora M. Kelly
Latarsha R. Kendrick
Yolonda M. Kennedy
Robert Kennedy
Greg Kenner
Sandra Kenon
Felicia W. Kent
Stephen Kent
Marquise L. Kessee
David Keys
Lensuella Kidd
April Kidd
Tyrone Kidd
Wanda Kimbrough
Torian Kinard
Martha Kincaid
Candra F. King
Nellie King
Tia V. King
Sonya Kinnard
Queen E. Kinnie
Carla C. Kirkland
Thelma Kirkland
Katrina Knight
Deja D. Knight
Chico Knight
Taron Knight
Reginald Knighten
Kathy L. Knighton-Rondon
Crystal Knox
Roy Moss
Sybil Moss
James L. Motley
Carrien Motte
Tracy N. Mouton
Gerald Mumford
Misti A. Munroe
Veronica R. Murff
Samantha Murfree
Sallee Murphy
E. Patricia Murrain
Sylvester Murray
Freddrick Murray
Ira Murray
Silas Murray
Gregory Myers
Marshall L. Myers
Daniel E. Myers
Keanna Myers
Edith Myles
Elizabeth Myles
Edekia C. Nalls
Joseph Nash
Willie J. Nathan
Oscar Neal
Lawyer Neal
Joan F. Neal
Kimberly Neal Smith
Rubye H. Neely
Judy Nelson
Dewanda J. Nelson
Yulanda Nelson
Hubie and Ada Pearl Nelson
Dorothy Nelson
Mary Nelson
Candra Nelson Scott
Gladys T. Nelson-Warner
Casey A. Nesbit
Alicia N. Netterville
Patricia D. Nettles-Pegram
New Lake Church of Christ
Kristy L. Newman
Bridgett M. Newsome-Funchess
Shonda Newson
Michelle R. Nichols
Stan Nicholson
Rufus W. Nicks
Lana Nicks
Blake E. Nielson
Pearlie M. Noah
Richard Noble
Jerrell O. Nolen
Norfolk Southern Good Government Fund
Valencia Norman
Aubrey B. Norman
Shantisa Norman
Jamaury D. Norris
Johnnie Norris
Johnny L. Norris
Hiawatha Northington
Northrop Grumman Charity
Trust Account
Lelar D. Norton
Arnita F. Norwood
Chaka C. Norwood
Gabriel X. Norwood
Shanitra A. Norwood
Joseph Nunnery
Emmanuel C. Nwagboso
James V. Oatis
Jermaine Oatis
Linda Oatis
Mable R. Oatis
Mary A. O’Banner
Kenny and Cynthia W. O’Banner
Kenny O’Banner
Marie O’Banner-Jackson
Emmanuel and Danielle
L. Obiorah
Margie Odom
Wendy Odom
Lemetria Ogletree
Powell G. Ogletree
Victoria D. O’Harroll
S. B. Olden
Kaneshia R. Oliver
Folashade Omole
Jed Oppenheim
Gene and Patricia Oppenheim
Elizabeth O. Oredein
Peggie B. Orey
Shela V. Orr
James Osborne
Chester R. Owens
Sylvia C. Owens
Gwendolyn H. Owens
Jamile R. Owens
Lanelle Owens
Willie G. Owens II
Joycie R. Page
Jasmine S. Page
Ebony R. Palmer
Wilma Parham
Ajay Parikh
Crystal J. Parish
Erica Park
John L. Parker
Kamilah Parker
William Parker
William T. Parker
Wilda Parker-Collins
Joe Parks
Joseph Parnell
Harvey Parris
Kattie C. Partee
Kayland J. Partee
Makita T. Patterson
Jo Elana Patterson
Angela Patterson
Gerius D. Patterson
Jo Ann Patterson
Jusland Patterson
Carolyn Patton
Samuel Patton
Michelle Paul
Ansis and Michelle Paul
Paylor-Elliott Family
Jonathan Payne
Charles Payne
Alfredda H. Payne
Chellie Payne
Payoneer, Inc.
Cecil Payton
Jeremy D. Payton
Regina L. Peaches
Vivian Pearson
George H. Peebles
Armel Peel
Kevin P. Peggs
Bequita V. Pegram
Andre D. Pennington
Mitchell Penny
Cheryl Peoples
Lisa Percy
Billy and Doris N. Perkins
Calaph Pernell
Tiffany N. Perry
Candela Perry
Mary T. Perry
Roy Perry
Derrick Perryman
W. Ann B. Peyton
Patrick L. Phillips
Carol D. Phillips
Joseph C. Phillips
Minnie Phillips
Rodney A. Phillips
Waylan R. Phillips
Sylvester Phipps
Frank Picciarelli
Sherry D. Pickens
Roselyn R. Pickett Thornbor
Brandon J. Pierce
Phillip Pierorazio
Ardarian Pierre
Tina Pillow
J A. Pipkins
Crystal Pittman
Roshanda N. Pittman-DeBoise
Candis P. Pizzetta
Jason E. Planer
Arnold Pleasant
Norris Polk
David Polk
Ewonia R. Polk
Latonya R. Polk
Norris C. Polk
Anthony L. Pollard
Kristina F. Pollard
Diane Pope
Annie E. Porter
Dion F. Porter
Helen K. Porter
James R. Porter
Patrina L. Porter
Kimberly M. Portis Carter
Jessie J. Potters
Patrick B. Powe
Loria H. Powell
LaCurtis J. Powell
Jacquelyn Powell
Marguerite K. Powell
Norris Poynter
Wesley S. Prater
Gwendolyn S. Prater
Mary L.B. Prater
Donna Prather Williams
Joann P. Pratt
Chauncy D. Prentiss
Hazel L. Prentiss
Elex D. Price
Adrian Price
Latoya T. Price
Lakeisha Price-Cunningham PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP
Tamara Proctor
Enas L. Pruitt
Aprel Prunty
Joshaunda W. Purvis
Kenya Rachal
Carlton E. Ragsdale
Jitender S. Raheja
Sheila Ramsey-Caldwell
Sylvester J. Randle
Maanami I. Ransome
Dillie Rapley
Robinette Y. Rasberry
Monique Ratcliff
Stacey L. Ratcliff
Ungalia Ratcliff
Kimberly N. Ratliff
Dwight W. Rawls
Angelica A. Rawls
Deborah H. Rawls
Jacqueline Ray
Richard Rayford
Shawn L. Raymond
Cheryl Rayner
Michael Reddix
Clemon Redmond
Georgia Redmond
Jerry Redmond
Catherine Redmond-Golden
Dovie Reed
Carla Y. Reed
Ebony Reed
Marcus W. Reed
Lenora M. Reed
Nathaniel A. Reed
Warren A. Reed
Evelyn O. Reed
Shameka Reed
Linda M. Reed Walker
Towanta M. Reese
Jackie Rencher
Mike Renfro
William H and Goldia M. Revies
Courtney H. Reynolds
Tiana N. Rhodes
Kendall Rhodes
Kimberly Rhodes
Josephine Rhymes
Lakera Rice
Fujiyama T. Rice
Gregory Richard
Gwendolyn D. Richard
Michelle Richard
Monique Richards
Sandra Richards
Steven C. Richardson
Bettye J. Richardson
Doris H. Richardson
Ruby B. Richardson
Joe F. Richardson
Evelyn Richardson
Sherry Richardson
Jackie Richmond
Amy Ridall
Candace L. Riddley
Eboni E. Rideout
Mark Rigsby
Alicia M. Riley
Tiffany Riley
Tonya A. Riley
Jennifer Riley Collins
Bettye J. Rimmer
Debbie Risper
Helen Rivers
Florence Roach
Everett A. Roark
Kineshia K. Roark
Kesha R. Robbins-Chestnut
J. T. Roberson
Perna J. Roberson
Toni E. Roberson
Andre D. Roberson
Brett Robert
Dean M. Roberts
Rosie L. Robertson
Taberia D. Robinson
Eddie Robinson
Valarie L. Robinson
Michael B. Robinson
Tanya O. Robinson
Andrea L. Robinson
Gilda A. Robinson
Preston D. Robinson
Andrea F. Robinson
Carol M. Robinson
Dillon H. Robinson
James W. Robinson
Kamron D. Robinson
Louie A. Robinson
Mary A. Robinson
Sonja A. Robinson
Tiara R. Robinson
Jolanda K. Roby
Clifton Roger
Dawn Rogers
Lisa Rogers
George C. Rosati
Marquis D. Rose
Marquis D. Rose
Sharon Y. Rosell
Christina T. Ross
Judith G. Ross
Leslie Ross
Martha Ross
Beverly J. Rowell
Walter Royal
Tiffany M. Rozier
Diane Rudolph
Denise Ruffin
John Ruffin
Tina Ruffin
Perleana H. Rufus
Ralph D. Ruggs
Aaron Rupert
Timothy W. Rush
Timothy W. Rush
Arthur B. Rush
Maxcine B. Rush
Charles W. Russ
Charles Russ
Vincent Russell
Bobbie Russell
Benjamin Russey
Courtney Rutledge
Rodney D. Saffold
Felecia Y. Salary
Cesar Salas
Michelle Salomon
Roshunda E. Sample
Josiah J. Sampson
Mary M. Sampson
Mark A. Sampson
Bernard and Elizabeth
Nicholas B. Samuel
Hilary A. Samuels
Helen Samuelson
Kathryn Sandberg
Maria Sandercock
Eddie and Ruth Sanders
Ruth Sanders
Willie Sanders
Shannon M. Sandifer
Jeremy J. Sanford
Birdie Sanford
John G. Sardin
Daniel F. Sarpong
Philip T and Cherry L.
Bettye R. Saunders
Keri T. Saupitty
Steve L. Savage
Alma Scott
James E. Scott
Curtrice Scott
Penny Scott
Pier Scott
Terrance H. Scott
Cheryl Seals
Leon Seals
Rosie B. Seals
Searcy Pediatric and Adolescent Behavioral Healthcare, LLC
Jasmin Searcy-Pate
Larry Sehie
Jacqueline Seldon
Karen Sfanos
Akbar Shabazz
Mangle L. Shanks
Billye J. Sharp
Renee Sharp
Willette D. Sharpe
Larry C. Shaw
Sharon C. Shaw
Mitchell Shears
Robert N. Shegog
Lindsey Shelton
Edward A. Shelvin
Bernice Shelwood
Felisha A. Sheppard
Stacey Sheppard
Debra Sheriff
Patricia Shields-Melvin
Lashonda A. Short
Floyd G. Showers
Ryan Shropshrine
Kelli Sibert
Connie R. Siggers-Parker
Lilly R. Silas
Alice Silbergleit
Steven Silva
Malone Silver
Almetia L. Simmons
Willie Simmons
Janice Simmons
Candace Simmons
Allan A. Simmons
Alzena Simmons
Derek A. Simms
Nicole Simpson
Patricia Sims
Jeraline F. Sims
Tamara Sims
Anthony W. Sims
Antoine Sims
Dana Sims
Dewayne Sims
Jennifer Sims
Phyllis A. Sims
Roderick D. Sims
Stephen Sims
Tyriney S. Sims-Claude
Marla Singleton
Dana B. Singleton
James Singleton
Roy Singleton
Tanisha R. Singleton
Daniel L. Skinner
Dennis Skinner
Ruth M. Slaughter
Latonja Slaughter Robinson
Jeffrey P. Sloan
Toyce M. Small
Caprice L. Smalley
Caprice L. Smalley
Sofia Smalls
Rashawn W. Smarr
Deborah Smart
Maria Smedley
William C. Smiley
Ayanna O. Smith
Bobbie Smith
Pamala C. Smith
Tramone D. Smith
Stanley D. Smith
Rachel Smith
Harold T. Smith
Rebecca Smith
Richard Smith
Vonda L. Smith
Trebor Smith
Mattie M. Smith
Agnes J. Smith
Carol M. Smith
Charlotte Smith
Cliffon Smith
Cliffon Y. Smith
Curley Smith
Curtis B. Smith
Cynthia A. Smith
Daphne Smith
Delores T. Smith
Frank Smith
Gregory Smith
Ingrad C. Smith
Kimberly Smith
Quentin T. Smith
Sutter M. Smith
Talmadge Smith
Tony M. Smith
Tonya T. Smith
Tracye E. Smith
Vonda K. Smith
Willye S. Smith
Leroy and Florida Smith
Tony M. and Gladys Smith
Theresa L. Smith-Givens
Viola R. Smooth
Donna Smylie
Carl Snell
Santos Souff
Southeastern Diocese
William M. Southerland
Southern Diocese Sunday School and Hym
Kenneth L. Sparkman
Keith Sparks
Vertie Sparks
Clyde E. and Brenda M Speaks
Ariel A. Spencer
Gabrielle J. Spencer
Dennis Stallings
Timothy Stamps
Sonja A. Stamps
Clara M. Stamps
De’Keither Stamps
Philippian Stamps
Alvin F. and Delores Stamps
Crystal L. Stamps Etheredge
Susan G. Stamps Pratcher
Gloria J. Stamps Smith
Billie J. Standford
Billie J. Standford
Otis Stanford
Tony Stanford
Roberta Stanton
Marshandra Stapleton
Tracy A. Stapleton
Lesley A. Starks
Dwayne L. Starling
Sherita Starling
Kattie Starnes_DUPREC
LLC State Street Group
Soretha Staten
Statewide Federal
Credit Union
Eugene Steele
Melissa R. Steele
Francesca R. Stephens
David T. Stephens
Chris Stephens
Yvette Stephenson
Christine N. Stevens
Deandre M. Stevens
Damon Stevenson
Charles E. Stevenson
Rosalind Stevenson
Deborah F. Steverson
Oliver J. Stewart
Charles E. Stewart
Harold C. Stewart
Charles E. Stewart
Evette J. Stewart
Robert Stewart
Alandrea P. Stewart
Evette J. Stewart
Felecia P. Stewart
Johnnie Stewart
Larry W. Stewart
Alvin and Mary Janice Stewart
Sophia Stewart Greene
Cleveland Stiff
Debbie Harris Stiggons
Jeremy D. Stocks
James S. Stokes
Pierre R. Stokes
Catrecia Stokes Bryan
Mattie Stovall
Gene R. Strange
Jeanette Straughter
Horace T. Straughter
Rufus E. Straughter
Joe P. Straughter
Joe P. Straughter
Kenneth L. Straughter
Charles Streckfus
Harvey J. Stribling
Shelton L. Stribling
Joyce R. Strickland
Vernestine Strickland
Yolanda K. Stringfellow
April Stringfellow
Erica Stringfellow Smith
Patricia A. Strong
Corean Strong
Deborah L. Strong
Denisa S. Strong
Diana Strong
Angelique Strong Marks
Mildred Stuckey
Caroll Stutts
Saraswati Sukumar
Marilyn Sullivan
Rhonda Sullivan-Ford
Robert A. Sulton
Lynette M. Suttlar
Wyatt Sutton
Francine N. Sutton
Victor Sutton
Victor D. Sutton
Wyatt Sutton
Edward and Ella Swaggard
Lori Swanier
Shawn T. Swanier
Lot R. Swarns
Glenn A. Swilley
Adrianne L. Swinney
Ronald Swinney
Lyvie-Sara Sylvester
Charles Syndor
Ceaser V. Tall
April L. Tanner
Doris Tappan
Debra A. Tate
Jennifer D. Tate
Sylvester Taylor
Clinton E. Taylor
Juanake’ G. Taylor
Angela J. Taylor
Angela Y. Taylor
Juanyce Taylor
Patricia L. Taylor
Charles Taylor
Deborah A. Taylor
Koresa N. Taylor
Antoinette R. Taylor
Beverly D. Taylor
Charles B. Taylor
Courtney Taylor
Eric Taylor
Ernest Taylor
Julius R. Taylor
Luberta Taylor
Melanie Taylor
Thomas C. Taylor
Tonia B. Taylor
Wilson Taylor
Richard L. and Donnether
J. Taylor
Shavon N. Taylor-Booker
Nicky Taylor-Carter
Martha N. Tchounwou
Adrian Techeira
Henry L. Temple
Tabatha J. Terrell-Brooks
Georgia R. Terrell-McCall
George D. and Mary A Terry
Eric J. Terry
Ryan Terry
Michele Terry-Wheatley
Ida Teverbaugh-Turpin
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Pearl Connection
The ShoeShine Doctor & Co.
Carolyn and Ivory Thigpen
Allegra Thigpen
Dominic T. Thigpen
Libby A. Thigpen
Rickey L. Thigpen
Melvin and Carol D. Thigpen
Sharittha Thigpen-Prater
Kimberly Thomas
Marvin W. Thomas
Andre Thomas
Charity L. Thomas
Julia B. Thomas
Henry G. and Lorna Thomas
Alvin Cornelius and Gerilynn
G. Thomas
Patricia A. Thomas
Willie E. Thomas
Cassandra O. Thomas
Christopher G. Thomas
Demetrius R. Thomas
Eric K. Thomas
Fameika A. Thomas
Johnnie E. Thomas
Juanquina D. Thomas
Keith Thomas
Kimberly M. Thomas
Mario J. Thomas
Matt Thomas
Shauniqua L. Thomas
Rosalind F. Thomas McCreary
Willie H. Thomas Sr.
Jesse Thompson
Aaron A. Thompson
Earlene R. Thompson
Gregory O. Thompson
Alice G. Thompson
Dorothy Thompson
London J. Thompson
Aaron and Brenda J. Thompson
Mary E. Thompson
Carlisa A. Thompson
Bernard Thompson
Brandon Thompson
Brandon Thompson
Casonja Thompson
Dwayne Thompson
Jason Thompson
Leroy Thompson
Norma Thompson
Rhonda C. Thompson
Stanley C. Thompson
Stephanie B. Thompson
William Thompson
Nicole Thompson Lee
Monique M. Thorpe
James E. and Diccy P. Thurman
Darrel B. Tiebout
Jerome Tinker
Robert Tinkler
Sheila R. Tinsey-Ward
Sharion Tipler
Mittie Tisdale
Alice Tisdale
Melinda G. Todd
Pamela Tolliver
Wade Tolliver
Angela D. Toon
Jerry Torrey
William A. Toscano
Mazalene A. Towner
Jordan Townes
Stacey E. Towns
Theresa Townsend
Cassandra Townsend
Brenteria Travis
Jocelyn L. Travis
Valeria Travis
LLC Tree Kings
Betty J. Tripp
Geraldine Trotter
Markedra Trotter
James S. Troy
Lekesha L. Tubbs
Christopher E. Tubbs
Angeles Tucker
Sylvester T. Tucker
Francis Tuluri
Patrice Turnbull
Moses J. Turner
Chakeba N. Turner
Latrena V. Turner
Sandra K. Turner
Cathy D. Turner
Jared Turner
Jordan C. Turner
Joshua R. Turner
Marcus Turner
Phillip R. Turner
Michael Tuteur
Olger C. Twyner
Daphanie C. Underwood
Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government
United Technologies
Curnis Upkins
UPS Foundation
DaShunta Upshaw
Kimberly Usher
Barbara Van
Keilani R. Vanish
Jacqueline Vann
Lakenya VanNorman
Dorothy D. Vannoy
Gennia Varnado
Shirley A. Varnado
Dana D. Vaughan Cousin
Ira W. Vaughn
Timothy Vaughns
Gloria Vaughns Robertson
Dale L. Veal
Angela Verdell
Janet Vernon
Doris J. Vickers
Linda Viverette
Kimberly Viverette
Sebastian L. Waddell
Lynn B. Wade
Robert Walden
Pearl Wales
Ivan Walker
Marek Walker
Mary L. Walker
Cedric E. Walker
Angela T. Walker
Emanuel Walker
Glenn Walker
Rosalyn Y. Walker
Royal P. Walker
Samuel Walker
Stephanie Walker
Ryan Wallace
Tommy Wallace
Henry Wallace
Maurice S. Wallace
DarKenya M. Waller
Rosalind T. Walls
Chaney Walters
Eugenio Walters
Wilbur L. Walters
Steven P. Wansley
Jonathan Ward
Lee Ward
Kelli J. Ward
Tonya Ware
Fannie L. Ware
Anthony M. Ware
Kimberly A. Warfield
Efrem S. and Trena Brown Warren
Austin R. Warren
Andre’ B. Warren
Darion D. Warren
Jimmie S. Warren
Ternarian Warren
Albert Wash
Kenya T. Washington
James E. Washington
Rose M. Washington
George C and Dora
S. Washington
Bill Washington
Deborah Washington
Alonzo C. Washington
Bettye M. Washington
Cathy Washington
Sandra O. Washington
Tamara Washington
Tenisha Washington
Linda Waters
Shenelle Waters
Patricia B. Watkins
Jessie Watson
Latrenda R. Watson
Bobby E. Watson
Carol Watson
Cynthia D. Watson
Edward O. Watson
Kirbie Watson
Yolanda M. Watson
Cory M. Watts
Torian D. Watts
Robert M. Watts
Darryl Weathersby
Kristian P. Weatherspoon
Michael C. Weaver
Odis L. and Annie K. Webb
Shanta R. Webb
Evelyn Webb
R. Clinton Webb
Erica L. Webber Jones
Jeffrey T. Webster
Lysandra O. Webster
Wanda Webster
Lavonna Weddington
Sarah Wedlaw
Isom Weems
Shirley Weidman
Nita Welch
William M. Welch
Shontane Wells
Tenisha L. Wells
Tanya A. Wells-Kilbert
Phatia J. Wells-McClellan
Bernard C. Wesley
Linda L. West
James West
Joy West
Andrea D. West Wages
Westhaven Memorial Funeral Home, Inc.
Margo Westmoreland
Latrice Wetsbrooks
Robert W. Whalin
Ursula Whalum
Deidre L. Wheaton
Felicia Wheeler
Courtney D. and Candice
A. Whigham
Diamond Whitaker
Lang Whitaker
Anton T. White
Thantween S. White
Taundra F. White
Carolyn White
Danny White
Dorothy M. White
Earl L. White
Henrietta White
Lanette White
Raymond C. White
Shannon D. Whitehead
Dietra L. White-McKamey
Diamond A. Whitker
Carla Whitlock
Latasha R. Whittaker
Amelia D. Wicks
Pearl C. Wicks
Corey C. and Shenekia Wiggins
Audrey B. Wiley
Linda Wiley Johnson
Kevin T. Wilkerson
Tonya Wilkerson
Quinton L. Williams
Timothy Williams
Sabrina Williams
Kimberly Williams
Rose Williams
Sharron U. Williams
Aubrey Williams
Barbara A. Williams
Carrie B. Williams
Christy Williams
Donnell Williams
Lessie Williams
Michelle Williams
Tammy H. Williams
Dana D. Williams
Avery K. Williams
Ebone Williams
Adrine Williams
Barbara A. Williams
Eloise Williams
Tonya Williams
Sophia W. Williams
Latisha L. Williams
Floyd Williams
Zuri M. Williams
McKinley S. Williams
Angela F. Williams
Calvin D. Williams
Clintoria Williams
Deborah Williams
Delories Williams
Dorothy T. Williams
Kimberly Williams
Ledora L. Williams
Manda E. Williams
Mary A. Williams
Mary L. Williams
Michael Williams
Michael L. Williams
Shirley H. Williams
Thomas S. Williams
Florence Williams Bryant
Dominique Williamson
Lori A. Williamson
Pamela Willingham
Lawanna M. Willis
Larry Willis
Courtney D. and Danielle S. Willis
Gladys J. Willis
Chibale Wills
Booker T. Wilson
Stefan L. Wilson
Mattie Wilson
Kendrick C. Wilson
J C Wilson
Tiona Wilson
Crystal K. Wilson
Kwandis Q. Wilson
Cassandra Wilson
Debra A. Wilson
Gloria A. Wilson
Gloria J. Wilson
Gregory Wilson
Locord D. Wilson
Martica P. Wilson
Michelle Wilson
Rebecca Wilson
Rosalyn Wilson
Torrance Wilson
Vickie Wilson
Janieth F. Wilson Adams
Valeria L. Wilson Travis
Karl Winfield
Terry G. Winstead
Debora P. Winters
Drema Woldman
Cecil G. Wolfe
Chad Womack
Dexter Woodberry
Chianti D. Woodfork
Tiffany Woodie
Willie J. Woods
Shameka Woods
Cindy Woods
Rosie B. Woods
Brandi A. Woods
Carol J. Woodson
DeMiracle Woodson
Sean Woodson
Dionne J. Woody
Claire E. Woody
Adrienne A. Wooten
Linda P. Wormley
Herron P. Wortham
Shi’Nitta M. Woulard
Shedrick Wright
Billy and Marilynn Wright
Perrymon C. Wright
Yolanda Wright
Hazel Wyatt
Linda J. Wynn
Robert Yancey
Shanda Yates
Felicia G. Young
Shania A. Young
Roslyn Young
Brittany Young
Erroll Young
Jazmine M. Young
Shirley Young
Shirley J. Young
Tony Young
Tina Younger
Jelani C. Zarif
Sean R. Abram
Venita Abrams
Brandi S. Acker-Welch
Idania Acosta
Linda A. Adams
Michael D. Adams
Janice D. Adams
Michelle Adams
Twanna Adams
Ayanna M. Adams
Vera P. Adams
Linda F. Adams
Debra Adams
Shawna D. Adams-Moore
Kimberly Adams-Warfield
Ashley A. Ahart
Sherika W. Aikens
Ella M. Ainsworth
Arlene Akers
Ehida Akharume
Ike Albert
Valerie Albright
Ken Albright
Angelique Alexander
Christopher R. Alexander
Grayling Alexander
Ashanti J. Alexander
Earnestine Alexander
Kathryn Alexander
Montrell Alexander
Natasha R. Alexander
Sharon M. Alexander-McInnis
Claudette L. Alford
Anna I. Allen
Cynthia Allen
Devon Allen
Tia Allen
Christina J. Allen
Alfred Allen
Billie Allen
Dorothy Allen
Keisha Allen
Ludell M. Allen
Asia A. Allen
Alexis Allison
Danyell Allison
Antoinette D. Allison
Charlene Allison
Shayla S. Allison
Marcus E. Alsworth
Alyce Clarke Campaign Fund
Deborah D. Ambrose
Nita J. Ambus
Betty J. Amerson
Melissa Amos
Brittany N. Amos
Dorothy A. Amos
Corey D. Amos
Lori Amos
Shannon V. Amos
Rhonda Anderson
Michael C. Anderson
Kristie Anderson
Rashard T. Anderson
Yolanda S. Anderson
Linda Anderson
Sara Anderson
Carolyn Anderson
Angie Anderson
Carl Anderson
Deborah A. Anderson
Rosie Anderson
Terrell L. Anderson
D Anderson
Marlene Anderson
Lakotra Anderson
Teffany Anderson Akins
Victor B. Andrews
Shawn N. Angel
Shameen Anthanio-Williams
Sharon D. Anthony
Larry W. and Freddye
M. Anthony
Leatha Anthony
Cornelius M. Antwine
Willie Archey
Duane Archie
Earl Arms
Ashley Armstrong
Jeremy D. Armstrong
Felicia Arnic
Amanda Arnold
Barbara Arnwine
Tammy R. Arterberry
Constance E. Ash
James B. Ashford
Mea E. Ashley
Tavonna Harris Askew
Tara A. Atkins
Sherman E. Austin
Sharon Austin
Jennifer Averett
Daphne Avery
Kemaria D. Avery
Kyah N. Ayers
Sarah Ayers
Monica Bacon
Sidnee Bacy
Kelsey R. Bailey
Ro’Shaun A. Bailey
Taurus F. Bailey
DeMarco Bailey
Brianna V. Bailey
Anese Bailey Nutall
Arnetta Baker
Brenda J. Baker
Charisse Baker
Earnestine Baker
Amaya J. Baker
Alphonso Ballard
Gwen Ballard
Tina B. Ballard-Carr
Dwight A. Banks
April N. Banks
Latona R. Banks
Tiffany J. Banyard
Lakeisha Bardwell
Kotonya B. Barfield
Angela S. Barial
John Barker
Yalanda M. Barner
Jasmine Barnes
Marcus Barnes
Teresa A. Barnes
Annie L. Barnes
Ebony C. Barnes
Eric Barnes
Jacqueline Barnes
Lataiya C. Barnes
Christopher James and Daphne R. Barney
Debra Barr
Stephanie Barrett
Kimberly Bartee
Ja’Nekia W. Barton
Christine M. Barton
Glen Bashore
Monica D. Bates
Andrew T. Bates
Latoya M. Bates
Lynda M. Batiste
Cassaundra Batteast
Tubie Battle
Katina Batts
Precious Batubo
Addie Baugh
Crystal S. Bausley
Tramaine F. Beane
Joseph K. Beard
Nicole Beard
Brittney R. Beard
Natalie L. Beard
Greta Beasley
Kayanda L. Beasley
Robert L. Beasley
Sylvia Beasley Morris
Yolandra Beck
Marlinda Beck-Lee
Tonya Bedell
Joyce Y. Belcher
Lamonica Bell
Phyllis Bell
Tracy A. Bell
Henry L. Bell
Lillian L. Bell
Patrice R. Bell
Rymond Bell
Timila L. Bell
Brandon Bell
Cheryl L. Bell
Joanne Bell
Denavia D. Bell
Robin Bell
Roderick A. Beller
Natasha Belt
James Bender
Jamie J. Bender
Anitra R. Bender
Terry J. Bennett
Michael Bennett
Arekia S. Bennett
John G. Bennett
Heather J. Bennett
Kim Bennett
Girmay Berhie
Denise L. Berkhalter
Lee A. Bernard
Aretha S. Berry
Wenda Berry
Scott Bibb
Clydestine Bilbrew
Doug Billings
Nicole L. Billingsley
Selah Bishop
Charles E. Bishop
Stephen Bishop
Tonnette Black
Rita Blackmon
Adrienne Blackmore-Dale
Demetrius A. Blackshear
Earline Blake
Latosha Blake
Demetria Blakes
Ardis Blanchard
Angela Bland
Curtis Blanden
Dennis Blocker
Deborah Blockman
Stephanie Blue
Robert Boccomino
Curtis W. Boddy
Maxine S. Bolden
Xavier S. Bolden
Erica Bolden Mack
Sonya A. Bolls
Everett Bond
Delua Booker
Mikia N. Booker
Joyce Boone
Angela Borne
Zachary M. Bosco
Tracey Boston
Veleka Bousley
James L. Bowman
Dominic Boyd
Evelyn Boyd
Demetriuus D. Boyd
Earlean Bozeman
Leon F. Bracey
Violet R. Bracey
Elsie V. Bracey
EJ Braddy
Tambria Bradford
Latarsha D. Bradford-Barber
Darnell Bradley
Stephanie Brady
Larry C. Branch
Sandra Branch
Shena L. Branley
Ungennette Brantley
Cameree Braun
Latoya L. Braxton
Michael J. Braxton
Rebecca Braylock
Annetta Brent
James H. Brewster
Mae Brewster
Jonika Bridges
Wesley Bridges
Ambreanna R. Bridges
Evin E. Bridgett
William Briggs
Stephen B. Bright
Sharon Brightman
Felicia Brisco
Jessica A. Bristow
Leah S. Brittain
Christi Broadus
Carmen Brocks
Cassi J. Bronner
Chris D. Brookins
Edgar Brookins
Phillip J. and Geraldine
K. Brookins
Jerry Brooks
Angela D. Brooks
Gordon Brooks
Markus Brooks
Donald Brooks
Udonald Brooks
Michael T. Brooks
Daphene M. Brooks
Allyson J. Brooks
Phyllis G. Brooks
Veronica Brooks-Sigler
Lawrence D. Browder
Taquanna Brown
Tracie L. Brown
Asha L. Brown
Cleveland Brown
Janet Brown
Julie Brown
Kelly Brown
Melicia Brown
Stephanie Brown
Marcus Brown
Antoine Brown
Asline M. Brown
Cynthia Brown
Janet L. Brown
Kimberly Brown
Linda Brown
Sharlene F. Brown
Sharon Brown
Sydney L. Brown
Janice Brown
Krystal C. Brown
Keisha Brown
Andrea K. Brown
Crystal N. Brown
Tomika L. Brown-Bates
Lynnell Brownlee
Kidada Brown-Patrick
Maya L. Brown-Thompson
Mariel Brunman
Cynthia J. Brunt
Dana Bryant
Kelvin Bryant
Lakesia Bryant
Reggie Buchanan
Gwendolyn Buckley
Ebonique M. Buckner
Billy O. Bullock
Kenneth D. Bunch
Chloe E. Bunch
James Burford
Shaquita S. Burke
Louise G. Burney
Hannah M. Burns
Monica Burr
Curtis Burroughs
Brenda Burse
Olivia D. Burton
Ella Burton
Felecia Burton Brown
Larnelle L. Bush
Shawna BuShell
Keiella Butler
Latonya M. Butler
Yolanda J. Butler
Carole H. Butler
Edith J. Butler
Angel Byrd
Leon A. Byrd
Chandra R. Byrd-Wright
Steven Cade
Tiffany D. Caesar
Lisa D. Cain
Susie L. Calbert
Rhonda Calcote
Diana Caldwell
Tiffany Caldwell
Teresa Caldwell
Olivia A. Calhoun
Tony Calvin
Camellia Rose Chapter of The Links
Gerald Cameron
Marva J. Camp
Larrison Campbell
Andrea D. Campbell-Williams
Andrea Camper
Jerlen Canada
Tiffany Cannon
Anthony Cannon
Luquen C. Cannon
Jimmy Carr
Tyrique Carson
Larry Carson
Joan E. Carter
Sonya L. Carter
Alvin and KaLandra Carter
Tiffany Carter
Kimberly Carwford
Izreal L. Cary
Mario Cason
Lekentric D. Caston
Lashonda F. Catchings
April D. Catchings
Isaac N. Causey
Kevin J. Causey
Venita Caver
Ranetta Cavett
Alfred Cazeau
Sindy Chaluissant
Sylvia Chaluissant
Stacey Chaluissant
Carneal Edward and Demethous
Horace Chandler
Tara Chapman
Sophia S. Chapman
Lonnie Character
Nyere Charles
Vickie Chatman
Thomas Cheatham
Randolph P. Chestang
Cipreuna S. Church
Jaron T. Clanton
Bill Clark
Arnold Clark
Kimberly Clark
Lora Clark
Joyce L. Clark
Vanessa Clark
Joshua T. Clark
Allison Claybon
Bernard Clayton
Darnell A. Clayton
Gizmo Clayton
Latasha Clayton
Clear Radio
Amy Clemente
Nigel Cleveland
Shemeka L. Cleveland
Vincie Cleveland
Angela Clinkscales-Verdell
Antonya Coakley
Chaquitia D. Cobbins
Jamius Cockrell
David E. Cocroft
Florence O. Cocroft
Thelma B. Cocroft
Amber Coeur
Sherll Coffey
Carl C. Cogar
Toni Colbert
Kimble Colbert
LaDawna R. Cole
Zandra L. Cole
Laquala M. Coleman
Revelyn Coleman
Shawonna S. Coleman
Andriena L. Coleman
Earnestine Coleman
Khara Coleman
Lakeisha M. Coleman
Marilyn H. Coleman
Sandra Coleman
Sharon Coleman
John E. Coleman
Kwame C. Coleman
Nicole D. Coleman
Rashadd L. Coleman
Tia S. Coleman
Terrance L. Coleman
Amy Coleman-Perryman
Hazel M. Collier
Alesha A. Collier
Portia Collier
Quintavis Collier
Drew Collins
Elizabeth A. Collins
Jean C. Collins
Lucinda P. Collins
Angelica Collins
Binyoka Collins
Kimberly Collins
Nancy A. Collins
Greg Colston
Karen Comer
Tiffany M. Conley
Walter Conley
Dennis Conner
Ashley Conner
Eugenia R. Cook
Mary A. Cook
Cheryldene Cook
Francesca Cook
Temika L. Cooks
Christa L. Cooley
Armecia L. Cooper
Dock S. Cooper
Hartley Cooper
Gabrielle A. Cooper
Kim J. Cooper
Paris O. Cooper
Brenda Cooper-Jones
Irma P. Copeland
Milus Copeland
Tabitha N. Corley
Catherine V. Cornelius
Chasity C. Cornelius
James A. Cornelius
Sheila Cornwell
Lauren Cositore
Jennifer B. Cotten
Dionne S. Cotton
Sylvia Cotton
Sylvia Y. Cotton
Lavenita Cottrell
Dan R. Course
Joan G. Course
Joyce A. Course
Tonia Cowan Ross
Frederick T. Cowans
Jonathan N. Cowans
Ruth Cowherd Proctor
Gladys Cox
Zellerie S. Cox
Raymond D. Craft
Vikki R. Craft
Carmen Craig
Endora C. Crawford
Toria Crawford Brown
Shanetta S. Crisler
Chelsea A. Crittle
Jaime Cronin
Kristie J. Croom
Kenyatta R. Cropper
Rita W. Cross
Regis Cross
Albany Crudup
Mamie Crudup
Lascelles Cuff
Kindrela K. Culver
Caramu A. Cunning
April Cunningham
Carl G. and Audrey
Regina W. Curry
Jean Curry
Jessica Cutting
Ramanda Dace
Glendolyn R. Dace
Oneki Dafe
Nikki Dale
Deborah Dalton
Danaher Corporation
Broderick K. Daniels
Kimba I. Daniels
Marjorie Daniels
Kel Dantzler
Theodore Davis
Asean J. Davis
Carolyn J. Davis
Cornelius Davis
Demetrice Davis
Floria Davis
Frances Davis
Helen Davis
John Davis
John W. Davis
Kimble R. Davis
Larry Davis
Lois Davis
Myah D. Davis
Symone S. Davis
Cicely T. Davis
Daina Davis
Anthony T. Davis
Candice A. Davis
Daina Davis
Daphney Davis
Elaine M. Davis
Ericka Davis
Kameelah Davis
Ricardo Davis
Tracie D. Davis
Tymunda G. Davis
Paris C. Davis
Marquita S. Davis
Nakisha L. Davis
Shelia F. Davis
Calvin Davis
Madison N. Davis
Nicole Davis-Edwards
Tina E. Davis-Grimes
Eva L. Davis-Hampton
Aisha Davis-Luke
Ariel A. Dawkins
Leticia Dawson
Priscilla J. Dawson
Dexter Day
Jamencia C. Day
Joslyn M. Day
Jonathan P. Delperdang
Trista D. Demby
Larry T. Denley
Taura L. Denmon
Stephanie L. Denson
Gloria DeVeaux Cobb
Wilfredo Diaz
Chelsea Dillon
Barbara A. Dilworth
Kamryn B. Dismuke
Jarrett Dixon
Tene C. Dixon
Cynthia Y. Dixon
James C. Dixon
Kelea Dixon
Ebonee M. Dixon
Sharonda L. Dobbins Branch
Tiffany H. Dockins
Marchelle Dodd
Rhonda E. Dollard
Latoya Donald-Pickett
Selina Donaldson
Kelvin Donsereaux, Jr.
Sandra Dorsey
Essence Doucet
Shenita Douglas
Cassandra Dove-Brown
Peter W. Doyle
H T and Denise D Drake
Alyssa D. Drake
Rosie N. Drake
Tiffany Drane
Kimberly DuBoise
Kimberly J. Duboise
Audra L. Duck
O Vaughn Dudley
Bethany Dukes
Glander Dunn
Taya Dunn Johnson
Jeniqua Dunson
Latoya J. DUPREC_Kitchens
Robin M. DUPREC_Pack
Floyd DUPREC_Williams
Tyhisha Dupree
Bertha Ealey
Mable L. Easley
Curtis R. and Mable L. Easley
Tonjala Eaton
Karla S. Echoles
Linda C. Edmond
Daniel T. Edmond
LaWanda Edmond
Isaac Edwards
William E. Edwards
Antonio D. Edwards
Jalysa M. Edwards
Dominique Edwards
Cheryl Eley
Tanisha Ell
Stephanie Elliott
Jacqueline Elliott
Archie L. Ellis
Justin J. Ellis
Jordan Ellis
Charles Ellis
Jessie L. Ellis
Ado Ellzey
Renee C. Elmore
Riccardo Emilien
Sonya Enyia
Daishia Epps
Brian M. Ervin
Khaliya E. Ervin
Luis Escudero
Amanda Espitia
Estate of George Frank
Catherine Evans
Juan Evans
Laneeda Evans
Latrice R. Evans
Alexis L. Evans
Alfred Evans
Chinelo Evans
Denesha D. Evans
Lawrence Evans
Kema Evans
Sharenda Evans-McClendon
Andrew Everett
Deirdre Everett
Crystal Ewell
Christie K. Ewell
Tina Ewing
Janie Fair
Verlena Fairley
Mable Farish
Andrea Farmer
Brandi M. Farmer
Robert Farrar
John Faulkner
Marjorie Faustin
Michael Fells
Mary Felton
Taelar Felton
Kimberly Ferdinand
Mary Helen Ferguson
Desiree T. Ferrell
Derrick Ferrell
Kristi Fields
Linda Fife
Jessie Finlayson
Shakealia Y. Finley
Drake D. Finley
Sharriette Finley
Dorothy D. Finnie
Lydia A. Fisher
Melodie Y. Fisher
Morgan Fisher
Felicia Flanagan
Anthony T. Fleming
Stewart B. Fleming
Robert Fleming
Carolyn S. Fletcher
Tyrone J. Flowers
Ashley Floyd
Nicolette Floyd
Rayshaun Fluker
Brandy J. Flynn
Tiara L. Foote
Adrian Forceman
O’Necia L. Ford
Robert Ford
Keith Forney
Douglass Fort
Lakrystal Foster
Lashonda L. Foster
Kandis L. Foster
Nigel A. Foster
Jeannette Foster-Watkins
Joyce Fountain
Kymberly Fountain
Rochelle Foxworth
Markaiya T. Francois
Shanna T. Franklin
Alvin R. Franklin
Lauren E. Franklin
Sharon Franklin
Fernandeis A. Frazier
Coretta T. Frazier
Patrese Frazier
Jasmene Frazier-Lewis
Nina Frederick
R. David Freeman
Brittany A. Freeman
Adlene French
Sunny C. Fridge
Jerrica D. Frierson Davis
Gloria Frieson
Cristina Frisby
Zabrina R. Fuller
Seth M. Fullilove
Tamalita S. Funches
Deborah Funches
Latrista K. Funches
Tarro Funches
Katina Funches
Rubye P. Funchess
Jeremy N. Funchess
Peter Gaddis
Jarvis Gaddis
Isaac T. Gaines
Mark Gaines
Dwight K. Gaines
Yulanda Gales
Am’Unique Gallegos-Gulley
Latasha Gandy
Albert Gant
Ariana Gardner
Solomon T. Garner
Don Garner
Rosalind K. Garner
John B. Garner
Valerie Garrett
Jarkarta C. Garrett
Bertha Garrett-Frazier
Pernell Garrison
Emery Gary
Monica F. Gary
Bernadette Gaston
Danette O. Gaston
Linda J. Gater
Linda S. Gater
Carolyn J. Gates
Angela S. Gates
Anthony D. Gates
Cedric Gathings
Albert E. Gatlin
Michelle Gaulding
Edie Gavin
Jason Gearries
Anjanise George
Courtney George
Russell L. Ghoston
Justis R. Gibbs
Brittany K. Gibson
Johnathan Gibson
Ronald Gibson
Percy E. and Ethel Gibson
Angel S. Gibson
Millicent Gibson
Jamesia S. Gilbert
Tara L. Gill
Adrienne Gilliam
Cedric D. Gilmer
Agnes Gilmore
Alexander Gilmore
Jimmie Gipson
Arlanda N. Gittere
Ebony Givens
Patricia Givens
Regina Givens
Shiquita S. Givens
Kristen Gladney
Chelsey J. Gladney
Erica G. Gladney
Willie Glasper
Patricia J. Glass
Shyandrea S. Glass
Clyde Glenn
Bang Glenn
Crystal D. Glenn
Zachery A. Glenn
Monroe B. Golden
Shameka Y. Golson
Ingrid Gonzalez
Mary Gooden
Reginald Goodrich
Vince Gordon
Stanley D. Goss
Nicole Gould
Lori R. Grace Torrey
Shirley Graham
Reginald Graham
Yalanda Granger
Nicole Grant
Kerioon V. Grant
Ronald L. Grant
Dominique Grant-King
Alyssa R. Graves
Miriam Gray
Tequa L. Gray
Alvin Gray
Bobbie J. Gray
JoAnn Gray
Cydridge N. Gray
Allison Gray
Sherry Grayned
Glenda Gray-Rogers
Katherine J. Grayson
Roderick L. Green
Willie Green
Ashley M. Green
Justin M. Green
Adrian V. Green
Kayla L. Green
Roscoe Greene
Melvin Greenwood
Lori Greer
Montoya U. Gregory
Jackie Grier
Tonya Grier
Vellry Grier
Damon Griffin
Deborah J. Griffin
April Griffin
Bobbie J. Griffin
Zinna W. Griffin
Marcus A. Griffith
Rebecca Grillo
Kellie Grizzell
Terrence Gross
Mark L. Gulley
Joe Ann Gunter
Shelly D. Guss
Tracey Y. Gwin
Latasha B. Hadley
Alexanderia Haidara
Samuel T. Haile
Jeanne M. Hairston
Margaret Hairston-Cooper
Rosalind E. Hal
Stacey Haley
Alfred L. and Willie Jean Hall
Thelma R. Hall
Brandon Hall
Kelvin Hall
Kimberly Hall
Laquinta Hall
Roxanne Hall
Megan L. Hall
Noah Hall
Valda Hall Barksdale
Tesia S. Hall Hill
Mattie W. Hambrick
Alex C. Hamilton
Darlene Hamilton
Kaizetta V. Hamilton
Delisa R. Hamilton
Bryan Hamilton
Dorsey Hamlin
Eva L. Hampton
Lori M. Hampton
Michael D. Hampton
Andrew Hanauer
Gabrielle E. Hancock
Natalie Hanlin
Macarthur Hannah
Haywood I. Hannah
Jacqueline Hannah
Faith J. Hannah Sullivan
Kashi Hardaway
Shirley Harden
Cindy Harden
Vondakay C. Hardin
Aletha Hardin
Marlene Hardnett
Keely Hardnett
John T. Hardy
Thetis Hardy
Alvin Hardy
William Harkless
Alicia T. Harmon
Jenifer Harold
LaParis L. Harper
Marilyn A. Harper
Joyce Harper
Ladonna M. Harrell
Toya Harrell-Matthews
BoNita L. Harris
Clifford Harris
Jeremy M. Harris
Marlene Harris
Vanessa R. Harris
Bonita S. Harris
Chandra Harris
Illya J. Harris
Michael Harris
Stephanye A. Harris
Vanessa Y. Harris
Malcolm P. Harris
Michael Harris
Vincent M. Harris
Shernena Harris
Rebecca R. Harrison
Beverly Harris-Williams
Dessie Hart
Lavonda C. Hart
Leroy Hartfield
Erin A. Hartfield
Brittany Harvey
Tamoria Harvey
Jaila Hatch
Willean T. Hathorn
Reginald R. Hathorn
Willie D. Hawkins
Jerome M. Hawkins
Dejah Hawkins
Derek Hawkins
Clarence L. Hayes
Nichelle M. Hayes
Kimberly L. Hayes-Johnson
Anthony Haynes
Demarcus Haywood
Nicholas L. Head
Jvon Hearn
Taurean D. Hearn
Alice Hedrick
Lillian M. Hemphill
Rebecca Henderson
Walter T. Henderson
Frank Henderson
Matt Henderson
Tanya Henderson
Joseph Henderson
Quentin D. Hendree
David Henry
Michelle Henry
James Herron
Sheralyn Hibbler
Tyrone Hickman
Kimberly N. Hicks
Latarius R. Hicks
John Higgins
Lynice M. Higgins
Barbara Higgins
Shalondria K. Hill
Veronica Hill
Jon P. Hill
Megan B. Hill
Geneva Hill
Nate Hill, Jr.
Carolyn Hines
Terra V. Hobbs
Eric A. Hobson
Tametrice Hodges
Phyllis Hodges
Cassandra L. Hogue
Sarah G. Holbrook
Billy Holcombe
Freeman Holifield
James Holland
Quentin Hollis
Kara Holloway
Carla D. Holloway
William R. Holmes
Catherine J. Holmes
Christopher C. Holmes
Patrick L. Holmes
Jerry Holmes
Morlettra Holmes
Brittney L. Holmes
Lawanda Holmes Williams
Stacy S. Holton
Annie Ruth Holtzclaw
Rosie Honer
Keosha D. Hooker
Marcus D. Hooper
Tanya Hoover
Monica Hope
Bennie Hopkins
Heather Horn
Keisha Horton
Kenyatta K. Horton
Nicole Horton
Shelia D. Horton
Toya Horton
Kizzy Horton
Delila S. House
Carolyn House Stewart
Christiana M. Houston
Tramelle Howard
Leslie B. Howard
Joseph Howard
Gerard L. Howard
Canisha S. Howard Scott
Lionel Hoye
Kimberly Hoyle
Anissa Hoze
Sarah Hrobowski
Latoya Hubbard
Gennie M. Hubbard-Alley
Warren Hudgins
Anthony Hudgins
Angela Hudson
DeMarcus Hudson
Ed Hudson
Abigail Hudson
Josephine Hudson
Joyce H. Hudson
Michelle Hudson-Parker
Bettye J. Hughes
Michelle Hughes
Adrian and Jeanette Hughes
Shatequa A. Hughes
Kenya Hulitt
Elaine Hulitt
Ieisha Humphrey
Cassandra L. Hunley
Karen Hunt
Jasmine N. Hunt
Katrena L. Hunter
Ashley Hunter
Thomas C. Hurley
Alonzo Hutchins
Shameka T. Hyder
Earl Ike-German
Laureanette Ingram-Crumby
Melissa A. Irons
Melissa Irons
D’Osha L. Irvin
Dale W. Isabelle
Barbara J. Ivy
Coretta Jackson
Tamara R. Jackson
Latasha D. Jackson
Alicia Jackson
Beverly C. Jackson
Darrin Jackson
Kelly L. Jackson
LaPraevian Jackson
Lynettea M. Jackson
Tamara Jackson
Natasha N. Jackson
Gregory Jackson
Keisha K. Jackson
Larry Jackson
Susan Jackson
Tamara Jackson
Wanda Jackson
Shannon A. Jackson
Shannon Jackson
Alexis L. Jackson
Shardae Jackson
Michelle A. Jackson-Shavers
Yvonne Jacobs
Felisha Jacobs
L Bernard Jakes
Natasha Jamerson
Courtney R. James
Jeanette James
Nashandra T. James
Derrick L. James
Vanessa R. James
Brandy James
Timaka L. James-Jones
Rachel D. James-Terry
Dwayne M. Jamison
Yalonda Jamison
Corbin D. Jamison
Loretta K. Jamison
Valarie January
Keith E. January
Eddie Jarrett
Vernon Jasper
Christina Jasper
Renalda L. Jaynes
Carrie J. Jefferson
James R. Jefferson
Kim Jefferson
Sedrick L. Jefferson
Rashida S. Jenkins
Schelerria A. Jenkins
Wanda Jenkins
Angela B. Jenkins
Adrienne P. Jenkins
Dakelvin K. Jenkins
Brenda W. Jenkins
Renee Jenkins
Kiersten R. Jennings
Tamra D. Jerdine
Florene Jerdine
Brittney Johns
Kathy Johnson
Jerrica B. Johnson
Chaka Johnson
Juan Johnson
Britani D. Johnson
Demarcus T. Johnson
Gloria J. Johnson
Hallie Johnson
Inez C. Johnson
Julia A. Johnson
Karen Johnson
Larry Johnson
Latisha L. Johnson
Leonia M. Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Mary Johnson
Ronald Johnson
Warren B. Johnson
Donald R. Johnson
Lisa M. Johnson
Andrea N. Johnson
Geralyn Johnson
Jia Johnson
Karen C. Johnson
Mae L. Johnson
Martha Johnson
Monique Johnson
Niccolle Johnson
Randall Johnson
Regina A. Johnson
Saphronia Johnson
Shonda Johnson
Willa Johnson
Carolyn P. Johnson
Kevin Johnson
LaTroy D. Johnson
Renita S. Johnson
Vingilan T. Johnson
Kiesha R. Johnson
Tekka Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Maryrose Johnson
Emerald D. Johnson
Stephanie Johnson Stevenson
Debra Johnson-Cockrell
Priscilla Johnson-Evans
Theresia Johnson-Ratcliff
La’Caris R. Jones
Christine Jones
Amy Jones
Kelvin Jones
Alicia J. Jones
Cecilia Jones
Charles Jones
Cynthia Jones
Gladys Jones
Jamila Jones
Jennifer R. Jones
Kathryn A. Jones
Kennedy A. Jones
Kenneth W. Jones
Marcia S. Jones
Marcus Jones
Simone A. Jones
Valerie Jones
Kelvin K. Jones
Deshandis M. Jones
Ashley N. Jones
Adrian L. Jones
Amber D. Jones
Angela Jones
Calandra D. Jones
Cassandra Jones
Charlene Jones
Colandra Jones
Desmond Jones
Jennifer J. Jones
Patricia Jones
Sarah E. Jones
Staci Jones
Yolanda Jones
Javida L. Jones
Akeelah J. Jones
Rashad A. Jones
Cheryl Jones
Flora Jones
Alma R. Jones
Lacey D. Jones
Elizabeth J. Jordan
Marc L. Jordan
Melissa Jordan
Santavaya Jordan
Melvin Jordan
Cedric Jordan
Tabatha A. Joseph
Keoni Josiah
JSU Dance Ensemble
Jennifer Julious
Charlotte Kabore
Brandy Kado
Alice Kanayan
Janice Karcher
Elijah Karriem
Nathan A. Kebede
Deidra L. Keener
Jhai Keeton
Crystal Kelly
Larry Kelly
Stacy Kelly
Rechelle D. Kelly
Phillip E. Kelly
Dewayne A. Kelly
Doug Kelly
Veronica Kelly
LaDawn S. Kelly
Zina C. Kelly
Tristan Kempston
Fred E. Kency
Kathy Kendrick
Andrea C. Kendrick-Williams
Robyn B. Kennebrew
Camelia Kennedy
Theresa G. Kennedy
Cantrell Keyes
Demetrice Keyes
Sanyika L. Keyes
Elizabeth G. Keyes
Laylonni N. Keys
Pamela P. Keys
Francis A. Kiene
Randy Kimble
Danyelle D. Kimp
Shamonica A. King
Michelle King
Reginald C. King
Sean L. King
Brandon King
Charles H. King
Georgia King
Gregory E. King
Brandon L. King
Sundra J. King
Cleophas B. Kinnell
Tonya Kirkland
Liz Knapp
Bob A. Knight
Kim Knight
Whitney Knox
George Koerber
Brandon Kong
Yu-Chun Kuo
Tambra Kyles
Tajuan Kyles
Khiauri L
Bill LaBarre
Elgin Lafever
Joshua Laffiette
Tobias E. Lagrone
Lockye Lake
Laura Lamb
Barbara Landers
Rhonda M. Lang
Rhonda A. Langston
Toshineda M. Lankston
Nancy Lanzon
Jimmy Large
Zaire K. Larkins
Sharon Larmond
Veronica Larry
Yanci T. Lashley
Tyrell Lassair
Lekisha R. Laster
Benjamin B. Latham
Allice Lattimore
Christopher E. Lavan
Monica L. Lawrence-Rees
Bobby Lawson
Chonda Lawson
Gloria D. Lawton-Wilson
Selina Lazarus
Louis J. Leathers
Jennifer Leavy
Sheila Leavy
Peggy LeCompte
Reginald E. Lecounte
Brad Ledwith
Brandon L. and Barbara
A. Ledyard
Burrell Lee
Shanika K. Lee
Danyel Lee
Andrew D. Lee
Latonya A. Lee
Leroy C. Lee
Marlo Lee
Raymond G. Lee
Ashley Lee
Monica Lee-Griffith
Andrea D. Leflore
James E. Lehaman
Shani Lenard
Sheron Leonard
Muriel F. Lett-Davoll
Anita B. Levy
Carolyn Levy
Christopher A. Levy
Mamie M. Levy
Annie L. Lewis
Gwendolyn Lewis
Alamein B. Lewis
Jeremy Lewis
Kevin R. Lewis
Leslie D. Lewis
Michael Lewis
Terence D. Lewis
Duane C. Lewis
Kalynn Lewis
Eugina A. Lewis
Jessica Lewis
Lynnette Lewis
Nicole D. Lewis
Jerell Lewis
Stacy Lewis Goins
Tamara L. Liddell
Carla A. Lindsey
Letitia Lindsey
Ilexis T. Lindsey
ReJohnna B. Lindzie
ReJohnna Lindzie
Adrian M. Link
David F. Linzey
Ayanna M. Lipsey
Jennifer A. Little
George M. Little
Lula M. Little Gray
Patrick Littles
Roosevelt Littleton
Michael Lloyd
Avis S. Lloyd
Elizabeth Lloyd-Chambers
Mekella L. Lloyd-Landry
Robert T. Lock
Raphael D. Lockett
Antonio Lockett
Emma L. Lockhart
Tiffany Loftin
Justin Lofton
Jacqueline D. Lofton
Pamela R. Lomax
Jasmine Lombard
Shirley A. Long
Vanessa Long
Mary L. Long
Roderick O. Longino
Martha Lott
Kato Love
Terri F. Love
Tarnika M. Love-Anderson
Michael C. Lovelace
Deidre Lovett
Chloe M. Loving
Shawn D. Lovings
Clarence and Mahala Lowe
Nanette Lowe
Velma Lowe
Chandris Lowe
Sheila D. Lowe
Jade B. Lucas
Kendric Lucas
Kembra Luckett
Courtney C. Luckett-Knight
Christopher J. Luke
Elizabeth Lunden
Scott A. Lupton
William Luse
Lemarcus Lyles
Yolanda Lyles Johnson
Chenille J. Lynch
Mechele Lynch
Theadore Lyons
Carlton D. Lyons
Sandra D. Mabry
Bianca M. Mack
Carol M. Mack
Rajavion L. Mackabee
John P. Macon
Caroline Magee
Robert Magee
Natasha R. Magee-Woods
Kurtina C. Maholmes
Jeanine Mahone
LeAmber Malcolm
Sharon Malone
Latisha Malone
John Malvern
Susan S. Maneck
Vernon Mangum
Samantha E. Manning
Oretha Manu
Tandon Mardis
Bekira M. Mark
Richard Marshall
Antwanette Marshall
Dawn Martin
Kareem Martin
Kelly O. Martin
Cynthia Martin
Derek Martin
James Martin
Roderick Martin
Rose M. Martin
Mayah A. Martin
Darnetia R. Martin
Vickie L. Mason
Camille Mason
Melissa H. Mason
Guyton Mathews
Mason J. Mathews
Charles Matthews
Ursula S. May
Jordan Mazur
Andreas N. Mbah
Carolyn McCadney
Lee McCallum
Mattie McCargo
Jason McCarty
Tekesia O. McClendon
Ann McClevy
Felicia A. McClinton
Tyra S. McCormick
Rosaline H. McCoy
Pamela D. McCoy
Katina McCoy
Meguan McCoy
Dondrey McCracy
Marcus A. McCree
Ryan McCree
Phyllis McCree
Stephene L. McCullough
Marquita A. McCullum
Clell O. McCurdy
James McCurtis
Nicole McDade-McDowell
Marreo M. McDonald
Loretta McDonald
Stephanie D. McDonald
Alphonso McDowell
Willie McDowell
Carrie S. McFarland
Sheila McFarland
Robert McField
Aisha L. McGee
Melissa J. McGee
Vernon McGlothin
Bridgette McGrath
William McHugh
Christine B. McInnis
Constance McIntyre
Michael McKnight
Angela McKoy
Cornell McLaurin
Dylan McLemore
Linda McLemore-Wheeler
Lashonda McLeod
Dawn D. McLin
Marcus McMillan
Donna McMurtry
Robert McMurty
Charlotte A. McNair
Bonnie G. McNeal Harris
Laney E. McNeer
Frederick O. McRae
Barbara McSwain
Douglas L. McWilliams
Franja J. Meeks
Melody Service
Johnny Menifee
Kaelyn Merriwether
Barbara Meschino
Oneida Michell
Danielle N. Mickens
Alyssa L. Middleton
Rodell Milam
Ceola Miles
Quintess C. Miles
Michael Miles
Nickeela J. Miller
Calvin A. Miller
Derwin D. Miller
Latoya Miller
Shawn M. Miller
Albert J. Miller
Diane Miller
Keyouna S. Miller
Marquita L. Miller
Phillip L. Miller
Shirley J. Miller
Sibyl Y. Miller
Phillip L and Charlotte F. Miller
Nigel R. Miller
Gerald R. Miller
Barbara Mills
Andross Milteer
Mannie Milton
Sheron Milton
Tracey Milton
Glory Mims
Vera B. Mims
Theresa Minor
Derrick D. Mitchell
Inder Mitchell
Jerrold Mitchell
Skyla D. Mitchell
Marvin K. Mitchell
Isaac R. Mitchell
Vincent Mitchell
Curtis Mitchell
Jacqueline Mitchell
James Mitchell
Leanna A. Mitchell
Terri Mitchum
Antonio D. Moffatt
Corey J. Moffett
Jasmine A. Moncure
Dylan B. Montgomery
Brittany Montgomery
Diana Montgomery
Patricia Montgomery
Kelvin Montgomery
Chinyera Moody
Freddye Moon Smith
Daphne M. Moore
Daphne A. Moore
Ayana Moore
John L. Moore
Patricia A. Moore
Ronald D. Moore
Charlie L. and Zelda M Moore
Justin Moore
Chyrel Moore
Corey Moore
Katharine Moore
Krystyanna N. Moore
Lanassa P. Moore
Octavia J. Moore
Qiana A. Moore
Shonda M. Moore
Vicskeyas F. Moore
Tosha L. Moore
Sheila R. Moore
Laquarius C. Moorehead
Rhonda T. Moore-Jackson
Veronica E. Moore-Vinson
Daniel Morettu
Ellen Morgan
Latoya M. Morgan
DeMarco D. Morgan
Catreda D. Morgan
LaShannon F. Morgan
Jala M. Morrow
Vanessa Morton
Sonia Morton
Bonita S. Mosley
Danny W. Mosley
Jennifer Mosley
Lamar Mote
Tessa Murphy
Ashlei V. Murray
Damian J. Murray
Jessica M. Murray
Jennifer Murray
Heather Murrell
George Myers
Kevin Myers
Adrianne M. Myers
Brenda B. Myers
Kenesha Myers
Queenie Myers
Marvin K. Myles
Annie G. Mylez
Evelyn R. Nabors
Teriney M. Nails
Tekisha T. Nash
Jackie A. Nash
Janet W. Nash
Stephanie Nauden
Veronica G. Naylor
William Naylor
Adrian B. Naylor
Luscious L. Neal
William P. Neal
Tonya Neely
Alexis N. Neely
Joe Neely
Toya Neely Monix
Debra Nelson
Janice Nelson
Charlotte Nelson
Ollie B. Nelson
Steven Neville
Everett D. Newchurch
Louis B. Newell
Pearlie B. Newell
Willie Newell
Shanta Newsome
Nancy Newson
Tomeika Newton
Rick Ngo
Chinwe U. Nichols
Kori A. Nichols
Pearlie Noah-Montgomery
Reginald H. Nolen
Kenny Nollan
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Patricia A. Norman
Shirley Northington
Ashley F. Norwood
Earl O’Banner
Patricia M. Odom
Darcel T. Odom
Ransford Offei
Mary Oliver
McArthur Oliver
Lecarus Oliver
Carle A. Ollie
Byron O’Neal
Kimsey O’Neal Bailey
Deitrice O’Neal-Lampley
Michael Opta
Koleshia Oquinn
John C. O’Quinn
Kristy S. O’Quinn
Sandra O’Quinn
Rafael A. Ordaz
Marqual J. Outlaw
Yolanda Overbey
Bobby Owens
Alondria A. Owens
Erika G. Owens
Menika Owens
Tonya M. Owens
Azja Owens
Eva M. Owens
Jeanette Paige
Tiffany R. Paige
Stefon Palmer
Mary L. Palmer
Cintarrio Palmer
Mack C. Pampley
Jeffery D. Parker
Shannon S. Parker
Brianna Parker
Douglas Parker
Thedrit Parker
Kenda Parker
Delphia M. Parks
Travis R. Parks
Bradley M. Parks
William O. Parks
William Parks
Ruby S. Parnell-Booth
Annie M. Partee
Christopher Partee
Donell C. Paster
Manisha Patel
Joyce Patillo
Linda L. Patrick
Bobbie Patterson
Christian Patterson
Ouida B. Patterson
Tracy Patterson
Laquandra R. Paxton
Maggie A. Paymon
Dorothy J. Paymon-Dennis
Lakeshia Payne
Tiffany Payne-Griffin
Rosie J. Payton
Charlotte Peacock
Ylaine L. Pearson
Michael Peecher
Janelle Peery
Cedric J. and Annie G. Pelt
Ed Penny
Dawn Perry
Bradford Perry
Randolph Perry Mark A. Perry
Reshonda D. Perryman
Leslie Peters
Ashton T. Peters
Gladys R. Peters
Gia S. Peterson
Patrick A. Pettaway
Wayne Peyton
Lea Pfeifer
Angelika Phillips
Suzette Phillips
Precious Philpott
Regina Phipps
Tiffany K. Pierre
Brian J. Pigott
Angelia Pigott
Denise Pigott
Lashonda Pigott
Laverne Pilate
Roderick S. Pipes
Antoinette P. Pippins
Charles P. Pittman
Monique Pittman
Lakesha R. Pittman
Kathy R. Pitts
Jamika C. Polk
Xanshunta L. Polk
Jacquelyn Polk
Leonard Porter
Rhonda G. Porter
Faylesha Porter
Craig L. Porter
Kristen Porter
Victoria Porter-Bennett
Poteat N. Porter-Medley
Kimberly L. Portlock
Nicky Posley
Anastasia C. Potee
Verdean W. Potter
Felicia S. Pouncil
Addie Powell
Christopher Powell
Lamonica M. Powell
Andrea Powell
Tiffany C. Powell
Kristen M. Powell
Susan E. Powell Jones
Terri Powell-Brown
Aretha Powers
Kelwin Pree
Ivon Prewitt
Allilia Price
Angela K. Price
Ashlee Price
Tyna Price
Joseph and Annette K. Pridgen
Erin E. Pridgen
Catherine Pridgen
LaToya Pritchard
Fernanda Priviero
Freddie Pruitt
Nina Pryor
Donna Pugh
Alcinia J. Pugh
Tracey Purvis
Shamika Qualls
Patricia Quick
Dorothy T. Quinn
Delores G. Rankin
Kimberly M. Rankin
Michelle Rankins
Faye Rashid
Earl S. Rashid
Yolanda R. Ratcliff
Raven N. Ray
Ammie L. Rayburn
Areias Rayford
Felicia Reader
Charlotte L. Reddix-Williams
Larissa Redfield
Donald Redic
Ronald Redic
Lola Redmond
Reshunda Redmond
Leland F. Redmond
Latosha Redmond
Bridges Reed
Hannah Reed
James Reed
Matthew Reed
Latoya T. Reed
Gwen Reed
Brian Reed
Angelina Reese
Cindi Reese
Kawain Reese
Terri Reeves
Charles M. Reinke
Latoya M. Rembert-Sterling
Jessica Reynolds
Kiara Rhodes
Juandalynn Rhodes
Kimarie Rhodes
Latasha N. Rice
Clyde Richard
Daryl D. Richards
Kim Richards
Bianca Richardson
Rhonda R. Richardson
Belinda C. Richardson-Cargle
Ethel Riddle
Michele Riddle
Kaneitra R. Riley
Luther Riley
Jasmine J. Rivera
Larry Rivers
Kimberly J. Roberson-Burt
Krystle N. Roberts
Renaldo Roberts
Vivian Roberts
Tia M. Roberts
Shanista L. Robertson
Shantel N. Robins
Tishea T. Robinson
Lynda J. Robinson
Ernest Robinson
Joan Robinson
Johnnie B. Robinson
JR Robinson
Marcus C. Robinson
Maria B. Robinson
R. Keith Robinson
Taylor Robinson
William M. Robinson
Lecia G. Robinson
Billy W. Robinson
Charlotte S. Robinson
Christopher W. Robinson
Kevin Robinson
Melissa Robinson
Nechelle N. Robinson
Ray Robinson
Ruthie Robinson
Timothy Robinson
Uri Robinson
Veronica Robinson
Cubdeenix Robinson
Kimberly Robinson
Larkesher Robinson
Maudean Robinson
Erica R. Robinson
Kyra Roby
Brenda J. Rogers Kimble
Willie J. Roper
Gwendolyn F. Roseburgh
Carolyn M. Ross
Kimberly L. Ross
Vernon Ross
Dorothy Ross
Ida Ross
Jetaime C. Ross
Kelly M. Ross
Nicole Ross
Drew Ross
Ajuanize Ross Johnson
Mark R. Roth
DiAngelo M. Rouse
I J Routen
Kenneth S. Ruffin
Tracy C. Runnels
Sherita Rusell-Nash
Sharon Y. Russell
Geneen J. Russell
Christopher Russey
Keiven J. Russey
Corey Russey
Imo G. Russey
Kattie Russey-Starnes
Dorothy Ryland
Aisha E. Saffold
Thelma Sain
Adrian Salazar
Demitria Salter
Gloria T. Salters
Manuel A. Sample
Krystaline W. Sample-Young
Rufus T. Sampson
Luther T. Samuel
Melinda Samuel
Keshia M. Sanders
Dominick B. Sanders
Mitrell D. Sanders
Tracey Sanders
Brenda F. Sanders
Brenda M. Sanders
Elizabeth W. Sanders
Linda K. Sanders
Gloria Sanders
Clifton Sanders
Frederick L. Sandifer
Jeremy L. Sanford
Shomari Sanford
Candace H. Saulsberry
Brian Sawyer
Reggie Sawyer
Tyrece R. Sayles
Tammy Schuler
Patricia A. Scott
Sabrina Scott
Tamiko Scott
Sheila D. Scott
Deloris Scott
Jeffery B. Scott
Tonjula R. Scott
Michael Scott
Jennifer E. Scott-Gilmore
Keith Seals
Netty Seard
Marteena T. Seaton
Angela Self
Pamela S. Self
William Selmer
Mosi Senwot
Nashlie Sephus
Cedric L. Shannon
Monique Shannon
Joel J. Sharp
Tanya Shaw
Richard Shaw
Rosalind N. Shaw
Michael G. Shearrill
Sabrina Y. Shelby
Tyrone Shelby
Terrence D. Shelley
Wendy E. Shenefelt
Duane A. Shepard
Trudy Shepard
Mario Shepard
Corey Sheppard
Ronald Sherrod
Khalilah Shields
Kelli N. Shields
Kymberli J. Shields
Sannetta P. Shields
Anton B. Shinhoster
Kendria D. Short
Jennifer R. Shorter
Kennedy I. Shumaker
Adrienne Simmons
Chiquista Q. Simmons
De’Martinez’ R. Simmons
Tamara N. Simmons
Clarence E. Simms
Charles M. Simpson
Arthur J. Sims
Georgia P. Sims
Lorrie Sims
Tabitha D. Sims
Bria N. Sims
Christopher A. Sims
Rita W. Singleton
Ira L. Singleton
Torris R. Singleton
Amie N. Sipp
Stanley Sisney
Tiffany Sithiphone
Pearley J. Skipper
PJ Skipper
Annette Slack
Tarra Slack
Renee Slaughter
Kendall Slay
Clois Slocum
Lorenza Small
Trenyse Small-Roberson
Jacqueline T. Smiley
Tiffany C. Smith
Joseph M. Smith
Rosiland R. Smith
Aron D. Smith
Charity Smith
Charles Smith
Cynthia A. Smith
Dorothy Smith
Felisha Smith
Forest Smith
Gloria Smith
Latasha Smith
Mickell J. Smith
Robert Smith
Rosalind Samuel Smith
Samanthia L. Smith
Sheree S. Smith
Trena Smith
Andrea D. Smith
Latosha Smith
Claudia Smith
Cynthia F. Smith
DeLyle Smith
Donald Smith
Earline R. Smith
Grace W. Smith
Herman Smith
Janysia Smith
Kendrick Smith
Meddie L. Smith
Rhonda E. Smith
Teneshia C. Smith
Torrence Smith
Tracee Smith
Tanya L. Smith
Kimberly N. Smith
Ariyanna-Rose Smith
Eugene and Bettye C Smith
Caleb Smith
Desire Smith
Parks Smith
Marlena Smith-Hamlin
Smokin Oasis Mobile
Cigar Lounge
Bevelyn R. Smothers
Qui Smothers
Michael Soles
Ida Solomon
Timothy Sosa
Marcus T. Souter
Teesha Spagner
Demond L. Spann
Mary L. Spann
Fawn Spencer
Jennifer C. Spires
Mark C. Spooner
Gary Sprayberry
Annie Springer
Shannon Springfield
Genika Stamps
Kimberly Stamps
Eurydice Stanley
Junious Stanton
Chilion Stapleton
Ashkelon Stapleton
Justin Starks
Catenia Starks
Donovan Starks
Jamessia Steele
Yemekia M. Steele
Albert Stephens
Dawn Stephens
Feltus D. Stephens
Nakia S. Stephens
Terrice J. Stephenson-Thomas
ShaMonica Sterling
Dwayne E. Stevens
Claudia F. Stevenson
Faustina Stevenson
Angela D. Stewart
Erika R. Stewart
Kristin M. Stewart
Macshelle T. Stewart
Amanda L. Stewart
Lamonica L. Stewart
Vanessa D. Stewart
Trina Stewart
Tiffany Stewart
Jasmine Stiff
Andre Stokes
Arianna C. Stokes
Temikia Stone
Jessica A. Story
Cassandra W. Stovall
Sandra Stowes
Yawanya Straughter
Bruce Straughter
Shellie J. Stubbs
Jasmine B. Stubbs
Deidra Stubbs
Karen Stuckey
Angela Stuckey
Geraldine Sturgis
Monica P. Sturgis
Daiki Suematsu
Vera Suggs
Maude J. Summerville
Suntrust Bank
Nathaniel Surrancy
Marcus T. Suttlar
Shirley A. Sutton
Gabriel Swan
Renee Swanigan
Sena Sweargen
Anthony Sweezer
Talia A. Sword
Kathy C. Sykes
Carol F. Syvertsen
Marian Y. Talley
Fran Tarr
Airrion M. Tate
Carolyn Tate
Nikki Tate
Addie Taylor
Aaron Taylor
Barnett Taylor
Burbette M. Taylor
James Taylor
Jesse Taylor
Leonard Taylor
Sidney Taylor
Shirley Taylor
Tamia J. Taylor
Bianca M. Taylor
Gail Taylor
Renetta Taylor
Tina M. Taylor
Deborah C. Taylor
Kevanitia I. Taylor
Kionna J. Taylor
Helen Taylor Caldwell
Amiee Teal
Annie P. Tedford
Armerita D. Tell
Sandra Tenner
Steven Terrell
Patricia A. Terrell
Justin R. Terry
Lauren M. Terry
Herbert Terry
Lia Tesfay
Shannon S. Thames
The Church Triumphant
Global, Inc.
The Edwin Philip Wilson
LIV Trust
The Roselawn Community Council Inc.
Ashlee D. Theodore-Kelly
Kenya C. Theus
Ivory T. Thigpen
NiaTasha R. Thigpen
Tasha C. Thigpen
Tracey L. Thigpen-Davis
Andrea L. Thomas
Angela Thomas
Dawn S. Thomas
Marvin W. Thomas
Paula J. Thomas
David Thomas
Eric T. Thomas
Kathy Thomas
Larry Thomas
Dana Thomas
Christopher J. Thomas
Maria Thomas
Aubrey Thomas
Angela M. Thomas Neal
Henry Thompson
Carla Thompson
Larry Thompson
LaToya Thompson
Phaedra D. Thompson
Tyronza R. Thompson
Darria A. Thompson
Mecca M. Thompson
Sheila Thompson
Nicole A. Thompson
Chelia D. Thompson
Percy Thornbor
Mark R. Thorne
Jerrell D. Thornton
Timothy Thornton
Terri C. Thornton
Larry D. Thurman
DeMarcus Tinsey
Karrington J. Tipler
Nathaniel Tolbert
Thaddeus Tolbert
Neiko Tolbert
Tiffany N. Tolefree
Angela Tolliver
Charlie Tolliver
Tom Joyner Foundation
Jasmyne R. Tomlin
Blanche T. Toole
Sonia Torres
Kathleen Tourgeman
Sherry Townsend
Jessica R. Townsend
Kailyn Townsend
Bruce E. Travis
Jeffrey D. Travis
April L. Trice
Christian Trimble
Alycia Triplett
Fallon L. Triplett
Tainika L. Tripp
Deidra M. Truitt
Shandra Trussell
Shirley Tucker
Ellis and Shirley Tucker
Jennifer Tucker
Melissa Turnbull
Terrica Turner
Brianna R. Turner
Chelsey J. Turner
Jackie Turner
Will P. Turner
Janice L. Turner
Chandrika Turner
Chelsey Turner
Cordell V. Turner
Jo Turner
Joan Turner
Quilly E. Turner
Seneca V. Turner
Trudy Turner
Hilda Turner
Chelsea Turner
James Turner_DUPREC
Paula L. Tutman Menifee
Carolyn Tyler
Katherine Tyler
Carolyn Upkins
Judith Upshaw
Larry Vance
Margaret VanderWaerden
Katasha Varner
Latrinda S. Vaughan
Stephanie M. Vaughn
LaJuana L. Vaughn
Derricka D. Vereen
Jeremy J. Vereen
John W
Danny Wade
Evelyn Wade
Daler Wade
Adaria Wade
Allison Wade
Linda Wagener
Antoine Walden
Shani A. Walker
Katina Walker
Marilynn Walker
Rod Walker
Alicia M. Walker
Billy E. Walker
Lesa Walker
Lisa M. Walker
Sonja Walker
Zandreia M. Walker
Jaquan Walker
Christen Walker
Vanessa Walker Harris
Roosevelt R. Wallace
Vanessa Wallace
Ebony J. Wallace
Donyale M. Walls
Natasha M. Walters Jackson
Kenyatta Walton
Regina Walton
Brandon M. Ward
Kiffany T. Ward
Juanita S. Ward
Robert Warfield
Jeremy Washington
Doristeen Washington
Barbara Washington
Kesha S. Washington
Michael W. Washington
Vernie Washington
Benjamin Washington
Cortez Washington
Earlene Washington
Henry A. Washington
Lashinda Y. Washington
Vincent Washington
Clottie Washington
Devin Washington
Stephanie R. Washington-Bostic
Tarongela L. Washington-Harris
Nick Waters
Marilyn M. Watkins
Ladarius D. Watkins
Lakeisha S. Watson
Loyd Watson
Alvin L. Watson
Michael Watts
Arnetra Watts
Kenny Wayne
Marilyn S. Weakley
Angela Weathersby
Patricia C. Weatherspoon
Sheneidra L. Weatherspoon
Kandis Weatherspoon
Anthony R. Webb
Alfred L. Webb
Michael S. Webber
Keishunna Webster
Charles Webster
Quinntairus Webster
Taloria Webster
Manisha S. Weems
Colby B. Weir
Ayasha Welch
Ariel D. Wells
Ayanna N. Wells
Daffney Wells
Demetria Wells
Jerrica N. Wells
Sandra Wells
Cedric Wells
James Wesby
Sandra K. Wesley
Allison Wesley-Knott
Connie R. West
Kelly West
Charles E. West
Dorothy L. Westbrook
Colleen L. Westby
Ursala Whalum
Paris Whavers
Skyy A. Wheat
Christopher B. Wheatley
Robin Wheatley-Beachum
L J. Whitaker
Shanice N. White
Derrick J. White
Patrick White
Valerie White
Christel L. White
Clarence White
Corigann White
Charita T. White
Lorenzo White
Tosha White-Garner
Belinda White-Logan
Jerry D. Whitfield
Reginald D. Whitfield
Dianne Whiting
Amethyst A. Whitley
Demetrius A. Whitlock
Tonda Wickliffe
Corky F. Wicks
Coleen Widell
Alecia C. Wiley
Mary Wilkerson
Patricia Wilkerson
Patricia Wilkerson-Uddyback
Angela Wilkes
Michael L. Williams
Monica D. Williams
Sharla D. Williams
Anise Williams
Floyd C. Williams
Asia Williams
* Deceased Donors
Achia Williams
Angela J. Williams
Ann Williams
Eddie J. Williams
Harwood Williams
Hope D. Williams
James E. Williams
Jannis Williams
Kendall L. Williams
Kevin Williams
Kiana N. Williams
Kimberly K. Williams
Latrice N. Williams
Leslie P. Williams
Philander Williams
Robert L. Williams
Sandra Williams
Sheronne Y. Williams
Emma Williams
Janice Williams
Terence Williams
Britney N. Williams
Catina Williams
Delena Williams
Eve H. Williams
Kay Williams
Latoya S. Williams
Lucille Williams
Mable E. Williams
Mary A. Williams
Michael Williams
Patricia Williams
Rhemalyn Williams
Rickey A. Williams
Roberta H. Williams
Shirley M. Williams
Patrice Williams
Jeremy Williams
Stephanie Williams
Lezora S. Williams
Kiana N. Williams
H D. Williams
Harrould D. Williams
Roderick T. Williams
Denise Williams Greene
Linda Williams Harris
Tarkesia Williamson
Angela R. Williamson
Anthony M. Williamson
Tawan Williamson
Cotina D. Williams-Wicks
Leroy Willis
Sheila Willis
Roderick Willis
Carol E. Wilson
Claude Wilson
Claudine Wilson
Monica Y. Wilson
Angelica Wilson
Dana Wilson
Drake Wilson
Jasmine Wilson
Jessica L. Wilson
John Wilson
Kevin Wilson
Rosa Wilson
Kevin A. Wilson
Cheryl E. Wilson Gooden
Angela Wimes
Terisha S. Windgassen
Elroy Winding
Joshua A. Winsley
Johnny A. Winsley III
Valeria L. Winston
Yolanda C. Winters
Trey Wise
LaToya Y. Wise
Kourtney Wong
Christopher J. Woodall
Sharonda Woodford
Ferelle Woodhouse
Victoria E. Woodhouse
Cathedral Woodruff
Fidel M. Woods
Patricia A. Woods
Evandia Woods
Natasha Wormley
Zachary Worthington
Ingrid Y. Woullard
Laken D. Wraggs
Chauncy Wright
Darlene Y. Wright
Jeremi S. Wright
Tamu Wright
Angela Wright
Tamira Wright
Domerneke Wright
Stephanie Wright
Taurus Wright
Carmen M. Wright
Thaddeus F. Wright
Sarah C. Wyatt
Kristin Wyckoff
Chandra Yancey
Terrance Yarbrough
Kennecia B. Yarrington
Jodie L. Yates Johnson
Brian Yoder
Eunkyung Yoon
Adrian Young
Helen Young
Willie Young
Alicia Young
Amber Young
Anita G. Young
Isis L. Young
Karis Youngblood
Lewis T. Younger
Lewis Younger
Joshua Zenon
Sheila Zerouali
Xia A. Zhang