Jackson State University 2010-2011 Annual Report

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Challenging Minds, Changing Lives


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Challenging Minds, Changing Lives


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Message from the President


I am pleased to present to you Jackson State University’s 2010-2011 Annual Report.


Let me begin by thanking Dr. Leslie Burl McLemore for serving as interim president until my appointment in January. I am now part of a great lineage of presidents who created a tremendous foundation for a successful future. I look forward to addressing the needs of the university through assessment and making data-driven decisions about our future. While this year has been exciting, it has also been challenging. Fiscal conditions created difficult decisions on many fronts, but Jackson State has always persevered because of its great staff, faculty and student body. We continue to be a national player while also serving the needs of Mississippi and, in particular, the Jackson area. You will find many examples in this report of the impact we have had on diverse markets all the while never forgetting our core mission, which is to provide superior educational opportunities for our students. They deserve the best and we will continuously work to provide them high-quality educational opportunities. I am excited about the 2011-2012 academic year and the years to come. I hope you join the entire JSU family and me as we strive together to take Jackson State University to even greater heights where we are “Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.� Carolyn W. Meyers, Ph.D. President




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The Office of the President helps carry out Jackson State University’s mission to produce technologically advanced, diverse, ethical, global leaders who think critically, address societal problems and compete effectively. The President’s Office accomplishes its work through the offices of General Counsel, Human Resources, Athletics, Institutional Advancement, Events and External Affairs, Human Capital Development, Internal Audit and the Center for University-Based Development.

Accomplishments s

The Jackson State University Development Foundation opened the largest private real estate development West Jackson has seen in 30 years. University Place is an $18 million building that includes 78 luxury apartments above 22,000 square feet of retail space on the corner of Dalton and John R. Lynch Streets. The Office of Institutional Advancement completed the Campaign for Jackson State, a five-year fundraising effort aimed at providing student, faculty, staff and program support. In what has been one of the most challenging economic climates for fundraising, the university raised more than $35 million. Nearly $11 million was dedicated to aid deserving Jackson State students.


The Office of General Counsel led Jackson State’s negotiation team in the acquisition of the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium.


The Office of General Counsel serves on the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership Long Range Steering Committee and also served as co-chair of the Mississippi BluePrint 2011, University Research Team for Health.


During 2010-2011, OGC reduced the University’s litigation caseload by 56 percent without a court or jury granting any award against the University.


7ASHINGTON -ONTHLY magazine ranked Jackson State as one of the top 10 institutions of higher learning across the country in terms of social mobility, research and service ratings out ranking Princeton, Yale, Georgia Institute of Technology and Howard University.


The Office of Human Resources led the university in changing the pay cycle for faculty employees, which involved adjusting the benefit premium rates to reflect the number



President Meyers and a team of Jackson State personnel embarked on a mini-tour of the state. During the tour, the team connected with alumni and other supporters, raised money, and spoke with media outlets and other potential Jackson State students.



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of full payments (ten instead of nine) for the contract year. s


Jackson State won the Commissioner’s Cup Award for all-sports competition, the university’s fifth in six years. The award is given to the athletic department for demonstrating excellence among its sponsored sports programs.


Jackson State also won the women’s Barbara Jacket/Sadie Magee sports award and the men’s C.D. Henry sports award. The 2010-2011 season marks the sixth time JSU has won the Commissioner’s Cup since the award was first presented in 1991-92.


During the 2010-11 season, Jackson State won three SWAC Championships (women’s soccer, men’s golf and softball).


The Jackson State University Center for University-Based Development has partnered with area groups to create the WESToration Initiative, a program that enables new or existing


More than 1,300 graduated from Jackson State during the 2011 spring commencement exercises. University President Carolyn W. Meyers spoke to graduate degree recipients on May 6. Ed Gordon, host of BET’s “Weekly with Ed Gordon,” spoke to 974 graduates during the morning ceremony on Saturday, May 7, at the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson.

Vision for the future The President and her cabinet have identified select strategic initiatives that will guide the university as it embraces a new era through knowledge, technology and innovation. Jackson State will hold to its core values of tradition, service and responsibility, while expanding online learning, support faculty and staff innovation, step up fundraising, marketing and enrollment management efforts, and broaden its presence locally, nationally and globally.


The Jackson State Athletics Department claimed the 2010-11 Dr. James Frank Commissioner’s Cup during the SWAC Spring meeting held at the Sheraton Suites in Houston, Texas.

homeowners in West Jackson to apply for mortgage loans to finance properties and pay for renovation costs.


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The Office of Academic Affairs serves as the chief academic and strategy office for the university. All academic and related units, including the colleges, libraries, undergraduate studies, graduate studies, international initiatives, faculty development, academic program development and review, enrollment management, institutional research and academic diversity are a part of the Office of Academic Affairs. The area also provides oversight to special academic programs including the Honors College, the Global-World HIV/AIDS Alliance, Center for Universities Scholars, Richard Wright Center for the Written Word and centralized advising for the first-year experience of new students. The area also has oversight responsibility for issues associated with recruiting, hiring, retention, performance, promotion and tenure at the university.





Jackson State had a successful visit from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The integrity of all of JSU’s academic programs, faculty, and staff were found to be sound. The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) was characterized as exciting with great potential to transform the university’s student learning system.


The accrediting body for the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration issued a seven-year reaccreditation for JSU’s Masters of Public Policy and Administration program.


The JSU Department of Mass Communications was reaccredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications.


The JSU Department of School, Community and Rehabilitation Counseling was accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Program.


Faculty from Jackson State University and Penn State University have selected 16 JSU students to receive a $5,500 award through the Future Geoscientists for a Sustainable Earth Environment (FGSEE) scholarship program.

Funding for the scholarships, which total $88,000, comes from the National Science Foundation’s Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences program, which seeks to increase the number of African Americans and other minorities in geoscience careers. s

Jackson State University will receive $3.5 million over the next five years from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help transform the work climate for women faculty in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and the Social and Behavioral Science (SBS) disciplines.


Dr. Jerzy Leszczynski, who leads the Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotoxicity at JSU, was honored by President Barak Obama at the White House last year with the coveted Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. A native of Poland, Leszczynski also received an invitation and visited the Polish presidential palace to receive the title “professor.”


According to data from the National Science Foundation, Jackson State University ranked No.



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13 2010-2011 ANNUAL REPORT

6 in the nation for awarding doctorates to African Americans during the 2005-2009 period. During that time, 9,825 African Americans earned doctorates.





Jackson State University professor and chair of the department of Political Science Dr. Bryon D’Andra Orey was presented the 2011 Jewel Limar Prestage Mentorship Award (JLPMA) at the Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPS), held March 16-20 at the Hilton North Hotel in Raleigh, N.C. The World Health Organization has recognized and incorporated JSU’s Global Community Health Training Center into the International Network of Health Technicians Education. Located in the Jackson Medical Mall, the center will start training and certifying community health workers beginning in the spring of 2012. The center is part of a project initiated by rural health pioneer Dr. Aaron Shirley and JSU public health professor Dr. Mohammad Shahbazi, who have teamed up to create a network of community health centers in the Mississippi Delta.

Vision for the future With a strong focus on providing the best learning experience possible for students, the Office of Academic Affairs sets out to accomplish the following: s

Fill all vacant dean and chair positions by fall of 2012


Grow the university’s enrollment by six percent per year over the next three years


Target enrollment growth in Engineering and Health Sciences


Increase night and weekend course offerings


Increase online course offerings


Offer at least three night and/or weekend degrees


Offer at least one undergraduate degree online

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The Office of Business and Finance is responsible for all operational and accounting functions of the university, accounting for all university assets, both physical and financial.


The Office of Business and Finance includes the following departments: Budget Management and Reporting Services, Treasury and


Grant Management Services, Financial Services, Facilities and Construction Management Services, Auxiliary Enterprise Services, and Inventory and Property Management Services.


Financial Services The Financial Services department was able to report an increase in overall net assets for the university in the amount of $18,241,091. This is an increase of ten percent. This is double the increase on net assets for the previous year. This also reflects positively on the overall financial health of the university. Budget and Financial Analysis In the area of budget management of the fund Education and General, the university was below its budget revenue by 8 percent and above its budgeted expenditures by 8 percent. This created an excess of revenues over expenditures of $7,027,289.26. This difference caused an increase in the university’s net assets and also contributed to the overall health of the university.

Treasury and Grant Reporting Services Treasury and Grant Management, in addition to monitoring cash flow, was given the additional responsibility of managing the billing process for Grants and Contracts. Due to a Grants and Contracts monitoring and report function that was put in place, cash flow was improved and losses from reimbursements from grants and contracts were virtually eliminated. Facilities and Construction Management Planning and Design Completed planning and design activities and project starts for the following construction projects: Mechanical Upgrade Project in the following buildings: s Joseph H. Jackson (College of Education and Human Development) s & $ (ALL -USIC #ENTER

s $OLLYE - % 2OBINSON College of Liberal Arts s -C!LLISTER 7HITESIDE s #AMPUS 3ECURITY 5PGRADES Phase III - ADA s Lighting Efficiency Upgrades s !DMINISTRATION 4OWER Elevator s &IRE 3UPPRESSION 0HASE ) McAllister/Whiteside s 0RESIDENT S (OME Renovation s #APITOL #ENTRE "UILDING Construction


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Successfully completed construction of the following facilities: s .EW 4RANSPORTATION Mobility Center



Vision for the future


Achieve an annual two percent increase in revenue and two percent decrease in expenses in JSU Postal Services. Assess and determine the viability of an ITN for mail and copier center.


Achieve an annual two percent increase in revenue and three percent decrease in expenses in JSU Recreation Services. Assess and determine the viability of an ITN for Recreation Services.


Achieve an annual three percent increase in revenue and three percent decrease in expenses in JSU Contractual Services. Determine locations and place additional


Message Point monitors in the academic facilities.


Determine the usage of and lease the vacant space in the Student Center Annex


Achieve an annual twelve percent increase in revenue and two percent decrease in expenses in JSU Housing.


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FINANCIAL SERVICES Changes in Net Assets Unaudited Financial Statements


FY 2010 180,222,020

FY 2011 198,463,111

Change 10%

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Achieve an annual five percent increase in revenue and five percent decrease in expenses in JSU Dining Services. Assess and determine the second campus based location for a “Provisions on Demand� (POD). Increase participants on the meal plan by fifteen percent.




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Changes in Net Assets Contractual Services


FY 2010 2,557,161 3

FY 2011

Change 20%

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Changes in Net Assets Dining/Food Services

FY 2010 3,132,397.00

FY 2011 2,524,361.00




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Changes in Net Assets Housing

FY 2010 15,198,335.00

FY 2011 17,262,445.00

Change 14%

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631-- Federal Grants (Dept. of Edu.)

634-- Other Federal Grants(NOAA, DOT, Homeland Security, US Army& Sub-recipients)

632 -- Federal (Dept. of Health & Human Services) 635-- State of MS Grants 633-- Federal (Nat'l Sci. Foundation)

636-- Local/Private Foundations (advances)

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The Division of Information and Process Management (IPM) supports and enhances the academic and administrative activities of Jackson State University. To fulfill its mission, IPM provides computing, information processing, and communications resources to satisfy the needs of students, faculty and staff. IPM also offers comprehensive support services to help university constituents use technology efficiently, effectively and creatively. IPM actively seeks input from its customers, attempts to understand their needs and challenges, and works with them to implement appropriate solutions. In its leadership role, IPM is committed to creating and nurturing the vital information technology environment required for Jackson State University to achieve its vision of excellence in teaching, prominence in research, and success in revitalizing and redeveloping the community it serves. A notable change for FY 2010 – 2011 was the expansion of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning to include Institutional Effectiveness.








Three online degree programs are available at JSU: B.A. in Childcare and Family Education, B.S. in Professional Interdisciplinary Studies and MBA. The IPM units have worked with academic units at JSU, Education Online Services (EOS), and the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC) to develop, implement and provide support for these new programs. In the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the admission process has been further automated. For admission to the Fall 2010 through Summer 2011 semesters, 12,995 applications (80 percent of all applications) were submitted via the web. Approximately 35,000 communications documents have been sent to applicants by regular and electronic mail regarding admissions status and/or requesting additional information. The Office of Financial Aid processed 21,588 applications and made 9,645 awards totaling more than $127.5 million for academic year 2010 – 2011. Jackson State has a new 3,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art data center located in the basement of the newly constructed Johnson Hall Annex Building. Within this facility, the IT unit has designed and implemented a private cloud infrastructure that can accommodate

more than 100 virtual servers running on 26 physical servers, and a Storage Area Network (SAN) infrastructure that can grow to meet future storage needs. s

The campus backbone network bandwidth has been increased from 1 gigabit per second to 10 gigabits per second. The increased bandwidth will provide faster network access to all users but, in particular, will allow JSU faculty, students, and staff to engage in high performance-computing (HPC) projects with researchers at other universities.


Through a cooperative arrangement with Mississippi State University, the University of Mississippi, and the University of Southern Mississippi, JSU is connected to the Internet2 advanced, high-speed University and research network.


Jackson State University was part of the SACS class of 2011. To facilitate the SACS off-site visit, ISI worked with the JSU SACS teams to develop the JSU SACS website. The entire website was also copied to a CD and submitted with the Compliance Certificate Report. Most noteworthy was the fact that the University was found to be in compliance with all core requirements.









In cooperation with the Department of Facilities and Construction Management, IPM procured and installed 135 security cameras and access control hardware and software for 48 campus buildings (two electronic locks per building).

Vision for the future s

Transition enrollment management units to Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

As a result of an expanded agreement with Blackboard, Inc., faculty and students have access to the newest innovations in online teaching and learning. The expanded agreement provides access to a set of social learning and teaching tools including mobile applications, collaborative documents and integrated Web 2.0 technologies. Transition to the Learn platform provides an online instructional solution comprised of hosting services, maintenance, technical support and training for Blackboard Learn 9.1. The solution further provides 24/7/365 proactive monitoring and support for up to 8,000 active users with a 99.8 percent guaranteed availability of the courseware to the JSU online community throughout the world.


Establish Identity Management and Access Control Center


Continue process improvement

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The Office of Research & Federal Relations at Jackson State University is the conduit for the university’s interaction with the world. It shares the achievements of the university family and the expertise of the University scholars with the community. It also creates, promotes, and supports a research environment at the university by providing faculty, staff, and students with assistance and support in identifying and securing externally funded grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The office coordinates with the president’s office to acquire financial resources for turnkey infrastructure development for the University-built environment. Administrative oversight includes sponsored programs administration, major research centers and programs, Title III administration, federal congressional initiatives, and R&D strategic initiatives.

Accomplishments Jackson State University brought in more than $57 million ranking it as the No. 1 HBCU in research and development expenditures according to the National Science Foundation Report.


The Office of Research and Federal Relations funded and provided leadership for the university’s $5.4 million JSU Transportation Mobility Center, which is home to the campus’ fleet of vehicles.




JSU opened Gallery One, the first business to open at the JSU-initiated real estate development at One University Place. The gallery displays work by local and national artists and pieces from JSU’s permanent collection. The COFO Museum Initiative has revived the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) headquarters near the Lynch Street campus. The new center is now used as a civil rights education center. The center raised the profile of the COFO building when it hosted a historical marker unveiling in 2010. The marker was secured through the Mississippi Department of Archives. A partnership with Entergy Mississippi, Inc., resulted in JSU becoming home to the first of three electric vehicle charging stations the

company donated to Mississippi universities. The station provides a service and research opportunities for the students at the university. Negotiated and consummated research and education MOUs with universities and private corporations for collaborative efforts that have resulted in eight pending proposals, five funded proposals and two ongoing negotiations. Provided team collaboration on the following: s

Initiated major research and education initiative with Lockheed Martin, Inc. resulting in three active research projects and other pending initiatives.


Worked with the Mississippi Research Consortium (MRC) to implement Southeast Region Research Initiative’s (SERRI) $26 million to assist local and state leaders in developing the tools and methods required to anticipate and forestall terrorist events and to enhance disaster response and recovery.


Gulf State Research Consortium Proposal on the BP spill- $22.5 million.


Negotiated and licensed a university held patent to a private company




Accomplishments and submitted three patent applications to USPO.






Along with the Department of Civil Engineering, secured a major research grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to develop innovative techniques for levee strengthening during hurricanes. With a $450,000 project, JSU researchers are testing levee strengthening techniques needed to stand up to unsteady overtopping due to waves or waves combined with storm surges – such as those caused by Hurricane Katrina. The project is the second phase of JSU’s $1 million Department of Homeland Security-funded study of levee strengthening under full-scale overtopping conditions. Facilitated a grant award from the U.S. Department of Defense of more than $517,000 for the Department of Computer Engineering to test unmanned aircraft. The project will enable JSU researchers to build a simulator to test small, unmanned aircraft that are used for reconnaissance. The project will allow the aircraft to be tested under all flight conditions in the laboratory. Secured a $2.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for a five-year project dedicated to the education of chemistry and biology students leading to doctoral degrees.

Vision for the future

Although the recession and the subsequent reduction of federal earmarks and federal/state agencies funding have negatively impacted the university’s research funding portfolio, the Office of Federal Relations will find new ways to sustain its growing research enterprise. s

Administration officials will increase contact with program officials and foundations, build strategic alliances and collaborations and consider the realignment of current major research centers for enhanced synergies.


A new five-year strategic plan will continue to build upon the existing strengths of the university and create new opportunities.


The office will stay focused on advancing academic excellence through maintaining a strong research intellectual capital and infrastructure base that supports and undergirds teaching, scholarship and service.


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Overview The Office of Student Life serves as a student-centered and technologically infused office, promoting learning communities that foster a safe, respectful and healthy environment for all of constituents. OSL supports services, programs and initiatives to foster student development under a Vice President, two strategic classifications along with 14 departments and the assistance of approximately 105 staff members. OSL is funded through the University’s general fund, auxiliaries, Title III and other grant funds and operates with a collective budget of approximately $15 million. OSL is the only campus entity that is charged to provide services to the entire student body, support administrative efforts, collaborate with academic and non-academic departments and actively involve external stakeholders to support the University’s best efforts.







With an average of 400 students participating in community service projects every day, Jackson State University received the 2010 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll by the National and Community Service and the 2010 Carnegie Foundation Community Engagement Classification. Students participate in some 53 service learning courses. Office of Student Life activities received increased participation the year. OSL events include but were not limited to: Black College Day, Constitution Day, Membership Intake Process (MIP), Graduate School Fair, Teacher Recruitment Day, Career Fair, UPHAT Program, Latina American Heritage Celebration, and the Cinco de Mayo Program.


More than $314,000 in funding from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Rural Health Outreach Special Initiative will help ensure the Latasha Norman Counseling and Psychological Center is prepared to help the student body with mental health needs.


A $5,000 grant from Learn & Service at the University of Southern Mississippi to the Center for Service and Community Engaged Learning will help to support faculty in integrating service learning into the curriculum.


The Jackson State University Student Government Association won the Best Student Organization award during the inaugural 2011 Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) Awards ceremony held March 18 in the Alumni-Foundation Event Center on the campus of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. The awards program was sponsored by The Center for HBCU Media Advocacy, Inc., and featured winners in 15 categories as well as a special recognition.


Cornel West, a professor in the Center for African American Studies at Princeton University, visited the campus in February, speaking to

The newly established Parent Program allows parents to connect with the university and their children, and involves them in a number of activities including Welcome Week activities and Homecoming. The program even facilitates the delivery of care packages to students. In its first year, more than 521 parents participated.

The awards and implementation of grants and subcontracts help the office to advance many of its goals. s

will help inform Jackson State students about HIV/AIDS prevention.

A $25,000 grant from the Advocate for Youth Office of Minority Health


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hundreds of students in the Lee E. Williams Athletics and Assembly Center. West, the author of the best-selling book, hRace Matters,” and co-host of Public Radio International’s “Smiley and West” also aired his program live from the Mississippi e-Center@JSU. Guests for the program included Mississippi native Morgan Freeman and Charles Evers, brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers. Also joining the program from New York was Myrlie Evers Williams, activist and widow of Medgar Evers. The Office of Student Life’s Strategic Plan resulted in the following initiatives, which will guide the office through 2015: s

Cultivate a climate in which civic engagement is the impetus for developing students who can compete technologically and globally.


Create a culture of institutional diversity that permeates programming to provide a clearinghouse and liaison services that are inclusive of students regardless of housing status, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, etc.


Utilize and train students to serve as leaders within the University’s internal and external communities.


Brand the Office of Student Life through improved communication with all stakeholders.

Vision for the future The Office of Student Life aims to continue providing students with important support services, which will make their college experience a more well-rounded and rewarding one. Some goals for the next year include: s

Recruit and retain a more diverse faculty, staff and administration, particularly those who are advocates for a high-performing service environment to increase service learning in the curriculum.


Promote meaningful studentfaculty interaction in and out of the classroom.


Identify and market distinctive programs to improve the quality of student development and retention at the University.


Improve production, content and quality of student publications via print and online. Maintain advertising revenue, increase the number of local advertising contacts and use advertising funds to supplement newspaper and magazine operations. Incorporate social media as part of information dissemination.


Continue to provide programs on domestic violence and roommate conflicts.


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Jackson State University, founded in 1877, is a historically black, high research activity university located in Jackson, the capital city of the state of Mississippi. Jackson State’s nurturing academic environment challenges individuals to change lives through teaching, research and service. Officially designated as Mississippi’s Urban University, Jackson State continues to enhance the state, nation and world through comprehensive economic development, health-care, technological and educational initiatives. The only public university in the Jackson metropolitan area, Jackson State is located near downtown, with three satellite campuses throughout the city. For more information, visit www.jsums.edu.


Jackson State University: Challenging Minds, Changing Lives



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