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Year 29 • issue 12
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FRIDAY • June 14 • 2019
Mackenzie Hayley of St. Joseph High School captured two Cappies Awards at the annual Cappies Gala held at the National Arts Centre on Sunday (June 9). Hayley was involved in almost every aspect of the St. Joseph Cappies play, Murder’s in the Heir, which was staged at the school in April. For more photos from the event, see the Barrhaven Independent Facebook page. Mike Carroccetto photo
Garden Centre nOW OPen!! 3777 Strandherd Drive 613-843-9413 Our Easter Egg Hunt Contest is now on!
Page 2 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
The IndependentNEWS
Mother of autistic child pleads guilty to threatening, harassing MPP MacLeod By Charlie Senack It was early February when Lisa MacLeod, Nepean MPP and Minister of Community and Social services, started getting threatening phone calls and emails from a constituent who was frustrated with the provincial government’s changes to Ontario’s autism plan. As dozens of protesters were picketing outside of the Nepean MPP’s office located on Fallowfield Rd, Rebecca Reid was busy sending one email after another, threatening MacLeod and her life. “You’d better have bodyguards and home security for the rest of your life. Because if I can get to you, I won’t be able to stop myself,” Reid said in one of her first emails. “You have single handedly destroyed my life and my son’s life,” the mother who relies heavily on government assistance wrote just two days later. “I’ll be honest. I think you should pay for this with your life.” Threats like that forced the minister to be protected by members of the Ontario Provincial Police as she was attending events like National Women’s Day at City Hall on March 8. But the threats continued, even after police
paid Reid a visit on Feb. 14, where they asked the mom of an autistic fouryear-old son to stop. Between then and when she was charged in early March, Reid sent over 100 emails to MacLeod’s office. The 41-year-old woman was formally charged with harassing and threatening the minister in early March, and made multiple court appearances before pleading guilty on June 5. Assistant Crown Attorney Meaghan Cunningham gave the court a stack of copies of all the emails Reid sent MacLeod, along with recordings of the voice mails. The crown said Reid appears to be in a state of “high emotional distress”, and used examples of how she called MacLeod “vulgar names” and screamed “at the top of her lungs” during several voicemails placed to the MPP’s office on Feb 14. As a result, police issued a wellness check, and showed up at Reid’s door to check on her well being as well as her fouryear-old son. But that just made things worse. “The police broke down my door last night, cuffed me, took me to the hospital assuming my anger at you must be due to mental ill-
ness. It’s not,” Reid wrote soon after. “I’m going to need psychiatric care because of the trauma from this ordeal. Three police SUVs and approximately six officers camped outside my house while I was too afraid to open up the door … I have the right to protest and speak my mind without being harassed and brutalized by the police … Is this how you treat everyone who points out the social destruction you’re wrecking?” The emails continued to get more lengthy, and more vulgar. “If your death predates mine, I will make a special trip to your headstone to p— and s— on your grave,” Reid said on Feb. 21. “It takes every ounce of my self-control not to attack Lisa with a baseball bat,” she said in another. “I want to sooo badly. I want to crush her cervical spine.” The emails went on to ask MacLeod to “kill herself” and “just die”, with others saying “I want someone to slit your throat.” MacLeod was not in court for when Reid pleaded guilty. The 41-year-old mom is expected to appear in court later this month for a sentencing hearing.
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The IndependentNEWS
FRIDAY, June 14, 2019 Page 3
Ont. Lieutenant Governor visits Barrhaven, Chapman Mills Conservation area By Charlie Senack As the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario tours parts of Eastern Ontario, she made stops in Manotick and Barrhaven to learn about work the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is doing, as well as taking a tour of the Chapman Mills Conservation Area and Watson’s Mill. On Friday May 31, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell started her day off at the RVCA Headquarters located at 3889 Rideau Valley Drive, where she was given an introduction about the organization, and had the chance to speak with local landowners, staff and volunteers to learn about our the RVCA’s programs. “She was able to look at bugs under a microscope and learn how we monitor watershed health (and) some of the trends we are seeing,” said Sommer Casgrain-Robertson, chair of the RVCA. “She spoke to some landowners who have participated in our stewardship programs, including farmers who have taken part in our tree planting
programs and our clean water grant programs,” she added. Another topic discussed was the record floods Ottawa has been tackling for the last month. Dowdeswell had the chance to tour flood affected areas in Clarence Rockland and Constance Bay the day before, and was able to learn about why the flooding occurred and how to prevent it. “I’m so conscious of the flooding issues and how quickly some of this happens,” she said. “I get the feeling that people feel this year the water has been really slow to recede.” The Rideau Conservation Authority has been closely monitoring the water levels, and terminated flood warnings for areas along the Ottawa River on the same day as Dowdeswell’s visit. The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario then made her way over to the Chapman Mills Conservation Area in Barrhaven — one of 11 conservation areas in Eastern Ontario which the RCVA operates and manages. There she was able to
RVCA Conservation Lands Technician Megan Dunster, discusses the role of the RVCA at Chapman Mills Conservation Area with Ontario Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell. Charlie Senack photo
visit the newly built platform along the Rideau River, and was able to learn about the new accessible dock which is slated to be built soon to make it easier for people to fish and launch canoes and kayaks.
Dowdeswell also had the chance to see a stewardship project the Conservation Authority has started, in an effort to help prevent erosion along the shorelines. “On the Rideau system there is a lot of boat traffic
Achieving results for all Canadians and residents of Nepean Since taking office, our government has fulfilled many of its promises: • Passed the Middle Class Tax Cut to bring relief to more than 9 million Canadians. • Introduced the Canada Child Benefit • Simplified the Canada Student Loans • Repealed unfair provisions of Bill C-24 in the Citizenship Act • Strengthened the Canada Pension Plan • Invested $2.97 billion in public transit infrastructure in Ontario
In addition... • Created 77,000 jobs across the country, including over 200 in Nepean through the Canada Summer Jobs program. Our riding received $673,000 in funding! • Created the MP Chandra Arya Outstanding Achievement award and gave Kindle e-readers and $500 cash awards to graduating students at 23 elementary, middle and high schools in Nepean. • Consulted constituents on key issues such as Budget 2016, Climate Change and Electoral Reform. We are planning several more town halls as well.
Chandra Arya Member of Parliament - Nepean
Constituency Office 240 Kennevale Drive Unit 201A Nepean, ON K2J 6B6 (613) 825-5005 @ChandraNepean
and erosion is always an issue for any water front property,” said CasgrainRobertson. “We are always prompting people to keep a
nice healthy and vegetated buffer along their shoreline because those deep root systems do wonders for holding back soil.”
Page 4 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
The IndependentCOMMUNITY Extra security measures to keep Canada Day in Barrhaven fun, safe
I cannot believe how active all our Barrhaven schools are! Of course, it is the end of the school year and with that comes graduation and a plethora of activities...sports to fun days! Barrhaven’s 26 schools are humming. We are proud of all the Cappie awards our secondary school drama students are nominated for. We are proud of all our students competing at the OSSA sports competition. Our junior students show pride in their schools competing too. What a great place Barrhaven is. Now that summer is finally here it’s time to hit the patios at our many restaurants. Get out and support our great community. Be proud to call Barrhaven home! Canada Day in Barrhaven If you have attended in the past or plan to attend this year, the volunteers that put on this Canada Day celebration in Barrhaven really need your help. With the added security in place this year, the costs have risen astronomically. This event has been and continues to be volunteer-run and not for profit. Please help keep this celebration in our backyard with a small donation. Please see message from the organizers:
BARRHAVEN by Jan Harder
New security measures in place: In view of a number of incidents that occurred last year at our Mattamy Homes Canada Day in Barrhaven we have had to incorporate a number of security measures to ensure the safety of everyone attending this wonderful family event celebrating the birthday of this great country. After a number of security meetings with police and private security it has been decided that commencing this year, we will be putting a fence around our event and require everyone attending to go through one of the two entrances and submit to a bag check. You will also notice a substantial increase in security personnel. It has always been the intent of the volunteers that run Canada Day in Barrhaven to provide a fun, safe and alcohol-free environment to celebrate Canada’s Birthday, however due to a few bad apples these new, very costly, security measures
are the new reality. We would like to ask everyone that wants to see this event continue in our community to help support the costs of these upgrades even if it’s just a five-dollar donation. You can donate on our Go Fund Me page. https://www.
Canada Day Family Pancake Breakfast
Family breakfast tickets $5.00 per person. Pancakes, Sausages, Coffee and Orange Juice will be available! At Clarke Fields 8-9:30 a.m. To purchase your tickets to the Canada Day Family Pancake Breakfast, please visit If you have any questions, please visit the Facebook page.
Mayor’s Annual Canada Day Celebration for Seniors
Tickets are now available for the Mayor’s Canada Day Celebration for Seniors, which will take place on Monday, July 1 from 8 to 10:30 am in the Aberdeen Pavilion at Lansdowne Park. The sponsored event with Mayor Jim Watson includes breakfast, served until
10 am, as well as door prizes and live entertainment. Please note there is no reserved seating, and tickets are required for entry and to claim door prizes. Free tickets are available by calling the City of Ottawa at 613-580-2424, ext. 21245, or by emailing . Tickets are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while quantities last, with a limit of two tickets per person. We also have a few tickets left at our ward office. Please call 613-580-2473.
You Have the Power to Give Life: Upcoming Blood Donor Clinic
Mobile Donor Centre at the Ottawa Torah Centre Chabad at 111 Lamplighters Drive on Monday, June 17th, 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Are You a Caregiver of a Person with Mental Illness?
On Monday, June 17th, 7 p.m., The Oasis in Kanata presents guest speaker Sam Kabbara, a System Navigator with the Canadian Mental Health Association, who will provide information on how caregivers may navigate the mental health system to locate resources to
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Students at Half Moon Bay had a busy week getting their hands dirty and playing with nature. For a few weeks now some of the students have planted seedlings, and were finally able to transfer their creations into dirt. It was the first lesson in their plant biology class. “It was so cool to check the progress of their seeds and watch as they turn from tiny seeds to plants with roots and a stem,” said teacher Badra Menuwarage, who led the lesson. Some of the grade six students had the opportunity to visit Carleton University where they had the opportunity to swim, play soccer, football, ultimate, and so much more. Teacher Mr. Adel said he enjoyed seeing lots of the students show courage when they jumped off of the platform, and appreciated the healthy option meals and hospitality that was shown. The Kindergarten students
continues on page 5
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Lots of Work Happening Inside and Outside of the Classroom
have also been busy preparing a secret project in Michelle Kitcher’s class. They have also been taking care of caterpillars, watching them develop into butterflies. The grade two students in Mme Bailey’s class has the opportunity to visit the Baxter Conservation Area. She said the highlight for the students was catching frogs. The school also had multiple new trees dropped off in the schoolyard that were provided through a grant from the City of Ottawa. Grade one students in Mrs. Macdonald’s class had the opportunity to plan out where the trees would be placed, and were then able to watch their plan be put in action. Finally, the students in the schools Me to We club prepared the final three boxes for the Northern Birthday Box Project. Students had the opportunity to fill up boxes with party supplies, cake mixes and a few toys, which will be sent up to kids in the North for their birthdays. All of this ended off with a family fun night that was held on Thursday, May 6th.
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FRIDAY, June 14, 2019 Page 5
The IndependentCOMMUNITY
barrhaven continues from page 4 A Look to the Past
On Monday, June 3rd, two students from Rebecca Chambers’ class at John McCrae held a successful film premiere. It was held at VIVA Retirement where the Jillian Leck, grade 11, and Rachel Vavel, grade 12, have been doing their placement for the past semester. They started off their placement by creating a map showing where all the residents were from, as an effort to strengthen the friendships and relationships the seniors have with one another. That’s when they decided to take it a step further, and decided to create a documentary about the seniors lives. It featured stories about relationships, the Great Depression, the Korean War, and growing up in small rural countries. The theatre at VIVA Retirement was packed, with not a dry eye in the room. After the premiere, both Rachel and Jillian said they were proud if what they accomplished, and said they both learned many life lessons. “I think it went really good (and) I was really impressed with how many people showed up,” said Jillian. “The whole thing I really enjoyed and I’m sad that I’m not going to be as much involved with them anymore.” “I think it was really powerful and the residents enjoyed hearing about other people’s stories,” said Rachel. “Learning about all the different people and building that relationship with them (the residents) was probably my favourite part.” The documentary has been posted to YouTube for anyone to view.
What is the Perfect Date?
The following writeup has been provided by Sam Pomerant, a grade 12 student at Longfields Davidson Heights High School. For six days in June, he will be performing for the first time his one-man show during Ottawa’s Fringe Festival. “What is the perfect date? This is the question I have every time I meet a girl who catches my eye. I am Sam Pomerant, a local artist, comedian, and self-proclaimed Zac Efron lookalike. For the past 4 years, I have been deeply involved in the local Ottawa theatre community, and in the coming weeks, I will be starring in my first selfproduced one-man show, Perfect Date. As a student at Longfields Davidson Heights, I have been a focal point of the school’s drama department. In 4 years, I have acted in 5 productions, includ-
ing a 2018 Cappie nominated shows many factions of myself. I performance in Bully Collection. am so excited to get this show up More recently, I have directed running and be a part of such an and written a full two-act play, incredible theatre festival. Perfect Date is being perThe Grind, which premiered in the fall of 2018. In all my work formed at ODD Box in the Arts at the school, I have had an acute Court June 13th, 15th, 16th, focus on the concept of relation- 19th, 20th, 22nd tickets can be ship, or more accurately my lack purchased at https://ottawafof them. I have spent hours find- ing humor in modern-day courtship (aka. The Hunt for a Lady). GOOD TO KNOW Outside of the school, I’ve acted Take Me Out to the Ball in four community theatre pro- game...Free Champions tickets! ductions, including a starring We have free Champions role in the WWI drama Shatter, tickets to give away. Limited performed at the Kanata Theatre. number. Please email or call our I also have found the time to per- office to reserve them. form stand-up comedy on several occasions at Yul Yuks comedy Volunteers Needed club. Furthermore, I worked with Volunteers are the backbone the Odyssey Theatre Company of many community events and both as an apprentice and later as organizations. There is always their Box Office Manager. a need for volunteers. For stuLast year was my first experi- dents looking to get their volunence at the Ottawa Fringe Festi- teer hours in, summer is a perfect val. I acted as both an understudy time to start. Below is a short list and stage manager for the Third of organizations that are always Wall Theatre production of Start looking for some help. Swimming. With that experiVolunteer opportunence, I was able to witness the ities with the City of Otmagic of Fringe. This festival is tawa an incredible platform of artis- search?searchfield=volunteer tic risk and freedom. Artists are Half Moon Bay Community given a place to express in the Association, President, info@ more pure way possible, with no oversight from non-artist. It’s an East Barrhaven community opportunity to express the tru- Association eastbarrhavenca@ est version of yourself on stage, and I immediately I knew that I Stonebridge Community Asneeded to be a part of this incred- sociation, president@stonebridible festival. Flash forward to this year, West Barrhaven Community and I am the writer-director-pro- Association, johns@barrhavenducer-star-hype man for Perfect Date. For this show, I thought Canada Day in Barrhaven I’d spend a full hour really div- needs volunteers: ing deep into my issues with re lationships. Using a combination volunteer-for-2019-mattamyof stand-up comedy and story- homes-canada-day-in-barrhaven Home Care For Seniors telling I explore my dating past Summer festival volunteer: Personalized reliable services by mature caregivers giving assistance at to maybe myordating home, discover in a retirement nursingfuhome or in Ottawa hospital Dragon Boat Festival ture (I’ve got myLiving fingers crossed Volunteer Girl Guide Leader •Daily Assistance •Meal Preparation •House Cleaning that it quickly becomes my dat- - •Laundry Nepean •Companionship •Respite Care ing present). This show is my Volunteers needed: Calltoforhave a complimentary/no obligation visit! first opportunity a comDiabetes Canada-Nepean ~Reasonable Rates ~ Locally Owned pletely honest production that Search for Volunteer Oppor-
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Strandherd Drive Widening Project
In preparation for the upcoming work, temporary traffic signals are being installed at the Strandherd/Kennevale intersection and at the Strandherd/Borrisokane intersection. The temporary traffic signal work is ongoing and will be completed in July. To stay informed about the Strandherd Widening Project, visit the City website at public-engagement/projects/ strandherd-drive-wideningmaravista-drive-jockvale-road and sign up for the e-newsletter!
Clarity Park Update
The public consultation has completed, and is now in the construction drawings phase. The developer is still constructing the subdivision in the immediate vicinity, and still has some obligations on the park site itself before the City can take it over and begin the park construction, so some of the timing may be delayed a bit. The likely scenario is for construction this fall, and may have to finish up in the spring of 2020.
Ottawa Farmers’ Market: Barrhaven
Now open from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Nepean Woods Park & Ride at Strandherd & Crestway Dr. Every Sunday until October 13th. For more info:
Discover Synchronized Swimming with Nepean
For boys and girls ages 5 - 16 who are looking for an active water sport this summer of fall season, check out Nepean Artistic Synchronized Swimming! We also offer Masters sessions for adults as well as 1-on-1 class programs for Athletes With Disabilities. See the nepeansynchro. com for more information.
Lyme Disease
We have a *very* limited number of Lyme Disease information sheets with tick removal key. Please send an email or drop by our ward office Monday to Friday 8 a. m. - 4 p.m. to pick up a free kit. Please visit for more information.
New Interactive Map for Construction in Ottawa
A new interactive map on now provides details of ongoing and planned construction projects by the City of Ottawa, including contact information and timelines. In an average year, the City of Ottawa delivers approximately 500 infrastructure construction projects valued at approximately
$500 million. These renewal and growth projects are an investment in our community. They deliver improvement and maintenance of infrastructure assets such as roads, bridges, buildings, parks, water mains, sewers, pumping stations, as well as the water purification and wastewater treatment plants. The first phase of this tool will focus on forecasting timelines for capital construction projects. As part of continuous improvement, the interactive map will be evaluated and assessed. Staff will explore adding additional data including the state of city assets. Below are instructions to find details on a project: 1. To move to different areas on the map, click and drag on the map to scroll 2. To zoom in and out, scroll on your mouse or use the arrows in the top left-hand corner 3. For project details, click on the highlighted road or facility you would like to learn more about OR search for a specific road using the ‘search bar’ 4. To highlight the ward boundaries or to turn on/off different settings, click
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Page 6 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
A TV commercial that hits home The last thing we expected to be talking about after we watched the Toronto Raptors game Monday night was a television commercial. But that’s exactly what happened. The commercial featured a girl training for and playing soccer. She was portrayed as a warrior. She played through pain, and even a concussion. At the end of the commercial, she collapsed. The commercial was inspired by the death of Barrhaven teenager Rowan Stringer, who died six years ago after suffering a concussion in a girls’ rugby match between the John McCrae Secondary School and St. Joseph Catholic High School in Barrhaven. Gordon Stringer, Rowan’s father, commented on Facebook that he found the commercial difficult to watch. Yet, it makes its point. The Stringer family worked hard to help educate student-athletes about the dangers of playing through concussions. Rowan had suffered a concussion less than a week before suffering a second concussion, which would turn out to be fatal. The commercial had a huge impact on those who saw it. Gordon added that as tough as it was to watch, it is needed. The Stringer family went through an extensive inquiry into their daughter’s death the following year. Their world was a world of what-ifs. They had to sit there and pour through hundreds of different scenarios in which Rowan could have been held out of that game that claimed her life. Most haunting was the testimony from one of her friends, who basically said that the only way she wouldn’t be playing in that big rivalry game was if she died. Nepean MPP Lisa MacLeod got the wheels in motion to create Rowan’s Law. MacLeod was an Opposition MPP at that time, and she had the support of Liberal MPP John Fraser and NDP MPP Catherine Fife to push it through. As divisive and polarizing as provincial politics has been over the last decade, it’s nice to see that the parties can come together and even support an Opposition Private Member’s Bill when the cause is right. A lot of the work done by MacLeod and the Stringers has led to the creation of this commercial, which many of you may have seen playing at the Barrhaven Cineplex before it aired during the Raptors game. Starting next month, athletes, parents, coaches and officials will be required to review concussion awareness resources and a concussion code of conduct that sets out rules of behaviour to minimize concussions while playing sports. Concussions will always be a part of sports, and they will always be a part of life. Thankfully, it is because of awareness campaigns like this one that we are understanding the seriousness of a concussion, and learning the proper steps to ensure the safety of our children.
P.O. Box 567 Manotick, Ontario Tel: 613-692-6000
The Barrhaven Independent is published by Manotick Messenger Inc. biweekly at P.O. Box 567 in Manotick, Ontario. The Barrhaven Independent is not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts, photos, or other material used for publication purposes. Letters will be edited for length, clarity and libellous statements. Display, National and Classified rates are available on request.
Publisher: Jeff Morris Managing Editor: Jeff Morris Advertising and Marketing: Gary Coulombe Photographer: Mike Carroccetto
Phone: 613-692-6000 email: Advertising: Editor: News/sports:
DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING IS FRIDAY AT 4PM All layouts and composition of advertisements produced by employees of Manotick Messenger Inc. are protected by copyright invested in the publishers of the Barrhaven Independent.
Thinking of Uncle Pete on D-Day anniversary With the 75th anniversary of D-Day this Canadians having super human vision spread week, my thoughts have been drifting to Uncle throughout the German military. Had they inPete. He passed away over the winter at his home vented radar before the Allies had, it would have in Ste-Agathe, QC. He was the last living sur- been a completely different outcome.” vivor of the war to end all wars in his communThe Allies used the same kind of deception as ity, and had become a symbol of Canada’s heroic they planned D-Day. Its code name was Operpast throughout the small communities in the ation Neptune, and it took a year of planning. The Laurentians. Allies had used a series of deception manoeuvres It hasn’t quite been 10 to confuse the Germans as to years since we had a long talk when and where the invasion FROM THE would take place. That was about the Normandy Invasion and what he remembered called Operation Bodyguard, about it. I pulled out my noteand it was effective in misbook and took notes – how leading the Germans as to many times in your life will when and where the landings one of the most important figwould take place. by Jeff Morris ures of your childhood give “The original invasion was you a first-hand, eye-witness planned for two days earlier,” account of one of the most Uncle Pete said. “We were significant moments in human history. ready to go, but there was a bad storm that day Peter Leclerc was a man who always held on and the water was two choppy for us to be able to to his youth, even when he was in his 80s and 90s. navigate the boats to the beach.” But as a youth, he couldn’t wait to become a man. The date had been carefully selected around During the depression, he was able to land a full the tide and a full moon. Many ground troops time job as a boy. He quit school and went to work. were parachuted into the area the night before “I didn’t tell my parents at first,” he said. the invasion. The date was moved to June 6th. “They thought I was going to school every day, Uncle Pete was on the ship that shuttled solbut I was going to work. When they found out, diers to Juno Beach, one of six beaches used in they weren’t happy.” the Normandy Invasion. With one million Allied When the war came around, Uncle Pete did Forces troops taking part, it was the largest seawhat many teenagers throughout Canada did. He borne invasion in history. lied about his age and enlisted. He was a weathAs Uncle Pete talked about it, his always ered military veteran in the Navy by the time positive, upbeat and even playful tone turned D-Day came along, yet he was still not technic- sombre. ally old enough to be serving for the Canadian “We knew we were taking these men to their military. deaths,” Uncle Pete said. “We would have a load Uncle Pete worked on a corvette, which was of soldiers, and when we got close enough to an anti-submarine convoy escort. The Royal the shore, we would open the hatch and out they Navy used flower-class corvettes to counter the would go. I couldn’t see what was going outside, threats posed in the Atlantic by the Kriegsmarine but I could hear it. A lot of the men were shot and U Boats of Nazi Germany. Uncle Pete went back killed within seconds of leaving the ship. When and forth from North America to Great Britain the last soldier left, we would turn around to get across the Atlantic and throughout the Northeast another boat full of soldiers.” Atlantic. As for Uncle Pete, he would eventually come “It was a real cat and mouse game with the home from the war with an education he could Germans, and we always felt the threat of a po- never have received in a classroom. He would tential attack,” Uncle Pete told me. become one of the top engineers in Montreal, The difference that gave the Canadians the and was able to speak five languages fluently. edge was radar. “In many countries, young people have two “We had radar before they did,” he said. “Our years of mandatory military service and then go technology was a little bit ahead of them, and it onto college or university,” he said. “I think that enabled us to see when they were coming and would be great for Canada. It would give young manoeuvre away from them or hide.” people a sense of what Canada is, and it would The Germans could not figure out why they prepare them to have a better and more productcould never seem to get a good read on the Can- ive life.” adian ships. Uncle Pete said the Canadians used As we mark the anniversary of D-Day, my deception and misinformation to further confuse thoughts are with Uncle Pete. He is a true hero the Nazis. in every sense of the word. I hope when he de“We had planted an explanation that the Can- parted our world he was able to reunite with the adians had incredible eye sight because we ate many friends and loved ones he lost throughout a lot of carrots,” he said. “This rumour about his incredible life.
Letters to the Editor welcome – email to
FRIDAY, June 14, 2019 Page 7
The IndependentCOMMUNITY
Placement of portables to compromise sports field, track at John McCrae By Charlie Senack
The fight to save John McCrae’s track and sports field has been lost, members of the school’s parent council say. To meet the increasing number of students, the school board announced last week that they would need to install four portable classrooms on a section of the schools track and sports field, moving the end zone six metres, and shortening the track from a regulation 400 metres to only 350 metres. This caused an uproar from concerned students, parents and teachers, which also sparked the attention of many local sports groups including the Ottawa Redblacks and the Ottawa Rugby Club. But despite their pushback, portables will still be installed on the field, but with some minor changes. “We have examined enrolment projections, usage rates, and timetabling options to ensure that we are opti-
mizing the use of all learning spaces,” the school said in an email to parents on June 7. “We have also reconsidered the alternate locations for the portables that have been suggested by the community. Unfortunately, none of these options can be implemented with certainty for September 2019.” The email went on to say that they were able to reduce the number of portables from four to three, and will be proceeding with the installation in time for the September school year. That means the track will have to now be shortened from 400m to 360m, and the end zones will be narrowed. The school also says that they will be initiating a study in the fall to examine how to better accommodate the growing number of students, which will rise from 1330, to 1360 next year. They will also be ensuring that all portables will be used as class space, which came after students said one of the existing portables was being used as sporting equipment
storage. Members of the school’s parent council took to Twitter after the decision was made to share their discontent with the decision. “The population projections and associated strain on JMSS has been known for a number of years yet there was never once any type of school council or community consultation,” they said in a twitter post. “We do not have confirmation that the 12 additional portables that our projections will require will not go on the field. Once the infrastructure is in place for the three this year (curbs, sidewalks, land prep) it would render any other possible location financially unviable.” It’s also a situation the students aren’t happy about. Grace Catton, grade 10, uses the sports field, and started a petition to try and sway the school board in another direction. The petition garnered over 1,000 signatures of support, but the board went ahead with its decision anyways.
“We heard rumours of the portable placement for a couple of weeks before hand,” the grade 10 student said. “It was kind of shocking for me (and) I didn’t believe it at first. It made me mad because I use that field and I use that space and it’s just really infuriating.” Catton has sent out an invitation to school board officials in an effort to get a sit
down meeting with them, but isn’t confident that it would take place. “What’s worse is they have made this major decision on behalf of the students claiming that its best for the school, but it’s not best for the school,” Catton added. “They are giving us vague excuses, they are not giving us other options that were considered, and we have received no re-
sponse from the school board as to why this was the only option.” This is a fight the schools parent council and students plan to continue to fight. They are not yet sure what their next plan of action will be, but say they will do everything they can to make sure more field space doesn’t have to be eliminated as the student population continues to grow.
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Page 8 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
Summer Camps
Summer camp options abound Summer camp is a beloved tradition in many families. Many parents of young children fondly recall spending their summers at summer camp, where they made lifelong friends and learned the finer points of roasting marshmallows and competing in threelegged sack races. Parents looking for the right summer camp for their kids will soon discover there are various types of summer camps, each offering youngsters something different. The following are some of the summer camp options parents can expect to encounter
as they search for the right campe for their kids. Day camp Day camps are not overnight camps, which means kids will return home each night rather than sleep over at camp. Day camps typically offer many of the activities people have come to associate with camps, including crafts, sports and even daytrips to experience local culture or attractions. Many day camps are co-ed, and counselors typically live within the community. Faith-based camp Faith-based camps offer many of the same
activities as more traditional summer camps, but do so while simultaneously offering campers the opportunity to celebrate and further explore their religious beliefs. Some faithbased camps may focus heavily on religion, incorporating faith into daily camp activities, while others may be more subtle with regard to integrating religious beliefs and lessons into camp activities. Sports camps Some summer camps focus on a particular sport, catering to young athletes who want to further develop their athletic talents. Sports
camps may or may not feature guest lectures and lessons from notable local athletes and coaches, with some even providing instruction from current and/or former professional athletes. Some sports camps are overnight, while others are day camps. Family camps Family camps are opportunities for the whole family to enjoy the summer camp experience. Family camps typically tailor their activities around tasks families can complete together, with counselors providing assistance when it’s needed. Family camps may be
faith-based or secular, and families typically stay overnight, sleeping in facilities on the campsite or in lodging away from home. Special needs camps Parents of children with special needs can still send their kids to summer camp, as there are many camps that cater to such youngsters. Special needs camps may cater to campers
who are blind, deaf, learning disabled, or mentally or physically disabled. Staff at special needs camps typically undergoes extensive training, which helps to calm some of the fears parents may have about leaving their special needs children at camp. Facilities at special needs camps are often built to accommodate the specific needs of campers.
FRIDAY, June 14, 2019 Page 9
Summer Camps
Begin planning kids’ summer recreation now Many families spend spring figuring out how to chase away cabin fever and endure cool temperatures until summer mercifully return. Parents thinking ahead to swimming pools and days lounging on the beach can put their daydreams to practical use by planning ahead for their youngsters’ summer vacations. Youth recreational programs and summer camps can bridge the gap in care between the end of school and the day when classes resume. Due in part to high demand, parents who want
to place their kids in summer rec programs or summer camps should being vetting such programs and camps well in advance of summer. The following are a handful of tips for moms and dads who want their kids to have fun and fulfilling summers. · Ask for recommendations. Speak with fellow parents and trusted friends about where they send their children. Personal recommendations can be very helpful, providing firsthand insight into a particular camp or program. Schedule appointments to visit
camps that fall within your budget. Take your son or daughter along so he or she can get a sense of what camp will be like. · Explore all options. Camps come in more flavors than ever before. Certain camps may be faith-based ministries while others may focus on particular sports. Band camps and art camps may appeal to creative kids. Also, there are plenty of generalinterest camps that offer various activities without narrowing in on any particular one. Parents may need to choose between a sleepaway camp or day
camps, depending on which camp experience they want for their children. · Inquire about camp schedules. While many camps are flexible, day camps do not have the same level of flexibility as after-school programs. Arrangements will need to be made if care is required after regular camp hours. Speak with camp staff to see which types of after-hours programs, if any, are available. · Determine your camp budget. As varied as program offerings may be, camps also can
vary greatly with regard to cost. Governmentrun camps may be less expensive than those offered by private companies. Day camps typically cost less than those that provide room and board. Find out if a particular organization subsidizes a portion of camp costs. Scouting programs often have a dedicated camp and may offer affordable options for scouts. Martial arts schools and dance centers frequently offer camp schedules. If camp seems out of reach, look into local summer recreation programs at parks or schools.
Such programs may not be as extensive as those offered by camps, but they can quell kids’ boredom and keep children occupied during the day. In addition to camp, remember to plan for some free days so children can just enjoy some downtime. Such days can break up the monotony of a routine and provide kids and families time to relax together. Summer recreation may be far off, but it is never too early to start making summer plans, including finding camps and other activities for kids.
Page 10 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
The IndependentCommunity
Ontario champs! A big congratulations to the Nepean Blue Devils U17 Juvenile Girls team for capturing first place at the first ever U17 Ontario Basketball Association Provincial Championship. The team played a solid tournament at the Toronto Pan Am Centre over the May 10-12 weekend. After losing their first game to the #1 ranked York North Avengers, the girls rallied to win the remaining games in their pool. The team’s victories earned them a place in a semifinal game, which they won to advance to the Championship - where they once again faced York North. The Nepean girls were motivated and put forth a strong effort. The score was close until some clutch shots and strong defense allowed the Blue Devils to pull ahead and maintain a lead in the later stages of the game. At the final buzzer, the team had earned a 53-41 victory. A special thanks to Abby D, Kelsey, Shannon, Emily, Selen, Jaimee, Madi, Abby E, Felicity, Marie-Soleil, Eliana, and Morgan for making it a very memorable season for all.
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The IndependentCOMMUNITY
FRIDAY, June 14, 2019 Page 11
Key Club BBQ Students from Longfields Davidson Heights Secondary School’s Key Club held a fundraising barbecue in the parking lot in front of Sobey’s on Saturday. The Key Club is an initiative of the Barrhaven-Riverside South Kiwanis Club to introduce students to volunteerism and to help them engage in the community. Sobey’s was a generous sponsor of the event. Jeff Morris photo
New Rideau Restaurant Enjoy fine dining in a beautiful setting on the Rideau River just north of Kemptville!
Special Father’s Day Buffet Brunch: 9 am - 3 pm Adults $30, Kids $15 Dinner: 4 pm - 9 pm Adults $40, Kids $20
Tuesday -Fish & Chips $15 Wednesday - Rack of Ribs $20 Thursday - Steak & Fries $15 e-mail: East Nepean Little League players Quinton De Sa, age 6, and brother Xavier, 4, get ready to serve up a refreshing beverage during Lemonade Standemonium fundraiser at the Eagles’ Nest on Longfields Dr., Saturday, June 1. The fun-filled fundraiser is where kids host lemonade stands in their neighbourhoods and help put the squeeze on cancer. Visit http:// for more info. Mike Carroccetto photo
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Page 12 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
The IndependentFOCUS ON YOUTH
Commerce is her future but music will always be her passion
Name: Jasmine Wong Age: 18
Address: Barrhaven School: Longfields Davidson Heights Grade: 12 Parents: Daniel and Phyllis Pet Peeves: “People eating with their mouths open, uneven hoodie strings, and very high pitched notes played by instruments.” Favourite Subjects: Music, Accounting What do I enjoy reading for pleasure: “Keeping Time: Readings in Jazz History by Robert Walser; some blogs, like; magazines about photography, like Photo Ed; and of course, National Geographic!”
by Phill Potter
ensemble who stood out with their hard work. My music teacher knew I was one of the leads in our school’s pit band for the musical, and we also got nominated for the best pit band at Cappies this year! I was really honoured and grateful to receive this award, that in my opinion, summed up my last few (and best) music experiences in my final year of high school. After getting many opportunities performing at events outside of school, such as Jazzfest and in school concerts, I can definitely say I’ve developed so much more confidence and passion playing music. This award to me represents the importance and joy of playing music with other people.”
My Greatest Accomplishment: “Being the Activities/Interests: recipient for the Honours “In my free time, I enjoy Award for this year’s Senplaying jazz and classical ior Jazz Band at Musicfest LATEST AD!!!!!!!!!!!!_Diversitea Ad 5/3/19 9:02performing PM Page 1 in a jazz piano, Nationals. The award recognizes a musician in an combo, listening to music,
watching Korean dramas, running and acrylic painting.”
Why did you get involved in what you do? Since I was young, my mom pushed me to learn classical piano. It wasn’t Comment: “I would until I auditioned for my school’s jazz band, that like to thank my family I opened my eyes to the and friends for always world of jazz by my grade supporting me, music re8 music teacher. After lated or not, and to Mr. learning how to play with Gumaste, Ms. Godfrey big and small groups, the and the LDHSS Music clarinet became my joy, Department for introduwhile I also started to shift cing me to play in jazz and Hockey Team_Ad copy 5/3/19 9:00 PM Page 1 my interest towards jazz concert bands. Whether piano. With the encourage- it’s school run or not, ment and inspiration from these have inspiring us to my music teachers, band love all kinds of music friends and my parents, I even more, and for also found my schedule getting pushing me to play at my busier with rehearsals, au- full potential.” ditions and competitions. Every second of it made my high school years so much fun and valuable, as the music community became my second family.” Career Goals: “I accepted an offer at uOttawa for Commerce. I hope to be able to get my CPA designation, and get lots of experience working at accounting firms – and also in the government. To add on, I would
LDHSS student Jasmine Wong was the recipient for the Honours Award for this year’s Senior Jazz Band at Musicfest Nationals. Phill Potter photo
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FRIDAY, June 14, 2019 Page 13
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Page 14 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
The IndependentCOMMUNITY
taste of barrhaven
Annabelle Spencer, age 4, gets ready to listen to The Reuben Kincaid Trio who performed for diners during the 2019 edition of A Taste of Barrhaven held at the new Myers Barrhaven Toyota on Strandherd Dr. on Monday, May 27.
Watson's Mill "Night Shift" presents
Summer of 'Caesars'
Fitzroy Reid, of Fitz’s Classic Grill, prepares a sample plate for organizer Anne Cole during the 2019 edition of A Taste of Barrhaven held at the new Myers Barrhaven Toyota on Strandherd Dr. on Monday, May 27. A Taste of Barrhaven is an annual event that gives residents a chance to sample lots of good food while supporting local charities. Mike Carroccetto photos
Thurs. June 20th 5-9pm Build your own Caesar with our different choices of toppings Enjoy wandering the Mill after hours, while celebrating the 50th anniversary of our national cocktail "THE CAESAR" and listening to live music by Ros'n'Rob (6:30-8:30pm) 5525 Dickinson St. Manotick 613-692-6455 Everyone welcome; Donations are appreciated
Featuring the Musical Talents of the "Swamp Water Jazz Band" ADULTS $12 & CHILDREN (12 & UNDER) $6 CALL OR VISIT WATSON'S MILL TO PURCHASE TICKETS IN ADVANCE!
The IndependentCOMMUNITY
FRIDAY, June 14, 2019 Page 15
Lépine Apartments brings world class construction and design
Every week, residents in Barrhaven can notice the progress on the new Howard Grant Terrace by Lépine Apartments in Barrhaven’s RioCan Marketplace off Longfields Drive. Before long, what is now a tower of construction will become Barrhaven’s most elegant luxury apartment building. With high ceilings, comparatively larger units, panoramic windows, richly stained hardwood floors, granite countertops, in-suite laundry and sleek appliances, Lépine rivals conventional apartment and condo living by offering a carefree resort lifestyle. Architecture, character and generational quality have been signatures of the Lépine family business legacy for more than 60 years. Francis Lépine, who is the visionary and developer behind Howard Grant Terrace and other Lépine apartments,
says that Lépine’s projects are built to last to be enjoyed by generations. “Our buildings are made to last for centuries,” he said. Howard Grant Terrace is not the only luxury apartment building that Lépine is working on. They are also building the Saint Émilion in Kanata Lakes, which will feature 154 units that range in size from 835 to 2,187 square feet. The building features a unique terraced architecture and has a fitness centre, party room, and many amenities. All of these things give the residents a sense of worryfree living, which is what Lépine wants with their luxury apartment buildings. And their buildings come without the hassles and responsibilities of home ownership. Lépine’s Kanata Lakes building offers the same quality that the company’s developments are known for. The thick concrete, as well as the
mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are built to last through the years, while maximizing the efficiency and comfort of the building. The interiors feature spacious living areas, full-sized and functional kitchens that are comparable in size to kitchens in most single-family homes, and include solid granite countertops with generous counter space, numerous cabinets, including extra-high upper cabinets, and a lot of shelving. The living areas are spacious with high-end detail, and the dining room features a large area that can equip a decent-sized dining room table. Master bedrooms are designed to accommodate king-sized beds, while the secondary bedrooms are designed for queen-sized beds. The terraces are complete with furniture and barbecues, ideal for
While Lépine is building the Howard Grant Terrace in Barrhaven, their Saint Émilion in Kanata Lakes will be ready for move-in this October.
Lépine Luxury Apartment buildings are known for their spacious, state-of-the-art fitness centres.
Simplify life with modern apartment accommodations and amenities in Ottawa’s finest buildings.
saltwater pools are ideal for adults to relax in, swim in, or teach their children or grandchildren to swim in. Residents can also relax in the sauna, and enjoy the change room with lockers. Part of the worry-free lifestyle of Lépine is not having to deal with a multitude of household bills. Rent at Lépine includes heating, air conditioning and hot water. Also included in rent are six appliances and insuite laundry, as well as locker and bicycle storage. For more information on Lépine Luxury Apartments, visit www.
entertaining family or friends. There are also tenant lounges with billiards and TV. Among the additional features that will be included in Howard Grant Terrace in Barrhaven will be front desk concierge security. Lépine buildings are known for their fitness centres and pools, which will be included at Howard Grant Terrace as well as in Kanata Lakes. The fitness centres have a private-club atmosphere and are spacious and well-equipped. The fitness centre also includes a multi-purpose floor area designed for yoga, pilates, aerobics and group workouts. The
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Page 16 FRIDAY, June 14, 2019
Custom 3+1 bedroom, open concept bungalow on one of the best waterfront lots in Greely. 2nd level loft overlooks the water.
4 bay steel construction on large corner lot with front reception & 3 formal offices.
6909 Mckeown Drive - Greely - $1,699,000
6866 South Village Dr. - Greely -
5+1 bedroom Single Family Home. Great size living room open to above as well as large dining room. Backyard has salt water in-ground pool.
20 Finchley Dr. - Longfields - $787,900
3 Bedrooms on main floor. 2 bedrooms on lower level. Live in one and rent the other.
5040 Limebank Rd. – Riverside South - $599,900
4+1 bedroom Single Family Home. Beautiful eat-in kitchen with an island. Finished basement with 5th bedroom and full bath.
95 Borealis Cres. - Orleans - $749,900 Semi-detached 3 bedroom home, 3 balcony’s with 2 overlooking the Ottawa River. Large renovated eat-in kitchen.
7 Maplehurst - Brittania - $589,900
Spacious 3 bedroom home, upgraded kitchen, finished basement, fully fenced yard with huge two-level deck.
11 Burntwood - Longfields -
4 bedroom end unit town home with 2 car garage. Kitchen features breakfast bar with large eating area. Finished basement with large recreation room.
29A Cresthaven Dr. – Barrhaven – $447,900