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Manotick Rosanne McNamee Doctor of Audiology
It’s likely you opened and contribute
VOL. 36 • No. 16
On The main stage
By having a TFSA at Edward to your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) for the tax-advantaged savings. After all, canyou’ve benefit from working with @RideauOsgoode AugustLess 2, 2019 Taxing already paid taxes on the money MakeFriday Saving with a you’ve invested, so whymeet not put this advisor who will with yo money in a TFSA that lets your investTax-Free Savings Account Make Saving Less Taxing with a Work ments grow taxyour free. But,needs. remember, understand TFSA is more than just another t we’llyour n e Tax-Free Savings Account m t personalize your TFSA w s e v savings account. In t a TFSAthat It’s likely you opened and contribute na TFSA How You May Benefit from ehaving willJones, be you tailor By at Edward stis m veTFSAinvestments to your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) n I Because your more than just can benefit from working with a financial for the tax-advantaged savings. After all, savings account, can it to: from a TFSA It’s likely you opened another and contribute Howyou Youneeds. Mayuse Benefit these you’ve already paid taxes on the money advisor who will meet with you to better to your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
We help make sense Keep more of what you s Rosanne of Doctor of investing
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Grade 9 student Ellie Gadzos of Manotick played the Bluesfest main stage on July 10. The 14-year-old singer/songwriter has been in the studio recording and hopes to release one of her originals soon. Mike Carroccetto photo
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Page 2 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerCOMMUNITY
New high schools among priorities in provincial call for capital funding The Government of Ontario launched the 2019-20 Capital Priorities program, which provides school boards with the opportunity to access funding for large-scale projects in every region of the province. “We are investing in our students and their futures by building new schools and renovating existing schools because I believe better schools mean better learning environments for the next generation,” said Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education. School boards can now apply for funding for capital projects including new school buildings or renovations to be completed by 2023-24. The program will also provide funding for school-based child care spaces as part of the government’s commit-
Your voice in Queen’s Park Goldie Ghamari, MPP, Carleton
ment to build up to 10,000 new child care spaces in schools. “I’m very excited to make this announcement to constituents in my riding,” said Goldie Ghamari, MPP for Carleton. “I grew up on the public education system, and building new public schools, especially a new public high school in Riverside South, has been one of my top priorities since coming to office.” The future Riverside South high school will have an impact on high schools in the area. Students are bused out of the community to a number of
different schools, including Merivale and even South Carleton. A shuffling after the school is built could also alleviate some of the crowding in Barrhaven’s public high schools. The Stittsville high school, meanwhile, will have a direct impact on the community as it will alleviate potential crowding issues at South Carleton High School in Richmond. With the planned development growth in Richmond and Manotick over the next two decades, a Stittsville high school would create some space that will be needed at South Carleton. “Of the 8 Capital Priorities projects listed by the OCDSB, four of them are located in my riding of Carleton, with the top two located in Stittsville and
Riverside South. Throughout the year, I’ve been working hard to ensure that the Ministry of Education has been made aware of the need for new schools in the Ottawa area, including helping to organize and deliver a petition with over 2,500 signatures informing the Minister of Education of the need to build a new public high school in Riverside South,” MPP Ghamari said. “Now, it’s up to the OCDSB and local officials to ensure that these applications are submitted properly and on time. I’ve reached out and spoken with OCDSB and local officials, offering my assistance in any way possible. I will continue to advocate on behalf of the residents of Carleton, and look forward to acting as a liaise between the OCDSB,
municipal politicians and the Ministry of Education. This is very exciting news and I’m thrilled to see that our government is investing in what matters most: the future of our children,” said MPP Ghamari. “This government is taking decisive action to ensure students have safe and modern learning environments that enable their success in the classroom, in life, and in the labour market,” added Lecce. Ontario’s 2019 Budget, Protecting What Matters Most, highlights the government’s commitment to providing students with safe and healthy learning environments and providing families with more child care options. The government announced in Budget 2019
that over the next ten years, Ontario is investing nearly $13 billion in capital grants. This funding will build new schools and help existing schools replace aging heating or air conditioning systems, repair roofs and windows, and install important accessibility features like elevators and ramps, and support the expansion of child care spaces. The Ministry of Education invites school boards to submit their top 10 school-based capital priorities for funding consideration. These are the school boards’ highest priority capital projects required within the next three years. The Ministry of Education reviews all Capital Priorities submissions for eligibility and announces successful projects annually.
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2019 Page 3
The MessengerCOMMUNITY Mahogany Dock Launch to highlight A Taste of Manotick Aug. 17
Manotick’s business community is getting ready for one of its signature events of the year. A Taste of Manotick will take place Sat., August 17 in the village. The event will draw thousands of people to Manotick’s village core as businesses and restaurants turn the village into a festival. “It has become one of our biggest events of the year,” said Donna Smith, Executive Director of the Manotick BIA. “It’s an opportunity for all of our businesses to put their best foot forward and showcase their products and services.” In years past, the event has drawn more than 10,000 people on evenings where the weather has cooperated. Although it takes a lot of work for the businesses to prepare for the event, Smith said it is a worthwhile opportunity. “We want people to get a taste of Manotick – to get an idea of what is here,” Smith said. “It’s an event to promote
businesses in the village with the hopes that both the visitors and residents will want to come back to these businesses.”
The event will kick off with the official dock launch ceremony at Mahogany Harbour at 3 p.m., featuring live music by Mystic Circle. The
car show at the Manotick Mews takes place from 4-8 p.m., and there will be stages at each end of Manotick Main Street with live music, fea-
turing Heart & Soul, Cougar Bait, Mystic Circle and Disco Inferno. In addition, there will be street performers on hand to entertain the masses.
“We have more businesses participating this year than ever before, so we are expecting a great event,” Smith added.
A large crowd was on hand at the 2017 A Taste of Manotick event in the village core. Should we have another good weather evening, the crowd at this year’s event Sat., August 17 is expected to the best ever. JEFF MORRIS PHOTO
The Taste of Manotick is back! On August 17th, from 4pm.-8pm, come down to Manotick Main Street. It will be a great afternoon of FREE family fun. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Green Homes Tax Credit Conservatives understand that we must make life more affordable, as we take on climate change. Conservative leader Andrew Scheer recently announced a Green Homes Tax Credit plan that is worth up to $3,800 a year. This will help green your home and keep more money in your pocket. For so many Canadians, the upfront cost of making their home energy efficient is unrealistic and out of reach. In 2017, buildings represented 12% of Canada's emissions. If people could save money and the environment at the same time, more would green their homes with better insulation, appliances, or windows. The Green Homes Tax Credit will allow homeowners to do energy-saving renovations and improvements. New windows, furnaces, insulation or solar panels could give people a break on their taxes if such a credit were in place. Green improvements could include: Installation of high-quality insulation; Investments in high-efficiency furnaces; Replacement of doors and windows with more efficient models; Upgrading of ventilation, heating and cooling systems; and,
Installation of solar panels.
Page 4 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerCOMMUNITY
City council to review waste management roadmap over the next two years
My first two terms in office have been somewhat polar opposites when it comes to waste management. From 2010-2014, the City moved to bi-weekly garbage collection, expanded what was accepted in the blue box, introduced the green bins in schools program, expanded the availability and collection of the green bin and extended the life of the landfill as a result. On the Plasco front, we unfortunately saw the failure of that project, culminating with its official demise in December 2014. During the 201418 term of Council, all was quiet on the garbage front. The only change of any significance was the settlement of the Orgaworld arbitration and the subsequent addition of plastic bags to the green bin. During this term of Council, we will be discussing everything there is to discuss when it comes to waste management. Last month, we approved the roadmap
WARD REPORT by Councillor Scott Moffatt
for our Solid Waste Master Plan review. This will be a two-year review and the plan is to cover all aspects of waste from how you acquire it and how the City collects it to how we can divert more and how we process the rest. The last thing I want to look at is a new landfill. When it comes to the existing landfill; that is something that works to our advantage. The current lifespan is set at 2042. I have absolutely zero interest in scouting locations for a new one. That means we need to consider stronger waste diversion. We also need to consider alternatives to the landfill. Where do we go with the green bin program when the contract ends
in 2030? Is there a viable waste-to-energy solution that does not cost the City $300M and double your garbage collection fee? Can we make it easier for residents to recycle and can we reduce the amount of waste you actually end up with? These are just some of the questions we want to answer in the next two years. I am very much looking forward to this review. We will have a comprehensive public consultation component and I hope you will get involved. There are few issues which elicit more opinions than garbage collection. I hope we can channel that interest and come up with a way forward that will help serve the City and its residents for the next 30-50 years. Bottled Water in City Facilities Another matter discussed at the Environment Committee last month was the idea of banning the sale of bot-
tled water in City-owned facilities. This issue is almost less about plastic bottles and more about the quality of the water that the City produces. It is routinely the best rated water in the country. At the moment, the City has a sponsorship agreement with Coca-Cola to sell beverages in City facilities. Of course, this includes bottled water. To end the contract would cost upwards of $700,000. We will not be doing that. However, Council approved a motion that will have staff look at the next contract and how that could be arranged to limit the amount of single use plastics and promote City water. There is much to consider when doing this. Some believe you can simply ban all plastics and your problems are solved. That simply is not true. There are accessibility realities that we must consider. This is why we did not implement a ban immediately. We must consider all aspects of this and bring
forward a plan that improves the situation without creating new problems.
Climate Emergency Declaration Like with many issues recently, this was another issue that came through the Committee that I Chair that had some significant misinformation surrounding it. I have never been too interested in posturing, pandering and grandstanding. When votes of that nature come forward, I do not support them. With that in mind, it was important to ensure that any discussion about a “climate emergency� was not solely for political gain
or to give the appearance of something. As I said, I could never support such a baseless declaration. My focus remains on what is best for the City and what is best for the residents of it. I bring that mentality to my every day job as Councillor and I certainly bring it to my role as Chair of the Environment Committee. I am not interesting in playing political games and I cannot worry about the motives of my colleagues. What I can do is ensure that anything that comes through Environment Committee is meaningful and keeps all residents in mind.
moffatt continues on page 5
Friday, August 2, 2019 Page 5
moffatt continues from page 4 One of the biggest challenges for our Committee in recent years has been direction. We have had many items on the go but no clear path forward. I alluded to this earlier on the waste management file over the last four years. We are trying to change that this term. I believe the climate emergency motion from Councillor Shawn Menard can help in that regard. The recommendations contained within the report focus on the Air Quality & Climate Change Master Plan as well as Energy Evolution. These are previously identified priorities for the City of Ottawa. It also recommends a Council Sponsors Group and a climate resiliency plan, something staff have already committed to.
As Chair of the Environment Committee, I will have direct oversight for how any of the recommendations move forward and I will be taking a leadership role on all matters that fall under the jurisdiction of that Committee. This initiative does not take funds from general revenues. As approved by Council, we will start with $500,000 from the Hydro Ottawa surplus, which comes from return on investments.
This is above and beyond the $20M surplus the City receives annually
The initiatives that comes from this will be implemented with BOTH the environment and the taxpayer in mind. We have
many examples of projects that reduced the long term operating costs of the City of Ottawa all the while being better for the environment. Gone are the days where being green meant spending more money. Today, we are focused on energy efficiency and waste diversion and other environmental initiatives that will save money rather than require larger budgets. At the end of the day, I am elected to be considerate of how we spend your money. We also have a responsibility to be efficient environmentally as well as economically. I believe the two are not mutually exclusive and that is why I support the climate emergency motion. For me, it was not about the declara-
tion. It was about the substance of the motion and the ability to focus on projects that are smart for the City and for the residents who live here. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at or contact me by phone at 613-5802491. For information on Rideau-Goulbourn issues, please visit
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Church Office: Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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Christian Meditation on Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
We welcome all, who with God’s help, work to build a better world. HALL RENTAL AVAILABLE
ST. JAMES’ ANGLICAN CHURCH 1138 Bridge Street, Manotick –Serving South Barrhaven, riverSide South and Manotick–
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Sunday Services
Holy Eucharist at 8:15 & 10:00 a.m. with Sunday Kids’ Club at 10 a.m. “A Christian community joyfully serving & growing in God’s love”
(Elevator Access Provided) Church Office (Hours: Tues-Thurs, 9-4) 692-2082 The Rt. Rev. Peter R Coffin e-mail Web site:
ST. LEONARD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 5332 Long Island Road, Manotick
Pastor: Rev. TiTus egbueh
Mass TiMes
saturday 4:30p.m., sunday 9a.m. lla.m. & 7p.m. Weekdays Wed., Thu., Fri. 9:30a.m. Office: 692-4254 Office hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. eMaiL:
Page 6 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2019
Capital Recollections of a Baby Boomer
More community care means less time in nursing homes O
Everyone has a bucket list. Bruce wanted to go to the concert, but his For some, it’s an actual list that might be parents did not think it was a good idea for their scribbled on a piece of paper and stuck on the young boy to go to such a spectacle. Bruce said fridge door with a magnet. his father was not a fan of the King, as he reFor most of us, though, it’s just a mental list, called his father saying he “had no talent” and ur COmmunity Troy Media -- The most recent census, in 2016, showed that almost 17 per cent of Cantucked into a closet-like corner in the backs of was “a degenerate.” I seem to remember having adians are over age 65. In fact, those older than 85 have increased by almost 20 per cent since our minds. the same conversation with my step kids about Messenger Editorial 2011, making it the fastest growing age group in Canada. I was thrilled for an old acquaintance and Drake not too long ago. As more Canadians live longer than ever, care in nursing homes – or long-term care faciligood friend, Bruce MacBruce’s grandmother, howties – is a necessary part of the aging journey for many. Gregor, as he got to stroke ever, loved Elvis. She gave When surveyed, most older adults say they want to stay in their homes for as long and as something from his bucket FROM THE OTHER Bruce an Elvis album for safelyWith as possible. list. Capital Recollections, Christmas in 1956, just four Canada Day approaching next week, it is a good time for us all to reflect on what ithomes means to be aCanadian. But nursing fill vital role in the continuum of housing for older adults who are unhis first book, is a trip months before his only Ottawa we take being Canadian for granted? able toDo remain at home in other environments. As we age, we often develop comdown memory lane, filled appearance. The album had Better yet, how do new or Canadians feelsupportive about being Canadian? Some of us Jeffrey Morris upon immigrants and refugees as opportunists, not wanting towithin give buta 24-hour nursing care setting. plexlook medical issues that can only be safely monitored with stories and anecdotes sleeves with RCA Victor 78s very willing to take. Perhaps, for some people, that is true, but when you But are theforsocial and economic costs of entering nursing home care too early or too from growing up in Ottawa of Elvis songs. attendwhat a celebration new Canadians, such as the one hosted by NepeanMP Pierre Poilievre at Mother Teresa High School in Barrhaven last late?Carleton during the baby boom years of the 1950s and “One of my friends got to go to see the month, you can see the excitement and the thankfulness in the eyes of every new Canadian. Our recent study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 1960s. show,” he said. “He said it was disappointing. They understand, perhaps better than all of us, what it means to be shows that policies directed at aging in the community reduce the overall length of stay in “Writing a book is something I have always The Auditorium was an old hockey arena with Canadian. So how can the rest it of also us have that feeling? nursing homes. But showed that such residents are entering nursing homes with more, wanted to do,” Bruce saidBevafter his book was bad acoustics. Plus, the Auditorium was filled McRae photo The Conservative government has a solid idea. the school’s 50th Anniversary Party, Manotickpublished Co-operative Nursery School honoured its longest-servand more careofneeds. ThatImmigration reality isand notMulticulturalism yet reflected in At nursing home care funding, by Burnstown Publishing House. with teenage girls screaming. Nobody could Jason complex, Kenney, Minister Citizenship, ing teacher/volunteer with a memorial garden bench, which will be installed with a plaque in the school’s and Andrew Cohen, President of the Historica-Dominion Institute, are chaltraining and staffing. “Growing up at that June’s time29was es- hear the music.” playground. Left to right, MCNS Director Sandy Erler and June Hodge celebrate yearsso as afascinating, suplenging middle and high school students to take the citizenship test. ply teacher, teacher and volunteer. Canadian Challenge, funded homes in part byand CIC and runresidents by the SoThe how doesCitizenship that affect the nursing their and staff? pecially in Ottawa.” Television helped create the hysteria for Elvis. COUNCIL Historica-Dominion Institute, will see students study Discover Canada: the Higher and more complex care needs can have implications for nursing home staffing and I first met Bruce in the 1980s, when I was a Bruce remembers vividly seeing him on the Ed Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship and then take a mock citizenship CORNER test. requirements. When care needs are high, staff may experience increased workloads, funding journalism student and football player at CarleSullivan Show, and the controversy that Presley’s “This will be a fun way for students to learn about Canada and feel proud Suzanne Dodge I’m finding myself at one of thosefor bizarre crosswonder about things like how who come “underneath” is Mayor of our and accomplishments,” said Minister Kenney. which canshared leadhistory to burnout and a subsequent decrease in“As jobwesatisfaction, with implications ton University. Bruce, had majored in Enggyrating hips caused. Television was new then, roads where everything I love about sports is about a word but no one ever says “overneath” when the learn about our past and the people and events that made Canada what it is physical andbecome mental research when staff areofburned lish discussion and played football at Carleton in the 1960s, just as Instagram is new to today’s generation. to collide home with a large swatch the population workpulled me back into soccer. today, we morehealth. proud to Other be Canadian. We aredemonstrates inspired to see how we nursing ing diligently to grate my nerves. “Chelsea is learning so much by watching the our of rights andthat live a upresident to our responsibilities and be we feel much out,can thedefend quality care receives can affected. was a high school English teacher who was “We got our first television in 1954,” Bruce reIt’s this whole World Cup thing. Don’t you find World Cup,” said the mom wearing Crocs. “We are more strongly how valuable it is to be a citizen of Canada.” people are just a little too close into it? to studying each country before theOld game.Crows, She has Carleton’s Nursing home care costlyour to young governments. In 2017, Canadianthatgovernments spent heavily involved with the called, mentioning Roger Bannister breaking the “Our schools need to beistraining people to become the citizens I found myself in line in front of two nouveau really become a fan of Arr-hayne-TEE-na, and she tomorrow. Citizenship is not only about new Canadians, it’s about all $19 of billion on care provided in nursing homes and supportive living Individuals football alumni.even wants us to go there on our four-minute mile at the Commonwealth Games soccerfacilities. fan moms at Your are Canadians, young and old,” said Andrew Cohen. “The Canadian Citizenship Independent Grocer the other day. vacation next year. we and Carlewilltoencourage students to learn moreand about what more it meansthan to be$8 million alsoChallenge expected contribute to their stay spent in 2017. But while our passion for Perhaps football and Jackie Parker of the Edmonton Eskimos reFROM I was kind of in my own little can even go to Brrra-seeel.” Canadian and then put that knowledge to the test.” THE Research shows that aging in place and keeping older adults comfortable in the communton brought us together, it was our love of music, turning a fumble by Montreal’s Chuck Hunsinger mental world in the checkout line, That caught my attention. Starting this summer, the Historica-Dominion Institute will be encouraging THE NOT SO scanning the tabloid and maga- OTHER Arr-hayne-TEE-na? more than 5,000offer middle and highquality school teachers to and register their classrooms ity longer may a better of life provide more efficient and cost-effective care. pop culture and writing that laid the foundation for a touchdown in the Grey Cup. “We weren’t zine covers and wondering what Are you kidding me? for the Challenge. Each classroom will receive a set of the new citizenship SIDE NEW GUY Justin Bieber’s first major scandal The other mom – the one with RATED E Pspecially guide,admitting along with designed learning activities. The teacher will also But residents into long-term care later in life, when their needs are higher, means for a great friendship. the first family on our street to get one. The ConO &ATE BY PER ByOPJeffrey ERATED would be. I was just about to rethe Birkenstocks – piped in. receive copies citizenship exam. Students will take the citizenship & O D of aDmock B & BY D provideY adequate funding and staffing for long-term care facilities to reflect the Morris D we have to Bruce rode shotgun with me last summer on nolly family got ne in 1953, and at five o’clock Tim Ruhnke enter the world after some quality “They are a wonderful football exam as a class and the teachersxxxxx will return the completed exams to the xxxxx xxxxx time on Planet Jeff and launch nation,”to shesee said. the “My husband, Dominion Institute for grading. complex new realities. a trip to Montreal Ravens play the every day, all the kids on the street would be in ’ into my weekly way-to-reward-your-customers-by- of course, wears the azure and cheers for Italia, but Results will be announced by the Dominion Institute on Flag Day charging-us-five-cents-per-bag-and-claiming-it’sZachary’s favourite team has been MAY-heee-co. Matthias antheassistant professor the Faculty at the University of University of Montreal Carabins. Talk quickly their living room watching the Howdy Doody (February 15)Hoben each yearisfor next three years. For morein information about of Nursing to-save-the-environment rant when I unexpectedly They did a school project on MAY-heee-co last year B the ChallengeO Uplease visit the Historica-Dominion Institute website YO U R I N at DResearch E P E N D E NChair T GRO Cthe E R Faculty of G H Estabrooks is professor and R N EBIA. Alberta. Dr.O UCarole Canada went music, andthat with of Sirius XM Show. It was new and exciting for us. Before that, O B theCin conversation behind me. andto he has even insisted we gothe to outhelp to eat and Y O U R I N D E P E N Dlocked E N T inGon RO ER UR NEIGH R NEIGH YOUR INDEPENDENT GROCER wish some of the stores would carry the watch50s the games when they are playing.” Shopping locallywillputs a face to “I the business CIC’s multiculturalism grants and contributions program be investing Nursing at the University of Alberta. radio’s on 5 channel, we turned to road trip families would huddle around the radio to listen Mews ofinManotick, Manotick vuvuzela horns so that we 3777 couldStrandherd bring themDr., toNapean I bit my tongue. $525,171 this 32 month project which promotesfor civicall memory, pride needs. yourcivic grocery Page x Page x Page x into a game of name that tune, along with the to programs like Amos and ‘n Andy or the Lone 613-692-2828 613-843-9413 Chelsea’s games,” said the mom who was wearing In an effort to keep my blood pressure down, I and integration. Crocs. looked out the big window at the big parking lot artist. Ranger.” “Oh, I COMMUNITIES know,” said the one wearing Birkenstocks. and scoped it out, looking for a puppy or a bird or SERVING MANOTICK AND SURROUNDING “Zachary has a tournament next weekend and it One anything thatthe would pry my mind outtalked of the shackof things we about on our There was only one channel available to resiIN OSGOODE, RIDEAU AND SOUTH wouldGLOUCESTER have been so in the spirit of the World Cup to les that these two soccer moms had put me in with WALKER HOUSE journey was Bruce’s idea for a book growing up dents in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario back then, have all of us blowing our vuvuzela horns. They lost their conversation. two-nil and then three-nil. They need all of the supA baby busload of seniors years. from a nearby retirement in the boom Music was front and and Ottawa-based Channel 4 was a CBC affiliate Named one of Ontario's top three port they can get.” home had pulled up and passengers were getting community newspapers forcentre. 2008,off. 2009I was trying to, in my head, name all of their that did not go on the air until 5 p.m. Nil? Who says nil? Really. Susan Vallom “Oh, I know,” said the mom wearing Crocs. “The walkers as an escape. 1165 Beaverwood Rd., P.O. Box 567, Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5 “One of the biggest events in Ottawa in the “There was a graphic of an Indian head in full horns are such a beautiful part of the South African Unfortunately, they pulled me back in. VOL. 28 • N . 1 MANOTICK, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY • JANUARY 5, 2011 culture.” cousin lives in when Australia, Elvis and he wasPresley devas1950s“Myhappened came to head dress until programming began,” Bruce said. The Manotick Messenger is published every Wednesday in Manotick, Ontario. The Manotick I wanted to jump in and say something, but I tated when Germany beat them 4-nil,” said the Messenger is mailed to bona fide subscribers in Rideau and Osgoode Townships for $36. The playmom at wearing the old Ottawa Auditorium,” he said. “I “And at first, they would alternate between Engrefrained. I couldn’t do it. Crocs. publication is available by carrier for $36 or at newsstands for $1.00 per copy. Letters will be edited for length, clarity and libellous statements. Display, National and Classified rates are available on If you are unfamiliar with the vuvuzela horn, then At this point, I couldn’t take it anymore. Mount grew up in a great era for music, and I was a lish and French programming. John Green: request. The Manotick Messenger is not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or you have not tuned into CBC over the past two Patience erupted and out came sarcasm lava. other material used for publication purposes. 2010 Person weeks. If you stumble across Our a World Cup soccer saw that match,” I fan.” said. “I can’t believe Aushuge “IElvis Presley In Eastern Ontario, south of Ottawa, WWNY game on CBC, you will hear what sounds like TRY-lier looked so insipid against Deutschland.” Publisher: Jeffrey Morris of are the Year Elvis was not the pioneer of rock and roll, in Watertown went on the air shortly after, and Ot50,000 bees swarming the field. They not bees. The mom with the crocs was not impressed. Managing Editor: Jeffrey Morris Phone: 613-692-6000 Greely-area rescue specialistThe mom with Birkenstock’s wasn’t either, but They are people blowing on cheap, plastic, gimReporters: McRae Publisher: Bev Jeffrey Morris BLAKE’S but he certainly created a hysteria that had never tawa got a second channel in 1961 when CJOH Phone: 613-692-6000 John Green, pictured with EsauMorris micky horns. she did acknowledge me with a response. Managing Editor: Jeff Jeffrey email: Grace Agostinho of the French Fax: 613-692-3758 Reporters: Bev McRae been your Bruce, had acondescendband called Bruce appeared on the television landscape. Bruce reThe funny thing about these horns they team?”who she quipped, Cafe at is a that fundraiser for the“Who TAKES Advertising: Marketing Mgr: Gord Logan Project in Haitiingly. at Jeff Esau have become what has defined theManotick 2010 World Cup. Editor: Longfields Davidson Heights and the Burgers for more than a quarter cen- calls the popular CJOH Saturday night teen dance email: People who have been following the World Cup and High School in February, isI did the only thing I could do, shouting as loud Blake McKim News/sports: Office: Marketing Mgr:Angie GordDinardo Logan Advertising: our person of passthe year as for people who have only seen 20 minutes of it in I could. tury and who still plays gigs at area retirement show, Saturday Date. It was hosted by none other Photographer: Mike Carroccetto Editor: 2010. Agostinho was our ing have commented on these annoying yet relent“USA! USA! USA!” Office: Angie Dinardo person of the year for 2009. News/ Sports: homes, listening than eventual ABC World Tonight news anchor less horns. Ironically, while the world learned topage 2.Theyfondly turned theirrecalls heads in disgust. The nextto 45 Bill Haley For has the full story, see Photographer: Mike Carroccetto adapt these horns as the one thing they now know seconds were incredibly silent and awkward. and the Comets, Buddy Holly, Fats Domino, the Peter Jennings. about South African culture, the horns aren’t really At that point, it was my turn. The cashier We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada a part of their everyday lives. South African sports scanned my Diet Coke and V-8 Fusion, and I was Every Brothers and Little Richard. If you want to take a trip down Memory Lane through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. enthusiasts have commented that they had never all set. Friday 10 am CLASSIFIED; Monday Advertising deadlines: DISPLAY, Monday 3 p.m.; 4 p.m. Friday noon was 11 Elvis came to Ottawa,” Bruce with Bruce, Capital Recollections is available seen nor heard a vuvuzela horn at a sporting event, “I “Would youwhen like plastic bags?” All layouts and composition of advertisements produced by employees of Manotick Ontario Messenger Vol. 27, Number X Manotick, Wednesday, Month people x, 2010findSingle copies and that the South African the noise just “Yes over please,”breakfast I replied. told$1 me at John’s Family Diner, for $20 on the Burnstown Publishing website at Inc. are protected by copyright invested in the publishers of the Manotick Messenger. as annoying as the rest of the world does. I had never been so happy to pay five cents for a Member, Ontario Community Newspaper Association one plastic of his in Westboro. “It was It is also availApparently, some now wealthy marketing genius bagfavourite just to get theeateries hell out there. Canadian Community Newspaper Association came up with the idea to mass produce and market his only Canadian tour. He played two shows at able at Books on Beechwood, Perfect Books on these horns as a World Cup novelty. The plan Jeffrey Morris was the 2008 OCNA Columnist of worked, and now the rest of the world must endure Year. His book, From the Other Skide, is avail- in Toronto the the Auditorium in between shows Elgin Street and World of Maps at Wellington and the shrilling sounds of his quick buck. able at Manotick Office Pro, Barrhaven UPS Store, and Montreal.” Parkdale. I was just about to drift back into ADD world and and Pages in Prescott.
Page 6, Manotick Messenger, Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Are you more Canadian than a fifth grader?
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Sometimes it’s best just to say nil
*OCNA General Excellence Awards, Class 1 Circulation
Letters to the Editor welcome – email to
Letters to the editor welcome — email newsfile@bellnet. ca or fax 692-3758
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Friday, August 2, 2019 Page 7
The MessengerCOMMUNITY Summer road construction projects in full swing throughout city
With summer road construction projects underway in the City, it is hard to avoid construction delays getting in and out of Manotick and there is more to come. A key project for the Village will be the resurfacing of Rideau Valley Drive North between Rogers Stevens Drive and Rideau Narrows. It is expected to begin soon with a tentative completion date of mid-September. The replacement of two culverts just south of the village is slated for this fall before the resurfacing of Rideau Valley Drive between Rideau Narrows and the Village can be done next year. Work has already begun on the widening of Bankfield between First Line and Prince of Wales. The project also includes the installation of a traffic light at First Line and Bankfield and the addition of turning lanes at Prince of Wales and Bankfield.
VOICE by Grace Thrasher, President, Manotick Village and Community Association (MVCA)
low for construction of the new stormwater management pond, which is located adjacent to the path area. While the timing is not great for residents who have been using the path to come into the Village, the use of heavy equipment in the construction of the pond makes it an unsafe area for local residents. When completed, the pond will feature additional seating areas, pathways and landscaping.
Cycling safety
The recent deaths of cyclists continues to highlight the need to improve our cycling network throughout the City, and particularly through the Village Core. There are many ways the City can improve cycling safety but experience has shown that limited funds have resulted in less than ideal results. The pathway along Mitch Owens from Lime-
Mahogany Pathway closed for summer
The pathway connecting the new Mahogany development with the Village Core has been closed for the summer to al-
bank Road to the village is an example of where cost limitations resulted in a pedestrian/cycling path on the shoulder of the road with no barrier between vehicular traffic and cyclists. It is anticipated that a similar approach will be used along Rideau Valley Drive North between Eastman and Century Road when it is resurfaced. Given the truck traffic that travels along these two arteries into the village, a safer solution needs to be implemented. The MVCA, along with others, has offered suggestions to the City to improve cycling safety and will continue to do so. If you share those concerns or have suggestions on improvements, please contact me at
Volunteers needed
The 9th annual Soap Box Derby is looking for volunteers to help out with set up and take down for the Derby set for Sunday, August 25. Volunteers are needed for an hour Saturday afternoon to help set out traffic cones and barricades as well as for an hour on Sunday afternoon to remove and pack up the cones
and barricades. If you have some time, please contact me at
Around the Village
The Mahogany Dock will be officially opened with a Dock Launch ceremony on August 17 from 3 – 4 p.m. The event will feature live music by local band Mystic Circle with the launch ceremony taking place at 4 p.m. Councillor Scott Moffatt and City staff accompanied MVCA Board members around the Village Core on July 26 to assess how to address walkability issues such as poor sidewalk conditions, cross walks and pedestrian safety. More details will be provided in a future column.
Community Events
Heritage Artisan’s Day, August 10, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. This free event at Dickinson House gives you the opportunity to visit with artisan experts in heritage art forms including spinning, weaving, doll-making and wood carving. The Mill Night Shift, August 15, 5 – 9 p.m. Ramble through Watson’s
Mill after hours and enjoy a relaxed evening of drinks, nibbles and music. All ages are welcome. Free Admission. Refreshments for purchase. Taste of Manotick, August 17, 4 – 8 p.m. This annual event is a highlight of the summer season and features entertainment, food samples, and children’s activities. It also includes a car show in the Mews parking lot as well as restaurant patios along Main Street. Main Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. 9th Annual Soap Box Derby, August 25, 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. There is still time to register for the Derby at www. . Cart races are held on Beaverwood and start at 9:30 a.m. Eligibility requirements and registration information is on the web site. Come and cheer on the young racers! Picnic in the Park, August 25, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Join us for a community picnic in Centennial Park
with hamburgers, hot dogs and corn. Music will be provided by Manotick Brass and there will be lots of activities for children with a craft table by My Little Preschool, story time with Manotick Public Library, face painting compliments of CIBC and balloon art. Popcorn and cotton candy will also be available. Family Story Time, Saturday and Tuesday, 10:30 – 11 a.m. Songs, stories and rhymes for children of all ages accompanied by a parent or caregiver. This free event is being offered by the Manotick Public Library. YOMA – Friday Night Drop In, 7-9:30 p.m. For youth age 12-17. For more information, visit, email us at youth. or call us at 613-296-1202 Got an event happening in Manotick? Please email to get it included in an upcoming newsletter. Follow us on Twitter @ manotickvca and Facebook
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Page 8 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerCOMMUNITY
An Old Fish Story - Bill Brennan’s Big One! Bill Brennan operated a Blacksmith’s Shop on the Island, in the vicinity of Arthur Street, about 1910. Around 1917 he sold this shop and moved his family to the building on Main Street; he continued the blacksmith business in a small shop to the rear. Brennan retired and moved to Ottawa in the late 1930’s. The following is word for word as it appeared in a newspaper article: “Remember when? June 12, 1924 - While fishing on the back channel on the Rideau River near
THis week,
THIS MONTH by Larry Ellis
Manotick on Sunday, William Brennan of Manotick, had a narrow escape from drowning when the plank he was standing on broke, throwing him into thirty feet of water. Mr. Brennan had a 19-pound Maskinonge on his line and while playing the fish became so intent on the sport that he didn’t realize his dan-
Sam Walters was also a ger until he was capsized into blacksmith whose shop was the river. Sam Walters, of Manotick, on the Island. Mr. Walters who was fishing a short dis- wife, Ellen McNeely, was tance upstream, saw Bren- a granddaughter of Arthur nan struggling in the water, McKeown, an early settler so he divested himself of his clothing and dived in after the drowning man. He succeeded in bringing him ashore. Meanwhile Brennan held on to his fishing rod, and when he was safely to the shore, Walters landed the big Maskinonge. Leo Driscoll applied first aid to Brennan who was later able to proceed home none the worseDad forwith his experiOld Car_Ad copy 7/11/19 7:25 PM Page 1 ence”.
Advertising Pays
LATEST AD!!!!!!!!!!!! copy_Diversitea Ad 7/8/19 1:52 PM Page 1
of the Island and for whom Arthur Street is named. The better known spelling of the name of the fish is muskellunge, and is said to reach up to five feet in length and
can weigh up to seventy pounds. The “Muskie” lives in lakes and quiet rivers in Eastern Canada and is considered a prize among fishermen.
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Friday, August 2, 2019 Page 9
The MessengerNEWS Bridge and Main crash
A Petersen Sod Farm Trailer waiting to turn left at Manotick Main and Bridge was rear ended by two vehicles resulting in extensive damage to both vehicles. An investigation is under way to determine the cause of the accident, which happened Monday, July 22. Gary Coulombe photo
Bringing honest leadership to Carleton Like you, Carleton is my home – I live in Metcalfe with my wife Jenny and our son Cameron – and am a teacher in the Ottawa Carleton District School board. Before that, I worked for Elections Canada and served as an election observer to make sure that democracy is protected around the world. I have been an elder at St. Andrew’s Church in Kars and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion in Manotick. I love to volunteer, spending many hours working with organizations like the Salvation Army, Community Living and community sports teams, and I have a background working in small business, so I understand the issues most important to you. I am proud to be raising my family in a place where we
issues. I’ll talk about the thousands of families in Carleton who benefit from the increased Canada Child Benefit and the tax cut on middle income earners. By Chris Rodgers value community, helping one another, and protecting our environment. These values are core to who I am and are among the reasons I am seeking to represent you in Parliament.
And I’ll talk about the true climate action our Liberal government has taken – investments in clean technology, incentives for businesses, and putting a price on pollution to protect the environment for our children and grandchildren.
I’m running to improve your quality of life, to ensure we have sustainable infrastructure and to ensure we take real action to protect the environment.
And we’re doing this while introducing a rebate system that puts more money in your pockets at the end of the day. But for today, I wanted to use this space to say hello, neighbour to neighbour. I’m on your side, and I will work every single day to ensure your families not only succeed, but thrive.
Over the next few months, I will use this space to write about the ways our Liberal team will take - and has taken – action on these
Authorized by the official agent for the Carleton Federal Liberal Association
Helping families with an even better child benefit On July 20, families in Carleton, and across Canada, saw their Canada Child Benefit payments go up. Here in Carleton, that means: More money for 2,800 single parent families in our communities. More than $95 million tax free in four years to benefit 16,410 children in Carleton. More money in the pockets of 9 out of 10 families across Canada. Since taking ofice, this government has made sure that more money goes to the families who needed it most - tax-free -so you have more to spend on things like summer camps, back to school clothes and sports equipment. I want to improve the quality of life here in Carleton, and protecting the Canada Child Benefit is one way I can do that.
Chris Rodgers
Liberal Candidate for Carleton
Honest Leadership. Working for you. Authorized by the official agent for the Carleton Federal Liberal Association | @VoteChris2019 |
Page 10 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerCOMMUNITY It’s an open door every day at Manotick Place Retirement Community
“We don’t just have an open house once a month, we have an open door every day,” said Manotick Place Executive Director Linda Meek. Manotick Place started as a vision to create a place for seniors to be able to enjoy a village lifestyle within Manotick. The building certainly changed the landscape of Manotick’s core when it was built a few years ago. But it has also changed the dynamic of the village. Although it is a retirement residence, it has become a hub of the community since it has opened its doors. “We aren’t just a retirement home,” Meek said. “We open our doors to the village. You’re welcome from the moment you walk in the door.” From the time Manotick Place opened its doors, it was destined to be more than just a retirement home for the residents. Its goal was to become a central hub of activity for the community. Their doors
are open to the community for activities like exercise classes, as well as events like jazz band performances every Wednesday. And while the village is a part of the home at Manotick Place, its residents are a big part of the village. The home is in the heart of Manotick, which enables the residents to be a part of a larger community than just their home. “One of the things that makes Manotick Place unique is that the residents can enjoy village life,” Meek said. “The village is accessible to our residents, and they are a big part of the community. They frequent local businesses and people know our residents by name. It’s an important part of life for them.” Manotick Place is a beautiful building with all of the amenities expected in a modern retirement residence. Their beautiful dining room overlooks Bridge Street, and
the meals are prepared by a Cordon Bleu Chef. There are a multitude of other amenities including an exercise area, chapel, library, games area, billiards room, theatre and landscaped outdoor patios at the front of the building and dining room, as well as a spacious and charming courtyard. Thoughtful and convenient amenities include a tuck shop, hair salon, therapeutic tubs on two floors, a physiotherapy office, laundry rooms on each floor and parking for visitors. They also have a resident bus and offer WiFi throughout the building. The patio is a hidden gem at Manotick Place. Backing onto the Rideau River, it offers a delightfully unexpected sanction of tranquility for residents and visitors. “It’s a beautiful building, but what the residents really like about it is the friendliness of the staff,” Meek said. “Everyone who works here is
Manotick Place residents enjoyed a magic show on the beautiful patio last week. experienced, but what’s really important is that everyone gets along and you see smiles on the faces of the staff. There is a great level of compassion here with the staff.” Meek has been in the industry for the past 14 years and had nothing but praise for both the Chef and the Director of
Care at Manotick Place. Because of the dynamics of the home within the village, there are also many friendships that existed between the residents before they moved into Manotick Place, as well as new friendships forming daily. “Some of our residents wanted to retire in Manotick
because they love the village and the home, but we also have many of our residents who are from Manotick and Richmond,” Meek said. For more information on Manotick Place or to book a visit, call 613.692.2121 or visit
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The MessengerCOMMUNITY
FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2019 Page 11
The Manotick Farmers Market is looking for new vendors and more people to come out on the Watson’s Mill property. The Farmers Market is open on Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm throughout the summer in the early fall. This is another way of shopping local. The Farmers Market is holding a special event on Sat. Aug. 17 demonstrations of all things Bee’s with vendors from around the valley showing off their wares. Contact JP Fournier at for all the info on the Farmers Market. GREG NEWTON PHOTO
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Page 12 Friday, August 2, 2019
Entertainment • Street Performers Live Music The Mews of Manotick Official Mahogany Harbour Saturday, August 17, 2019 Dock Launch Ceremony The Manotick Main Street 4-8pm Mystic Circle 3pm-4pm Manotick Main St. • Car Show
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The MessengerJUST FOR FUN
HOW TO PLAY Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Belonging to a thing 4. Woman (French) 7. “Incredible” TV veterinarian 8. Volcanic craters 10. Geological times 12. Ghana’s capital 13. Any small compartment 14. Conductance unit 16. Athens, Georgia, rockers 17. Plant of the arum family 19. Hawaiian dish 20. Pop 21. Imparting of information 25. Take in solid food 26. Dutch banking group (abbr.) 27. Contemptible 29. Peak 30. Play a role 31. Yuck! 32. Diversion 39. __ and groan 41. Helps little firms 42. Large, edible game fish 43. To do so is human 44. Supervises interstate commerce 45. Basics 46. La Cosa Nostra 48. Mens’ neckwear 49. Buddhist shrine 50. Midway between north and northeast 51. Wood 52. Hair product CLUES DOWN 1. Induces vomiting 2. Matador 3. A way to travel on
skis 4. __ and cheese 5. Indicates long vowel 6. Made a mistake 8. Chinese chairman 9. Indigenous people of the Philippines 11. Slender 14. Extinct, flightless bird 15. Japanese conglomerate 18. Of (French) 19. Rate in each hun-
FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2019 Page 13
dred (abbr.) 20. Unit of loudness 22. Most organized 23. 007’s creator Fleming 24. Computing giant 27. American singer Aimee 28. Shock treatment 29. Ottoman military commander 31. Urban Transit Authority 32. Too much noise
33. Type of blood cell 34. Home of football’s Panthers (abbr.) 35. Fortifying ditch 36. Receding 37. Christian creed 38. Tuft of hanging threads 39. Microelectromechanical systems 40. Speak 44. Supervises flying 47. Inches per minute (abbr.)
Page 14 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerNEWS
Ward 22 residents concerned about safety and car break-ins By Charlie Senack Residents of the Gloucester-South Nepean Ward 22 are concerned about recent vehicle theft and house breakins in the community, and are looking to find solutions to combat the issue before it gets out of hand. On July 24, Ward 22 Councillor Carol Anne Meehan held a community barbecue where more than 200 residents came out to share their concerns with members of the Ottawa Police Service. The issues started in March of this year, when swarmings took place in multiple areas of the community — primarily at the Circle K Convenience Store located at Spratt Rd and Canyon Walk Dr. in Riverside South. At the time, Ottawa Police said the group of teens demanded cash and electron-
ics from the victims. Meehan also said on a post to her blog that it’s believed the teens attended nearby St. Francis Xavier High School. That was a concern for local resident and Riverside South Community Association member Lesia Gilbert, who’s 11-year-old son frequently visits the strip mall where many of the swarming incidents occurred. “I have an 11-year-old who loves biking down to the Circle K and I’ve allowed him to continue doing that, but with the strict instruction of if he sees a group of kids anywhere in that plaza, he is not to go near it,” she said. “there has been threats of violence in the plaza — enough that police have been called on multiple occasions and arrests have been made.” She said incidents at the mall have decreased in recent
months, but problems with vehicle theft and car breakins are on the rise. Gilbert adds that the community routinely saw unlocked cars being targeted by local teens during the summer, but this year is different. “Cars have been jimmied, some cars have been smashed, and I’m personally aware of two cars that have been stolen,” the Riverside South resident said, adding that some of the incidents have been caught on homeowner security cameras. “There was also a set of jet skis that were stolen from someone’s driveway.” St. Jerome Elementary School was also broken into on the evening of July 18, but it’s unclear if anything was stolen from the building. Pictures show broken glass littering the floor, and drawers rummaged through.
Ottawa Police spoke to Ward 22 residents at a meeting hosted by Councillor Carol Anne Meehan. The issues come at a time the old community policing method is returning to the capital this fall, but only three communities will see the increase in officers for now. Meehan, who is also a
member of the Police Services Board, hopes that will expand out to her ward of Riverside South in the future, but in the meantime said she’s glad to see police making their presence known in the community.
She added that the owner of the mall where many of the swarming took place will be adding new lights in the front and back of the buildings.
continues on page 15
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2019 Page 15
The MessengerNEWS SAFETY continues from page 14 Members of the Ottawa Police who were at the baroque admit that problems in the area are on the rise, but didn’t have any official numbers. Still they stress Ottawa is a safe city to live in. “Residents life in a very safe community in a very safe city,” said Steve Bell, interim Chief of Police. “That doesn’t mean that crime isn’t in this area, and we know that there have been break
St. Jerome Elementary School was broken into July 18.
“We know that there is theft of vehicles, theft of property, some assaults, all things that can make people feel unsafe in their community,” and enters in this area... and we have been doing
investigations and looking into people for.” “We know that there is theft of vehicles, theft of property, some assaults, all things that can make people feel unsafe in their community,” he added. Police are asking community members to be vigilant, and are reminding vehicle owners to lock their doors. They say if the demand is there, they will hold more community safety meetings in the future.
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Page 16 Friday, August 2, 2019
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Friday, August 2, 2019 Page 17
Student-athlete passionate about being an advocate for mental Name: Hannah Carty
Age: 17
School: St. Mark High by Phill Potter
Grade: 11 Parents: Mary Carty (mother) and Alexis Carty (father) Sister: Alyssa (15), attends St. Mark and is a part of the St. Mark Cheer Team. Pets: 1 dog named Sakari, 2 cats named Bella and Cobi Pet Peeve: “When shopping carts aren’t put away properly!” Part-time Work: Cashier at Greely Foodland Favourite Subjects: English, Religion, Biology What do you enjoy reading for pleasure? “I enjoy reading books that I can re-
late to – books about teenagers/young adults. I really love suspenseful novels as well. I love The Maze Runner Series, and Harry Potter. I read Go Ask Alice for English class, and loved it so much! Who is your favourite author? “I don’t think I have a favourite author. I’d have to experiment more with books to really figure out what style of writing I like best. Karen M. McManus has two books that I own and love very much, so she is an author whom I like.” What is your greatest accomplishment? “My greatest accomplishment is probably making it on to Student
Council. It has been a dream of mine since I started at this school in grade 7. It is such an honour.” Activites/Interests: “I’ve been playing basketball since the age of 8. It’s my favourite sport – I love it so much – it’s such a huge part of my life. Sports in general are a major part of my life. I play basketball, volleyball, and rugby. I play for my school’s sports teams, but I also play basketball outside of school. I’ve been playing for Ottawa South Basketball Association for 4 years. I’m also part of our school’s IMUM Team, which is a club that spreads awareness for mental health. I’m very interested in mental health, and I think it’s a topic that people need to talk about more. I have been inspired by other people who have come and gone from my school, and have made such an impact here. That’s what I want to do, I want to make an im-
pact in my school community. I’m also very involved in my church. I’m involved in our Creative Arts Team, and I help out in Kids Church as a leader for the young children, while the service goes on.” Career Goals: “I want to study psychology in university. I find the study of the mind to be so fascinating, and I think that’s why I’m interested in mental health and mental illness. I want to be able to help people with my ultimate goal to be a psychologist. We’ll see, but hopefully my dream can come true.” Comment: “Nothing in my life would be possible without the immense support from my teachers, family, and friends.” Hannah Carty is a basketball player and a member of the St. Mark High School student council. Phill Potter photo
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Page 18 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerCOMMUNITY
Seniors can now ride OC Transpo at no cost twice a week By Jim Watson, Mayor, City of Ottawa
After witnessing the success of no-charge OC Transpo services for seniors on Wednesdays, I pledged during my 2018 Mayoral re-election campaign to extend this service for seniors to an additional day of the week. Offering seniors a second day a week on which they can get around the city on public transit at no cost is not only an opportunity for seniors to save money, but it encourages them to leave their home and take part in social outings, helping to fight widespread loneliness and isolation affecting many seniors. Currently, seniors 65-plus can ride OC Transpo buses and
trains at no charge every Wednesday. Beginning on July 7, seniors were able to take transit for no charge on Sundays as well. Providing no-charge transit for two days a week gives Ottawa seniors more mobility options. This is important, as transit plays a key role in the lives of Ottawa’s seniors – connecting them with medical appointments, shopping, family members and friends. This plays a big role in helping to fight the social isolation that many seniors feel in our community. Public transit is also an affordable choice for those seniors who are on a fixed income. And our data shows that this program works. In 2018, 180,000 seniors rode OC
Transpo on no-charge Wednesdays. We estimate that 35,000 seniors per year will ride OC Transpo on no-charge Sundays. I encourage all seniors to take advantage of the no-charge OC Transpo service on Wednesdays and Sundays, and to get around our beautiful city by public transit and active transportation. Seniors can also purchase their Presto card, set their senior discount, and load a deeply discounted monthly OC Transpo pass or pay-per-ride fare at various City of Ottawa and OC Transpo service centres and selected vendors including Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Marts across the city. A complete list of locations can be found at
Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson is encouraging local seniors to take advantage of free OC Transpo bus fare on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Community Calendar • Ottawa Newcomers Club - For women who have recently moved to this area; (and those who have experienced a significant life change), and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. More information at: or by contacting • Old Time Fiddle Music & Dance - East Osgoode Greely Assoc, First Friday of each month, invites & welcome all Musicians, Dancers & Listeners. Greely Community Centre, 1448 Meadow Drive,
Greely. For additional info call 613 489-2697. • Albion Communities (Albion Woods, Albion Sun Vista) Community wide Garage Sale June 22 from 8 am to 2 pm. 6600 Mitch Owens Road • Thursday Fun Night for adults and children. An optional supper at 5:45 pm. Indoor soccer/games, crafts, or nursery for ages 0-11. Parenting course, Alpha course, or Growing in Faith/Hearing God course for adults, 6:30 - 7:30 pm. To try it out contact,
• Friday Night Country Music & Dance Club The Greely Legion hosts a Friday Night Music and Dance Club, the fourth Friday of each month. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613-826-6128. • Tuesday Dance Party The Greely Legion hosts live music on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613-826-6128.
For free advertising for your not-for-profit community events email Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who make these events possible ~ Western Red Cedar ~ Where Quality Cedar Is a Family Tradition
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Friday, August 2, 2019 Page 19
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EMPLOYMENT OPPS. HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS. ROCK requires a Heavy Duty Mechanic for work at a mine project in Ontario, Canada. The successful candidate must be experienced with hydraulic systems and CAT engines. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in Atlas Copco drills. Must have the ability to work independently and diagnose problems. Industry best wages, benefits, travel and camp accommodations. Please send resumes to DRILLERS. ROCK requires experienced Down Hole Drillers for work at a mine project in Ontario, Canada. Industry best wages, benefits, travel and camp accommodations. Please send resumes to
Page 20 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerCOMMUNITY
Artists from the Manotick Art Association were on the lawn at Dickinson House adjacent to the Manotick Farmers Market Saturday, July 27 for their Artists in the Park exhibition.
Greg Newton photo
If you have any questions for our area professionals, email us at:
Q: How can I get rid of this wart??
Q: How do I get my toddler to let me brush their teeth?
Q: What should I do when there is a pet food recall?
A: A wart is a growth on the skin
A: Brushing your toddler’s teeth can be challenging, but baby teeth need proper care, even if they eventually fall out. They are important for your child’s function and for guiding the permanent teeth into the correct position. Try these tips to encourage your toddler to cooperate: - Make it fun! Sing silly tooth brushing songs, make up rhymes - Stock up on books about tooth brushing. Show them a video of their favorite character brushing teeth - Go shopping together and let them pick out the brush that they are excited about - Brush in front of a mirror together, take turns brushing each other’s teeth, let them brush and then you finish - Brushing before bedtime is a must, but don’t wait until they are exhausted and cranky - Create a ritual that they will look forward to. Let them get their brush, turn on the faucet or press the button if they have a rotating toothbrush.
A: When you hear about a recall, go to the pet food company’s website and make sure your pet’s diet is not one of the recalled brands. Dr. Andrew Sparling Safety and transparency from a food company is paramount, D.V.M. and only a canine or feline nutritionist or a member of your veterinary care team can help you understand what is important for your pet’s nutritional needs. Don’t be misled by savvy marketing! Discuss your pet’s nutritional needs with your veterinary team, then make sure the company you choose has a solid safety record and is transparent about all their nutritional information.
caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that looks like a solid blister or hard bump. The virus is contracted by touching something a wart has touched such as a towel, doorknob, or Pharmacist floor. Therefore, warts most commonly grow on the hands or feet. To prevent spreading, do not pick or scratch a wart, keep it covered and wash your hands after touching. Warts may actually go away on their own but more commonly require treatment if painful, bothersome, unsightly or long-lasting. There is no ideal remedy but options include various over-the-counter products such as liquid, gel, pads, freeze/cold therapy which can be found and discussed with your pharmacist at the pharmacy. A doctors visit may be required for stubborn warts or stronger treatment options.
Paul’s Pharmacy 990 River Road, Manotick, ON
To be a part of our Professional Forum, call Gary at 613-692-6000 or e-mail
Friday, August 2, 2019 Page 21
Richmond Fair to celebrate its 175th anniversary Sept. 19-22 South Carleton is now just over a month away from the 175th Richmond Fair. This year’s fair promises to be one of the biggest and best ever. Aaron Goodvin headlines Friday, Sept. 20, while the Road Hammers will play the fair Sat., Sept. 21. The Richmond Fair is by far the largest spectator event held annually within the surrounding community. It promotes agricultural awareness within the City of Ottawa, a city with the largest agricultural land base and agricultural economy in Canada. The fair offers a venue for those in the community to showcase their
arts, crafts, livestock, produce, and much more! Each year the fair features events such as agriculture shows, demolition derby, live entertainment, rock climbing, games, rides, and more providing days worth of fun and entertainment for the whole family. Over 30 different committees are involved in planning the Richmond Fair and other fair sanctioned events hosted on the fairgrounds throughout the year. The Richmond Fair is supported through fundraising events, donations and partnerships from individuals and businesses throughout our community.
The Road Hammers will be playing at the Richmond Fair Sept. 21.
Dr’s Fowler, Isok, Wood & D’Cruz
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1128 Clapp Lane, Manotick (right beside the Mill)
Call for Appointment ~ 613-692-3581
Page 22 Friday, August 2, 2019
The MessengerSPORTS
Ottawa Sooners Linebacker, Jack Gillis (34) of North Gower lead the OPFL in tackles this year
Wanda Keenan Photo
Vintage car show august 7 @ 1:30 taste of Manotick Place august 22 @ 3 pm
local ontario wines and food pairing
MoVie under the stars september 5 @ 7pm
Movie will premiere at dusk
The MessengerSPORTS
Friday, August 2, 2019 Page 23
Intermediate Eagles reach finals at Canadian Intermediate Little League Championships
It has been a month to remember for the East Nepean Intermediate Little League Eagles. After winning the District 2 title, the Eagles went on to compete in the Ontario Intermediate (13 year olds) Little League Championships in Kanata. The Eagles won the tournament with 10-2 and 7-6 wins over the Kingston Colts in the best of three final. “It’s a team win,” said Eagles coach Derek James after the game. “The boys worked very hard at practice. They practiced every day for two-and-a-half weeks, sometimes twice a day, and sometimes for three-and-a-half hours a day to get ready for this.” The Eagles left the following week for the Canadian Intermediate Little League championships in Langley, BC.
“We’re not going there to participate,” James said. “We’re going there to try and win.” The Eagles went 4-1 in the round robin portion of the tournament, beating BC 5-2, losing to the host Fraser Valley team 5-3, and then beating the Atlantic champions 17-1, the Prairies champion 7-2 and Alberta 6-4. They were tied for first place with BC. “These boys worked really hard,” said James. “We are a strong hitting team and we are deep in pitching, so some of these players are really versatile.” James said one of the great things about his team is how the players get along both on and off the field. “They’re a fun bunch,” he said. “They all get along, they do things outside of baseball together, and they all play Fortnite together at night, or sometimes they
Following a thrilling comeback win at Ken Ross Park Monday, the East Nepean Minor Little League Eagles (age 10-11) are the District 2 champions and are off to the Ontario championships in Cumberland this weekend. It was a winner-take-all contest between the Eagles and the West Ottawa Twins. The Eagles scored a pair of runs in the second inning to take a 2-0 lead, but the Twins rallied in the fourth to go ahead 3-2. The Eagles scored three runs in the fifth as Hayden Gorman smacked a two-run triple in the fifth. Pitcher Evan Amadio sealed the deal in the sixth, and was backed up by tremendous defence, especially in the outfield. “Ottawa West is a great team,” Eagles coach Matt Beelan said. “We played them six times this year and we were three and three against them.”
Beelan said that the Eagles had some big plays, but also did the little things well and executed on their fundamentals. “Our pitching was great, our defence was great, and we made two huge catches in the outfield.” Gorman’s triple in the fifth was a game changer. The ball sailed over the right fielder’s head and to the fence. In the fourth, a similar play was caught with an outstanding catch. “As the third base coach, I thought he was going to catch it. Either way, our guys were tagging and we would have tied the score anyway. But we practice that specific play, and the boys were ready.” The Eagles advanced to the Ontario Minor Little League Baseball Championships in Cumberland. In their first game of the double elimina-
play MLB on the PS4. They are constantly challenging each other, and they get along great. Some of them have been playing together for four years.” The Eagles defeated the host Fraser Valley team from BC in the semi-final by a 13-3 score. Six different Eagles players had two hits each in the game. Josh Van Noort, Noah McNeil, Nic Bertrand, Coleson Kaluza, Carter Audet and Brett James all scored two runs in the win. Patrick O’Sullivan and Wade Boudrias also had hits. McNeil, O’Sullivan, Kaluza and Boudrias each had two runs while Carter Hamer, Van Noort, Bertrand, Audet and James each scored one run. Bertrand went the distance on the mound for the win. Over six innings, he gave up three runs on five hits, walking two and striking out three.
In the final, the Eagles faced the Alberta champions from Lethbridge, who won the national crown with a 6-2 win. Lethbridge rode the pitching of Joseph Seo, who struck out 16 batters in seven innings, giving up two unearned runs on five hits for the win. Lethbridge scored a run in the first and three in the second to take a 4-0 lead. The Eagles got on the board in the bottom of the third. Van Noort reached on an error by Seo, and then Carter Hamer doubled. Van Noort scored from third on a dropped third strike. The Eagles fell behind 6-1 in the sixth, as Lethbridge scored two more runs. They did get one back in the bottom of the sixth, As Wade Boudrias reached on an error and scofred on a single by Coleson Kaluza. Hamer had two hits for the Eagles with one each
Minor Little League Eagles win District title, move on to provincials
East Nepean Eagles coach Matt Hamer gets dowsed with water by Eagles players after they won the Ontario Intermediate Little League Baseball Championships in Kanata. The Eagles went to the nationals in Langley, BC and lost to Lethbridge, Alberta in the final. Mike Carroccetto photo
going to Kaluza, Bertrand and Braeden Fancy. James took the loss on the mound, giving up two runs on two hits, and Broudrias, who came in with one out in the second, allowed a pair of runs on three hits. Noah McNeil pitched the final
five innings, allowing two runs – only one earned – on one hit while striking out eight. Lethbridge moves on to represent Canada at the Intermediate Little League World Series in Livermore, California.
Eagles lose semi-final at ON Little League Championships in Oakville
East Nepean Minor Eagles pitcher Evan Amadio of Manotick (left) and 3B Hayden Gorman celebrate wildly after winning the District 2 Little League championship at the Eagles’ Nest in Barrhaven on Monday (July 22). Eagles came back to defeat Ottawa West Twins 5-3, with the decisive hit (a two-run triple) coming off Gorman’s bat in the bottom of the 5th inning. Amadio won the game, pitching 2 2/3 innings of solid relief. Mike Carroccetto photo
tion tournament Saturday, the Eagles lost to Hyde Park of Toronto 15-10. The following day, the Eagles survived an
elimination game, beating the Windsor South Blue Sox 159. The provincial finals are set for Thursday and Friday.
After winning the District 2 title, the East Nepean Eagles are playing well at the Ontario Junior Little League baseball championships in Oakville. After their first game was rained out Wed., July 17, the Eagles opened the tournament up July 18 with a 12-4 win over the Orleans Blues. The Eagles followed that win with a 13-1 drubbing of the Timmins Lynx. On July 20, the Eagles won a high-scoring 20-11 decision over the Windsor South Blue Sox. The Eagles
beat the Mississippi Whitecaps 17-2 in their fourth game. The Eagles suffered their only loss of the tournament in a battle for first place, as the host Oakville Whitecaps were 13-2 winners. The semi-finals were played last Tuesday, with the Eagles losing a tough 6-5 decision to the South Ottawa Blues. In the final the next day, Oakville beat the Blues 14-2 to win the Ontario crown and earn a spot in the Canadian championships.
BBQ SeaSon!
Page 24 Friday, August 2, 2019
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