over the New Years long weekend.The Romans won this game 5-3 and advanced to the final, where they lost a 2-1 overtime heartbreaker to the Markham Waxers at Canadian Tire Centre. For full coverage of local teams in the Bell Capital Cup, visit manotickmessenger.ca and richmondhub.ca.
VOL. 39 • No. 1 MANOTICK, ONTARIO www.manotickmessenger.ca F R I dAy J A N uA Ry 13, 2023 990 River Road Manotick Across from Tim Hortons www.pharmasave.com These cards accepted Mon. - Fri: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 613-692-0015 Manotick’s only locally owned Pharmacy PAUL’S PHARMACY THE MEWS OF MANOTICK 613-692-3591 Open: Monday - Saturday 8-6 Sunday 9-5 Manotick “Thank you for supporting your community-minded, locally-owned hardware store. It is your support that allows us to give back to the community.”
Mason Tom of the Nepean Raiders Black team battles Robbie Wallace (7) and Aiden Lalonde (16) of the Osgoode Richmond Romans during U12 Competitive A action of the Bell Capital Cup
Allan Haan’s honour as Manotick Messenger Person of the Year well-deserved
Happy New Year to everyone in Manotick, Richmond and the surrounding communities and rural areas in South Carleton! We know that some challenges are behind us while others are approaching, but I am sincerely hoping everyone has a prosperous and happy 2023!
I would like to start off by saying congratulations to a person I consider both a friend and a leader in the community. Allan Haan was named the 2022 Manotick Messenger Person of the Year, and I can’t think of anyone more deserving. Allan is a person who leads by example in the community and has been involved in a number of community projects and initiatives. To say the honour from the Messenger is well-deserved is a big understatement.
Pharmacies Now A One-Stop Shop For 13 Common Ailments
Ontario is making it more convenient for people to connect to care closer to home by launching pharmacist prescribing for some of the most common medical ailments.
As of January 1, 2023, Ontarians are now able to stop in at pharmacies across the province to receive prescriptions for thirteen common ailments, including rashes, pink eye, insect bites and urinary tract infections with just their health card. This service makes it more convenient to access care by
removing a doctor’s office visit and will come at no extra cost to Ontarians.
Stopping by your local pharmacy for quick and easy access to treatment for some of your most common ailments increases your access to the care you need closer to home. Expanding the ability of pharmacists to provide care is making it easier, faster and more convenient to access health care in their community.
Pharmacists will be able to offer prescriptions for:
• hay fever (allergic rhinitis);
• oral thrush (candidal stomatitis);
• pink eye (conjunctivitis; bacterial, allergic and viral);
• dermatitis (atopic, eczema, allergic and contact);
• menstrual cramps
• acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD));
• hemorrhoids;
• cold sores (herpes labialis);
• impetigo;
• insect bites and hives;
• tick bites (post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent Lyme disease);
• sprains and strains (musculoskeletal); and
• urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Allowing pharmacists to prescribe for these common ailments will make it more convenient for Ontarians to receive the care they need, while offering patients more convenient choices for how they access and receive health care. With a large, provincewide footprint, pharmacist prescribing will help to increase access to care in rural parts of On-
In addition to providing more convenience, pharmacy prescribing will also help free-up doctors’ bandwidth to provide care for more complex needs, helping to reduce wait times for these services.
Quick Facts
• A common ailment is a health condition that can be reliably self-diagnosed and managed with self-care strategies and/or minimal treatment.
• Anyone with symptoms should contact their local pharmacist to confirm whether they provide prescribing services for certain common ailments before visiting the pharmacy.
• This change builds on pharmacists’ current knowledge, skills and judgement to recommend over-thecounter medications and allows physicians to focus on
the more complex health care needs of their patients.
• These changes are being made in partnership with the Ontario College of Pharmacists.
Ontarians can now also visit local pharmacies for Paxlovid prescriptions. Visit ontario.ca/antivirals for more information on eligibility and to find local pharmacies that are dispensing Paxlovid.
Office Notice:
My office is open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. If you require assistance on any matter, please contact me at any time. My staff and I will be happy to assist. Even if it’s not a provincial issue, I’ll make sure to connect you with the proper office.
Page 2 FRIDAY, J A n uA RY 13, 2023 MA n OTICK MESSE n G ER
- Goldie Your voice at Queen’s Park
CECCE schools collect 32,500 items in Christmas Food Drive
Students and staff at Pierre-Savard High School, which includes students from the Manotick area who attend school in the French Catholic school board, collected 4,300 items for the Ottawa Snowsuit fund and the Barrhaven Food Cupboard.
The campaign was part of the 2022 Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) Christmas Food Drive. Ottawa’s French Catholic school board collected more than 32,500 food items, hygenic products, toys, clothing and gift cards during the drive.
“This year I am especially proud of everyone’s involvement in this beautiful collective project that helps one’s fellow man. It is reassuring and touching to see that the magic of Christmas is still working,”
said Marc Bertrand, the CECCE Director of Education in a press release.
Several local schools in Barrhaven, Nepean and Riverside South took part in the annual drive.
Bernard-Grandmaître Catholic Elementary School collected 1,000 items for the Ottawa Foodbank.
Franco-Ouest High School collected 400 items and also had more than $2,000 in gift cards that were donated to 13 families from the Franco-Ouest community.
George-Étienne-Cartier Catholic Elementary School collected 650 items and $1,460 in gift vsards that were donated to families in the community.
Jonathan-Pitre Catholic School in Riverside South collected 1,800 items along with 800 baby items that
were donated to Coopérative Ami-Jeunesse.
Lamoureux Catholic Elementary School donated 785 items to Coopérative Ami-Jeunesse.
Laurier-Carrière Catholic Elementary School donated 500 items to Coopérative Ami-Jeunesse.
Marius-Barbeau Catholic Elementary School collected 450 items and gift cards from Walmart and Food Basics for the Salvation Army and families in the community.
Sainte-Bernadette Catholic Elementary School gathered 10,000 kids’ clothing items for Coopérative Ami-Jeunesse.
Sainte-Geneviève Catholic Elementary School collected 800 gift cards for community families and Coopérative Ami-Jeunesse.
Sainte-Kateri Catholic
MANOTICK MESSENGER F RIDAY, J A N uA RY 13, 2023 Page 3 613-315-7827 5510 Dickinson St, Manotick, ON
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Elementary School rounded up 1,350 items and gift cards for the Barrhaven
Food Bank and Coopérative Ami-Jeunesse. With 26,000 students in
59 schools, The CECCE is the largest French school board outside of Quebec.
Students at Pierre-Savard collected 4,300 items for the 2022 Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est Christmas Food Drive.
Police get help from province to prevent local vehicle thefts
While vehicle theft continues to be a problem throughout rural and suburban Ottawa, the Ottawa Police are getting some assistance from the province on the matter.
The Ontario government is providing the Ottawa Police Services with $669,447 to help fight crime, including auto theft.
The Ottawa Police Services will use the funding for Automated Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology – a system that consists of cameras that automatically scan licence plates. The system is installed in or on active-duty police cruisers and alerts officers to stolen or expired plates, or plates registered to suspended drivers. The system can also notify officers of missing and wanted persons and vehicles associated with AMBER alerts.
“I commend our government and the Ottawa Police Services on this new announcement to combat
auto theft in Ottawa. This government has demonstrated that we will always support our hard working law enforcement, and will give them the tools necessary to fight crime to ensure the people of Ottawa, including my constituents in Carleton, feel safe where they work, live, and play.”
Said Goldie Ghamari, MPP Carleton.
ALPR technology is a system of cameras and supporting software that captures licence plate information and immediately compares plate numbers to a Ministry of Transportation (MTO) database with vehicle and vehicle owner information. It also has the capability of capturing vehicles of interest (e.g., amber alerts, stolen vehicles, suspended driver(s), etc.).
“The Province’s investment in new licence plate scanning technology for the Ottawa Police Services is welcomed news.” said Dr.
Merrilee Fullerton, MD, MPP Kanata—Carleton.
“The new technology will provide greater safety for people and it is reassuring to know it will strengthen AMBER alerts in Ottawa.
It is also great for our police to have this new scanning capability to curb the number of auto thefts in our City.”
ALPR technology does not detect moving violations such as speeding, going through a red light or stop sign, and distracted driving.
In particular, thieves have been targeting sport utility vehicles made by Toyota and Honda. The number of vehicles stolen in the City of Ottawa in 2022 was much higher than it was in 2021 and was well over 1,500 vehicles. Among the most frequently stolen vehicles were Honda CRV, Lexus/Toyota SUVs, Jeep Cherokees, Dodge Durangos, Ford and Lincoln pickup trucks, and Acura RDX.
The Automated Licence Plate Recognition Technology Grant is a one-time grant to help police services strengthen roadside law enforcement efforts and improve public safety across the province.
“This investment further demonstrates our government’s plan to ensure police services across On-
tario have the resources and equipment they need to keep our communities safe,” said Solicitor General Michael Kerzner. “I am confident that this tool will be a tremendous asset to police services and help them combat incidents of auto theft and enhance public safety.”
The investment in ALPR
Honda.C a p H oto
technology supports Ontario’s recent move to eliminate licence plate renewal fees and stickers for passenger vehicles, light-duty trucks, motorcycles and mopeds by allowing licence plate information to be read automatically without requiring an officer to see a physical licence sticker to validate a vehicle.
Page 4 FRIDAY, J A n uA RY 13, 2023 MA n OTICK MESSE n G ER Manotick 1166 Beaverwood Rd, Manotick, ON (613) 692-3591 The Mews Of MaNOTick hOuRs Of OpeRaTiON: Monday-Saturday 8aM-6pM Sunday 9aM-5pM proudly serving Manotick & surrounding area since 1964 613-489-3735 North Gower Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm, Saturday: 7:30 am - 1:00 pm Proudly serving you
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selection of building materials for all your construction projects. Full line of pressure treated spruce, #1 pine, plywood, insulation, caulking, and builders’ hardware supplies. Building outdoors?
Western red cedar, naturally!
Honda CRVs are the most targeted vehicles by thieves.
City of Ottawa does both too much and not enough
As the saying goes, “a jack of all trades is a master of none.”
One of the many frustrations I often hear about from residents is the constant struggle to get the most basic requests approved by the City. These could be requests for a garbage can to be emptied at a local park, a ditch drainage issue in front of your home or on your street, speeding in your neighbourhood or a lack of transit access in our villages.
I share these frustrations as it ultimately is part of the larger reason I ran for public office- to ensure we get the services we are paying for.
When I ask City staff to assist with an issue, most of the time, they can help, but often, I hear about the lack of resources available to do more than the very basic of requests.
Rideau-Jock Report
David Brown, Councillor , Ward 21
Given how much residents pay in taxes, it is reasonable to ask: why do services so often fail to meet residents’ reasonable expectations?
One challenge is the sheer size of the City. Ottawa is the largest municipality in North America with a landmass of more than 2 770 square kilometres. That is more land area than the country of Luxembourg. Our ward, at more than 700 square kilometres, is larger than the City of Toronto. This size strains Ottawa’s ability to deliver services.
Another issue is that, for many years, Ottawa has
sought to do more than it historically has done. Debt has skyrocketed to more than 3.6 billion dollars due to major infrastructure works, such as the LRT, and the expanded role of the City by providing additional services. The interest on this debt, as well as the growth of Ottawa’s suburbs, further strain services.
With these challenges in mind, it is clear that Ottawa is not going to shrink. The city must instead take extra care to be efficient in how it delivers services. It must make priorities about what can and cannot be reasonably provided.
As the saying goes, “a jack of all trades is a master of none.” I believe the best service delivery model is always one where you focus on what you must do. As such, Ottawa must focus on the critical services that are most important to residents.
To that end and as we head into budget season, I’m pushing the City to focus on the core services we need to live our lives. I’m interested in hearing
what is important to you, which services and programs you use and how I can help make them better. You can contact my office by email: ward21@ottawa.
ca or by phone 613-5802491.
Seismic activity felt near of Manotick
, Jan. 3
Seismic activity believed to be centered near rural south Ottawa was felt on the night on Tues., Jan. 3. The centre of the seismic activity is estimated to have been located between Manotick and Greely. Volcanodiscovery.com reported the activity which was believed to be a three on the Richter scale. Four people made reports of the activity. One resident from Manotick reported being in bed and hearing and feeling something that was like a truck rumbling by. “But there are no trucks at this time,” the person said.
David Brown Councillor Ward 21
Time to un-cancel diversity of opinion
The quest for “diversity” has become the universal rallying cry for every institution, including universities, government departments, corporations, and even law societies. “Diversity” has been defined as including skin colour, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation.
However, the one kind of diversity not included on this list – and the one that is desperately needed today – is diversity of viewpoint. That most important kind of diversity is not welcomed at all. It is too often actively shunned or outright cancelled.
We saw this play out during the truckers’ “Freedom Convoy” last winter. The protesters in Ottawa represented a significant portion of the Canadian population who were fed up with vaccine mandates and other measures they saw as government overreach undertaken in the name of “keeping Canadians safe” from a respiratory virus that listens to no government. They also asked to be heard by a government that is expected to belong to all Canadians.
Did you have a nice Christmas?
Were there presents and baked goods and a big stuffed turkey with all the trimmings and everything else magical that goes with what many of us call the best day of the year?
Not everyone had that kind of Christmas.
Our COmmunity
“You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch, You really are a heel.
You’re as cuddly as a cactus, you’re as charming as an eel. Mr. Gri-inch!
to achieving MHI’s goal to create more affordable housing in Ottawa while promoting tolerance and respect among residents of all faiths.
Currently, MHI owns a total of 179 units, housing between 300 and 400 people, at five different property sites: Blake House, The Haven, Kent House, Somerset Gardens, and Veterans’ House: the Andy Carswell Building.
With Canada Day approaching next week, it is a good time for us all to reflect on what it means to be Canadian.
Do we take being Canadian for granted?
Instead, they were called names by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and told that they held “unacceptable views.” Draconian punishment, including the seizure of bank accounts, then followed. Clearly, a government committed to “diversity” did not include a diversity of viewpoints on its list.
Better yet, how do new Canadians feel about being Canadian? Some of us look upon immigrants and refugees as opportunists, not wanting to give but very willing to take. Perhaps, for some people, that is true, but when you attend a celebration for new Canadians, such as the one hosted by NepeanCarleton MP Pierre Poilievre at Mother Teresa High School in Barrhaven last month, you can see the excitement and the thankfulness in the eyes of every new Canadian.
You’re a bad banana with a…greasy black peel.”
– Dr. Suess
Benjamin said that the Christmas items were delivered to the other buildings before Christmas. However, because of the storm and bad weather, the Christmas items for Blake House were delayed.
If we are in Who-Ville, then I guess the Trail Road landfill sit would be Mount Crumpit. I doubt that the Grinch we are going to tell you about lives there, but apparently he lives in nearby Barrhaven.
The toys that were distributed were from the various Toy Mountain drop-off centres in Barrhaven and throughout the city.
They understand, perhaps better than all of us, what it means to be Canadian.
So how can the rest of us have that feeling?
But this failure to include a diversity of viewpoints on the diversity list in all of Canada’s institutions. Universities that have made the quest for “diversity” almost a religious calling routinely shout down or outright cancel those with viewpoints they disapprove of. Mainstream newspapers simply refuse to allow writers with a different perspective on issues such as residential schools, climate change, or COVID vaccination to air their views. No diversity there.
The Conservative government has a solid idea.
As a result, many alternative conservative media outlets have sprung up. And this is leading to a world where half the population lives within one liberal/progressive thought bubble while the other half lives within a traditionalist/conservative thought bubble. And never the twain shall meet.
Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and Andrew Cohen, President of the Historica-Dominion Institute, are challenging middle and high school students to take the citizenship test.
The Canadian Citizenship Challenge, funded in part by CIC and run by the Historica-Dominion Institute, will see students study Discover Canada: the Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship and then take a mock citizenship test.
“This will be a fun way for students to learn about Canada and feel proud of our shared history and accomplishments,” said Minister Kenney. “As we learn about our past and the people and events that made Canada what it is today, we become more proud to be Canadian. We are inspired to see how we can defend our rights and live up to our responsibilities and we feel much more strongly how valuable it is to be a citizen of Canada.”
At the school’s 50th Anniversary Party, Manotick Co-operative Nursery School honoured its longest-serving teacher/volunteer with a memorial garden bench, which will be installed with a plaque in the school’s playground. Left to right, MCNS Director Sandy Erler and June Hodge celebrate June’s 29 years as a supply teacher, teacher and volunteer.
And those living within the one bubble deny access to, or “cancel,” those living within the other bubble.
However, until our major institutions take note of how much damage is being done by coercing everyone to accept the view of the liberal/progressives, and marginalizing Canadians who think differently, the problem will only get worse.
“Our schools need to be training our young people to become the citizens of tomorrow. Citizenship is not only about new Canadians, it’s about all Canadians, young and old,” said Andrew Cohen. “The Canadian Citizenship Challenge will encourage students to learn more about what it means to be Canadian and then put that knowledge to the test.”
Sometimes it’s best just to say nil
Turn your calendars back to November, 2022. There was a special excitement about Christmas. It would be the first normal Christmas in three years. The malls were full, and so were the restaurants and coffee shops. We didn’t even mind if it took forever to find a parking spot at Bayshore.
I’m finding myself at one of those bizarre crossroads where everything I love about sports is about to collide with a large swatch of the population working diligently to grate my nerves.
It’s this whole World Cup thing. Don’t you find that people are just a little too into it?
I found myself in line in front of two nouveau soccer fan moms at Your Independent Grocer the other day.
The fact is, the civil rights battles over skin colour, gender, and sexual orientation rights were largely won years ago. That kind of “diversity” is already well accepted and is here to stay. But the battle over the failure to accept a diversity of viewpoints is raging and shows no sign of letting up any time soon.
McRae photo
Tenants were also to receive Food Basics gift cards. MacKay United Church of Rockcilffe and Barrhaven United Church also made donations.
Benjamin said he could not put a dollar figure on the value of the items stolen.
If you donated any toys at any of the drop offs or parades, maybe they were among the stolen.
In November, there was a Toy Mountain Parade in Riverside South. Throughout the city, including in Manotick, there were Toy Mountain drop-offs. People seemed to take a little bit of extra interest in Toy Mountain this year. Maybe it was because we all felt so good.
wonder about things like how come “underneath” is a word but no one ever says “overneath” when the discussion pulled me back into soccer.
Benjamin stopped to collect himself and gather his thoughts. He was shaken, fighting back some tears.
“The toys were all very nicely wrapped at the Haven and sorted out by each child’s gender and age,” Benjamin said. “We wanted every gift to be special.”
Starting this summer, the Historica-Dominion Institute will be encouraging more than 5,000 middle and high school teachers to register their classrooms for the Challenge. Each classroom will receive a set of the new citizenship guide, along with specially designed learning activities. The teacher will also receive copies of a mock citizenship exam. Students will take the citizenship exam as a class and the teachers will return the completed exams to the Dominion Institute for grading.
And we must find a solution because that intolerance undermines the free speech essential for democracy to survive.
By Jeffrey Morris
Diversity of viewpoint is the most important diversity of all. Canada needs it.
Results will be announced by the Dominion Institute on Flag Day (February 15) each year for the next three years. For more information about the Challenge please visit the Historica-Dominion Institute website at www.historica-dominion.ca.
CIC’s multiculturalism grants and contributions program will be investing $525,171 in this 32 month project which promotes civic memory, civic pride and integration.
I was kind of in my own little mental world in the checkout line, scanning the tabloid and magazine covers and wondering what Justin Bieber’s first major scandal would be. I was just about to reenter the world after some quality time on Planet Jeff and launch into my weekly way-to-reward-your-customers-bycharging-us-five-cents-per-bag-and-claiming-it’sto-save-the-environment rant when I unexpectedly locked in on the conversation behind me.
“Chelsea is learning so much by watching the World Cup,” said the mom wearing Crocs. “We are studying each country before the game. She has really become a fan of Arr-hayne-TEE-na, and she even wants us to go there on our vacation next year. Perhaps we can even go to Brrra-seeel.”
That caught my attention. Arr-hayne-TEE-na?
Are you kidding me?
But then, on Dec. 30, something happened. “Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch had a wonderful, awful idea.”
The other mom – the one with the Birkenstocks – piped in.
Between the time he got home on the night of Thurs., Dec. 29 and when they left for Blake House the morning of Fri., Dec. 30, his vehicle was broken into.
“I wish some of the stores would carry the vuvuzela horns so that we could bring them to Chelsea’s games,” said the mom who was wearing Crocs.
“Oh, I know,” said the one wearing Birkenstocks.
“They are a wonderful football nation,” she said. “My husband, of course, wears the azure and cheers for Italia, but Zachary’s favourite team has been MAY-heee-co. They did a school project on MAY-heee-co last year and he has even insisted that we go to out to eat and watch the games when they are playing.”
Full disclosure. There was nothing wonderful about what this Grinch did on Dec. 30. Not even the real Grinch would do something like this.
Benjamin said something seemed strange when he got into his vehicle.
I bit my tongue.
While Christmas is meant to bring joy to the lives of children, this Grinch left some needy children with no Christmas at all.
“Zachary has a tournament next weekend and it would have been so in the spirit of the World Cup to have all of us blowing our vuvuzela horns. They lost two-nil and then three-nil. They need all of the support they can get.”
Nil? Who says nil? Really.
“Oh, I know,” said the mom wearing Crocs. “The horns are such a beautiful part of the South African culture.”
I wanted to jump in and say something, but I refrained. I couldn’t do it.
If you are unfamiliar with the vuvuzela horn, then you have not tuned into CBC over the past two weeks. If you stumble across a World Cup soccer game on CBC, you will hear what sounds like 50,000 bees swarming the field. They are not bees. They are people blowing on cheap, plastic, gimmicky horns.
In an effort to keep my blood pressure down, I looked out the big window at the big parking lot and scoped it out, looking for a puppy or a bird or anything that would pry my mind out of the shackles that these two soccer moms had put me in with their conversation.
A busload of seniors from a nearby retirement home had pulled up and passengers were getting off. I was trying to, in my head, name all of their walkers as an escape.
Unfortunately, they pulled me back in.
“My cousin lives in Australia, and he was devastated when Germany beat them 4-nil,” said the mom wearing Crocs.
At this point, I couldn’t take it anymore. Mount Patience erupted and out came sarcasm lava.
A load of toys, gifts and grocery gift cards were earmarked to be delivered from the Haven, a Multifaith Housing Initiative project in Barrhaven, to Blake House, another MFI project, in Vanier. When Adrian Benjamin, the Manager, Community Engagement and Volunteers of Multifaith Housing Initiative arrived at Blake House and opened up the back of his vehicle, he was shocked to find nothing but empty boxes.
“I saw that match,” I said. “I can’t believe AusTRY-lier looked so insipid against Deutschland.”
“I had mints in my car, and someone had eaten the mints and left the wrapper on the seat,” he said. “Neither my wife or I would ever do that. We wondered if the kids had done it. But it wasn’t until we got to Blake House that we saw that everything was gone.”
Benjamin said his initial reaction was to worry about what to tell the children.
The funny thing about these horns is that they have become what has defined the 2010 World Cup.
People who have been following the World Cup and people who have only seen 20 minutes of it in passing have commented on these annoying yet relentless horns. Ironically, while the world has learned to adapt these horns as the one thing they now know about South African culture, the horns aren’t really a part of their everyday lives. South African sports enthusiasts have commented that they had never seen nor heard a vuvuzela horn at a sporting event, and that the South African people find the noise just as annoying as the rest of the world does. Apparently, some now wealthy marketing genius came up with the idea to mass produce and market these horns as a World Cup novelty. The plan worked, and now the rest of the world must endure the shrilling sounds of his quick buck.
I was just about to drift back into ADD world and
The mom with the crocs was not impressed. The mom with Birkenstock’s wasn’t either, but she did acknowledge me with a response.
“Who is your team?” she quipped, condescendingly.
I did the only thing I could do, shouting as loud as I could.
They turned their heads in disgust. The next 45 seconds were incredibly silent and awkward.
At that point, it was my turn. The cashier scanned my Diet Coke and V-8 Fusion, and I was all set.
“I was stunned,” he said. “We wrapped the toys and gifts the previous night at the Haven in Barrhaven and loaded them up so that we could get going early the next morning. Who would steal toys that were wrapped and labelled and ready to give to five year olds? What kind of person would do that? These toys may have been the only presents these children would receive at Christmas.”
“Would you like plastic bags?”
“They were excited and they were expecting me,” he said. “I wanted to leave before they saw me so that they wouldn’t be confused or upset. When I got back to Barrhaven I let our Executive Director know, and then we had to let them know at Blake House that everything was stolen. Here were 26 families that would have no gift cards and no toys.”
The Ottawa Police were contacted and are investigating the theft. Benjamin is happy about how seriously the police are taking the matter, especially since the police were actively involved in the Toy Mountain project and donated many of the toys.
“Yes please,” I replied.
I had never been so happy to pay five cents for a plastic bag just to get the hell out there.
The Multifaith Housing Initiative is a coalition of over 70 faith communities including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindu, Unitarians, Baha’i and other faiths from across the city of Ottawa. These members are dedicated
Jeffrey Morris was the 2008 OCNA Columnist of the Year. His book, From the Other Skide, is available at Manotick Office Pro, Barrhaven UPS Store, and Pages in Prescott.
A campaign has been started for people to donate to give Christmas back to the children and families who live in Blake House.
To make a donation, please visit: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/ multifaith-housing-initiative/
Page 6 FRIDAY, J A n uA RY 13, 2023 MA n OTICK MESSE n G ER
Brian Giesbrecht is a retired judge and a senior fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.
© Troy Media
P.O. Box 567,
Page 6, Manotick Messenger, Wednesday, June 23, 2010 OPINION PAGE Letters to the editor welcome — email newsfile@bellnet. ca or fax 692-3758 Messenger Editorial Are you more Canadian than a fifth grader?
This time, the Grinch really did steal Christmas from the other side
5567 Manotick Main St.,
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5
CONTROLLED Member, Ontario Community Newspaper Association Canadian Community Newspaper Association Phone: 613-692-6000 Fax: 613-692-3758 email: Advertising: advert@bellnet.ca Editor: newsfile@bellnet.ca News/ Sports: newsfile@bellnet.ca 1165 Beaverwood Rd., P.O. Box 567, Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5 www.manotickmessenger.on.ca The Manotick Messenger is published every Wednesday in Manotick, Ontario. The Manotick Messenger is mailed to bona fide subscribers in Rideau and Osgoode Townships for $36. The publication is available by carrier for $36 or at newsstands for $1.00 per copy. Letters will be edited for length, clarity and libellous statements. Display, National and Classified rates are available on request. The Manotick Messenger is not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other material used for publication purposes. Advertising deadlines: DISPLAY, Monday 3 p.m.; CLASSIFIED; Monday 4 p.m. All layouts and composition of advertisements produced by employees of Manotick Messenger Inc. are protected by copyright invested in the publishers of the Manotick Messenger. Publisher: Jeffrey Morris Managing Editor: Jeffrey Morris Reporters: Bev McRae Jeff Esau Marketing Mgr: Gord Logan Office: Angie Dinardo Photographer: Mike Carroccetto Publisher: Jeffrey Morris Managing Editor: Jeffrey Morris Reporters: Bev McRae Jeff Esau Marketing Mgr: Gord Logan Office: Angie Dinardo Photographer: Mike Carroccetto We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. The Manotick Messenger is published every other FRIDAY in Manotick, On-
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for the loss
publication purposes. News and Editorial: manotickmessenger@gmail.com Advertising and Marketing: garyhcoulombe@gmail.com Website: www.manotickmessenger.ca
Ryan Birtch, David Brown, Gary Coulombe, Larry Ellis, Skyler Fraser, Goldie Ghamari, Jeffrey Morris, Greg Newton, Charlie Senack, Irene Staron.
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The warehouse battle was lost but who really won the war?
By Gordon KuBaneK
Have you noticed that there is NO mega warehouse in North Gower at the corner of Rogers Stevens and 416? A group of your neighbors called the Rideau Action Group (RAG) has been fighting since 2019 to maintain your quality of life by working to stop the construction of a proposed Amazon style distribution centre. The warehouse battle in North Gower pitted a small group of concerned citizens against big corporate entities like Broccolini and the City of Ottawa. Corporations with billion dollar budgets and high priced lawyers. After three years of work by RAG, several zoning change appeals, planner and lawyer bills and lots of meetings a provincial government tri-
bunal ruled against the RAG appeal and approved a zoning change on the beautiful farm opening the door for industrial development in the friendly farming village of North Gower.
At first blush it appears the David vs. Goliath battle was lost. But the perseverance of this determined community group has paid off and RAG has been lucky. The market has turned in their favor. Thanks to COVID and the delays in the legal process three years have passed and Broccolini appears to no longer have a tenant. [It was probably Amazon, but they never said who]. The RAG efforts have delayed the construction to a time in the economic cycle where Amazon is shutting down warehouses, laying off thousands of workers and
industry growth is slowing.
An unanticipated problem for Amazon is a shortage of labour. With their high turnover rate Amazon is finding it difficult to hire workers everywhere. It turns out they have a low retention rate: only one in three new hires stayed on with the company longer than 90 days last year. This is not a quality work environment that our friends and neighbors deserve.
Experts predict a recession in 2023 and possibly several slow years after that and no one can predict when the market will return to the roaring pace of 2021. It is anticipated the residents of North Gower, Kars and Osgoode and all of those traveling Roger Stevens Drive in this region will have a reprieve from traffic jams and construction hold ups for
a few more years. With increasing inflation and fears of a recession it looks like RAG helped to hold off the construction of a big North Gower warehouse. A victory if only in the short term.
So, dear neighbours, if you are happy with this effort to retain our rural quality of life, go to the Rideau Action Group Facebook page, give them a like and a donation for their legal bills. https://
www.facebook.com/groups/ rideauactiongroup.
MANOTICK MESSENGER FRIDAY, J AN uARY 13, 2023 Page 7 Dr’s Fowler, Isok, Wood & D’Cruz OPTOMETRISTS Call for Appointment ~ 613-692-3581 ALL DOCTORS ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Manotick Eye Care Since 1975 1128 Clapp Lane, Manotick (right beside the Mill)
on Page 9
Gordon Kubanek speaks at a Rideau Action Group public meeting last year.
More letters
Braid defends CBC, describes Bresnahan as a ‘consummate professional’
The Editor, I feel I must respond to the editor’s note that appeared at the end of my letter to the editor in the last Messenger concerning the proposed defunding of the CBC. In part, this is what
the editor wrote: “As for Mr. Braid’s opinion that the CBC does not have a left wing bias, perhaps he missed the tasteless attempt at a hatchet job interview by CBC Ottawa Radio morning host Robyn
Braid opts for partisan ranting instead of wellinformed commentary
The Editor,
It’s too bad that Andy Braid is given to partisan ranting rather than well-informed commentary. He insists that information and analysis pointing out problems and outright errors in attacks on Canada’s hydrocarbon (fossil fuel) industry is “extreme right-wing nonsense” and that any suggestion that the CBC shows left-wing bias is absurd. Yet he supports the absurdly blatant bias in a journalism professor stating that “the truth is leftwing”.
The CBC is not alone in selecting a single person as their designated expert on practically every recurring topic -- a practice that leaves the audience with only that person’s views and ignores inherent bias. But the CBC is the only such broadcaster lavishly funded from government coffers while competing with commercial broadcasters, something most people would recognize as unfair.
Maybe a taxpayer-supported broadcaster was justifiable in the early years as a practical way of providing news and analysis across Canada when there were few viable private broadcasters, but those days are long gone. Now, especially in television, the CBC poaches advertising from the private sector, and its topic coverage skews noticeably to the government position (especially under the current government). I don’t remember the CBC of the 1970s indulging in subtle political propaganda the way it does now. A worthy public broadcaster would provide unbiased information and competing views that reflect us -- not attempt
to steer us to a favoured position. The “CBC’s unrelenting coverage of the WE scandal” reported the prime minister’s involvement only as failing to recuse himself from cabinet discussion of the WE contract (despite his and his family’s significant involvement with the organization). It treated the PM as delicately as it could and instead focused on the WE organization, guiding us to overlook Trudeau’s breach of ethics and responsibility. I miss the more balanced coverage of earlier years and wonder why taxpayer support is still justified.
Braid’s wild $15.9 billion figure for “taxpayer funded” subsidies of the oil and gas industry last year is at odds with Statistics Canada figures that amount to $1.9 billion ($271 million annually) in the sevenyear (inclusive) period from 2010 to 2016. Is Braid aware that of $3.3 billion disbursed by NRC between 2000 and 2016, $2.6 billion (more than 79 per cent) went to energy companies for “green” projects? And none of this considers that the oil and gas resource industry in this country pays on average $18-billion a year in taxes and royalties to different governments across Canada.
Governments provide subsidies to encourage specific activity, currently including the push to favour “green” industry. Braid blithely ignores the subsidies that support the electric car he finds so superior. He’s enjoying it so far, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us enjoy helping pay for it. That’s the non-partisan truth.
David Wieland Kars
Bresnahan when she invited local Progressive Conservative MPP Goldie Ghamari onto her program during the provincial election campaign.”
There are a lot of things wrong with that statement, starting with, “during the provincial election campaign.” This was actually a post-election interview that couldn’t possibly have affected the outcome of the election. Also, as a frequent CBC Radio One listener, I was surprised to hear that the Calgary-bornand-raised Bresnahan--the same person who had been accused of being “too hard” on Kathleen Wynne during the 2018 election--could have done a “hatchet job” on Goldie Ghamari. Having since listened to the interview in question, however, I can assure Mr. Morris that it was in no way,
shape or form any kind of a “hatchet job.” That’s not to say it wasn’t a disaster for Ghamari, because her evasive performance was horrendous, but that’s not Bresnahan’s fault. Ms. Ghamari’s responses to legitimate questions were nothing short of risible. When Bresnahan asks about highway 413, Ghamari responds, “I’m not familiar with highway 13, that’s in another area.” So she’s never heard of highway 413, but she knows where it is, apparently.
In fairness to Ghamari, it’s clear her previous interview experience had been restricted to having proTory AM Talk radio lightweights lob softball questions that she could answer by repeating party talking points or meaningless campaign slogans like, “we’re going to get it done!”
When faced with probing questions from an actual journalist, Ghamari does a faceplant, seemingly completely unable to anticipate where Bresnahan is going. The following exchange is a case in point:
Bresnahan: Would you agree that part of a healthy democracy is transparency and accountability?
Goldie: That’s what our party campaigned on.
Bresnahan: Then why did you decline every interview request the show has sent you during the campaign?
Of course, Ms. Ghamari is painfully aware that she’s in over her head and at one point offers the excuse that, “I’m sorry I just woke up a couple–about half an hour ago.” Eventually she becomes sufficiently flustered dealing with hard questions that
she terminates the interview.
I realize that we live in an age where nobody takes personal responsibility for anything, but there’s no way on earth that we can blame Ghamari’s disastrous interview performance on the supposedly left-wing bias of Robyn Bresnahan. Bresnahan is a consummate professional who never raises her voice or loses her temper, but instead allows Ghamari to say her piece uninterrupted, which is what Bresnahan’s done in every interview of every politician, regardless of their ideological leaning.
Let’s not try to blame the MPP for Carleton’s lack of expertise in dealing with the media, on the media.
Andy Braid Kars, ON
Sunday Services
Holy Eucharist at 8:15 & 10 a.m. “A
(Elevator Access Provided)
Church Office 613-692-2082 Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9-4
The Reverend Kerri Brennan e-mail office@stjames-manotick.ca Web site: www.stjames-manotick.ca
Sunday Worship at 10 am Office hours are: Mon, Wed-Fri admin@manotickunitedchurch.com www.manotickunited.com 613-692-4576
Mass tiMes Saturday 4:30p.m., Sunday 9a.m. 11a.m Weekdays Wed., Thu. 9a.m., Fri. 9:30a.m. Office: 692-4254 www.stleonardsparish.ca Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. EMAIL: office@stleonardsparish.ca
–Serving South Barrhaven, riverSide South and Manotick–
1138 Bridge Street, Manotick
joyfully serving & growing in God’s love”
Christian community
Church Directory ACCESSIBLE Manotick ..United .Church 5567 Manotick Main Street, Manotick, Ontario, K4M 1A5
CATHOLIC CHURCH 5332 Long Island Road, Manotick Pastor: Rev. GeRaRd
*All churches wheelchair assessable* We welcome all, who with God’s help, work to build a better world.
Fo Guang Shan Temple makes donation to Richmond Food Bank after food drive
The Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Ottawa Chapter did a food drive among its members and disciples of the Fo Guang Shan Temple since the Temple was established. Before the pandemic, food or winter items raised were distributed to a food bank within Ottawa such as Ottawa Food Bank, Shepherds of Good Hope, or Emergency Food Centre
at Ottawa downtown.
Since the Fo Guang Shan Temple moved to 6688 Franktown Road in March 2020, the Temple and BLIA raised cash donation instead of food to minimize impacts of the COVID pandemic among the monastics and the BLIA members. This year, the food drive was conducted from October 24 to November 26, fund raised was
donated to the Richmond Food Bank and Ottawa Food Bank.
Representatives from the Fo Guang Shan Temple and the BLIA Ottawa Chapter led by Venerable Miao Qi and June Sun (President of BLIA Ottawa Chapter) presented the cheque to Richmond Food Bank, represented by Judy Wagdin, on December 18, 2022.
Ben Wightman supports Richmond Legacy Community Pavilion
The Richmond Legacy Community Association is pleased to announce another partner in its fundraising for the construction of a multi functional community pavilion for both public and private events in the Village of Richmond.
Ben Wightman provides professional service in the selling and buying of residential properties in the City of Ottawa, Richmond Village and surrounding areas. His organizational, marketing and personal skills have helped him develop his 12-year career in residential real estate where client satisfaction is essential. Ben is a proud recipient of the 2022 Diamond Award representing the top 2% in sales Canada Wide among 18,500 Royal Lepage realtors.
For more information on the Richmond Community Pavilion and on how you may contribute click on richmondlegacy.ca.
Manotick Dental clinic
Dr. Larissa Patterson (613) 692-6500
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Always Accepting New Patients
Dr. Jolieann Joseph (613)692-4432
Dr.Donald Young (613)692-4432
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Page 10 FRIDAY, J A n uA RY 13, 2023 MA n OTICK MESSE n G ER
from the Fo Guang Shan Temple and the BLIA Ottawa Chapter led by Venerable Miao Qi and June Sun (President of BLIA Ottawa Chapter) presented the cheque to Richmond Food Bank. From left to right are Chiew Chong, Louisa Ho, Venerable Miao Qi, Judy Wagdin, June Sun, and Felicia Kho.
1st Manotick Scouts looking for adult volunteers for Scouts, Beavers
The 1st Manotick Scout Group was formed with community support in 1921 and has operated uninterrupted for over 100 years. They hold Charter number 32, making them one of the longest continuously run-
ning Scout Groups in Canada. Scouts learn skills for life, self reliance, leadership, active healthy living and perform community service.
In Manotick and Riverside South, 1st Manotick
Scout Group offers programs for youth from 6 to 18 years old. They are looking for adult volunteers to help youth have adventure, fun, learn new outdoor skills and connect with nature. Their Beaver Scout section has a
waiting list of over 15 children unable to join due to a lack of volunteers, and their Scout Troop needs adult volunteers to help Scouts learn new skills.
If you are interested in helping as a Scout Leader,
previous participation with Scouting is helpful, but not necessary. Scout Leader and skills training is provided. There are no membership fees for adult volunteers, and the time commitment is flexible, typically two hours
a week. Adult volunteers are required to complete Scouts Canada stringent volunteer screening, and safety training. Want to step forward? Contact Group Commissioner Rod Wilson 1stmanotick@gmail.com.
Ontario government providing free Naloxone Kits in workplaces
The Ontario government is launching a first-of-itskind program to make free naloxone kits (and free training) available at workplaces where there is a risk of staff witnessing or experiencing an opioid overdose.
Fentanyl has been a problematic issue in Manotick for close to a decade. The drug is surfacing again and causing dangerous problems as it is commonly mixed into street drugs including weed
and cocaine.
In 2021, 2,819 people died from opioid-related causes in Ontario – the highest number on record and up from 366 in 2003. Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose, restore breathing within two to five minutes, and allow time for medical help to arrive.
“Ontario, like the rest of Canada, is in the middle of an opioid epidemic made
worse by a toxic supply of recreational street drugs,” said Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. “That’s why our government is the first in North America to require naloxone kits be accessible in at-risk workplaces by June 1, 2023, to raise awareness for those struggling with addition, reduce stigma and save lives.”
Of the workers who died
from opioid-related causes last year, 30 per cent were employed in construction –by far the most impacted industry. Bars and nightclubs have also seen increased opioid usage and accidental overdoses, often because of recreational drugs laced with deadly opioids such as fentanyl and carfentanil.
“Our new Workplace Naloxone Program, as part of our Narcotic Transition Services, will save lives,” said
Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “Everyone in Ontario deserves access to these kits, and this innovative program will bring a new level of safety to our province’s workplaces.”
For up to two years, Ontario will provide free nasal spray naloxone kits to businesses at risk of opioid overdoses through the Workplace Naloxone Program and free training needed to equip staff
with the tools to respond to an opioid overdose.
Businesses can determine if they are eligible for the program and find additional information on accessing naloxone kits and training at Ontario.ca/workplacenaloxone. Once the requirement is in effect, Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development’s inspectors will take an education-first approach to enforcement.
How to help Main Street rebound from the pandemic
Main Street is the heart of many small communities. Small businesses have long been the drivers of both local and national economies.
The impact small businesses have on their communities may have been lost during the pandemic, when so many establishments were forced to close. The good news is that many small business owners were hopeful that the effects of COVID-19 would soon be a thing of the past. Data from Bank of America, Data for Good and JPMorgan Chase indicates that 59 percent of entrepreneurs expect the impact of COVID-19 to affect their bottom line for two years or less. That’s encouraging, but in the meantime community leaders can take various steps to promote everything Main Street has to offer.
· Create an inviting downtown atmosphere. Main Street America® is a grassroots network of small towns, mid-sized communities and urban commercial districts that work together to make downtown areas the heart of local communities. Ed McMahon, the chair of the National Main Street Center Board of Directors, notes that a healthy downtown area is vital to having a healthy town. Towns that want to revitalize their downtowns should aspire to create an inviting, inclusive atmosphere that celebrates the character of the town, including its history. Main Street America® notes that people-centered, accessible public spaces can restore and revitalize downtowns, making them places locals and even non-locals want to visit.
· Make it a partnership. Business owners in community centers and downtown areas have a vested interest in revitalizing Main Street, but they can’t go it alone. Local government officials, chambers of commerce, private sector businesses, and civic organizations all have roles to play in making Main Street a place where people want to spend their time and money. Local leaders should make a concerted effort to hear every voice as they try to revitalize Main Street.
· Emphasize safety. COVID-19 changed how many people shop and dine, and those changes must be considered as Main Street is rebuilt. The Mayo Clinic notes that outdoor fresh air is constantly moving and dispersing the type of respiratory droplets that contain the COVID-19
virus. Because that air is constantly on the move, individuals are much less likely to get COVID-19 when spending time outdoors compared to indoors. Communities may be ready to get back to normal life, but it’s important to do so safely. Many small towns closed Main Street and downtown areas to auto-
mobiles during peak shopping and dining hours, such as weekend evenings and afternoons, so local businesses could bring their offerings outside. Communities can keep such rules in place after the pandemic, as more outdoor seating at restaurants and less crowded walking areas proved wildly popular among consum-
ers. In addition, communities must make a concerted effort to create and maintain a Main Street where residents and shoppers feel safe at all times of the day and night.
Communities can work together to ensure Main Street thrives as the world slowly emerges from the pandemic.
Page 12 FRIDAY, J A n uA RY 13, 2023 MA n OTICK MESSE n G ER THANK YOU, CARLETON! Contact information for my office: 613-692-3331 PierreMP.ca I won't stop fighting for you. 990 River Road Manotick Across from Tim Hortons www.pharmasave.com Hours of Operation Monday to Friday: 9am-8pm Saturday- 9am-5pm Sunday- 10am-4pm These cards accepted 613-692-0015 Manotick’s only locally owned Pharmacy PAUL’S PHARMACY Thank You again for Your conTinued paTronage THE MEWS OF MANOTICK 613-692-3591 Open: Monday - Saturday 8-6 Sunday 9-5 Manotick “Thank you for supporting your community-minded, locally-owned hardware store. It is your support that allows us to give back to the community.”
Unique reasons to shop at small businesses
The numbers don’t lie. Locally owned businesses may be classified as “small,” but they have a big impact on the national economy.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Business Employment Dynamics report, small businesses created 10.5 million net new jobs between 2000 and 2019, accounting for 65.1 percent of net new jobs created since 2000 in the United States. The Government of Canada reports that the number of small businesses in Canada in 2020 was far greater than the number of medium and large businesses, accounting for 97.9 percent of all the businesses in the country.
Supporting locally owned businesses is a great way to support a neighbor, but that’s not the only attraction. Here are several reasons to shop small.
The feel-good factor
Doing for others certainly has an impact on the person on the receiving end, but also benefits the do-gooders. A November 2020 survey by Union Bank found that 72 percent of Americans said supporting small businesses was more important than getting the best deals. That may be due to the feeling of helping out a fellow neighbor.
Create job opportunities
Shopping at small businesses keeps those establishments afloat, and it also keeps their employees afloat. Small businesses are the largest employers in the United States. That’s also true in Canada, where 68.8 percent of the total labor force works for a small business. A person may never know when he or she - or a relative - will need a job. Keeping small businesses viable provides a strong job market for locals.
Keep more money in the community
The Small Business Administration says $48 out of every $100 spent at a small business stays in the community. Spend the same $100 at a national retailer and only $14 stays.
Enjoy a more local flavor
National retailers and other businesses follow a global business model that may not allow for much customization, but small businesses can provide products or services that relate directly to the needs of the communities they serve. These same small businesses also may be more inclined to work with local vendors and start-ups than national companies that have global supply chains.
These are just a few of the many reasons to seek out small businesses when in need of products or services.
MANOTICK MESSENGER F RIDAY, J A N uA RY 13, 2023 Page 13 We’re so excited to see you all. Thank you for your constant support over the last years. You have no idea how much it is appreciated. Cheers to you all! 2364 ROGER STEVENS DRIVE SpecialS Mon-Sat 11:30am-9:00pm Sun 11:30am-8:00pm 613-489-2278 Monday Wings • Tuesday Burger Mania • Wednesday riBs • Thursday: Fish & Chips • Friday-sunday our FaMous priMe riB Delivery Monday to Sunday within 7 km radus of the pub Seatsonourheated coveredporch! SHOP LOCAL
South Carleton Storm, St. Mark Lions return to ice, hardcourt
After a two-week break, high school students are back to class and studentathletes are back in the gym and on the ice.
In boys contact hockey action, South Carleton takes on Sacred Heart Jan. 18 at the Richmond Arena. The Storm had three games in a day-long regular season tournament Dec. 21. The Storm had 3-3 ties with St. Pius X and St. Mother Teresa, while edging BeatriceDesloges 2-1.
In girls hockey, South Carleton improved its record to 3-1-0 Dec. 20 with a 6-1 win over Osgoode Township High School. They were scheduled to play a rescheduled game against St. Francis Xavier Jan. 9 at the Fred Barrett Arena.
Osgoode THS plays three games Jan. 16 at the Fred Barrett Arena. They put their 1-3-1 record on the line against Sir Wilfrid Laurier at 8:30 a.m., St. Peter at 11:30 a.m. and Beatrice-Desloges at 3 p.m.
In boys curling, South Carleton will take on unbeaten Pierre-Savard Jan 12 at 3 p.m., and then face Longfields-Davidson Heights Jan. 17 at 3 p.m. All games are at the Nepean
In girls curling, the South Carleton Storm tangle with the unbeaten St. Mark Lions Jan. 12 at 3 p.m. It will be a rematch of their Dec. 20 game, won easily by the Lions 10-2, handing the Storm their only loss of the season. On Jan. 17, South Carleton faces LongfieldsDavidson Heights, while on Jan. 19 St. Mark goes up against Nepean.
On the hardcourt
The South Carleton Storm senior boys basketball team went into the break on a high note after beating the visiting St. Mark Lions 6843. The Storm host Franco Ouest Jan. 11 at 4 p.m. and then visit Nepean Jan. 17 at 4 p.m.
The Lions host Sir Robert Borden Jan. 11 and then visit Franco Ouest Jan. 18.
The Junior boys Storm beat Brookfield 49-36 on Dec. 20 to finish their regular season at 6-2-0. They punched a ticket to a playoff game at 7-1-0 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Jan. 10.
The Storm girls volleyball team split matches before the break, beating Maurice-Lapointe Dec. 15 and losing to All Saints Dec. 22.
They returned with games against unbeaten Pierre-Savard Jan. 10 and then a trip to Franco-Ouest Jan. 12.
Unbeaten St. Mark posted 3-0 wins in matches with St. Pius X Dec. 19 and Kanata Montessori Dec. 22. The Lions were scheduled to face Holy Trinity Jan. 11 in their final regular season game of the season.
St. Mark forward Liam Welks powers his way through South Carleton Storm defenders during their NCSSAA senior boys basketball game Dec. 20. Welks scored 13 points but the Storm were 68-43 winners.
Rideau NoN-PRofit HousiNg is lookiNg to HiRe a PRoPeRty MaNageR
To manage daily operations of a two story, 30-unit apartment building located in Manotick, Ontario. Rideau Non-Profit Housing provides apartments at affordable market rents as well as rent-geared-to-income rents for independent Seniors.
This is a part time contract for 15 hours per week starting in February 2023. Previous property management experience is an asset
Reporting to the Rideau-Non-Profit Housing Board of Directors, the Property Manager will:
• Manage overall day to day operations of Seniors’ apartment building with a strong understanding of building systems and operations
• Be responsible for general office procedures and rental of units in the non-profit sector. These duties include maintaining waiting list, rent collection, assessing eligibility, rent-geared-to-income (RGI) rent calculations, income verification and rental documents
• Manage accounts payable/receivable
• Manage the planned maintenance and of all building components, systems, equipment, and grounds, including fire, life and safety systems and coordinate appropriate trades when required
• Provide timely communication to tenants regarding any events or maintenance taking place in the building
• Participate in communication with City of Ottawa Housing Support Program
• Handle occasional after hour emergencies
power off the tv and computers and allow the 20-30 minutes before laying down to be calm and relaxing. Any day is a good day to make positive changes for
Page 14 FRIDAY, J A n uA RY 13, 2023 MA n OTICK MESSE n G ER
If interested, and for more information please apply to:
Jen and Steve Maude Travel Agents in Barrhaven specializing in Universal Studios and Disney destinations, including Disney Cruise Line Click The Mouse Travel 12-58 Simpson Rd | St. Catharines, ON L2N 0A5 www.clickthemouse.ca/JenandSteve 613-286-3250 | maudesquad@clickthemouse.ca TICO # 50024500 host india With Best Compliments From Delivery available after 4.00 pm. www.hostindia.ca 4156 limebank road 613-425-4678 A: Veterinary clinics were listed as an essential service and temporarily allowed to stay open to deal with emergency and sick care patients only. We are now are allowed to
to do more. We
the needs
safety needs
to help deal with this
personal protective equipment has been important Q: What are vet clinics doing to help against COVID-19? Dr. Andrew Sparling D.V.M. VETERINARY SERVICES PHARMACY A: With the
Q: Did you make a healthy New Year’s Resolution? Paul’s Pharmacy 990 River Road, Manotick, ON 613-692-0015 Pharmacist If you have any questions for our area professionals, email us at: garyhcoulombe@gmail.com
have had
with the
of the public and the hospital team. Telemedicine, a “closed-door policy,” social distancing and limiting certain services have been tactics
pandemic. Increased use of
new year upon us, January is a great time to consider healthy lifestyle choices. Food, exercise, and sleep are three areas to focus on. Good nutrition is about balance so choose fruits, vegetables and whole grains more often, and treats and sweets occasionally. Bundle up for the cold and get outside to skate, ski, toboggan or walk with a friend. And as for sleep,
your health!
Comeback falls short as Casselman bounces Royals out of first place
hand over Embrun.
The Richmond Royals returned to action after a twoweek break to face the Casselman Vikings in a battle between two of the top teams in the Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League’s Martin Division. The Royals fell behind and mounted a comeback, but an empty netter sealed the deal as the Vikings beat the visiting Royals 4-2 Thurs., Jan. 5.
The win moved the Vikings into a tie for second place with the Royals with 36 points in the standings, one point behind the Embrun Panthers. The Royals, however, have two games in hand over Casselman and three in
The Royals opened the scoring just before the midway point of the first period. Ryan Sullivan netted his fourth of the year from Reid Johnston and Drew Russett. Nicholas Lenkster levelled the score for Casselman when he scored two minutes later.
In the second period, Nico Pozzebon put the Vikings ahead 2-1 with a goal at the 8:48 mark. Noah Gibbons stretched the lead to 3-1 by scoring at the 9:35 of the third.
The Royals applied pressure to the Vikings, but caught a bad break with just under two minutes remaining as Declan McCarthy received a tripe minor – a double minor for a check to the head and a minor for roughing. Jacob Knickle of the Vikings was
also sent off for roughing, putting the Royals down by one player.
Being down a man did not stop the Richmond attempt at a comeback. Dylan Rorwick scored a shorthanded marker from Jackson Allaire and
Tyler Hames with 36 seconds remaining.
Any hopes of a tie, however, were quickly snuffed out when Alexis Lafrance scored an empty net power play goal for Casselman with nine seconds left.
Kratt signs with Bundasiliga Club
Ottawa South United youth soccer alumni member Ronan Kratt of Manotick has signed with German Bundasliga club Werder Bremen. Kratt joins the club after completing his first professional season in the Canadian Premier League with York United. As a 19-year-old in the Canadian Premier League, Kratt played in 14 games and scored in his second game. Prior to joining York United, Kratt had also been called into the Canada U20 camp as well. The OSU management and staff said what stood out for him early on was his level of dedication to improvement. This was exemplified each week when he would come to the OSU Juggler’s Club and set a new record for juggling the soccer ball each week during training sessions.
MANOTICK MESSENGER F RIDAY, J A N uA RY 13, 2023 Page 15 www.pcoptimum.ca Download the app KING'SKING'S 5911 Perth St, richmond, on (613) 838-7255 Don’t miss out on excellent offers! Save time Shop on-line sign up now! open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Investments. Insurance. Advice. Growth or protection? Get both. Segregated funds guarantee a portion of your principal investment, no matter how the markets perform. Talk to us today! BillMcDonald FinancialAdvisorandMutualFundInvestmentSpecialist 5560ManotickMainSt,Manotick Co-operators|Co-operatorsFinancialInvestmentServicesInc. Notallproductsareavailableinallprovinces.SegregatedfundsareadministeredbyCo-operatorsLifeInsuranceCompany.©2022Co-operatorsLifeInsurance Company.W2044(03/22) 613-692-5070cooperators.ca/local/william-mcdonald If there is one constant
from year to year in local Junior B hockey, it’s that road trips to play in Casselman are not
Jackson Dallaire of the Richmond Royals is surrounded by Casselman Vikings as he chases a loose puck.
Rideau Carleton Raceway wraps up 60th season of harness racing
Another successful season of harness racing has wrapped up at Rideau Carleton Raceway (RCR) located at Rideau Carleton Casino, Future Hard Rock Ottawa (RCC). And what a season it was!
Rideau Carleton Raceway Racing Manager Peter Andrusek discussed: “Coming out of the COVID-19 lockdown in January, there was much uncertainty at the beginning of our 2022 season; however, through the dedication of our ownership, horse people and race team our 60th season delivered well above our expectations. From compelling racing, record daily wagering to the significant investments made in our track lighting, TV production, and our infield; I believe that while the industry continues to face many challenges, Rideau Carleton Raceway is managing itself in a relevant
manner ensuring horse racing maintains a viable component of the future Hard Rock and within our community.”
The Rideau Carleton Raceway officially opened on September 1st, 1962, making this its 60th year of operation. Earlier this year, the raceway celebrated the milestone with a fireworks display, and a special invitation-only event inside the casino with over 200 guests gathering to share stories and pay tribute to those who contributed to the success of the raceway over the years.
Rideau Carleton Casino, Future Hard Rock General Manager Helen MacMillan discussed the thrilling season of harness racing, as well as the 60th celebrations: “There’s no better way to celebrate 60 years of Rideau Carleton Raceway than to host some of the best harness racing
this raceway has ever seen.
We had tremendous turnouts all season long from our fantastic customers and we were so happy to bring everyone together to celebrate six decades of racing. This was an extremely special year and I’m already looking forward to the next season.”
Memorable highlights from the harness racing season:
● The racing season kicked off on February 13th as the City of Ottawa came out of lockdown and wrapped up on December 18th. Races took place every Thursday and Sunday.
● On May 12th, Sauble Delightful, an aged pacer, broke the track record with Guy Gagnon behind the reins. The previous track record was set by Lit De Rose on August 23, 2020.
● Gagnon is a Quebec native but considers RCR his home track. He has
been quite successful on the Ottawa dirt over the years and was the raceway’s top driver this season. Currently, Gagnon has the highest driving percentage in all of North America with an over .440
● Guelph’s James MacDonald won all five Ontario Sires Stakes $100K races this season, on his way to being named OSS’s Keith Waples Driver of the Year Award.
● Wagering increased 25% this season and averaged out at about $26K per race. This substantial increase is allowing customers at Rideau Carleton Casino to bet into attractive pools each night.
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Regular racing at Rideau Carleton Raceway will return on March 19, 2023. Visit the racetrack’s official website for updated information and follow the Rideau Carleton Casino on Facebook for updates on upcoming events, news, and more. Bente n i elsen photo