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Fall Fair time is just around the corner in rural Ottawa
I believe that the country fair is a cornerstone of Canadian culture! It is a magical event that must be experienced by everyone at least once. Just the sweet smell of cotton floss or the sound of the merrygo-round can stir up childhood memories of the country fair. It may take you back to a time when life was simpler, when there was an appreciation for things created by hand or nurtured in earth by the sweat of the brow. For many fair goers, the
by Larry Ellis
grandstand shows are the highlight of the fair, and people plan their holidays around this event.
The first destination for many entering the fairgrounds may be the building that displays artists, crafters, experts in culinary arts that challenge judges. One display may be an array of colorful handmade quilts that have taken many hours to create stitch by stitch. After being displayed some move on to national competitions. The organizers work hard to add new and exciting events every year to keep the show fresh.
Visit the stables in the crisp air of a fall morning and watch as owners meticulously groom majestic horses, readying them for many equine events. Maybe next-door roosters crow, and rabbits, ducks, geese and fluffy chicks nestle in the straw of their cages, also on display for visitors to critique are the fruits, vegetables, flowers, grain crops and harvest crops. Many dollars in prize money are given out for pickles, pastry, carvings, and other things –First Place Prize Winner ribbons are a treasure to the contestant!
Fall Fairs in this area include - opening dates –Navan August 10 - Richmond September 16– Carp September 21 – Metcalfe September 28 – Russell August 11 - South Mountain August 17 – Spencerville September 7. Visit a fall fair, there really is nothing like them, you will be glad you did! by Phill Potter

Grade: 12
Parents: Heather and Dennis Wyche