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Community Calendar Community Events
• Ottawa Futsal Club entering their 29th season indoor soccer. Youth boys & girls, women, men & coed. Players / teams wanted. All skill levels. League starts October ends April 2020. Please go online at www.futsalottawa.com.
• Ottawa Futsal Club entering their 29th season indoor soccer. Youth boys & girls, women, men & coed. Players / teams wanted. All skill levels. League starts October ends April 2020. Please go online at www.futsalottawa.com.
Early bird ends September 21st
Mark your calendars! Sunday Aug.27 – the return of the Allan Haan Manotick Soap Box Derby and Picnic in the Park. Planning is underway! Check our website in the weeks ahead for details. Info for last year’s event will remain until closer to the date. Go to https://www.manotickvca.org/
Early bird ends September 21st ations of the Store, Watson’s Mill and Dickinson House. https://watsonsmill.com/bookstore/
• Ottawa Newcomers Club - For women who have recently moved to this area; (and those who have experienced a significant life change), and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. More information at: ottawanewcomersclub.ca or by contacting newcomersclubottawa@gmail.com.
• Old Time Fiddle Music & Dance - East Osgoode Greely Assoc, First Friday of each month, invites & welcome all Musicians, Dancers & Listeners. Greely Community Centre, 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely. For additional info call 613 489-2697.
• Old Time Fiddle Music & Dance - East Osgoode Greely Assoc, First Friday of each month, invites & welcome all Musicians, Dancers & Listeners. Greely Community Centre, 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely. For additional info call 613 489-2697.
• Friday Night Country Music & Dance Club The Greely Legion the fourth Friday of each month. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613-826-6128.
• Friday the fourth play, Greely 613-822-1451