1 minute read
Name: Melita Wyche
Mid summer is here and we return after a short break to share more community updates with you. Make sure to mark you calendar for July 31 to attend the public consultation for the Hawkins Properties development project. With the new provincial legislation in place, opportunities for communities to have their say are not a given. We advocate on your behalf to make them happen!
MVCA Board Appointment – Director of Membership
The Board of the MVCA is pleased to announce the appointment of Peggy St. John as our new Director of Membership, stepping in for Bonnie Gray who retired from the Board end of May. Peggy has been our Director-at-Large for the past year as well as an active volunteer with the Watson’s Mill Used Book Store and a member of the Manotick Horticultural Society. We thank Bonnie for her many years of contribution, helping to build our membership to a robust 430+ members, working on our events committees and for chairing our ONCA Committee working to align our association by-laws to be in compliance with the Ontario Not for Profit Act by 2024. You are wished all the best!
MVCA Newsletter Update
The Board also express-