2 minute read
Welcome to the Next Level Here’s to the Crazy Ones
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The trouble makers. The round peg in a square hole … but the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones that do.”
That was part of the “Think Different” campaign when Apple mounted it’s comeback. But you don’t have to be Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos to change the world. In fact, there are many people in our community who our changing things in our state for the better. Whether it’s a leadership of one•n•ten, Aunt Rita’s, Phoenix Pride, Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS, and all of the other amazing organizations that are taking the Arizona LGBTQ+ community to the next level.
There are many unsung heroes and leaders that you probably don’t know. Boots on the ground in our war for equality, freedom and happiness. A person who takes individuals under their wing and helps them grow and flourish. Last month, we lost one of those leaders. Todd Singer helped young people come to terms with their sexuality. He hosted epic parties and lead people to experience their new life. Todd will be missed by many people, including me. The only thing we can do is to take his legacy to the next level. It’s great to see today’s youth grow and flourish.
Are you crazy enough to think you can change the world? Take your community to the next level? We live in interesting times. We’ve won many battles, but there are more to fight. We have many enemies, but more friends. Together, we can lead our community to greatness. Will you join me? Are you crazy enough?
Crazy Him/His
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Vernon Ave., Suite 3 Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-750-1164 (no solicitors) www.IONAZ.com ionarizona@me.com
Jack M. Tesorero ...................... jacktesorero@me.com
Deon Brown ............................... ionazeditor@me.com
Alex Campos ...................... ionazproduction@me.com
PHOTOGRAPHERS: LeakedGlass Production Rafalogie Studio
Fernando Hernandez
RSVP Photography
WEB: Zachary Cross / Custom Resumes
APP: Steve Sovacki / Biz Burst Mobile
DISTRIBUTION: Paul Sanchez Danny Silvani
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