2 minute read
When I was 16 in Detroit, I looked forward to summer. Sunshine and warm weather finally arrived by June. The cold winter months were behind us. I would get in my 10 year old Mustang, “roll” down the windows, “push” in my cassette tape and play Don Henley’s song, “Boys of Summer.” (For our younger readers, it was remade by The Ataris, ironically my favorite video game consolel at the time). Yes, I’m old.
Living in Arizona is like having summer last all year long. You can drive down the street with the windows down and your favorite music playing on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora the list goes on. What’s better than listening to your favorite artist is seeing them live. What’s better than seeing them live is seeing them for FREE! ION Arizona has teamed up with LIVE NATION to give away free tickets to many artists’ concerts including Madonna, P!NK, Sam Smith, and RuPaul’s “Werq the World Tour” to name a few. To enter, email IONArizona@me.com and enter the artist you want to see in the subject.
Enjoy this issue featuring an interview with the entertaining TikTok kitchen phenomenon, B. Dylan Hollis, author of the forthcoming book, Baking Yesteryear, plus our annual sexy swimsuit feature. We’d like to thank ES Collection for supplying these amazing suits which the models got to keep.
That’s it for me. I’m going for a drive, listen to my music and enjoy all that our wonderful state has to offer. Be safe, be kind, and have fun!
Jack M. Tesorero
Locally Owned and Operated!
Vernon Ave., Suite 3 Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-750-1164 (no solicitors) www.IONAZ.com ionarizona@me.com
Jack M. Tesorero ...................... jacktesorero@me.com
Deon Brown ............................... ionazeditor@me.com
Alex Campos ...................... ionazproduction@me.com
PHOTOGRAPHERS: LeakedGlass Production Rafalogie Studio
Fernando Hernandez
RSVP Photography
WEB: Zachary Cross / Custom Resumes
APP: Steve Sovacki / Biz Burst Mobile
DISTRIBUTION: Paul Sanchez Danny Silvani
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Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization within ION Arizona is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or organization. To our knowledge, all people photographed and published in ION Arizona are over the age of 18. Some photos were submitted by our readers. To our knowledge, they own the copyrights, and they have given us permission to reproduce them. If you see a picture that you own, please call us immediately and we will remove it from future publications. All copy, text, display, photos, and illustrations in the ads are published with the understanding that the advertisers are fully authorized, have secured proper written consent for the use of names, pictures, and testimonials of any living person, and that ION Arizona is not responsible for unlawful use of such content.