Branding guidelines
X Festival branding guidelines contents 1. Print identity style guide 1.1 The Logo 1.2 Logo position 1.3 Logo misuse 1.4 Colour 1.5 Typography 1.6 Typography size 1.7 Number size
1.1 The logo Logo Colour Where possible the X Festival logo should always appear in Black but in situations where colour cannot be used it can appear in the patterned gradient design. The ‘X’ of the logo should always be in black or the signature pattern and can never be transparent. The only option for the logo to be transparant is for special packagining features such as lasercutting, where a pattern or branded guidline gradient can be put underneath it. Logo size The ‘X” logo has been designed to reproduce at a minimum height of 4mm. There is no maximum reproduction size.
1.2 The logo position Where possible, in print, the X logo should always appear in the centre position of the page, unless there is an address or substantial amount of text where it can appear in the bottom righ corner. It should be placed NO closer than 10mm from the trimmed edge.
1.3 The logo misuse As a key representative of the brand, it is important that the appearance of the logo remains consistent. The logo should not be misinterpreted, modified or added to in any way. It must never be re-drawn or adjusted and should only be reproduced from the artwork provided. To illustrate this point some of the more likely mistakes are shown.
1.4 Colour The colour within the festival and printed paradenalia uses 3 main colours, which are listed below as well as monochromatic colours. The colours within the festival have been made in gradient also that is used promodominatley throughout the work and packging designs of the festival.
C:57% M:5% Y:5% K:0%
C:36% M:1% Y:34% K:0% C:1% M:77% Y:8% K:0%
1.5 Typography A typeface has been designed to be used throughout the festival. It is called Baron Neue and is the header font. Baron Neue is supplied by Dafont and is therefore supported by pc and mac. Lane Narrow is used for body copy and can be used at a minimum of 10pt.
baron neue abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyoeABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZÆOE&0123456789*#@+<=>÷% ‰ ? $ , . : ; . . . · „ ! ? ¿ ¡ ( / ) [ \ ] ® © T M Ä Å Â Á Ã À ÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙao°~ˆ?•-–_
Lane - Narrow abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyæoeABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZÆOE&0123456789*#@+<=>÷% ‰?$,.:;...·‚„!?¿¡(/) [\]®©TMÄÅÂÁÃÀ ÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõ ùûüÿao¬•°~ˆ?•-–_
1.6 Typopgraphy size Type should never appear below 4pt. There is no maximum limit to type size. Headlines should always be set using Baron Neue and always in caps. As they are to appear this way the leading for headlines should be determined by the following equation: leading = font size -5pt for example: font size = 70pt leading = 65pt Body copy should always be set using Lane - Narrow. As this is a condensed font, body copy requires more leading and should be determined by the folowing equation: leading = font size +3pt for example: font size = 8pt leading = 11pt
THE FESTIVAL OF THE YEAR The festival of the year Body copy set using Lane - Narrow. It is 8pt type with 11pt leading. Being a condensed font the extra points in the leading helps its readability. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut eros vel mi tempor condimentum. Ut nec sapien eu sem sollicitudin sollicitudin. Duis tortor arcu, tincidunt sit amet, consequat sed, lacinia volutpat, sapien. Nam scelerisque tincidunt magna. Ut eleifend enim a mi. Fus ce consequat luctus ante. In luctus luctus eros.
1.7 Writing numbers All numbers should be used with the lane - narrow typeface. The minimum size for numbers should be at 12 pt so that it is still legible across a multitple of printed platforms
12 34 56 78 90