48 Hours: Monaco 44 / Affordable Paris Bistros 53 / Great Urban Runs 57 New Mexico Drive 60 / Patagonia Tale 64 / Colorful Indian Textiles 65
smart traveler [ Travel at its Best ]
Adventures in Coupon Travel Websites such as Groupon and LivingSocial brought us localized deals on cupcakes and haircuts. But can they deliver travel discounts? To find out, writer Janelle Nanos planned a weekend getaway in San Francisco.
Local Flavor
How about some authentic, non-chain restaurants? sightseeing
On the Move Is there
Central Location Can I find a hip hotel downtown for half the price?
San Francisco treat: A bird’s-eye view of the City by the Bay.
n a t i o n a l g e o g r a p h i c t r av e l e r | m a y - j u n e
Rebecca Hale/ NG S (U pp er ), Renau d visag e/ph otolibrary (lower)
a fun and active way to explore the city?