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BandraBuzz creating community connect

August 2012 | Vol. III Issue 8 | Published Monthly | To Advertise: 9820783686

www.issuu.com/bandrabuzz | bandrabuzz@gmail.com | 16 pages | Price: ` 2

Do we pay our taxes to live in filth?

Above: Bandra Fish Market, Bazaar road

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Win 2 Gift Vouchers from Crop Factory TURN TO PAGE 10 >>

How fair is the Bandra Fair

Bandra’s Night Life

Turn to page 02 >>

Turn to page 11 >>


August 2012


Midnight Drama at Bandra Police Station

e wee hours of 8th Aug 2012, saw dra- Agnelo Fernandes, President, MCYF said, matic scenes at Bandra Police Station, Hill “We are surprised that Ekta Kapoor - who Road. At least 4 news channels were pres- is known for her religious acts, was not ent. sensitive to the religious feelings of another Christian groups – Catholic Resident community". Organisation for Social Services (CROSS) Lawrence D”souza, President, CROSS - headed by President Lawrence D'souza said, “It is sad that Ekta Kapoor has no reand Trustee John Fernandes, Association spect for the Christian religion. How could of Concerned Catholics (AOCC) - headed she stoop so low for her film’s entertainby president Gordon Jacobs and Secretary ment content ? She has hurt our religious Judith Monteiro, Maharashtra Christian sentiments - which is not pardonable”. Youth Forum (MCYF) - headed by Agnelo Fernandes, (President, MCYF) have regis- ese groups have taken objection to 3 tered their protest & raised objections at major scenes, amongst others, in the various forums, against sacrilegious scenes movie - namely : in the movie ‘Kya Super Kool Hain Hum’. Scene 1: Depicting a Catholic Priest, solAn FIR came to be registered on 7th emnizing the marriage of 2 animals August 2012 at the Bandra Police Station namely a male & female dog - who are conby the CROSS organization, against the sidered a re-incarnation of the parents of a concerned persons - for having hurt the re- Catholic character, in the movie. ligious sentiments of Catholics u/s 295 A Scene 2: Depicting a con man who claims IPC, u/s 34 IPC. ereaer on 8th August to speak with God. He says he had dinner 2012 another FIR was with Jesus, the previous lodged by AOCC at Christian Groups lodge F.I.R. night – i.e. e Last Mahim Police Station, against "Ekta Kapoor" for Supper. under the same sections hurting their religious senti- Scene 3: Depicting the - for an offence in its juwedding reception of risdiction, headed by ments in the movie, “Kya the 2 dogs, wherein they Advocates Archie Sod- Super Kool Hain Hum” are indicated to be in a der and Joe Sodder. sexual act. When a call Police Inspector D. S. Patil, aer being is made to stop them, the character depicttold about the issue, was very co-operative ing the Priest is shown sprinkling Holy in accepting the FIR. Bandra Police Station Water, while reciting the words of the ‘Sign was allegedly the first in India, to accept of the Cross”. the FIR against Ekta Kapoor & the rest. A delegation, comprising members of the In their statement issued to the media: groups had approached the Censor Board, Gordon Jacobs, President, AOCC said, & time was given for: “is is not the first time the film industry 1) A public apology to be made by the Dihas mocked our religion. Please do not rector, Producer & actors concerned - both take us for granted, We have started stand- in Print & Electronic media. ing up for our rights - and will not hesitate (2) Objected scenes to be deleted immedito take criminal / legal action”. ately from eater Prints & Satellite Prints. Advocate Shane Cardoz said, “is FIR (3) Dismissal of those from the Censor will send a strong signal to the film indus- Board - who viewed the movie - and all try - that India being communally a sensi- those who passed it without a cut of the oftive nation, the sentiments of all faiths fensive scenes. e same was not heeded should be respected, especially by Bolly- to. wood. We are contemplating contempt is issue has serious communal impliproceedings against Ms. Leela Samson, cations – and should be taken seriously, if Chairperson, Censor Board - for violation India is to shine! of the various High Court judgements and the Cinematography Act”. Bandra Buzz Team


How fair is the Bandra Fair? In 2010, residents living in the vicinity of Mt Mary’s Basilica created a stir, when they went to court, against the civic body, over the Bandra fair - held by the local H/West ward on roads leading to the Basilica. e common sentiment being, “this is an attack on the church” and “on tradition”. But in reality, who rakes in the money - officially or unofficially - at the expense of the tax paying residents??? Post court order in 2010, the DMC-ZIII, aer giving hearings/site visits to petitions /interveners - and taking into account suggestions from Mumbai Fire Brigade, Mumbai Police, Mumbai Traffic, BEST, formulated a new strategy for conduct of fair which was implemented. is brought relief to residents in terms of fire safety, access for emergency services, public transport & smooth flow of human/vehicular traffic as also stalls to interveners. Prior to the fair in 2011, the H/West Federation filed a PIL due to the last minute inclusion of stalls on Rebello ground. In that PIL this year, the BMC withdrew stalls from playground - and instead of admitting that there was a plan in place for conduct of fair, they mislead the court - and an order was passed to formulate a new policy for conducting the fair. In a meeting between residents and Municipal Commissioner on 25th July2012, Mr. Kunte was surprised with the disparity of opinion/claims between residents and officers of the H/West, regarding conduct of the fair in 2011. He showed residents a map, that depicted the steep loss of Rs 14 lakh revenue, due to relief given to them. He said that, even then our objections would be taken into consideration when formulating a new policy. For this purpose, the BMC had a joint meeting with the Mumbai Fire Brigade, Mumbai Police, Mumbai Traffic and BEST, who once again proposed the same strategy that was in place in the year 2011, opposing stalls on roads less than 60 feet wide - and

also inclusive of fire safety norms. However, the same has been swept under the carpet due to the loss of revenue. e deficit had to be made up by any means possible, so the H/West ward has thrown caution to the wind. ey have placed stalls on roads that are 24 / 35 meters wide - and back on roads that are 40 feet wide. ey have even utilized ‘fire breaks’, recommended by the Mumbai Fire Brigade - for stalls. To oppose this, another PIL was filed in August 2012 to oppose the Final Policy. At the hearing on 10th August 2012, the Sr. Inspector Traffic- Bandra Division made a verbal submission that no stalls should be placed on St. John Baptist Rd.; but later to our dismay, Adv. G W Matoos who appeared for the authorities, pleaded that he used to be a resident of the locality - and he knew the problems. He said the authorities knew what they are doing, as they have been doing this for 300 years. He also stated that petitioners are new residents to the area, who have formed groups called ALM’s - and they think they know everything. On that note, the case was dismissed, but more shocking was the dismissal of submission, made by the Sr. Inspector of Traffic. BEWARE- File obtained through RTI by residents was tampered with prior to inspection and Xerox. e file had been well manicured for the court - and the most incriminate evidence, the map seen at Municipal Commissioner was replaced at the H/West ward. BEWARE- e BMC is now licensed to auction your footpath even in non-hawking zones, to commit public nuisance, which otherwise is a crime under the Indian Penal Code, to hold to ransom an entire locality for 8 days or more, so that they can earn revenue under the garb of “religious activity”. BEWARE - Tomorrow your road could be included - and you won’t be able to stop it!!! Lillian Pais



August 2012


Restoring Bandra Fair’s original glory For many centuries, the Bandra Fair used to take place along Chapel Road, St. John Baptist Road, Mount Mary Steps, Mount Mary Road & Kane Road for 8 days – with all communities enjoying the festive ambience. None of the original residents of these roads had any objection to the fair. In fact, many of them were stall owners & took an active part in organizing various programmes. ese people were from all communities – including Hindus, Muslims & Christians. In recent times, there have been demands to ‘STOP THE BANDRA FAIR’. e People objecting to having the Bandra fair and the stalls are migrants to Bandra. ey are not the ‘original’ residents of Bandra. ese people have formed a small group and have filed the aforesaid writ petition bearing no. 1383 of 2010. Some residents have complained that all the public transport is reserved for pilgrims during the fair, leaving the nearby residents with no transport. Due to large scale cooking on the roads, some residents have complained of pollution, while some have complained that mosquitoes increase in number during the fair. ese people are miniscule in number and their unreasonable demand should not be adhered to. Let’s have a sneak peek at other fairs in & around Mumbai. FAIRS IN MAHARASHTRA Maharashtra is a land of rich cultural heritage and traditions. e diverse landscape and environment make the state's culture more colourful. Maharashtrians celebrate every fair with great fervour and enthusiasm. e sacred Kumb Mela at Nashik that comes aer every twelve years is regarded to be the most important religious fair in Maharashtra. As Maharashtrians have great belief of Lord Ganesh, Ganesh Utsav at Sangli and Pune are the fairs that Maharashtrians celebrate with great fun fare, which are attended by thousands of visitors - some even from foreign countries. e Maharashtra government in collaboration with the Union government is promoting the Pune fair as a major tourist attraction. e Khuldabad Urs is a festival for Muslims; celebrated for five days. e Snake festival at Battis Shirala town too attracts large number of tourists from India and abroad. FAIRS IN MUMBAI e Mahalaxmi Temple during Navratri attracts around 50,000 devotees on each day of the nine-day-long festival - and similarly does the Mumbadevi Temple, Bhuleshwar, Mumbai. Mahim Dargah / Mahim fair, which begins from December 20 is a 12-day festival that witnesses almost half million devotees. It happens to be among the few gazetted festivals. Members of all the communities participate in the celebration. More than 300 stalls of eateries and toys are set up and qawwalis played at the dargah by people who come there. A qawwali programme is also arranged by the Mumbai police. e Mumbai police offers the first sandal at the fair followed by the one offered by the dargah trustees before it is thrown open to the public. Every Tuesday of the week, there is huge turnout at Sidhhivanayak Mandir - and similarly every Wednesday there is Novena service at St. Michael Church, Mahim. Similarly Fairs are also held at Erangal, Madh Marve Road in the first week of January

community to the Portuguese. ey also formed the Bombay East Indian Association, with regular meetings held at the Bandra Gymkhana. By adopting this name, the community wanted to establish certain facts, that as children, of the soil and original settlers of Bombay, they were entitled to certain rights and privileges and preference in official appointments. Catholic villagers with large and small holdings lived in Cavel, Kothachiwadi, Dadar, Wadala, Mahim in South Bombay, Bandra, Chimbai, Kalina, Sahar, Marol, Amboli, Versova, Aldea Mar (Madh) Poinsur and Mount Poinsur in Western Suburbs. Some of the original pockets where the community concentrated are still in evidence is Manori, Culvem, Gorai, Uttan, Dongri, Bhayander and Vasai. Bandra remains a strong hold where much of the cultural activity is concenMembers of the CROSS Association spearheading the continuity of Bandra Fair trated and where members of the community come once a year for a get-together of every year, on 26th December every year at ous other parts of the human body. e sick family & friends from all parts of Mumbai people choose one that corresponds to their and Vasai to celebrate the Bandra Fair. Kashimira. Now, some background knowledge about ailment - and light it in Church, with the hope that Mother Mary will consider their DISCRIMINATION AGAINST THE how it all started. BANDRA FAIR appeals for help. Sweets like Guava cheese, Kadio bodio Whilst the BMC permits a number of Fairs THE BANDRA FAIR e Bandra Fair is a week long fair held an- (tiny sticks made of Maida flour dipped in in Mumbai - and does not restrict the hawknually in Bandra – a suburb of Mumbai, sugar syrup and dried) from Goa, Mawa ing at such Fairs - and also at Hill Road and India - starting on the following Sunday peda (thick cookie made using evaporated Linking Road - unabated charging only aer September 8. It is celebrated to com- milk) from Uttar Pradesh, Halva from Ker- nominal fee to the hawkers who hawk their memorate the Nativity of Mary, mother of ala, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi, and the Chikki wares on the said roads, why discriminate Jesus, on September 8 at the Mount Mary (a sweet made from groundnuts and jag- against the Bandra Fair which is revered gery) from Maharashtra are usually found and enjoyed by all communities? Basilica, Bandra. By imposing restriction on the Bandra e Bandra Fair is estimated to be at the stalls during the fair. Apart from toys around 300 years old. e fair started, when and other items sold at fair. ere is a huge Fair, at the behest of some outsiders who a statue of Mother Mary was found floating demand for eatables/snacks/meals for the have just come and settled in Bandra rein the Arabian Sea, between 1700 and 1760. people who throng the fair during the 9 cently, it is trying to destroy a centuries old e history behind the current statue of days period. e hawkers even though pres- custom. is is a festival/fair celebrated by Our Lady of Mount goes back to the 16th ent in sizable numbers are not able to cater the original Bandra residents for the resicentury, when Jesuit priests from Portugal to the people who average about 3 lakhs a dents outside Bandra . We welcome people brought the statue to Bandra - and con- day and going upto 5 lakhs on weekends. from all over Mumbai, Maharashtra and the world at large - and would require stall structed the Mount Mary Church there. In is is national integration at its best. e Bandra Fair is also popular across the owners to cater to them. 1700 Arab pirates disfigured the statue by We further request the BMC not to decutting off the right hand. In 1760, the world - especially with the Indian Catholic Mount Mary Church was rebuilt - and the diaspora. A similar event called the "Bandra stroy our traditional feast for political purstatue was substituted with a statue of Our Feast" is organized annually by the India So- poses. It is only a matter of 8 to 9 days, Lady of Navigators from the St. Andrew's cial and Cultural Centre (ISCC) in Abu which the new residents migrant to Bandra Church, nearby in Bandra. is statue has Dhabi. In Dubai, the East Indian commu- West are objecting. If the migrants have a an interesting legend. It is believed that a nity members even celebrate the “Vandra problem, they can leave Bandra - or rather go for holiday for 8 days. Since we are the Koli fisherman dreamt that he would find a Cha San”. e Bandra Fair is an ancient custom ‘original residents’, we need the Bandra Fair statue in the sea. e statue was found floating in the sea between 1700 and 1760. A Je- of the East Indian Community (sons of to function in its original glory. In the circumstances we kindly request suit Annual Letter dated to 1669 and the soil) – and as such has acquired ‘Force you to allow holding of Bandra Fair in acpublished in the book St. Andrew's Church, of Law’ e East Indians of Mumbai most cer- cordance with age old customs, without reBandra (1616–1966) supports this claim. is was believed to be a miracle by the lo- tainly are not from the east of India. e stricting the number of hawkers every year. cals, and the Bandra Fair was started to cel- East Indian Community was first recog- What is required is better management nized in 1896 AD, but that was not the year and regulation of hawkers and not their ebrate this. However, in 1761, the original statue of of its origin. East Indians are indigenous to curtailment. Please note that any discrimthe Lady of the Mount was renovated with the heartland of what might be said to com- ination done by BMC vis-a-vis the other a child in her arms and is venerated at the prise the former Salsette Island including Fairs held in the Mumbai City elsewhere shall tantamount to discrimination, which fair ever since. e Fair draws lakhs of Bandra, Kurla, ane and Bhayandar. ey are local Christians of long stand- the BMC better be advised to shun and take devotees and pilgrims annually. Many faithful attest to the miraculous powers of the ing. ey were the earliest Christians, an appropriate decision, by all concerned. is fair attracts people from all over to Mount. During the Fair, tens of thousands Marathi speaking - and very much sons of visit the shrine of Our Lady of Mount. e the soil of ‘Amchi Mumbai’. To trace the an- Bandra – creating a community connect of current structure of the Basilica was built in cestry of the Bombay East Indians, one family & friends. Its unique power to bond 1904. e shrine attracts people from all must take a step back into history, over 400 people is infectious. is is what India faiths who pray for thanksgiving or request- years ago, to the advent of the Portuguese needs to progress as one nation. on these shores. Some like Dr. Elsie Baping of favours. tista, who did a socio-cultural study on the community - “e East Indians” take their WHY WE NEED STALLS / HAWKERS During the Fair, the entire area is decorated story even further back to the first century with festoons and buntings. Many pitch up A.D. - to the apostolic times of St. stalls - selling religious objects like wax idols Bartholomew, who first preached Christiof Mother Mary along with an assortment anity in North Konkan. However, the East Adv. Shane Cardoz of candles shaped like hands, feet and vari- Indians, owe their origins in terms of a


August 2012

Letters to the Editor


Philips Property – Rebello Road Permit me this belated response to the above-captioned subject, which appeared as a news report in Bandra Buzz,several months ago. I have resided on Rebello Rd. near the Philips residence all my life - and we were family friends, as one sister and my late eldest sister taught in the same institution. I have no idea regarding the current status of the said property but given below are some facts, to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1) e original owners were Mr.& Mrs. Philips, who died intestate. 2) As a consequence thereof, the property devolved on their children - unmarried daughter (a); unmarried daughter ( b); and married son (c) sans issue, each inheriting an equal one third share of it. 3) Several years ago, the married brother ( c) died and as he had no children, his share was legally inherited by his surviving widow. 4 ) ereaer, the elder unmarried sister at ( a ) above passed on, intestate - and her share, according to law, was inherited by her surviving sister ( b) and the brother`s ( c) widow, each now having a 50% share. 5 ) Following the death of sister (b), to my knowledge also intestate, a couple of years ago, the property would now belong to her brother`s widow, in its entirety. In my opinion, the sisters made no will, because: 1) Financial/legal/property matters were always and only handled by the elder sister. e younger making no pretence at understanding any of it, nor did she. 2) Both sisters were averse to the idea of a will, as it seemed to them a portent of imminent death - which they did not wish to consider. 3) In their final years, neither sister was in any state - physically or mentally, to make a valid will - even were they inclined to - which for reasons stated above, they were not. More importantly, for the sake of argument, even had both sisters / or any one made a will, it would be null and void - as one cannot, under the present law of the land, will away inherited property, as theirs was. Also, when a close member of the family already exists (son`s widow), the question of the State or any other person/s, kin, taking over the said property, does not arise. I have responded to your news report, which I only recently read, because I consider it my duty as a neighbour, friend - and as a Christian, to present the facts of the matter, as they pertain - to ensure that Justice is done and the property goes to the legal heirs/s - to whom it rightfully belongs. Bernie Tellis .......................................................................................... Better Bandra anks to the efforts of Mr. Baba Siddique, Ms. Priya Dutt, Ms. Kavita Rodricks, Mr. Asif Zakaria, Mr. Steven Noronha & the ALMs, changes in July have been made for the better – in and around Bandra. e road next to the Petit School Hockey Ground

Festive Fervour Dear Readers, As August commences, we find ourselves at the threshold of a lot of festive activities. Communities celebrating is a sight to see. With the monsoon magic adding her own local flavor, this is the ideal time to see national integration at its very best. e icing on the cake is ‘Independence Day’. is is also the time for AGMs – where various issues are thrashed out, leading to wild allegations – that sometimes get ‘action-packed’. Some are preparing for a ‘showdown’ next month, with POAs on how to ‘topple the opposition’. ese ‘power-play’ episodes can be extremely hilarious. Many, societies, associations & clubs in Bandra are where all the action is seen – with tempers rising above the roof. At this time of the year, the seasonal

has been done up with paver blocks, storm water drains and solar street lights. On Sherly Rajan Road, the broken covers of the gutters have either been repaired or replaced. Trees have had their branches trimmed. ree street lights have been put up, so the incidents of chain snatching will hopefully decrease. Mr. Armando Rodrigues .............................................................................................. Appreciation Your local newspaper is gradually emerging as a torchbearer for the common person. I was glad to see how you have highlighted Rachael – a young talented girl who needs financial help to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. ank you for keeping us alert about the ‘seductive migrant girl’ who is hovering around Bandra. Your front page head line about sinking fire hydrants was very timely – indeed, it was about two weeks before the Mantralaya Fire. Raking up the rickshaw ruckus issue should call for action from the concerned authorities – at the earliest. Please ensure that our elected representatives and all concerned civic authorities are reading Bandra Buzz regularly. ese are issues that common people face – and the fact that your paper puts them in print is commendable. You are helping local causes like no other. I am sure that with such awareness, Bandra will become a better place. Viva la Bandra Buzz! Jayesh Kulkarni .............................................................................................. Loving Bandra I love Bandra. I miss it so much. I always loved to shop there. ere are tears in my eyes when I see pictures of Bandra. Wish I could run there right now. ....... I am so SAD. Manjit Girard ............................................................................................. Online Edition Your online edition of BandraBuzz, enables us here in New Zealand, to keep ourselves updated with what’s happening in our beloved Bandra. My family & friends from Bandra eagerly await for your latest issues. We really remember our stay in Bandra – and miss it a lot. I suggest that you publish it at least twice a month, so that we do not have to wait too long for the latest buzz in Bandra. Best wishes for your local community newspaper. A big ‘God Bless’ to you & your wonderful team. Deepa Joshi ....................................................................................... Re-locating to Canada in 2002, my family & I sometimes feel homesick. e on-line edition of Bandra Buzz connects us to our motherland, like no other. Your coverage of various community events, brings back memories of my courting days. Please keep up the good work. If you need any help from my side, do contact me. Geeta Motwani

damp atmosphere interspersed with sunny days – create slippery surfaces that could change the course of your life. So, take care! It’s also ‘fest time’ at various colleges across Bandra & the city. Youth talent is show-cased here, with enthusiasm – and a lot of creativity. is is the platform where many kick-start their careers. ese infectious activities should be seen to be believed. With no government response, the ‘India Against Corruption’ movement has taken a new twist – deciding to go the ‘political way’. e reaction of activists from Bandra, who support them, need to be seen. Given the time-frame, is this decision practical? Is it prudent? Will the movement get diluted, due to varied views? Is this a ploy to break the backbone of ‘IOC’? Only time will tell. is August issue of Bandra Buzz that

www.issuu.com/bandrabuzz Rajesh Khanna Tributes Rajesh was perhaps the most popular actor of cinema in India during the 70’s.His style, mannerisms & dialogues on the big screen were indeed unique. As ‘India’s First Superstar’, he has undoubtedly brought glory to our suburb of Bandra. e passing away of this veteran artist has le a void in the film industry, which may not be filled for a long time to come. Adv. Ashish Shelar – MLC .............................................................................................. Rajesh Khanna was the heart throb of his generation. He was the symbol of romance – and a very good person. May God shower on him special blessings. May his soul rest in peace! Freddy Khambata .............................................................................................. Superstar Rajesh Khanna was – and will always remain an exceptional phenomenon. e hysteria of romance that he created in the 70’s & 80’s – and even today – cannot be matched. May his great soul rest in peace. Dr. Mamta Chaurasia .............................................................................................. Mega star Rajesh Khanna was loved by children who watched ‘Hathi Mere Sathi’. Young men used to imitate his hair style. Young women used to write love letters to him in blood. ese were his loyal fans. Kaka, we will certainly miss the aura of romance, that you created. Russell D’Souza .............................................................................................. e death of award winning actor Rajesh Khanna came as a big shock to me, as I am his die-hard fan. I remember my college days, when I would rush to the theatre to watch 1st day, 1st show of his movies : Amar Prem, Dushman, Roti, Aan Melo Sajna. No one can match his style & charm. He was – and always will remain a superstar. May his soul rest in peace. Kapil Dusija

We look forward to your letters Letters to the editor should be sent only to Bandra Buzz, and not to other publications. We do not publish open letters or third-party letters. Letters for publication should be no longer than 200 words. No attachments, please. Letters may be shortened for space requirements. We reserve the right to edit for space, clarity, civility and accuracy. Mail: 401 ANICA, 28 St. Paul Road, Opp. Laxmichand General Stores, Bandra(w), Mumbai - 400050

you are reading now is our 21st publication – so in a sense, we have now matured to become an ‘adult’. Well, a million thanks to you and all our loyal readers. Our contributing writers, loyal advertisers & distributors have certainly played an important part in our success. ank you – once again. It’s your solid support that has made this milestone happen. We could not have made it without you. Next month, as we plan to celebrate our very own local fair – the Bandra Fair, there are divisive forces that are planning to stop this traditional fair. Something that makes Bandra unique & binds communities is being targeted by selfish people. Locals - who are the original residents of Bandra, should fight these forces of disharmony. Our rights cannot be trampled upon. Do send us your views on this sensitive issue. Speak out your frank opinion. Make Bandra Buzz your unbiased plat-

E-mail: bandrabuzz@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/bandrabuzz

form. Your reactions are vital - to help understand how we can regain the past glory of the Bandra Fair. So, make the most of this month. Here are ‘Greetings’ from the BandraBuzz Team. “Happy Raksha Bandhan”, to friends from our Hindu community. “Ramzan Mubarak”, to friends from our Muslim community. “Papeti Mubarak”, to friends from our Parsi community. “Happy Independence Day”, to one & all. Keep our national flag flying by making our nation proud – with our actions. Jai Hind !

Merck N. D’Silva Editor-In-Chief



August 2012


Buzzing around Bandra! Horrendous noise emitted by autorickshaws What strikes me as astonishing is the complete absence of any complaint from anybody about the horrendous noise emitted by autorickshaws. Has nobody living in the suburbs of Mumbai noticed that about 80 percent of the auto-rickshaws on the road are emitting a much higher engine noise level now than they used to? In fact the decibel level is well over double the legally permissible level. is is because the rickshaw owners have discovered that by cropping the exhaust pipes of the rickshaws they can eliminate, or drastically reduce the necessity of burning off frequently the oily residue that rapidly builds up and chokes the exhaust pipe. is burning off process costs them money as well as earning time. ey of course do not give a whit that by shortening the exhaust pipe they produce more noise than the public can tolerate. For people living along the main roads, such as Turner – Perry Road, Hill Road, etc. it is nearly impossible even to carry on a sensible conversation above the noise level. It is a proven fact that excessive noise level s can seriously affect the health of the persons exposed to high noise levels for long periods; and we have been exposed to this maddening noise level day in, day out, from the wee hours of the morning till late into the night. is is certainly having a serious deleterious effect on the mental and physical health of the populace in the suburbs. Particularly badly affected are the senior citizens and small children. Stress, inability to sleep, irritability, neurosis, cardiac problems, etc., as also more serious ill-effects of continuous, high level s of noise are medically established consequences. Rickshaws with 2-stroke engines have always been heavy air and noise polluters and should have been banned long ago, which they have been – in the island city of Mumbai. e suburbs? Heck, who cares? All the important people live in south Mumbai anyway.

And yet, in the current uproar of demands by the rickshaw owners and drivers to increase fares, and the equally strident complaints of rickshaw users regarding non-availability of rickshaws and/or their refusal to accept passengers for short runs, NOBODY has brought up the subject of extreme NOISE POLLUTION artificially created by the majority of rickshaws. is issue MUST be addressed urgently for the good health of the public at large (in the suburbs). is subject is quite apart from the other illegalities committed by rickshaws. At least a good 40 percent of them display no lights even when it is very dark. ey merrily race up One Way Streets, as also through red lights, with no care for anybody’s safety. I was myself knocked down yesterday by a rickshaw haring up a One way street opposite Gold Gym. ey stop suddenly in the middle of the road, or make ‘U’ turns or turn offs without signaling. But they demand an increase in fares. What do their Union leaders have to say about all this? Nothing. So even if it is impractical to expect imposition of a law banning all rickshaws, because of a lack of political will, or on grounds of humanity, or convenience of the public, or whatever, the least that can be done is to enforce an upper limit to noise emission and air pollution. ose who do not toe the line should be fined at a level that hurts and repeat offenders should be de-licensed and taken off the roads. e long-suffering public must make their Corporators and MLA’s take up this issue urgently before everyone ends up in the madhouse because of the incessant NOISE they are subjected to from early morning to late into the night. No civilized country can tolerate the terrible noise and pollution created by these monster vehicles. Shyama Kulkarni

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It is the middle of the monsoon - and one evening, my melancholy mood drives me out of home to buzz around my beloved Bandra. Wrong move…. Being no culture-vulture, I pick and count the holes in the mantle of the queen (or dowager) of suburbs, Bandra! Walking down the treelined avenue of 15th road, I have always appreciated the canopy of greenery that brings down day-time heat by at least 6 degrees. But today, I suddenly stop in my tracks to avoid a group of cows untidily draped across the tarmac! Cattle loose on the roads of Bandra? By the time I traverse the next 5 meters I have summersaulted like a professional over what the dear dogs have le behind while on their walks- of late that seems to be the sole function of pavements, to serve as open-air latrines for dogs! I descend to the road to continue my buzz-around Bandra - and I encounter a lone white plastic chair sitting untidily on the pavement on 24th/32nd road, with every pedestrian quizzing its presence

there, at such an unlikely place. Vehicles are merrily whizzing past under the very noses of the two cops drinking ‘chai’ nearby, on this one-way street. In response to my queries, both shrug their uniformed shoulders; they are posted there to nab chain snatchers, not traffic offenders! Oh for that elusive fine line defining duty! en, at Pali Naka, I witness a de demonstration of people’s power- the kiosks on the pavements are back, with better facades and fortified frontages to withstand any future assaults from the ‘enemy’! As usual, the next junction is sporting a thick traffic jam, as a public transport bus entering a ‘one-way street’ is holding up vehicles, that are streaming out of the opposite one-way street……..do I make sense? It matters not because by now none of it makes sense to me!! I am forced to cut short my buzz around Bandra…so cheers to Bandra’s underbelly…hawkers, encroachments, traffic jams and chaos!! Vera Alvares

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August 2012


Eyes On and Voices for Bandra’s Underbelly

Highland Court – C, Bazar Road If it smells it’s garbage!! For all the wonderful things said about Bandra over and over again, the compromised civic amenities are never allowed to be the spotlight, unless you are the occupant of a piece of premium realty, that has an ever vigilant and vocal housing association. is ‘queen of the suburbs’ has her dirty filthy little side - which needs some exposure. We took a walk along the non-flattering lanes of Bandra, that for whatever reason have been fated to receive a very ‘step-

Bazar road entry off Hill road, lane opp Relaince Trends daughterly’ treatment. ese streets are breeding grounds for all sorts of biological horrors, just waiting to happen. What is baffling is the lack of attention drawn to this situation. It makes you wonder, what depth is the standard of living going to stoop to? How can human beings live in these conditions at a location with as premium a status as Bandra ? As if the sight and smell did not suffice, the impaling truth is that all this seems to be happening a stones throw away, from

some very audible voices in this burb. ere are loud campaigns in motion that call for the ‘prevention of the spread of diseases’. ese campaigns call for a more hygienic and informed approach towards living conditions, especially amongst a ghettoized ‘vote-bank’ filled locality. However these efforts are rendered heartbreakingly redundant, when those that have rallied to fight for a cause, fall prey to the very pathos they seek to eliminate. is is a plea to those representatives, for who ‘we have taken the time and trouble

to elect’ - to get to work, as they assured us they would. is is a gentle reminder, that those with the power of sight; have perfectly functional voices - that nothing would please those very same people, to raise those voices in praise - rather than to express discontent and criticism. is menace needs to be taken care of and brought under serious control, or better dig deep into those pockets - because I won’t shy from asking for my money back no offence. Ean Shes

Illegal reconstruction after partial BMC demolition at Kadeshwari

Structure aer partial BMC demolition at Kadeshwari Mandir road

Illegal reconstruction at Kadeshwari Mandir road

I had a meeting on 26th July 2012 with the Deputy of the Municipal Commissioner Mr. Sudhir Nair - and thereaer met up with Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Zone III, Mr. Kiran Archrekar & tendered my written complaint. In my meeting with the aforesaid, I requested them to stop the illegal reconstruction of an illegal building at Kadeshwari Mandir road, which was partially demolished by the BMC (Bhrihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation) H/West ward. I

BMC; there has been a serious & wilful negligence on the part of the BMC Officers. e CROSS organisation has failed to understand why the BMC is not interested to save a 5 feet BMC Road, which is being illegally encroached upon by a trespasser of Kadeshwari Mandir Road - creating problems for the original residents of the area. e CROSS organisation pray's that wisdom should prevail on the BMC Officer and request them to take immediate action and arrange to demolish the illegal building

showed them the photographs of the work being carried on since 22nd July 2012. is construction has been a great hindrance to the entire residents of Kadeshwari Mandir Road. e CROSS group, headed by Shri Lawrence D'Souza, has been following up constantly with the H/west ward, Bandra, but there has been no action from the BMC. Why is the BMC dragging this issue? Despite several meetings, written and verbal communication with officers of

constructed by a trespasser named Dattatrey Tukaram Kambli - and also get him arrested under the BMC and MRTP Act, for continuous offence.

Adv. Shane Cardoz



Garbage pile-up in H/W Ward For the last few weeks, residents of BandraKhar-SantaCruz have been getting more and more angry - seeing heaps of garbage lying on the roads and footpaths. Not that our ward has ever been a ‘zero- garbage’ one, but when compared to most other areas in Mumbai, we were better off. We complained - and were told there is a problem with the compactors and it would get sorted out in a couple of days. is area is a ‘hub of residing activists’ - and this was too simple an explanation for us to swallow. On getting to the bottom of this, we were told - that a mistake had been made in the calculation of the quantity of solid waste created in our ward, on account of which - over 20 compactors had been reduced from our ward. e existing ones had to do two trips to the Deonar dumping ground - which was not feasible, the contract was over, a tendering process was on, etc., etc. e BMC always manages to hide behind such explanations - and they could be genuine, but it raises a lot of questions, e.g. Why does a tendering process begin aer a contract is over? – why not select and appoint a contractor before the expiry of the previous one?

Why can’t every ward create a space for the collection of wet waste only - and use it for composting? is will also save transportation expenses. Why are garbage heaps seen on roads and footpaths? e BMC staff did not dump it there, we did. As long as our compounds are clean, we do not care what happens outside. A basic lack of civic sense! All this calls for a lot of introspection, which we all need to do. We curse the ‘mukadam’ and sweepers of the compactors, who mix our dry and wet waste, but who gave it to them in that state? Our ward has a weekly dry waste collection vehicle. Let us segregate and make use of this facility. Dry waste does not stink or attract rats; surely we can keep it for a week. Please call Mr. Bernard Wads (in charge of dry waste) cell phone number 99200 59981, if it does not come on the day assigned to your area. e system needs to get tightened up, but if we do not co-operate, nothing will improve, nothing will change. Yes, collection of garbage is the BMC’s responsibility, but segregation is ours - and unless both become more responsible, this problem will never get solved. Shyama Kulkarni

Illegal Aarey stalls obstructing footpaths

Aarey Stall at Chapel Road opposite Mt. Carmel Church e makeshi Aarey stalls in various parts of Bandra have been around for some time now. ese Aarey stalls are part of the state government-owned dairy brand which primarily supplies milk to parts of Mumbai. Resident associations across Bandra are against the existence of these stalls as they are allegedly illegal and are operating without any formal agreement or license with the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). Surprisingly, most booths under the Aarey brand name operate by selling food items and other assorted items. e BMC plays no role in the operation of these stalls, except that it receives payment by way of ground rent. BMC officials claim that 90% of these stalls are stationed on footpaths. Aarey stalls have mushroomed across the city, and most of them sell anything other than milk. Besides, most of these

stalls operate on footpaths and occupy footpaths, which have been rapidly shrinking. “How can they operate like this, when the BMC has not given them blanket permission to set up stalls? ey are turning out to be a nuisance as they encroach upon public space and sell anything without giving any revenue to the BMC and the BMC has no control over their operations. ere are three categories of stalls, but the BMC does not have any agreement copy of these stall owners and the dairy office or the specific list of products that is permitted for sale. ese stalls have been operating for decades, but no authority has taken notice of their activities”, lamented Aab Siddique, chairperson of Bandra’s 144 ALM. of their activities.” Siddique added. Valerian D’costa Pic Courtesy: Kalen Vaz

August 2012


Ice Factory Lane now Hawker Free!

When hawkers dominated the Ice Factory Lane which was a non hawking zone, residents lived in an enviroment that was filled with anxiety and fear. Now, with the dedication and perseverance of the youth residing in the area, they have been able to restore Bandra - known as ‘the queen of suburbs’, to its past glory. A street that was occupied by hawkers, now has 99 pots that beautify the street. Not only is there calmness and serenity, but now it is a pleasure to walk down the lane and breathe in fresh air. is was only possible because of the support that the youth received from all the residents - in the form of financial, emotional and physical presence. Not too long, Bandra’s Ice Factory Lane was not the place it used to be in earlier days. 14th June 2012 was a turning point for Ice Factory Lane and Hill road. A youth group gathered together and decided to

make a change. A banner was put up ‘Save Mother Earth, Plant More Plants, Go Green and 99 mud pots with a variety of saplings were placed along the road. No garbage no hawkers, no chaos - just peace and serenity - reminding us of the ‘good old days’. Indeed, what a delight and pleasure to walk. Surely, members of the Ice Factory ALM did face a lot of opposition. However, their perseverance, determination - with dedication and the zeal to restore peace and harmony, has led to a drastic change. A non-hawking zone where hawkers use to hawk is today FREE from the hawker menace. As Independence Day approaches, let us all pledge to be more ‘civic-oriented’ and work hard towards making a difference in a positive manner, no matter how small the change may be. Let’s act local – yet think global. Let’s do it – now ! Taher Arsiwalla & Valeri Fernandes



August 2012

Pereira’s Bakery at 76 Chapel Road

“is place is not just an address to us. It is all that we have... All that we are.” Pereira Bakery at the colonial-styled Chapel Road is being eyed for redevelopment. Vincent Pereira, the baker and resident of the Chapel Road neighbourhood will not allow this to happen. Along with the bakery, his residence and the neighbouring houses- chawls, rather, are the subject of redevelopment, which will be replaced by Asia’s biggest shopping mall. e 105 minute play deals with the oldtime Bandraites, who have been asked to vacate their homes to make way for the proposed mall. It lives the two months that these inhabitants, who have been here for years, have, to deal with their lives, aer the eviction notice is served to them. e old-fashioned melodrama runs throughout the length of the play making in an interesting one. Along with his daughter and a motley collection of neighbours, Vincent Pereira embarks on a cam-

paign to save his home - and his livelihood. As the pressure mounts, minds are changed and trusts are broken, but Vincent is determined to protect his world from crumbling down around him. A bitter sweet comedy about loyalty and staying true to who you are. Zafar Karachiwala and Devika Shahani formed Orchid Room Experiment in 2010. eir first two productions were tributes to the memory of the events of 26/11 - using live music, theatre and film. eir first theatre production Bombay Talkies, a series of monologues, written and directed by Vikram Kapadia, opened in November 2011. Where: St. Andrews Auditorium, Bandra When: 18th Aug, Saturday @7:30pm Entry: Rs 500 / 400 / 300 / 200 Call: 39895050 / 23532380 Valerian D’costa


Crop Factory launches the Crop Factory Academy

Crop Factory, a quintessential salon right in the heart of Bandra West, celebrated its first year anniversary with the launch of e Crop Factory Hair Academy on the 21st of July 2012. Bollywood Actor Sharman Joshi inaugurated e Crop Factory Academy. It was a night of stars as Marc Robinson and Amin Hajee were also spotted at the launch. Crop Factory Hair Academy boasts of two awesome experts, Carolyn and Aleisha - who are endowed with professional finesse in their fingers. ey’ll have you floored with their unparalleled Hair Styling expertise. With a well-rounded education, the career of a stylist can be exciting and creative. e Crop Factory Academy will provide you with the requisite skills, knowledge, confidence and finesse to launch a successful new career in this dy-

namic field. Your experience with e Crop Factory Academy will be unique as it will offer highly cost-effective training from the recognized Crop Factory as well as ‘Schwarzkopf Certification’. Crop Factory is the brainchild of Carolyn and Aleisha.With a decade of combined experience behind them, the fabulous duo decided to venture out a year ago and Crop Factory was born. e ambience of the salon is funky and colorful to put you in a light mood, just perfect to enjoy getting groomed. With their welcoming staff, dedicated areas for hair, nails and beauty - you can be assured that you will feel relaxed and enjoy each treatment every time you visit. You can also pamper yourself with a delicate treatment for your hands and feet with the salon’s essential Pedicure and Manicure services.



Recipes by Farida Mookhtiar

Corn Cheese Balls Ingredients: 200 gms boiled potatoes 2 cheese cubes 100 gms boiled corn coriander leaves- a little… 1 - 2 green chillies 30 gms bread crumbs 1 tsp chilli sauce 1 tsp soya sauce 50 gms cornflour salt to taste Method: Mash the potatoes and corn. Add grated cheese, finely cut green chillies, coriander, chilli sauce, soya sauce and salt to it. Form balls of the desired shape of the above mixture. Make a mixture of corn flour salt and water. Dip balls in the corn flour mixture, roll in bread crumbs and deep fry till golden brown. Serve with tomato ketchup.

Method: Wash and cut chicken into cubes. Mix all the above ingredients and marinate for 2-3 hours. Heat the oil. Add the marinated mixture and cook on a slow flame till the chicken is done. en add the cream. Garnish with coriander and serve. Want your recipe to be featured? Drop us a mail on bandrabuzz@gmail.com

Ramzan – A time for fasting & spiritual Reflection Mohd. Nahid, who runs a bhajiya & samosa stall just outside Afzal Motor Training School, Bandra – told us,“My family is up by 3:45am. We start our Saheri meal – consisting of sweet items, like kheer, malpua, firni, sheer khurma – followed by tandoori chicken or chicken tikka. is is eaten quickly before 4:35am – as we then start our fast, starting with FAJR – our first prayer of the day, which has 4 rakhats (parts). e entire day, till 7:19pm, we eat & drink nothing, yet continue with our normal working activities. Iar, at sunset (around 7:19pm) – is when we break our fast – starting with a few dates and some water – followed by fruits, like papayas, bananas, apples, water melon – and bhajiyas, samosas, ragda, kababs, khandi ghosh chicken, etc. We immediately rush for Magreeb Namaz at 7:25pm. is is followed by Esha Namaz at 8:45pm – and finally, Taraweeh at 9:10pm, when 2 rakats of the Quran are read.” Afzal Bhai, of Afzal Motor Training School, told us,“is is the season of charity – giving beyond requirements.” Hafiz Ahmed said,“Ramzan teaches us to have self-discipline.” – even as he was about to break his Roza (fast), aer an eventful business day. Mohammed Haider


Trend Spotting for August 2012 can we forget – the wide legs palazzos. So here are some of the do’s and don’ts for the fashion season we’re heading for. Make sure you stay updated! · Don’t peplum yourself with too many layers · Stay stylish with your colour palette · Neons are great when kept to the minimum – don’t over do it · Wide legs look amazing with a well fitted top · Block heels are very much in, make sure you add some swag to the look by adding a few more inches to your pair · Tribal ensembles are sizzling it on ramps all over the world · High hair do’s are great for the season · Chunky jewelry and chunkier attitude

Creamy White Chicken Ingredients: 500 gms boneless chicken 50 gms cashew nut powder 1 Tbsp ginger garlic paste - freshly ground 100 gms curds 2 Tbsp Oil 2 Tbsp Tomato Sauce 1 Tbsp Fresh Cream Coriander for garnishing Salt as per taste.

August 2012

e fashion week has come & gone and the newest trends have been loudly pronounced through the five days of Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2012. is season, each of us have a lot to look forward to, a lot to learn and experiment; and a lot to try out with different fashion fundas that have recently been expressed. Some of the trends to watch out for are the peplum trends, the uneven edgings, the sheer long skirts, jumpsuits and bodysuits, and how

Being a Bandra girl, I’ve always looked around at the best stores to shop from or the nicest steals in my vicinity. For the same reason, I suggest all you girls try out street shopping like Linking Road or Hill Road before hitting out the high-end boutiques or brands; you’ll be surprised by their pace of styling their stock up! As far as hair and goes, I recommend Nisha’s Salon (19th Road) and Beauty Centre (S.V. Road) for the best deals on treatments and products related to skin, hair & nails. Make sure you stay tuned to more DIY’s and tips. In the meanwhile, you can always check out my website www.fashionablyeveraer.co.in or even reach me via Twitter @AanamC or email on aanam@fashionablyeveraer.co.in Aanam C

Stanislaus starts 150 years celebrations

e start to the 150 years celebrations of St. Stanislaus High School went off to a flying start. It was 31st July, the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. e Eucharist started with a beautiful context setting by Roger Pereira - an illustrious Alumnus from the batch of 1955. He referred to the various alumni that had achieved great things in the various fields of corporate life, govt. services, armed services, globally and in India besides the school’s well know achievements in sports. His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracious celebrated the mass concelebrated with 17 priests and the Jesuit Provincial Rev Fr Vernon D’Souza. He thanked the Jesuits for their service to the community - and St Stanislaus in particular. He urged them to pick up the challenges today, as St Ignatius would have done. e Choir was especially beautiful with the primary students - who lent a feeling of pride, nostalgia and service, that could not help bring a tear to the eye, reminiscing the years we were all there. Readings and prayers of the faithful were done by Parents, ex-students and teachers. e church was filled with all those who make St Stanislaus what it is, the students, teachers, ex-teachers, ex-students, parents and the community. e wonderful decorations added an aura to the occasion.

On the way to the hall one met long lost ex-students - and exchanged festive greetings on the 3 flights of stairs, that all Stanislites will remember. e function in the hall was well hosted by teacher Sanjyot, the current Sr. School Maths teacher. She kicked it off, by asking the secretary of SSESA, PTA and the teachers as well one of the school workers - which was indicative how inclusive the function was. e Cardinal welcomed all and wished the school all the very best. is was followed by the Principal giving his ‘vision’ for the school and determination to continue to remain a leading school. Our Chief Guest Dr. Keki Gharda - a scientist, entrepreneur and industrialist sent a warm message of support - and urged all alumni to support and donate to their school to look aer future generations. He excused himself because of his ill-health. en, the film on the journey of St. Stanislaus School through the years filled our hearts with pride. e schools primary and secondary school choir gave a fabulous rendition of the school anthem which filled the hall and then as a surprise element ‘Shaan’ joined - and we all joined him in loud voices. When the School anthem was sung, everyone felt nostalgic about their 'wonder years' in school. e Guest of Honour Mr Sunil Kaushal CEO Standard Chartered Bank South East Asia, unveiled the Commemorative Gold coin and spoke about the lessons that St Stanislaus le with him: of Sharing, Go get it, and networking. You could feel the joy of coming back to school when he spoke. In between were lovely clippings of ex-students from Vijay D'silva, to Dinesh Dsouza, to Hemant Kudrimoti, Marcellus Gomes, Viren Rasquinha, Ramu Ramnathan, Jagdish Raja, Jehangir Press and many others. Interspersed with 'When the saints go marching... (Ignatius, Britto, Xavier, Kostka) It was indeed, an evening to remember... Brian Almeida


August 2012


Dancing Diva chosen to make my love for dance my profession and I earn at par, if not better than people in regular jobs! And the best perk is ‘I love what I do’, so there’s no stress! As a dance company we get various avenues here, other than just dancing. ere are audio-video, property & set design, administrative and managerial activities. So there’s so much to do! You have done television commercials, print ads and cameos in Bollywood films. What made you reject all and stick to dance? Simple, it didn’t interest me. Dance was my passion, modeling and acting didn’t give me enough satisfaction as compared to performing and teaching, that are more inspiring and interesting. You have taught some of the biggest Bollywood star? Tell us something about the talent now and their level of professionalism today. I think all of them are really talented and professional but unfortunately aren’t being used to their full potential. In fact, some are better actors but are forced into the usual song and dance routines for commercial movies as against a few that are fantastic dancers, but their talent is underplayed for typical commercial dances. e actual ‘art form’ of acting or dancing gets hazy.

e ‘Liril girl’ of the nineties, ‘Madonna Madam’ of Rab Ne Banadi Jodi, voted as one of the fittest women in India, Aneesha Dalal literally has the world dancing to her tunes. With Bollywood and modelling offers, Aneesha rejected all to take up a career in dance, her first and only love. Shiamak Davar’s principal dancer, Dalal who has taught and danced with the biggest stars in Bollywood and performed in Hollywood blockbuster ‘Mission Impossible’: Ghost Protocol, talked to Bandra Buzz about taking dance as a What according to you makes a complete dancer? career and following your heart. A good human being who is always How did dance come about in your looking to work hard, to improve and life? Do you think it’s an advantage to someone who ‘dances from their heart’. begin at an early age? I started learning ballet at the age of seven - and at fourteen joined Shiamak to learn jazz and contemporary. It is very important to start young, as the body is more pliable - and can adapt to the dance form that you want it to. Its definitely an advantage, as I realized later on, that I could easily do things because I had trained in the past. Even now as an instructor, training children is so much easier to teach and mould them at that young age.

Win 2 Crop Factory Gift Vouchers To win yourself a Free Hair Spa and Pedicure answer this simple question: What does hair freedom mean to you? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Cut out this coupon and send it to 401 Anica, 28 St. Paul Road, Opp. Laxmichand General Stores, Bandra (w), Mumbai 400050. Contest ends on 31st August 2012 Name: .......................................................................... Address: .............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Mob.: ................................. Tel.: ................................. Email: .......................................................................... * Please fill in all the information required to qualify for the contest

Upcoming ‘Rizvi Youth Festival’ Rizvi Education Society (R.E.S.) will shortly be organizing a Youth Festival. is event will have all the various Rizvi Colleges – arts, science, commerce, law, engineering, B.Ed, Architecture, Hotel Management etc. – competing with each other. is Youth Festival will be organized under the guidance of Mr. Abis Rizvi, Hon. Secretary, R.E.S. In an exclusive interview, he will give us a deeper insight about what exactly are his plans – in the next issue of Bandra Buzz. Sir Minaz

We specialise in Ballroom Dancing Basic level Rumba, Cha-Cha, Jive, Waltz, Wedding Dances, Salsa.

Contact: Arpita Ranadive m: +91 9833050884 w : www.stepupindia.in e : arpita@stepupindia.in Art Loft Studio, Hill Road, Bandra(w)

Being Shiamak Davar’s principal dancer, you have been a very loyal student. What has made you stay there through all these years? Shiamak’s philosophy and motto of ‘Have Feet, Will Dance’ means anyone can dance, without discrimination. My passion for dance led me to the most beautiful and talented person who has become my guru. He’s taught me everything I know, why would I leave!

What gives you greater joy, performing People would scorn at girls who or teaching? danced, do you think the mind set has Both are equally ‘soul’ satisfying . changed? e mindset has changed since Shiamak You have taught at Shiamak Davar’s paved the way for western dance in India classes in Bandra, tell us something - and made it a respectable art as well as about the students here. What makes a career option. Formerly, people only them unique? perceived the classical form as accept- Students in Bandra are very easy going, able. Today, with so many reality shows always happy and full of life! ere’s (that are testimony to the popularity of never a dull moment while teaching in other dance forms), the importance of Bandra. It’s always fun! dance in our society has changed the Any lasting thoughts for dance enthumindset of people. siasts who are looking to make dance their career. Can dance as a career sustain your livIt’s always simple - work hard, don’t ing as against a regular nine to five job? compete with anyone but yourself, conI’ve always worked in a secure environstantly keep learning and improving. ment - at Shiamak Davar International where I get to teach, perform in shows and movies plus manage projects. I’ve


Bharat Gupta

Want locals to know more about your business? Call: 9820783686 Mail: bandrabuzz@gmail.com Vol. III Issue 8 > R.N.I. No. : MAHENG/8-10-2010/12646 Editor: Merck D’Silva > Printed & Published by Creative Concepts, 401 Anica, 28 St. Paul Road, Near Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050 Printed at Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072



Bandra’s Night Life

Location: Escobar, Linking Road, Bandra (W) is city’s nightlife isn’t what it used to be, but you can still go out and have a good time right here in Bandra. Even with time restrictions and individual permit impositions, the lifeline of Bandra still thrives on its nightlife! Here’s a bird’s eye view of some of the places to try out…

For a relaxed couple of beers, some interesting nibbles and a typically ‘chilled out’ ambience head over to ‘Lagerbay’, formerly known as ‘Zenzi’ on Waterfield Road. And continuing the tradition, you can find a variety of activities and promotions running throughout the week. My favourite is the Improv-stand up that is held here some-

times. Especially for the I-pad inclined of our adult generation, ‘I Bar’ at Reclamation is an innovatively designed resto-bar, that has Ipads for you to browse their menu - and of course it serves as great company if your date is busy on the phone. ey too have stand up acts perform here amongst other

August 2012


promotions. ‘Elbow Room’, aptly named is tucked away in a by-lane near Linking Road and offers you seating, though minimal both indoors and outdoors. Serving up some neat grub to go with their happy hours this makes for a nice midweek hangout. Atop a hill and neighbour to the queen, lies ‘e Big Nasty’. It is opposite Union Park and is quite popular with the regulars on the circuit. ‘Escobar’ on Linking Road opposite Shopper’s Stop, has a lovely open-air terrace with Bandra’s longest bar that is best enjoyed when it isn’t raining. ey also have an indoor area with seating and a dance floor - and probably is one of the only places le in Bandra, where you might be able to shake a leg. An added bonus to this place is its choice of food; you can enjoy a variety of different cuisines from Mexican to Italian and more. e mall on Linking Road is known for a lot more than just shopping. Amidst the nail – art studio, ai reflexology, restaurants and cafes that reside here, you can also let your hair down at ‘Red Ants’ – the very hip and happening pub - that sits on the top most floor of this mall. Across the road also perched on top of a mall is ‘Bonobo’ known for its great music and themed parties. Here you also have the option of enjoying your cocktails out on the terrace. Stay tuned to this section to know all the hippest happenings on the party circuit in Bandra. Francesca Mascarenhas

It’s time to Poco Loco at Pali Naka few veg options. Paella is saffron rice cooked in olive oil with bell peppers, asparagus and other vegetables. At first, I didn’t like it at all - because the arborio rice was super sticky and oily, but the taste and flavours set in soon. Aer a few bites – I could not help, but love it. at coming from me, a person who’s not too fond of vegetables means it’s a must have! My friend Fash had Pollo a la Brasa, a wholesome dish, which consisted of a half-roasted chicken - with Spanish style mashed potatoes and vegetables. She felt that the chicken gravy was infused with thyme, the mashed potatoes were flavoursome - if a bit salty, the beans were long enough to be like substitute spaghetti and the broccoli was ‘meh’. For dessert, we had a New York Cheesecake which was Patatas Bravas brilliant, so and delicious - and a Molten Chocolate Cake with caramel filling which was ‘alright’. e overall presenI went to try this swanky new Spanish restaurant at Pali tation of the food was very good but I wish the portion size zanine floor that is a bit cramped, so I would suggest you Naka, Bandra. Food - Tapas, Paella (Saffron Rice), Patatas of at least the tapas was larger! seat yourself downstairs instead. In a lot of ways it’s a warm, (Potatoes), Wines, Sangrias, etc. are Spanish specialities. friendly place that automatically makes it perfect to go to ere were 3 menus, from which only one was for food - Ambience - Just 10 steps away from Toto’s Garage at Pali ‘on a date’. which means their wine and sangrias are more popular Naka, Bandra (w), Poco Loco is a bar more than a restau- Service - e staff is courteous and decently informed rant and the décor is lovely. All the walls are different and about the dishes. here. My friend and I decided to call for 2 mocktails- I tried you’ll find that they’ve made the most out of the space they Prices - It’s not a place where you can go regularly for sure, the Poco Loco Especial - and my friend had the Maracuya have, including an open kitchen and bar. ey have a mez- unless you have that kind of money. For a drink maybe; but Fizz (Passion fruit Fizz). Both tasted and looked the same; if you’re planning to eat a meal, be prepared to spend at not to say that they were bad, but I expected something least 1200 per head - without alcohol. e tapas start at Rs. more special from the ‘Poco Loco Especial’. 120 with small quantities. e Paella Vegetariana was for Tapas are like starters - and unfortunately for veggies, Rs. 395, our mocktails were for Rs. 175 each, Pollo a la there are barely any options at this fine dining restaurant Brasa was for Rs. 550. e wines and sangrias are priced at besides potato, mushroom and aubergine. I don’t like the Rs. 250 onwards. latter two, so we decided to call for Patatas Ali-Oli (baby Verdict - Tasty Spanish food with an Indian twist and a potatoes in garlic mayo sauce, with and crushed peanuts). glass of sangria. If that’s your style and if your pocket allows Both of us really liked the dish - and I think the nuts just it, try Poco Loco. I wish they’d introduce more options for made it better. We also tried the Patatas Bravas (Spicy povegetarians though. tatoes in special tomato sauce) which was yummy, quite Rating - 3.5/5 similar to the Kung pao sauce and I loved it! My friend thought the sauce tasted like tomato ketchup though - and For more reviews of restaurants, cafes, movies, spas, aweshe refused to have more than 1-2 pieces. some getaways, etc. visit www.roochster.com. Follow me For the main course, I decided to call for the Paella Vegon Twitter and FB @Roochster etariana; as that sounded the most exciting from the very Pollo a la Brasa Ruchi Mehta


August 2012

Our Independence Day 15th August, is an honorable day. Our freedom didn’t come quite as easily as we are lead to believe by the speeches of ministers. is freedom we cherish today, was a result of the bloodshed and the death of many fearless and heroic freedom fighters. Satyagraha, e Dandi March, Quit India Movement, Satyagraha were just some of the classic’s which not only aided, but assured us our freedom. Our very own Mahatma Gandhi ran the freedom struggle race to the final finish: INDEPENDENCE. His contribution was number one. He was considered the most significant, as he single-handedly spearheaded the movement for Indian independence. e peaceful and non-violent techniques of Mahatma Gandhi formed the basis of freedom struggle against the British rulers. Unbelievably, the British ruled India for 347 years, but the year of 1947 was a blessing to all. Mahatma Gandhi’s dedicated effort towards the freedom of India, was seen down till his last breath. He fought with courage and integrity. I salute those who died fighting, for they stood with India during her toughest hour. Gandhiji, Shivaji and Anna Hazare… it continues even today. I thank all those who made it happen – and are still helping make ‘India Shining’ a reality – against all odds. is fight is for our ‘Independence Against Corruption’ – and truth will eventually prevail. Anushka Dutt, 15 yrs



Making this world a better place “e best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” -Mahatma Gandhi. Oen today, we find ourselves occupied with so many different aspects of life. Rarely, do we take the time to show our love and gratitude to those who have played an integral part in our lives. Dragged away, by our own ideas, we think that giving alms and donations fulfills the theory of charity. But, my dear friends that’s not all! ere are so many people out there, in our very own suburb of Bandra, who seek our attention and love. Orphans, aged individuals, terminally-ill patients and various other destitute - are present around us. But we turn a deaf ear to their cries... Why? Because, it’s a misconception that interfering with such people, tends to lower our ego and our pride. However, there are various social service groups nowadays that aim to rejuvenate their lives thus fulfilling the axiom that ‘Bandra never dies’! It is the need of the hour for us, especially the youth - to make that difference. e churches and organisations in and around Bandra have constantly encouraged youth to reach out to such people in need. Frequent visits to St. Anthony’s Aged Home, St. Catherine of Sienna for the Orphans, Shanti Avedna Cancer Hospital, etc. are held to add colour and fragrance in their lives. Not only does selfless service help such persons, but also strengthens the

personality and morale of the one who takes the initiative of such selfless service. Unconditional love and service must be done without any thought of reward. One social-outreach group (consisting of the Confirmation students headed by Rev. Fr Andrew Rodrigues SJ) from the St. Peter’s Church, Bandra had visited the aged home and played ‘passing the parcel’ and ‘housie’ with them. e ‘young-athearts’ there were so happy and awe-struck that they requested the group to always visit them. Similar positive feedbacks have been observed at every visit elsewhere. We need not do anything great, but do ordinary things in extra-ordinary ways. Our physical presence and warmth in their midst can make the ‘unbelievable happen’. e old feel young again - and the orphans never even think that they are missing out on something in life, because a simple singing of a song with love - or a truly warm hug can make pain shudder and anxieties vanish. No one knows exactly when their current life on earth will have been accomplished or when our transition into the next sphere of life will have occurred. Accordingly no time must be squandered in fully embracing and living life in such meaningful service to others. So let’s step out, shine our little light - and make this world a better place to live in! Joshua Jonathan Norris

Bandra Gymkhana Sports Carnival 2012

Bandra Gymkhana Sports Carnival 2012 e Sports Carnival 2012, held at the Bandra Gymkhana on Saturday, 21st July 2012 had a wide variety of activities. ey had

Table Tennis, Badminton, Carrom, Box Cricket, Swimming, Foot Kicks (penalty shoots) – and finally the fun-filled Telly Games. Remo Pereira, Bandra Gym Sports

Secretary told us,“ Essentially, we had 4 participating teams: Sand Stormers, Sun Downers, Youngestan & Bandra Kings”. Russel D’Souza from St. Peter’s ‘Youth For Youth’ helped organize the Tele Games. ese were new games that had metal props – like Ducks, Crows, Mexican Hats, Surf Boards, Rolling Pizzas, etc. e loud cheering & active participation made these games the ‘icing on the cake’. e Results: SunDowners were the winning team & overall champions with a total of 53 points (Tele Games 20+33). Bandra King team were the runners-up with a total of 37 points (Tele Games 14+23) Remo played the perfect host of the evening, while Mr. Cornel Gonsalves, Bandra Gym Secretary; was seen cheering and encouraging the teams – along with the spectators. Sir Minaz

In Tune 2012: Music Makes Life Better On ursday, 2nd August 2012, St Andrew’s College held their Annual Intercollegiate Music Competition In Tune 2012: Music Makes Life Better. When I happened to speak to Saviola Coutts, Head of In Tune 2012, a few days before the competition; she said, “is year we aim at making In Tune more than a competition, rather a collaboration of musically gied individuals who would like to showcase their talent for all to see and hear.” On ursday when I attended the event, I saw what she meant. It all materialized right in front of me with the help of the participants, the Organizing Committee (OC) and the volunteers who had put up a spectacular show for the audience which had come for In Tune 2012 that day. e preparations, which started almost a month back, had borne fruit finally. e participants for the final day were selected from auditions, that were held in the past two weeks in different categories like Solo, Duet and Ensemble (Group) singing, Hindi Karaoke, Western Classical and Non Classical Instrumentals (Finals) and Band event. e participants selected as finalists for In Tune 2012: Music Makes Life Better were definitely some serious talent to reckon in the near future. In the past and even currently, many of these college talents have pursued their careers in singing, solo or even as a band. e judges, while talking to the audience, spoke about how the participants were definitely, “a great bunch of talent which with dedication could go on to ‘make it big’ as singers in future. ” e participants stayed true to the criteria for selecting their songs, which was to sing something that is inspirational to them or get the crowd to wave their hands or pump their fists saying “YEAH”! e audience did not disappoint; enthusiastically cheering and clapping along to the songs that were sung and the bands. What more can one expect with crowd winners like ‘Rock You Like A Hurricane’, ‘Crazy Little ing Called Love’, ‘La Bamba’ and ‘Eye of the Tiger’ , played to a jam-packed auditorium. Summing it up, In Tune 2012 was nothing but a music festival ‘par excellence’ alright. Nascimento Pinto



August 2012


Navjeet Community Centre Raksha Bandhan Bazaar celebrates Annual Day

Navjeet Community Centre, an outreach of the Holy Family Hospital, celebrated its Annual Day on Saturday, 4th August 2012 at the Apostolic Carmel Convent School Hall. Rev. Fr. Magi Murzello, Principal, St Andrew’s High School was the Chief Guest. Other esteemed guests were Mr Felix Fernandes, Finance Director, Sr Georgia, Superior, Shalom, and Sr Lucien, Asst Executive Director - all from the Holy Family Hospital. Around 500 women and children, beneficiaries of Navjeet’s socioeconomic programs, were present at the function. Mr. Madhav Waghmare, Social Worker, welcomed the gathering. In keeping with Navjeet’s objective of using ‘Truth’ - as a foundation and tool to organize and empower the marginalized, and thus bring about transformation in society, ‘Satyamev Jayate’ was the theme for this year. e Welcome Dance and Lighting of the Lamp set the tone for the evening. A cultural program of dance and theatre by Navjeet’sMahila Mandals Self

Help Groups and Students from Municipal Schools entertained and created awareness of social issues. Mr. Vency Dabre, Social Worker, did a presentation on Navjeet’s 2011-12 projects in health, education, women empowerment and community development both in the Mumbai slums and rural ShahapurTaluka. Cash prizes, trophies and certificates were distributed to the Teachers, Staff, and Students who had excelled during the year. Fr. Magi’s keynote speech was in admiration of the artists who performed flawlessly - and appreciation of Navjeet’s myriad projects to bring about social and economic transformation for the disadvantaged sections of society. Ms Shamina Shafi and Ms Babita Singh were the comperes for the program. Mr. Rajesh Kumbhar, social worker, proposed the Vote of anks. e spirit of togetherness, the feeling of belonging - and the joy of meeting others, contributed to a very memorable evening. Sister Bindhu

Raksha means ‘protection’ and Bandhan means ‘bond’… Raksha Bandhan is a festival to cherish vital brother-sister relationship. e ritual is, sister ties a knot of rakhi (also known as sacred thread) on the wrist of the brother and prays for his welfare and brother on the other hand promises to protect his sister from every ills and evils. On this auspicious occasion, gis play a very important role. Sisters, on the account of tying a sacred thread of protection, receive several kinds of gis from brothers in return. Based on this idea, an event management company CHROME hosted an event called the Raksha Bandhan Bazaar in Bandra on the 28th and 29th of July. According to part owner of CHROME, Kumail Mukadam, “e reason behind us hosting this event is because we believed that since Raksha Bandhan is a festival giing concept in the Hindus, it is a good way where brothers and sisters had a wide choice of things they could gi each other in the form of various items like lifestyle goods, confectioneries etc.” e event was basically where people from across the city put up their stalls, showcasing and selling everything related to the giing concept.” e products found at the Bazaar ranged from clothing - which were imported from various places of the country,

like Kutch - as well as outside the country like Karachi etc. ere were others selling clothes, imported all the way from the United States of America. ere were many who made their stuff homemade, like the confectioneries, as well as the designer garments which were on display. ey were people like a company named ABNED and Colour Crates, which made home decoration items like lamps etc. One which caught my eye was a Buddha lamp, which lit up to make a good show piece as well as a lamp in the house. Among everything that was being sold to the people, the one which definitely amazed me - and made me stop by to have a look, was a man named Neil Dantas who looked as peculiar as the t-shirts he was selling. e ideas that he came up with, were even more amazing. ey were enough to attract the attention of the buyer and make them think. He worked on social causes and life in Mumbai, as well other such types of things, which were clearly explained through his designs. He is a graphic designer, who does things himself. e event Raksha Bandhan Bazaar, held for two days opposite Patwardhan Park, saw many people coming in to buy gis for their loved ones. Nascimento Pinto

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August 2012


Adv. Ashish Shelar elected M.L.C.

Adv. Ashish Shellar (BJP) was elected unopposed as an M.L.C. (member of the legislative council) to the Vidhan Parishad for a 6 year term. A felicitation started with a grand victory rally across Bandra – ending with the formal function held at the Rang Sharda Hall, Bandra Reclamation

to celebrate this joyous occasion. e ‘Grand Victory Rally’ started from Jari Mari Mata Temple (opp. Bandra Talao), where MLC Adv. Ashish Shellar took the blessings of Jari Mar Mata to kick-start the rally. ey proceeded to Bandra Station, Old Slaughter House,

Jain Mandir, Bandra Bazar, Transit Camp, Nargis Dutt Nagar, Bandra Reclamation, Mount Mary, Chimbai, Pali Hill, Danda, Chuim, Khar, Santa Cruz(Podar School)… and then returned to Bandra for the felicitation at Rang Sharda . On the way, MLC Adv. Ashish distributed certificates, prizes & scholarships to deserving school students in Ward # 96 (at K.C. Hostel) & Ward # 97 ( at Vithal Mandir). Mr. Ajit Manyal (BJP), who did a superb job in hosting the evening event, had a lot of prominent persons present on the dais. ey included Mr. Madhu Chavan (Ex MLC, BJP spokesman), Mr. Vinod Shellar (Mun. Councillor, Malad - BJP), Mrs. Alka Kelkar (Mun. Councillor, Santa Cruz - BJP), Mr. Sudhesh Dube (Vibhag Pramukh – Shiv Sena, Ward # 97), Mrs. Rajni Mistry (lady shakha pramukh) and Mr. Anuj More (District President – RPI). ese prominent speakers spoke about MLC Adv Ashish Shelar, paying rich tributes to his humble & down to earth nature – even aer reaching great heights due to his hard work & innermost desire to help & solve problems faced by common people & the poor. Ashish first took the blessings of his mother Mrs. Minal B. Shellar & his father Mr. Babaji Shellar – and then came to the dais for his inaugural speech. He started by thanking all his partymen (BJP-Shiv Sena-RPI combine), supporters, ALM’s, well wishers & friends. He said that he would humbly accept the responsibility given to him by his party – and would work harder to serve those in need of help – those still facing water problems, food issues & electricity issues. Since, the youth are our future, he would strive to help them get a better education. Finally, MLC Ashish Shellar concluded by emphasizing that his party (BJP-Shiv Sena-RPI combine) aimed to win the 2014 Lok Sabha & Maharashtra State Elections – and he would try his best to achieve this goal. Sunil Parab


Advocate Ashish Shelar!

To our beloved, young and dynamic leader for being elected as MLC Best wishes,

Jitendra Raut



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August 2012

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August 2012



OLIO - From story to stage

For the past 11 years, St.Andrew’s college has hosted one of the most exciting college competitions yet. With dozens of colleges participating year aer year, celebrity judges and college talent at its best - it only keeps getting bigger. Presenting ‘OLIO’- the only inter-collegiate drama competition of its kind. It’s one of the most reputed college festivals that has many students vying to participate. It has played host to some of the most famous colleges in Mumbai - including St.Xaviers, Wilsons, Podar, Jai Hind, Hindujas, Nationals - and many more...

Olio found its origin over a decade ago - and just keeps getting better as the years go by. is is its 12th year and is set to go off with a bang! Olio keeps improving & becoming more & more professional - as the producers fine tune the event. It has had had an impressive line-up of famous personalities like Nikhil Chinnappa, Lola Kutti, Genilia D’Souza, Rael Padamsee, Perizad Zorabian, Cyrus Broacha & Dolly akore. is adds a touch of glamour to the event. It has even had Frieda Pinto of St Xaviers College win the ‘Best

Actress’ trophy in 2004 - apart from the one time “Best Actors”, Anand Tiwari & Pierre Timmins who are now in Bollywood. Olio is a great platform for students to explore their passions and discover their abilities in acting, directing, writing, dancing, managing, advertising & PR; giving them an all-rounded educational experience. It’s also a great opportunity for talent scouts to come and discover new talent. St. Andrew’s Auditorium, home of some of the biggest productions in Mumbai, provides an ideal platform to kick off this unique experience. Olio is so popular in Mumbai - and has become so competitive, that the standard of the plays put up for eliminations (let alone the finale) keep getting better. e finals see the best on stage, in an entertaining show interspersed with ‘fillers’ (which do get the audience cracking up!), trophies and prizes,(ranging from the Best Actor /Director/Scriptwriter to Sets/Lights & Sound) including fun prizes for the audience too. e theme this year is ‘Twisted Tales’. e original scripts of the college students will feature classic stories, like ‘Red Riding Hood’, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ with a spin in the plot of their own making. One of the most exciting themes at Olio, it’s the perfect way to get us, the audience, involved. Everyone’s getting in on the act, even Olio’s famous dancing security troop, who will be sporting props from costumes of legendary characters! Having been on the other side of the curtain two years ago and a part of the house last year myself, I can safely say (without a doubt in my mind) that Olio is worth the wait. e feeling of excitement is palpable in the air at St. Andrew’s and it’s going to be a great year for Olio. So find your seat… e curtain’s about to be drawn! Kimberly Gonsalvez

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