Silently arose.
active as Rubiane. What it is supposably still and inanimate – such as a flower and its court of objects – is put in the central role of the performance, as if
For us to be able to trace what Rubiane Maia shares in her Color's Tetralogy series of performances, I'd like to suggest a little exercise. Imagine that words are not available and then try to figure out what and how you and Rubiane could communicate.
they rose up against their presumed passivity, while the artist seems to humbly plays the supporting role. Rubiane does that not because she disagrees with the order of things. It is the other way around: she has such faith in the complementarity of every little thing that she offers herself to the demands of rose unquestionably.
If for us is difficult to puzzle this out immediately (and my words to you here denounces it), to Rubiane Maia the answer seems clear: there is a lot of unutterable things and many ways to share them. With the special lenses this conviction gave her, she searches the unknown within the ordinary,
commonplaces, wandering the daily life intrigued by the capability of take something as obvious. Here in 9th Kaunas Biennial UNITEXT Rubiane speaks through her body and sensibility
As we follow the performance we are driven by some sort of spell Rubiane found on the roses which makes time pass differently. It seems freezed. While her work goes for hours, while her body is fulfilled by risks and exhaustions, confronted by the limits of strangeness – of her own and her surroundings – we look at her wondering intriguingly “why?” “how?” “what for?', questions that we don't dare ask ourselves normally. We are experimenting strangeness as well. The unassignable claim to find our own solutions to that strangeness is revealed.
about the things she found in the garden, amid the roses. Such as the mist that hides from the sun in the tiny spaces between the petals, she discovered little powerful stories willing to be told. The Color’s
And unnoticed with this simple and honest feeling we start to communicate with Rubiane unspeakably.
Tetralogy series is her acceptance to that request.
Joana Quiroga*
In each of the four performances a specific rose (red, white, pink and yellow) is her guide through an exploration of body, feelings, emotions and thoughts that blossom on the other side of the obviousness of the flower. For that, she saturates
* Joana Quiroga is a philosopher and art critic, but mostly an observer. (
the color of each rose in a monochromy of clothes,
** Rubiane Maia is an artist, teacher and researcher. Especially
flowers, objects to create a secret gate to an aspect
interested in languages more connected to the body, and works
of life and the prismatic possibilities within it.
photography and video. Lives and works in Vitória, Brazil. (
If you are with me in the exercise, you will possibly notice as well that those objects are as
Support: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Vitória – SEMC.