DRAAGU - Specification
DRAAGU - Specification
DRAAGU - Specification
DRAAGU - Specification
DRAAGU - Specification
DRAAGU Product specifications Revision History Date April 26th 2016
Version 1
Description Initial draft
Author Joan Bardeletti
Contact : Joan Bardeletti / +34 664 76 25 08 / joanbardeletti@gmail.com
The current specification documentation describes the DRAAGU mobile App and Web platform. Further version of this document will include differences between IOS and Android version
DRAAGU is a free mobile Application that put all its user’s mobile images on sell in a click. No need to choose images, no upload to the application or to a server, no tagging and no caption. Once user have download the App, his/her images can potentially be bought. All users are anonymous. Images cannot be seen (or only with face blurred) by the customer until the user has given approval to sell them. DRAAGU is also a community of users interacting with each other (tips, contest, image share‌) while taking pictures, based on geo-localization and time information.
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DRAAGU is accessible for its customers through a dedicated web platform. Using it, they will be able to search time and space to know if some DRAAGU users have shot images where/when they are interested in. Customers can also use DRAAGU to engage (chat, buy pictures, launch a mission, …) with its users about the life experience that made them snap pictures at that given moment and place. DRAAGU is therefore an hybrid of a mobile Image stock and an User Generated Content provider. The DRAAGU App is tagging all mobile images shot with time and place tags. Tags are sent in the cloud; images remain in the phone. When images tags match some customer search criteria, the user will receive an alert on his smartphone showing potential matching images, price offered, client’s name, nature of search. He will then have 5 minutes to submit the best 5 images, representing no privacy issue to him. Customer will then receive the submitted images in low resolution, watermarked; will select the ones he wants to buy; pay the users and upload full resolution images with copyright release automatically generated. User will be offered to increase his ranking and incomes in case of sell by letting the customer see immediately the potential matching images with face blurred and watermarks. When choosing to engage with DRAAGU users rather than only buying images from them, the customer will be offered additional features: TBD Customer will pay a monthly/yearly subscription in case of regular use or can buy credit to acquire images in case of one shot use of DRAAGU. Image prices will depend on the type of use: Editorial + small Commercial use; Extended Commercial use. To engage with users, DRAAGU customers will pay for “missions” which price will depend on the size of the targeted audience and the type/duration of interaction with users. The product development is divided is 3 phases:
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Phase one: build a simple, disconnected, MVP of the App (on Android) and the Web platform with key features in order to: confirm that technical barriers can be tackled; prove customers and users interest through metrics; obtain feedback of their experience Phase two: improve phase one MVP to create a Beta, connect App and web platform; develop an IOS version of the App. Have beta users test App and web platform; get some metrics and feedback Phase three: complete App and web platform with more advanced features, launch a marketing campaign, put the App on App store Phase one will be done with Founder money (up to 6 k€); Phase two will need FFF money or funders (additional 15k€); Phase three will need investors (200400 k€)
The following terminology is used in the development of DRAAGU
UGC User Generated Content: Content (Images in DRAAGU’s case) produced by users and representing an interest fro Brands and Company as they are “true” even if of a lower esthetical quality than content produced by professionnal
Smartphone A mobile phone with an App store, WIFI, 2G connection as a minimum and a good quality camera (over 8 Mpx)
Mission A call launched by a customer to produce a specific image that cannot be found on DRAAGU.
Editorial use Royalty free / multiple users / no exclusivity / high resolution / worldwide & permanent.
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Commercial use Print over 250.000 copies or TV use / Use on product or item
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User definition
DRAAGU user is a smartphone user. There are over 2 billion smartphone users worldwide, which represent still only 46% of penetration. 65% of users live outside North America and Europe. 95% of the world population has access to a 2G mobile cellular network. Mobile broadband is accessible to 47% of the world population, a value that increased 12 times since 2007. By 2020, 90% of the world population will benefit from high speed data coverage From ICT Facts & Figures 2015
DRAAGU user is a man or a woman living in a city of a developing country. He/she is part of the local middle class making from $2 to $20 a day, thriving to maintain and improve his economical and social situation, get incomes from both formal economy (work as a company employee, civil servant, or freelance) and informal market (small sells, renting flats or land, ‌), looking for new ways to improve his income. He has a wife and 2 to 3 children, invest a lot in their education (up to 30% of incomes); make regular trips to the countryside where he grew up and where he keeps many relatives; He he has a university degree or at least high school education, know how to use internet, is connected to satellite TV and is aware of world news; he uses at least one smartphone, often two.
Demographics Gender: Male or female Age: from 12 to 45 years’ old Income: from $2 to $50 a day in Africa, from $10 to $100 elsewhere > 1,9 billion people in Asia, 0,3 in Africa and Latin America The Economist
Ideal user The ideal user of DRAAGU is Kadie: Khadie is 32 years old, leaves in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and has a child that her parents are bringing up. She as a Master of Advanced Studies in Sociology from Abidjan University. A few years ago she set
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up a cyber cafĂŠ and word processing center by investing the 1.000$ of her student grant. It is an informal arrangement that nevertheless generates more revenue than her future job as a career advisor. But becoming a civil servant means job security and would allow her to set up home with her fiancĂŠ and leave the small room at the university where she still lives. Or it could be Ousmane: Ousmane is 44 years old and work as a chauffeur for a foreign Institute in Nairobi, Kenya. He grew up in a slum, worked as a caddie at a golf course and was given a job by one of his foreign clients. His salary is not high (200$ per month) but the health insurance offered by his company makes it worthwhile. He lives in an apartment building in the slum and every Monday morning goes to play golf so he can see his ex colleagues. He is a divorcee who has remarried and his wife work in Tripoli. They are both practicing Muslims and his unique son enrolled in a private school outside the slum. He comes back to the slum every evening to attend a Madrasah.
Customer definition
DRAAGU customer description TBD
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Product Roadmap
YELLOW : MVP Development: May - June 2016. Test / Metrics : July 2016
Will need FFF or Investor funding: GREEN : BETA Development/ Test / Metrics / feedback: Sept - Nov 2016 GREY : FINAL PRODUCT
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7. Product Features User Registration & Profile Feature 1 (URP1): Register as a Dragon on the mobile App. This basic feature will only allow payment through paypal - Name: first name and last name - nAAme: username in the App which has to be different from first and last name - Email: to receive newsletter (news, updates ‌) and payment through Paypal account Feature 2 (URP2): Accept geo-localization and tagging of all your images by the App Feature 3 (URP3): create different type of users For normal image selling - A: beginners (33% of price paid by client) - AA: accepted Open Profile + responded to 2 Alert at least (50% of price paid by client) - AAA: AA + 1image published at least (50% of price paid by client + first to be informed in case of Mission) When being part of a Closed community, user receive an additional type from users to describe them (for example: expats, local staff, beneficiaries, ..) Feature 4 (URP4): be part of a CLOSED Draagu community to have his images only accessible by customers’ part of the linked specific community - Entering a specific hashtag describing the community - Defining the area where Draagu tags can be matched Feature 5 (URP5): Add telephone number to allow payment through phone credit in developing countries
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Feature 6 (URP6): login through Facebook account to - post on FB/Instagram wall to let user’s friends on FB he received a DRAAGU alert, sold a pictures. - Find other friends using DRAAGU - Create a user profile using FB information to let the customer users what the user like and has best chance of shooting Remark : this last feature would open the possibility to know which images have NOT been post on FB / Instagram and focus on this one.
User: image sell Feature 1 (UIS1): receive an alert indicating that some images in the mobile match a search with the following information: - WHO is searching (name of the customer) - WHAT is searched (description of the search given by customer) - WHERE the image was shot (place entered by customer) - WHEN the image was shot / during which period (customer info) - HOW many of the users’ images are matching theorically - TIME REMAINING to select and submit images - AMOUNT PAID - TYPE OF USE: editorial or commercial (with details explaining what it means exactly if clickable) Feature 2 (UIS2): see all the images matching and select with just a click the 5 ones the user wants to submit to the customer. Before clicking the “submit” button, have to click on a check box indicating that user has the authorizations to submit and sell these images Images are sent in low resolution with a DRAAGU watermark. Feature 3 (UIS3): be informed that your image was bought. Have ½ day to send the image in high resolution (for developing countries would be good to inform how long it will take with the connection to send the image). Get confirmation that the customer received the image (when the customer upload the image for example)
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Feature 4 (UIS4): receive payment Basic option will be to receive money through Paypal. If user has no Paypal account he will guided through to create it. Payment will be done the following month (fee of 0,5 to 1% by Paypal) Feature 5 (UIS5): OPEN PROFILE. Accept that all your matching images can potentially be seen by the customer WITH FACEBLURRED. This will allow the Feature 6 (UIS6): define a NO GO zone (where the tags of the images will not be exported to the cloud so cannot be sold). Users will be able to define 2 NO GO zone using - an address + a range (up to 1 km) …or - pin a point on a map + a range (up to 1 km) Feature 7 (UIS7): see how your images have been published (pdf of the publication, photo of the product, ..). This could boost the word of mouth of the App making the user feel proud. Remark : customer and users cannot chat in an image sell process (to be sure they use DRAAGU for the transaction). If customer want to chat, he should go for an “Engagement” mission
User: community interaction Feature 1 (UCI1): Travel through SPACE (Space teleporter) and see images that are being shot “live” by another Draagu user. This feature is accessible either going through the dedicated section in the App, or through a small DRAAGU icon that shows up after user has shot some pictures Option 1: Travel Random (it is the one set up default with the alert icon) Option 2: define distance range > 5 / 500 / 5.000 kms After having selected the option this user see:
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1/ A world map (with the range he has defined) with points showing were Draagu users are and dive into the user he is sent to 2/ the images shot by the user the last 5 minutes (up to 10) 3/ The user description (Dragon name / country / city) + link to images he has submitted on past search 4/ possibility to chat with him/her Remark : it would be good to be able to easily compare images you have shot with the users ones to make the location/culture contrast striking 5/ jump to another users shooting live (and start at 1/ again) Feature 2 (UCI2): Travel through TIME (Time teleporter) and see images that have been shot in the past where you are now by another draagu user. This feature is accessible either going through the dedicated section in the App, or through a small DRAAGU icon that shows up after user has shot some pictures Option 1: Travel Random (it is the one set up default with the alert icon) Option 2: define time range > season (winter, fall, summer, spring) / month+year / Oldest existing After having selected the option this user see: 1/ A time capsule is flipping the days to have user understand he is going back in time, until the final hour/day/month/year show 2/ the images shot by the user up to 1km from initial user location (up to 10kms) Remark : it would be good to be able to easily compare images you have shot with the user ones to see the difference 3/ the distance from where you are in meters + the possibility to see on a map and/or an arrow pointing the direction where the images were shot. 4/ the user description (Dragon name / country / city) + link to images he has submitted on past search 5/ possibility to chat with him/her 6/ jump to another user images. Feature 3 (UCI3): A wall with news and information about/for Draagu community - current and past photography mission
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- discover remote communities through images search from Draagu team - photography tips - go back in time Feature 4 (UCI4): Follow users?
Customer: registration & profile Process 1/ make an image search (CIA3) or create a Mission (Cf Feature XXX) 2/ before launching step 1 ask you to register as a customer. Customer is charged only when he select and want to upload an image >> risk : having many “tourist” customer making a search an not buying… 3/ financial details Feature 1 (CRP1): register as “Octopus” (customer) on the web plateform. The following info will be - Name (first and last name) - Company or Brand name (visible by users) - Octopus : your name on DRAAGU (visible by users) - Job Title - Phone number Feature 2 (CRP2): Register to the subscription or Credit program The two programs are proposed with basic hypothesis and a price. When the customer change the hypothesis he can see the price changing live 1/ subscription program: - Number of images monthly - Type of use (editorial or commercial) - Pixel size - Duration : monthly or yearly - Monthly price 2/ Credit program: - Number of image
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- Type of use (editorial or commercial) - Pixel size - Price Feature 3 (CRP3): financial information. The customer insert billing information (debit or credit card) - Name on card - Credit card number - Expiration (MM/YYYY) - Country - Postal code Feature 4 (CRP4): Allow monthly billing without inputing a credit card. To define: Which financial information are necessary to become a client ?
Customer: image acquisition Feature 1 (CIA1): have a “fake” check done on images submitted. This check confirm that the image was shot where (tag “where) and when (tag “when”) it is supposed to and by the user that submit the image (the App only tag the images shot by the mobile phone, not the one retrieved or received) Social network cannot offer this feature and it allow s media to trust the App Feature 2 (CIA3): search images through time and space First define place or time: - place: pointing on a map or indicating address+ distance range - time: hour, day, month, year, whenever or a time range After first parameter have been selected, customer see how many users and potential images are matching After second, idem (but volume reduced) Then define: - image description - type of use (editorial or commercial); depending on the type of subscription, this can be pre-checked. - Price: it shows the number of credit used to buy the image. This
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does not show if the client has chosen a monthly/yearly subscription with a volume of images included Then launch the alert to the users Feature 3 (CIA3): launch a “mission” to a community of users to shoot a specific image if the submitted images do not meet customer requirements. The mission is sent to the users that submit images after receiving the initial alert and AA profiles and above. Feature 4 (CIA4): choose the users that should receive the Alert, either pointing them or based on their level Feature 5 (CIA5): see immediately after the search the images of users with Open Profile matching (with face blurred and watermark) and know how many additional matching images of NOT Open Profile also exist Feature 6 (CIA6): customer can indicate an example of the kind of image he is looking for by clicking on a similar image 3 categories: Landscape / single portrait / group portrait / action 5 examples for each categories Feature 7 (CIA7): attaching a picture, a pdf, an url showing how a Draagu image was used. This content is sent to all the Draagons that were solicited with a Congratulation note to the winner. To define: what does the customer gets for that? (discount, extra credit to buy images, ..?)
Customer: On demand stock create on demand image stocks from a closed. Best suited for customers with on the go staff taking pictures that they need to regularly retrieve. To use the following features, customer needs to register as a customer of the community Feature 1 (COS1): customer with Admin define type of users Customer can attribute specific “type” (in case of NGO for eg: expat, local staff,
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beneficiaries, others) to the users. Depending on the type, users will receive different alert screen (with or without AMOUNT PAID info for example) Users for an image search can be selected based on - their name or country - geo-localization (define all users in this area as “XX”) Feature 2 (COS2): launch an image search for the selected users with following criteria’s - Time + place - Type of users (can be set as “All”) - User nAAme (can be set as “none”) - Image description After each step, the customer sees the number of matching users and images. Customer define a name for the image search Launch search Feature 3 (COS3): customer receive the images SUBMITTED without watermark, he can select the ones he wants and for users not needing to be paid the high resolution upload can start immediately after image selection Feature 4 (COS4): chat with users. Either only one, or through a user discussion group like whatsapp. Feature 5 (COS5): launch automatically the upload when WIFI or Internet connection is strong enough to allow the upload in less than 5 minutes Advantages compared to a regular search: Improve user segmentation with additional type / no payment process / images low res. not watermarked: immediately usable / High resolution starts immediately when customer chose them Remark: Feature CIA3 (“launch a mission”) is also possible for a closed community
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Customer: engaging When a customer wants to engage with a community he will have access to additional features than regular image acquisition. The initial process is CIA3 Here are the additional features Feature 1 (CE1): CONNECT with, chat, invite them on a coming event in a place where they shot pictures, create Discussion Groups or forms to be filled by users involved in the search. Feature 2 (CE2): create a PERMANENT Alert that allow to send alert to any Draagu users shooting pictures in a given area during XX days. Feature 3 (CE3) : BROADCAST on Draagu wall the images retrieved with a call to action Feature 4 (CE4) : use an ANALYTICS tool to measure users answers
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8. Mockups (Draft) SIGN IN users (URP1)
customer (CRP1)
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8. Product Worflows Draft version : to be better define teaming with UX experts.
8.1 Customer search and buy an image (No OPEN PROFILE) 1. Enter Space + time of the image search 2. Add Image description, image examples, type of use, increase price offered 3. Launch the Alert. 4. Clock ticking 5 minutes’ backward and the number of submitted images increase 5. Once countdown is over, all images watermarked submitted can be browsed (with detail on user Dragon name + time shot + image size) 6. Customer can create groups of submitted images they like (user receive notification) 7. Customer select image(s) he wants to acquire. Once it is done, Draagu launch the full resolution upload and inform the User. 8. If connection is not sufficient (connection time > 5 minutes) to make the upload, an Alert inform the user he should look for a better wifi connection if he wants to sell. 9. Once the upload is completed, the user receives a notification + indication of when he will be paid 10. customer receive the full resolution image + the copyright attached in a folder with the search name / date / location.
8.2 Customer search and buy an image (No OPEN PROFILE) Same process as before with the following differences: After 2. The customer already sees the matching images of the Open Profile users + the number of matching images of users Without open profile. He can decide to NOT launch the Alert and just work on Open Profile images. In that case, rest of the process start at 5 of the process If he launches the Alert, the submitted images will add on the previous ones
8.3 Customer create an On-Demand image stock DRAAGU - Specification
1. Customer register to a given community with the corresponding Hashtag. 2. Customer with Admin rights can enter the registration details of the people he wants as users. These users will receive a notification inviting to download the Draagu App and register as user of this community. 3. Customer with Admin rights can manage its community of users creating different ‘types’. To select users, he can use a list (with info such as time they registered, country, city, …) or do users search on a map (all users from here should have this type) 4. Customer is doing an image search: Enter Space + time of the image search + user type (can select “all”). Depending on user type, it is possible that no price is offered 5. Add Image description, image examples, price offered 6. Launch the Alert. 7. Clock ticking 5 minutes’ backward and the number of submitted images increase 8. At the end of the countdown, customer sees the images submitted by user types. Images are not watermarked for the users not needing to be paid. 9. Customer can select the images he wants. Full resolution upload of images start right away.
8.4 Customer engaging with community TBD
8.5 Customer launch a mission TBD
8.6 User traveling into Space TBD
8.7 User traveling into Time
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9. Product development
Phase 1 of the product development will focus on creating an MVP both for the App and the Web platform I aim at having an MVP running before the end of June (2 months from now), and to be able to test it during July.
Phase 1 / step 1 (duration: about 3 weeks. April 25th > May 15th) 1. Define Key Technical issues that could prevent Draagu to work and verify solutions exist to solve them Users side: Automatic tagging of images (with place and time) by App as shadow task Frequency of this tagging: immediate / each hour / day? Send and store tags in the cloud / minimum connection needed? Match tags-search criteria and send alerts to users Show user the matching images to select (avoid search in folder) Send images in low resolution / minimum connection needed? Open profile: automatic face blurred by the App Auto send images selected in high res. / minimum connection needed? Auto send the copyrights document Customer side: Show live the # of users and images available for time/space search Create permanent alert for users shooting within search criteria (engage) Chat, create groups, send forms to groups of users 2. Complete and detail this specification document 3. Identify the Developer or the Agency that will create the mockups + MVP 4. Create Ad campaign, use landing pages and survey to check key business hypothesis: TBD 6. Create basic communication tools: landindpage + Draagu.com email address 7. Improve revenue model definition (price, costs, benefit, ‌) 8. Define KPIs of the MVP that will convince Investors to Fund the App
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Phase 1 / step 2 (duration: about 2 weeks. May 15th > June 1st) 1 Create Wireframe and Mockups (including the UX part) 2. Finalize the creation of all needed Legal document (DNA / MOU / copyrights) 3. Create a web page presenting your offer 4. Secure at least 3 customers (in different sector: Media, NGO, public authorities) doing beta testing for each feature (image acquisition / on demand image stock, mission, engage) 5. Secure a crowd of 50 beta users both in Europe and developing countries 6. Close your advisory Board: at least 5 experts in the following fields - Image/photography - Development/Tech - Business model, revenue - Online Marketing / App campaign / Marketplace - Media - ONG - developing countries
Phase 1 / step 3 (duration: about 3 weeks. May 25th > June 15th) 1 Develop a prototype of the App and web platform without graphic design 2. Define Graphic Design of the App 3. Identify / recruit a online Marketing expert to define strategy to broadcast the MVP and how to get the KPIs to convince investors.
Phase 1 / step 4 (duration: about 1 week. June 15th > June 20th) Test the prototype (me and friends), define with developer/agency what should be changed / improved.
Phase 1 / step 5 (duration: about 10 days. June 20th > June 30th)
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1 Develop changes agreed in step 4 + insert Graphic Design 2 Test the MVP to check for bugs 3 Define how the Beta users and customers testing should be conducted
Phase 1 / step 6 (duration: about 20 days. July 01th > July 20th) 1 Perform testing with Beta customers and Beta users 2 Get early (quality / quantity) feedback with no specific training nor information 3 Retrieve metrics and key conclusion 4 Put the MVP on App store and perform a small marketing campaign 5 Measure traction
Phase 1 / step 7 (duration: about 10 days. July 20th > July 30th) 1. Create an investor pitch deck based on prototype testing conclusion 2. Start looking for FFF or Investor funding to develop the Beta Version
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9. Questions I am afraid of privacy issue with having all my image tagged Draagu is very keen on privacy issue. Please remember that using a standard profile - you are anonymous : only your ‘Dragon name’ shows - your images stay in your phone ; we store only their tags - Customer cannot see images while doing the search. He only know that some draagu users have shot images at that place and time. - customer only see images you have submitted him. - you can define No Go zones where the tags are not exported to the cloud
How Draagu is different from usual image stock? - SIMPLER: user only have to download the App to put ALL his mobile image phone on sell on the market. With Stock he would have to edit the images he wants to sell, upload them to the server, put tags and captions - DIRECT REACH: beyond the image, Draagu allows its customer to reach and connect with the person that shot the image - TRUER: no staged images in Draagu! All images are shot as part of life experience of the users
How Draagu is different from usual mobile stock? - CHEAPER: Draagu users are citizen not professional photographers. They do not rely on sells to make a living that is what we can offer cheaper prices than Mobile stocks - WIDER COVERAGE: mobile image stock users are mainly based in western countries. Draagu will reach for areas with less coverage : developing countries, rural, small cities…
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- ENGAGE WITH CUSTOMERS: with Draagu beyond buying pictures, customers
can engage with their users and clients using their images.
How Draagu is different from social Netwk to retrieve images? - PRIVACY : with Draagu no one can use your images without you knowing as it is possible with social network. You know who you are selling to and for what kind (editorial or commercial) of use - ONE STOP TOOL: with Draagu you have a 1 stop tool to identify images, contact whom shot them, retrieve images and copyright, pay - SEARCH TIME & SPACE : Draagu is perfect if your key entry point to find the image you need is time (I want an images shot at that moment) and/or space (I want an image shot here)
How Draagu is different from UGC providers? - ENGAGE with CLIENTS: traditional UGC providers‌ provide UGC! Draagu goes beyond that offering its customer to connect with customers and understand their experience through the images they shot. - CHEAPER: Draagu allow its customer to retrieve themselves theUGC through our dedicated tool. As such we can propose prices much cheaper than usual UGC provider and make this service accessible to Small and Medium businesses
Can I put search key word describing e image I am looking for? For now No. Image search elements are Time and Location when images were shot. Of course, with your description of the image you are looking for, users receiving the Alert will know what to submit you. Further on, we will include an automatic tagging device system in the App to allow you to put extended image search key words
11 Competitors
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