Spotlight Magazine /The Fashion Files - Skrocki Design - Swimsuit Illustrated 2019 Halloween Issue

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Skrocki Designs Mythological Creativity

photographed by:


Joan Bateman @gainsborogal


Western SeparateizationThere is real Momentum

SpotLight Magazine Special Columnist Teri-Anne Bowyer


A WEIRD THING YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT YOUR BRAIN‌ Master Coach Columnist Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas


Smart Goals Health Columnist Ed Stiles

Thinking outside the Lines and Innovating Industries.


50 The 100th Monkey /Life as Art Creativity and Business Columnist Farren Assaly


87 The Fashion Files

The Gainsboro Spotlight presents:

Sprayground Created by David Ben David P h o t o g r a p hy b y N e w Yo r k correspondent Seks Wilson

“Helping your Child with Eating, Weight and Body Image Concerns”


Columnist Dr.Wendy Froberg Psy. D.,R.Psych Clinical Psychologist


76 Get the Halloween Wow Factor

and special commentary Is Pro-Photography Endangered? Creativity and Business Columnist Joan Bateman @gainsborogal


In Need of Heroes EDITORIAL Scott Cowan

28 Wrap-Up for Summer Fashion Inclusion at it’s Finest

The Gainsboro Spotlight presents:

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit in Miami Beach

photography by Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek


S C O T T C O W A N ( 4 0 3 ) 5 0 4 - 7 0 9 2






art director

creative designer

G A I N S B O R O S T U D I O ( 4 0 3 ) 5 2 6 - 3 0 5 4 photography



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E M A I L S SpotLight Magazine Editors Art Director Creative Designer

E D I T O R I A L C O N T R I B U T O R S Scott Cowan Scott Stenbeck Brent Dunstan Donald Crawley Wendy Froberg Nathalie Plamondon-Thoma Teri-Anne Bowyer Farren Assaly Leora Bell

P H O T O G R A P H Y C O R R E S P O N D E N T J o a n B a t e m a n -Tr a v e l i n g Bruce Herlitschek - Miami S e k s W i l s o n - N e w Yo r k

Magazine ~ Published and Printed ~ SpotLight Magazine

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HAPPY Photo by Ylanite Koppens



by robrizaT

Carving a Pumpkin ... Sometimes if you haven’t done something since you were a kid, you need to remember the basics, so you can remember to enjoy the fun of the season! hese instructions will help you to carve your own pumpkin for the Halloween season. Step 1: Gathering Supplies Begin with 3 trash bags, 1 pumpkin, 1 small candle, 1 large knife, 1 small knife, 1 large spoon, a permanent marker, 1 piece of paper and 1 pencil

Step 2: Preparing to Start Lay out 2 trash bags and place pumpkin in the center leaving one for discarded material

Step 3: Creating the Lid Pt. 1Draw a circle approximately 3 inches from the stem with the permanent marker


PUMPKIN CARVING 101 Step 4: Creating the Lid Pt. 2 With the large knife cut along the marker line, making sure to cut through the pumpkin shell

Step 5: Creating the Lid Pt. 3

Remove the cut portion and use the spoon to scrape the seeds and fibers from the piece, this will serve as your lid

Step 6: Removing the Insides Using the spoon remove the seeds and fibers from inside the pumpkin placing them into the trash bag, continue this until the inside is cleared of debris


PUMPKIN CARVING 101 Step 7: Creating the Design Using the pencil draw the carving design that you will cut into the pumpkin, you will be carving this design so keep your abilities in mind when you draw your design

Use pencil to draw design onto the pumpkin in a spot of your choosing, when the design is to your liking trace with marker to increase visibility

Step 9: Carving the Design With the small knife carefully cut along the design edges, making sure to start and stop with the lines


PUMPKIN CARVING 101 Step 10: Punch Out the Pieces

Punch out the cut pieces and add them to the trash bag with the seeds and fibers from before

Step 11: Placing the Candle Place the small candle inside the pumpkin making sure there is access to light the candle

Step 12: Completing the Pumpkin Place the lid you created back on top flush with the cut some tips for the lid: 1) when you cut the circular opening for the top if you put a small square notch (I always put my notch to the outside of the circle but if you want it in towards the stem it will work the same way) so that you can easily index the lid and get it properly lined up each time. 2) when you cut the lid angle the knife in toward the stem slightly so that as the pumpkin flesh slowly dehydrates from exposure to air the lid will not slip down into the interior of the pumpkin because of the taper. general carving tip: if you coat the exposed flesh of the pumpkin with a thin coat of Vaseline it will dry out much slower and last longer


Photo by Vlad Chețan


Endangered Species? The slow demise of the

Pro-Photographer by Joan Bateman @gainsborogal

Recently I received a note from a well-intentioned friend suggesting I respond to a local celeb who was putting it out there that they wanted someone to 'volunteer' for doing headshot photography for free because they “wanted it done right this time”…. Here was my response: HaHa .... thanks for thinking of me love... But I don’t work for free anymore, I said. (especially for someone who works and makes a decent living, I thought.) If they came to me in particular because they valued my work and asked for a price that they could fit into their budget and / or offered some kind of compensation - then I would know they valued what I do and also notice that I am an experienced, top-of-my-field, professional. But to post on social media that they want “someone“ to help them out because they want it “done right” - then I think that not only do they want it for free, but also that there is little to no belief that a photographer who will do it right deserves the respect of assuming that they deserve to be paid.

You would never ask a hairstylist or mechanic or a plumber or florist to volunteer free services once they have completed their training period...... Even an apprentice gets paid. 14


But somehow, photographers are all just assumed to be dabblers for their entire careers. I am of the opinion that any photographer giving it away to someone who is making a bid for “free stuff�is really just perpetuating that level of disrespect for our intrinsic professional value ....and thus are making it more difficult for other Professional photographers to charge what their time and expertise is worth.

Now don't get me wrong! I believe that everyone has the right to choose projects that are worth donating their time toward. But in any profession, a donation of their time should be treated with the utmost appreciation - right from the get-go and deserving of a private request or message or phone call to see if this is something that the professional has time to fit into their busy schedules. Putting it on a social media platform diminishes the persons ability to charge money to other similar individuals or charities, and can put a professional in an awkward situation where they have to say no to multiple other people who may get the idea that free is always possible. Even for really great causes sometimes donating time and energy will cause the professional to make their other clients wait. Plus if they see online that they are giving away their time to others it then diminishes their feeling of being a preferred and special client. If they are asking for a free service and are in a position where they are paying for everything else in their life worth paying for - then photographers should be in that group. Now some would say, that perhaps the celebrity is offering them a chance to have a feather in their cap, thus getting more business. Trading for promotion. I can tell you, that as a rule (even though I have provided highly publicized events and charities with trade for promotion services because it was in alignment with my values to do so) ...... Believing that a large amount of future paying clients will come because you have worked for free is a fantasy.

The press you may attain may get you notoriety but it’s not getting you jobs that pay - because you are establishing publicly what you think you are worth. You need to understand who YOUR clientelle are. If you give it away and people know about it, then for the most part it will be expected that this is something that you do. (That they in turn are worthy of that same favor) 16

.... and thus the cycle goes on and on.

Some people feel that an artists painting is worth money and some will buy a print from Walmart. THEY are not a professionals target client. There are those who won’t pay a pro hair stylist or an established plumber, but instead will look for a dabbler or a student to do it for free. Those are not the people I am going to look to to expand my business. Because at the end of the day it is a business.

We don’t get a paycheck - we don’t have holiday pay ... when we get sick no one gives us time off that still allows us to pay our bills. When our equipment or computers need updating - no government funding comes in and replaces them.

Business owners /Professional Photographers need to be respected as an entity to be supported, because if you don’t - they go away, because they can’t sustain giving away their work-hours to pro-bono customers. I may love a charity but if all I do in my week is donate my time - then I cannot pay my bills, The clients who are paying are waiting for me to complete their work longer. Today’s trend is one of taking advantage. Getting a bargain. Even those who can afford it are filled with praise for the photographer who donates so much time to xyz charitable project...but few of them encourage everyone they know to utilize them for the gigs they are able to pay for. They still choose their cheaper and less qualified friends or friends of friends.

It’s the Value Village mentality- Looking for a deal even though I can afford to shop elsewhere; but I want a deal at all costs.

That ideology says: “I will take the chance that it will fall apart next week because I don’t really value / need it.” If more give-it-away photographers started to see they are being treated as if they were the local secondhand store... perhaps they would value their professional capabilities more. (At least more than selling themselves at a garage sale every single day.) 17

I don’t fault the free-stuff seekers really - they just know that they can get it for free, so why pay? I fault every photographer who feels they have to take those jobs without ranting about it like I am right now. And I challenge them to start valuing their time or else they will not be able to stay in business. And if you have enough money to not care about the income and the bottom line, then try not to open a store front on the preverbial same block as someone who makes a living with this profession.


Customers need to be educated on how important it is to value the legacy they are leaving behind. In a selfie-society where apps give us the ability to have a surge of images.... educate your clients on how important it is to hire a professional for the projects that matter.

Trust me - the skill it takes to do it right isn’t part of your phones instruction. It’s time and thousands of hours of practice before you get it right - just like any other apprenticeship program. You may think you want to take everyone’s photos for them for free for a few years when you first get a camera or an i-Phone, but sooner or later, as it starts to eat into your time and your finances, you will see that you-too would like to get paid. But with today’s ever-present new crop of weekend photo-warriors, you will never get that professional look because the experience and apprenticeship hours are just not there. Many people understand the term: ‘Support Local’ and basically it’s saying that we need to respect those who depend on the hours in the day and/or their hard earned reputations to make a living. (or that business will more than likely die or move elsewhere) … so I say:

‘Support Professional Creative Work’ Pay apprentice prices or students for the jobs that you can afford to pay for a do over. But if the event is a mateer of legacy - only happens once in your life, or you can’t afford to pay for it twice, or maybe your reputation is riding on the image you put out there.... c’mon people be willing to pay for it.


Western SeperatizationThere is Real Momentum

Terianne Bowyer

Political and Life Musings


Fours year ago, after the Liberal Government was elected, I made an offhand, but not necessarily joking comment to my husband, asking if we could liquidate and move to some where warm. He brushed it off. I have over the last four years referenced that moment a few times, repeating my request. Always the same response from him. The other day, after a discussion of the current federal campaign and issues surrounding it, he suggested to me, that depending on the outcome of the election- we might need to look at that idea. My reply- maybe not, we might see an abrupt- not that abrupt, but more on that below- rise in Western separation, and we might want to see how that plays out. We are at an absolute historical crossroads. I love the concept of Canada. So do most people I know. While over the years, I have always been aware of those strongly advocating for Alberta separation, I am old enough to remember the 80’s, it has stayed relatively low key and confined to certain arenas.

uiet conversations held in confidential, private discussions. It is no longer private, quiet or confidential. It is not low key anymore. Over 25% of Albertans are presently in favor of exploring the concept. That is a very significant political statistic. A recent random internet poll by a radio station in Edmonton had 6,000 responses to the questionshould we separate- yes or no. The result- 50-50. I think that is significant. There has been a lot of background research done by smart people, and the plans on how separation can be done are just waiting to be shared. There has been a lot of research and planning on exactly how to achieve separation. What I know- it can be done. It will not be easy, it will require a lot of work. There will be growing pains. There seems to be disagreement currently amongst those who have been very active in this arena for the last few years, and that needs to be figured out. That is what I see as the actual stumbling block. The fragmentation of those who have been setting up the frameworks to go forward with separation. That what will need to be addressed, and that could very well be what prevents any actual progress to the goal. The actual logistics of separation- while of course complicated, are not the actual issue. It can be done. It can be done in a couple of different ways.



owever, this writer is very convinced, given the current sentiment, if the results of the next Federal Election are a majority government by a party that does not recognize the economic value of the West, and the contributions it makes to the Canadian economy, that number will explode overnight, and the movement will gain steam and support in an unprecedented wave. Albertans are very frustrated with the roadblocks to their economic prosperity. Albertans are struggling. Bankruptcy is at an all time high, both business and personal. Over a third are struggling to pay the necessities. Unemployment at record levels. Western Alienation describes how the west feels quite succinctly. We feel that parts of Canada look down on us, are not hearing us, do not have our best interest in mind- yet, it seems we serve up in the best interest of Canada. As well, here is the crux- we are not “heard� politically. We only have 10% of the seats in the HoC, yet we contribute over 17% to the National GDP, and have contributed upwards of 240 BILLION towards equalization in the last ten years. While the equalization formula has always been contentious, when Alberta is doing well, we pay it and quietly mutter, Now, we are struggling, and the provinces who are receiving money from our payments, are preventing and blocking us from earning. It is beyond frustrating. This is a very important election. This is not whining, or threatening on my part. This is simple acknowledgement of a fact. Separation is not a quiet, confidential, whisper any more. It might even become a scream in two weeks. 21


Somehow, because we don’t know how to be that way, Nathalie Plamon- we feel that we have to stick don-Thomas with how we know to be for the rest of our lives.

Speaker. Master Coach #1 Best Selling Author Transformation Expert, CEO Think Yourself® ACADEMY



ometimes, we undervalue our worth or we think our personality is set in stone and that we are doomed to stay this way for the rest of our lives. We even sometimes look at other people and we secretly wish we were more like them.


We don’t allow ourselves to dream too big because we don’t know precisely how to get there. The thing you may not know about your brain is that your brain would not let you dream about anything, if it did not know how to get there. Pretend you just placed your order at a restaurant. When you order something from the waiter, you don’t necessarily need to know how to cook the dish

you have ordered. You simply place your order. The chef put it on the menu, so that means that the chef knows how to cook it.

Photo by Micheile Henderson

The chef is your unconscious mind. It knows exactly how to make it happen. If you were able to dream it, it means that your chef knows how to cook it.


ou would not have been able to imagine it if you did not have what it takes to realize it. If you are able to secretly wish that you were better with numbers, more assertive, more organized, more charismatic, funnier, etc., it means that your chef knows exactly how to make it happen. All you have to do is to place your order with the waiter. The waiter will run to the kitchen, and the chef will gather all the ingredients to create your dish. When you are clear about what

you want and what you expect from your unconscious mind, it starts working for you in the background while you continue to live your life. It guides you into being at the right place at the right time. It whispers answers into your ears when you are about to learn something that will generate results towards your goal. It makes you feel like doing something right. It makes you feel like stepping out of your comfort zone and learning new ways of doing things and interacting.

Trust that you have everything you need inside. You got this. Place your order!


Ed Stiles BPE, Certified Exercise Physiologist is a member of the Alberta Sport Development Centre’s Performance Enhancement Team and is the Fitness Coordinator at the Family Leisure Centre he can be reached via email at, or


appy Autumn to all. Can we all agree that healthy eating, appropriate physical activity, and adequate rest are foundational pillars to our lifelong health and athletic potential? I know these are not glamorous concepts but at this time of year it’s especially important to remember that we simply must embrace them. The Halloween, Thanksgiving and all the way to Christmas food trough binge is almost upon us. Most folks caloric intake will go up. I am not here to talk you out of that, enjoy great food and celebrate the day. At some point you will want to adopt some healthier habits and reign in the excess. Don’t wait for New Years, why not start now. Over the course of 27 years I’ve trained literally thousands of people trying to solve the Autumn intake issues. Some clients to resounding success. Most have improved long term lifestyles habits, others, unfortunately, have failed in their fitness goals. Let’s talk about these goals! Every article I pull up about New Years Resolutions or even getting started on the fitness bandwagon tells us to set some SMART goals. Apparently setting specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound goals is the key to success. Sorry but in my experience people


We are surrounded by quick fix misconceptions through popular media. The multi- billion dollar supplement industry, even our cousin Flo. They readily share that celebrity whatsernoggin lost 40 pounds in 3 weeks. We should drink this, eat that, never do that, and get bigger arms in a week. Our perception of what is possible is twisted from the start. People end up spending a bunch of time and energy setting results focused goals. But because they were not realistic, attainable and the time boundaries were pressurizing they FAIL. People who fail are seldom motivated to continue especially when doing something they may not love. I’m not saying to never set goals but I am saying spend less time with results focused ‘dream’ goals like weight loss and focus on “Process goals”. Process goals describing actions steps that build healthy habits throughout your life are the key. “I will exercise 30 minutes 5 times this week. I will drink 3 glasses of water a day. I will stretch my tight shoulders at my desk every time the clock dings on the half hour. I will eat 2 more fruits or vegies today.” You have direct control over these real life implementable action steps. Guess what happens when these action steps become habits? Daily physical activity, healthy eating, and adequate rest are part of who you are. Suddenly losing 5 pounds, being a better soccer player, improving blood sugars, or getting a personal best in a 5km road race all become realistic and attainable. When it comes to lifestyle please set Process Goals. When it comes to exercise I prefer people let go of hyper analysis and hours of SMART goal setting. Let’s just set START Goals? Start Today And Repeat Tomorrow.




Don’t wait for New Years, why not start now. 25

Winter Hot Cocktails

- milk- any percent or skim - cocoa powder - powdered sugar - peppermint schnapps

- 1 cup of tea (your preference) - whiskey - 1-2 slices of lemon - 1-2 Tbs honey

Hot Cocoa and Schnapps

Hot Toddy

Heat up your milk either on burner on low or in microwave. Stir occasionally so you don’t scorch your milk. For each cup of milk, mix together 2 Tbs of cocoa powder and powdered sugar each. In a mug, pour a shot of peppermint schnapps and stir in cocoa and powdered sugar mix. When all the lumps are out, add milk and stir.

Make a pot of tea. I always make a pot because one toddy is never enough. You can make your tea if one is enough. Because this was early afternoon, I used a black tea for the caffeine. Fill your mug 2/3 the way full with tea. save room for the whiskey!


Add 1 shot of whiskey. You can add more or less to your preference.

- 1 c. butter - 1 c. brown sugar - 2 Tbs cream - 1 tsp cinnamon - 1/2 tsp nutmeg - 1/4 tsp cloves - Boiling water - Rum to your taste

Hot Buttery Rum

Cream butter and sugar together and mix in spices and cream. Boil water. Fill a mug 1/2 of the way with boiling water and top off with as much rum as you like. Add 2 generous tablespoons of the mixture and stir until melted

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amea Byrd (L) and rielle Anyea (R) walk the runway during the 2019 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Runway Show During Miami Swim Week At W South Beach Runway at WET poolside lounge at W South Beach on July 14, 2019 in Miami Beach, Florida.

The runway was filled with an amazing array of women who stand for important issues . They were wearing socially relevant and body conscious swimwear created by designers who believe in body positivism, sustainability, and inclusivity .

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek 28

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek 29


Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek


Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek



Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek


who has alopecia, a disorder that causes hair loss removed her wig while walking the runway. Model Djaniel Carter, (R) Once a dancer, has been battling an underlying medical condition that has caused her much pain. Because of SI it has not stopped her from pursuing her dreams to be a model. Carter was wheeled onto the runway by SI Swimsuit magazine editor, MJ Day.

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek



a curvy body positive model. She has her own line called Alexiss Swimwear. Her shop provides cute and sexy plussize options and is hailed for its inclusivity. Fifty-five-year-old model Kathy Jacobs, (R) the oldest model to walk on the SI Swimsuit runway also took to the catwalk. Halima Aden, (below) is the Somali-American model, who was born in Kenya at the Kakuma Refugee Camp. She is the first model to wear a hijab and burkini in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine. Her runway walk set the show abuzz in her custom-designed “burkini” by Cynthia Rowley that read “Don’t Change Yourself, Change the Game.

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek


Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek 35


Tyra Banks, Alex Morgan And Camille Kostek Are Revealed As Sports Illustrated Swimsuit’s 2019 Cover Models; Each Get Their Own Cover

The First Rookies of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2019 were Camille Kostek and Haley Kalil

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek

Model Camille Kostek-

The former Patriots cheerleader who has always envisioned herself as an SI Swimsuit model. her unique hashtag #NeverNotDancing @camillekostek on IG embodies her unique character and style.


I hope to use my new platform to encourage young women to love their bodies and pursue their dreams.

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek 37

Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek

THE 2019 SWIMSUIT ILLUSTRATED SHOWS FACES OF INCLUSIVENESS ON AND OFF THE RUNWAY Models : 2019 Model Search Winner, Brooks Nader, 2019 Cover Model Camille Kostek, Halima Aden, Jasmine Sanders, Kate Bock, Robin Holzken, Vita Sidorkina and Model Search Finalists, Ariadna Gutierrez, Ashley Alexiss, Brielle Anyea Cunningham, Christie Valdiserri, Clarissa Bowers, Courtney Smits, Djaniel Carter, Florinda Estrada, Hyun Joo (JooJoo) Hwang, Jamea Byrd, Kathy Jacobs, Katina Taylor, Miki Hamano, Nour Guiga, Salina Jade, Soraya Yd, Tanaye White


Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek

Designers: Abruzzo Swim, Acqua De Luxe, Alexiss, Andi Bagus, Antigua Swimwear, Badgley Mischka, Bissy Swim, Boohoo, CALi DREAMiNG, Fashion Nova, For Love and Lemons, Frankies Bikinis, Fredericks of Hollywood, GabiFresh, Kasa Kai, KRELwear, Krewe Du Q, Luli Fama, MegLiz Swimwear, Melao, Meshki, Mikoh, Mira Zadeh, Natasha Tonic, Norma Kamali, Ola Vida Swimwear, O’Neill, Paul and Rade, Poemä Swim, Port de Bras, Siempre Golden, Swimsuits for All and Vitamin A Swim.


Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek

THE 2019 SWIMSUIT ILLUSTRATED SHOWS FACES OF INCLUSIVENESS ON AND OFF THE RUNWAY Models : 2019 Model Search Winner, Brooks Nader, 2019 Cover Model Camille Kostek, Halima Aden, Jasmine Sanders, Kate Bock, Robin Holzken, Vita Sidorkina and Model Search Finalists, Ariadna Gutierrez, Ashley Alexiss, Brielle Anyea Cunningham, Christie Valdiserri, Clarissa Bowers, Courtney Smits, Djaniel Carter, Florinda Estrada, Hyun Joo (JooJoo) Hwang, Jamea Byrd, Kathy Jacobs, Katina Taylor, Miki Hamano, Nour Guiga, Salina Jade, Soraya Yd, Tanaye White


Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek

Designers: Abruzzo Swim, Acqua De Luxe, Alexiss, Andi Bagus, Antigua Swimwear, Badgley Mischka, Bissy Swim, Boohoo, CALi DREAMiNG, Fashion Nova, For Love and Lemons, Frankies Bikinis, Fredericks of Hollywood, GabiFresh, Kasa Kai, KRELwear, Krewe Du Q, Luli Fama, MegLiz Swimwear, Melao, Meshki, Mikoh, Mira Zadeh, Natasha Tonic, Norma Kamali, Ola Vida Swimwear, O’Neill, Paul and Rade, Poemä Swim, Port de Bras, Siempre Golden, Swimsuits for All and Vitamin A Swim.



SPOTLIGHT MAGAZINE FEATURED THIS LOVELY MODEL LAST SEASON WHEN SHE GRACE THE SI COVER. Danielle Harrington is seen here attending the 2019 Sports Illustrated show at the Whotel in Miami. The Compton, CA. native owned it on the cover of last years 2018 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. The model became an overnight sensation after the cover was revealed. She’s also making history as the third black woman to land the coveted spot. Beyoncé was on the 2007 issue, 10 years after Tyra Banks graced the cover

Herrington said that seeing Tyra on the cover was what inspired her to pursue modeling. Tyra and Danielle have since become friends and attended the Black Panther premiere together. Since this years cover ia also Tyra, things seem to have come full circle. Spotlight Miami Correspondent Bruce Herlitschek 42

Coloring Outside The Lines

DREW MLA BARNES Cypress - Medicine Hat 403-528-2191

Cypress Medicine Hat, truly one of the most amazing places in the world. In the South East corner of Alberta it is a section of this province that hosts a multitude of hidden and not so hidden gems. Often quoted, “This part of the country seems to have All Hell for a basement. The only trap door appears to be in Medicine Hat.” Rudyard Kipling underscores one of the reasons that this area is so fortunate. The reference to “All Hell for a basement” is to the abundant supply of gas in the Cypress Medicine Hat area. That gas has provided the City coffers with a huge return over the years. That economic stability and lower utility costs have served to foster an environment that has drawn some amazing and innovative business to this part of Alberta. That quote, is familiar to most “Hatters”, but what they may not know is that The City Leaders at that time were looking at changing the name from Medicine Hat to Gasburg, and Mr. Kipling wrote a letter to the then local paper telling city leaders not to change the name and lauding the original name’s “uniqueness, individuality, assertion and power.” It’s almost as if Kipling willed the Hat to color outside the lines.

Education, Arts and Music, Sports, and the list goes on. It always leaves such an impression with me when I am talking to people who live here. I hear from them what they are doing. How they and the business they own or work for is sending ripples out across the globe. Over the years, we have had pottery from the clay in our hills end up all around the world. Glass bottles and objects displayed in homes everywhere. IXL the brick foundry has bricks that are still sought after by builders. While the plant recently closed people still try and source older used bricks. Homes all over North America boast IXL bricks on their walls- inside and out. We are innovative, and fearless. We will and do embrace new ideas and concepts. We are not scared to branch off the beaten path finding new ways and approaches to solve problems. If it does not work the first go around, we will reflect, analyze, learn and try again. We are home to some of the most diverse geographical features within our home base. From Mountains and coulees to prairie and forested lands, river basins and lakes, to semi-arid desert this is Alberta. Yet, with such geographical challenges we are home to some the best producing agricultural land around. Our farmers and ranchers have developed or adopted improvements in management practices to maximize their outputs. They are always open to learning new ways of handling their agricultural interests. The common thread though is the

people of Cypress Medicine Hat. The people who are thinking outside the lines and innovating industries. It is the people that make Cypress Medicine Hat what it is in all aspects of life. One of the things I also know to be true. We have a population who are so willing to give their time, energy, creativity, and money to support this City. A current example is the New Ronald McDonald House being built. This Ronald MacDonald house is the only one out of the 100’s of homes that was paid for in its entirety, including the renovations, by a single donor. The typical formula for Ronald McDonald houses includes fundraising for capital building funds to build the House. Here, in Cypress Medicine Hat the Yuill Family Foundation donated the house, and funds to pay for the renovations. The fundraising efforts are strictly going to operating costs! When it was announced that Ronald McDonald House was going to be part of the Medicine Hat community, within days the phones were ringing with volunteers. Our services organizations are plentiful and busy! We regularly host world Class sporting competitions in all sports. We have some of the best playing fields/venues in the country. I know that our ball fields are envied; when we host events. People comment on the immaculate shape and condition of our fields. All these events are generally organized and manned by volunteers. It is a common belief that we have the highest ratio of volunteer hours per capita. Our volunteers are greater in number than most other jurisdictions by a wide margin. The local Rotary Club, who organizes our annual musical festival, does not have a hard time finding adjudicators. They WANT to come and listen to our

Color outside the lines we have continued to do. We have many industries here in Cypress Medicine Hat that do business around the world, based from this corner of Alberta. Industries that cross many different sectors- Technology, Agriculture, Research, Oil and Gas,


Cheesy Ranch Pub Mix 8 c each shreddies and Crispix 6 c cherrios 4 c each Rice chex, corn chex, cheese goldfish crackers, bite sized penguin crackers 2 c each pretzel goldfish, chow mein noodles and unsalted cashews ½ c powdered cheddar

SunnyHolme Harvest FINE BAKING, PICKLES AND PRESERVES Leora and George Bell Custom orders available upon request 403-527-9853

Leora Bell Food Columnist

Owner of SunnyHolm Harvest

1 package ranch mix 2 T each onion powder and garlic powder Oil in a misto Mix all but cheese, ranch spices and oil in a large bowl Spray mixture with oil Sprinkle ¼ of the ranch Stir well, repeat spraying oil Sprinkle with the ¼ cheese garlic powder and onion powder. Continue alternating until the powder seasonings are gone. Store in an air tight container


Pumpkin Spice Snack Mix

Yield: 10 CUPS prep time: 10 MINUTES total time: 10 MINUTES Ingredients: 13.5 oz box (about 7-8 cups) Cinnamon Chex cereal, or Rice Chex 12 ounces orange candy melts or pure white chocolate 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon, divided 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1-2 cups mallowcreme pumpkins Directions: 1. Pour the cereal into a large bowl. Set aside. 2. In 20 second increments, melt the candy melts or white chocolate in a medium microwave-safe bowl. Stir after each increment until melted and completely smooth. Stir in 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, the nutmeg, cloves, and allspice until combined. Pour mixture over cereal and toss gently to coat each square. Be gentle, the squares break easily. 3. Pour the confectioners’ sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon into a large zipped-top bag. Add the coated cereal and shake until each piece is coated. Pour back into a large bowl and discard excess confectioners’ sugar. Toss in the mallowcreme pumpkins. Use 1 - 2 cups, whatever amount you prefer. 4. Cover and store puppy chow for up to 2 weeks.


Autumn yummy Dinner Corned Beef Dinner To me corned beef is by a large margin my favorite meal. It brings back those great memories from my childhood of going to my grandmothers house for dinner and having corned beef, potatoes, and a good loaf of rye bread (and perhaps just a touch of mustard)

Step 1: Ingredients and Equipment This is a one pot meal requiring only a few simple ingredients you can get at any grocery store in America. Here in Tampa it costs me about $15 - $20 depending on the size of the corned beef. Equipment: Dutch Oven Cheese Cloth Cutting Board Carving or Bread Knife Teaspoon Measuring Spoon Ingredients: 4 Allspice Berries 2 Whole Cloves 1 Cinnamon Stick 2-3 Bay Leaves 2 Teaspoons Black Peppercorns 3 - 5 Pound Corned Beef 1 Bag of Small Potatoes 1 Bag of Baby Carrots You can of course brine your own corned beef but I honestly don’t plan that far ahead so i never do it myself. Traditionally cabbage is also served with corned beef as well.

Step 2: Getting Started First things first preheat the oven at 300°. You definitely want to open the


corned beef package in the sink since its full of brine and meat juices. Once it’s removed from the package it needs to be thoroughly rinsed under cold water to wash off any loose stuff still sticking to it from inside the package. Most corned beef’s come with a spice packet inside which I never use, and considering you’re reading this I doubt you’ll be using it either. Now place the meat into your dutch oven and fill with enough water to cover the corned beef and place it uncovered on the stove top on med-high heat.

heat and put the carrots and potatoes into the water your corned beef was cooked in, Cover and let cook until the potatoes are nice and soft (basically till you can stick a fork in with very little effort). Now I know some people would rather cook the potatoes and carrots while the corned beef was in the oven but then you’d be wasting all the wonderful flavor in the corned beef water.

Step 5: Cutting and Serve Step 3: SeasonEverything is cooked ings &Cooking Since we said on the cover that and ready to go except

this was going to be about for cutting the corned Take a piece of beef. This is my favorite Autumn Healthy Dinnerswell cheese cloth and here is my footnote to that... part because you get put the pepperto poach little pieces corns, cloves, This meal is high in calories & of this tasty dish while allspice berried, sodium. Sooooo as long as you your cutting. and cinnamon stick don’t take that into account... You can cut them thin (I usually crack it (Ive changed the heading to or thick, personally in half so it will fit Iprefer mine on the better) in the center Autumn thicker side and find it of it and tie it up to ‘Yummy’ Dinners lol) much easier to cut it form a sort of tea that way while hot, but bag of spices. Now to each there own. Now we drop this along serve it up with with our bay leaves into our dutch oven on the stove top and let it heat some nice fresh bread (here I served it up for about 15 minutes. with some sourdough I made the day Skim off the foam before we put our pot in the oven (you won’t be able to get all of it just do your best to get most). Now , put the cover on the pot and place it in the oven and try to ignore the delicious smells for the next 3hours 45 minutes.

Step 4: Potatoes and Carrots Now you’ve patiently waited while the smells have been slowly drifting throughout the house. Never fear you’re almost there! Remove the pot from the oven and place it on your stove top. Remove the corned beef, place it on your cutting board, and cover with aluminum foil to keep it warm. Now put your pot on medium

before) and dig in. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do and I’d love to here other people takes

on this dish. Now go enjoy with family and friends.

Autumn Healthy Dinner Step 1: Flank Steak Marinade


3-4 lbs meat (I usually buy a package of two flanks at Costco - which is between 3-4.5 lbs this is enough marinade for that.)

but would end up with too many charred bits of scallion which just wasn’t that appetizing. If you have no scallion, feel free to throw in some white onion wedges in with the

1/2 cup soy 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup sesame oil 1/4 cup sake

beef after marinating.) Set aside scallions and meat. Mix everything else together in a large bowl (marinade ingredients.)

place in the flank. Continue until all flank is marinated. Pour remaining marinade on top. Marinate at least 8 hours or overnight if possible. I personally have found that a 24 hour soak yields the best flavor. If you are planning to freeze, you can allow it to soak and then portion off what you want into ziploc bags OR immediately put into bags and freeze. Try and put a bit of marinade into each bag when freezing. I generally

Quickly rinse Ok so we the meat (this is are now back to freeze after I’ve cooked a a Korean thing batch only because peoAutumn Healthy ple eat more than I expect as my mother always insist thatDinners ... I just hadthem to - and I always it all needs to be to add the Corned end up freezing less than I rinsed JUST IN Beef since it’s my would have. CASE...of what fave You can grill it in the bbq I’m unclear. I do :) (our family favorite) or believe in rinsing broil it in the oven for kalbi for about 12-15 minutes, depending sure because shards of bone on your preference for rare, meoften end up on the meat and dium or well. washing that away is a good thing.) Lay the flank down on a cutting board. It is a pretty wide flap of meat, and it will be hard to maneuver on the bbq in this form. Cut in half ALONG the grain down the

2 tablespoons chopped garlic (or more if you like it more garlicky) 1 tablespoon sesame seeds 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 bunch of scallions, washed and rinsed well. (This will be simply added in between the beef later for the final layer of flavor. I used to chop scallions into the

center, and you will have two halves. Dunk each piece of steak into the marinade, making sure to submerge it and coat all sides of it. (I wear a disposable glove because sesame oil and soy sauce makes your hand smell forever.) Remove from marinade and place into storage container. Layer in green onions as you


Autumn Healthy Dinner Step 2: Ginger Cabbage Slaw 6 cups of cabbage, shredded. (about 1/2 a head of a good sized cabbage)

Step 3: Cucumber

Step 4: Sesame Chili Sauce

Cilantro Relish

1/4 cup Sambal Oelek with garlic (or ground red chilis - available at your chinese market - super HOT)

2 cups chopped cucumber (I used the Persian cucumbers but an 1/4 cup of red onion, thinly sliced English/hothouse/kirby cucumber with the seeds removed would be 1/4 cup of scallions chopped just fine) Dressing

1/4 cup vegetable oil 1/4 cup rice vinegar 1 tablespoon honey

1 cup roughly chopped cilantro (do not be afraid to use some of the stem for this - the stem is YUMMY)

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger

Dressing (optional for those with kids. I just topped Daughters’ tacos with the cucumber and cilantro with no dressing)

Pepper to taste

1 tablespoon soy sauce

Whisk ingredients of dressing all together. Place the cabbage, onions and scallions in a bowl. 15 minutes before serving, pour dressing over salad and toss.

1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon Korean chili powder (gochu gahloo) or chili pepper flakes 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds In a small bowl whisk the ingredients for the dressing together. In another bowl place cucumber and cilantro. Pour dressing over and toss gently to coat.


1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon sesame seeds Mix all ingredients together. Set aside. Korean-Beef-Tacos/

Step 5: Assembly Put all the components - the beef, the cabbage slaw, the cilantro cucumber relish, sesame chili sauce and warm corn tortillas on your table. Place a couple of slices of beef in the center of the tortilla. Top with the cabbage slaw, the cucumber relish and the sesame chili sauce (use SPARINGLY it’s HOT!). Fold it up and enjoy!

“Helping your Child with Eating, Weight and Body Image Concerns”

Dr. Wendy Froberg


Psy. D.,R.Psych. Clinical Psychologist Columnist

ust like self- image, body image begins to develop in childhood. It is the product of the verbal and nonverbal messages a child receives about his or her physical being. Many adults, especially women, report that their negative feelings about their bodies started when their parents described them as “fat” and took actions such as putting them on a diet while they were still children or adolescents. The message that was communicated to these sensitive, impressionable girls was “your body is not acceptable. It needs to be changed”. The belief internalized by the girl is often “I am not acceptable and can only receive positive regard if I look a certain way that others say is attractive”. The feeling is one of shame and inadequacy. hildren are so sensitive to the behavior and comments of others that they also absorb their parents’ attitudes about the physical appearance of others, including the parents themselves. Girls often hear their mothers making unkind remarks about an acquaintance’s or a celebrity’s weight gain. Then in turn lamenting their own “big butts” or “flabby arms” often while also depriving themselves of the enjoyment of food through restrictive diets. These girls are receiving powerful statements about the connection between self-esteem and body size. What it means to be female in our culture. Parents who set out to try to control what their children eat are often setting themselves and the child up for serious power struggles. One can see these dynamics


in anxious parents. Who are so worried bodies often cope with stress about their babies and toddlers eating through emotional eating. Downenough. That they engage in intense ing ice-cream and cookies when mealtime battles over the child cleaning they are tired, overworked, sad or his or her plate. Children have a normal angry. This is a powerful model of developmental need to exert some sense unhealthy coping behavior. Our of control over their own bodies and will girls pick up throughout their fortypically resist a parent who force feeds mative years and emulate as they in order to express their grow. healthy independence strivings. Such parents To really help children It means demonstrating a actually contribute to the navigate the somechild losing touch with sense of balance in your own life times stormy seas of his or her natural sense growing up.We need as a parent, showing the ability to provide them with of hunger and satiety. Leading to long-term to relax and rejuvenate without affirming messages problems with knowing that protect their when enough is enough. misusing food or developing self-image. Furthermore, the stage We need to respect has been set for ongoing alcohol in times of stress.” and believe in their power struggles between capacity for self-direcparent and child. Chiltion and self-control. dren can become extremely oppositional Let them be separate and unique from and appear to have “behavior problems.” us, starting with their bodies. We need to When what they are really trying to support them in making healthy choicexpress is a need for appropriate self-con- es. By developing coping strategies that trol and autonomy. Paradoxically, those enhance their development by providing parents who worried so much about their good role models. This means no derogababies eating enough may later have tory or critical comments about their, overweight children. Whom they now your own or others’ bodies. No scolding place on restrictive diets and give shamfor eating something low in nutritional ing messages about what they eat and value.Try changing the focus from weight how they look. In a misguided attempt to loss/appearance to health and vitality. It encourage the child to lose weight. But includes cooking for them and with them. because of the historical struggle over au- Educating them as you go in nutritional tonomy and control. The child now resists information and food preparation. In the attempts at control by the parent.No turn, helping them develop a comfortable matter how well-intentioned. Some parrelationship with food. It does not mean ents further shame their overweight child going on and off a rollercoaster of restricby weighing and measuring them while tive and depriving diets. criticizing the results. It includes sitting down together as a Sometimes parents substitute family for at least one meal a day. As often food for attention and nurturas possible and engaging in an active lifeance. Leading their children to eat style where you do fun physical activities when in need of comfort as the together. Model healthy exercise habits. parent cannot provide the emoFocus on the healthy choices of the whole family. Not just the overweight child, tional connection directly. Busy to avoid shaming that child. It means parents or those with unfinished demonstrating a sense of balance in your emotional business from their own childhood may have difficulty own life as a parent,.Showing the ability to relax and rejuvenate without misusforming secure attachments with ing food or alcohol in times of stress. It their children. Then use food as includes giving a child domain over his or means of coping with uncomforther own body. As this will partially deterable feelings and stressful situamine how much self-respect and self-contions. Ironically, those mothers trol the child shows over their bodies with who are so critical of their own






In Need of Heroes Why must we look to the past?

Scott Cowan Editorial

“I have a dream today, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” These words of Martin Luther King in my opinion are the most profound of any ever heard. It is the greatest political statement right up there with, “Four score and seven years ago our forefathers...” It borders on the spiritual and prophetic, almost but not quite biblical. When these words were spoken, it must have shaken the leadership of the DNC and the KKK to its very core. There were numerous politicians the likes of Democrat Senator Robert Byrd who was a high ranking KKK member. From the ranks of police and congressmen to the USA senate democrats almost universally opposed the civil rights move54

ment. All democrats voted against giving black folks the right to vote. Dr. King’s words more than any other were a catalyst shifting the very intellect of the nation. Unlike empty political statements the “I have a Dream Speech,” changed the hearts and minds of a majority of people. Slowly but certainly the decades passed. The very laws of the USA reflected and supported the absolute truth, that all men are created equal. Racism in the USA was frowned upon and minority rights were further codified in legislation. Make no mistake bigotry and racism still exist in America. Racial profiling is still systemic and we need to make progress in certain areas. Today the pendulum of political correctness has swung and wedged on the side of the insane and ridiculous. If anyone engages in behavior that makes them look like a target to law enforcement or airport security. Well, they get

what they deserve. Instead of feeling violated, how about deciding against walking around with your pants half off, in a hoodie? I don’t have the statistic. But I’m sure if you are a black man wearing a business suit, you do not often get questioned by authorities. Not in any comparison to the guy dressing gangsta. It seems police are racist for stopping those who appear to be drug dealers. Dressing like a criminal is not indicative of black culture. How far have we have fallen when police are considered bigoted for doing their jobs? Blue lives do matter. Dr. King was one of history’s most confident men. He stood tall and confident when law enforcement would use fire hoses to disperse peaceful demonstrators. It was a time when separate drinking fountainfor black and white were labeled. Segregation was the norm in schools.

Photo by Allie Smith

In Need of Heroes Why must we look to the past? Police dogs were set loose on protesters. It was a time when lynching was a very real threat to blacks across the nation. Still, he stood confidently. His bravery and self-assurance brought him before the President of the United States of America. He stood bold and stared him down. Dr. King was known by every person in the country. Hated by many, and admired by the overwhelming majority. I can vaguely remember hearing Dr. King discussed as a small child. More memories resonate regarding the assassination. So I asked my 87 year old mother to relate the mood of the day, as she remembered. Soon as the subject was introduced you could see admiration in her eyes. Such was the response from a white woman who had not been asked about the man in decades. Profound respect was her first reaction. This was from someone who was there watching during the time of the controversy and assignation. By her memory the nation was evenly split in their support or opposition to his message. To win the hearts of half or more of the culture speaks to the power of his supreme confidence. I’m describing a time history dangerously pivoted on an uncertain future, offering freedom for all or bondage for some.

I wonder what Dr. King would say today. If he could watch the BLM / Antifa terrorist movement causing millions of

dollars in damage while rioting. These paid protesters call for the murder of fellow Americans. When Blacks the status of Michelle and Barack Obama declare, “White folks are the problem in America.” What would happen if current President Trump said: “Black folks are the problem in America?” When a talk show host of Oprah’s stature says, “Old white guys will just have to die for things to change.” I think Dr. King would weep for the movement he created. Moreover, he would stand against such talk and action. In fact I will quote exactly what he said, from the... I have a dream speech. “In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for our freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and

hatred. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must move to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.” (End quote) What we are experiencing in America today is the radical takeover of the civil rights movement. Black people who do so would pervert Dr. King’s message. In Canada we welcomed travelers from the south. We were the end of the under ground railroad. Canadians did not own slaves. Yet there is talk our tax payers should pay reparations. The left leaning politicians will leap to any cause that stokes resentment and gets media attention. Canada is very diverse and we’re trying to integrate many different cultures. Let’s study and recall Dr. Kings words. We should apply them to our issues today. There is no better example in history to follow. There is definitely no leader on the horizon with better words of wisdom.




In Every Wom a Qu Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


you Can Call

man There Lies ueen Me Queen Bee

Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua

Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


Photographed at The Art Gallery of Alberta

Sckrocki Designs modeled by Elena Balueva (R) & Kasda Allen (L) Photographed by Joan Bateman/Gainsboro Studio 63

Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua

Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua

Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua

Photo credit Joan Bateman


Photographer Photographer/ /Artwork: Artwork: Joan JoanBateman Bateman Gainsboro GainsboroStudio Studio @gainsborogal @gainsborogal Designer DesignerStylist Stylistand andAccessories Accessories: : Skrocki SkrockiDesign Design @skrockidesign @skrockidesign Models: Models: Elena ElenaBalueva Balueva @elle.balueva @elle.balueva Kasda KasdaAllen Allen @kasda_allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Makeup:Ashley AshleySkrocki Skrocki @skrocki.mua @skrocki.mua

Photo credit Joan Bateman


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Tanner Wilson-Skrocki Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua

The Art Gallery of Alberta, is a public art gallery located in downtown Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Art Gallery of Alberta has a collection of well over 6,000 works of art includes historical and contemporary paintings, sculptures, installation works and photographs by Canadian and international artists


Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Tanner Wilson-Skrocki Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua

Photographer / Artwork: Joan Bateman Gainsboro Studio @gainsborogal Designer Stylist and Accessories : Skrocki Design @skrockidesign Models: Elena Balueva @elle.balueva Kasda Allen @kasda_allen Makeup: Ashley Skrocki @skrocki.mua


C R E AT I V E C O U P L E Amy and Tanner of Skrocki Design

Youtube Channel: Out Etsy Store Website :



krocki Design (formerly Paragon of Design by Skrocki) consists of Amy and Tanner Skrocki, who have been creating works of art in a variety of mediums (Metal, Leather, Fabrics, Paper, & Wood) since 2008. Skrocki Design is an independent handcrafted lifestyle brand whose mission is to create fashionable fantasy inspired items with a historical and edgy twist. With a unique blend of influences from fairy tales, to mythology, and travels to historic sites and the beauty of Canada, mixed with a modern edginess, we hope our items will inspire creativity in anyone using them in their day-to-day activities and hobbies. We specifically make items based off our pursuits of our own passions including: fashion, music, writing, drawing, photography, home decor and cooking etc. We predominately work with artisan leathers, metal and gemstones. Skrocki Design has done over 400 craft and art events since 2008. In 2014, after the birth of her and her husband’s daughter, Seraphim, Amy took a break from many of the major craft shows to finally create the work she had been making the patterns for and drawing over the last 14 years and create an online presence and webstore. Tanner, continued to apprentice under Amy and has now taken over the creation or partial creation of all the repeatable items which allowed Amy to create Skrocki Design’s many signature and one-of-a-kind pieces and do 3 Western Canada Fashion week showcases where she designed as well as

created and then photographed all her wearable art and every day pieces. She became interested in photography in her late teenage years and it wasn’t until the last 4 years she realized all the costume items she created could be used to portray the stories behind them with a unique blend of fashion and fantasy photography. Prominent photographers have described Amy’s photographs as stylistically as “textured, rich and decadent.” Recently she won an international award in photography and two international awards for pieces in her wearable art collections she presented in Western Canada Fashion Week. She then went to display the pieces in group gallery shows and last year she had her first solo show, at the Alberta Craft Council Gallery, complete with her pieces, the stories and processes behind each piece and her photographs which brought to life her creations. Her photographs containing her work have been featured in dozens of small to mid-sized fashion and art magazines worldwide. Some of the full wearable outfits she creates can take up to 400 hours to make. For each piece Amy creates the patterns, cuts the components, hand carves, shapes, dyes, paints, hand finishes and assembles in her small studio. Many “looks” seen in photo shoots or runway pictures often represent a character with a story behind it. Often a full line of jewelry, accessories, journals, guitar straps etc. are created to go with the character. Fall Tour 2019: The Witchery Market - Oct 26-27 Festival of Crafts Nov 7 - 10 Indie Handmade Nov 14-17 Butterdome Craft Sale - Nox 28 - Dec 1


Costumery and

The Art of Wowing People with a Creat Costume In order to make sure you're on point for this season's Halloween festivities and costumed parties, you really need to have a place to start from... some great associations to base your attention to detail on and some brainstorming to get those creative juices to flow. What better places to start then from the worlds of theatre/costumery and (of course) the fashionistas who wear them and make fashion history?

Backstory: Discussing Costumes and where Ideas even come from: Some terminology Some terminology can help uscan us here... “Manner of dress” “Manner of dress” refers to refers to how people their time period, also in relation how people dresseddressed in their time in period, but also in relation to theirbut gender, socioto theirpositions, gender, socio-economic and economic environments and attitudes. Sopositions, you can chooseenvironments to go by an attitudes. youtocan choose by an anthropological anthropologicalSo approach costume design, orto by go a historical approach. approach to costume a historical And then y ou could even subheaddesign, it a bit moreor andby perhaps study history ofapproach. a And then y ou could even subhead it a bit more and perhaps profession and it's professionals. study history of a profession and professionals. So how does the costume/performance industry look it's at costumery? So how does the costume/performance industry look at Well, they often employ huge teams of people, including costumery? Researchers – assistants who research history for info supporting the narrative of their Well, they often employ huge teams of people, including project. Some of which has been documented over the years byfor The info Researchers – assistants whoextensively research history League of Professional Theatre Womenofand the project. Some of which has supporting the narrative their New York Public Library and ongoing Communityover Oral History Projects. by The League of been documented extensively the years Their research and legwork can help us narrowand thingsthe down a bit. Professional Theatre Women New York Public Library and ongoing Community Oral History The Dark Ages, the medieval period, the Tudor and Stuart times, the Renaissance era, Projects. Their research legwork can age, help us narrow things the Georgian Period, theand Victorian era, Edwardian Colonial rule and a plethora of down a bit. other factors come into play. The Dark Ages, the medieval period, the Tudor and Stuart times, the Renaissance era, the Georgian Period, the 76

Victorian era, Edwardian age, Colonial rule and a plethora of other factors come into play. Then there are other teams, such as.... Dress-makers/Tailors/Drapers - who are often also in charge of the budget and purchasing the materials required for the garments and accessories. Jewelry designers /Artisans Milliners -/Hat Makers CordWainer /Shoe makers Agers and Dyers who distress and age the costumes to correlate the period and correct finish for the items. Hair and Makeup Artists Wigmaker/designer Wardrobe teams that dress the actors or subjects and track all aspects of the project for continuity. Now knowing all of this on a personal level when you are creating or attempting to create a costume or wardrobe for any project may seem like overkill but it has the advantage of giving you a baseline of how to give your project that “wow� factor! Where to start? Well, just like the researchers on those teams we just discussed, the internet can help you compile a mood board of sorts for your designs. Utilize google/Pinterest and App store apps. Look up topics that pertain to your era or subject. Searching terms such as: blank_(your theme)__Cartoons or blank____posters or blank____advertisemnent blank____artist sketches or blank____renderings from Broadway plays blank____costume designer renderings blank____set renderings from the blank ___ year/era Look for Print from the era as well such as newspapers and show manuscripts.


Searching the term Theatre on Film and Tape archives plus____ (your project or character) or ____ plus (your) costume will give you a plethora of imagry from all history on the web to start with. If you lived in New York, you could walk in to the New York Public Library and access the NYPL Theatre on Film and Tape (TOFT) which documents live productions on Broadway,OffBroadway, and regional theater allowing users to watch stage performances as if they were right there. But …..for those not living in NYC....Google will have to do for those outside of the NYC community – however... the Public Library internet archives do have a lot catalogued online! Go to your local APP store and get the SimplyE app.

Sign up for the Internet Archive account within the app … I downloaded the entire 1920/1921 Eatons Fall and Winter catalogue for free after searching costumes in it's database! ( I had nooo idea that they used to sell manchurian dog fur stoles to women for less than $20.00 …. poor puppies... so glad things have changed!!)

Here are some catagories and terms from fashion and examples of historical icons that will help you be original and full of that same creative flair that moves designers all over the world, Google or search Pinterest and of cours instagram hashtags for their names /categories, or the fashion style to find loads of ideas! : Squad or Group Styles e.g. Disney Prince or Princesses orLord of the Rings or your Favorite boy band Political Commentary e.g. Fake News or A super PAC (superhero cape + Pacman costume) The Unique ideas Costume e.g a six pack ( 6 guys in bottles of beer costumes or whatever your imagination can create!... Couples Costumes e.g Rick Grimes & Michonne from walking Dead, or Alexander Hamilton & Eliza Schuyler from the Broadway hit Hamilton, or Prince Charles and Dutchess Camilla, or Sonny & Cher. Ethnic fashion style e.g. Russian ( check out balkanasians on insta) or Ukrainian ( link has some really cool info on what all the embroidery symbolizes ! Worth checking out!) Indian, ...Sonali Bendre, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas Skateboarders e.g. Leticia Bufoni, Riley Hawk , Lucien Clarke or Lucien Clarke ( Alia Stearns writes a great article about the skater fashion here on

on-instagram-right-now/ ) Goth Fashion e.g. Marilyn Manson or Lydia Deetz/Winona Ryder from the movie BeetleJuice or pretty much any character Tim Burton has created for his films. Grunge style e.g. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Zoe Kravitz , Jaden Smith Punk e.g. Russell Brand and Alice Cooper, Debbie Harry , DeeDee Ramone Boho/Bohemian chic e.g.Vanessa Hudgens, Nicole Richie, Jessica Alba or Johnny Depp Psychedelic Fashion style e.g. Anything Tie-dye or bright and seriously bold , Miley Cyrus , Rita Ora, Margot Robbie as seen here : Haute Couture fashion style e.g. Lady Gaga, CĂŠline Dion, Cardi B Rave fashion e.g. Miley Cyrus withJeremy Scott or Diplo; Skrillex and Ellie Goulding with Calvin Harris Flamboyant style e.g. Elton John, Elvis, Nicki Manaj, Katy Perry, Madonna Lolita/Kawaii Fashion e.g. Harajuku style like Gwen Stefani Camp Fashion e.g. anything (most) from last season's MET gala theme Hip Hop Style e.g. Jay Z, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, and Ludacris Casual Chic Style e.g. Kendall Jenner or Cameron Diaz. Geek chic Style e.g. Marvel Comics characters, and JRR Tolkien characters, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates & Zuckerberg. Or anyone (except Penny) from The Big Bang Theory. A great feminized/ parity research spot for this one is (They are considered an inclusive, feminist community) Cosplay Fashion e.g. Dressing like Wonder Woman or those from Super Hero famedom, Star Trek & Star Wars characters and characters from Sci Fi shows like 'Stranger Things' . Military style e.g.Pharell, Beyonce and Jay-Z or The A-Team


Ankara Fashion Style e.g. Rita Dominic, Mercy Aigbe, Beyoncé, Solange or DJ Sbu, Adekunle Gold Retro Fashion e.g. Jon Hamm, Dita Von Teese, Christina Hendricks or Taylor Swift Streetwear Style e.g. Rihanna, J-Lo, Gigi Hadid Formal Office Wear e.g. Angelina Jolie , Victoria Beckham, or Ellen DeGeneres Evening Black Tie e.g Classic Tuxedo or Marilyn Munroe check out events like the Tony’s or The Oscars’s for more. Sports Wear e.g. be a Tennis Player, Hocky Player etc. Rocker Chic Style e.g. Avril Lavine, Madison Beer or Cara Delevingne ….you know, anyone wearing Black Skinny Jeans, Studded Boots, Shredded Denim Shorts, A Leather Moto Jacket, Little Grunge Dress, Rocker Chic Makeup, A Crop Top, and Doc Martens. (according to https://www. also @collegefashion on insta ...another great fashion resource! ) Flapper fashion (20’s look) e.g. Bonnie and Clyde or anything Gangsta And a few that pretty much require a definition: Garconne look - e.g. - an extension of the Flapper fashion Theandrogynous, masculine look was the complete opposite of the previous ladylike demure from the 1900 and 1910s, - – the ‘boyish bob’ and the ‘garconne frock’ were common fashionista phrases. The classic ideal flapper girl wore a short shapeless shift dress, short slicked back hair and were extremly flat chested. Chav culture Style - e.g.The Oxford English Dictionary defines “chav” as an informal British derogatory, meaning “a young lower-class person who displays brash and loutish behaviour and wears real or imitation designer clothes Lagenlook Fashion style – e.g.Lagenlook means “layered look” in German, and has been a popular way of dressing in Europe for some time. This style involves layers & layers of unconventionally shaped clothing worn one on top of the other to create a one-of-a-kind statement.


Performance Quality 81

Explore Your Muse

Obis experna temolen iminulpa voluptat quis rem autatur, serempe evenis et, is alis est que volorit quatur, quunt quiae nos aut que doluptati omnima quia volupid estibus et et ut mos aborem. Rati ulliqui doluptas mi, officie ntinvendi dist officti venient. Xerum serferestio comnihitias modi si rernatem solorem. Ipsam rernatur simus estis eiunt et dolupta spelitati quati core venis volum inulluptiis autemqui quiam volorerrunt aut a venimin ienima adit aut exere vollidanda ecaturibus alitaep udipsa pore con plicimusam inullor epelici verfero ipit in pre pore nimintus sum quo modi ut etur rem natium ipidebit aut aut explic tem recatur ad qui ab ipsapid qui comnis cume maiorios et omnisquis idelliquodit quas magniam lant eos es simin explit in pore volectur aut odit occumque peribus apitioriores exere dollant acestintium hilique aut optatis maio consernatiis doluptur? Uci bea autest, od et aliquis conectem sitate oditatem voluptur aces volesero quate nones volo molorerrum ent velicias pre se que eum nimagnisquam dolupta voloria pa dolupta esso beat di que volupta andanti amendisquam ac-



Cultural Emulation


bviously these are only a sampling, there are so many ways to research things to come up with something that will be gawk-worthy on Halloween, aaaand armed with all the historical and iconic details, you not only can create something authentic... but also something that has great conversation value! … ( not to mention giving you excellent fodder for cool and appropriate hashtags and quotes on your social media posts!) Enjoy – Be Safe – and #HappyHalloween !! See you on insta! Connect with me, the author : @gainsborogal or @fashionfilesreview @spotlightmagazineonline


Flapper fashion (20’s look) and Cosplay Fashion 2 fun ways to wow when dressing up in costume.








Wel . w ne , the bold h t i o t w e m d, in elco e ol w h , t g n th BD xciti t wi e u o o .” ~D t g r e n o i l say com e to co i’m wel , o w S “ e com to n un, wel e f com e to m o c wel






Spotlight NYC Correspondent Seks Wilson



Rich The Kid showing off his “Plug Walk” bling at Sprayground’s NYFW show. He connected with the VIP’s in the seats while dressed in David Ben David’s Fight Club inspired collection.

Spotlight NYC Correspondent Seks Wilson




I’m afraid it’s one big joke Pin your heart on an atom bomb Watch it blow up in a puff of smoke You lover her and she loves you For a little while it’s cake You’ll crawl on your belly like a reptile boy And dig your own sweet grave.

Quias comnihit ut volorero vollique solor assimus, que cuptasp icimolorro ilit offici omniendae posam,epudip ienisquunt, a sus magni to eum eum qui cum dolupta tendia nonsequ idebisite landit aceped ea ipsam, esciam voluptium eos quo que perum fuga. Beatiaturis ad qui ni aut ea nempeli citibus nos dolutatem dis aut latur. Ovid quamet lam ratectum et di

idictur, uta aut ma conserspis qui conseque nectota tempos nesto mossitatem rerrovi duntiate eaquisquam explaccabo.

trum ullorro eos ni omnit ipsa alibus sin nobis ut quassim uscias dolum vel mo omnim aria cuptius apic tem accuptas dolendus sitatem. Nemporat que mi, et aut autemod itatur.

Em lat eium aborum ese nobis il magni reicatium sus sequis es exerspe rendae nam, nienim fac- Tatem nosandit ex estinulpa sum cullabor as etur? Quibus untiorp nonsequ assequas autae lab idesorecestrum, utaspellique et ut vel tin pa qui volupture nisci quid ma invendipsae perumeture ento tem volesci llant. Spotlight NYC Correspondent alibust rundam rem aut unture Seks Wilson erupta vendusci ut vollesto doles- Nam i nissequam dunt, venditiam


Spotlight NYC Correspondent Seks Wilson


Spotlight NYC Correspondent Seks Wilson

Spotlight NYC Correspondent Seks Wilson

Spotlight NYC Correspondent Seks Wilson 95

MAKING IT EDGY, AND REBELLIOUS Spotlight NYC Correspondent Seks Wilson


“I took the word “Spray” from graffiti and the word “Ground” from underground street art.” ~ David Ben-David ~


SprayGround ”

New York Fight Club with David Ben David 98

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