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Willerm Delisfort by Melton Mustafa, Jr

You performed at the Melton Mustafa Jazz Festival? What other festivals have you played at? Yes I was honored to be a part of the 20th Annual Melton Mustafa Festival back in 2017. I have played at several jazz festivals throughout the world since leaving Miami in 2002. Chicago Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jazz & Blues Festival in Switzerland, In Japan, Africa etc… Who inspired you to become a musician and how long have you been performing? I kind of stumbled upon playing the piano as a kid, trying to fill an hour of my day before my brother could get home from school so we could play. When I heard John McMinn in 1994 on our first day of class, I knew this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’ve been on this journey for 27 years now. Did you learn music in school? If so, tell us about that experience? Who was your music teacher(s) and what impact did they have on you? I studied piano for one year before being asked to audition for Charles R. Drew Elementary, where I studied music with John McMinn ‘94-’96. I consider these years as some of my happiest moments of learning and playing music. Every day was an adventure learning about the history of music, theory of it, songs, and ensembles. Through Mr. Mac, I was able to meet other incredible musicians and educators like Melton Mustafa Sr. learn about other pianists such as Phineas Newborn Jr. Why did you pick your instrument and was it your first choice? I picked the piano because of the flyer on the school bulletin board, it was my only option, but I am so happy with that decision. What is your favorite song or original composition to perform and why? This is a tough one, I have to say Autumn Leaves, because I learned how to walk a bass line to it, which taught me the value of learning a song to be able to manipulate it the way that I want to, which was a lesson that helped me out in church as well. As far as original composition, I don’t have a favorite one, they were all created during different points on this journey we call life. How do you describe your playing or compositional style? I like to think of my playing & writing as honest. It took years to get here, but to play or write something because it’s what’s in my heart rather than me trying to prove to anyone that i can play. It’s like getting called for a gig, and trying to convince the leader that you belong on the gig. Just play, you got the gig already.

What are some the challenges you face in the music industry? The inability to view and treat us as the borderline geniuses that we are. What are you doing to inspire the next generation of musicians? Teaching them how to survive not only as a performer, but as a musician, writer, educator, and businessmen. Who is your favorite male and your favorite female artist and why? Favorites are a tough one, but for right now i will say, favorite male & female non living artists Oscar Peterson & Sarah Vaughn because they symbolize peak greatness. Favorite male & female living artist Eric Reed & Dee Bridgewater because they represent honesty. When they perform, it’s all them you know. Who are you listening to? I like to spend a week just listening through my peers’ discography. Just finished listening to Jonathan Barber’s collection of work, and this week I am checking out pianist Addison Frei’s collection of work. What’s your greatest accomplishment? A couple told me that they heard of the Willerm Delisfort Project date night vibe, so they came to see us perform in New York and later conceived a child. Are you working on any new projects? Yes, I am working on my sophomore album (12yrs overdue). Looking for a Fall Release.

I like to think of my playing & writing as honest. It took years to get here, but to play or write something because it’s what’s in my heart rather than me trying to prove to anyone that i can play.

Where can we buy your music and how can we keep in contact with you? You can find me online Youtube, IG, Twitter, Facebook all under “wdelisfort”. Music is streaming on Spotify, and other streaming sites. www.willermdelisfort.com

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