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Russian Revolution Mia Isabella Pérez Pacheco

Russian Revolution – Mia Isabella Pérez Pacheco

Do you know the story of the lost Anastasia Romanov and how it is related to the Russian


Revolution? Anastasia, the lost Romanov, supposedly survivor in the massacre of the family

Romanov by the Bolsheviks in 17 of July 1918, separated from her family and life at the age of

17 with a defining moment of the Russian Revolution, Is it a truth? or just a myth? The corrupted

system drove the Bolsheviks, working class seeking revenge, revolution, and rebellion, to take

care of the injustices that were being held against them. Did one of the soldiers save Anastasia?

or he was just mesmerized with the duchess and invented everything? Why did the Bolsheviks

attack the royal family?

Along the 19th century Russia was isolated from the industrialization that was happening

in other countries, that's why Russia was considered undeveloped economically, socially, and

politically at the beginning of the 20th century. in which means the Russian economy was based

in the agriculture and mining in the lands of the elite that was being worked by the peasants

gaining little to no salary while the nobles took all the privileges. The tsarist government led

Russia in war against Japan in which they were defeated in 1905, provoking riots and strikes all

around Russia that were treated with violence. The First World War and Russia's participation

was unwanted because people thought militarily imperial Russia was no match for industrialized

Germany, but the Provisional Government decided to continue fighting. Furthermore, there was

also the unfairness of the tsarist regime (1881- 1917). Autocracy that brought oppression among

the low class and discontent of the people with the tsar.

The Romanovs being part of the tsarist government and the last royal family, were

targeted by the Bolsheviks. On the night of the 16 of July to the 17 of 1918 the Romanovs were

slaughtered in Yekaterinburg, by the communist revolutionaries. When the Provisional

Government chose to continue fighting, tzar Nicholas left Russia’s capital in 1915 to take

command of the Russian army front, Tsarina Alexandra was left to rule, wife of tzar Nicholas and

a German-born and that led to suspicions of conspiracy. While the tzar left, Grigori Rasputin took

the opportunity to increase his influence over Russian politics and the Romanov family, so on

December 30, 1916, the Russian nobles assassinated him, but by that time most of Russia no

longer believed in the regime. A practically bloodless coup d´état against the Duma’s provisional

government was initiated by the Bolsheviks headed by Vladimir Lenin, who advocated for a

Soviet government ran by direct councils of troops, peasants, and workers, this did not happen

because the Soviet government had no intention of converting peasants into individual property

owners. Nicholas abdicated to the throne on behalf of himself and his son, after that they were

moved to Ekaterinburg. As the newly created Soviet Union plunged deeper into the chaos

because of a civil war, the Bolsheviks chose to remove the Romanov family as a potential threat.

The Russian Revolution was a very important event that made great transformations in a

very short time, and this really caused a great impact on all the powers of the world, it inspired

many revolutionary movements in other countries, such as China and Cuba, after it. Communism

was established that lasted until 1991 and brought as a consequence, the civil war, which

confronted the forces against the revolution and the Bolsheviks, revolutionaries and from where

the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) came out; the Transformation of the old feudal

structures inherited from tsarist Russia, which led to a slow process of modernization that

initially subjected entire populations to famine, resulting in millions of deaths, especially in the

years 1932-1933, when the Ukrainian Holodomor occurred . Thus, it became an economic,

political, and military power, although there was also enormous repression and lack of freedoms

and it went through periods of great poverty.

While all this was happening in Russia, legend has it that Princess Anastasia survived the

execution by the Bolsheviks in the winter palace where the entire family died, and that she was

fleeing and hiding in peasant farms, even in Germany, and when she was found they were doing a

trial to determine if she was the real Anastasia. With all this, it is possible to reflect on how

inequality can breed violence in different ways. and analyze how to deal with one of the greatest

problems of our time: growing and dangerous inequality. In the case of the alleged princess

Anastasia, who thanks to the advancement of science through DNA tests, it was possible to verify

that she was not who she claimed to be, and that she did not have the lineage real, he was just one

more person seeking fame and money through scam and deception.

The Russian revolution is considered a very important event in world history, because it

was the fall of a tsarist empire, to pass to a communist government, even so for the people it was

to go from a time of great poverty, to another much worse of poverty and hunger, but also wars

and confrontations, a very slow industrial overcoming due to the stubborn thinking of the

communist leaders, who sadly when they came to power forgot all the ideals they had proposed

and with which they convinced, and only dedicated themselves to want to impose their will, there

was known the way of thinking of these communist leaders such as Lenin. Stalin who was one of

the promoters and rulers of the new regime, it can even be seen that the dissatisfaction of the

peoples, the great inequalities, lead to the peoples to reveal themselves and seek changes, in

search of improvement, although it does not always turn out well, we can even compare it with

great changes that have begun to happen in recent years. For years in countries seeking change,

an example of this type of government is Cuba, where sadly the common characteristic of most of

the population is poverty and lack of freedom, or as is happening in Venezuela. It is important to

mention that, that some good things came out of all this, and the development of some trends and

rights for certain sectors of the population that were beneficial and that have been improved over

time, such as women's rights.


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