5 minute read

First World War Juan David Arias Arenas

Korea made a separation agreement to divide the two cities by a demilitarized zone in the 38th

parallel, but despite this War North and South Korea in the present still have different problems.



Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "38th parallel". Encyclopedia Britannica, 13 Mar.

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Retrieved February 25, 2021, retrieved from from


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17 March 2021].

First World War – Juan David Arias Arenas

How would you feel if you knew that a loved one died because of the war? It is insane,

right? Many people lived in fear of dying at any moment, that was a normal day in the First

World War, this historical event was called that because they could not escape from this situation.

If anyone went to another country, it was the same. This war only lasted 4 years but it was so

catastrophic that it caused 20 million deaths. It is relevant to know more about the war such as

the countries that participated, the cause and consequences, also including the solutions.

The First World War was a relevant historical event because some of the most powerful

countries were involved in this war. Countries like Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, France,

Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, beginning in 1917, the United States, got involved at the

beginning of something terrifying. These countries were divided into two bands, on the one hand,

the Triple Alliance (Germany, the Kingdom of Bulgaria, Turkey, and the Austro-Hungarian

Empire) and, on the other, the Triple Entente (France, United Kingdom). Italy, Japan, the United

States and Russia). The countries supported each other with their allies from some possible attack

from the enemies. These alliances were one of the main causes of the war.

In 1914, more exactly on June 28, the main cause of the start of the war occurred.

Francisco Fernando (Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne) was found dead in Sarajevo; the

murderer was a Serb. The Austro-Hungarian and German governments wanted to open an

investigation on Serbian territory, Serbia did not allow it with the backing of Russia, the Austro-

Hungarian declared war on Serbia. It is in this part of the historical event that the allies and their

importance are most appreciated. "Alliances exist to promote the collective interests of their

members by combining their capabilities, which can be industrial and financial, as well as

military, to achieve military and political success" (Murphy, 2017). Russia, who were the allies of

the Serbs, support them and declare war on the Austro-Hungarians, the German allies of the

Austro-Hungarians declare war on Russia and France, Germany invades Belgium, England

declares war on Germany, Italy declares war on Austro- Hungarian and so on with all the

alliances. From one moment to the next, half the world was at war with the other half.

The war is characterized by its technological and industrial advances, also by different

battles that were catastrophic, in this war there were many advances in weapons such as new

cannons, machine guns, submarines, combat aircraft, tanks, aircraft and deadly poison gases.

Therefore, this war was very expensive for the countries. It was fought on many sides of the

world, but the most important was in the Balkans, Dardanelles, the Caucasus, the Middle East,

the Italian Alps, Africa, the Far East, the Pacific and the Atlantic. The two main efforts were

made on the Western Front and the Eastern Front. In all these wars they had approximately 20

million deaths, which is one of the events that most affected the world.

This war that lasted from 1914 to 1918 left several consequences that it would be good to

remember so as not to let a bit of history die. One of the biggest consequences was in the great

demographic and social devastation due to all the deaths that occurred, many powers fell, such as

the German, the Russian, the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman, therefore new countries were

formed based on the above, this modified the demographics of Europe and Also the countries that

participated in the war (as allies or directly in the war) were economically affected by the above

in the fourth paragraph, another thing that is not the case, the consequence is more a sequel to a

possible Second World War since this could have continued if not for the solution they found.

For all conflicts, there must be a solution and this war was no exception. The Treaty of

Versailles was a peace treaty that was signed by more than 50 countries, the Treaty of Versailles

put Germany as the main responsible for the First World War where it had to pay multiple

compensations to other countries since it also had to deliver arms and territory, this treaty left

Germany in complete humiliation and this could lead to World War II, `` Burdened with war

guilt, heavy reparations and denied entry to the League of Nations, Germany felt cheated into

signing the treaty, having believed that any peace would be a "peace without victory", as

proposed by President Wilson in his famous Fourteen Points speech of January 1918 (History,

2021). This treaty was signed on June 28, 1919, and which entered into force on January 10,

1920, finally brought peace.

In conclusion, the First World War was a historical event that, as its name says, was all

over the world, it is something that no one wanted to experience, its causes were imperialism and

the death of Francisco Fernando. It was from 1914 to 1918. The allies were very important in the

war, the war had many advances but to do damage. The solution they found to all this was the

Treaty of Versailles, where Germany was primarily responsible for the war. It is important that

this fact is remembered so that it does not happen again and because it is a fact of general culture.


History. (2021, January 13). World War I. Retrieved from www.history.com/topics/world-war-


Documentaries (2017, December 2). World War 1 (BBC Documentary) [Video]. YouTube.

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Geo History. (2018, September 7). World War I (short version). [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLj5r2nZHB8

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